
phunyguyhi mapps02:58
mappsWhat did i do this time02:58
phunyguyyour bans were never really resolved, and I doubt they will ever be.02:59
phunyguyway too many chances were given.02:59
mappsok, not a problem02:59
mappsso im banned indefinitely?02:59
phunyguynot saying that, but you should find another place to chat for now.03:00
mappsok, thank you, have a good day03:00
ezri!no, isitout is <reply> No, it's not out yet!07:04
ubottuI'll remember that ezri07:04
ubottuadm1n called the ops in #ubuntu ()09:05
Guest84880i have banned from ubuntu channel12:48
Guest84880what should i do to get back i am sorry12:49
Guest84880the guy that banned me didnt create a channel for oplogize for me12:50
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok

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