
pleia2document sent to summary writers01:12
pleia2I'm spending the weekend in Napa Valley without my laptop, I'll be back Sunday night to finish any lingering summaries and send to editors, then will likely publish on Monday morning before my flight to Singapore (never a dull moment!)01:13
wxlpleia2: boozing it up, huh?01:16
pleia2wxl :D01:20
pleia2I mean, wine drinking is totally classy01:20
wxldrinking wise is always classy01:20
wxlhowever, what comes after it—01:20
pleia2we have reservations on Sunday at one of the best restaurants in the country (routinely ranked the best in California)01:21
pleia2so pretty much planned the weekend adventure around finally getting reservations there <301:22
wxlwow what's that???01:22
pleia2The French Laundry01:22
wxlum, that SOUNDS appetizing01:23
pleia2aw http://www.businessinsider.com/best-restaurants-in-america-2014-5?op=1 says it's only #3 in the country ;)01:23
pleia2but it is #1 for california http://www.businessinsider.com/best-restaurants-in-california-2014-5?op=101:23
pleia2wow those are horribly loading websites01:23
wxllooks pretty darn good01:24
* wxl is looking their menu01:24
pleia2I'm pretty excited01:24
wxlthey just do prix frie?01:25
wxlthat's kind of cool01:26
wxlwell congrats and enjoy01:26
wxlwe're taking the teens out to go see "the witch" tonight01:26
pleia2hah, fun :)01:27
wxllast night we saw 10 cloverfield lane and it was awesome01:27
wxli think i'm going to be disappointed by this movie in light of it but oh well01:27
pleia2geez, I am so out of touch with movies01:29
* wxl shrugs01:29
wxlmostly they're crap01:29
pleia2I gather than when 8 months later I'm watching them all on an overseas flight01:29
wxli'm just sad our local art cinema stopped doing their membership thing where you could see as many movies as you want01:30
wxlcuz THOSE aren't crap01:30
pleia2aw, that sounds lovely01:30
pleia2the last theater I went to was an independent one, saw the oscar nominated short animations, good stuff01:30
wxlnew miyazaki movie! yay! http://bijou-cinemas.com/bijouartcinemas/?p=593401:30
pleia2yeah, that ones playing at my local place too :)01:31
pleia2might see when I get back from trips01:31
wxli want to see this next though (not animation) http://bijou-cinemas.com/bijouartcinemas/?p=589501:31
wxlwell when we see the new miyazaki we can compare notes01:32
wxlmaybe write a blog or two about how it applies to ubuntu XD01:32
wxlheheheh probably be darn hard i imagine01:33
wxli'd have trouble with most of miyazaki's movies01:33
wxlexcept maaaaybe kiki XD01:33
pleia2my cats don't like the catbus01:34
pleia2"what is that cat noise, no likey"01:34
wxlwait, you have a cat bus.. and you intended the cats to get in it? XD01:34
pleia2no no, cat bus! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catbus01:34
wxloh i know i know01:34
pleia2from Toroto :)01:34
wxlmy daughter has a no-face doll XD01:35
wxlyeah 'cept it's kind of scary XD01:35
pleia2Studio Ghibli has a museum in Tokyo, but you have to get tickets months out, I wish I had known, totally doing it next time01:35
wxloh wow i'd love to do that01:35
wxlhaven't been to jp yet01:35
pleia2my first time was just a few months ago01:36
wxlor rather:01:37
wxlAnata wa nihongo o hanasemasu ka?01:37
wxlme either, really01:40
wxlbut i know enough to be able to stumble my way around01:40
pleia2I'm a pretty touristy traveler, and they have well-marked trains, so I had no problems really01:41
wxlah yeah01:41
wxli'm not so touristy01:41
pleia2plus with a phone, never lost, can usually figure things out01:41
wxli need culture and society when i go somewhere01:41
wxli could give a hoot about architecture :)01:42
wxli really want to go to hokkaido01:42
wxli have a friend that organizes bike tours in jp01:43
pleia2we did tokyo, osaka and kyoto01:44
wxlshe wrote "living abroad in japan" which is a useful book http://moon.com/books/moon-living-abroad-in-japan/01:44
wxlshe was raised in jp— parents of missionaries— and became a linguist here in the us01:45
pleia2oh wow, so she definitely speaks japanaes :)01:46
wxlum, yeah, for sure :)01:46
pleia2apparently I can't even type it01:46
wxlshe basically considers herself japanese primarily01:46
wxlyeah well typing it is much harder than saying it01:46
wxland even saying it is very trying on us westerners01:46
wxlthose darn short syllables01:46
wxlit is fairly easy to type as long as you have the right input manager and you know how to pronounce things01:49
wxlbut there's often many ways to type the same sound01:49
tsimonq2pleia2: tomorrow I'll get some summaries, I'm tired tonight :)03:36

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