
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
=== ryotagami_ is now known as ryotagami
=== bpierre_ is now known as bpierre
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
Free99hello everyone, I have a maas environment running on 14.04. I'm trying to run "juju bootstrap" which automatically deploys a node, but then craps out because 'unable to connect to "wss://Node-3.locality.tld:17070/environment/cd70004f-313e-44e5-82d9-ffa43c3eda0b/api"'16:38
ahasenackjcastro: around?19:51
=== ejat_ is now known as ejat
deanmanIs there a way to copy files inside a container without the need to download them from a remote server?23:37

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