
anton_mayWazzup peeps04:48
magespawngood morning05:37
magespawngood morning Kilos 05:39
Kilosmorning magespawn superfly inetpro and everyone else05:43
Kilosyuou erly magespawn 05:43
magespawnlogged in first thing this morning05:45
Kilosaha good lad05:45
magespawnokay then not sure what happened there05:50
Xsmmorning everyone05:53
magespawnhi Xsm05:53
Xsmheya magespawn05:54
XsmStill no luck yet, magespawn.05:55
magespawni am a little out of my depth here, i have never done this before05:56
XsmIt's okay I am way out of my depth too lol but I am trying.05:56
XsmFind it very interesting though.05:57
XsmI am thinking it must be something to do with the passing on of information.05:57
Xsmand that is the dns and forwarding dns servers, although I can ping card p3p1, so that tells me it is passing information on to it, only not too the internet.05:58
XsmBecause if it was the firewall, the problem should sieze upon switching off.06:00
Xsmor switching it off06:01
XsmSquid has been removed so can't be that then.06:01
magespawni know with mikrotik routers, they have more than one interface, you have to bridge the two together to get information flowing06:02
Xsmit can be networking too, using the incorrect gateway etc, because I am not sure which ip to use really, with all the different cards.06:02
magespawnnot sure how that would be done here, or if it necessary06:02
magespawnprocess of elimination, try all of them06:03
XsmLet me look in the router again, could be that too06:03
Kiloshi boy06:13
Kilosthere is a masquerade command that tells it forward06:13
XsmThat is to send it forward06:18
Xsmbut I should be able to ping the router as wel06:18
XsmHeya Kilos thatgraemeguy06:18
magespawnmorning meeting bbl06:19
Xsmthatgraemeguy: do you have a bit of time to spare please...06:20
XsmOKay magespawn cach you later.06:20
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 06:21
Kilosxsm http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Masquerading-Simple-HOWTO/06:23
Xsmty Kilos06:26
superflyKilos: evening06:52
inetprogood afternoon everyone07:12
inetprooh and hi oom Kilos as well07:12
Kilosguten tag mein herr07:14
Kilosforget if its 2 r's07:14
inetproKilos: correct07:22
inetprobut you forget the capitalizsation 07:22
Sxuzahey guys 07:23
Kiloshi Sxuza 07:23
inetproKilos: all nouns are capitalized in German07:23
Kilosnono inetpro 07:23
Kilosi dont use caps often as you should have noticed by now07:24
inetprothe good news is that this helps you tell nouns apart from other types of words07:24
KilosGutn Tag Mein Herr07:24
Kilosyou type it out man07:25
Kiloshey Sxuza i dont see where you joined our launchpad account07:26
Kilosim trying to call clearance peeps inetpro 07:27
Kilosnumber not available atm please try again later07:28
Kilosno pc answering thing even07:28
SxuzaKilos : im there 07:29
Kilos012 393392807:29
Sxuzai didnt know u guys knew Cuttingedge 07:29
Kilosyes he does the neology server07:30
Kilosor used to07:30
Kilosis he still there07:30
Sxuzawell i was chatting to him and he mentioned he's also a member there at Launchpad 07:33
Kilostell him to visit us here now and again07:34
Kiloshe has been missing for ages07:34
KilosMaaz seen Cuttingedge07:34
MaazKilos: Cuttingedge was last seen 8 months, 14 days, 12 hours, 52 minutes and 13 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-06-30 11:42:46 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-02-01 08:12:56 PST07:34
Kiloslaunchpad is the mai n door into the world of ubuntu07:36
superflywoo! I'm famous! :-P http://thenextweb.com/insider/2016/03/10/5-best-practices-design-build-launch-product-months/07:44
magespawncool beans superfly 07:47
superflymy 30 seconds of fame07:47
Kilosim looking for it07:47
Kiloslotsa readind07:48
Kilostell me what to look for superfly other than by Thomas and Raoul07:49
Kilosor are you hidden in the smoke from the shuttles rocket07:51
superflyKilos: I wrote that article07:51
Kilosoh well07:52
Kiloswell done man lotsa reading and good aims 07:52
Kilosand good phylosofy07:52
Kilosthat thing07:53
XsmThat's awesome superfly, really good article and easily understood.07:57
Kilosand so right. ego has detroyed many things07:59
Kiloshi SYNC3D 08:02
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za08:02
Kiloshi dlPhreak 08:02
dlPhreakI really need to fix this irssi script cuz it's annoying.08:03
dlPhreakKilos: how are you?08:03
Kilosgood ty and you08:03
SYNC3Dand Hi08:03
dlPhreakPretty swell thanks.08:03
dlPhreakHi SYNC3D 08:03
chesedo-morning all08:05
Xsmheya dlPhreak SYNC3D chesedo-08:05
SYNC3Dhowzit chesedo- 08:05
chesedo-wow, that's great model superfly08:05
* chesedo- taken by point 1 and 5 the most08:05
Kiloshi chesedo- 08:05
chesedo-great ty SYNC3D, and self? (welcome to channel btw)08:07
Kiloshi unlaudable 08:07
SYNC3DThanks. I'm all good. It is Friday!08:08
Kilosyou two know each other?08:08
=== chesedo- is now known as chesedo
Kiloschesedo ^^08:09
chesedodon't think so Kilos08:09
KilosSYNC3D hope this isnt a one time only visit08:11
unlaudableHello Kilosbot08:11
SYNC3DHaha Kilos! Will come here as often as possible. I accidentally came across the Ubuntu-za page and thought I will pop in08:14
Kilosyou are welcome here 24/7 and if you need help just state the prob and someone will help you08:15
dlPhreakKilos isn't lying. He pretty much is here 24/708:15
Kilosnono i sleep early08:16
Kilosunless something interesting is happening08:16
SYNC3DCool thnx08:16
chesedoXsm: still trying to the get the internals to the net?08:17
dlPhreakBut while to sleep, you astral travel to man the channel in spirit..08:17
chesedoXsm: on the server output of `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward`08:18
SYNC3DSo how long have you all been using Linux?08:19
dlPhreak9 years08:20
chesedosince 2009/201008:22
Cryterion3 Years08:22
Xsmhave no idea how long first worked on koala lol08:23
dlPhreakYourself,SYNC3D ?08:23
dlPhreakI first installed Mandrake in October 200708:24
dlPhreakTook me about 3 days.08:24
Xsmchesedo: http://bin.snyman.info/mmmp2apw08:24
Kilos2008 i think08:24
Kilos\but really got going with 9.0408:25
Kilossome of the brainy guys go back a long way08:25
Kilosinetpro superfly how long?08:26
chesedoXsm: great and `sudo iptables -t nat -vL`08:26
SYNC3DSince 2000, first distro I used was Suse. 08:26
dlPhreakDamn, that's a long time.08:27
KilosSYNC3D here is our old man i think08:28
Xsmyeah Kilos tried that first too lol08:28
superflyI got my first taste of Linux in 9908:28
superflybut I only really got into it from 2000 onwards08:28
SYNC3DJislike he got a copy of Suse! I Downloaded it on 56k Modem with Telkom R7 a call. Took the whole weekend and if anyone came close to the PC I chased them with a stick.08:30
chesedo`chased them with a stick` are you related to Kilos? :P08:30
Xsmha ha ha08:31
dlPhreakWhat distro are you using now, SYNC3D ?08:32
Xsmchesedo: http://bin.snyman.info/mmmzfef708:32
chesedoXsm: the current rules, did you add them or are they part of arno's?08:34
Xsmchesedo: line 18: why is there an exclamation mark before the "
XsmI added them through arno I think.08:35
chesedoXsm: to say not...08:35
XsmSo it's saying  use it but don't use it.08:36
chesedoif source is not in
SYNC3DUbuntu at work and Arch at home08:37
chesedoso that rules says, if anything on target SNAT goes out of p3p1 while the source is 10.0.0/30 and the destination NOT go to
* chesedo had the first one wrong should be destination08:39
chesedook, we will try delete them one by one later. for now do `sudo iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o "p3p1" -j MASQUERADE`08:40
chesedop3p1 was the external right08:41
chesedonow see if the internal can ping the router or so?08:42
chesedoWolfeyes: is here so guess that's sorted...08:43
Wolfeyeschecks my cables08:43
Wolfeyesam I dreaming08:43
Kilosoh my08:44
Wolfeyesdon't know how or what but that was genuis08:44
Wolfeyesgoes to save the commands lol08:44
Wolfeyesrebooting to windows08:44
Kiloswell done chesedo 08:44
* Kilos holds thumbs08:44
Kilosoh SYNC3D hw come you took so long to find us08:45
Kilosi keep starting your nick with rsy tab08:45
Kilosdont work08:45
SYNC3DDon't know really. Never really used IRC, only ever used ubuntuforums in the beginning.Jeez I spent a lot of time there in the beginning.08:47
Kilosforums were to much for me, i used email for help and was guided here by the fly and been here ever since08:48
SYNC3DI think i've used the official Ubuntu IRC group once or twice.08:48
Kilosmy daughter also used the forums and got on quite well but also ended up here for the best help08:49
chesedoXsm: we will now just have to make that rule to be added permanently - i would go for only adding it when the internal goes up...08:51
Kilosit cant find a network he says08:52
chesedoso in the internal's interface section add `pre-up <that rule without sudo>`...08:52
Xsmso by removing the -I it would be permanent.08:52
Kilosi told him to go chat.freenode.net with a browser08:53
chesedoXsm: the I is for insert (at the top), A would append (insert at the bottom)08:53
chesedooh and D would delete the rule (so if a rule ever breaks something do it again with the D)08:54
XsmThat is a very important piece of info.08:54
Xsmty chesedo08:55
chesedo... and we will take down that rule (delete) when the internal goes down... so also add `post-down <same rule as post-up but with the D>`08:55
chesedonp Xsm (was born out of the same trail and error)08:56
Xsmbut have a lot more experience lol08:56
Kilosthe genius part come in when remembering all the trial and error08:57
chesedoi had to upgrade the home server 2/3 times now (but still don't remember all)08:58
chesedoused to use zentyal before that08:58
XsmWell my next project is to setup my home server just like I have this one.08:59
XsmAlmost like a refresher course.08:59
chesedoKilos: or try to be smart and moved all the services to docker containers, will now only have to remember my dnsmasq setup (which is backed up anyway)08:59
chesedoXsm: were you able to add those?09:00
unlaudableman -k "Richard M. Stallman"09:01
chesedoMaaz: man -k "Richard M. Stallman"09:01
Maazchesedo: What?09:01
unlaudableRichard M. Stallman: nothing appropriate.09:02
unlaudableI was reading the cat man page... and then I had the thought how much stuff has RM contributed to...09:03
unlaudableRMS even09:03
Xsmcheck your private messages please chesedo09:03
dlPhreakIt's pretty small though. Only about 700 lines.09:05
dlPhreakI was surprised to find that ls.c has almost 5000 lines of code.09:09
magespawnhey back, computer froze up on me09:12
Kiloswb magespawn 09:13
Xsmwb magespawn09:13
chesedoWolfeyes: you would propably want to do some house keeping before moving over to get squid up?...09:56
Xsmyeah I am thinkning that chesedo10:09
chesedoXsm: i would advice moving each interface's 'settings' to its own file, sorting that dns options and removing the unneeded iptable rules...10:11
chesedodo you have this folder `/etc/network/interfaces.d`?10:12
Xsmyes sir10:13
XsmI have made a copy of all the originals and will now make a copy of all the edited files.10:13
chesedolol, in it create two files- named internal and external10:14
XsmAnd then? use them for ?10:15
chesedothen you can move the internal's section in `/etc/network/interfaces` to the internal file and the same for external10:16
chesedowill help in the future to remember which was which10:16
chesedoso `/etc/network/interfaces` will contain only the loopback10:17
chesedoafter that we can check if the dns-server works as it should...10:24
chesedouse `dig @<server's address> google.com` and check the answer section10:25
Kiloswho here is on a windows machine10:39
XsmWolfeyes is10:39
Kiloscan you test this link please before i pass it on to neighbour10:39
Wolfeyeshealth shocker - looks interesting.10:41
Kilosyou can turn off the video10:41
Kilosthen see text only10:41
Wolfeyesa video didn't display10:42
Kilosgood news for diabetics if it works as they say10:42
Kilosoh good10:42
Xsmvery yes10:42
XsmSo chesedo I just create a new file in each the "internal" and the "external"  and call it, "interfaces" as well? putting the seperate cards in each file? Do I understand this correct?10:47
chesedoXsm: no no, in '/etc/network/interfaces.d/' you should create two files (one named 'internal' and the other 'external')10:49
Xsmyes I have done that10:50
Xsmand within them what do I put/10:50
Xsma new interfaces file with only the p3p1 and p5p1 respectively10:50
chesedono, it the file itself you put the interface's stuff as is in /etc/network/interfaces10:51
chesedoexactly as they are in /etc/network/interfaces10:52
Xsmlet me try that10:52
chesedoso it will now just be split into 3 files...10:52
chesedo/etc/network/interfaces will have the loopback10:53
chesedo/etc/network/interfaces.d/internal will have p5p110:53
chesedo/etc/network/interfaces.d/external will have p3p110:53
magespawnhi mazal 11:05
mazalHow goes magespawn ?11:05
* chesedo wbb11:12
magespawngood and you mazal? bit busy at work today11:34
Kilosohi mazal 11:34
mazalDragging along ta11:34
mazalHallo oom Kilos11:34
Kilosis jy n diabeet seun11:35
mazalwhy ?11:35
Kilosken jy mense wat is11:35
mazalnie wat naby is nie11:36
Kilosek het n lienk wat se dis genees baar11:36
mazalbtw Kilos , I applied for mobile solution11:42
Kiloswhats that11:42
mazalIt's clear that adsl network is collapsing and telkom don't care11:42
Kilosoh with your internet11:42
mazalBut , the mobile has 3 weeks or more waiting period , no routers in stock :(11:43
mazalSo I am stuck for long time still11:43
Kilosjust  get a modem11:43
Kilos\usb modem11:43
mazalNo I must have proper router11:44
mazalCan't work with the usb dinky toys11:44
Kilosfor your own use11:44
mazalHave 4 diveices that needs ethernet11:44
mazalAnd the only one with that is out of stock11:44
magespawnthere are adsl modems that have a usb port that can use a dongle11:44
mazalis not adsl magespawn11:44
Kilosyes i have ians one here11:45
mazalI closed my adsl , Telkom can't maintain the cables anymore11:45
Kilosinetpro has the mobile one i think11:45
mazalThis is mobile11:45
mazalIs a Huawei B31511:46
magespawnindeed mazal, the adsl modem can route the traffic through the dongle, it is usually meant as a back up11:46
mazalI'm not following11:46
Kilosits adsl and 3g backup11:46
Kilosim not sure which one inetpro has11:47
mazalYou mean the dongle plugs into the router itself ?11:47
Kilosbut its very fast11:47
mazalAh ok11:47
mazalNever used mobile so don't know all the tricks11:47
Kilosinetpro answer man11:47
magespawnon most of them you can specify which is the primary connection11:47
Kilosexpensive thats all11:47
mazalAlsways been a fan of cable only , but that is not an option anymore. Support is non-existant11:48
Kilosi get up to  8mb/s downloads11:48
Kilosso faster than adsl anyway11:48
chesedothere might then also be APs with a usb port11:48
mazalKilos: the speed will be almost axactly the same as my 4mb line was ( our signals or not great ) , but the data part is the problem. Only half as much as I had11:49
Kilosja mobile costs11:49
mazalI tested my friends at my house before deciding , and speed is about the same11:49
Kilosyou can also get a yagi antenna to boost signal11:50
mazalI can live with that. But will have to do data managing11:50
mazalI wouldn't want to put antennas if it can be avoided11:50
mazalLighning damage11:50
mazalBut ya , must wait a month still **sigh**11:51
mazalPrepaid way to expensive11:52
Kilosif you want to use more than 2g  a month ja11:53
mazal2g won't last me one day11:53
Kilos2g is R13911:53
mazalI took a 30g one , and will have to downscale A LOT to make it through the month11:53
mazalIt's a killer11:54
Kilosis your work adsl working11:54
* chesedo rofl11:54
mazalYep , for now11:54
Kiloshow far are you from work11:54
mazaluhm.........800m give or take11:54
Kilosid run my own cable from work to home11:55
mazalI can see my flat complex from the office11:55
mazalWell few problem with that.11:55
magespawnis this for home mazal ?11:55
mazal1. That would take fiber. Too expensive11:55
mazal2. Not allowed11:55
mazal3. Work adsl too slow11:55
mazalmagespawn:  yep11:55
Kilosadsl use 2 or 4 wires11:56
Kilosnot fibre11:56
magespawnyou could do a wireless link from the office to the flat. how far is it line of sight?11:56
mazalSee points 2 and 311:56
magespawnpoint 3 i can get, but point 2 why?11:57
Kiloswell if you can afford to be fussy good11:57
chesedomazal: which area are you?11:57
mazalIt's the work's property , I may not use it for home11:57
mazalI may not dig trenches and lay down cables etc.11:58
mazalThey will have a fit and a half11:58
mazalchesedo: Cullinan11:58
mazalmagespawn: I had to get special permission just to put in my lan cables at home11:58
chesedohave you tried looking for a wisp in that area?11:59
* chesedo remembers a 7-something there11:59
mazalDunno what that is11:59
magespawnare the permenant mazal?12:00
mazalWhat magespawn ?12:00
mazalthe lan cables ?12:00
chesedoa wireless ISP (use things like WiMax)12:00
mazalmagespawn: For the trunking. I got tired of the cables lying across the floors. Then had to get special permission to put trunking in and make it neat12:01
mazalchesedo: Nope we don't have. Well we have 1 , but is ridiculously expensive with data12:01
mazalWorks on some kind of radio link12:02
magespawnmazal that is what i was thinking of to connect you to the work building12:02
chesedomost are around R400 for 30gb12:03
mazalmagespawn: They will never allow it12:03
mazalThe work's network is only allowed for work. Nevermind the trenching and all issues surrounding that12:04
mazalThe whole terrain belongs to the work12:04
mazalWe rent flats from them , the flats is also theirs12:05
Kilosand no keep the employeee happy policy in govt12:13
mazalhell no12:13
mazalThat dies about 15 years ago12:14
Kilosso where does your adsl line come from then12:15
Kilosthe one thats broken12:15
mazalFrom the road. There is a main pipe that runs along the road just outside the terrain. One splits off to the flats , the rest continue to the main entrance that feeds all the work buildings12:16
mazalIt's the one that splits off to the flats that kapoet12:16
mazalPlus minus 100m from me ( according to the 1 technitian that was there )12:17
Kilosif the main one packed up then it would be fixed12:17
mazalYeah , that one would be fixed12:17
Kilosoh well stay strong for a month12:18
mazalWe are like only 2 guys using that one that splits off. We are the unlucky ones12:18
Kilosand welcome to the mobile world12:18
mazalThat has saved us a lot in the past ( the main one gets stolen often then ours still worked ). But now it's a major drawback12:19
Kilosill have a bally nap while you think about it12:19
mazalSo I think , even if Telkom pitched in 2 months or whatever to check , they would not have pulled in a new cable for just 2 customers anyway12:20
mazalThe only thing I will miss is the amount of data and flexibility of said data ( easily upgrade and downgrade )12:23
mazalThe speed is fine12:23
inetpromazal: http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php/575591-The-Huawei-B593-LTE-discussion-thread12:24
mazalBut , now one get's one advantage back. ability to take your inet where you go12:24
inetproif I remember correctly I have the B593s-60112:25
mazalIs not the same as I will get. I remember something with a 1512:26
mazalBut bookmarked it12:26
inetpromazal: does it do LTE?12:27
mazalThat's the one12:27
inetprolooks good12:29
mazalThat's the only one they have on contract that have ethernet , so I hope so12:30
mazalCall me old fashioned , but I can't work without my ethernet12:31
mazalJust pitty of the wait now :P12:32
mazalPoor management once again.12:32
mazalOk guys , I'm off for a quiet offline weekend12:33
inetpromazal: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WEmxnfYrlIc/U_fxYJR0w_I/AAAAAAAAOwk/eeoxcvstCk8/s1600/Huawei-B593-Rear-2.jpg12:33
mazalWill take out my frustrations on the games12:33
mazalta inetpro12:33
mazalCheers guys12:34
inetproapparently the B315 internal antennae don't appear to benefit from the same 'secret sauce' that the B593 had12:35
inetproKilos: tell him to do his homework12:35
inetprojust google 'Huawei B315 vs B593' and see what people say12:37
thatgraemeguylo ainetpro13:05
magespawnhome time, chat later13:54
inetprothatgraemeguy: eh!13:58
* Kilos yawns14:31
KilosMaaz tell mazal Do your homework. apparently the B315 internal antennae don't appear to benefit from the same 'secret sauce' that the B593 had. google 'Huawei B315 vs B593' and see what people say14:33
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell mazal on freenode14:33
Kilosoh SYNC3D you still here14:44
Kilosthats good14:44
Kiloswe invite all linux users hey14:45
Kiloseven some windows peeps, then they get brainwashed in moving to linux14:46
Kilosthere you go inetpro you can go back to windows15:21
* inetpro throws a vrot fish at Kilos15:25
* Kilos feeds it to the dogs15:25
inetprosies man!15:25
KilosToday's news follows Microsoft's other bombshell this week: a port of SQL Server for Linux, due out in 2017. This is all extremely surprising given the Windows giant was hell bent on destroying Linux until very recently.15:26
Kiloslinux doesnt taste so good anymore all of a sudden15:27
inetproKilos: you think Microsoft loves open source? 15:28
Kilosnono there is some evil behind it all15:29
Kilosfirst try destroy linux and now contributing15:29
XsmThat kicked me off chesedo, but at least I know how to fix it again lol16:49
Xsmsorry it took so long had a meeting inbetween.16:49
Kilosstorming so power can go anytime17:24
Xsmwas storming here too17:25
inetproai oom Kilos, hoekom waarsku jy nie vir my nie?17:35
inetpropapnat by die huis gekom17:36
Xsmha ha ha ha17:36
Xsmshame inetpro17:36
inetprodie belankrikste is dat ek tuis gekom het :-)17:36
Xsmbut better being wet than soaking in sweat from the heat17:36
Kilosai! skuus boetie17:37
Kilossolank jy OK is is als goed17:37
inetproI was so engulfed with something at the office that I didn't even realise outside getting darker17:37
XsmThose things happen inetpro17:38
inetpronothing that a hot shower can't fix17:39
KilosMaaz lpi17:39
MaazKilos: Sorry...17:39
inetproMaaz: hmm17:39
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking17:39
Kilosmaaz LPI manual17:39
KilosXsm ^^17:39
Kilosmaybe thats a bit out dated but is a start17:40
Kilosmaybe site been updated so all good17:40
XsmI remember I stopped at one stage due to knowledge - maybe my skill have improved since then :-P and I can go further.17:42
* Kilos waits for power to go17:57
* Private_User is just curious to know how many people still have their old machines like the x86, 286, etc...17:59
Private_Userwell I do not my parents go rid of them all when I moved out17:59
Kilosi have a 386 upgraded to 486 in storage somewhere18:00
Private_Userbut was just curious cause this one oak on another channel still has all his old machine including one with dos and win 3.118:00
Kilosi remember it battled with win 9518:00
Private_Usermust have been very slow and frustrating Kilos 18:01
Private_Userwhich began your frustration with windows18:01
Kilosi didnt know any better back then so it was exciting for me18:01
Private_Useryeah I remeber we still had a 286 machine at home with dos and people who had like windows I was like nice wish we could have that18:02
Private_Userthat was like in the 90s18:02
Private_UserI wish we kept that old machine would be nice to see if we could get it to work like with tinylinux or something18:03
Private_Userand see if we could browse the net as well18:04
Private_Userand check out the speed and stuff18:04
Kiloswhat speed18:04
Private_Userprobably slow will be the fastest18:05
Private_UserI remeber when we first got the machine it was like the best around then not long after that 386, 486, pI, pII, pIII, PIV, etc, etc, etc18:06
Private_Userthen our machine was so obsolete18:06
Private_Userour next machine was PIII after 28618:06
Kilosi did it all in 200718:07
Kilosand started with ubuntu  end 2008 with a p318:07
Kilosnow i have an i5 laptop and dont really want to go battle like that again18:08
Private_Userthis one guy on another channel was like addamant that unbuntu is crap cause he uses fedora18:08
Private_Userand then another joined in and was like yeah I have no issue with debian only ubuntu18:09
Private_Userman I was so tempted to invite this entore channel their18:09
Kilosearly ubuntu's took quite a bit of work18:09
Kilosi battled to get mxit in pidgin on 9.0418:10
Kilosand battled with everything else too i spose18:10
Kilosxchat saved me pulling all my hair out18:11
Private_Useryeah thats what I thought maybe they were talking about the old versions but maybe they have not tried the recent versions and like the traumas most people experiences with MS operating systems it got stuck in their heads as crap18:13
Private_UserI hear that Win10 not too bad although I read lots of privacy issues18:14
Kilosits a human weakness18:14
Private_Useryou have to go and manually change the settings18:14
Kiloswin10 is evil18:14
Kiloswhen you tick the i accept button for the eula stuff you give them permission to monitor and have access to your data on your pc18:15
Private_Usersomtimes I do not understand why an IT person would choose to use an illegal copy of windows for their personal use then use something that can do the same and more which is FOSS18:15
Private_UserI stopped trying to convince people now18:15
Private_Userthat I would understand Kilos but if you not gaming then why?18:16
Private_Usermost probably18:16
Kilosschools and everywhere use windows so its part of life18:16
Private_Useryep but I think they just not willing to use their brain just a little to learn something new18:17
Kilosbut things are changing18:17
Private_Userwell more like lazy then not willing18:17
Private_Usercause new other stuff they jump at being the first18:17
Kilosnot many people can think the way IT people do18:17
Kilosi battle to at times18:18
Private_Userbut my sis who is not into computers at all and only use it for like checking emails and maybe doing research on the net is more willing to switch18:19
Kilospeople that can understand computers are a different breed18:19
Private_Useroh well...18:20
Private_Userotherwise hows it going Kilos and everybody else?18:23
Kilosgood ty and there18:23
Kilosjust busy trying to revive locos18:23
Private_Userah not too bad, raining at the moment18:23
Private_Userits Friday people...TGIF18:27
Private_Usereverybody so quiet18:28
Xsmbusy sorting my server I am working on Private_User18:28
Private_Usergood times ;) enjoy18:28
Xsmmanaged to get internal computers connected today through chesedo's help.18:28
XsmI am enjoying it - learning a lot.18:28
Xsmbrb rebooting testing something18:29
Private_Useryep best way to learn I have noticed is to encounter lots of issues cause you learn other stuff not even related to what you using either but casn be very frustrating at times18:30
Private_Useroh he left sorry18:30
Xsmmmmm that didn't work...18:36
Xsmsudo iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o "p3p1" -j MASQUERADE18:37
Kiloswait for ches he can exlain what to change and why18:38
Xsmis a comand to be put into the cli to get the p5p1 network to see the router. but how do I get it use this at start up without having to reenter it every time? 18:38
XsmHe said put it into interfaces, and take away the -I18:39
Kilosyou have to add it in somewhere18:39
Kilosthere is most likely more to be done as well18:39
Xsmdoesn't work - so maybe the -I must be replaced with somthing.18:39
XsmCan't remember if he sent this or dlphreak or magespawn18:43
XsmThat command is in there, but that was from his dns server so I am thinking it goes into there...18:43
Kilosi cant find that post18:49
Xsmit is amazing how many pages one goes through when gathering information ike this18:56
XsmI was just saving every page I gathered info from into their, networking, dns, firewall, etc files18:57
Kiloslots of info yeah18:58
Kilosthen finding what you saved where is even worse18:59
XsmI saved it all in categories for the next server19:04
Xsmhave to still complete ssh and squid though on this one19:05
Xsmyeah this was more work than I expected but what I learnt out of it was worth it.19:08
kulelu88Hey there superfly . Tell me, when building out my own API-driven webapp, and say I am calling onto a third-party API (twitter), should I ever expose any of the API calls directly in the client app (eg. making a call directly to twitter API via the client application)?19:16
superflykulelu88: it depends.19:16
superflykulelu88: it depends on what you're doing with it, how fast you want it to be, and the configuration of the API you're calling19:17
kulelu88superfly: if you recall, I was attempting to build a proxy layer between third-party APIs and your internal application, but then I realized that API calls almost always occur on the server-side19:18
kulelu88so my PoC became kind of redundant19:18
kulelu88would an API layer have any industry applications? superfly 19:22
superflykulelu88: I'm not sure.19:22
inetproXsm: man iptables19:26
Xsmoh boy - I missed lots here, scrolls19:30
Xsmrighto inetpro19:32
superflykulelu88: Ĭ guess one application could be something like a firewalled app that you don't want talking to everything out there19:38
kulelu88superfly: seems like my logic was wrong in design19:40
superflykulelu88: in what way?19:40
kulelu88well I assumed a layer API would be useful19:41
superflykulelu88: I think it /could/ be useful, but do I think the number of applicable situations is limited.19:42
kulelu88yeah, it's very use-case specific, and nginx rules can do it a lot better than twisted19:43
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:49
inetprogoeienag oom19:49
Xsmty inetpro very useful, night Kilos19:49
inetproXsm: install iptables-persistent if it is not installed yet19:50
inetprothen read /usr/share/doc/iptables-persistent/README19:50
* inetpro wondering what all those extra a's and y's mean19:52
Xsmsay it as it is typed lol19:53
Xsmlooks like it isn't loaded19:54
Xsmokay it is loaded now19:55
Xsmgoes to read19:55
inetprowell you could also read the following while you're at it19:56
XsmI saved the current ruleset whilst installing so I do not have to do it again correct?19:57
XsmMakes notes in my server install collection---19:57
inetpromake sure to read the first few paragraphs on "Configuration on startup"19:59
inetprotake note of all the different solutions there19:59
inetprovery easy to get confused20:00
kulelu88Xsm: you look new here. intro yourself please?20:01
inetprokulelu88: where have you been hiding?20:01
kulelu88just been busy inetpro . how you?20:04
inetprogood thanks and you?20:05
Xsmkulelu88: I am normally Wolfeyes, kilos kid. Been coming here since ubuntu koala edition but been very busy the last 3 or 4 years, one of my clients was looking at a linux server and no-one here had ever done linux (that they could find) so I said give it to me and I would do it,knowing the basics. I didn't realise just how much work t was but what another huge learning curve for me which was not only exciting but interesting. I work with 20:05
Xsmbiometrics (fingerprints) , time and attendance and payroll systems. Would love to get that working on linux too, I would move completely from windows kulelu88.20:05
* Xsm goes to Configuration on Startup.20:07
kulelu88Xsm: you can outsource to me :) :P20:07
Xsmha ha ha ha20:08
XsmWhat is your rate?20:08
Xsminetpro: I have removed network-manager completely.20:09
Xsminetpro: Just a question, if I reboot and cannot come back, must I remove the iptables-persistent?20:11
XsmSo what you do kulelu88?20:11
kulelu88what are you trying to do? Xsm 20:12
inetproXsm: I have not followed what others have told you20:13
inetproif you saved iptables rules in the networking folders I would remove those20:14
inetproiptables-persistant will take care of starting up iptables properly, but before you reboot...20:14
XsmI was reading that that is what it did,20:14
inetpromake sure you have saved the rules to /etc/iptables/rules.v420:15
Xsmmy network is fine for now, 20:15
XsmI did, upon install, but will resave it20:15
inetprothen you should be fine20:16
inetproit's as simple as:20:16
inetproiptables-save >/etc/iptables/rules.v420:16
inetproand the ip6 equivalent if you use ipv620:17
kulelu88if your server is running locally, you can be a bit more lax with rules, etc.20:18
inetproman iptables-save 20:18
Xsmdoen it already20:19
Xsmit was in the README file you got me to read in the beginning20:20
kulelu88doen it :D afrikaans mixing there20:20
Xsmdoes lol20:20
Xsmor done*20:21
inetproXsm: cool20:21
inetpronow be brave and just flick the switch20:21
Xsmsometimes the brain works faster than the fingers20:21
XsmServer online.20:25
inetprowb Xsm20:26
WolfeyesInternal computer online.20:27
XsmTy inetpro :-)20:27
XsmAnother issue solved.20:27
XsmNow just to setup ssh and squid tomorrow.20:29
* inetpro hoping that the NAT solution was not 'solution looking for a problem'20:32
Xsmoh boy20:32
XsmI hope so too20:32
kulelu88ssh should already be setup20:33
Xsmyeah I was a bit slow with that20:34
superflyinetpro: you don't know which package the "mail" command is in, do you?20:45
tumbleweedsuperfly: mailx20:45
inetprosuperfly: or mailutils20:46
kulelu88tumbleweed, superfly : if I install a package via pip, will it reflect using dpkg? say I installed PyOpenSSL20:46
superflytumbleweed: no20:46
superflyag, kulelu88 ^^20:47
tumbleweedthe other way around is yes, though20:47
kulelu88I'm just thinking how security must be difficult if you use pip and apt-get to install packages20:49
tumbleweedbest advice is: don't use pip, except in virtualenvs20:50
tumbleweedthen it's obvious what you're taking responsibility for20:50
kulelu88is there any tech/list that matches ubuntu/debian python packages to their equivalent pip packages?20:50
kulelu88superfly, tumbleweed: Does the issue of pip apply to npm as well? 20:53
superflykulelu88: yes20:53
kulelu88yikes, that is crazy dangerous20:55
kulelu88and npm has so much magic going on20:55
inetprovery difficult to audit all the magic20:56
superflykulelu88: as long as you don't use the -g option, npm will install everything into a local node_modules directory.21:13
superflykulelu88: if you have to put a "sudo" in front of your command, then you're doing it wrong21:13
=== Xsm is now known as Wolfeyes
WolfeyesNight everyone and thank you again for all the help.21:27

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