
tnewmananyone having issues with xenial server after first round of updates?00:20
tnewmanclean install, run updates, reboot, dumps me into initramfs busybox shell00:20
ChibaPettnewman: Just did an install a couple hours ago, no such issues here. Sorry.00:21
tnewmanChibaPet: thanks for the response00:22
tnewmanyeah i'm super baffled00:22
tnewmaneven did a reinstall of the lts, updated, rebooted, same hangup00:22
tnewmani'm running desktop xenial on my workstation and havent had any errors with it at all00:22
tnewmani'm a bit baffled00:22
ChibaPetAnything exotic?00:22
ChibaPetLUKS, RAID, /boot separate and not mounted during update-initramfs?00:23
tnewmanit is on a hardware raid 1000:25
tnewman14.04 came back up after first round of updates just now00:25
tnewman /boot is not separate00:27
tnewmanno LVM00:27
tnewmanand indeed i did reboot into a live environment (xenial) and run the update-initramfs and grub-update00:27
ChibaPetI've had issues getting GRUB and initramfs to be happy with ZFS root, but .... hrm00:28
tnewmanchecked the UUID's in the different places00:28
tnewmanthey all line up00:28
tnewmanfstab matches whats in grub.cfg00:28
ChibaPetmaybe double-check 'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' if you're on legacy BIOS to make sure it's pointing at the right stuff?00:28
tnewmanmmm this is a pretty new server00:28
tnewmandell 42000:28
tnewmanuuuuuuuuuuuuung i dont think so?00:28
tnewmanlike i said, trusty is putting along just fine00:29
ChibaPetIf you have a /boot/efi it's likely UEFI. If you have grub-pc installed you've probably got legacy BIOS. Hrm.00:29
ChibaPetIt's worth a bug report. Now's the time to catch that stuff.00:29
tnewmani386-pc   <-leik dis00:29
tnewmanbecause that is in /boot/grub/00:30
tnewmanso my next what at it was going to upgrade my existing trusty install that i made just now to xenial00:31
tnewmani'd just switch all the instances of 'trusty' in sources.list to 'xenial' correct?00:31
tnewmannever done a bug report ChibaPet :D00:31
tnewmanbut i suppose i could00:31
ChibaPethrm, I think the bot has something...00:32
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:32
ChibaPetFWIW, on legacy BIOS I see grub-pc, and on UEFI I see grub-efi-*, in dpkg -l | grep grub00:33
ChibaPetI only mention this as it'll help indicate where the nonfunctional bits are located.00:33
tnewmanii  grub                      0.97-27                              GRand Unified Bootloader00:35
tnewmansorry thats wrong00:35
tnewmannot the right server :D00:35
ChibaPetwas going to say, that's reaching back in time a bit00:36
ChibaPetAnyway, I'll be back later - going to go home and muck with my Mac some more. I might cave in and install my traditional desktop environment on it.00:45
ChibaPetSeems like a lot of compatibility issues and problems with Linux no longer exist on it. (macbook11,1)00:45
tnewmanyeah no dice01:02
tnewmando-release-upgrade -d borked it01:02
tnewmansame error as if i'd restarted after upgradeing from xenial01:03
=== dax is now known as daxcat
AxyHey all07:43
Axyis ubuntu 16.04 afe enough07:43
Axyshould I be downloading it for my macbook07:43
lordievaderAxy: It is still development, personally wouldn't run it on production.07:45
heeensince upgrading to 16.04 my clock is different from windows08:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541532 in mbr (Debian) "migrate UTC setting from /etc/default/rcS to adjtime" [Unknown,New]08:26
heeenfound this bug - UTC=no is in the backup of rcS08:26
heeenbut not the current one08:26
Ian_CorneI remember that from long ago09:03
Ian_CorneSomething with my motherbord's clock battery being dead09:04
Ian_CorneJust telling you what I had :)09:06
heeenalso, I just did a dist-upgrade and now the kubuntu sddm greeter does not come up anymore09:12
heeenmh wtf09:25
heeenthat error should only appear if qt was configured without glx and egl09:25
heeenthat does not sound right09:25
spm_dragetA current xenial image installed has in /etc/lsb-release 'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (development branch)"'. Will this go away once the official version is out and I do a 'apt-get dist-upgrade' or do I need to specifically tell ubuntu which 'branch' to use and set it to stable or something?09:26
yofelspm_draget: it will go away once we reach release candidate state10:08
spm_dragetAh okay. Evaluating Xenial right now… if everything works for me, I guess it is okay for me to just upgrade it to stable and put it into production on april.10:09
popeymia_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/12:06
mia_You're fast12:06
mia_what does a daily build means12:07
popeyguess :)12:08
popeywe build it every day12:08
popeybecause 16.04 isn't out yet, it's under active development12:08
popeynew packages land in the archive almost daily, so we build a new ISO each day12:08
mia_so maybe I should stick with a stable release then?12:09
mia_I'm trying to set up ubuntu as the main os to an old macbook12:09
popeyRight, 15.10 or 14.04 are your best bets12:09
mia_I^ve tried 14.04 and 15.10 and both are getting stuck in busybox thing12:09
popeylets go back to #ubuntu if you're using those :)12:09
mia_ok :)12:09
BluesKajHey folks12:16
wsdjeghi here is an issue about neovim in  ubuntu 16.0412:44
k1l_!bug  | wsdjeg12:46
ubottuwsdjeg: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:46
wsdjegI do not know why this key send focuslost,12:46
wsdjegsorry,I can not find out which lib case this issue,just know neovim works well in 14.04-15.10 ,but has issue in 16.04,12:48
lotuspsychjewsdjeg: go for the bug k1l_ suggests12:50
k1l_wsdjeg: did you install it from the ubuntu repos?12:50
wsdjegas the mantain of neovim says, `Thanks for followup. Must be libvte https://github.com/GNOME/vte`12:52
wsdjegubuntu repos has no neovim,I install it from the PPA of neovim team also tried build it from source,encounter the same issue12:53
wsdjegdoen weechat has android client?13:08
wsdjegsorry wrong channal13:09
marconyhello i have problem with flash player in browser.just installed ubuntu 16.0413:47
marconymaybe somebody can help?13:47
lotuspsychjemarcony: adobe flash?13:47
lotuspsychjemarcony: adobe flash for linux is pretty dead mate13:47
lotuspsychjemarcony: install chromium-browser instead + pepperflash13:48
marconyi tried it but still no changes "please update adobe flash"13:49
lotuspsychjemarcony: you wont be able to use adobe flash anymore properly, and not secure anymore either13:50
lotuspsychjemarcony: so for flash sites= chromium and firefox html5 video's13:50
marconyyes, i cannot see stream translations13:51
marconyit is iportant for me.and i cannot enter to bet365 site13:52
lotuspsychjemarcony: did you try with chromium and pepperflash?13:52
marconyyes i tried it, restart the chromium and no changes13:53
marconymaybe i need reboot the system?13:53
marconybut i dont think so13:53
lotuspsychjemarcony: make sure you install pepperflash?13:54
lotuspsychje!find pepperflash13:54
ubottuFound: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash, pepperflashplugin-nonfree, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 27 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pepperflash&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all13:54
lotuspsychjemarcony: can also try it with webbrowser-app13:54
marconybay you can tel me terminal command for it?13:55
marconyi used 15.10 version and i have no problem with this13:55
lotuspsychjemarcony: sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree13:55
marconypepperflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version (1.7ubuntu1).13:56
marconyThe following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:13:56
marcony  qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin13:56
lotuspsychjemarcony: pass me the url you trying plz?13:57
marconybet365.com no entry without flash13:57
lotuspsychjelets c13:59
marconyPlease Update Adobe FlashOur site requires the latest version13:59
lotuspsychjeah dang, my country blocks your site, cant check sorry13:59
marconyhttps://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?no_redirect i think i need to install this14:05
marconybut for 16.04 its no posible14:05
lotuspsychjemarcony: ill try to say this once again, adobe flash for linux is dead14:05
lotuspsychjemarcony: find an alternative please14:05
marconyi tring but still nothing :)14:07
marconyi`m installing synaptic maybe i find a way in there14:08
lotuspsychjemarcony: if pepperflash or html5 cant help you, you will need to find other ways14:10
marconyi tring to install14:13
marconysudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:13
marconybut i cannot from terminal14:13
marconyand in synaptic there is no ubuntu-restricted-extras14:14
lotuspsychjemarcony: the restricted extras also hold adobe flash, wich is dead...14:15
marconyso nobody have the same problem?? only me??14:16
lotuspsychjemarcony: maybe its a weird website?14:18
lotuspsychjemarcony: normally chromium plays all fine14:18
lotuspsychjemarcony: but if the website uses 'older' flash based material...its not ubuntu's fault right14:19
marconythe same problem in watching the stream traslations14:19
marconyso maybe i`m no corectly install html5, can say me the terminal line14:21
lotuspsychjemarcony: the website is repsponisble for html5 videos, like on youtube, you dont need to install something14:22
marconyyoutube working perfectly...14:23
marconyi don`t know, its real shit...14:25
lotuspsychjemarcony: contact the website owner, you cant play it with chromium...14:26
lotuspsychjemarcony: if you can play youtubes,webcams,games or other flash content with chromium14:27
lotuspsychjemarcony: must those bet sites, that uses older stuff14:27
BluesKajmarlinc, try fooglr-chrome instead, chromium isn't keep it's flash plugin upgraded and if you use Firefox install the freshplayer-pepperflash plugin14:37
BluesKajoops he left14:38
BluesKajmarlinc, that was meant for marcony , but he left before I hit the enter key :/14:44
marlincI saw that, np :)14:44
Ian_Corneanyone else have german in their calender widget thing on the top right?14:48
Ian_Corneah my bad :)14:50
Ian_CorneI have my regional format set as belgien(deutch) for some reason14:50
=== daxcat is now known as rwd
lotuspsychjeecdhe: you can test unity8/mir already now on xenial, unity8 is planned on 16.1017:08
lotuspsychje!find unity817:08
ubottuFound: unity8, unity8-autopilot, unity8-common, unity8-desktop-session-mir, unity8-doc17:08
ecdhelotuspsychje, have you personally observed an improvement with the suspend behavior?  On trusty, when I resume from suspend, my desktop shows for a few seconds before the lock screen engages.17:09
ecdheI'm not the only one, I was browsing the issue last night, but I believe that's been an issue with X for ages.17:09
lotuspsychjeecdhe: 16.04 will have unity7 still by default17:09
lotuspsychjeecdhe: if you still on 14.04 and have issues, please ask them in #ubuntu then17:10
ecdhelotuspsychje, I'm not looking for handholding, just wondering if it would be worth downloading xenial to resolve my issue.  Sounds like it could be worth going for it and installing unity817:11
lotuspsychjeecdhe: right now 16.04 is still in developing phase17:11
lotuspsychjeecdhe: so unity8 is still in progress17:12
lotuspsychjeecdhe: it still looks like an early phone version17:12
lotuspsychjeecdhe: but sure, you can help testing17:12
ecdhelotuspsychje, I used to read slashdot every day, and I felt like I was aware of plans to pursue wayland, which were scrapped in favor of developing mir.  Then integration with mir was attempted in 13.10 but dropped for 14.04...17:15
lotuspsychjeecdhe: wayland will come too17:15
ubottuWayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.17:15
ecdhelotuspsychje, slashdot is something of a cesspool these days so I don't read it anymore.  Is there a better place for me to keep informed of what Canonical is up to on this topic?17:16
lotuspsychjeecdhe: there are lots of nice sources where you can follow ubuntu news17:16
lotuspsychjeecdhe: omgubuntu,softpedia linux,insights ubuntu, lxer17:17
lotuspsychjeecdhe: but Mir is comming surely17:17
ecdhelotuspsychje, thanks.17:36
lotuspsychjeno sweat17:37
=== rwd is now known as ro
ChibaPetecdhe: Slashdot via RSS is pretty digestible.19:47
ChibaPetBut that said, Ubuntu has a ton of mailing lists: https://lists.ubuntu.com/19:48
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
drhalanhi. i am using PXEboot and NFS to start a cluster of ubuntu machines. Everything works perfectly with 14.04 with 16.04 machines don't seem to configure dns correctly. i guess it is somehow related to system and resolvconf? could you give me any pointers on how to debug this?20:31
=== ro is now known as ezri
jonascjIn Ubuntu 16 should this still work for suspending as non-root: "dbus-send --system --print-reply \ --dest="org.freedesktop.UPower" \ /org/freedesktop/UPower \ org.freedesktop.UPower.Hibernate" ?21:53
jonascjI get the message "DBUS.Error.UnknownMethod: Hibernate"21:54

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