
mariogripdobey: did the update go well?00:21
dobeymariogrip: i'm running #4 from stable now, yeah02:17
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osmosisHey guys, just noticed my flo updated from devel r430 to r455 which failed to boot so when I went to fresh install again devel is back down at r8? Just wondering what happened with the numbering.05:40
osmosisNever mind, multirom just stopped showing dev-proposed for some reason05:49
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mardymarcustomlinson: hi! Do you know how to set an environment variable for a scope? (need to add U1_DEBUG=1 to the click scope)09:58
marcustomlinsonmardy: just a sec09:59
marcustomlinsonmardy: adb into the phone and run:10:06
marcustomlinsonrestart scope-registry10:06
marcustomlinsonU1_DEBUG=1 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/unity-scopes/scoperunner '' /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/unity-scopes/clickapps/clickscope.ini10:06
mardymarcustomlinson: thanks!10:07
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oSoMoNSaviq, what’s the ETA for landing https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/input-name-filter-proxy/+merge/286684 ?10:23
SaviqoSoMoN, hopefully end of this week10:23
SaviqoSoMoN, we're waiting on the UITK release that's under QA now10:24
oSoMoNSaviq, I’ve been without meaningful autopilot test results for the browser for a month now, because of that bug, so I’m really eager to see it fixed10:24
SaviqoSoMoN, I know10:24
SaviqI'm eager to land that, too, sorry it's taking so long, we've just been blocked by everything we could've been blocked by10:25
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Mirvgreyback_: if you have time for some Qt 5.6 fun at some point, bug #1554404 is there to get. they've removed the pkgconfig file, but the headers would be still there in qtbase5-private-dev14:19
ubot5bug 1554404 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "qtmir fails to build against Qt 5.6 due to platformsupport pkgconfig removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155440414:19
greyback_Mirv: ack14:20
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bretthIs this channel still active?19:24
dobey300 people in the channel19:25
dobeyi think it's "active" yes :)19:25
bretthWell, I wasn't sure :P19:26
bretthAnywho, I've been having a problem with app development that I can't seem to find an answer for on AskUbuntu or the QML forums19:27
pmcgowantry also on ubuntu-app-devel19:28
dobey#ubuntu-app-devel might be a better place to ask. it's the app devel channel :)19:28
bretthAh, I did not know that channel existed.  Thanks for the pointer :)19:28
lpotternot much active during my day light hours19:46
lpotterI usually end up mumbling to myself19:46
dobeylpotter: your daylight hours are all wrong though19:46
lpotterand the moon is upside down19:47
dobeyhah. true19:47
dobeyi don't think i've ever even looked at the moon when south of the equator19:48
lpotterjust try standing on your head... same thing :)19:49
lpotterthat's what I do when I feel homesick :)20:00
dobeynot vegemite?20:01
lpottereww.. I get enough of that by having to make vegemite things for my kids20:02
lpotterfrom the us originally20:03
popeymmmmm marmite20:03
lpotterI swear you could make a house out of vegemite and wheatbix20:04
lpottersome day I will, just to prove a point20:05
davmor2lpotter: it would never work with wheatbix you'd have to use shredded wheat20:09
davmor2lpotter: be more like a straw bail house that way20:09
lpotterjust get the wheatbix wet first20:10
davmor2lpotter: hahaha20:14
stakewinner00why ubuntu touch uses dnsmasq?20:29
dobeywhy not use it?20:31
stakewinner00it's useless, or at least i don't know which utility it have on a phone.20:33
stakewinner00if i'm on wifi, and i have hotspot disable, why is it needed to be running?20:34
dobeyit's not useless20:34
dobeyit's used for dns caching20:34
dobeythe same as it is on regular ubuntu20:34
stakewinner00oh, ok, i thought it was only useful with hotspots.20:36
dobeymariogrip: hrmm, mtpd/adbd don't seem to be working on my n5 with stable #4 :-/20:38
mariogripdobey: oh, using developer mode?20:39
dobeymariogrip: yeah20:39
dobeymariogrip: well, even without, when i plug in the usb it doesn't appear in dmesg or on the launcher20:40
mariogripdobey: ok, i'll take a look20:42
dobeyoh fun. i can't run system-image-cli --switch from the terminal app either it seems. whee20:45
mariogripdobey: ok, found the issue, fix on it's way (ish 10mins)20:48
dobeymariogrip: cool, thanks20:48
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dobeymariogrip: did you make any progress on finding out why blutetooth doesn't work?21:24
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mariogripdobey: I did some debugging, but I haven't found anything yet21:43
mariogripdid the update work?21:45
dobeymariogrip: yeah, i can mtp/adb now21:45
dobeyoh hrmm21:48
dobeywell /dev/nmea seems to exist at least, for gps21:48
dobeybut gps doesn't work :-/21:48
mariogripI haven't looked to to gps yet21:50
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dobeyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telephony-service/+bug/1530934 ick21:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1530934 in telephony-service (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/telephony-service-approver:11:AalMediaPlaylistControl::setPlaybackMode:QMediaPlaylistPrivate::syncControls:QMediaPlaylist::setMediaObject:QMediaPlayer::bind:QMediaPlayerPrivate::connectPlaylist" [Undecided,New]21:59

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