
xubuntu99whey all, so I'm making a custom build of Xubu for a computer project but I can't manage to remaster or generate the iso from a live file system, then how to add persistence after.  Anyone know?02:04
xubuntu99w(to a usb)02:05
xubuntu16whey i'm looking to customize a distro through a live session (make a derivative) then I want to dd a copy of that to an .iso file so that it can be copied as bootable to another drive04:30
xubuntu16wis there a way to do it? dd has failed so far04:30
Unit193fdisk -l file.iso  and check the results.04:35
xubuntu16wokay, and can i use remastersys in v15?04:40
Unit193I'd have no idea, never looked at that.04:40
Unit193That'll at least tell you if it is a hybrid iso.04:42
xubuntu16wbut that misses the question04:43
xubuntu16whow do i make a copy of the live system i am running?04:43
xubuntu83wlooking to generate a xubuntu .iso from within a live filesystem05:32
xubuntu83wanyone know how?05:34
=== dax is now known as daxcat
JustanickThanks for the work at Xubuntu!09:49
flocculantknome: what's bug 1663609 about? 10:00
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1663609 could not be found10:00
flocculantonly asking you cos it's obviously private and you reported it on the tracker :p10:00
bluesabremorning all10:08
flocculantmorning bluesabre :)10:09
flocculantbit early isn't it?10:09
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, but went to bed a bit early too10:10
flocculantI read that - bit light headed :)10:11
bluesabretime to package up xubuntu-docs10:11
knomeflocculant, hmm...10:11
knomeflocculant, better now :P10:13
flocculantnope 10:13
flocculantoh I see10:14
flocculantyou removed it from the tracker :D10:14
knomeyeah, it was a typing error, should've been 155360910:14
flocculantaah :)10:14
knomeeg. the same blueman bug10:14
flocculantthat's an odd one10:15
flocculantright - quick zsync and I'll get this ssd install done and see if the slideshow gets time10:16
flocculantewww :(10:18
flocculantwanders off to other gtk3 things to look 10:19
* knome phews10:19
knomethought the slideshow had went nuts...10:19
flocculantcatfish, fileroller and calc look ok - disks looks rather yuk though 10:20
flocculantknome: ha - zsync is quick - getting the image on a stick isn't - not gone yet :D10:21
Justanick@ Launchpad bug 155360910:22
JustanickI have seen this bug also, but only in the VMWare Player and not on my physical system.10:22
meetingologyJustanick: Error: "Launchpad" is not a valid command.10:22
flocculantJustanick: yea - we see it on vbox too 10:22
Justanickflocculant: Should just be an information.10:23
flocculantbluesabre ochosi knome - http://i.imgur.com/hsTOSXj.png in greybird, not in numix10:24
flocculantback shortly10:24
bluesabreflocculant: file a bug for that in case ochosi is out for a while10:26
flocculantbluesabre: yea will do - shimmer themeseses ?10:34
flocculantknome: you want the good news or bad news first? 10:34
flocculantready to go slide - it's a list - the window is not resizeable as you know - I only saw down to LO Calc 10:35
flocculantdidn't then - will look in vbox shortly10:36
flocculantthe good news is the installer finished 7 seconds after the slideshow :)10:36
knomeright, so i'm pretty sure i know how to fix the app slide10:37
bluesabreflocculant: yes10:38
flocculantjust booting a vm for install now10:38
bluesabreknome, slickymaster https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/16.0410:38
bluesabreknome, slickymaster: feel free to bump the release from UNRELEASED to xenial in the debian/changelog10:38
knomeflocculant, oh wow yeah, it is a list here too10:39
knomewhat the...10:39
* knome facepalms10:39
knomemy mistake10:39
knomei *totally* know how to fix that10:39
flocculantokey doke :)10:39
knomethere we go10:39
knomepushed to the main branch, so that should be visible on the ISOs once a new release is done10:40
flocculantknome: you want me to rebuild? 10:41
knomeno need to10:41
knomeespecially if you mean the ISO10:41
flocculantI did 10:41
knomebecause we need an upload...10:41
flocculantoh yea 10:41
knomebluesabre, done10:42
knomeeh no10:42
knomediverged branches10:42
knomelet me just get the whole branch again for a change10:43
flocculantbug 155602710:46
ubottubug 1556027 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Gnome Disks restore image menu shows thick lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155602710:46
flocculantput it on the blueprint 10:47
flocculantneed a bug for the slideshow or not? 10:48
flocculantassuming not :)10:48
knomenope, it's fix committed already10:49
flocculantyep - thought so - I noted it on the tracker just in case anyway looks today10:50
flocculantquite pleased that the timing for the slideshow was ok 10:50
flocculantpretty good guessing with 10 seconds to spare :D10:51
knomeflocculant, one thing... if we wanted a link directly to webchat from #xubuntu-offtopic, that hasn't been done yet11:19
flocculantright - I guess we should 11:26
ochosiflocculant: is that a bug you see in xenial?11:42
flocculantochosi: yea - recently 11:43
knomeochosi, you broke it!11:43
ochosiif so, could you check "open file" in any other gtk3 app?11:43
* knome stands proud and waits for the slap11:43
bluesabreoh god11:43
ochosiknome: either i broke it or they pushed a gtk3 update/change11:43
bluesabreopen file looks bad in other apps11:43
flocculantochosi: yea - open file in fileroller does the same11:43
ochosialright, then it's obvious that it's the sidebar class11:44
ochosii'll look into fixing that asap11:44
flocculantochosi: thinking about it - I did see some rabbiting on in -desktop the other day11:44
knomemust be ochosi's fault anyway...11:44
bluesabreknome: too pointed? http://pad.ubuntu.com/V7rfHrI9Nz11:51
bluesabreknome: packagesets are lowercase technically, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/xenial/kubuntu11:51
knomeyeah but Kubuntu is Kubuntu...11:52
bluesabreer http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/xenial/11:52
bluesabreoh right11:52
bluesabreknome is a good email writer11:52
knomeok, i think that's better11:53
knomesince you asked if it was too pointy, not really, quite the opposite11:53
knome"if this is possible..."11:54
knomejust ask "we'd like to get this back please" ;)11:54
knomebut wait11:54
* bluesabre sees a wild flocculant11:55
* flocculant saw a wild pad :p11:55
bluesabresending it along then11:56
flocculantbluesabre: you know there's only cyphermox and infinity in dmb now ...11:57
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, but rules are rules11:57
bluesabreI should probably get my application in for that this weekend11:57
knomepleia2, no need to react to this, but as you might see, i pushed stuff from contest.xubuntu.org to the dev branch too; we might want to merge the static branch there as well, since i see no real reason to track this stuff separately; feel free to disagree and tell me to push to different branches anyway (with arguments ;))11:57
knomeand to the MOTU11:58
bluesabreknome: probably not done enough non-xubuntu packaging to matter for motu11:58
bluesabreit looks like I only care about us :D11:58
knomebbl ->11:58
flocculantha ha 11:58
cyphermoxwhat do you need the dmb for?12:10
flocculantsorry - I forgot you were in the channel ... 12:12
flocculantbluesabre sent a mail re shimmer-themes and it should be xubuntu but kubuntu have it12:13
flocculantmeans little to me tbh - not my bag :p12:13
bluesabrehey cyphermox12:14
cyphermoxhi :)12:15
bluesabrewe are unable to upload to shimmer-themes since its outside of our package set... it used to be ours, but got pulled into Kubuntu and has been stuck there since12:15
bluesabreat this point, there is nothing that should be keeping it in Kubuntu, but we still can't upload it12:16
bluesabrehttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/xenial/kubuntu vs http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/xenial/xubuntu12:16
bluesabreand the mail in question, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2016-March/000910.html12:17
gQuigsfrom a discusison on desktop ML... does anyone know if xfce4-volumed still does anything on the xubuntu image (or if it's needed at all anymore..)15:47
gQuigs(from post - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2016-March/004790.html)15:47
knomebluesabre, ochosi, Unit193, sidi: ^15:49
gQuigsit's been removed from debian, so I'm thinking it's no longer needed - but it is still a Recommends of ubuntustudio-desktop-core, xfce4-settings, xubuntu-core, and xubuntu-desktop15:50
sidiRemove it :-)15:51
sidiyou guys use the pulse fork15:51
knomepulse spoon15:51
sidiI cant port the ALSA fork because of a missing interface in GStreamer. I might some day rip/fork gstreamer 0.1 just to get the mixer back and remake a panel plugin and all but who's got time.15:52
sidiI still deeply hate Pulse tho so there's that.15:52
knomeyou're silly.15:52
knomeadded a work item, thanks gQuigs, sidi 15:53
sidiWhat is Martin Pitt's IRC Handle tho?15:53
flocculantand hi sidi :)15:53
sidihi flocculant ! :-)15:54
gQuigssidi: are you pinging Martin about it on IRC?16:01
knomei'll do that16:02
knomeoh, sidi did already16:02
knomegood good16:02
sidiyeah just wanted to clarify why we use 0.1016:05
knomewell why we.. don't use 0.10 :P16:06
sidiWe, as in sidi, do :p16:06
knomeoh, the royal we16:06
knomei'll remember that on your funeral16:06
gQuigswhy we don't use gst0.10 anymore?16:06
knomegQuigs, it's being deprecated16:07
gQuigsyup I know.. just clarifying the question sidi was asking...16:08
knome17:54  sidi: pitti, hi, regarding 16:09
knomehttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2016-March/004790.html the  reason why xfce4-volumed is still using gst 0.10 is because the  GStreamer devs never ported the mixer interface to gst 1.016:09
knome17:55  sidi: so it's not so much that the projects are dead, but rather  impossible to keep maintained. Still happy for xfce4-volumed to be  shot out of the repos though. I don't have time to work around the  mixer interface's absence and provide a working package.16:09
knomegQuigs, ^16:09
knomei don't think sidi was asking a question :)16:09
gQuigsk, thanks :)16:10
slickymasterWorkflocculant, user-docs/C/settings-preferences.xml16:20
slickymasterWorkextra space within the Settings Manager tags and typo in documentation at the final of the sentence 16:21
slickymasterWorkdo you want to recommit or do you want me to correct it and then merge your MP?16:21
=== daxcat is now known as rwd
flocculantmerged the typo - the space isn't in settings-prefs.xml - it must be in wherever &wm-settings-menulibre lives16:33
flocculantbut it isn't on the docs > http://docs.xubuntu.org/1510/C/settings-preferences.html16:33
slickymasterWorkI'll check the xubuntu.ent file at home16:34
knomesidi, you happen to remember the packagename for the PA equivalent?16:39
sidiknome, I think the package named xfce4-volumed in Ubuntu currently is xfce4-volumed-pulse?16:40
knome~$ apt-cache search volumed16:41
knomexfce4-volumed - volume keys daemon16:41
knomethat's it16:42
knomeor is it the soundmenu indicator16:43
knomei really don't know enough to know, but it's not xfce4-*16:43
ochosiflocculant, knome, bluesabre: fixed the sidebar bug in greybird (already in git master)16:47
flocculantochosi: \o/16:56
ochosibluesabre: sorry for making you go through the packaging again for a one-liner :( but really, this bug wasn't there when i checked about 2 weeks ago or so16:57
flocculantit wasn't - definitely wasn't visible in disks when I used it last time - I would have said something :)17:09
ochosigood, i feel less guilty now ;)17:16
xubuntu27wlooking to make a custom xubuntu distro.  dd if=/usb/path of/path/to/file.iso doesn't work from live system and produces non-bootable archive.  do you know how to create an iso from a live session?17:37
xubuntu27wor how to remaster xubuntu?17:39
ochosixubuntu27w: sounds like a lmgtfy question... have you checked the official docs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeDistroHowto17:51
xubuntu27wit works fine with ubuntu17:53
xubuntu27wbut not xubuntu17:53
ochosiright, well i haven't tried that ever17:54
ochosiyou could ask one of the derivatives, as there are a few17:55
ochosiand if you fix your problem it#d always be good to know where you had to depart from the official docs17:55
ochosiknome: what's the ETA on the community wallpaper contest?18:01
knomeochosi, my plan is to fix the outstanding bugs over the weekend or monday the latest, then announce18:04
knomeif anyone of you want to draft the announcement mail/article...18:05
knomealso, please check the guidelines18:05
knomeyou are even able to edit them when you log in to the contest site, so no need to pass through me18:05
knomebbl ->18:06
slickymasterthanks for uploading bluesabre 19:31
slickymasterflocculant, there's something wrong with your MP19:40
slickymasterdid you actually tried to build it19:40
slickymasterit isn't19:40
=== rwd is now known as ro
flocculantslickymaster: builds fine here19:46
knomeslickymaster, what's the error for you?19:46
slickymasterupon running the exo-open --launch WebBrowser index.html instead of getting 19:47
slickymasterfile:///home/slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/build/index.html in the browser19:48
slickymasterI get http://index.html/19:48
flocculantI sure as hell don't muck about with terminal commands to run a webpage ;)19:48
knome"[exo] ./index.html" ?19:48
slickymasterlet me try it knome 19:49
slickymasteryeap, that does it19:50
slickymasterbut that souldn't be necessary, or expected, should it19:50
knomewhy not?19:51
knomehow would the browser know you want to open a file and not a website called "index.html" if you give it no clue about your intention?19:51
slickymasterwhy yes?19:51
knomeit's a *web* browser, so browsing the *web* is the default option19:52
knome./ tells the path you want is relative, so it knows to look in the filesystem19:52
slickymasterif I'm already in the foleder where the page is and I'm teeling the browser to just open it19:52
slickymaster* folder19:52
knomeif you are in a directory where you have a file called "google.com", which one would you say the browser should open: the google website or your file?19:53
slickymastermy point is that I never needed until now to give him the relative path19:54
slickymasterwhat changed?19:55
slickymasterif you branch the -docs last re. you don't have to give the relative path19:55
knomei don't think it has anything to do with the docs19:55
knomemaybe the browser has changed the default action?19:56
slickymasterjust tried it with rev. 55119:56
slickymasterno need to a relative path19:56
slickymastersome broswer19:56
slickymaster* same19:56
slickymasterwas just thinking in last paragraph of flocculant's commit msg19:57
slickymasteris it possible that it can be related?19:58
slickymasterjust cirios19:58
slickymaster* curious19:58
knomewhat about it?19:58
knomeit seems to be valid markup19:58
knomeso it should produce valid markup19:59
knomethough "Edit Actions" needs to be wrapper in <guilabel>19:59
slickymasterwhere are you seeing that knome ↑20:00
knomein the last paragraph20:01
knomeon the LP diff, it's between lines 3-420:01
knomeof that paragraph, that is20:01
knomethis stretches20:01
knomeit's a few words after &appmenu;20:01
slickymasterlol knome, afte &appmenu I see "Search Actions", not "Edit Actions"20:05
knomeslickymaster, in the last change mentioned in the diff?20:05
knomeare you hallucinating20:05
slickymasterhaven't eat since dinner yesterday20:06
knomeslickymaster, http://awesomescreenshot.com/0da5pdtmbf20:06
slickymasterbah, you said 19:59  knome: though "Edit Actions" needs to be wrapper in <guilabel>20:07
slickymasternot Edit Applications20:07
knomeand you talked about Search Actions20:07
knomei'm doing something else :P20:07
slickymastersometimes you just drive me crazy :P20:08
flocculantha ha ha 20:08
knomeslickymaster, that looks like a sweet spot for a potential low blow below the belt... driving...20:08
flocculantanyway - whatever is in that last paragraph I didn't touch apart from the second t in documentation :)20:08
slickymasterneed to get some food20:09
slickymasterflocculant, merged20:37
flocculantslickymaster: ok cheers - afaik that's all :)20:38
slickymasterjust inclosed the Edit Applications within <guilabel> tgas20:38
slickymaster* tags20:38
slickymasterthanks for everything20:38
flocculantwelcome :)20:41
knomethe fish too?20:41
=== ro is now known as ezri
knomepuckz, and hello, you might recognise me from the mailing list21:55
ochosiweird, somehow document templates don't work for me in thunar..21:56
ochosiadded some files to the dir defined as template dir in .config/user-dirs.dirs, nothing shows in the context menu21:56
knomethat always was a bit weird; i remember it worked with the preset directories, but once those were removed, it kind of just stopped working...21:57
flocculantbluesabre and I did talk about presets at the end of wily/beginning of this one - didn't get very far :)21:59
ochosiyeah, meh22:01
ochosiyou can't rename the dir22:01
ochosisomehow it must be hardcoded somewhere in thunar then22:01
ochosiknome: i presume you don't have a finnish installation?22:02
ochosicause i wonder whether it would still have to be "Templates"22:02
knomeochosi, i have a finnish user on my laptop, but i don't think i remember the password22:02
knomebut system-wide, no22:02
ochosianyway, it seems like it should take the one from the user-dirs.dirs file22:06
flocculantwhat's the problem there though? 22:17
knomedoesn't :P22:20
flocculantworks fine here - can't be an issue then :p22:21
flocculantwell - with the 2 I have anyway22:21
knomeand did you have a bulgarian UI?22:21
flocculantof course22:21
flocculantis it that Templates ends up being called something else then? 22:22
flocculantnew to me this issue is :)22:22
knomeif it's translated, it's not working apparently22:23
knomebut if it's anything else than that, and even if that was configured in user-dirs.dirs, it doesn't work22:23
knomethat's what ochosi just reported22:23
flocculantso if I change Templates to Templatess - make sure that  user-dirs.dirs corresponds, run xdg-user-dirs-update, rebooted and now I see templates in Templatess http://i.imgur.com/Hf7hTAQ.png22:33
flocculantunless it was xdg-user-dirs-update --set TEMPLATES ~/Templatess22:34
flocculantregardless - didn't work till I rebooted22:34
flocculantif nothing else I learnt something :p22:36

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