
kuhlmantFYI, logging for this channel was broken but should be fixed now.00:47
ianorlintsimonq2: I tried to get the GUI to start but I can't really figure out04:35
ianorlinI think there is something with the chroot failing but I got called away04:35
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lbssousaI'm testing Lubuntu 16.04 beta1, and I've noticed this system is consuming a huge amount of RAM (compared to 15.10). I suspect this is due to several evolution-data-server related packages: after removing them (and ensuring gnome-online-accounts is not automatically installed), my RAM consumption is reduced to 15.10 level. In this intentional?10:19
tsimonq2ianorlin: alright :)12:46
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tsimonq2phillw: do I still need to make a non-PAE kernel?17:26
tsimonq2wxl: ^17:26
phillwtsimonq2: I've not been asked to be any team as yet. Melodie will be the one who will request one.17:31
tsimonq2phillw: for Lubuntu I mean17:31
phillwtsimonq2: no, we don't have a community version. 12.04 still has a non-pae kernel even though not an LTS for lubuntu.17:32
tsimonq2phillw: well it's on my list17:33
tsimonq2for Xenial17:33
phillwwell, go for it in that case :D17:33
* ianorlin still is looking for the lxqt folder in ubuntu-manaul-tests18:17
ianorlinI got something started for lxqt-runner though18:18
ianorlinshould I make one I put it in the LXDE one as as there was not one for now18:40
wxltsimonq2: ^^18:40
ianorlinAs the blueprint tells me to put it in that folder that does not exist yet18:42
ianorlinI can make one add to bzr easily enough18:43
tsimonq2ianorlin: create a folder titled "LXQt" and in your MP, point out the blueprint18:43
ianorlintsimonq2: ok18:43
tsimonq2thanks ianorlin :)18:44
ianorlinis there someone that should be added as reviewer and should that be added to the blueprint18:54
wxlianorlin: you can add me or lubuntu dev team18:58
tsimonq2congrats ianorlin :D19:21
phillwwxl: Are you okay with me and Nio spinning up the little side project to ascertain our minimal specs for 16.04 ?19:36
wxlphillw: yes please19:36
phillwtsimonq2: I haven't forgotten the bug spread sheet, honest!19:36
tsimonq2phillw: when I get you my LXQt ISO, will you add specs/requirements for that? :)19:37
phillwtsimonq2: with Nio's help, we will have a common term of reference to carry out tests on. I called upon him, as I know just how much blood, sweat and tears he has put into that side of things.19:38
tsimonq2alright :)19:38
tsimonq2I wonder if Softpedia will write us an article XD19:38
phillwhe he, OBI started as a sub page under my personal wiki page.... With a bit of encouragement, boy, oh boy, has it grown! Just need to get the darn thing into debian :/19:39
phillwOne Button Installer19:40
tsimonq2oh :D19:40
agaida_apt purge brain; apt install obi -- ?? :P19:42
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agaida_and a possible commandline (ok, there must some hooks in the gui): obi --auto-add-repo --auto-add-trust --auto-add-untrusted-keys --assume-yes --really $someweirdshit19:44
phillwagaida_: have a chat with Nio :)19:50
ianorlinhmmm and qpdfview 4.16 is not in unstable yet19:50
agaida_not even .15 :)19:59
ianorlinI think .15 is development and they usually put up by .02 at least20:02
=== ro is now known as ezri
phillwwxl: tsimonq2 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu I've taken a severe haircut of bugs to be mentioned. I'll get the spread sheet added on Sunday, but we have no show-stopper bugs...21:09
phillwwxl: also on week 25 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule I want that frozen and available to our translators who did such an amazing job for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu21:13
tsimonq2phillw: good :)21:52
phillwwxl: you okay to do a proof read for me?23:51
wxlsure phillw23:51

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