
meetingologysabri-icone: Error: "elacheche_anis" is not a valid command.16:02
elacheche_anismeetingology: hey sabri-icone16:04
meetingologyelacheche_anis: Error: "hey" is not a valid command.16:04
elacheche_anishey sabri-icone16:04
elacheche_aniswassup :)16:04
sabri-iconehani tewa 9rit el mail mte3ak16:07
sabri-iconehawka fi lil n3awdo nahkiw anis :), salem16:10
elacheche_anisTu va coordonnées le meeting.. meetingology est ici pour organiser un meeting, tu veux qu'on fait un meeting de teste maintenant?16:12
sabri-iconeui ok16:12
sabri-iconeen tt cas, je préfère que quelqu'un de vous qui coordonne... toi ou ahmed ou manel ou mariem, qqun sur place16:13
sabri-icone#startmeeting reunion-hebdo16:22
meetingologyMeeting started Sat Mar 12 16:22:48 2016 UTC.  The chair is sabri-icone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:22
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:22
sabri-icone#meetingtopic reorganisation de la communauté16:23
elacheche_anis#topic Topic116:23
elacheche_anisAh! JE suis pas le chair x) alors meetingology va ignorer mes commandes x)16:23
sabri-icone#chair elacheche_anis16:24
meetingologyCurrent chairs: elacheche_anis sabri-icone16:24
elacheche_anis#topic Topic116:24
elacheche_anis#subtopic subTopic116:24
sabri-icone#vote union mc ff16:25
meetingologyPlease vote on: union mc ff16:25
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)16:25
elacheche_anis#accepted topi1idea16:25
meetingology-1 received from elacheche_anis16:25
meetingology0 received from elacheche_anis16:25
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone16:25
meetingologyVoting ended on: union mc ff16:25
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:116:25
meetingologyMotion carried16:25
meetingologyvotes now need 0 to be passed16:25
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 316:26
meetingologyvotes now need 3 to be passed16:26
elacheche_anisdon't forget "votesrequired" & "voters" to fix the number of minium votes needed, and the names of voters16:26
elacheche_anis#vote anis16:26
meetingologyPlease vote on: anis16:26
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)16:26
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 316:26
meetingologyvotes now need 3 to be passed16:26
elacheche_anis#voters sabri-icone elacheche_anis16:27
meetingologyCurrent voters: elacheche_anis sabri-icone16:27
elacheche_anisnon sabri-icone votesrequesred = SUM des votes pour accepter le vote16:27
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis16:27
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone16:27
meetingologyVoting ended on: anis16:28
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:28
meetingologyMotion denied16:28
elacheche_anisle vote est toujours +, 0, -, le bot fait la somme, si on atteint la valeur fixer le vote passen, sinon c'est rejeter16:28
elacheche_aniskima taw16:28
elacheche_anisje l'ai dit qu'il faux 3 voix pour accepter le vote, on a eu 2 seulement16:29
sabri-iconelol on est que deux16:29
elacheche_anisune personne peut voter 1 seul fois16:29
sabri-iconeoui, voila16:29
sabri-iconedonc ça passera pas16:29
elacheche_anisT'as déjà fini le vote, le bot va pas prendre tes vote en charge16:29
sabri-iconeon va pas attendre le soir qd mm pour que le vote finisse16:33
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat Mar 12 16:36:00 2016 UTC.16:36
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-tn-meeting/2016/ubuntu-tn-meeting.2016-03-12-16.22.moin.txt16:36
elacheche_anisregarde le log16:36
elacheche_anisC'est un jolie pv :) non?16:36
elacheche_anissabri-icone: lance un autre meeting, et amuse toi bien avant que le vrai meeting commence. lit la doc pour savoir quoi utiliser et quoi ignorer16:38
elacheche_anisI need something to eat16:39
sabri-iconebonsoir tout le monde19:02
sabri-iconeon attend encore un peut19:02
MedAmineHello :)19:05
sabri-icone on va démarrer le meeting.. de préférence que chacun ouvre le papad :)19:10
sabri-icone#startmeeting futur ubuntu-tn19:11
meetingologyMeeting started Sat Mar 12 19:11:18 2016 UTC.  The chair is sabri-icone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:11
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:11
sabri-icone#topic ubuntu-tn aujourd'hui19:11
sabri-icone#subtopic problèmatique19:12
sabri-iconed'abord, salem alikom enness elkol19:12
sabri-iconeon va commencer par discuter les problèmes que rencontre ubuntu-tn aujourd'hui19:12
sabri-iconebiensûr, chacun est libre de dire ce qu'il pense et on à le papad aussi pour quelques idées19:12
sabri-iconele plan serait comme suit, 1- on discute des problème, 2- on va discuter les solutions probable, puis on va lancer une vote sur les solutions19:13
sabri-iconeet on fait conclure avec les dates et la faisabilité de chaque solution, si quelqu'un a une autre idée il peut nous dire avant de commencer19:14
sabri-iconeok, on commence..19:15
sabri-iconeje vais lister quelques problèmes déjà sur le papad pour faire vite19:15
sabri-icone-Discuster les points fort et les points faible dans la communauté ubuntu-tn (passé/présent) et prendre des décisions strictes par rapport au futur. -Restructurer la communauté et supprimer la notion des MC/FF -Trouver une forme de récompense ( points ou autres pour les membres actifs), dans n'importe quel domaine ou n'importe quel façon de participation -Penser à instaurer une règle de conduite!  -Suivre le c19:16
sabri-icone1- vue qu'on va discuter les problèmes donc on va commencer par les points faible de la communauté "ubuntu-tn", pourquoi on a un grand frein19:17
sabri-iconequi veut commencer?19:17
sabri-icone#idea point-faible-ubuntu-tn19:18
sabri-icone#info attente-proposition-membre19:18
sabri-iconeVous êtes toujours là?19:20
sabri-icone#info aucune restriction de langue... vous pouvez parler, français tunisien arabe ou anglais19:20
sabri-iconel'important est de participer19:21
geekette86oui pour moi the main problem is how to stay visible all the time , i hardly see any events those days19:21
sabri-iconeok, je note ça19:22
geekette86we need event team i think19:23
sabri-icone#idea  how to stay visible all the time , i hardly see any events those days19:23
geekette86not organizing team19:23
sabri-icone#idea  need event team19:23
geekette86people who will be able to go and animate workshop19:23
geekette86and that is can be even more then one team19:24
sabri-iconeyeah, actually that's the main problem... who's or who can maintin this19:24
geekette86for example 10 members in event team19:24
sabri-icone#idea more team not restricted to area19:24
geekette86if 5 can't do it we still have 519:24
sabri-iconeyeah, no restriction to be instaured19:25
geekette86who can't say "we cant go" because they 'commit' that they will be an event team19:26
geekette86si fhemtouni19:26
sabri-iconeoui, fehemtek19:26
geekette86w chaque region19:27
geekette86fiha team19:27
sabri-iconemore well organized team, but the main problem still same... need people who can do it19:27
geekette86tunis,sousse,sfax,gabes(puisque akther blayess fiha membres)19:27
sabri-iconede préférence nahkiw ken fel machekal, bch baad yebda rapport wadheh19:27
geekette86sabri-icone: seems that we rae the only ones here xD19:27
geekette86if you are present people19:28
sabri-iconeanis is here but he's not talking19:28
elacheche_anissabri-icone: lubotu3 is a bot :)19:28
sabri-iconehh, aya béhi19:28
elacheche_anisubuntulo12 & meetingology as well :)19:28
sabri-iconeyeah, it was a big finger19:28
sabri-iconesome people has name near to bots, sorry19:29
sabri-iconepeople here, could you participate please19:29
MedAminehello :) was just reading what I missed ..19:30
sabri-iconeas we say, this is an open event everyone need to participate we are community, friends and from same country so please dont miss this opportunity19:30
T_Alouihi again19:30
T_AlouiI was just reading :p19:30
T_Alouiso sorry again :p19:31
sabri-iconewe are discussing about ubuntu--tn porblem19:31
ounisto be honest I'm failing to follow any community activities due to (I know it's not an excuse) professional and familial engagements, I'm lazy too19:31
ounisI guess it's common with lots of people sympathizing with the community19:31
sabri-iconeounis: nop ounis... it's same for everyone but we want to discuss community problem it's better19:31
sabri-iconewhen someone loves things but can't got them it's not that things but his own, so we can't blame him19:32
geekette86so return to main problem19:32
ounisthat's an issue IMHO because no interest in community activity is a problem19:32
geekette86i said my point19:32
sabri-iconethe idea is to discuss ubuntu-tn issue and only ubuntu-tn without thinking that someone is cause of that19:32
sabri-iconethat must help us to find solution after19:33
geekette86if u have a point ounis can you say it19:33
geekette86u will help us19:33
geekette86second problem benessbaliya19:34
geekette86elli les etudiants yel9aw sou3ouba fi fehmen19:34
geekette86te3 kifech ye3mel event19:35
geekette86ML w communication ...19:35
sabri-icone#idea les étudiant ne comprend pas le principe de création d'évènement19:35
geekette86donc lezem formule simple19:36
geekette86Tic Tac19:36
sabri-iconemomken hedha yji mel manque de communication fel évenement fi had thato19:36
MedAminegeekette86: could you please elaborate more on that idea ?19:36
T_Alouicould u please not use many abbreviations :p ?19:36
sabri-iconedonc, manque d'information ou de communication pendant les évènements19:36
geekette86MedAmine: OK SORRY19:36
sabri-icone#idea manque d'information ou de communication pendant les évènements19:37
sabri-iconeMedAmine: yu don't have to be sorry man, as i say we are friend here dont worry19:37
sabri-iconeT_Aloui: ok, i think that' this also an issue for newbies hhh19:37
T_Alouiyh :p xD19:38
sabri-icone#idea problème avec les abréviation peut causer une certaines ignorance chez les newbies19:38
sabri-iconeounis: T_Aloui MedAmine , des idées?19:39
sabri-iconequi peut relever des problèmes de sont côté?19:39
sabri-iconevous pensez que certains frein sont visible et peuvent empêcher l'évolution d'ubuntu-tn19:39
T_Aloui- lack of media efficiency ( I don't know how to put it :p )19:40
MedAmineWell I am still waiting for geekette86 to explain more what she means with a simple formula ..19:40
T_AlouiI mean not much people know wht ubuntu-TN is about19:40
geekette86student in general don't know how they can ask for event19:40
geekette86they just drop message in FB or mail without many informations19:41
geekette86so if we had a kind of form that students fill it and then they send it to the ML19:42
geekette86it will be easy for them19:42
T_AlouiSo the idea is that as a community we are not organizing soft-skills development workshops or sth like that, so that they would be able to contribute more efficiently in the community19:42
T_AlouiThat's wht I understood19:42
geekette86and anis will stop explain every time how they should write an email xD19:43
sabri-iconecertains, nouveau vois que l'absence des évenement en ligne ou de ne pas a proximité des anciens membre est un problème par exemple19:43
T_AlouiSo we need more events : Workshops, soft-skills stuff, Team building (for exp we meet in a café and talk together), Media, newbies integration program19:44
sabri-iconeCertains trouve que l'abscence d'une calendrier et aussi un problème19:45
sabri-iconewe are not talking about solution19:45
sabri-iconeonly problem19:45
T_Alouiyh it just translates the need19:46
sabri-iconeyeah, but it's just to have a good report in the end19:46
sabri-iconeactually i'm reading the papad,19:47
sabri-iconeand reporting written problem19:47
sabri-iconeso, people think that the participation of just one member of the community is not motivating new member19:47
T_Alouiin other words, there is no such real world friendships (I mean very close ones) between members which helps to build a strong community ( like MSPs or ISEF Egypt guys, they just are close friends when it comes to real life and that makes it easy to interact and work together)19:47
sabri-icone#idea the participation of just one member of the community is not motivating new member19:48
sabri-icone#idea there is no such real world friendships (I mean very close ones) between members which helps to build a strong community ( like MSPs or ISEF Egypt guys, they just are close friends when it comes to real life and that makes it easy to interact and work together)19:48
sabri-icone#idea abscence d'une calendrier19:48
sabri-iconefor me, the main problem is that we still few people and moreover loosing people and no new member are joining community or becoming active19:49
T_AlouiLack of Newbies integration19:49
sabri-icone#idea the main problem is that we still few people and moreover loosing people and no new member are joining community or becoming active19:49
sabri-iconei think we already report the most recognised problem, we will start talking about probable solution19:50
MedAmineWell since we're not going to event / organizing any no one will want to join ..19:50
sabri-icone#subtopic solution-possible19:50
sabri-iconecomment rester visible tout le temps?19:51
sabri-iconeidée de geekette: stay visible all the time , i hardly see any events those days19:52
geekette86event to show what we can do with Ubuntu19:52
MedAmineit's not just about being visible "all the time"19:52
sabri-iconepour moi, je vois tout les évènements qui passent sur la ML certe, je ne vois personne participer à part elacheche_anis, personnellement je suis loin de pouvoir me présenter19:52
geekette86from server side to automotive industry19:53
T_Aloui- Newbies integration system ( a team composed of experienced members, guides newbies and helps them enter to the community activities)19:53
sabri-iconeso, what we can do, i think this is the website but as mc was designed to do this nothing has been done19:53
sabri-iconemay be because everyone one is waiting of someone else's job19:53
T_Aloui- More events19:53
sabri-iconeand this stay not resolved19:53
sabri-iconedonc pour moi, la première chose c'est de prendre l'idée de nizar19:54
T_Aloui- Contact Medias to promote the community's events and use social networks19:54
T_AlouiGroups ...19:54
geekette86c koi l'idée de nizar dsl19:55
MedAmineit's not just about 'more' events .. we need 'quality' events !19:55
sabri-iconedéjà faire un merge entre les sous groupe de ubuntu-tn, plus de mc ni de FF ou merger entre les deux et savoir diviser par région ou autre19:55
sabri-iconenizar a dit de commencer par merger entre FF et MC19:55
MedAminewhat are exactly MC and FF ?19:55
sabri-iconeje trouve que depuis ce truc a commencer ça à déchirer la communauté19:55
sabri-iconedonc plus de réunion privé ni de favorisation, on va rejouer les cartes pour le bien de ubuntu-tn19:56
geekette86MC: manager community19:56
sabri-iconeFF freedom fighter19:56
geekette86FF:freedom fighter19:56
sabri-iconemerci Geekette19:56
sabri-icone#idea supprimer les limites, MC et FF19:57
geekette86oui je suis pour plus des titres19:57
sabri-iconel'autre idée que je le support bien et celui de geekette, avoir une ségrégation entre les membres19:57
geekette86nous sommes tou des memebres19:57
sabri-iconesurtout quand c'est évenement lointain sans contrainte de nombre ou quoi que se soit19:58
sabri-icone#agreed more people by region19:58
sabri-iconeune bonne nouvelle, c'est que pour la calendrier j'ai un modèle et qui peut vous être utile19:59
sabri-iconec'est celle de la france, mais elle peut être fachement utile en tunisie!19:59
sabri-icone#idea agenda du libre en tunisie20:00
sabri-iconeon peut proposer ça pour tout le monde et aussi crée la notre dans une site ubuntu et dans le wiki20:00
MedAmine+1 looks good to me :)20:01
sabri-iconenon non ps de vote, je veut juste lire vos idée20:01
geekette86donc aham points20:01
sabri-iconela vote et à la fin20:01
geekette86eni nrahom nekhdmou 3lihom20:02
geekette86event bech nerj3ou le soura20:02
geekette86site web20:02
T_AlouiI propose a switch to linux campaign with a good media help and national events and workshops under the movement " Switch to linux"20:02
sabri-icone#idea membre / région20:02
geekette86FF & MC20:02
sabri-iconeT_Aloui: ceci doit être avec la collaboration des autes communauté20:03
T_Alouij'ai pas compris20:03
geekette86T_Aloui: yep but it is really hard to get to the media20:03
sabri-iconeGeekette, on peut à la rigueur avoir une section membre/région dans le wiki20:03
T_Alouiif we do great events, great workshops we can get the media20:03
sabri-iconeT_Aloui: idée généraliste sinon on doit dire switch 2 ubuntu20:04
T_Alouiand we should be creative20:04
sabri-iconec'est plus spécifique20:04
sabri-icone#idea being more creating20:04
sabri-icone#idea being more creative20:04
T_Alouicreativity for exp : we talk with a gamer youtuber to play games on linux and help the linux gaming spread in tunisia ( I mean on ubuntu :p )20:05
T_Alouiso that we change the idea that games on ubuntu suck20:06
sabri-iconeyeah, about creativity already there's more and more solution rather than games... games is the hardest argument, we can say the impossible one after the designer20:07
sabri-iconewe can talk about more others things, for game we just start with steam20:08
geekette86students care a lot abt coding, system..20:08
T_AlouiWell I'm with switch to linux movement as a name cuz once people recognize how awesome linux is, we start a 2nd step in the ubuntu promotion process20:08
geekette86weekly videos will be awesome i think20:08
T_Alouia new20:08
T_AlouiYoutube channel for the community20:09
T_Alouiwhere someone takes care of it20:09
T_Alouiand community members can post in it after a verification of some experienced members20:09
T_Alouifrom *20:10
geekette86T_Aloui: +120:10
sabri-iconei would like to say, new member have to confident20:10
sabri-iconeand must be free to post what they want without limitation, of course only restriction must be to be out of topic20:10
T_AlouiI didn't understand once again :p +1 ?20:11
sabri-iconehh, okay20:11
sabri-iconewe have to motivate any reject with an argument20:11
sabri-iconethis is encouraging people to contribute and being responsible20:11
sabri-iconeanother thing is to help people to find the positive point of being member of a community20:12
sabri-iconei already have a lot of them20:12
T_Alouiyh that's important20:12
T_Alouicuz for exp many of my friends wanna be MSPs20:12
T_AlouiI don't want to cuz I believe in the ubuntu TN goals20:12
T_Alouiand I personnaly don't care about the benifits from the community as long as I believe in them20:13
sabri-iconeyeah, it's human20:13
T_Alouihowever for someone new :/ and that wants benifits, it would be hard to convince him :/20:13
sabri-iconepeople need to know need to grow20:13
sabri-iconeat all, at MSP they didn't have anything20:13
sabri-iconei will explain to you20:14
sabri-iconeMSP will access to some of microsoft book and product, this product are already payable20:14
sabri-iconeyou need to buy them if you are not a member,20:14
sabri-iconein linux, you dont pay aything already20:15
sabri-iconeso no need to be member to access to that, there's no sens20:15
sabri-iconebut with community you can share knowledge20:15
sabri-iconeknow people20:15
sabri-iconehave friend, surpass your fear20:15
sabri-iconethere's more than our simple life, communication is a big offer20:16
sabri-iconeand friends is best and more20:16
nizarusnous avons beaucoup de success storys d'anciens membres de la communauté (trouver un job, lancer une startup, ...)20:16
nizarusmais le problème de u-tn c'est que nous n'avons pas de traces de ça20:16
nizarusc'était le problème de u-tn depuis le début : écrire pour garder des traces20:17
T_Alouiyh what if u're already a member :p You will have free access to MS products, and also softwares in Windows are much better in quality, also there are many high quality games that run only on linux, also in MSP I can learn leadership skills and a lot of MSPs are having success storys and working abroad and they're pretty successful + a lot of other advantages20:17
sabri-icone#idea instaurer les success story de u-tn20:17
sabri-iconeRachedTN: ahla bik20:18
RachedTNwbik akther :)20:18
sabri-iconeT_Aloui: je ne suis pas du tout d'accord sur la qualité des produit... non pas du tout, pour les jeux oui20:18
T_AlouiSo I can have the same advantages of U-Tn with a lot of other advantages and also there are a lot of prizes offered by MS20:19
sabri-iconeMS prizes are not to MSP but to genius20:19
T_Aloui# I am just testing ur respond to a newbie that doesn't know why to enter U-tn xD20:19
sabri-iconeand you can get more and more prizes in open source, not especially in ubuntu but in any others linux distribution, just search and get20:20
sabri-iconeelacheche_bedis is the best example20:20
sabri-iconegeekette86: is also a good example :D but she already win on imaginCup and she was not MSP!20:20
T_Alouiso conclusion, we need to demistify a lot of things about ubuntu, make ubuntu tn membership benifits more visible and make u-tn success stories more visible20:21
T_Alouiguys pls u shouldn't think that my previous messages are out of real belief I'm just trying to come up with new ideas through imagining wht another person would think20:22
MedAmineyeah good idea :)20:22
sabri-iconenop, i understand20:22
sabri-icone#agreed come up with new ideas through imagining wht another person would think20:23
sabri-icone#idea ideas through imagining wht another person would think20:23
sabri-iconedeux points sont peut-être moins important mais des facteurs clé20:24
sabri-iconeest-ce que chacun présent ici peut participer a des réunion mensuel ou par quizaine dans le mm topic?20:25
ouniswhy not20:25
geekette86Le Me20:25
sabri-iconeet le deuxième qui croit qu'il peut trouver des nouveau membre dans son entourage, même des lyciéens20:25
sabri-iconeon s'en fou de l'age, nous avons deux lycéen avant20:25
sabri-iconedonc si oui, quel fréquence vous préférer, quizaine, ou mensuel20:26
MedAmineI was one when I joined :p20:26
T_Alouiwell I'm 15 years old20:26
T_Alouiso it's obvious20:26
T_AlouiI'm more interested in promoting u tn in high schools20:27
T_Alouicuz I'm active in that community20:27
sabri-iconeit's also interresting to have a secondary school community20:28
T_Alouino I just meant it'd be easier for me to promote u-tn in high schools I think20:28
geekette86benessba liya elfatra hedhi chak1520:29
sabri-iconebon, mafema hata ando hkaya o5ra?20:29
T_Alouiand I'm searching for guys in my high school that believe in the same project ( which we called "Switch to linux") and we hope to promote Linux and ubuntu in our high school then move to the active guys we know in Gabes20:30
T_Alouiand I found some interesting ones20:30
T_Alouiwell guys20:30
T_AlouiI have an event Dev Camp20:30
T_Alouiand I want utn to be present20:30
T_Alouito help me achieve my personal goal ( " to promote ubuntu in my high school " )20:31
sabri-iconeyou are ubuntu-tn member20:31
sabri-iconeso, we already have one20:31
sabri-iconei think that we already have someone else20:31
sabri-iconegeekette86: you know some people from GabeS?20:32
T_Alouiyh IK it's just that I want experienced ones to come and do that cuz they know more and can attract people20:32
T_Alouioh MY good buddy Naeil :p Hi :D20:32
sabri-iconewe can work on this event, i think 2-3 people is suffificient20:32
sabri-iconesomeone for presentation and others to help members20:33
T_AlouiWell I already sent full presentation in an email to the  mail list if u're interested in knowing more details :p20:33
Na3iLo/ @All sorry for the delay20:34
T_Alouihi there :D whussup :p ?20:34
Na3iLfine T_Aloui thank you glad that you joined the meeting tonight :)20:35
sabri-iconeNa3iL: yu can look on this:20:35
sabri-iconeproblem:  main problem is how to stay visible all the time , i hardly see any events those days student in general don't know how they can ask for event  probleme avec les short term les anciens ne sont plus disponible  ++++++++++++++ solution: ++++++++++++++ supprimer les limites, MC et FF agenda du libre en tunisie membre / région avoir une section membre/région dans le wiki being more creative instaurer les succes20:35
Na3iLWell, IMHO to stay visible all the time we need to organize events, not only assist the events that are already organized by some clubs/communities..20:37
Na3iLT_Aloui, I assume that you mentioned your event in Gabes right?20:39
MedAmineexactly what I wanted to say .. we need to get to action not wait for others to invite us20:39
MedAmineand one more thing .. it's not just about quantity .. we need quality20:40
sabri-iconethat's good20:40
sabri-iconeno blame about quality and quantity... we start asking for people to join us20:40
MedAminelet's take the FOSSDAY event that happened today20:41
sabri-iconejoin us join us20:41
sabri-iconetoday !20:41
MedAmineI am talking about events quality .. I mean our events need to be well organized and prepared20:41
meetingologyMedAmine: Error: "Enit" is not a valid command.20:41
MedAmine@ ENIT20:42
meetingologyMedAmine: Error: "ENIT" is not a valid command.20:42
MedAmineat the ENIT .. event organized by G2Foss20:42
sabri-iconei see yeah20:43
sabri-iconestrange, we already have some member there..20:43
sabri-iconea big event like that can be good to promote ubuntu and ubuntu-tn community20:44
sabri-iconeon va commencer la vote20:47
MedAmineI went there .. went well but not that successful ..20:47
sabri-icone#vote supprimer les limites, MC et FF20:47
meetingologyPlease vote on: supprimer les limites, MC et FF20:47
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:47
meetingology+1 received from geekette8620:47
meetingology-1 received from nizarus20:47
sabri-icone#votesrequired 620:47
meetingologyvotes now need 6 to be passed20:47
meetingology+0 received from MedAmine20:48
elacheche_anis-1 We need to keep the structure like the international one..20:48
meetingology-1 We need to keep the structure like the international one.. received from elacheche_anis20:48
sabri-iconeelacheche_anis: aucune idée de quoi tu parle, nous n'avons pas ça en france20:49
sabri-iconeau moins pour l'association il y a le AG pour respecter la loi, est encore.. aucune vote privé20:49
elacheche_anissabri-icone: https://community.ubuntu.com/community-structure/20:50
nizarusil faut faire le ménage dans les MC/FF pas supprimer les MC/FF20:50
nizarusêtre FF et MC ça peut être une source de motivation :)20:50
sabri-iconeactuellement il parait de c'est un source de démotivation20:50
sabri-iconepas mal ont quitté les activité a cause de ça20:51
sabri-iconedonc, actuellement il faut enlever les limites la structure n'est pas obligatoire c'est optionnel20:52
T_Alouidelete( FF + MC);20:52
sabri-iconenotre but c'est d'avoir plus de membre et on peut alimenter cette notion après20:52
sabri-iconede toute manière quand j'était membre elle n'y était pas20:52
sabri-iconeje voulais dire quand j'ai adhérer20:53
elacheche_anissabri-icone: It was always there.. Years before you join the community sabri-icone :20:54
sabri-iconei don't remember this sorry, FF and MC members has been elected by same member in 2012 i think20:55
sabri-iconeno matter, actualy it's one of main problem20:56
sabri-iconeand if something is not letting ubuntu-tn to live we have to delete it, we are not obliged to apply rule20:56
sabri-iconewe can have our rules, so our needs is to get active community20:57
sabri-iconeand motivated members20:57
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone20:59
sabri-iconewe need one more vote21:01
MedAminealready voted :)21:01
ounissorry was distracted21:01
meetingology-1 received from T_Aloui21:02
ounisvoting about what?21:02
T_AlouiSo after thinking21:02
sabri-iconesupprimer les limites, MC et FF21:03
meetingology+1 received from ounis21:03
ounismeetingology shut up21:03
meetingologyounis: Error: "shut" is not a valid command.21:03
sabri-iconehhh ounis21:03
ounismeetingology list21:03
meetingologyounis: Admin, Channel, Config, MeetBot, Misc, NickAuth, NickCapture, Owner, and User21:03
meetingologyVoting ended on: supprimer les limites, MC et FF21:04
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:3 Abstentions:121:04
meetingologyMotion denied21:04
sabri-icone#vote agenda du libre en tunisie21:04
meetingologyPlease vote on: agenda du libre en tunisie21:04
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:04
T_AlouiI believe we should still use FF MC thing, without changing the structure cuz it's a motivation for members + we just change a bit the way that structure works21:04
sabri-icone#votesrequired 621:04
meetingologyvotes now need 6 to be passed21:04
elacheche_anisT_Aloui: Motion denied → We keep the actual structure21:05
sabri-iconebref, on est entrain de voter...21:05
T_Alouilet's, instead of changing the structure just change the way we work21:06
T_Alouirecruit members21:06
T_Alouiand solve the other stuff21:06
sabri-iconenous avons 3/3 sur l'idée N1 donc je vais lancer une appel sur la ML après21:06
elacheche_anis+0 A calendar is good, but finding contributors to contribute to the calendar events is a hard thing to do.. That's a challenge..21:06
meetingology+0 A calendar is good, but finding contributors to contribute to the calendar events is a hard thing to do.. That's a challenge.. received from elacheche_anis21:06
T_AlouiI don't think that FF and MC thing would hold people from participating in u-tn activities21:06
T_Alouicould u tell me what's the exact work of FF and MC ( in detail ) and how they're elected or accepted21:07
sabri-iconeT_Aloui: j'ai déja deux preuve que des personnes ont arrêté leurs participation a cause de ça21:07
T_AlouiI wanna know more ( IK a bit but not that much about them)21:07
sabri-iconedonc, comme j'ai on vote21:07
sabri-iconeon a déjà discuté ça21:07
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone21:07
sabri-iconerefuser une idée juste pour le faite qu'on a personne pour le faire ne fait pas avancer les choses...21:08
sabri-iconeon vote pour l'idée, la faisaibilité de l'idée et déjà une autre idée totalement différente21:08
MedAmine+1 we already have a cal we need to update it21:09
meetingology+1 we already have a cal we need to update it received from MedAmine21:09
sabri-iconebig finger, i'm always typing wrongs names..21:09
sabri-iconewe have only three votes...21:10
meetingology+0 received from geekette8621:10
meetingology0 received from ounis21:10
sabri-iconeounis: saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel21:12
ounismeetingology knew what I said21:12
meetingologyounis: Error: "knew" is not a valid command.21:12
sabri-iconeMedAmine: wink21:15
MedAminealready voted :'(21:15
sabri-iconeokay sorry21:16
meetingologyVoting ended on: agenda du libre en tunisie21:16
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:321:16
meetingologyMotion denied21:16
sabri-icone#vote membre / région21:17
meetingologyPlease vote on: membre / région21:17
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:17
sabri-icone#votesrequired 621:18
meetingologyvotes now need 6 to be passed21:18
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone21:18
sabri-iconeT_Aloui: MedAmine ounis nizarus elacheche_anis geekette86 chaker21:18
MedAminewhat are we voting about exactly ?21:18
meetingology+1 received from geekette8621:19
meetingology+1 received from nizarus21:19
meetingology0 received from elacheche_anis21:19
sabri-iconeya MedAmine chnowa tabaa fi match?21:22
T_Alouiguys bye :p21:22
MedAmine[22:18] <MedAmine> what are we voting about exactly ?21:23
sabri-iconemembre / région, on crée une liste ou autre... ou même juste on aurait conscience que les membres participe plutôt dans leur région, ceci permet mieux de gérer les évènement21:23
sabri-iconeproposition de geekette8621:23
sabri-iconebon, apparement on a pas assez de personne ici déjà21:24
meetingologyVoting ended on: membre / région21:24
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:221:24
meetingologyMotion denied21:24
sabri-icone#vote being more creative21:24
meetingologyPlease vote on: being more creative21:24
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:24
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone21:24
geekette86+1 (we need to figure out how)21:25
meetingology+1 (we need to figure out how) received from geekette8621:25
meetingology+1 received from MedAmine21:26
meetingology+1 received from nizarus21:26
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis21:26
meetingologyVoting ended on: being more creative21:29
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:021:29
meetingologyMotion denied21:29
MedAminewhat else is on our to do list ?21:32
sabri-iconeinstaurer les success story de u-tn ideas through imagining wht another person would think frequence des réunion (15/1mois)21:32
sabri-icone#vote instaurer les success story de u-tn21:32
meetingologyPlease vote on: instaurer les success story de u-tn21:32
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:32
meetingology+1 received from geekette8621:33
MedAmine+1 maybe keep a record somewhere on the wiki ?21:33
meetingology+1 maybe keep a record somewhere on the wiki ? received from MedAmine21:33
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis21:33
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone21:34
meetingologyVoting ended on: instaurer les success story de u-tn21:35
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:021:35
meetingologyMotion denied21:35
sabri-icone#vote more ideas through imagining what another person would think21:35
meetingologyPlease vote on: more ideas through imagining what another person would think21:35
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:35
meetingology+1 received from sabri-icone21:35
meetingology0 received from elacheche_anis21:36
elacheche_anisI don't understand that..21:36
meetingology+0 received from MedAmine21:37
meetingology0 received from geekette8621:37
meetingologyVoting ended on: more ideas through imagining what another person would think21:38
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:321:38
meetingologyMotion denied21:38
sabri-icone#vote frequence des réunion (15/1mois)21:38
meetingologyPlease vote on: frequence des réunion (15/1mois)21:38
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:38
MedAmine+1 15j21:39
meetingology+1 15j received from MedAmine21:39
meetingology0 received from elacheche_anis21:39
meetingology0 received from geekette8621:39
elacheche_anisI'll be here whenever there is a meeting, I'm already here all month long21:40
sabri-iconethanks elacheche_anis21:40
meetingologyVoting ended on: frequence des réunion (15/1mois)21:40
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:221:41
meetingologyMotion denied21:41
sabri-iconebon on a finie21:42
sabri-icone#info meeting end21:43
elacheche_anisthere is endmeeting command21:44
sabri-icone#info thanks for everyone participated in this meeting, i'm glade of this21:44
sabri-iconei know,21:44
sabri-iconei need to talk more, i think this must be in the report21:44
sabri-iconeDonc, un mail sera envoyé sur la ML avec le résultat des votes (pour contre, abstention)21:45
sabri-iconepour que ceux qui ne nous ont pas honoré par leur présence aurons cette information, je vais voir avec anis si on doit mettre le wiki avec ça21:46
sabri-iconeSinon, encore merci et bonne soirée à tout le monde21:46
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat Mar 12 21:46:25 2016 UTC.21:46
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-tn-meeting/2016/ubuntu-tn-meeting.2016-03-12-19.11.moin.txt21:46
elacheche_anissabri-icone: N'oublie pas de mentionné le lien du log http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-tn-meeting/2016/ubuntu-tn-meeting.2016-03-12-19.11.moin.txt21:46
elacheche_anisThanks for being here for the last 3 hours everybody..21:47
* elacheche_anis need to get some food.. BRB21:47

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