
=== balkamos_ is now known as balkamos
C1t1z3nwhen i open transmition everything bug and i am not even able to close the computer.01:13
C1t1z3ni am not even able to log as sudo01:14
C1t1z3nit say dbus error01:14
C1t1z3nand everything start to shut down one by one and i can't restart them the computer don't even stop he just stop service after service...01:15
=== daxcat is now known as dax
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2-
=== tsimonq2- is now known as tsimonq2
C1t1z3nhow i reinstall transmission04:44
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
axk4545C1t1z3n: sudo apt-get install transmission-gtk in terminal.05:07
axk4545is there a way to make the xfce app finder behave like the the launcher in chromeos?05:08
C1t1z3nthat was only the -gtk that i was missing in the command ;)05:14
jaspreethi i am facing wireless issue, can anybody help me solve it07:58
jaspreeti have realtek wifi card07:59
jaspreetit require rtl8723be driver, which is already there in system08:00
jaspreetbut still not able to connect any wifi access point08:00
jaspreeti followed some solutions.08:01
jaspreetlike cloned rtlwifi_new git repository and make install it reloaded driver again08:01
jaspreetbut still it is not working08:01
=== henkkus_ is now known as henkkus
pezushi guys11:06
pezusmy screen locking doesn't work after switching from 15.04 to 15.1011:06
pezusctrl+alt+delete doesn't do anything anymore11:07
Hundpezus: Did you check the keyboard shortcuts? Maybe they got lost? :)11:22
pezusno they are there11:22
pezusit seems to be a problem with xfce-power-settings and the lightdm-locker11:22
pezusi "solved" it now by invoking gnome-locker-command -a11:34
rigel_my monitor's hardware key for menu selection is stuck. monitor is too bright. How do i turn it down? (using viewsonic if it helps)12:12
rigel_xrandr helps a bit, but it doesn't tone down the brightness of the monitor as well. (and redshift is more about the color warmth)12:15
rigel_s/mouse pointer/monitor12:15
R13oseHow come xfce4 notifications don't do anything when I click show?13:36
xubuntu76whow can i adjuest brighness in ubuntu14:05
xubuntu76wplease tell me...is there any option to adjust brighness?14:06
knomepatience please14:06
xubuntu76ware you there?14:08
xubuntu76wsomeone will give me resolution?14:13
xubuntu76wplease help me out to find the resolution..14:14
xubuntu76wplease tell me...is there any option to adjust brighness?14:14
R13osexubuntu76w: you have to wait, someone will ask if they know14:14
knomebrightness of your display? is it a laptop?14:21
R13oseAny thoughts on my question?14:43
=== Pici- is now known as Pici
mozmckI notice that it says that Xubuntu 16.04 will not have a default media manager installed.  What exactly does that mean?16:47
mozmckI'm reading this on the blog here ->  http://xubuntu.org/blog/16:48
flocculantmozmck: it means that we're not seeding gmusicbrowser16:53
mozmckok - I don't guess I use that.16:54
flocculantputting it in the default iso16:55
lernerhow do I change the mac address for wlan0 so my xubuntu remembers it, and I dont have to suco macchange every time I log in?17:31
=== zach is now known as Guest14090
Guest14090can someonoe link me to dev channel?   i can never seen to find it17:39
knomenot that quickly, no17:40
xubuntu84wxubuntu-dev is the developer channel right?18:17
RoadRunneranybody home?19:20
skaftaGood evening to all of you, i had a dual boot win7/xubuntu. when i booted yesterday it said "no surch partition ... grub rescue" - did i suddently lost my linux partition?21:00
skafta, i'm afraid the partition has deleted itself. does anyone know more? thank you very much !21:03
skafta...because i took out the HDD and i'm browsing it with another computer. it only shows the windows files, but i don't see the ubuntu home folder21:04
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
C1t1z3nhello got a little problem when my battery is charging it never stop displaying a notification sayin my batterie is charging like every 2 or 3 min or so23:14
C1t1z3nis there a way to stop this23:14
C1t1z3nit also say that my battery is full charge then another notification that say my battery is charging but it is only at 94%23:16
C1t1z3nand it charge normally only the notification23:16
knomesounds like your battery/charger combination might have some physical contact issue23:17
C1t1z3nno it do that only on xfce not on other interface23:18
C1t1z3nit keep saying full charge but it also say charging...23:19
C1t1z3nand it is charging normally23:19
C1t1z3nand in fact only the notification say it is full charge the tray icon say 98%23:20
C1t1z3nright now23:20
C1t1z3nnow it's full charge so no more problem23:21
C1t1z3nbut how i can prevent this23:21
knomewell, you can turn off the notifications completely23:26
knomeclick the applet and select power manager settings23:32
knomethe setting is on the first tab23:32
C1t1z3nnothing happen23:33
C1t1z3ni can't go to  power manager when i click nothing happen23:33
knomewhich xubuntu version are you running?23:33
C1t1z3ni have the option but the option don't work23:34
C1t1z3nbut i just find the other way to get to power manager23:35
C1t1z3nand just uncheck the notfication option23:35
C1t1z3ni use xubuntu 14.0423:35
knomeok, glad you got it fixed.23:35
C1t1z3nthe current lts23:35
C1t1z3nbut i logged to xfce not xubuntu23:36

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