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knomehello! we need an upload for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu; i've just pushed xubuntu slides for 16.04 and bumped version numbers on all slideshows up to 16.04 as well as updated translation templates for everybody14:24
* flexiondotorg agrees with knome. 15:28
rbasakdocker.io is broken on powerpc, so isn't migrating. Would it be acceptable to delete that binary please, so that everything else migrates?15:30
rbasakWe're not aware that anyone cares, and having Docker 1.6 instead of 1.10 in the release pocket is worse we think.15:32
* flexiondotorg wonders if infinity is still sunning himself on some jolly? ;-)16:07
apwflexiondotorg, i think it is night for him at the current time16:12
flexiondotorgSun bed?16:13
cyphermoxchiluk: ^17:06
knomecyphermox, would you be willing to take care of the ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu upload or was that a ping re: that? :)17:08
cyphermoxsure I can upload ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu17:08
cyphermoxchiluk wanted me to sponsor a coreutils SRU earlier17:08
knomecyphermox, right'o, and thanks :)17:15
cyphermoxis it already all in the code branch?17:16
knomeyes, the things i mentioned are ready in the branch17:16
knomei don't know if other flavors have something incoming today17:17
knomecyphermox, https://launchpad.net/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu17:17
knomecyphermox, the updates are revisions 724-726 in trunk17:18
knomehmm, looks like there are some merge requests17:18
knomei can merge those so you only have to take care of the uploading17:19
knomegive me 15 mins :)17:19
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Please https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-mate-xenial/+merge/28211717:20
knomeflexiondotorg, i'm on it17:20
flexiondotorgknome, ty17:20
cyphermoxahah, so I approved it but didn't merge?17:21
flexiondotorgYeah :-)17:21
knomecyphermox, hold it! :)17:21
knomecyphermox, i'll take care of the merge in a second17:22
cyphermoxknome: I know, I know ;)17:22
knomealso merging the gnome stuff17:22
knome...which seems to be invalid markup, so i'll go fix that next...17:22
knomeok, merged mate and gnome stuff, updated translation templates again as well as updated the changelog17:26
flexiondotorgknome, Many thanks!17:34
knomeno problem17:35
knomegood that i remembered to check that and you were around...17:35
knomeif you need stuff merged to the slideshow branch in the future, feel free to poke me17:35
cyphermoxknome: flexiondotorg: test build and then I'll upload17:51
knomeso since it's the UIF day and i didn't get any response on #ubuntu-devel...18:23
knomecould somebody look at bug 1555046 and get the package uploaded? the shimmer-themes package is snatched from us by some packageset magic to kubuntu, so we can't do the upload ourself18:24
ubot5bug 1555046 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Please upload shimmer-themes-2.1.1-0ubuntu1 to xenial" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155504618:24
coreycbhello, can an archive admin please promote python3-positional to main?  python-positional should already be in main.  this will help get some OpenStack packages out of dependency waits.18:56
chilukcyphermox.. yeah arges uploaded it yesterday, but its sitting in unapproved.  Looks like you might have just re-uploaded it again.18:58
chilukcyphermox you don't happen to be on the SRU team are you?18:58
cyphermoxno, but arges is18:58
chilukoh I thought you were on the SRU team. bugger..18:58
argescyphermox: well i uploaded it... so i should have another SRU person review18:59
knomecyphermox, since you seem to be in a helpful mood, maybe you could look at my request above O:)18:59
chilukI guess I can get arges to cancel his upload and accept yours18:59
chiluksince he's already done the review.18:59
chilukarges what do you say?19:00
argesoh it was uploaded again.. did i forget to unsubscribe sponsors?19:00
cyphermoxarges: yeah, it was still in the list19:00
argessorry about that19:00
cyphermoxno worries... as for me I should have checked the queue to be sure before uploading19:00
argesok rejected mine, i'm happy to sru review your upload then19:01
chilukcool.. yay arges.. the bane of my existence may finally be complete!19:01
chilukuntil we find the next regression I've introduced.19:01
knomeupload an empty package, less potential for regressions.19:02
cyphermoxknome: only if it was empty before that too ;)19:02
chilukknome: if only that would make users happy.19:02
knomecyphermox, it's a feature, not a bug...19:02
argesand it doesn't rebuild with different deps that could cause bugs19:02
cyphermoxknome: uploaded ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu19:03
coreycbcan an archive admin also promote python3-sphinx-argparse to main?  the MIR is Fix Released.  this will also help get some OpenStack packages out of dependency waits.19:03
knomenow we're only missing one of the last-minute uploads ;)19:04
yofela big thanks to whoever did all the new processing!23:13

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