=== upd_ is now known as upd [02:23] well [02:23] bernie is 20% higher than the polls said he'd be [02:24] razn v misisipi, kjer je 82:17 [02:24] za hillary [02:27] heh [03:11] no sej zdej se je obrnl [03:11] bernie ne vod vec skor nc [04:06] well, spet 4% [04:09] zakaj te sploh zanima kdo bo zmagal [04:10] jaz nisem videl nobene razlike medtem ko je bil bush ali pa obama [04:24] js pa sm [04:25] in to ogromn [04:27] kot? [04:27] dokler je bil bush mi je penzija kopnela [04:27] ko je zacel obama je sla ful gor [04:27] ce bernie zmaga bo sla svetovna ekonomija ful gor [04:28] zakaj [04:29] ker bo investiru 1000 miljard dolarjov v infrastrukturo [04:29] v zda [04:29] to pomen ful dela za revne americane [04:29] k ves dnar takoj zapravjo [04:29] to pomen visje donose v firmah kjer mam investiran, k revnim americanom prodajajo hrano, bajte pa racunalnike [04:29] pa televizije. [04:30] revezi prakticno ves dnar zapravjo ker nimajo prov dost izbire [04:30] bogati loh zapravjo isto k revezi, sam ful manj jih je [04:30] pa spravlajo dnar [04:33] woo [04:33] bernie wins [04:33] http://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/michigan [04:33] Michigan Primary Election Results 2016 - The New York Times [04:33] »Election results from the Michigan primary, part of the 2016 presidential campaign.« [04:43] ja ql pol, bolj problem je to ja da američani vse zapravijo :d [04:55] sej to je pomembno [04:55] da zapravjo [04:55] s tem se ustvarja sluzbe [04:55] ce 30 miljonov kup neki k si prej niso mogl prvosct [04:55] je to kr velik delovnih mest [05:01] američani že tko preveč zapravljajo [06:03] ker american, tocno? [06:03] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NHYFvHdCws [06:03] Bernie Sanders - "I WAS THERE" Trailer - YouTube [06:19] vsi. [06:20] v povprečju ima vsak američan 1k pufa. [06:21] OH BERN [06:21] jutro [06:22] http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/272302-sanders-edges-out-clinton-in-michigan [06:22] Sanders stuns Clinton with upset in Michigan | TheHill [06:22] »Hillary Clinton led the state in polls by more than 20 points.« [06:27] https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/707426425679257600 [06:27] Nate Silver auf Twitter: "In the famous New Hampshire upset in '08, Clinton trailed Obama by 8 points. Big upset. But today, Sanders trailed Clinton by *21* and won." [10:03] http://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/cerar-o-odpuscenih-policistih-prav-je-da-je-prislo-do-te-odlocitve/387755 [10:03] Cerar o odpuščenih policistih: "Prav je, da je prišlo do te odločitve" :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija [10:03] »Zaradi "policijske zarote" proti ministru Borisu Koprivnikarju naj bi službo izgubilo sedem policistov.« [11:20] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Create A Bootable USB Stick On Ubuntu With GNOME Disks http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/vS99Ahkphr0/create-bootable-usb-stick-on-ubuntu.html [12:14] https://www.hellotux.com/ [12:14] expensive but cool [12:15] majca z tuxom [12:15] 29eur [12:15] kupis navadno majco za 5eur, pa das tiskat [12:16] uh drage [12:30] drage ja [12:30] a veste da ma twitch open api [12:31] #wecarenot [12:31] #sosayweall [12:31] #ido [12:31] #not [12:32] #hashtagwhatsup [12:32] #hastagcoffee [12:32] msev-: vem ja, kako mislis da delajo vse te twitch strani ki vrivajo event sounde v stream itd? [12:38] https://www.defectivebydesign.org/show-them-the-world-is-watching-stop-drm-in-html [12:38] Show them the world is watching. Stop DRM in HTML. | Defective by Design [12:39] "Pay a visit to a W3C office in your country, and take a protest selfie." [12:39] that'll show them! [12:40] lol [12:40] DRM is great [12:40] BAN HIM!!! [12:45] zakaj je DRM great? [12:46] because RMS says otherwise [12:55] pocak, da se fejstbukove integrirajo v html [12:56] what === metalcamp_ is now known as metalcamp [12:57] to bo nasledn korak za drm [12:59] [13:00] custom elements! [13:00] because ~500 HTML tags are note nough [13:00] not* enough [13:00] spi se mi, se 5 ur sluzbe [13:01] js grem cez uro domov [13:02] https://github.com/Freeboard/freeboard [13:02] GitHub - Freeboard/freeboard: A damn-sexy, open source real-time dashboard builder for IOT and other web mashups. A free open-source alternative to Geckoboard. [13:02] »freeboard - A damn-sexy, open source real-time dashboard builder for IOT and other web mashups. A free open-source alternative to Geckoboard.« [13:02] kle piše how to use [13:02] tko da git klonov pa npm install sm lahko [13:03] a pol grunt mi ni treba napisat v terminal (ker ne najde tega ukaza niti tega paketa ni v apt-get) [13:03] mi je pa tekom npm installa grunt neki delov not [13:03] tko da pomoje nerabm ane [13:09] npm install -g grunt-cli [13:10] thank me later [13:11] zakaj slax0r a tist ne bo uredu [13:11] THANK HIM LATER [13:11] a ni že inštaliran [13:11] :D [13:18] CrazyLemon: zdej mas Tirreno-Adriatico [13:20] msev-: ne vem sploh kaj delas, samo vidim da hoces grunt prek apt-get installirat, no go :P [13:20] in ce hoces grunt system wide uporabljat mores installirat z -g flagom pri npm [13:20] as in global [13:22] I don't know what I'm doin' :-O [13:22] :D [13:22] pač en dodatn dashboard si bom poizkusu naštimat :D [13:22] bomo vidl [13:22] pomoje ne rabm tega grunta [13:22] pomoje je npm install že poštimov to :D [13:22] tak občutek mam :D [13:23] normalno ne [13:28] slax0r, kko sploh inicializiram ta freeboard :) [13:28] fuck me if I know [13:28] pritegnil si me samo zarad grunta, k sem ga vcasih uporabljal kot task runner [13:28] aha sam odprem index.html [13:29] dobr da ne veš [13:29] k če ... :D [13:40] https://github.com/alsm/freeboard-mqtt [13:40] GitHub - alsm/freeboard-mqtt: MQTT and IBM IoT Foundation plugins for freeboard.io [13:40] »freeboard-mqtt - MQTT and IBM IoT Foundation plugins for freeboard.io« [13:41] kle spodaj tist sm dodal nad /body /html [13:41] to je vredu ane [13:56] .yr morten frida sundemo beautiful heartbeat [13:56] fak [13:56] .yt morten frida sundemo beautiful heartbeat [13:56] MORTEN - Beautiful Heartbeat (Official Video) ft. Frida Sundemo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjAiibRVC9Q [14:03] i bought a pair of shoes from a drug dealer, I'm not sure what he laced them with but i've been tripping all day [14:08] zdobersek zdaj zdaj? [14:09] CrazyLemon: ya [14:09] ja* [14:09] da [14:11] zdobersek its not on eurosport [14:11] eurosport2 [14:11] a pa je [14:11] eurosport1 [14:11] sam na sporedu piše nek biatlon [14:12] zdobersek a je bil že lotto jumbo? [14:12] * CrazyLemon čaka na primoža [14:12] ya [14:12] meeeeeh [14:14] zdobersek ob 16.00 pa paris - nice? [14:14] mhm [14:14] k..ty [14:14] ya* [14:17] zdobersek a orica je ze bla ane? [14:17] ya [14:17] ffs [14:17] a sm vse zamudil al kaj [14:18] kako je šlo mezgcu? [14:18] dunno [14:22] mezgec 6, primož 8 [14:30] [Web Upd8] Andrew: ownCloud 9 Brings File Comments And Tags, More http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/kDqqpC78FKo/owncloud-9-brings-file-comments-and.html [14:33] http://danesjenovdan.si/alternacija/ [14:33] Alternacija [14:35] židi, al Židi? [14:35] mislm da se to vse z malo pise [14:35] kreteni, židi, muslimani [14:36] naciji [14:55] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR5bhNU-AxE [14:55] Flappy Tux, a free "Flappy Bird" clone for Windows, Mac and Linux - YouTube [14:55] »Hi, Flappy Tux is the first game I ever made. I used Unity3D to create it. It's a clone of the popular "Flappy Bird" with Tux as the main actor. You can down...« [15:14] CrazyLemon: skenslal so etapo [15:14] zdobbie sm slišal ja [15:14] mal snega pa se že ustrašijo [15:14] pussies [15:17] lol [15:17] kje to [15:17] france [15:17] a je kšna kolesarska tekma [15:17] :D [15:17] yes [15:25] a evropska direktiva je z malo napisan ane [15:25] al kko so že ta slovnična pravila :D [15:26] z malo ja [15:26] kewl še vem [15:27] huh [15:28] plebs be all alike! [15:35] kje je pa moj op [15:35] €€ [15:35] or $$ [15:35] https://49.media.tumblr.com/b446d52ce83abbc4f9823c21ddb07a55/tumblr_o3mf40GDfx1uf7el9o1_500.gif [15:36] ask and yee shall receive! [15:36] aaaand enough! [15:36] idioterna: dayum [15:37] idioterna: kter jump scare, ne linkej tsnega sranja [15:37] a si se zacel nevarno prot monitorju nagibat [15:37] z nosom sem ze risu po ekranu [15:43] tricky [15:44] i'll be more careful in the future [15:44] en se mi je prtozu da ne vid zenskih prsi [15:44] js sm pa caku dlje kot bi hotu priznat da se bo kaj zgodil [15:45] how about that bernie win [15:45] http://img.pandawhale.com/86036-victory-dance-gif-Despicable-M-EPnS.gif [15:45] glorious [16:03] v puttyu se mi kr zamena input ko grem v nano [16:03] oz nevem kaj [16:03] ampak namesto + v numpadu je vejca [16:03] ko grem iz editorja je pa normalno [16:04] what [16:04] gtfo [16:04] .yt axel foley get the fuck outta here [16:04] Beverly Hills Cop Serge & Axel "get the fuck outta here" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL6NY5lfBAg [16:04] what [16:04] ok :c [16:07] lol jk [16:07] u my no1 pita [16:07] <3 [16:07] nohomo [16:07] sohomo* [16:07] CrazyLemon so jelly [16:07] no* [16:07] butterflies in his belly [16:08] wanting to wear the castelli [16:08] as menacing as that boy shkreli [16:08] .gif mic drop [16:08] http://media.giphy.com/media/26tPeKzAmS9X70NVu/giphy.gif [16:09] naah..scorpions dont do it for me [16:10] nutella time \o/ [16:11] CrazyLemon the real fattelli [17:06] torej ubuntu LTS bo čez en mesec zunaj and guess what..LTS -> LTS upgrade je horribly broken.. like totally :D [17:12] a ubuntu 15 lts? [17:13] http://turnoff.us/image/en/sql-server-on-linux.png [17:14] he [17:21] CrazyLemon, systemd ftw [17:24] CrazyLemon: nah, it can't be. [17:47] matjaz mhm :D [17:47] CrazyLemon, o čem govoriš [17:48] msev- o cem ti govoris [17:48] da je LTS upgrade totalno broken [17:48] o cem vidva govorita [17:48] a bojo tazga tut shippal [17:48] msev- sj ni še final release :) [17:48] ampak v trenutnem stanju je totally broken ja [17:49] kera stvar zj a dejanski OS [17:52] M 1.7 > 7.km Z od LITIJE @09/03/2016 18:41:30 https://maps.google.com/?q=46.07+N,+14.74+E [18:04] * dz0ny upgraded to xenial just fine [18:06] dz0ny from? :) [18:09] 15.10 [18:10] msev-: ti mas zihr mint [18:18] nimam [18:18] sm mel en cajt ja [18:18] :D [18:19] zakaj dz0ny [18:53] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/03/09/microsoft_sonic_debian/ [18:53] Microsoft will release a custom Debian Linux. Repeat, a custom Debian Linux for networking • The Register [18:53] »It's an open-source switch OS for clouds« [18:53] mhm [19:22] zdobbie_: a t-1.si je skor kt t-2.net ? [19:23] mhm [19:23] brez klerikalstva [19:24] (more porn) [19:25] god bless you [19:25] which one? [19:25] the supreme one [19:31] http://2016.webcamp.si/code-of-conduct [19:31] Code Of Conduct [19:31] »WebCamp Ljubljana is the unconference where everyone who is building and designing for the web share their knowledge, experience, and mockups and vim configurations. It is organized annually-ish by the community, for the community.« [19:31] a je kdo za prjavt, da uporablja emacs? [19:46] zakaj? sej piše any software preference [19:56] https://twitter.com/JeanieBuss/status/707386777619697665 [19:56] Jeanie Buss auf Twitter: "Just met @Liquid_s1mple - welcome to the #Lakers game! https://t.co/MvgxbHbUhc" [19:56] fakin šit [19:57] gaming gre v višave [20:01] mlad pejba, ga bo Hiko umonitur [20:01] umontiru [20:06] fakin Rick Fox ma svojo ekipo, Buss familija se druži s playerji [20:06] še Obama stisne en selfie s Skadoodlom pa je [20:11] CrazyLemon: do _you_ want ti be an e-Sports star?! [20:22] zdobbie_ nope [21:34] fckin miska! [21:35] huehuehuehue [21:35] z misko/roko sm ruknu v zvocnik..ce ne bi jure umru! [21:36] could've changed everything! [21:36] it could! [21:39] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-16.04-Dropping-fglrx [21:39] Ubuntu Is Deprecating fglrx (Catalyst) In 16.04 LTS - Phoronix [21:39] »Phoronix is the leading technology website for Linux hardware reviews, open-source news, Linux benchmarks, open-source benchmarks, and computer hardware tests.«