
nhainesIs anyone in here familiar with Ansible?01:59
pleia2we're using it to drive puppet, but I haven't really used it to deploy applications directly03:28
nhainespleia2: Louise was asking if I knew anyone who might be able to tech review a book.  I found someone in #ubuntu-offtopic, so we'll see if they hit it off.  :)03:30
pleia2ah, good :)03:33
=== The_Doctor is now known as Adran
nhainespleia2: I set up a recurring meetup for Ubuntu Hour Pasadena.  :)04:13
pleia2thanks :)04:14
nhainesI actually was going to call him, but someone mentioned it on the SGVLUG meetup group and he emailed me first.04:17
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rohttp://garethgreenaway.org/posts/2016/03/goodbye-to-scale/ :(20:31
darthrobotTitle: [www.garethgreenaway.org]20:31
akkHuh, I wonder what the issues are.20:39
roakk: see replies on https://twitter.com/garethgreenaway/status/70835948819397427220:42
darthrobot[R: mobile.twitter.com] Title: [Twitter]20:42
pleia2yeesh, what a week20:43
akkNo answers yet, looks like I'm not the only one wondering.20:43
akkI can certainly understand wanting to step back, get some perspective and keep things professional20:44
akkbut Gareth must have known phrasing it like that was going to make everybody super curious ...20:44
=== ro is now known as ezri

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