
arooniif i have ubuntu-server (14.04) set up to automatically install security updates; how come when i login sometimes i see "system restart required".  will this never be done automatically as part of security updates?02:03
ChibaPetarooni: Live patching of kernels is still in its infancy.02:04
arooniso i have to restart my servers every now and then as a workaround?02:04
ChibaPetarooni: It should tell you. But in general, spontaneous reboots are a bug.02:05
arooniso theres no best practice, 'set up a cron job to restart server every now and then ' ?02:05
ChibaPetThe best practise would be, "schedule a downtime window and restart within it".02:06
aroonibut this is done as a one off ?02:07
ChibaPetAh, there is a way: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates02:07
aroonii already have security updates set up (at least i thought i did)02:07
ChibaPetFrom that: "If you want the script to automatically reboot when needed, you not only need to set Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true", but you also need to have the "update-notifier-common" package installed."02:07
ChibaPetSeems questionable, but there's the rope. :P02:07
aroonithanks for tracking that down ChibaPet ; looks like i need to jump into that02:07
arooniwell once i have monitoring uptime set up after i will this evening; ill let that notify me if theres a problem02:08
ChibaPetGood luck with it, whichever way you decide to do it.02:09
aroonithanks for your help ChibaPet02:11
ChibaPetarooni: My pleasure.02:11
arooninow trying to fix a different problem on a different server;  it looks like when i ssh i'm successful but i'm immediately logged out;  exit status = 0.  what should i check?02:42
ChibaPetarooni: Look at /var/log/auth.log on the server.03:01
aroonifixed it thanks ChibaPet !03:12
arooniapparently if login can't load your default shell; you're done; there's no failover03:12
aroonior login shell rather03:12
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FarhaadNhi every one, i have a question, i have a linux server 12.04 ,my ping to is ok ,but when i ping google.com ,reply is very slow, my dns is set to in resolve.conf file,07:17
FarhaadNwhy this happend?07:17
FarhaadNanyone know about this?07:22
FarhaadN480 people and anyonee responce?????07:27
andolFarhaadN: 1) When you say very slow, can you transate that into number? 2) Given anycast, it's expected that will be closer than whatever result you get for google.com07:32
FarhaadN andol: i ping yahoo.com and this is result , icmp_req and time for each request is ok .but see time for all packets > http://pastebin.com/spntXvUu07:42
cpaelzerFarhaadN: so your issue is that the sum for all packets is so much more than summing up the individual times?07:45
FarhaadNcpaelzer: i think my problem is for DNS ,i ping ubuntu.com and don't reply ,but ping ip ,is ok,check this > http://pastebin.com/ww6FJP0y07:48
cpaelzerFarhaadN: ok, that looks much like mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/15333468/07:50
cpaelzerFarhaadN: let us trace it down a bit07:50
* cpaelzer is crafting a commandline ...07:50
FarhaadN cpaelzer: noo, for you sum time is 6000 ,but for mine is 60,00007:52
cpaelzeryes, but when you use IP and nos dns name your sum is similar07:52
cpaelzerI agree that it might be dns related07:52
cpaelzerbut I want to see where time is lost, that is what I'm constructing atm07:52
cpaelzercould you create something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15333479/ ?07:53
cpaelzerComparing that could give us a start where to look into07:53
cpaelzerFarhaadN: ^^07:53
FarhaadNyes ,see this please, when ping google.com 2 start reply from and tooo slow ,then reply from dns and ok  > http://pastebin.com/ve6JFt5J07:54
FarhaadNcpaelzer: yes i create that thing07:55
FarhaadNsry for my bad language07:55
cpaelzernever mind, people are important not their language07:56
FarhaadNcpaelzer: thx u08:03
smbhallyn, what exactly are you trying to get to...?08:04
cpaelzerFarhaadN: yeah, that looks suspicious towards dns resolve "45.53   70.073280    10010468         7 gethostbyaddr"08:07
cpaelzerit is called per ping (see count 7), so it scales and it no flat extra time08:07
cpaelzeralso your SYS_poll is huge08:07
cpaelzerFarhaadN: with that in mind try something more simple - what does this give you "time dig yahoo.com > /dev/null" ?08:08
cpaelzerhmm, even setting my dns to as well doesn't make it as bad as yours ...08:09
FarhaadNcpaelzer: yes my any server s dns is set to
FarhaadNbut only this one have a problem08:10
FarhaadNreal    0m15.033s08:10
FarhaadNuser    0m0.001s08:10
FarhaadNsys     0m0.001s08:10
cpaelzeruh that is actually great08:11
cpaelzerthat mans we can debug just with name resolition08:11
cpaelzerFarhaadN: I have "real    0m0.017s"08:11
FarhaadNnow what can i do ?08:12
cpaelzerI'm creating another command to give us more insight, give me a sec08:12
cpaelzer... still working ...08:20
cpaelzerso far it doesn't give me what I want and I don't want to just dump you with a zillion of commands08:20
cpaelzerFarhaadN: nut 100% sure, but a pastebinit of "dig  +trace +recurse +all +qr -t yahoo.com" might be nice to see if the call for the NS or later on for the details is slow08:23
FarhaadNok i check08:25
cpaelzerFarhaadN: you can also add "sudo ltrace -S -rT nslookup -debug -d2 yahoo.com" to that pastebin08:25
cpaelzerumm, timeout isn't good :-)08:27
FarhaadNcpaelzer: even when i was apt-get update ,i can't and error accourd08:28
cpaelzerwell both last pastebins run into a dns timeout, ... hmm08:29
cpaelzeryou said all the other servers from the same network are ok, and go for the same dns @ ?08:31
cpaelzerbut before you had slow but at least working resoliton didn't you ...08:32
FarhaadNnoo my others servers is not in this network,but dns is and ok08:36
cpaelzerFarhaadN: hmm - my expectation is routing out/back-to of your current network might be your issue then08:38
cpaelzerFarhaadN: you surely could try other free DNS servers, but that would only be a workaround not a solution08:38
cpaelzerlike: for DNS in 91.239.08:39
cpaelzer100.100; do nslookup  yahoo.com ${DNS}; done08:39
cpaelzerif they all are slow or timeout you surely have to look at you network / routing setup08:39
cpaelzerI had hoped to find a more local issue to your system to debug with you08:39
cpaelzerbut I think that means you have to debug your network setup08:39
cpaelzerthink or wireshark and such, but that leaves my comfort zone08:40
cpaelzersorry, I at least hope to brought you one step further in debuggin this08:40
cpaelzerFarhaadN: ^^08:40
FarhaadNcpaelzer: very thx for reply and help mee08:41
sceironHi, I'm wondering: I bought a domain and connected it to my ip. When i now enter my domain name adress, i get to the interface of my router(log in promt), is this normal?09:02
lordievaderDoes your domain resolve to your router?09:03
sceironwell, yes i think so.09:04
lordievaderCheck it, I'd say.09:06
sceironIt resolves to my IP, which is my ISP's router...09:06
lordievadersceiron: There is your problem, I suppose.09:07
sceironOk, i just in the process of setting up a ubuntu server behind this router, but have not gotten that far yet. I was just questioning that entering my IP in any external browser would bring me to my routers log-in promt09:08
lordievadersceiron: If your router is setup to show a login page to remote on port 80/443, then yes. Though I would advice you to disable remote login.09:09
sceironok, thanks, that answers my question for now i guess. Is it default practice for ISPs to set up a router with "Remote login"?09:10
lordievaderNot to my knowledge at least.09:11
hateballAll ISP provided routers I've had have had ISP backdoors at least09:11
hateballWhich is a good reason to ditch them09:11
hateballOr at least ask them to set it in bridged mode and use your own router09:12
sceironHavent checked this before, but i can log in with the default username/password, in other words it seems kinda open to me, oups09:12
lordievaderTrue, but that is usually seperate from a remote login.09:18
hateballWell, yes09:19
huwjrhi all - i have one ubuntu 14.04 server which has an ethernet alias set in /etc/network/interfaces - it’s set to auto but it NEVER comes up at reboot? i have about 10 other trusty hosts with the same config, and they all work flawlessly? any ideas.10:42
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[1]Azi am getting this error:12:55
[1]Azon 4 of my servers12:56
mybalzitchlooks ot me like an issue with the elasticsearch.org repo13:00
mybalzitchhave you tried removing it from your sources and trying again?13:00
[1]Azits not13:01
[1]Azits an issue with apt13:01
[1]Azhang on13:01
mybalzitch hmm13:18
[1]Azweird right?13:51
mybalzitchhave you tried blowing away apt's cache folder?13:52
mybalzitchit's odd that 4 servers broke at once though13:52
mybalzitchand I can't find any google search results13:52
[1]Azthis is my issue13:52
[1]Azi actually rebuild the servers13:52
[1]Azand then it started happening again13:52
[1]Azall 4 servers have the same config13:52
mybalzitchis the server setup exotic at all? nfs root or anything silly?13:52
[1]Azpretty standard13:55
[1]Azi dont know what else i can do to debug it13:57
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sysadminhow can i get a log files from people that i have logged in my server and commands that they have ran14:00
mybalzitch[1]Az: you don't have anything locking the apt directory do you? anything in lsof ?14:00
sysadminand their ips14:00
[1]Azroot@dev-php-app01:/home/concrete# lsof | grep apt14:00
[1]Azmunin-nod 19644             root  mem       REG              202,1    10336       1231 /usr/lib/perl/5.18.2/auto/Tie/Hash/NamedCapture/NamedCapture.so14:00
[1]Azdoesnt look like it14:01
pmatulissysadmin: logged in from console?14:01
sysadminpmatulis, yes14:01
pmatulissysadmin: hmm, IPs. so wouldn't that be logged in via SSH?14:01
mybalzitch[1]Az: has the server been up a really long time? when is the last time you ran fsck on the filesystem apt lives on14:01
sysadminpmatulis, yes i mean log in from ssh14:02
[1]Az40 days14:02
[1]Azi can reboot it14:02
pmatulissysadmin: that should be logged in /var/log/auth.log14:02
mybalzitch[1]Az: try running fsck14:03
[1]Azi cant run fsck on /14:03
sysadminpmatulis, i used that but i cant see their commands14:03
mybalzitch[1]Az: touch /forcefsck14:03
mybalzitch[1]Az: then reboot, I think14:04
pmatulissysadmin: as for commands run, it is only recorded, also in auth.log, if they use sudo14:04
sysadminpmatulis, and commands without sudo14:04
pmatulissysadmin: you will need a special tool to track all commands issued by users14:05
sysadminpmatulis, and about their ips?14:06
pmatulissysadmin: i'm pretty sure that is in auth.log for SSH connections14:07
sysadminand if just upload to one directory with rsync can i see their ip?14:08
[1]Azmybaltzitch: fsck ran but the problem continues14:09
mybalzitch[1]Az: grrr.14:10
sysadminpmatulis, if one user just upload file to one directory can i see his ip ?14:10
pmatulissysadmin: i don't think so but i'm not 100%. if you somehow enforce rsync-over-ssh you probably can get it. just try it14:13
sysadminpmatulis, i need to use sudo ufw allow ip port 2214:13
sysadminpmatulis, what do you mean exactly ?14:13
pmatulissysadmin: what's your full question?14:14
sysadminpmatulis, my friend last night connected to my server to upload file to my directory with rsync he doesnt know his ip i need to access just to him for port 22 i need to find his ip14:15
[1]Azmybalzitch: quite14:15
[1]Azsysadmin: just get him to lookup his ip14:16
sysadmini ask him to find it14:18
mybalzitch[1]Az: I'd take it to the forums14:18
pmatulissysadmin: you can allow SSH connections based on username. disallow all connections except for certain users. in 'man sshd_config' see 'Match AllowUsers'14:19
pmatulissysadmin: not sure if you absolutely need to do the firewall stuff but it might help14:19
mybalzitch[1]Az: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1827960&p=11164176#post1116417614:19
sysadminpmatulis, i have another question i have ran netbeans when i browse   localhost:8383 i see my index.html file but when i browse mydomain:8383 i dont see any thing i have activated sudo ufw allow what is problem? 8383  when i14:21
sysadminpmatulis, i have another question i have ran netbeans when i browse   localhost:8383 i see my index.html file but when i browse mydomain:8383 i dont see any thing i have activated sudo ufw allow 8383 what is problem?14:22
pmatulissysadmin: i'm sorry i have a meeting now. make sure DNS is working properly and that your application is configured to respond on "mydomain"14:23
sysadminpmatulis, first time it answered but for second time when i ran mydomain:8383 i didnt see anything my domain is activated i can see when i browse it but in port 8383 i cant see anything14:24
sysadminwhile it answers in localhost:838314:25
sysadminproblem was from router14:30
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popeyhttps://launchpad.net/~deepika-chauhan is this person on the server team in some way?17:07
popeyThey requested access to the wiki/etherpad, and I believe they may actually be a spammer, and not a real person wanting to do legitimate work.17:07
naccthat's gotta be a fake e-mail, right?17:15
cryptomonkHow do you use CORS in a LAMP environment? Particular allow all access17:29
cryptomonktrying to write a mobile app and keep getting javascript errors due to CORS and cross-site17:29
rbasakpopey: I don't recognise that name.17:39
rbasakhttps://launchpad.net/~deepika-chauhan/+archive/ubuntu/ppa is spam.17:39
popeygood spot!17:41
ogra_rbasak, nah, its canoni printer support obviously :P17:44
sceironhi, i have just set up a irc server on my ubuntu server, can someone help me verify that is works from www, it works from local machines...18:48
sarnoldsceiron: sure, which ip/port?18:50
sceirontnx :)19:01
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smosernacc, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/checksecurity/+git/checksecurity22:13
naccsmoser: thanks!22:15
naccsmoser: and you can not do sg3-utils  :)22:15
naccif you didnt' see the chatter in #ubuntu-devel22:15
smoseri didnt22:16
smoserid idt see it22:16
smoseris it because there is no changelog entry for 1.40-022:16
naccsmoser: sort of, we're just going to sync with 1.41-2 when it comes out22:16
naccas of right now, we're basically in sync iwth debian due to the backports, just at an unreleased version22:17
smosernacc, ok.22:20
smosernacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15337649/22:20
smoserthat is 'go-import.py'' which just prints out ordered commands to run22:20
smoserand assumes you have the right debian and ubuntu versions22:20
smosersee http://paste.ubuntu.com/15337646/ for example output22:21
Zulu_TooHello. Would someone who has installed Postfix, MySql and Dovecot server share what the relationship between the three in simple terms as I do my homework on knowing what to install. I have found Ubuntu website installation procedures, however, I would like to hear from someone's personal experience. I know it is involved, but a fireside chat would help me to prepare my mind.22:21
Zulu_TooI have downloaded example config files as examples.22:22
patdk-lapzulu, that is a huge intertaking22:24
patdk-lapsetting up a mailserver is by far no simple task22:24
Zulu_TooI realize that.22:24
patdk-lapbut dunno what you mean by relationship between them22:24
patdk-lapmysql is a database22:24
patdk-lapdovecot is an auth/imap server22:24
patdk-lappostfix is an mta22:24
patdk-lapthere is no relationships22:24
Zulu_TooSo these three just work together then?22:24
patdk-lapthey all do their own tasks22:25
Zulu_TooI see.22:25
patdk-lapand produce a final result of imap + smtp server, though the mysql part is not needed at all22:25
Zulu_TooThanks for that mysql point.22:25
patdk-lapyou don't have to have imap and smtp on the same server22:25
patdk-lappersonally I run an 2 imap servers, and 16 smtp servers, and then 4 mysql servers for them22:26
Zulu_TooIt is a headless wireless server. It is experimental right now.22:26
patdk-lapand then as soon as you get that all setup, you will learn, you will want to add clamav, amavisd-new, spamassassin, .... to the mix22:27
Zulu_Tooi386 machine..22:27
patdk-lapmaking it more complex22:27
patdk-lapthen add on webmail22:27
patdk-lapsetup postscreen22:27
naccsmoser: thanks!22:27
Zulu_TooI did a little bit of homework on that. That seems like the fun part. However difficult.22:28
patdk-lapmysql can be used as an authorative source of infomation for dovecot/postfix22:30
patdk-lapbut you could use system accounts, ldap, or any number of other things if you want22:30
Zulu_TooI appreciate your input Patdk-lap. Thanks. I am not sure how complex I should get with this but you opened up a few thought in my mind on this.22:31
Zulu_TooI am getting more to appreciate using ssh terminal to the ubuntu box and it has been quite the learning curve here. I have been using Windows for years and know how to navigate with it but it is a totally different story not using a GUI with me.22:33
Zulu_TooIt really makes me appreciate the hard work you folks do here.22:34
patdk-lapI normally have 2 screens full of ssh connections22:36
Zulu_TooSounds like you are a busy person with 2 screens full of ssh connections. My ssh connection is always running with WinSCP from my Windows box. I have run in the past VPN to my linux box.22:39
Zulu_TooI use puTTY as well. Nice piece of work.22:40
Zulu_TooThe real challenge is using the console commands. That is where the rubber meets the road.22:43
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Zulu_TooDoes Spamassassin have to be updated like SuperAntiSpyWare?22:48
sdezielZulu_Too: SA rules are updated daily by /etc/cron.daily/spamassassin22:50
sdezielZulu_Too: you might need to set CRON=1 in /etc/default/spamassassin as I don't remember what's the default value for it22:50
Zulu_TooThanks Sdeziel. :)22:51
sdezielZulu_Too: I also second the recommendation regarding postscreen22:51
Zulu_TooI will certainly do my homework on that Sdeziel. Thanks.22:52
Zulu_TooI was looking at a pastebin called Stikked. Have you used it?22:53
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Zulu_TooIt uses XMPP.   Another interesting thing is called: Jabbered.22:55
Zulu_TooAlso ejabbered.22:55
sdezielZulu_Too: if you are looking for a XMPP server, prosody has always served me well22:56
daxcati like prosody personally22:57
Zulu_TooI will check that out. Thanks.22:57
Zulu_TooIs this the website you were referring to?   https://prosody.im/22:58
sdezielZulu_Too: yes22:59
daxcat!info prosody22:59
ubottuprosody (source: prosody): Lightweight Jabber/XMPP server. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.8-1ubuntu0.1 (wily), package size 199 kB, installed size 1059 kB22:59
Zulu_TooI was searching for an IRC like web based interface and have realtime tech conversations with my clients. There are lots of them out there. I am looking for one with the best latency issues.23:01
sarnoldZulu_Too: i've heard good things about slack. it seems to be the thing all the cool kids use. nothing on irc but us old farts.23:01
sarnold(those of us who have been on irc for 20-years may question the wisdom of letting any old idiot include images directly into the window.)23:02
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shoutmesarnold: bah!23:03
Zulu_TooSarnold, that is funny. I have been using IRC for many years. I will say that you meet a lot of intelligent people who like to share their knowledge.23:03
shoutmeand their flickr feeds23:03
shoutmenot really23:03
Zulu_TooMy first IRC experience was with Netscape Navigator. It had an IRC client built in. That is old.23:04
Zulu_TooYears ago you would telnet to IRC.23:05
shoutmetelnet -> stunnel -> irc23:05
shoutmeyeah, obvoiusly i'm trying out the interwebz thing; as i predicted, ctrl-u and ctrl-w are sorta blockers for me23:06
shoutme(with irc in a web page)23:06
sarnoldshoutme: try pentadactyl, it fixes ^W and ^U :)23:08
Zulu_TooYears ago, I used to park on the #Linux channel on Dalnet. That was fun. Lots of nice folks there.23:08
sarnoldZulu_Too: oh indeed, there's lots of great people here. but the scale goes waaaaay down :)23:09
Zulu_TooI usually gravitate towards those who are humane and are considerate. Not all are.23:10
shoutmesarnold: trying to make me cry?  pentadactyl is broken with new ff23:10
sarnoldshoutme: oh no :( thanks for the warning..23:10
shoutmenow with signed extensions you can't even build your own23:10
shoutmei'm actually trying out some other, supported vim-like extension, but it's not good enough23:11
shoutmevimfx, that's it23:11
shoutmecna't even do ";y<url-txt>"23:12
shoutmesarnold: which release are you on?  pentacactly is working for you?23:12
sarnoldshoutme: i'm on firefox 44.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.14.04.123:13
sarnoldshoutme: the :help hasn't worked in months but it's otherwise mostly working23:13
shoutmeyeah i'm o n45.0+build2-0ubuntu123:14
shoutmemaybe i'll start running it in a trusty vm23:14
sarnoldshoutme: I understand the developer builds of firefox allow unsigned extensions23:14
shoutmethat'd be worth it23:15
Zulu_TooHas anyone here used a Windows program called:  Qedit?  Is there a similar program like gvim for the command prompt?23:15
sarnoldshoutme: it'll kinda suck to not get the updates the day they're released, and probably not compiled with the full range of compiler hardening that we get in the ubuntu packages.. but firefox without pentadactyl is baffling.23:15
sarnoldZulu_Too: I may have used qedit on dos 5.0? try vim23:15
shoutmeyeah i mostly use vimprobable with with a strict apparmor profile and no js now...  keeps me more productive anyway :)23:15
sarnoldZulu_Too: vim's baffling for the first month or so but then .. well, you turn into shoutme and me and try to turn your web browser into vim :)23:15
shoutmespeaking of which23:16
Zulu_TooI have tried vim. Amd vi23:16
shoutmeZulu_Too "gvim for the command prompt" - gvim is vim for the gui, so....23:16
sarnoldZulu_Too: loads of folks love emacs. I never gave it more than about ten minutes..23:17
Zulu_TooI have also used Nano.23:18
sarnoldI never gave nano more than about ten seconds23:19
sarnoldthat's normally the first thing I take care of when I install a new ubuntu system is apt-get purge nano. it's easier than trying to figure out how to use alternatives again :)23:19
Zulu_TooSarnold that is immensly funny. apt-get purge nano      :)23:20
shoutmeboy do i hate nano as the default23:22
Zulu_TooI cannot stop laughing.     Purge nano.        hehe23:24
shoutmewe're here for your amusement :)23:24
Zulu_TooDoes that make me a member?   :)23:25
shoutmelxc launch ubuntu:xenial lv1    <- new simplestreams goodness23:26
Zulu_TooHey guys, you've been great here. Thanks for the insight about Postfix and other stuff. I will take to heart the counsel and info about it. I bid all here a great day. Thanks so much. God bless. Take care. :)23:31
sarnoldhave fun Zulu_Too ;)23:32
Zulu_TooSarnold I am an old fart too. Welcome to the club.   hehe23:32
shoutmeThat's it.  My goal for the day is to pursuade everyone i'm a millenial.  I am *not* an old fart.23:33
shoutmeno sir23:33
shoutmetych0: hey bro, did you see that new cycling app?  rad man.  <- look i'm a millenial23:35
shoutmehm, nfs-common doesn't want to install in a container.  that's ungood23:36
tych0shoutme: i can tell when you're faking23:36
tych0shoutme: your nick isn't even right and i can tell :)23:36
tych0shoutme: hello hallyn :)23:36
sarnoldshoutme: hey if makes you feel any better you had me fooled "who is this super-cool dude who I don't recall seeing before?" :)23:37
tych0shoutme: you did call me bro, though. you'll definitely get some millenial points for that. bro.23:38
shoutmei was gonna say brah but couldn't make my fingers do it23:38
sarnoldalso I'm scared to find out if you were trying to mount or export an nfs filesystem, and wondering which one to be more scared about..23:38
shoutmejust apt-get build-dep libvirt23:39
sarnoldoh :/23:39
shoutmeworks fine in trusty - must be a systemd thing23:45
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