
zen_could someone help me file a bug: On my Lenove e560 when I keep buttons pressed they "lock" so when I let hold of them they still "fire" input, or for example the arrow keys then insert 4444 or 666600:46
zen_I don't know what package to run ubuntu-bug against00:46
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flocculantreads like something is taking your long press to be a call to onboard or the like00:55
zen_i searched a bit00:57
flocculantI guess00:57
zen_exactly that problem00:57
flocculantI've no idea even what desktop you're using00:57
zen_ubuntu xenial, unity00:58
flocculantso you get this only when charging?00:58
zen_unplugging the charger solves it00:58
zen_just found this right now00:58
flocculantI had an issue with a mate's laptop and when it was charging00:59
flocculantzen_: I know this sounds bizarre - but charge the laptop - grab hold of the charger plug at the laptop end - same issue or not?01:00
zen_I should grap the charging adapter?01:01
flocculantwell you could - didn't try that - the plug 'into' the laptop01:02
zen_I don't know if I get what you want01:03
flocculantbasically I found that dodgy grounding in a charger caused the keyboard/or touchpad to stop working properly01:03
zen_my main question is01:03
zen_should i file a bug against linux or what package01:03
zen_it doesn't happen in preinstalled windows01:03
zen_okay, checking for grounding issues01:04
zen_I got annother 3rd party charger at work01:05
zen_will also check that, if that's changing the issue01:05
flocculantif it is the charger then -- hardware, get one with grounding - windows might like it - but who know's what else it likes ;)01:05
zen_yeah, I know01:05
flocculantas far as reporting - something like that has got to be really basic - so maybe linux01:06
zen_do you know where I could see debug output from "input events"01:06
zen_maybe that can help01:06
flocculantxev perhaps?01:07
zen_okay, thanks so far01:12
zen_will try to further narrow down the problem first01:12
zen_not sure if lenovo support can help me with "unsupported" linux problems01:12
zen_but will try that too01:12
flocculantI'd report to linux - see if you get asked stuff01:12
flocculantyou can always change afterwards if it makes more sense and get apport to append stuff01:13
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lotuspsychjeinteresting for future support: http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-recommends-open-source-amdgpu-and-radeon-drivers-for-ubuntu-16-04-lts-501556.shtml06:26
user_7755Allah is doing07:42
user_7755sun is not doing Allah is doing07:43
daxoh god are you the Allah Spammah again07:43
daxi thought you got bored07:43
user_7755moon is not doing Allah is doing07:43
user_7755stars are not doing Allah is doing07:43
daxanyway. another note to add to lotuspsychje's comment: fglrx is being deprecated by AMD upstream, it's not an Ubuntu-specific decision07:45
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BluesKajohwdy folks13:35
BluesKajhowdy, even :-)13:36
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zetherooIs Ubuntu 16.04 going to have a new window theme? :)15:50
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UrsulaHi. I just bought a new laptop (that is empty) and it kinda needs a OS on it as soon as possible. Would it be unwise/unsafe to install 16.04 now? Or is it stable for daily use?17:33
k1lUrsula: if you need to ask dont install development releases :)17:33
Ursulak1l: I don't know what that means.17:34
k1lUrsula: its quite stable, but it can break any minute. and then you need to figure out yourself, if its a bug or another issue.17:34
k1lUrsula: if you are worried about stableness dont use development releases17:34
Ursulak1l: Ah. I guess I need to figure out something else then.17:35
k1lUrsula: install 15.10. you can upgrade to 16.04 on release day17:35
Ursulak1l: I only asked this question because people always told me in the past that they never recommend upgrading. They always told me to do a fresh install. :|17:36
Ursulak1l: And by people = #ubuntu17:36
k1lubuntu got automated testings for upgrades. they work since 8 years or such17:36
Ursulak1l: Well, then I don't know why people always tell me to not upgrade.17:37
k1lso if you dont do too much changes from the vanilla ubuntu (like using 3rd party PPAs etc) then it should be safe. if there is no hardware related issue.17:37
varaindemianwill be transparent the top bar in the next ubuntu LTS release?17:37
Ursulak1l: Sounds like an option to upgrade, but I need to think a little bit more about it.17:38
FritigernI don;t know why they would not recommend upgrading. upgrading is fully supported.17:38
lotuspsychjevaraindemian: you can tweak top bar transparant right now already17:38
lotuspsychjevaraindemian: with ccsm17:38
UrsulaFritigern: No idea.17:38
FritigernUrsula: Just install 15.10, then when 16.04 comes you will be asked if you want to upgrade. And forget those naysayers. I have upgraded since 6.10, that is almost 10 years!17:39
lotuspsychjeFritigern: but lets wait till final release to see what changes xenial will bring17:39
UrsulaFritigern: XD17:39
lotuspsychjevaraindemian: ^17:39
UrsulaFritigern: That is crazy.17:39
UrsulaFritigern: Do you still have any screens from your 6.10 days? Would be cool to see.17:40
FritigernSo Ursula, don't worry about the whole upgrading thing. I compare those people with MS tech support. If your mouse has issues, MS will direct you to reinstall Windows or something else drastic like that, only because they have no idea how to fix an issue.17:41
FritigernAnd no, I never made screenshots. Well, perhaps I have one laying around but I would have to dig really deep.17:42
lotuspsychjebut that doesnt mean upgrades cant go wrong sometimes17:42
UrsulaFritigern: Yeah, I will probably do just that. 15.10 -> 16.04.17:42
Ursulalotuspsychje: God damn it! XD17:42
lotuspsychjeUrsula: people do not always do it the ubuntu way, and install pa's or other manual stuff17:43
UrsulaOne step forward, and two steps back.17:43
Fritigernlotuspsychje: It also does not mean that it WILL go wrong. But if you want to do fresh installs, that's fine, just don;t go and tell people that they should not upgrade.17:43
lotuspsychjei didnt17:43
lotuspsychjejust make sure you make backups :p17:43
UrsulaI have to go now, but I'll do 15.10 --> make backups --> wait for 16.04 and upgrade.17:44
UrsulaBye all.17:44
* Fritigern waves at Ursula17:45
* lotuspsychje is curious about the 16.04 ==> 16.10 upgrade and transition to unity8...17:46
* Fritigern is more curious about Wayland in Kubuntu17:46
lotuspsychjealot of changes ahead of us :p17:47
lotuspsychjeconvergenge, snappy,unity8,new phone models,wayland,..17:48
lotuspsychjeyep unity817:48
FritigernI don't see myself beiing happy with all the changes. For instance, when Unity frist got introduced, I gave it a good try, but in the end I could not get used to it and switched to KDE. Phones mean absolutely nothing to me, I don;t even have a mobile phone, so an Ubuntu phone is nice for some, but I shrug at them.As for the rest, I'll have to wait and see what I wil think.17:53
lotuspsychjeFritigern: well i look at it this way, rather have ubuntu on all machines then unsecure 4ndroid right17:55
lotuspsychjeso there are flavors for anyone/machines17:55
lotuspsychjeeveryone does what he like17:55
BluesKajFritigern, I have an inexpensive android phone which I use mainly as a phone rather than all the computer like options., but it's nice to check email etc on it ,but that's all i use it for ..no data plan or texting on this device17:59
varaindemianwill be transparent the top bar in the next ubuntu LTS release?19:06
k1lvaraindemian: if you dont read the answers why do you ask?19:07
varaindemiank1l, which means it will be :)19:08
k1lvaraindemian: scroll back up and read the answers19:09
varaindemiank1l,  fully supported.19:09
varaindemianI meant <lotuspsychje> varaindemian: you can tweak top bar transparant right now already19:10
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streulmahello Secure Boot is driving me crazy. 16.04 installer disabled Secure Boot. How can I enable again? If I boot from usb it says Booting in Insecure Mode, BIOS says Secure Boot is Enabled19:36
BluesKajstreulma, try legacy mode, unless you need uefi boot19:57
streulmaits american trends bios20:09
streulmabooting in insecure mode bug, weird20:09
nicomachusI just did a fresh install of the Xenial daily, and I'm getting 404's on all my sources. :/20:10
nicomachusand I'm getting connection refused if I try to access it by ssh, too... hmm. port is open, and the host@ip is correct.20:12
nicomachuswhy are all the sources "True" instead of "Xenial"?20:25
snowgogglesnicomachus: i'm doing a daily update right now but from canadian sources..20:26
nicomachuslooks like all the 404's are coming from one IP, so I suppose a mirror would probably fix it.20:26
ChibaPetHey all. I'm considering a bug report, but I want to know if there's something trivial I've missed first. (Although if there is, it might still be worth a bug report.) To wit, on my wife's system with unity-desktop installed, there is a crazy amount of "resistance" moving between screens.20:39
ChibaPetAlso, same system, it was often quite difficult to get the launcher to pop up on the left side of the screen when switching screens. Lastly, I saw no way to cause the launcher to only appear on one monitor.l20:39
ChibaPetAre these things controllable normally? Like, hit box for autoraising the launcher, value for edge resistance, etc?20:40
snowgogglesChibaPet:  i'm having performance issues with the launcher outright....but i'm running in a vm so....different story altogether20:44
nicomachussnowgoggles: vbox?20:45
snowgogglesnicomachus: vmware 12 hardware version 12 chose ubuntu 64 bit20:45
nicomachusah ok. I was having trouble with xenial on vbox a few months ago.20:46
ChibaPetsnowgoggles: It seemed to work snappily enough when it came up, but something got confused switching between monitors. I think I will open a bug report. We moved my wife to Gnome 3 (=hawk, spit=) from Unity because of it.20:46
nicomachusChibaPet: there should be a dropdown setting in the Display setting menu.20:46
snowgogglesChibaPet: video card related? you have discrete card?20:46
ChibaPetsnowgoggles: nVidia GTX 660. If it's related to that, it's odd, as it was Unity-specific.20:47
ChibaPetnicomachus: I'll try to look at that tonight. Thanks.20:47
nicomachusChibaPet: https://imgur.com/ftNJmX520:47
nicomachuswhere it says "Launcher placement" under General Options.20:48
nicomachusFor me, I can choose "Built in Display", "Dell Inc. 19"", or "All Displays".20:48
ChibaPetnicomachus: Ah. I didn't see that when I'd looked. And I see the sticky edges setting there. Thank you.20:49
nicomachusTrying to figure out why all my software sources have the distro as "True" instead of "Xenial"... https://paste.ubuntu.com/15343509/20:50
ChibaPetnicomachus: sed error at a guess... Did you use a bulk upgrade tool?20:50
nicomachusno. just apt-get update20:51
nicomachusfresh install from USB this morning.20:51
ChibaPetoh, that makes it a bit ominous20:52
nicomachusmd5 was good. I was worried about someone redirecting to a malicious download or something. haha20:54
snowgogglesnicomachus:  only for linux mint20:56
nicomachusha. for now...20:56
nicomachusgranted, Ubuntu isn't stupid enough to use a wordpress site, but I won't say they're invulnerable.20:57
snowgogglesnicomachus: did you zsync your iso or regular iso for the daily?20:59
ChibaPetI wouldn't worry about malice so much as a bug somewhere.20:59
nicomachusregular iso20:59
ChibaPetOnly vaguely related, I quite like zsync.21:01
daxnicomachus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-clone/+bug/155387021:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1553870 in apt-clone (Ubuntu) "apt sources contain "True" entries after upgrade to xenial" [Medium,Fix released]21:03
daxthat's on upgrade but I'd hazard a guess it's the same bug21:03
nicomachusdax: looks like that was supposedly fixed 17 hours ago... didn't fix it here. :/21:29
ChibaPetHrm. Bah. The desktop installer lets me set up a partition for encryption, but then doesn't let me plant LVM on it.21:30
ChibaPetAm I whipping out my server install ISO, I wonder?21:31
ChibaPetThe text mode install is going to be *SO EXCITING* on the retina display. :)21:35
jushurChibaPet: you chose encryption first then lvm. if you touch lvm before it breaks.21:42
ChibaPetjushur: It doesn't give me the option to use LVM in the custom partitioner.21:43
ChibaPetI can make the encrypted partition, but then it only offers filesystems, not further layering.21:43
ChibaPetI'm just doing it with the server install, anyway. That works as expected.21:43
ChibaPetReally tiny!21:47
daxnicomachus: I doubt it'd retroactively fix it for already-broken sources.list files21:47
daxand the ISOs are only generated daily so...21:47
ChibaPetFWIW, we'll know if today's server ISO does that once I'm done here.21:48
nicomachusdax: yea, but 17 hours ago was before today's .iso would have been generated, right?21:49
royal_ltshello guys maybe someone can help me? i`m just installed ubuntu 16.04 and i cannot install grub-customizer21:49
daxnicomachus: I note the "last modified" dates on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:51
daxlooks like it's not even daily21:51
royal_ltsso nobody can help me?21:51
daxroyal_lts: grub-customizer isn't in Ubuntu's repositories, and I don't see a Xenial package in the author's PPA, so...21:52
daxtalk to the author?21:52
royal_ltsdax, yes i`m understand that.i tried to add this repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer21:54
daxthat PPA has no Xenial packages, so no, it won't work21:54
royal_ltsso there is no way to install ?21:54
daxnot from that PPA. talk to the author if you want them to publish Xenial packages21:54
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:55
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:56
ChibaPetroyal_lts: If you're feeling particularly adventurous - and if you're trying Xenial, you're adventurous - you might have some luck building the source package against Xenial. A boatload of caveats apply.21:57
daxone caveat being that we don't support PPAs and we /really/ don't support self-built packages sourced from PPAs21:58
daxand that it's messing with GRUB so you're pretty likely to run into Fun21:58
ChibaPetroyal_lts: From a distribution that's supported by your thing, 'apt-get source your-thing', and maybe see what apt-get build-deps your-thing wants.21:58
ChibaPetdax: Adventurous!21:58
ChibaPetroyal_lts: But yeah, expect hideous breakage and be comfortable with a non-booting system. If you try this stuff, have rescue media handy, have back-ups, and be comfortable with your rescue media.21:59
royal_ltsyep yep22:00
royal_ltsi tring to find a way, how to edit grub loader in 16.0422:01
ChibaPetroyal_lts: Let's back off of that package and have you tell us what you wish to accomplish.22:02
ChibaPetWell. So... For what it's worth, the server ISO doesn't slip True into sources.list.22:03
ChibaPeteven after an update/upgrade22:03
ChibaPet(This is the server ISO as freshened half an hour ago with zsync.)22:05
royal_ltsChibaPet, i want to customize my grub loader.there is a lot of entries.i want to rename some of them and delete some of them22:05
royal_ltsin grub-customizer you can do this by few clicks22:05
ChibaPetroyal_lts: If you are mostly bothered by older kernel entries, removing those packages will do what you want.22:05
ChibaPetAs for me, my GRUB I get by default is really minimal, and only there for a second or two.22:06
royal_ltsChibaPet, wich kind of linux and version you are using?22:08
ChibaPetroyal_lts: Lately I'm running Xenial on everything, or almost everything.22:08
ChibaPetI have a few legacy systems I haven't converted, running FreeBSD, Debian, um... Mostly FreeBSD and Debian.22:08
ChibaPetHah. This is awesome. Here's a picture of apt-get install ubuntu-desktop on my Mac: http://i.imgur.com/FLQwrEw.jpg22:10
royal_ltssounds good22:10
royal_ltsand waht you think about Ubuntu 16.04?22:10
ChibaPetroyal_lts: I tried it with suspicion, and it's utterly reversed a years-long low opinion of Ubuntu. They've finally nailed it.22:11
clivejois anyone else having problems with Firefox on Xenial22:13
ChibaPetclivejo: What problems? No, here, but without knowing more...22:14
clivejoit keeps freezing22:14
ChibaPetWell. Thinking about it, a couple times I've had it freeze up given heavy content.22:14
ChibaPetAlright, so it's not random then. Hrm.22:14
clivejousing one core 100% and what appears to be a memory leak22:14
ChibaPetI'll see if I can reliably reproduce it on a public site.22:14
clivejobuildlogs on LP seem to take forever to load22:15
jushuri have a machine with 900+ tabs zero crashes22:15
ChibaPetjushur: Let me tell you about bookmarks sometime. :P22:16
jushurits for testing22:16
ChibaPetAh, alright. Heh.22:16
willmoreHello, all.  I have found a bug in gcc on Aarch64 in xenial.  It seems that Ubuntu is using the Linaro branch of gcc for this arch.  I reported the bug to the mail gcc bug tracker and they pushed it to Linaro and Linaro says it's been fixed for a while and to try trunk.22:49
willmoreWould someone here be able to take a look at it? https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=7013322:49
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 70133 in target "AArch64 -mtune=native generates improperly formatted -march parameters" [Normal,Waiting]22:50
willmoreThank you, bot!22:50
ChibaPetwoo, powertop --calibrate isn't super-happy with my MacBook23:17
ChibaPetNever mind. I was impatient.23:19
willmoreChibaPet, did you catch it during the screen off part?23:46
ChibaPetwillmore: yes23:46
ChibaPetit seems like perhaps it has a couple of those23:46
willmoreChibaPet, yeah, it does.  Sort of spooky the first time it happens.23:46
ChibaPetI will let it run sometime when I don't actively want to use it. :P23:46
willmoreYeah, block off a half hour for it.23:47
ChibaPetI also want to figure out how to get it to probe for and list MacOS in GRUB23:47
willmoreI would guess it's in the GPT somewhere.23:47
ChibaPetUm, and I need to dig out synclient prefs and stuff.23:47
ChibaPetWell. Yeah, it's GPT, but I'll ... do I just set it up as a chainload or something?23:47
ChibaPetI was expecting it to detect and list it without intervention, but it's not the end of the world if I have to add an entry myself.23:48
ChibaPet(Alternately, I can get to MacOS with the option key, but having GRUB list it seems more civilized.)23:48
willmoreChibaPet, maybe Apple will subit a patch to detect their OS. :)23:48

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