
heeensddm-greeter does not come up anymore03:25
heeenhow can I debug this03:25
heeenCannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled03:49
heeenhow the heck did qt end up like this03:49
virtuosojdownloading Ubuntu 16.04 daily now04:12
virtuosojhaving mained Ubuntu 15.10 and Fedora 23, what is going to be new to me?04:13
PhoenixxlHey. I was wondering if a development/daily version of ubuntu server upgrades to a release version by updating/upgrading it after release date without the need for reinstalling.05:47
PhoenixxlI am contemplating installing  16.04 for a new server for a few minor tasks instead of installing 14.04 then release upgrading it next month..05:47
lotuspsychje!final | Phoenixxl05:48
ubottuPhoenixxl: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.05:48
Phoenixxlok thank you.05:49
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: just keep in mind if you install 16.04 now, things can still break05:49
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: should not be used for production yet05:49
Phoenixxli'm not going to install anything critical on it.05:50
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: can still breakage05:50
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: safest way would be 14.04 ==> 16.04 on final release05:50
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: or clean install 16.04 on final05:51
PhoenixxlI can also simply wait a month ..05:51
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: but if you wanna help testing, be our guest mate05:51
PhoenixxlI don't want to end up doing twice the work05:51
lotuspsychjewe always need bugging out05:51
PhoenixxlI might do that ...05:52
lotuspsychjemight be nice to know if all your services work05:52
lotuspsychjeif not quick bug before release05:52
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:52
PhoenixxlI've installed it and noticed the belgian keyboard detaction still isn't fixed.. it crept up after release 1205:52
PhoenixxlI put in a bug report with 14 but it still hasn't been fixed05:53
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: i have .be also, but im on desktop here05:53
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: make a new one for 16.04 please, it might get new attention05:53
PhoenixxlI'll do that.05:53
lotuspsychjegreat thank you05:53
Phoenixxlit was fine in 1205:53
lotuspsychjeyou can mention the whole story, wich versions worked and not05:54
PhoenixxlI'll do that right now.05:54
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: but make sure you test this on a fresh 16.04 right05:54
lotuspsychjePhoenixxl: upgrades from previous can still get too messy05:55
PhoenixxlI did an install in a fresh vm 2 days ago that's where i noticed it05:55
lotuspsychjeok great05:55
Phoenixxllotuspsychje, I hit the same snag as last time when I tried to report it.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/135859606:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1358596 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "The new keyboard detection routine when installing ubuntu server 14.04 does not find a Belgian keyboard any more. the previous one did." [Undecided,New]06:27
PhoenixxlI have no idea what the program is called06:27
Phoenixxlsearching for keyboard detection generally come sup with reconfigure console / keyboard answers06:28
Phoenixxlsince I'n sure the detection routine is never installed with the OS06:28
PhoenixxlI'm in an installer busybox shell now , looking for the ubuntu server install script now. maybe i can extrapolate from there when i find it. if it even is a script06:31
PhoenixxlI'll have another fresh look tomorrow. My morning free time is over . thnx again for the earlier feedback  lotuspsychje06:43
soupnanodesukarwhat's the qt5 lib version in xenial? I'd ask ubottu, but its wiki is down.07:12
lotuspsychje!info qt5 xenial07:35
ubottuPackage qt5 does not exist in xenial07:35
lotuspsychje!find qt507:35
ubottuFound: appmenu-qt5, fcitx-frontend-qt5, libaccounts-qt5-1, libaccounts-qt5-dev, libdbusmenu-qt5, libdbusmenu-qt5-dev, libdbusmenu-qt5-doc, libdee-qt5-3, libdee-qt5-dev, libfcitx-qt5-1 (and 254 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt5&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all07:35
soupnanodesukar!info libqt5gui507:57
ubottulibqt5gui5 (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 GUI module. In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.1+dfsg-15ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 2392 kB, installed size 14709 kB07:57
soupnanodesukarok, thanks07:57
jonascjHibernate and suspend in Ubuntu 16 without root privileges, can that be done with systemd?08:45
jonascjThe old "dbus-send --system --print-reply \ --dest="org.freedesktop.UPower" \ /org/freedesktop/UPower \ org.freedesktop.UPower.Hibernate" seem to no longer work08:45
jonascj /join #linux09:47
lordievaderGood morning.09:49
Ian_Corneupdating from 14.04 to 16.04, ofcource I forget to do the update process in a TTY + tmux session, x crashes10:26
Ian_Cornewho was the person with the UTC issues?10:28
Ian_Cornehaving kde installed on the system as well, was not a good idea10:45
Ian_Cornedependency issues during update10:45
BluesKajHiyas all12:51
steve_fihey, I did some updates to my machine running Xenial today and I'm pretty sure Compiz is b0rked ... I log in and "see" my desktop, but I don't see the unity side bar and the gnome bar at the top.13:57
steve_fiat first, it removed my nvidia-361 drivers package and used Nouveau after the first reboot, however, I reinstalled the drivers and rebooted again and I've been stuck with the same issue13:58
steve_fiI can install MATE and Gnome and use those absolutely fine though13:58
steve_fiI have an output of my Syslog here: https://paste.ee/p/dstdE13:58
steve_fiI've checked all my logs, including the Xorg one and they all seem OK, no errors that I can see13:59
steve_fiI can see all 4 of my desktop icons and I can launch things, but I cannot move the windows and I'm also certain none of the keyboard shortcuts work14:02
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: did you upgrade from a previous version?14:08
steve_filotuspsychje, Yeah, it's been upgraded from every version since 11.1014:09
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: its not recommended yet to upgarde, install fresh to test and bug14:09
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: we need to be sure its not a weird leftover before we start file a bug14:11
steve_filotuspsychje, Yeah, I upgraded it to fix another problem I had with 15.10. In all honesty, I don't mind reinstalling, it's just that if it's a bug, I'd rather report it14:11
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: yeah, you would help the community out this way14:11
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: so in april, we have a clean 16.0414:12
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: i would testout some different drivers on a clean 16.04 and see what happens14:13
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: your card is optimus?14:14
steve_filotuspsychje, ok, I'll give that a go. I have a spare SSD which I can use anyway14:14
steve_filotuspsychje, no, it's a GTX 68014:14
lotuspsychjeok great, good luck mate14:14
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: xenial working like a charm on my desktop here14:14
steve_filotuspsychje, are you using the nvidia 361 series drivers?14:16
lotuspsychjeno, ati here14:16
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: you could try 361-updates too14:17
steve_fiYeah, that's what I have installed now14:17
lotuspsychjeok then go for fresh :p14:17
steve_fithanks for the help lotuspsychje :)14:18
lotuspsychjeno sweat14:19
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-recommends-open-source-amdgpu-and-radeon-drivers-for-ubuntu-16-04-lts-501556.shtml14:40
belgianguylotuspsychje: I see :) thanks! I'll have a look14:40
k1l_k1l_> belgianguy: amd itself is swithcing von fglrx to amdgpu <k1l_> ubuntu is just the first linux to ship the new xorg-server version that will not get any fglrx.14:41
k1l_i dont know why everyone is writing ubuntu is dropping support. amd dropped support in the first place. its not like ubuntu got a chance there14:41
belgianguyk1l_: true, I don't see it as a bad thing though, amdgpu seems a lot healthier and oriented towards open-source than fglrx ever was14:42
belgianguyand tbh fglrx could be a pain at times14:42
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: there is also #gamingonlinux to chitchat about latest stuff if you like14:43
belgianguyWhat I don't know is that if amdgpu is just a renamed fglrx, or a totally different beast14:43
lordievaderk1l_: Sensation writing, probably.14:43
k1l_belgianguy: its a different beast. and open source, iirc.14:43
k1l_fglrx is just a black box that amd was kind enough to give to linux users14:44
belgianguyk1l_: ah I see, and the Vulkan part is yet another component then, not included by default?14:44
belgianguyk1l_: fglrx has served me well :) I've only had to drop to root shell a few times because the installer stopped midway14:45
belgianguythen again, those were good learning experiences14:45
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: can this help? http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-04-lts-to-ship-with-full-support-for-vulkan-in-mir-display-server-500543.shtml14:45
belgianguylotuspsychje: thanks :) I don't have that many games on Steam yet, but I'm saving up for a few14:46
belgianguylotuspsychje: that looks like a great resource from the title alone14:46
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: well your on your own, to seperate facts and sensations :p14:47
belgianguylotuspsychje: yeah, I'm informing myself :p and I have a pretty good understanding of what's about to happen14:48
belgianguyit's just that I need to know for sure, as the graphics stack of this machine (HP EliteBook) has been quite nefarious in the past14:49
lotuspsychjehey MonkeyDust14:50
MonkeyDustone failed 16.04 install, after i copied backup/etc/ to /etc/14:50
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: you might wanna wait until final perhaps to install14:50
belgianguyyeah, this machine has quite outgrown the "just do things nature" and is now the daily driver, might be wise to sit it out for some time14:51
belgianguyand look up reviews or news about supported hardware14:52
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: not very recommended as daily driver yet, things can still break right14:53
belgianguylotuspsychje: yeah, I understand, I should know better, but I'm also very curious :p14:54
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: no sweat :p14:54
belgianguyAnyone knows Canonical's stance on control, privacy and respect of the OS it's offering? In light of the actions of competitors as of recent, it could be a big boon.14:57
MonkeyDustcannot change terminal's tab title yet14:58
MonkeyDustand cannot set a background image in terminal14:58
belgianguywhile there's also been talk about Convergence, I don't see it as having immedeate influence, contre as those factors mentioned above14:58
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy14:59
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: 16.04 will remove online search from dash too15:01
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: how did you install exactly?15:01
belgianguylotuspsychje: ah, that's good news, I often got attacked on that online search point, didn't do much good in hindsight (a lot of "spyware, they do it too" arguments)15:03
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  usb, fresh install, had backupped /home/ and /etc/ ... separate /home/ partition ... all ok ... recovered /etc/ and X fails after that15:03
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: the /etc was also xenial before?15:04
MonkeyDust14.04 trusty15:04
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: think that might corrupted15:04
lotuspsychjexenial not ready to upgrade from trusty15:04
MonkeyDustworks now... break+repair=best15:04
lotuspsychjehow did you fix15:05
MonkeyDustreinstall again, left /etc/ alone ... only /etc/squid3/ is recovered ... all fine15:05
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: we dont look at it as 'spyware' the user could disabled it15:05
MonkeyDustif you know it's there, it's not spyware15:06
belgianguyI know, I never turned mine off, it's ok, it's just wrt Windows 10 being so aggressive and forced as of late, I often recommend people to give Ubuntu a fair shake15:09
lotuspsychjeand we will takeover the world :p15:09
belgianguylotuspsychje: and Mars, too.15:10
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: not sure my eth cable reaches to it :p15:10
belgianguylotuspsychje: not mentioning what bad pings you'd get in multiplayer :p15:11
belgianguybut I really do think a lot of people could be helped by Ubuntu, and if a company is doing its darndest to scare them away, I hope they could land again on Ubuntu15:12
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: alot of users landing already on ubuntu15:13
belgianguylotuspsychje: great to hear!15:14
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: and 16.04 release will be huge for sure15:14
belgianguylotuspsychje: yeah, great times ahead15:17
MonkeyDustthat was one 'yes' too many15:36
PtrPiotrhi, I want to see 16.4 with snappy. I downloaded iso for 16.4 beta, but it seems it uses deb packages; Is it possible to get snappy version?15:53
varaindemiando you guys recommand using do-release-upgrade while I am on 14.04 lts?16:10
flocculantsome might - I wouldn't16:16
flocculantwhether you'd get hit by similar bugs to ones they're seeing in -desktop I don't know, but you might16:17
flocculantnot tried that personally - but update-manager -d is crashing half way16:19
MonkeyDustvaraindemian  do-release upgrade will not work, you have to wait until 16.04.1 is released16:37
varaindemianMonkeyDust, so do-release upgrade -d will upgrade to 15.10?16:45
varaindemianor to the beta version?16:45
BluesKajvaraindemian, no -d won't upgrade to 15.10 since it's not a devel OS16:49
varaindemianBluesKaj, so it will upgrade to 16.04 beta16:49
BluesKajyes , but since there are so many kde/plasma changes between 14.04 and 16.04 it might be messy16:51
BluesKajif you have a /home partition and choose to keep it16:51
BluesKajwith a clean install16:52
BluesKajdo-release-upgrade -d will probly take a long time ...haven't tried it myself16:53
MiaHey all16:54
Miadoes unity have crasking problems in xenial16:54
Miamine just crashed and even after reeboot it fails to restart16:54
steve_fiHi Mia, I had a similar problem today and I've had to log in with the Gnome Fallback mode for now16:55
BluesKajvaraindemian, recommend a clean install if you want 16.04 at this point16:55
Miasteve_fi, oh okay16:55
Miaso maybe I should switch back to 15.10 for now16:56
Miaor mayb even 14.0416:56
steve_fiMia, I'm going to try reinstalling later to see if it's a legacy problem that I have. However, if you have no problems with 15.10 or 14.04, then it might be better to switch back for now16:57
Mia15.10 is problem-free as well ?16:58
Miais there any benefit of using 14.04 over 15.1016:58
steve_fiIt should be16:58
MonkeyDustmy background went black in unuty, couldnt click anything ... was solved after waitging 2 minutes16:58
MiaMonkeyDust, bor my case it's eactly the opposite16:59
MonkeyDustMia  14.04 is longer supported16:59
Miabackground was there, everything else vanished16:59
Miaand hwne I rebooted I saw the top menu for a second, than it vanished again16:59
steve_fiThat's the problem that I had Mia16:59
MonkeyDustMia  in 16.04? then you know it's unstable16:59
Miawhen I do ctrl alt t and type unity, if fails to start16:59
Miayes 16.0416:59
Miayeah I think I'll go back to a stabl release16:59
MiaI thought 16.04 was unity 8 anyway17:00
Miathat was the reason I wanted to test it out17:00
steve_fiIf there's multiple people affected by the problem and you can live with the Fallback mode for a few days, it might get fixed relatively quickly17:01
Miasteve_fi, how do you go back to fallback mode17:02
steve_fiAt the login screen, where you type your password, there should be a little Ubuntu icon. You can select what session you log into. I have one that said something along the lines of "Gnome Fallback (compiz)"17:03
steve_fionce you've selected it, you can type your password and login17:04
steve_fiif it's not there, you can get to the terminal by hitting ctrl + alt + f1 and then doing "sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback"17:07
steve_fiand once you reboot, it should be there17:07
Miathanks steve_fi17:12
steve_fino problem Mia :)17:13
salamanderrakeI messed up the other day and tried to intall kubuntu-full(or complete or what ever) and set sddm as default login, now I fixed my system but I can't add lightdm to the default runlevel17:26
=== Nach0z_ is now known as Nach0z
=== TwistedFruit is now known as ChibaPet
ChibaPetsalamanderrake: I don't think you want runlevels. This is a brave new world with bad software driving the car, and you want systemctl set-default graphical.target18:23
salamanderrakeoh ok thanks18:23
ChibaPetThe other thing that might be useful (dunno) is dpkg-reconfigure lightdm18:24
salamanderrakeI will try it now.18:25
ChibaPetIt should invoke the horrid update-alternatives scripting to select lightdm instead of kdm, if I'm reading scrollback correctly.18:25
jushursalamanderrake: you dont set it to runlevel? you just disable kdm and enables lightdm?18:55
salamanderrakeWhy do  I  need Nvidia prime installed19:14
salamanderrakeAnd x complaining about Nvidia version mismatch19:16
salamanderrakeEE failed to load module Nvidia module requirements mismatch19:18
salamanderrakeEE open /dev/dri/card0 no such file or directory19:22
=== Ben66 is now known as Ben64
salamanderrakeOK drivers from ppa were outdated,  x was updated now desktop is only picture of background19:33
salamanderrakeNo metacity but it works in guest login19:35
salamanderrakeAlt-F2 does not even work19:36
MonkeyDustprintscreen doenst work either19:38
salamanderrakeok, I was able to right click start a terminal on the desktop19:40
salamanderrakeno borders on the terminal or quassel-client19:40
salamanderrakewhat is the default window manager on ubuntu?19:44
salamanderrakeoh, and google-chrome has a border that I can move around.19:45
salamanderrakeI think I may have fixed it, not sure yet19:54
marchesinihey guys, i get a error when i try install the kubuntu-desktop inside the ubuntu 16.04. i think some package is broken, i try "apt-get install -f" and get this out-put http://paste.ubuntu.com/15367822/23:51
marchesinii don't want install the kubuntu now, because my computer a x86 don't have the resources to run, but i can't install any application after this. how i can repair this error?23:52
marchesinii mean, how command i run to rollback this installation? and purge the kubuntu-desktop23:54

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