
darkxstShawn, is 3D accelleration working?01:35
LinDolhi all01:50
darkxsthi LinDol03:18
LinDoldarkxst, long time no see Tim :>03:29
LinDolon these days, I have been working hard T_T03:30
LinDolHow about you?03:30
LinDolI have read your email on mailling-list. :)03:30
LinDolsome times..03:30
darkxstStill cleaning up bugs in xenial03:33
darkxstWe are on slack as well now if you you want to join there03:34
LinDoloh.. I want to use it, but i need to learn that system :)03:43
LinDolby the way, darkxst , do you know why Our wiki page was not able to edit even if i signed-in03:45
LinDolI am preparing of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/HowTo/UpgradeGnomeShell page to translate03:46
darkxstslack is easy03:56
darkxstnot sure about wiki, is it all pages, or just ours?03:56
LinDolI think It is all04:03
LinDolUbuntu company was changing permisson to edit?04:04
darkxstyou could ask on #canonical-sysadmin04:04
LinDoloh.. okay I will try it04:04
darkxstit was locked down due to spam prior to beta1, but its been unlocked since then I am sure04:04
lindolIt is still not able to edit.. T_T I will try to next weekend again :)07:03
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Shawndarkxst: I made sure to check if xserver-xorg-video-intel was the same version on each system, so far openSuse , Debian, and Fedora all work smoothly and Ubuntu gnome doesn't. They all had the driver installed and all were using similar versions16:55
ShawnAnd I tested on two different laptops16:57
ShawnNot sure where to go from here to Barrow it down further16:57
RoundDuckManAnybody here to ask?20:41
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=== adrian is now known as adrian|sick

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