
princedimondok sorry in advance for the long drawn out random question.. has any one had any luck in comparing seemless mode in virtual box vs. vmware workstation. looking to set up a home server, however some of the things i need to use it for may require a windows guest but it would b enice to use seemelss mode for this specifi application06:16
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else13:08
jedijfagain, i'm old, seemless/unity doesn't seem like anything important to me... princedimond pick preferred for operating reasons, then use their version; seemless or unity13:53
jedijfworkingness first, eye-candy'ish second13:54
jedijffor example, for me, in the office, for networking vmware seems to work better than virtualbox - so vmware is the choice13:55
KyleYankanI switch between Ethernet and Wi-Fi a lot, and Virtualbox often has trouble with that.13:56
jthanteddy-dbear: do you like potato salad?17:10
lazyPowerhey paden17:14
padenWhat's shaking, bacon?17:14
lazyPowerhacking on juju charms, and yourself paden?17:16
padenPissing jthan off.17:16
lazyPowerThats a fun past time17:16
jthanNot like you have to try that hard.17:17
padenIt is, isn't it?17:17
jthanIt's kind of just a passive thing.17:17
padenI don't have to put much effort in, to be frank.17:17
teddy-dbearjthan: not really17:17
jthanteddy-dbear: Remember when we were at geeknic together? I bet there was potato salad. That's why I thought of it.17:18
teddy-dbearnot big on a lot of mayo17:19
jthanI figured bears weren't picky about that..17:19
jthanWhat if they were made with.. I don't know.. say, honey?17:20
teddy-dbeartry cleaning your fur if it drips all over17:20
jthanThe mayo or the honey?17:20
lazyPowerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPZNjtODzFI <-- teddy-dbear's lsat home video17:20
teddy-dbearcake cookies chocolate17:21
jthanMmm and jedijf oreo cake17:21
teddy-dbearthat too17:22
teddy-dbeardonuts are also good17:23
teddy-dbearand danish17:23
jthanoh man what I'd do for a raspberry danish right now..17:23
teddy-dbearlunch time17:24
teddy-dbearyou made me hungry17:24
princedimond•jedijf• or anyone else listening ...i have VMaware workstation 11 installed (they removed unity from 12) and the reason for using the vm environment is to use a jBOD in windows storage spaces. unless i could find anythign equivelant in linux to a Jbod (not a raid array) then i may not need the widnows host but im setting up a massive multimedia server23:02

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