
=== Kilos is now known as and
=== and is now known as Kilos
Kilosmorning superfly inetpro Cryterion anton_may theblazehen and all other lurkers04:57
chesedomorning all05:20
Kilosmorning chesedo 05:21
Kilosanother day05:42
anton_maybut the same ol crap05:42
Kilosno sun yet05:42
anton_mayAt least had a R10 McDonalds special, yes not the best, but something to get me going 05:43
Kilosi used to enjoy mcdonalds when they were 2 for R1005:44
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 05:44
anton_mayYip, well it's an OJ & McEgg, Sasuage05:44
Kiloseasier than making your own05:45
* Kilos thinking05:45
Kiloswhats an OJ05:45
anton_mayOrange Juice05:45
Kilosall these abreviations drive me crazy, ubuntu is full of them05:46
Kiloswhen i watch the devs at work i get totally lost05:46
chesedooh hi again Kilos05:47
anton_mayLoL 05:47
anton_maywhatsapp - bunch of retards05:53
anton_mayblocked my testing number for yowsup because it's against there T&C's05:54
anton_mayGot Telegram working - smucks and it's much better interface05:54
Kilosi love telegram05:54
anton_mayyip, the telegram-cli is so kewl, very easy to use and a very good help menu05:55
Kilosand its the last thing to lose connection when signal is bad and faster than anything else05:55
anton_mayIt's instant05:56
Kiloseven to open the desktop version it connects in seconds05:56
anton_mayI've created a group and added myself to the group, now busy testing nagios notifications to the group05:57
Kilostakes longer in pidgin , but with pidgin you can use secret chats that the desktop app cant do05:57
anton_maythe telegram-cli you can too05:57
Kilosdroid things do secret fine05:57
Kiloswish they would on the audio side so i can dump skype05:59
anton_mayProbably over time, alot of security headers on those packets06:00
anton_mayKewl you can deamonize the program06:04
Kilosnice to see you being active here anton_may took a while06:16
anton_maywell try to06:29
Kiloshi Cryterion iqbal 06:34
KilosCryterion the name i was looking for is wormwood06:37
Kilosto do with planet x06:38
Kilosyou left my channel06:38
Cryterionah, ok06:38
CryterionI'll join again just now, something must have gone wrong with autojoin06:49
iqbalhi all06:58
Kiloshi dlPhreak 06:58
chesedohi iqbal dlPhreak07:04
dlPhreakKilos chesedo iqbal howzit07:06
Kiloslekker and there07:06
dlPhreakPretty swell thanks Kilos 07:08
pavlushkaKilos, o/07:09
pavlushkaeveryone o/07:09
Kiloshi pavlushka 07:09
dlPhreakhi pavlushka 07:10
* anton_may note to self, if laptop says battery is flat plug in power and save the work07:11
Kilosmy battery is totallt messed so only works off power07:11
Kilosgives me 2 mins to shutdown on power cuts though07:12
anton_mayi usually run my laptop battery almost dead in the mornings and then plug it in, but was so busy. I saw the notification and thought, just 5 more min then plug in.....not to be07:13
dlPhreakget conky to show battery percentage.07:13
dlPhreakreally works for me.07:13
anton_mayja will add to my other million conky notifications07:14
dlPhreakHaha I'm trying to make the most useless and OP conkyrc.07:15
pavlushkadlPhreak, Hi07:15
dlPhreakpavlushka how are you?07:15
pavlushkadlPhreak, I m fine, you?07:17
dlPhreakI'm good thank pavlushka 07:18
dlPhreakYou a new egg or old reg?07:19
chesedogreat thanks dlPhreak07:19
* chesedo also waves to pavlushka07:20
* pavlushka waving to chesedo 07:20
pavlushkachesedo, lol.07:21
* chesedo clearly missed something07:22
pavlushkachesedo, I found it amusing, the silent waving thing.07:26
pavlushkachesedo, I guess i didn't miss anything this time.07:29
pavlushkachesedo, kidding07:29
* chesedo read through it and almost waved at the screen...07:29
chesedowell, kind of almost...07:30
pavlushkachesedo, which part? i missed?07:30
chesedopavlushka: while trying to figure out 'silent waving thing'07:31
pavlushkachesedo, dlPhreak, Kilos , bye07:39
chesedoi have now had 5+ missed calls from a number, but trying to dial back results in `the number is incorrect`... how does one figure that?07:39
XsmMorning everyone.07:44
chesedohi Xsm07:45
chesedotackling the server today?07:45
XsmI managed to finish the forwarding dns server chesedo, last night.07:46
chesedowow, congrats07:47
XsmI can ssh to the server, but not get online from an internal computer. Just busy looking for the webiste that I installed the shh with, need to find the known_hosts file and the keygen. Can't get in with ssh without a password.07:48
Kiloshi Xsm 07:53
XsmHey Dad.07:54
Xsmty chesedo but still a way to go yet.07:54
Kilosmassive job hey07:55
Kilosnext one will be easier though07:55
XsmYes it will. I am sure of that. But that is why I want to make one for home, to refresh all I have done too.07:56
chesedoXsm: so the server can get online?07:57
XsmI am on it now, Xsm = server.07:58
XsmWolfeyes = inetrnal computer.07:58
chesedooh ok, sounds like just iptables are left then...07:59
Xsmand squid08:00
Xsmand this connection error08:00
Xsmchesedo: have you done two network cards before?08:00
XsmLet me rephrase that.08:01
chesedohome server, yes08:01
XsmOkay let me explain what I have done here then, I have one network card, p3p1 = and p5p1 =
XsmOr this is how I am understanding it, the p5p1 links via the isc-dns-server which links to a forwarding dns server, which links p3p1 to the router.08:05
Xsmthe p5p1 =, does this have gateways in the /etc/network/interfaces and should the subnetmask be different from the p3p1? I have seen this is different.08:07
chesedop5p1 is the internal one?08:07
Xsmin the interfaces the subnet is the same, but when I ifconfig the subnet is = p3p1 = and the p5p1 =
chesedook, so the internal links (or will link) to the external. One/both of them will use your forwarding dns server (which seems to be  isc-dns-server in your case)08:11
chesedothe internal's gateway will be itself... what is it currently?08:11
chesedobut you should not need to set it anyway...08:13
chesedosubnet or netmask?08:15
XsmWhich posses another question I have, what should the gateway be in the internal computer? Trying to ssh to the p5p1?08:17
chesedothe subsets can be same since the ip ranges differ as far a i knw08:18
Xsmlet me get that internals computers details.08:18
chesedofor the internals the gateway is the server08:18
Xsmwhich card though?08:18
Xsmthere is two or shouldn't it matter, prefferably the internal card for security.08:19
chesedosince p5p1 is internal
* chesedo thinks the internal's interfaces will also need network and broadcast set, but will see (mine has for a dchp setup)08:20
Xsminternal computer08:26
chesedoseems ok (will set the dns now now)08:27
chesedocan it ping the server08:28
Xsmbut no internet.08:30
chesedothats where the iptables will come in...08:31
chesedodidn't you have a dchp-server also setup on the server?08:32
Xsmhttp://bin.snyman.info/mmmndnug        <------ server08:32
chesedowon't you rather use it to give the clients static addresses? which one do you have btw?08:34
chesedoor maybe play with that later... to get the internal to reach the internet you will have to setup masquerading08:37
* chesedo saw you mention someone masquerading the other day...08:38
chesedoXsm: broke something?08:48
XsmTelkom card disconnecting, something I had to learn int he process that it isn't always the network cards or firewall breaking the internet connection.08:51
chesedoouch, that can be a pain08:51
XsmYeah tell me about it but now I know if I been connected for a while, and it just goes off, it's the telkom sim card.08:54
anton_mayDon't know if I should laugh or cry --> https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2016/03/07/announcing-sql-server-on-linux/10:37
dlPhreakanton_may: I thought the exact same thing when I saw this yesterday.10:54
MaNIcry, at the thought of possibly having to support it11:02
MaNIwhy oh why can't everyone just use postgresql11:02
anton_mayi wonder if any linux os can support all the updates that will be coming through every min?11:18
anton_maysweet nagios reporting through telegram and working way better than whatsapp11:29
superflyGood morning Kilos11:31
Kiloshello my fly11:31
Kilosbentoboom boom connection gone12:04
anton_maybonjourno kilosbento, come se va?12:04
Kilosbentono spika that language senor12:05
=== Kilosbento is now known as Kilos
anton_mayak ok spiacente12:06
Kilosdis ekke man12:06
Kilosop bento OS12:07
anton_maylol ek weet12:07
anton_mayspiacente = sorry12:08
Kilossnaaks my ander dongle ding willie knek nie12:08
anton_maydan gooi hom in die swembad12:09
Kilos-this telkom tower is so afraid of lightning that even if a boom is heard far away connection goes12:10
Kilos-weather liar just said expect heavy rain all day12:11
anton_mayGoogle weather says PTA thunder storms12:14
Kilos-lets hope more storms and less thunder12:16
qwebirc93708good day everyone12:17
Kilos-hi qwebirc93708 12:17
Kilos-welcome to ubuntu-za12:17
qwebirc93708thank you very much12:17
anton_maywazzup <qwebirc9370812:17
qwebirc93708i have a question for you , i have a Vodafone Webbook and i want to reload the OS on it as its a bit faulty. Do you know how i can do this12:19
Kilos-just be patient, someone will have the answer for you12:19
qwebirc93708thank you 12:19
qwebirc93708it has Ubuntu linux 2.6.35-13-charlotte (armv7) on ti12:20
Kilos-we can of course ask our bot to google it12:21
Kilos-but tell us first what the problem is12:21
Kilos-as in what is a bit faulty12:22
Kilos-maybe we can give you a command to sort it out12:22
qwebirc93708i can install software as there are two "charlotte" file corupt or missing12:23
qwebirc93708i can udate cause it keep giving that errror to repair these two files12:24
Kilosdoes it have synaptic on it12:24
Kilosyou cant use the terminal right?12:24
Kilosoh good12:25
Kilosin synaptic12:25
Kilosyou tick on the second button from left12:25
Kilosand it gives an option to repair broken packages12:25
Kiloslet me open synaptic here so i can see for sure12:26
qwebirc93708yes it does , tried in term and it does nothing12:26
qwebirc93708the files are as follows12:26
Kiloslets try 12:27
Kilossudo touch /forcefsck12:28
Kilosthen reboot12:28
Kilosit will run a filesystem check12:28
qwebirc93708when i run " apt-get install - f" it gives an error and does not repair12:28
Kilos-sudo dpkg --configure -a12:29
qwebirc93708its rebooting12:29
Kilos-were you installing something when this started12:30
Kilos-anton_may speak up12:31
Kilos-ek dom man12:31
qwebirc93708nope, this was a computer for the kids, now they have laptops and i want to use when i go meetings12:31
qwebirc93708so what they did with i dont know12:32
Kilos-aha then we find a way to fix it12:32
Kilos-then you tied to us for life hey12:32
Kilos-is it still fixing things12:33
qwebirc93708it just rebooted normally12:33
Kilos-what is that charlotte thing do12:34
Kilos-for i mean12:34
qwebirc93708i dont know12:34
Kilos-let me go to desktop. i lost connection there for a bit12:35
Kilosdo you see the package in synaptic12:36
qwebirc93708yes i do12:36
Kiloswhat does it say at the bottom, what does it do12:37
qwebirc93708but it wont repair or reinstall 12:37
Kilosand no remove option12:38
Kilosor remove completely12:38
qwebirc93708i tried that also12:38
Kilosoh my12:38
qwebirc93708it says 2 pakakges to be upgraded12:38
Kilosok tick reload at the top12:39
qwebirc93708did that12:39
Kilosthen then mark all upgrades12:39
Kilosthen apply12:39
qwebirc93708mark all upgrades , it running now lets what happens12:40
qwebirc93708sorry for taking up your time with all this sillyness12:41
Kilos-no man, thats why we have this channel12:42
Kilos-you are welcome here anytime and all the time12:42
Kilos-most of us are here everyday12:42
qwebirc93708it seems like this is going to take some time (1196 to download)12:42
Kilos-wow wy behind12:43
qwebirc93708i think it has been in a box for alomost 2 years now12:44
qwebirc93708dicided to take it out and see what i can use it for12:44
Kilos-good now you found us12:44
Kilos-when its working you can install xchat and set it up to connect here12:45
Kilos-then you have a proper irc client working12:45
Kilos-just type this in the terminal qwebirc93708 12:50
Kilos-lsb_release -a12:50
Kilos-lets see what ubuntu release is on there12:51
qwebirc93708will do the xchat12:53
Kilos-upgrading done?12:53
Kilos-that was fast12:53
qwebirc9370810.04 lucid12:54
Kilos-oh my12:54
Kilos-thats old12:54
qwebirc93708ubuntu 10.04 LTS12:54
Kilos-im on 14.0412:54
Kilos-and 16.04 will be out soon12:54
* chesedo thinks EOL12:55
qwebirc93708ok , for arm processros ?12:55
Kilos-strange it still finds upgrades12:55
Kilos-lts releases are only supported for 5 years12:56
qwebirc93708oh crap12:56
Kilos-you just upgrade then12:56
qwebirc93708then how do i load a new version on ?12:56
qwebirc93708its still downloading12:57
Kilos-ok lets see if this fixes it first12:57
Kilos-then we worry about upgrading12:58
Kilos-chesedo you okes will have to take over then, i remember something that was different with  arms processors13:00
qwebirc93708do you know what thos two "charlotte" file are for13:00
Kilos-but if we can upgrade lts to lts it should know where to go13:01
Kilos-let me google13:01
chesedoKilos-: have no experience with arms, but think it might be upgrading now already...13:03
Kilos-hopefully not 10.1013:03
qwebirc937087 min left13:04
Kilos-normally you must do release upgrades to go later release13:04
chesedothat is also EOL, so guess it is going to 12.0413:04
Kilos-anyway if it works thats good then we can work it out13:04
Kilos-hopefully yes13:05
Kilos-then there is still time till eol of 12.0413:05
Kilos-i have 12.04 running on desktop too13:05
Kilos-was a good release13:06
Kilos-only the nm was stupid13:06
qwebirc93708i dont really like the unity desktop, Gnome is good for me13:07
qwebirc93708on my other laptop I'm runnung linux lite13:07
qwebirc93708with Xfce413:07
qwebirc93708but its all debian based, so i'm happy13:08
qwebirc93708not a fan of rpm's13:08
Kilos-yeah i run kde in 14.0413:08
Kilos-didnt enjoy the xfce13:09
qwebirc93708not many do13:10
qwebirc93708i liked KDE on on knoppix13:10
Kilos-but its lighter than kde and unity13:10
qwebirc93708yes it is , that iwhy i run xfce13:10
Kilos-you an old hand then13:10
qwebirc93708yip , started on caldera linux13:11
Kilos-there is a lighter private ubuntu called bento , it use openbox13:11
Kilos-nice and fast13:11
qwebirc93708thnx , will check it out :)13:11
qwebirc93708ok finished dowloading , starting the install. 13:12
qwebirc93708lets see13:12
Kilos-im sure it will work now13:13
Kilos-synaptic is quite efficient13:13
Kilos-save this link somewhere13:14
anton_maysorry need my help?13:14
qwebirc93708error : could not perform immediate configuration on ' python2.7-minimal' . please see man5 apt.conf under ::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)13:14
Kilos-yes anton_may ^^13:15
Kilos-does it go on qwebirc93708 or stick there13:15
qwebirc93708all help would be welcome , Kilos is a real wonderfull person for helping me13:16
Kilos-anton_may old 10.04 webbook thats been in the cupboard for 2 years13:16
Kilos-now giving errors13:17
Kilos-some sick conf file or something13:18
Kilos-qwebirc93708 was that error in the beginning of the installing13:18
Kilos-or were some packages already installed13:18
Kilos-chesedo dont just sit there13:19
Kilos-help me man13:19
qwebirc93708yes there was an error13:21
chesedosorry Kilos- am busy, will give input if i spot something wrong13:22
Kilos-someone will work it out13:22
* chesedo knows very little of broken installs13:22
Kilos-ok qwebirc93708 close synaptic13:22
Kilos-lets try command line repairs13:22
chesedoway not install fresh?13:23
Kilos-where you get iso for arm13:23
qwebirc93708if someone can tell me how to install fes on this hardware i would do it in flash13:24
qwebirc93708it comes preinstalled from vodacom 13:24
qwebirc93708and i cant find a way to get in the bios13:24
anton_mayThe only thing I canis this --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1977379 - Don't know what to tell you13:25
Kilos-im looking for a how to13:25
Kilos-that link just tells the story about its release here13:27
Kilos-superfly you have some time?13:28
Kilos-error : could not perform immediate configuration on ' python2.7-minimal' . please see man5 apt.conf under ::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)13:28
qwebirc93708there is not much on the we for this webbook13:28
Kilos-i thinks its the arm side13:29
qwebirc93708yip , got again after tried to do the upgrades13:29
Kilos-does if have a dvd13:29
Kilos-usb ports?13:29
Kilos-ok so we need to get into bios to tell it to boot from usb13:30
qwebirc93708thats the question of the day13:30
Kilos-qwebirc93708 13:31
qwebirc93708yes 13:31
Kilos-that last link has some info13:31
Kilos-close synaptic13:31
Kilos-try terminal13:31
Kilos-error : could not perform immediate configuration on ' python2.7-minimal' . please see man5 apt.conf under ::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)13:31
Kilos-sudo apt-get install -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false -f apt python-minimal13:32
qwebirc93708give me 5 and i will give feedback13:32
qwebirc93708ok , did that13:38
qwebirc93708busy with the dist-upgrade13:38
qwebirc93708it asked me do i want to contineu ? Yes13:39
qwebirc93708 error : could not perform immediate configuration on ' python2.7-minimal' . please see man5 apt.conf under ::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)13:39
Kilos-\well spotted anton_may ty13:39
Kilos-oh no13:39
Kilos-sudo apt-get -f install -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false13:40
anton_maysudo apt-get install -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false -f apt python-minimal13:41
anton_mayThen running do-release-upgrad13:41
Kilos-ah tumbles was imvolved13:42
qwebirc93708ok , having a go at that now13:42
Kilos-wow lots of work there13:43
Kilos-with luck before we reach the bottom of the page well have it13:44
anton_maylol uh hu13:44
Kilos-stephano normally gets things right13:44
qwebirc93708still getting error on the " charlotte-config  /   charlotte-config-za " files13:45
Kilos-apt-get install -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false -f dpkg apt python-minimal13:45
qwebirc93708cant find them anywhere13:45
anton_maytrying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10?13:47
qwebirc93708just trying to get to work again13:47
qwebirc93708upgrade is a secondry option13:47
qwebirc93708Kilos , the last command did not work either .13:50
Kilos-keep working your way down the page i see stuff about upgrading  update manager13:50
Kilos-i read too slow13:51
anton_mayHere is a bug report on the webbook --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/98629613:51
Kilos-oh wait. what hard drive does it have13:52
anton_mayshould probably be a ssd13:52
Kilos-maybe plug it into another laptop and install 14.04 there 13:52
qwebirc93708is there a way i can do the upgrades before the "uninstall"13:52
Kilos-do you have aptitude13:53
qwebirc93708for It , yes13:53
Kilos-i think 10.10 sill had it13:53
Kilos-sudo aptitude reinstall python2.7 i think13:53
Kilos-that should give some feedback on how to fix he error13:54
Kilos-or workarounds13:54
qwebirc93708Kilos, youve been such great help. thnx13:55
Kilos-if its an ssd you can put it in your laptop and do everything there then replace13:55
Kilos-i enjoy these kind of probs13:55
qwebirc93708i think this ubuntu is just going to end up in the dustbin13:55
Kilos-101.10 ye13:55
Kilos-butif you can tell bios to boot from usb then you need to install in another laptop13:56
Kilos-if you cant13:56
dlPhreakKilos-: do you have telegram?13:58
qwebirc93708will run linux lite on the lonovo, this vodafone ubuntu is not working13:58
anton_mayYour problem is Vodafone13:59
Kilos-voda anything is probs14:00
anton_mayok i'm out of here see all tomorrow, time to tackle the rain and traffic on the n114:00
qwebirc93708true  , lol14:00
Kilos-cheers anton_may 14:00
qwebirc93708good luck and thnx for all14:00
Kilos-qwebirc93708 try the drive in your laptop14:01
Kilos-then you can install annything on it14:01
qwebirc93708it does not have a drive in that voda thingy14:01
Kilos-oh my14:01
qwebirc93708its built into the motherboard14:01
Kilos-oh my14:01
Kilos-that sucks14:01
Kilos-but would be interesting to ty work out14:02
Kilos-there must be a way14:02
qwebirc93708basicly a tablet with a keyboard on14:02
qwebirc93708there must be a way14:02
Kilos-i wonder what they used to install ubuntu14:02
Kilos-its a shame to trash stuff that can still work14:03
qwebirc93708keep moaning it cant un-install that charlotte crap so it wont contineu14:03
qwebirc93708it is a shame , i agree14:03
Kilos-do you see packages names for charlotte14:03
Kilos-then do sudo aptitude purge charlotte whatever14:04
qwebirc93708charlotte-config  /   charlotte-config-za  this is all it says14:04
qwebirc93708running synaptic again to see if i can find charlotte-config  /   charlotte-config-za 14:05
Kilos-oh that will be in home somewhere14:07
Kilos-all the configs are there14:07
Kilos-hidden files14:07
qwebirc93708charlotte-config  /   charlotte-config-za  is a configuration papckage built into the linux image for these devices14:08
Kilos-oh my14:08
Kilos-ok in synaptic14:08
qwebirc93708yes in synaptic14:09
Kilos-tick settings and repositories14:09
qwebirc93708and charlotte-config  /   charlotte-config-za 14:09
Kilos-the whloe linux image is charlot14:09
Kilos-then see in updates 14:10
Kilos-bottom one should be lts updates14:11
Kilos-that whole arm release is called charlotte14:11
inetprouh oh!14:12
Kilos-inetpro fix it14:12
Kilos-qwebirc93708 here is mr fixit but he normally gets here at 8.30pm14:12
inetproI'm fixed man, what' wrong with you oom?14:12
Kilos-shame man qwebirc93708 struggling with a vodafone webbook14:13
Kilos-10.10 on it14:13
qwebirc93708oom says , ubuntu Charlotte distro on vodafone webbook is broken 14:13
Kilos-and charlotte is sick the cow14:13
Kilos-qwebirc93708 you will lear14:14
Kilos-im the front door here14:14
Kilos-then guys pop in as you struggle14:14
Kilos-and at the back door is inetpro with a large hammer14:14
qwebirc93708nice place you have here, you made me feel welcome14:15
Kilos-when everyone else has had a go inetpro or superfly come fix it14:15
* inetpro reads the backlogs14:16
Kilos-sjoe long read14:16
qwebirc93708well then , inetpro guru , i'm just a noob14:16
Kilos-Maaz coffee on14:17
* Maaz starts grinding coffee14:17
Kilos-qwebirc93708 order coffee by typing maaz coffee please14:17
qwebirc93708you guys remind me of the irc day in the late 80' and early 90's14:18
Kilos-haha qwebirc93708 you cant say that, he is gonna read when you started14:18
qwebirc93708i wish i could change my handle to my old name there14:18
Kilos-you can14:18
Kilos-type in /nick newname14:18
=== qwebirc93708 is now known as Happy_h
Kilos-hi Happy_h 14:19
Kilos-when you got xchat going register that nick14:19
Happy_hwill do 14:19
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos-!14:21
Kilos-Maaz ty14:23
MaazYou are welcome Kilos-14:23
Kilos-i wonder if one could do a reote install on that webbook14:23
Happy_his there a way i can replace the missing files or reinstall them , just those two charlotte things14:28
Kilos-lets hear what pro and fly say14:29
Kilos-if you know the correct name thern aptitude reinstall should work14:30
Happy_hgiving it go now14:32
Happy_hhow can i tell ubuntu to install something and ignore all other installs ot uninstalls14:33
Kilos-Happy_h use aptitude reinstall14:35
Happy_hi did14:35
Kilos-if you can name those 2 packages correctly then aptitude could work14:36
Kilos-oh my i did that twice14:36
Happy_hit first wants to unstall the old ones and the it crashes and burns14:36
Kilos-what does aptitude say14:36
Happy_hseems that when the unity 2-D was removed it broke the charlotte packages14:37
Kilos-ubuntu mate could work thats still gnome214:39
Kilos-but how to install14:39
Happy_hand then it says to me , "this mightmean you need to manually fix this package"14:40
Kilos-let the pro think aboutit14:40
Kilos-se if you can find anything about doing a reote install14:41
Kilos-maybe you can ssh to it or something14:41
Happy_hthe thing is , i have root on this webbook , ssh aint going to change much14:44
Kilos-i wonder how they installed it originally14:45
Happy_hme too14:45
Kilos-that will be the way to get in14:46
Happy_hif i can figure that out i will install Kali - Arm iso14:46
Kilos-oh wait14:46
Kilos-the is a fix broken apt-get command14:46
Kilos-whew typos14:46
Kilos-there is14:46
Kilos-you done this Happy_h 14:49
Kilos- sudo apt-get -f install14:49
Happy_h-f is for "force" even as root it does not work14:50
Kilos-look at this link14:50
Kilos-i just worry we mess up worse14:51
Kilos-Maaz it does not work14:51
MaazKilos-: I already know stuff about it14:51
Happy_hlol , i dont think so peddewan , its a dustbin case anyway14:51
Kilos-pro sometimes comes up with simple fixes to what others battle for days with14:52
Kilos-eish i was added to the padawan tuff14:53
Kilos-now im scared to even go look there14:53
Kilos-Happy_h does this mean all those webbook got thrown away?14:55
Kilos-or only those that didnt keep up to date before eol14:56
Kilos-wow what a waste14:56
Happy_hit nwas the 1laptop for every child attempt that vodacom did with partnership with ubuntu14:57
Happy_hbut then bussiness came along and said no14:57
Kilos-if the guys have no suggestions then we find if its possible to get into bios and tell it to boot from usb14:57
Happy_hthey will rather sell them and try and make a couple of bucks14:57
Kilos-anything voda is evil14:58
Kilos-where are you Happy_h 14:58
Happy_hso vodacom imported alot and when they sold them of they disowned it14:58
Kilos-im in ptown14:58
Kilos-we getting more14:59
Kilos-the cape is way ahead of us but we are catching up slowly14:59
Happy_htrust me this thing have been testing my LPI-2 and RHCE brain stukkend15:00
Kilos-well done on the qualifications15:00
Happy_hoh yes, even the big company i work for is behind15:00
Happy_hi like this webbook , it has a 5 hour battery life , even after bieng about 5 years old15:03
inetproHappy_h, Kilos-: sorry guys, work taking all my focus away from here.. will have to chat later15:08
Kilos-ty inetpro 15:09
Kilos-wow Happy_h well then fixing it is the only way15:09
inetproKilos-: how's the weather btw?15:09
Kilos-overcast but not raining inetpro 15:10
Kilos-odd drizzle now and again15:10
inetprohow have you had?15:10
Kilos-i go see15:10
inetproyou think there's more coming?15:10
Happy_hthanx Kilos and inetpro15:10
inetprohow much*15:11
Kilos-5 early am and 2 with this afternoons storm15:13
inetproKilos-: hmm... 15:14
inetproso little15:14
* inetpro thought it came down much more here15:14
inetprowish I had a rain meter here at the office as well15:14
Kilos-im msure town rains much more than here15:15
Kilos-hey Happy_h gauteng is a big place man15:15
Kilos-im slow15:16
Kilos-almost falling asleep here15:16
inetproone day when I'm grown up I'll install my own smart weather station so I can look at it when ever I want15:16
Kilos-it wont affect how much water falls15:17
Happy_harduino's have cool project for that15:17
inetprojust need to connect with https://www.wunderground.com/15:18
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosweather report at lunch time said continuous heavy rain all day15:19
Kilos7mm isnt very heavy15:19
Kilosbut the weeds are happy15:20
Happy_hgauten is a small place Kilos15:21
Kilosnono i walk everywhere15:22
Happy_hNew York is ig15:22
Kilosja  i spose you right15:22
KilosHappy_h how big is the drive in that thing'15:33
Kilosmaybe we can shrink it and install another OS alongside15:34
Happy_hlet me check drive size15:36
Kilosalso did you try this 15:36
Kiloscd to /var/cache/apt/archives15:37
Kilossudo dpkg -i python2.7-minimal* python-minimal*15:37
Kilosoh your apt-get is working15:38
Happy_h4 gig15:43
Kilosaw too small15:45
Kilosunless you install tinycorelinux15:46
Kilosthats under 100 meg15:46
Kilosdo you have a flash you can put an iso on, maybe thats how they installed originally15:46
Kilosso then it will boot from usb15:47
Kilosthat stupid thing has me hooked on finding a solution now15:49
Happy_hlol, welcome to my maze of insanity Kilos15:51
Happy_hive been at it for a while now15:51
Kilosthats how my pc carrear started, working with discards15:51
Kilosmany throw away things work well once you ad ten years to your life with all the struggling15:52
Happy_hmine to , back in 198815:52
Kilosmine only started a year before ubuntu 8.0415:53
Kilosso 200815:53
Kilosim a mechanic and farmer person15:53
Happy_hthat really shows my age .  ........LOL15:53
Kiloshow old are you , im sure im older15:54
Happy_h24 in reverse15:54
Kilosyou a baby still15:54
Kilosim65 in june15:54
Happy_hnever to old to learn , converted my dad @ 67 to linux15:55
Happy_hhad to stop his evel micro&^$ ways15:55
Kiloswe have another guy that visits here that is 8 years older than i am15:56
Kilosthats why im on linux, windows drove me mad15:56
Kilosin one years15:56
Happy_hme too15:57
Happy_hlinux is easy to use , just this is driving me up the wall15:58
Kilosyou didnt answer man15:58
Kiloshave you got a stick and an iso to try if it boots from usb15:59
Happy_hyes i did15:59
Happy_hcant get to boot15:59
Kilosdoes the stick boot in your lappy16:00
Happy_hoh yes16:00
Kilosoh my16:00
Kilosso its finding bios thats next16:00
Kilosok what make of laptop is it16:02
Kilosbefore voda stuff stuck all over16:02
Happy_hvodafone webbook on916:03
Happy_hits a webbook16:03
Happy_hlike the eeepc kinda thingy16:03
Kilosi found others with netbook probs similar16:03
Kilosthere must be a manufacturer , voda just came and messed it up16:06
Kilosthey wont spend money on hardware manufacture16:06
Happy_hlet me check16:06
Kilosbut what is strange is where did it go download all those packages from if 10.10 has ended support16:09
Kilosthat means the repo is shutdown16:09
Happy_hi found it i found it i found it i found it 16:12
Happy_hgot it o boot from usb16:13
Happy_hnow i need to get an ARMv7 iso16:13
Happy_hif you remove the battery , there is a little dip switch to put it into a "maintenace" mode16:14
Kilosoh yes i read something about a switch there16:14
Happy_hthen it starts up and looks for a bootable device16:14
Kilosbut they didnt say what it does16:14
Kilosi suppose if you can do redhat you can do kali16:16
Happy_hyes going to try now16:16
Happy_hkali will e my choice16:17
* Kilos hears inetpro breathe a sigh of relief16:19
Kilosi think i found the cure for 10.10 as well16:22
Kilosdependancies missing16:22
Kilosnope not good for everyone either16:24
Kiloskali is good then i can close many links in my poor overloaded browser16:25
Xsmpouring with beautiful rain here.16:27
Happy_hnow ive got one thi to figure out 16:28
Kiloswhat Happy_h 16:28
Kilosstill min here Xsm 16:28
Happy_hhow to make the usb bootable16:28
Kilosunetbootin Happy_h 16:29
Kilosin ubuntu rpos i think16:29
Happy_hfor ARM 16:29
Kilosunetbootin makes lekker install sticks16:29
Happy_hthat is with normal iso's16:29
Kilosthe iso is for arm isnt it16:29
Kilosoh my does that also change16:30
Happy_hxzcat kali-$version-rpi2.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdb bs=512k16:32
Happy_hfor armv716:32
Kilosyou must hang out here all the time then i can rest16:33
Kilosdont forget xchat16:34
Happy_hno i wont16:34
Happy_hi have forgotten how much fun irc can be16:34
Kiloswe are the friendliest ubuntu channel16:35
Happy_hoh yes16:35
Happy_hthat is true16:35
Happy_hi got go start with dinner, will chat again soon16:37
Happy_hthanx for the help today16:37
Kilosyou welcome16:37
Kiloscheers for now , see you soon16:38
Xsmhey Cryterion Na3iL17:12
Na3iLHello o/17:12
Kiloslook in your router17:44
Kilosthere is some place i saw that times out17:45
Kiloslots of numbers17:45
Kilosbut its seconds17:45
Kilosadd lots more17:45
Kiloshi fusionsparc Sxuza iqbal 17:49
Sxuzahey Kilos :)17:50
Sxuzawhat u guys upto ?17:50
Kilosresting now, had a good run trying to get a vodsfone webbook to work17:51
Kilosno harddrive all onboard17:51
Xsmokay I will look into that17:52
Kilosinetpro you can breathe easy17:52
Kilosi  think i added three ooo at the end17:53
Kiloshope it helps boy17:53
Xsmtrying to make the ssh work, or understand it before I try to make it work lol17:54
Kilosbut at least you are connecting again so you getting there17:54
fusionsparcHey Kilos 17:54
fusionsparcBeen well?17:54
Kilosdont forget the password Xsm 17:54
Kilosyes ty fusionsparc and you?17:55
XsmI am busy trying to understand that 17:55
fusionsparcbeen good.17:55
Sxuzawhat do u guys think of the future of internet radio stations ?17:57
fusionsparcBeen there for ages, quite competitive as anyone can start a stream these day...imo..17:59
XsmNot sure what they are exactly?18:00
Kilosdata hogs18:02
Kilosonly for cable peeps18:02
Kilosoh my gone again18:03
Kiloswb Xsm 18:03
Kilosdo you have another sim from another isp you can test with18:04
Kilosthen you will see if its the sim18:04
Kilosor just fone them and ask but whyyyyy18:04
Kilosshame another guy in bangladesh has similar prob and after many part joins freenode or irc kicked him for 240 minutes18:06
KilosXsm is ssh difficult18:21
Kiloswhen i had a server here it was simple but they were direct cable connected18:21
Kilosdo you want to ssh from a windows machine18:22
Xsmboth windows and linux18:29
XsmBut just setting up what to do through cli with the passwords etc18:30
Kilosis the path through the router the prob18:30
Kilosip i static hey18:30
Kilosmust be or how will you know what ip to ssh to18:31
KilosMaaz seen mopkop18:31
MaazKilos: mopkop was last seen 8 months, 20 days, 37 minutes and 48 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-06-23 10:53:49 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-06-23 11:23:11 PDT18:31
XsmI ping the server but can't login into it because of password18:36
Kilosyou must know the servers password18:37
Xsmit doesn't work on that password18:37
Kilosoh my18:37
Kiloswhat password does it want them18:37
Kilosdont you see a popup with an allow option18:38
Kiloson the server that is18:38
Kilosgood luck boy18:42
Kilosi must sleep18:42
Kilosnight all, sleep tight18:42
Xsmeish - missed him18:50
Cryterionnight everyone19:27

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