
Kilosmorning all and inetpro 17mm last night05:00
chesedomorning Kilos and others06:47
XsmMorning everyone.06:48
Xsmheya cal_py06:49
cal_pyhey Xsm 06:50
chesedohi Xsm and cal_py06:50
Xsmheya chesedo06:51
Kiloshi chesedo Xsm 06:51
* Kilos watching lions highlanders06:51
Kiloshi cal_py 06:51
chesedoXsm: saw your message this morning... weird that that broke things06:52
XsmTy for that help yesterday, it worked, but upon creating the new files for internal and external, it didn't work, inetpro got me to load iptables-persistent which sorted the reinitializing of that MASQ command upon start up.06:53
cal_pyhey Kilos 06:54
Xsmhey Kilos06:54
chesedogreat, uhm do you still have the same command in the interfaces file06:54
Xsmno I removed it06:54
chesedookay just wanted to make sure that it is not added twice06:55
Xsmrestarted the computer, put it in command line to connect. Put iptables-persistent in, which saves all the current rules for ip4 and tried restarting and it read everything.06:55
* chesedo gotta go... might be back later06:56
XsmMust go to the mall quick, myself. Be back in a bit.06:57
=== PrivateUser is now known as Private_User
Kiloshi magespawn 10:41
magespawnhi Kilos 10:45
magespawngoing for ubuntu server so that i can set up some servers at home10:45
magespawni think i need the alternate download though so that i can run 32 bit10:46
Xsmhey magespawn10:46
Kilosoh my10:46
magespawnhey Xsm10:49
magespawnhas 16.04 been released yet?10:50
XsmDon't know, been using 14.04 I think.10:52
magespawnthat is the reccommendtion10:53
Kilosend of april only10:54
Kilos14.04 is good10:54
Kiloswhat is the recommendation?10:54
magespawnnot that i can find the 32 bit yer10:56
magespawnwill it make much difference?10:57
XsmNot sure, this is the first server I've loaded.11:03
Kiloswill what make a difference magespawn 11:10
inetprogood evenin11:12
Xsmheya inetpro 11:12
Kiloshi inetpro 11:31
Kiloshi skokkk 11:31
skokkkhey Kilos 11:32
magespawnKilos: whether i use 64 or 32 bit?11:33
Kiloswhat pc is it magespawn 11:33
magespawnall my equipment is fairly old11:33
magespawnit is running win xp at the moment11:34
Kilos64bit is faster but wont install on 32 bit machines11:34
Kiloswill tell you to upgrade your hardware\11:35
magespawnmmm like i thougt11:35
inetpromagespawn: times have changed11:39
inetproI think the time has come to move on to 64bit11:39
inetprolooks like more and more developers are spending more time building for 64 and ignoring 32bit11:42
inetproa good example being google officially announcing to no longer support chrome on 32bit11:44
inetprosaying, "computers without 64-bit processors are way beyond their expiration date"11:46
* inetpro looking for a cheap headless desktop/server for a home firewall/gateway 11:50
inetproXsm, Kilos: what would you recommend?11:51
sakhiinetpro: looking for the actual hardware?11:51
inetprosakhi: yep11:51
sakhitried pfsense ?11:52
Kilosdont ask me heavy stuff like that11:53
Kiloshi sakhi 11:53
sakhiKilos: Hi, how goes?11:53
Kilosok ty and you11:53
sakhiGood thanks.11:53
inetprosakhi: pfsense is just one of many options on the software side11:54
Kilosbuying a 64 bit box is where the cost comes in11:54
sakhiinetpro: I would suggest trying refurbished hardware, there is place near sable square sells it very cheap.11:55
inetprosable square?11:55
inetprowhere is that?11:55
sakhiCape Town.11:56
inetprohmm... that's way to far from Pretoria11:56
sakhi:) 11:56
Kiloswhat is very cheap11:57
inetproKilos: did I say 'very' cheap?11:59
inetprofree could be useful11:59
inetprogremble: wb12:00
KilosI would suggest trying refurbished hardware, there is place near sable square sells it very cheap.12:00
Kilosgremble wb12:00
inetproKilos: I haven't looked around and have no idea what pricing of 2nd hardware is like12:00
gremblealright. so I just did something immensely stupid. I accidentally wrote an iso (that was supposed to go onto a USB) onto my 2tb hdd using dd12:00
grembleHey everyone12:00
grembleThis is like 1.7tb of the most important stuff in my life right now12:01
inetprogremble: yeah, that is not very clever indeed12:01
Kilos32 bit you can get for reasonable price but 64 you pay12:01
grembleCan someone help me get it back? D:12:01
Kilosouch gremble thats wasnt clever12:01
inetprogremble: http://superuser.com/questions/514552/mistakenly-overwritten-usb-hdd-with-linux-dd-command12:03
Xsminetpro: I picked up a i7 for 3000 two years back, 2nd hand but worth the buy as I have already used it for two years.12:03
grembleThanks inetpro 12:04
Xsmhey magespawn12:04
inetprogood luck with the recovery12:05
inetproXsm: sounds good, please let me know if you find any other such specials 12:06
Xsmwill do...12:07
sakhigremble: also try ddrescue, all of the best.12:07
inetprohopefully I can find something even cheaper, maybe someone wanting to get rid of old hardware12:08
magespawninetpro: the only problem with that is they are old machines that i would just like to put to use12:11
magespawni really dislike getting rid of something that is still working12:15
magespawni hold on to things that do not work sometimes 12:15
inetpromagespawn: old hardware is really good if you know how to use it properly12:15
Kilosold hardare can be fine for servers12:17
Kilosno need for 64 bit really is there12:17
inetproKilos: right12:20
inetprobut if you want to keep up with the race you'd want to upgrade to at least 64bit12:20
inetproespecially on a server12:21
inetprolots of fun if you can experiment with LXD, LXC, Docker, etc12:22
inetprobut I guess there's no more need to restrict yourself and play only on own hardware any more12:28
Kilosinetpro explain why you want o have a firewall server thing12:50
inetproKilos: just want to play with it really12:51
Kilosbecause you can or because its more secure12:51
inetprowould be fun to set up a gateway with a bit more control in my hands12:52
inetprowith the ability to restrict data in the family12:53
inetpromaybe slow certain things down12:53
inetproor set quotas per device12:54
inetprothose kinda things12:54
Kilosi understand12:54
Kilosi not using ians router for that same reason then sis eats my data ad hers alsts longer12:55
inetproon the other hand, would be nice to have something that can stay alive all day from where I can run multiple server instances for different purposes12:56
inetproat first just need semething basic12:57
inetprosomething as well12:57
inetproin an ideal world I would set up a whole data centre here at home12:58
Kiloslike andrew12:59
inetprostoring the worlds data on local infrastructure would be ultimate fun13:01
Kilosyou dont have time for all that man13:01
Kilosjust irc is becoming too much here13:02
Kilosinetpro how does one find the full address of a server to be able to ssh into it13:07
Xsmand I see there is more than one authentication method, which is the best one to choose?13:08
magespawnprivate key13:08
Xsmand that is generated with the keygen right?13:09
Kilosmagespawn remember when you had mee ssh to you there13:09
Kiloshow did you find that address from there13:09
magespawnyes Kilos although that was some time ago13:09
Xsmbut then you have to have a copy of the private key on the server and the computer you trying to login with?13:10
Xsmam I understanding this correctly?13:10
magespawnone has the private key the other has the public key13:10
magespawnthe server usually has the public key13:11
Xsmokay another question, the private key is generated on the server? and taken or sent to the other computer? Am I understanding this? Or is there a kygen on the external login computer as well?13:12
magespawnKilos: you can usually find your public ip with an online service, or you can have a static ip(those cost money) or you can have a dynamic dns redirect(both paid and free)13:13
magespawnyou can generate the key pair on your local machine then transfer the public key to the server13:14
magespawnbut let us just check that to make sure i have it the right way around13:14
Xsm<really long string of nonsense> <---- at this13:19
sakhiafter keygen : cat id_rsa.pub | ssh user@remoteserver 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'13:19
magespawni will be running through this later on this weekend, i am going to be setting up a server at home to work on13:20
magespawnalso remember to remove or disallow password as a means of authentication for remote login13:21
magespawnyou can leave it for local(same network) login for back up incase you loose your key13:22
magespawnalthough then you could also just login to the computer directly anyway, no need for ssh13:22
Kilosis password login not good enough anymore13:23
magespawnpasswords can be guessed13:23
magespawnhome time for chat just now13:23
Xsmheya Sxuza13:59
inetproXsm: sorry, was just a bit afk14:29
inetprodid you come right?14:29
Xsmnot yet inetpro14:47
Xsmwas looking at the internal computer14:48
Xsmhas internet but doesn't read anything14:48
Xsmthink it was the firewall14:48
inetpronot sure I understand your problem14:50
inetprossh is really simple14:50
XsmI changed the firewall to accept a port for ssh14:54
Xsmbut when I changed that, I had to resubmit that masqueradnig command before the internal computer would see the router14:55
inetprowhat are you trying to do?14:56
Xsmwanted to add the open port for ssh to connect15:00
Xsmhave loaded bitvise in the windows internal computer as well15:02
inetprowhat is bitvise?15:03
Xsmprogram for ssh on windows15:04
inetproyou want to connect from other computers to ssh on windows?15:04
XsmI am just testing it now, because if I cannot connect externally over the net then I will have to do it via an internal windows pc...15:05
Xsm1. I want to setup a remote online login15:06
inetprolet me rephrase the question15:06
inetproyou want to connect from machines on the internet via ssh to windows machines on an internal network?15:06
Xsm2. windows internal login15:06
Xsmlet me rephrase15:06
magespawngood afternoon15:07
Xsm1. connecting to the ubuntu server via internet computer running ubuntu.15:07
Xsm2. connecting to ubuntu server via internal computers via windows computer with bitvise as the program to connect to ssh.15:08
inetproyou do not need bitvise on windows15:09
inetproa simple putty client will do15:09
Xsmwell then a putty client15:09
inetproif you can ping your server on the internal network you should be able to ssh to it15:09
Xsmbut I am still trying to work with the passwords. public keys etc15:10
inetproconnecting to ssh should be very simple unless you have manually tightened your firewall rules yourself15:11
inetproas for connecting from the outside, that becomes a bit tricky15:11
inetprotry to grasp the basics on the inside first15:11
XsmCheck your pm please inetpro15:12
inetprosorry, have to go again15:12
* inetpro wbb15:12
magespawnXsm perhaps i can help, pick up where inetpro left off?15:14
Xsmsure magespawn please check your pm lol15:15
SxuzaXsm : sorry i wasnt looking hi there 15:20
Xsmno problem15:21
magespaw1sorry Xsm got disconnected16:13
=== magespaw1 is now known as magespawn
Xsmwb magespawn16:15
magespawnhe said he needed to reboot16:19
Xsmmagespawn: going to shop quick before it closes, 16:26
magespawnXsm cool beans16:30
XsmOkay back :-)17:31
magespawnhey hey17:42
magespawnso where were we/17:43
magespawnXsm are you still in the pm?17:47
magespawnyou might need to restart the server for the port change to take effect18:00
XsmI restarted the server and the computer and the firewall18:20
Xsmit didn't work18:20
Xsmset it back18:20
Xsmit works again18:20
magespawnif you change the port you would need to specify it, but generally it is not a good idea18:21
magespawnnow, do you understand port forwarding?18:22
Xsmnot really18:22
Xsmmy understanding is you telling the port to link to whatever18:23
magespawnperhaps i can show you quickly, let me go set something up18:23
magespawnyes that is right or else the firewall on the router will stop it automatically18:23
magespawnmore like telling the router to let certain traffic through to whatever18:35
XsmKilos: it's your bedtime :-P19:23
Kiloswriting mails to fight my cause and methods19:23
Xsmwell that is good19:24
Kilosyeah but tiring19:24
Xsmmagespawn and I are able to connect just not to the server form the outside yet19:24
Kiloswhy should i get involved in reviving bangladesh LoCo19:24
Kilosbecause I can19:25
XsmWill look when at the client at the router there19:25
Xsmlol @ that19:25
Kiloswhat will the diffs be at the clients premise19:25
Xsmdifferent router19:26
Xsmbut setup like this is now setup19:27
XsmI will look for a port forwarding on it19:27
magespawnsorry router went haywire19:28
Kiloswb magespawn 19:29
Xsmlol @ haywire19:31
Xsmand I must do that at the client lol19:31
Xsmnow to tackle squid19:33
pavlushkaXsm, tackle it, score a goal.19:33
Xsmhoping it doesn't cause problems like chesedo or inetpro said19:34
Xsmlol @ pavlushka :-P19:34
magespawnhave you got webmin installed on the server?19:34
XsmFor what is that magespawn?19:35
Xsmgoes to google19:35
pavlushkagui server manager, Xsm19:35
magespawnthat gives a nice interface to manage all the different software servers on a machine19:35
Kilospainful things, routers19:47
magespawnthey can be19:49
magespawnif i feel like it i will setup a coumpter as a router rather than just a router as a router19:50
magespawnthen perhaps we can set up some sort of lab so that we can practice routing etc19:51
Kilosfeel like it19:51
magespawntime etc is not always on my side19:53
Kiloswhen you wake up youll be my age and say where did all those years go19:54
Xsmsudo Can that be done magespawn?19:54
Xsmlol @ sudo19:55
magespawnsorry ?19:55
Kilosyes you can setup your pc as a router19:55
XsmCan a computer be setup as a router magespawn?19:55
magespawnyes that is what you have done, almost19:56
Kilosi did and let the server connect through it19:56
pavlushkaXsm, could be, bcoz router has a light linux like OS.19:57
pavlushkaSo the contrary should work.19:57
* Kilos yawns19:57
Kilosevry day get longer19:57
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:58
magespawngood night Kilos 19:58
pavlushkanight Kilos,19:58
Xsmnight Kilos19:58
Kilossee youall tomorrow19:59
Xsmmagespawn: that web address in webmin, what would do you put in there?20:00
magespawnit is the ip address of your server but it uses port 1000020:00
Xsmhttps://server_IP_address:10000   server is what the host name? and ip according to what?20:00
pavlushkajust the port number20:00
magespawndepends on which side you are?20:01
pavlushkagood night guys!20:01
XsmI am assuming the internet ip?20:03
magespawnthe inside or outside  of your network 10.0.0.x or 192.168.1.x20:03
magespawnif you want to access from the internet then you have to forward port 10000 from the router to the server20:04
magespawnif you create a domain, then the domain controller will be the server which would then be the domain to use in that address20:05
XsmI am on the server currently so it would be
magespawnthen you can use which is the loopback address for any machine or https://localhost:10000 those might also work20:06
Xsmmagespawn: that is so awesome20:12
Xsmand really detailed20:12
magespawncool 20:24
magespawnbed time good night all21:23

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