
bradmanyone seen maas lie about power state?  I've got some HP kit that maas says it powers on, the web ui says its on, but the ilo says its off00:10
bradmthis only seems to happen when its being deployed, the commissioning worked fine, so I know the power settings are right00:10
bradmand its not consistantly doing it, its only since upgrading to 1.9.1+bzr4543-0ubuntu100:10
mupBug #1555864 opened:  [2.0a1] UI Nodes page shows 'ascii' codec can't decode byte <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555864>00:27
mupBug #1555901 opened: Number of regiond process is not determined <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555901>02:31
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=== menn0-afk is now known as menn0
BlackDexi get the following error during boot in dmesg: [  132.794959] init: maas-regiond-worker (3) main process (4763) terminated with status 111:13
BlackDex[  132.794979] init: maas-regiond-worker (3) main process ended, respawning11:14
BlackDexAnd that happens a lot11:14
mupBug #1556085 opened: adding boot-source keyring_data fails silently <sts> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556085>13:32
voidspaceroaksoax: ping14:49
voidspaceroaksoax: when commissioning fails I can login - how do I disable poweroff?14:50
voidspaceroaksoax: and what logfiles would be helpful, there's no console.log - there's cloud-init and cloud-init-output14:50
voidspaceamongst other things14:50
voidspacecloud-init-output.log has the error 400s in it14:52
voidspaceI'll attach those two to my bug14:52
roaksoaxvoidspace: can you send me the link of yoiur bug again please14:55
roaksoaxvoidspace: and if you are using 1.9, when you commission there's an option to disable power off14:55
voidspaceroaksoax: yeah, I selected that... it still powers off14:55
voidspaceroaksoax: I'll try again to confirm I did it right14:56
voidspaceroaksoax: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/155557014:56
roaksoaxvoidspace: interesting, then cloud-init might be doing something it should...14:56
roaksoaxvoidspace: oh, you ar enot commissioning, you are enlisting14:56
voidspaceroaksoax: no, I'm commissioning14:56
voidspaceroaksoax: enlisting works, it's commissioning that doesn't14:56
voidspacetrying again, *definitely* selected disable power off14:57
roaksoaxvoidspace: failed to enlist system maas server14:58
roaksoaxsleeping 60 seconds then poweroff14:58
roaksoaxvoidspace: the cloud-init-output you attached is not for commissioning, it is for enlistment14:58
voidspacewell, I commssion and then reboot the machine manually14:58
voidspaceah yes, indeed it says that14:58
voidspacebut I'm *trying* to commission14:59
roaksoaxvoidspace: based on the log, that doesn't seem a commissioning14:59
voidspaceso it seems the bug then is "maas doesn't commission but tries to re-enlist"14:59
roaksoaxvoidspace: questions:15:00
roaksoax1. does the machine in MAAS have *all* mac addresses of the system?15:00
roaksoax2. is the system trying to PXE boot from a mac address/interface that's not in MAAS ?15:00
roaksoaxvoidspace: i'd say: 1. delete the machine in maas. 2. let it auto-enlist. 3. once the machine is in 'New' state, try to commission and see what happens15:01
voidspaceroaksoax: that machine has one interface (one mac) and is pxe booting from maas15:01
voidspaceroaksoax: that is exactly what I've been doing, repeatedly15:01
voidspaceroaksoax: I have deleted and re-enlisted multiple times with multiple fresh installs15:01
roaksoaxvoidspace: the only reason why I'd think the machine is trying to enlist even though it should be commissioning, it is because MAAS is detecting a different MAC address than the one it has stored15:01
voidspaceroaksoax: I can provide maas logs15:01
roaksoaxvoidspace: please do15:02
voidspaceroaksoax: regiond, rackd and maas logs attached15:04
voidspaceroaksoax: this same setup behaves fine with maas 1.915:05
roaksoaxvoidspace: thanks15:05
roaksoaxvoidspace: : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15347930/15:06
roaksoaxvoidspace: can you show /etc/maas/regiond.conf and /etc/maas/rackd.conf ?15:07
mupBug #1555570 opened: Problem commissioning nodes (2.0) <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555570>15:08
mupBug #1556138 opened: maas regiond upgrade from 1.8.2 to 1.9.1 silently failed <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556138>15:08
voidspaceroaksoax: done15:09
voidspaceroaksoax: rackd.conf shows localhost as the url - which is what I get after a default install15:09
voidspaceroaksoax: if I reconfigure maas-rack-controller and put in the url then the rack controller reports it can't connect to the region15:10
roaksoaxvoidspace: what version of 1.2 ?15:10
roaksoaxerr 2.015:10
voidspaceroaksoax: whatever is in next-proposed as of a couple of hours ago15:11
roaksoaxvoidspace: is inside a network that the machines can commitcate with ?15:11
roaksoaxvoidspace: are you willing to try something even more bleeding edge ?15:13
voidspaceroaksoax: yes, but after I go collect my daughter from school15:14
voidspaceroaksoax: if you pastebin instructions on how to install from source (or link to them) then I'll try after I get back15:14
roaksoaxvoidspace: ppa:maas-maintainers/experimental315:15
voidspaceroaksoax: I'm installing on disposable VMs15:15
voidspaceroaksoax: ah, cool15:15
mupBug #1532935 opened: Nodes stuck at grub menu when attempting to Autopilot deploy <cdo-qa> <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532935>15:26
mupBug #1555570 changed: Problem commissioning nodes (2.0) <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555570>15:38
mupBug #1556153 opened: ERROR destroying instances: cannot release nodes: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT (Unexpected exception: TimeoutError <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556153>15:38
roaksoaxvoidspace: also, please attach maas <maas-user> interfaces read <node-system-id> the output of that to your bug15:44
roaksoaxvoidspace: i think it si related to other thing15:44
voidspaceroaksoax: ok, cloning a vm right now15:44
roaksoaxvoidspace: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1555570/comments/1115:47
mupBug #1556153 changed: ERROR destroying instances: cannot release nodes: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT (Unexpected exception: TimeoutError <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556153>15:48
mupBug #1555570 opened: Problem commissioning nodes (2.0) <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555570>15:48
mupBug #1556153 opened: ERROR destroying instances: cannot release nodes: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT (Unexpected exception: TimeoutError <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556153>15:57
mupBug #1556158 opened: Spurious test failure in TestRegionProtocol_SendEvent.test_send_event_does_not_fail_if_unknown_type <tests> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556158>15:57
mupBug #1555570 changed: Problem commissioning nodes (2.0) <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555570>16:00
mupBug #1556158 changed: Spurious test failure in TestRegionProtocol_SendEvent.test_send_event_does_not_fail_if_unknown_type <tests> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556158>16:00
mupBug #1555570 opened: Problem commissioning nodes (2.0) <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555570>16:09
mupBug #1556158 opened: Spurious test failure in TestRegionProtocol_SendEvent.test_send_event_does_not_fail_if_unknown_type <tests> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556158>16:09
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mupBug #1556185 opened: TypeError: 'Machine' object is not iterable <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556185>16:39
mupBug #1556188 opened: Spurious test failure in TestMachinePartitionListener.test__calls_handler_with_update_on_update <tests> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556188>16:39
Free99Hey everyone, new to MaaS. I'm having an issue where I deploy 14.04 to my IPMI nodes, but I get "Deployment Failed"17:00
Free99I can't seem to find any details in maas.log, regiond.log or clusterd.log as to why this step fails17:00
Free99Interestingly, I think the system properly installs17:01
Bofu2UFree99: have you looked at the screen or watched it through IPMI when it's deploying?17:06
Free99Bofu2U, yeah, only thing that shows up is an sr0 error..17:07
Free99what would the CD drive have to do with this though?17:07
Bofu2Unothing that I can think of17:07
Bofu2Uyou're talking about a server you're trying to boot into maas through discovery, right?17:08
Bofu2Unot the head node/master/whatever17:08
Free99right.. I got it registered properly with maas, it booted the tftp image.. but then the webui jumps to "deployment failed after about 5-10 minutes17:09
Free99only complication here: DHCP is provided by my gateway17:09
Bofu2Udoes the image load/boot properly ?17:09
Bofu2U(in other words does it start booting through PXE, TFTP, etc)17:10
Bofu2Uonly times I've run into something like that was when the node couldn't access something at some point (yes, vague as hell) - I deleted it from maas entirely and rebooted it so it went back through discovery, etc17:11
Free99crud I hope I don't need to do that17:14
Bofu2Ualso note I'm talking about17:14
Bofu2Udeleted the node from maas17:14
Bofu2Unot maas as it's entirety17:14
Free99no I know, but still... 10 nodes17:15
Bofu2Uoh it's on all 10?17:15
Bofu2UMay want to wait around and see if anyone else has any ideas then :(17:15
Free99ok, so the one node I directly watched boot gets all the way to the login screen17:18
Free99but... maas still says "deploying"17:19
Bofu2Uand is this on commissioning17:19
Bofu2Uor deploying17:19
Free99just deploying17:19
Bofu2Uon the prompt is the server name ubuntu17:19
Bofu2Uor the correct name set in MAAS17:19
Free99commissioning worked, it figured out the disk layout and blah blah17:19
Free99coreect name, node-717:19
Bofu2Ugo back to your MAAS properties on that server, make sure the IP is set17:20
Free99can't modify it unless ready or broken17:20
Bofu2Uis there an IP set at all?17:20
Bofu2Uit sounds like it gets to the prompt and then can't connect back to the headnode to let it know it's finished deploying17:23
Free99seems like it, DHCP lease list on my gateway indicates the right FQDN has an ip, and it responds to ping17:24
Free99can't ssh in though in spite of the public key17:24
Free99*in spite of adding my public key17:24
Bofu2Ubut SSH does get through?17:24
Bofu2Uaka it connects properly, but then fails due to auth17:24
Free99auth fails but I can ssh from the maas control server17:25
Bofu2Uok so it can talk then17:26
Bofu2Unothing else comes up on the login screen? like apt-get randomly or anything like that17:26
Free99nope, not even that sr0 error17:26
Bofu2Uok do you have any nodes still in "deploying" state17:26
Bofu2Uaka haven't failed yet17:26
Bofu2UThis is going to sound a bit ... weird but, sometimes it worked for me and I have absolutely no idea why17:27
Free99I only tried deploying to this one node which I have a display connected to... figure if I can get this one working I'll get all of them17:27
Bofu2Ugo through the process again with 1 node17:27
Bofu2Udiscovery, then commission17:27
Bofu2Uthen deploy17:27
Bofu2Uevery time you see it boot up, hit the F<whatever> key to forcibly select the boot sequence into PXE17:27
Bofu2Uthere's also ways to "backdoor" your image to put a user/pass so you can login but I wasn't able to make that work :-/17:28
Free99yeah I saw17:28
Free99sheesh... this software seems a little rough around the edges17:28
Free99can't add an ECDSA or ed25519 key17:29
Bofu2Uyeah there's a few quirks that would be nice if they were different17:29
Bofu2Ulike not taking almost 2 weeks to figure out how to add centos images to it17:30
Bofu2Uyou know, small things :P17:30
Free99they mention windows image support, but no docs!17:30
Free99I'll write to docs, no problem, but I gotta get it to work at all17:31
Bofu2UI know the feeling17:32
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Free99Bofu2U, another question: does the system install to local disk at all?17:39
Free99it doesn't seem to though17:39
Bofu2Uthat's the problem you're running into then17:39
Free99but how did it boot?17:39
Free99it's just ram resident?17:39
Bofu2Uyeah the curtain installer17:39
Bofu2Uthat's what the final reboot is on the deploy17:40
Bofu2Uit hits PXE, PXE tells it to boot off local disk17:40
Free99how do I watch what curtain is doing?17:40
Bofu2Uthrough the IPMI17:40
Bofu2Uso, the first is the initial boot and info gathering17:41
Bofu2Uthat won't touch the disk, just gets it into MAAS. Doesn't get RAM/CPUs, but will pull IPMI specs17:41
Bofu2Uthen you commission and it gathers more information such as the RAM, CPU, etc.17:41
Bofu2Uthen deploy, and it writes to disk, does all of that, and then reboots and PXE tells it to boot from that disk17:41
Bofu2Uhopefully that makes sense - just going off of what I remember from the process overall17:42
Free99sure does, I've gotten to the deploy stage.. and that's it17:42
Bofu2Ujust because I think it would be an interesting test17:42
Bofu2Uhave you tried hitting the bios and disabling the CD ROM?17:42
Free99I'll try that if this deploy fails17:43
Free99got back to the login screen, correctly named node-717:44
Free99latest event is PXE request - curtin install17:45
Free99but no visible disk activity17:45
Free99hmm... I did set to install with LVM, maybe I ought to revert to flat disk layout..17:49
Bofu2Uworth trying17:49
Free99Bofu2U, I'm going to recommission this one node.. should I allow SSH? retain network?17:52
Bofu2UI did that just so I could try to test it17:52
Bofu2UI think the login is ubuntu/ubuntu17:52
Free99the network is DHCP, with dhcp registering hostnames in dns automatically17:52
Free99I love linux17:53
Free99and bsd too17:53
Free99sometimes the software is really cranky though17:54
mupBug #1556219 opened: maas enlistment of power8 found ipmi 1.5 should do ipmi 2.0 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556219>17:57
Free99weird, it just denies my logging in due to publickkey18:00
Free99doesn't even prompt for a pass :-/18:00
Bofu2Utry from ipmi?18:04
Free99Bofu2U, I've never used SOL before. do I need to add a kernel line to redirect to com1?18:06
Bofu2Uwhat kind of servers?18:06
Free99it's a dell with iDrac 5 I think18:06
Free99ipmi 218:06
Bofu2Ulogin to the web, and try to load ... usually called "virtual console"18:06
Bofu2Udon't need actual SOL18:07
Free99think they added that webconsole thing in idrac 618:07
Bofu2Uah crap18:07
Free99any way to increase verbosity on all this stuff?18:10
Bofu2Udon't know :(18:10
Free99ubuntu/ubuntu doesn't work as a login here18:10
Free99ah ha! with the key I added in the Maas dashboard, I have to login to the nodes with ubuntu@hostname and use the same key I added to my dashboard login18:19
Bofu2Uahhh ok18:20
Free99ok so check it: cloud-init-output.log says error encountered setting up postfix18:23
Free99ok, what logs would help figure this out?18:26
Free99I've got em all18:26
voidspaceroaksoax: so the version from that experimental ppa certainly behaves *differently*18:32
voidspaceroaksoax: with that version the nodes don't enlist18:33
Free99why can't I set an FQDN?19:07
Free99http://paste.ubuntu.com/15349884/ <-- my setup fails because of this19:08
Free99I think there's a bug here folks19:09
Free99can anyone please help with this cloud-init issue?19:34
mupBug #1556258 opened: boot source keyring data is sometimes outputted as memoryview object <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556258>19:48
Free99dang it :[19:55
Free99I wish I could figure out why maas 1.9.7 is adding an extraneous period to my postfix file which borks the whole deployment19:55
mpontilloFree99: can you file a bug? I think it's maybe a postfix bug TBH; that is a valid and proper FQDN22:55
mpontilloSee http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1034 section 3.122:59
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
roaksoaxvoidspace: i have managed to enlist machines with the one on experimental, howeve,r I hit your issue23:49

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