
MiaHey all, the shados of the day/time on my lock screen are messed up http://i.imgur.com/Q6LhnHs.png --- how can I fix this?03:15
darkxstMia what gpu/drivers are you using?04:03
Miadarkxst, I2m running ubuntu gnome on a virtual machine (virtualbox)04:13
darkxstits probably a virtualbox bug04:13
Miahmm I see05:30
Miawell one more question05:30
Miais it possible to enable global menu bar (at top, like this one http://i.stack.imgur.com/73aX2.png) for ubuntu gnome latest version?05:31
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darkxstMia no, that is only possible on Ubuntu05:46
Miahm ok thanks!05:47
berglhMia: if you want pretty mac looking stuff, maybe you should try elementaryos08:37
berglhjust an idea08:37
berglhalthough it's not trying to be as much of a mac clone as the link you provided08:39
Miaberglh, I've tried it, it's nice overall but I don2t want to depend on alpha stuff08:46
Miaubuntu is much more mature08:46
Miaalso I'm not that much into oldskool apple aesthetics tbh08:46
berglhMia: it is a ubuntu fork08:46
Miayes but the theme is weird08:47
Miaand you can't even customize it any way08:47
berglhi'm not saying to use it08:47
berglhi'm am very content with ubuntu gnome08:48
darkxstmac os X copied GNOME ;)08:48
Miahow so08:49
berglhi actually run ubutnu gnome on a macbook, i tell you, that's asking for trouble running linux on mac hardware08:50
MiaWell gnome is not looking bad overall, but since it does not have a global menu, I'm forcing myself to go to unity08:50
berglhthat is a pretty cool feature of unity08:51
berglhi mean, i like the alt search thing to get your menu opitons08:51
Miaberglh, oh is it so bad? I have a 2009 macbook, I'm right now uusing ubuntu on a virtualbox, but the actual reason was to decided what I'm going to use and then install it on that mc08:51
Miais this a bad idea?08:51
berglhuhh, will probably be fine08:51
berglhi have a 2015 MBP08:51
berglha bunch of stuff doesn't work08:52
berglhlike backlight brightness control08:52
berglhdoesn't wake from sleep08:52
berglhhalf of the 5 GHz wifi frequency band dosn't work08:52
berglhif i plug my thunderbolt display in after i've booted the machine it doesn't allow me to use the display aspect08:53
berglhi could go one08:53
berglhthey are all kernel bugs though08:53
berglhso nothing to do with ubuntu specifically08:53
berglhi would imagine a 2009 MB would be well supported08:53
berglhrunning it in virtual box is not testing the hardware support at all08:54
berglhhowever, it's fast, the display is nice, the hardware is great (when it's working)08:54
berglhi'd give it a go08:55
berglhbut then i'm a sucker for punishment08:55
darkxstberglh, you want punishment try using a T400 these days!08:57
darkxstperfect linux support, but oh so slow08:57
berglhi'm a it professional darkxst, not a paleontologist..08:58
berglhi jest08:59
berglhthat's the trade off08:59
darkxstI need to update, but most of my dev work is on the monster desktop08:59
berglhi had a bunch of functionality regression with linux 4.x09:00
berglhbut i want the latest software features over better hardware support09:00
darkxstMacbook specific?09:00
berglhthere are kernel bugs up for everything09:00
berglhthere are some patches i could try but i need to roll my own ubuntu kernel09:01
darkxstI don't think many kernel dev's use macbooks!09:01
darkxstberglh, that is not that hard!09:01
berglhyeah, i have cloned the ubuntu git repo09:01
berglhi think that was the waiting part09:02
darkxstkernel takes what 6mins to build09:02
berglhi just need to patch the driver files and compile / build the debs09:02
darkxstwebkit takes about 3 hours!09:02
berglhi haven't done it before, so learning curve09:03
berglhthe just provided the diff, and the instructions for applying the patch with the patch tool thing didn't work. i can edit the files by hand09:03
berglhthey didn't supply instructions, i'm just reading some other ubuntu post on rolling your kernel and applying patches09:04
darkxstI thought the kernel team had scripts to handle kernel patches?'09:04
berglhthere are apt-get packages for it09:04
berglhi think the package is actually called "patch"09:04
jjjasperwhat's wrong with t400's?09:05
jjjasperassuming thinkpad09:05
berglhbut the instruction i had didn't work for the diff09:05
berglhso i need to figure that bit out09:05
darkxstjjjasper, just starting to feel its age09:07
jjjasperssd time :)09:07
jjjasperfeels like new09:07
darkxstjjjasper, lol, actually have a couple of them in post on the way here soon09:08
jjjaspergreatly helps09:09
darkxstbut I do need also something with more current tech, hybrid graphics, hidpi, touchscreen what not, its really hard trying to fix issues with those without any hardware09:09
jjjasperguessing so09:09
jjjasperdisk io = worst offender on older machines09:09
Miahey all -- what does this setting do http://i.imgur.com/VReiswk.png13:05
Miaokay I now realized my compizconfig settings are not working13:19
Miafor some reason13:19
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