
vdevnullpragmaticenigma, If i install windows and i run ubuntu in VM. everything working completly fine.00:00
vdevnullBut if i install it..00:00
vdevnullNothing work.00:00
Bray90820This is the error I am getting00:00
Bray90820Unable to create new logical volume with no extents mount: special device /dev/server/data-snap does not exist00:00
pragmaticenigmaVM is not the same vdevnull00:01
vdevnullYeah. but live cd have same issues aswell00:01
vdevnullas well00:01
vdevnullSo what u say, I shouldn't have any issue ?00:01
pragmaticenigmathere is a new version being relased next month, maybe what till then and see if you still have problems00:02
pragmaticenigmaif the live cd doesnt work, don't install00:02
pragmaticenigmavdevnull, ^^00:02
vdevnullSeems i need to get this versions00:02
pragmaticenigmathat doesn't mean anything in your situation vdevnull00:05
RendeltonHi, got a fresh 14.04 install and trying to would out a cross OS issues with wine and seeing "err:module:import_dll Library mfc110.dll" anyone in the room with some experience in the area?00:06
vdevnullI'll burn HP company soon00:06
pragmaticenigmaRendelton, i'd say what ever your trying to run is likely not compat with wine00:07
pragmaticenigmawhat is the program00:07
MacCoasterUsing docker on aarch64 Ubuntu I get failed to create endpoint foo on network bridge failed to add host vethblah <=> sandbox vethblah pair interfaces operation not supported, whats the best way to debug this?00:08
RendeltonThat was my thoughts just looking to see if I came to the wrong conclusion00:08
MacCoasterFWIW it's kernel 3.14 because ODROID C2. But aufs, overlayfs, etc. seem to be backported.00:08
pragmaticenigmaMacCoaster, Docker is not supported here00:09
nu7shellHi guys.00:09
nu7shellIm having a problem with my usb.00:09
nu7shellwith my usb flash.00:09
nu7shellSo happened that i was formating this USB and the laptop went off because i ran out of battery.00:10
nu7shellWhen i plugged in again it doesnt recognize it anymore.00:10
MathisenRendelton:  winetricks and install MSVC201200:10
nu7shellIt doesnt appear on lsusb nor lsblk00:11
nu7shelland dmesg shows me device descriptor read/64, error -7100:11
nu7shellMy question is, this usb is gone? or it can be fixed?00:11
pragmaticenigmait probably can be fixed nu7shell ... if dmesg show a device connected its still working00:13
Mathisennu7shell:  > https://paulphilippov.com/articles/how-to-fix-device-not-accepting-address-error00:14
nu7shellMathisen, pragmaticenigma thanks guys00:16
bobby_hey what are you guys talking about?00:21
Bashing-om!topic | bobby_00:22
ubottubobby_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:22
Bray90820Can someone help me recreate an LVM snapshot so I can copy files to my server as it's being backed up00:23
Bray90820As of right now when I try to back up I get this error00:23
Bray90820Unable to create new logical volume with no extents mount: special device /dev/server/data-snap does not exist00:23
pragmaticenigmaBray90820, when defining a new volume, you need to make sure you are giving it a size.00:25
xnp70using ubuntu server 14.04 I realized it is loading iptables, but I can't find where iptable's config is00:25
xnp70ufw is disabled00:25
xnp70what is the default iptables's config file ?00:26
Bray90820pragmaticenigma: the reason I believe it's failing right now is because the snapshot does not exist00:26
dillon_I got a .mkv file that I am trying to watch I get error message on vlc so what I did was uninstall it and the reinstall it with all of the boxes checked on software center and it still will not play so I figured why not I'll download some other media player and it could not play it, what could I do to get it to play.  I also tried to convert it to a .avi file (or any file) for that matter so I then tried handbrake and I could not00:26
dillon_figure out how to convert it.  so then I took said video file on my windows machine (it has avs video converter) and it also could not read the file.  What am I doing wrong, what can I do to watch said file?00:26
vdevnullpragmaticenigma, Sorry for disturb. But If i've Ubuntu installed in VM. Woudn't that help me?00:26
pragmaticenigmaBray90820, without knowing the steps prior to receiving that error message. the best any of us can assume is something is trying to create a volume with zero size00:27
vdevnullto find out what drivers i should use00:27
vdevnullor (currently using in vm)00:27
dillon_this is the vlc error message No suitable decoder module:00:27
dillon_VLC does not support the audio or video format "hevc". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.00:27
pragmaticenigmavdevnull, No, A VM is not the same as running it on a real computer. The VM is a special environment to emulate a real computer. It will not have the same configuration as you're actual machine00:27
Bray90820pragmaticenigma: So then where should I go from here?00:27
pragmaticenigmaBray90820, I'm not familiar with snapshotting LVMs... just that the error you received indicates a zero size volume00:28
Bray90820Apparently there is one already created I just need to utilize it somehow00:29
pragmaticenigmaBray90820, what you have appears to be a little more complex than a simple installation, and this might not be the correct forum for help00:29
pragmaticenigmacorrect => best00:29
Bray90820It was created with ubuntu so I just assumed00:29
xnp70 what is the default iptables's config file ?00:29
Ben64dillon_: hevc is a new codec, you need a player that supports that. mpv does (depending on your ubuntu version)00:30
chasvane#ubuntu-server may know00:30
dillon_Ben Ubuntu 14.04 LTS00:30
chasvanethey are like the delta force of ubuntu support00:30
Bray90820chasvane: are you talking to me?00:30
pragmaticenigmaBray90820, I'm not saying you won't find help, just that you may have better luck in a room frequented by more advanced users00:30
Bray90820pragmaticenigma: Alright00:31
pragmaticenigmayes Bray90820 , chasvane was talking to you00:31
Ben64dillon_: you'd need to get it from a PPA then00:31
chasvaneBray90820, you require elite tier 1 operator help00:31
bekksBray90820: you ran out of space. no chance to recreate a snapshot.00:31
bekksBray90820: because you ran out of space, there is no snapshot to be recreated.00:31
dillon_Ben64 I found it on the Software Center however all I get the black screen of death00:32
Bray90820bekks: So if i shrunk my partition size do you think It would work?00:32
vdevnullpragmaticenigma, 14.04 LTS is good version according to my specification ?00:32
bekksBray90820: You are using LVM, not partitions :)00:33
Bray90820bekks: Sorry that's what i meant00:33
bekksBray90820: first of all, you need free extents, then, you can use them.00:33
disc0verycan I ask here about Elementary OS Live from USB drive ?00:34
Ben64dillon_: black screen of death? anyway like i said, you'll need to use a ppa. ppa's are not supported here, and they are 3rd party repositories and software, best of luck. this is the ppa i use for mpv... https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/mpv-tests/+index?field.series_filter=trusty00:34
Ben64disc0very: elementary os isn't supported in this channel00:34
bekks!elementaryos | disc0very00:34
bekks!elementary | disc0very00:34
ubottudisc0very: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.00:34
Bray90820bekks: I think I get what your saying00:34
chasvane#elementaryOS is like the disavowed CIA front company of ubuntu support00:34
Bray90820bekks: If I shrunk my LVM and created frees pace it might work00:35
neldogzpragmaticenigma, not looking to circumvent the black list, just want to find an updated copy so that I can avoid purchasing any SSD that is on that list.00:35
dillon_ben64 it is the all black screen with no video and thanks for the help00:36
pragmaticenigmaneldogz, I think the more recently produced drives have been fine. But good reason to have the list then... avoid fallout after00:36
neldogzpragmaticenigma, yes, I think this is it: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/e64f638483a21105c7ce330d543fa1f1c35b5bc7/drivers/ata/libata-core.c00:37
dillon_Ben64 is there anyway to convert the file to an .avi for any other file format?00:37
Bray90820bekks: Thanks you were actually a lot of help00:37
pragmaticenigmaI found that earlier... most of what I've seen in google searches has been directed at samsung for some reason00:37
Ben64dillon_: not really00:38
Ben64dillon_: and mkv and avi are both containers, not formats00:38
dillon_Ben64 thanks for the help00:38
disc0verycan I ask here about Elementary OS ?00:44
stacks88if i have a dedicated server that is ubuntu 14.04 but the server provider installed some weird custom kernel of theirs.. can i still use apt to install the typical ubuntu 14.04 kernel instead ?00:45
stacks88and how would i do that ? would i just apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-77-generic00:45
k1lstacks88: is it a bare metal server? or a vps or such?00:47
stacks88its a physical server / real machine00:47
bekksstacks88: can you show us the output of "uname -a"?00:47
stacks88its ovh. when you go to install the OS on the server, there is an option "Install original kernel" - ive done it many times. But today, its not working. Has to be some error on OVH's part. "An error occurred while requesting to install the distribution Ubuntu Server 14.04 "Trusty Tahr" LTS - ubuntu1404-server on the server ns526333.ip-149-56-16.net with the language EN (This server must be00:48
stacks88installed with OVH custom Linux kernel)" -- complete bullshit. their phone support is not answering..... i bought this server for 1 week for testing purposes. So since they arent answering the phone, i think im just going to go ahead and install it with their custom kernel that i dont want. but once i get into the OS, thats where im wondering how can i install the typical ubuntu kernel instead00:48
stacks88so im assuming it'll be what i was saying earlier, somethign along the lines of apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-77-generic00:49
bekksstacks88: can you show us the output of "uname -a"?00:49
stacks88but if thats wrong im sure you guys know a better more accurate way00:49
=== vdevnull is now known as vdevnull|bnc
=== vdevnull|bnc is now known as vdevnull
stacks88bekks the OS has not been installed yet. i have to install ubuntu 14.04 on it. but for some reason the web interface is saying i can only install it w/ their custom kernel crap. so if i do load ubuntu 14.04 on there with their custom kernel, how can i then install the typical kernel from ubuntu instead ? i.e 3.13.0-77-generic00:50
stacks88details are in my earlier message00:50
stacks88or i might have to edit some grub file im guessing00:50
bekksstacks88: So if thats what their systems tells you, contact them on how to install a stock kernel.00:50
k1lstacks88: i wonder if that custom kernel got a reason. but you could install the "linux-generic" meta package00:50
stacks88k1l: its got to be some error w/ their system today. cause ive never received this message and i always choose "Install original kernel".. but ive been listeneing to hold music for like 15 mins now so i guess ill try the linux-generic00:51
nu7shellHey, im having this trouble with my usb flashdrive00:54
nu7shellSo happened that my laptop went off when i was given format to this usb.00:54
nu7shellNow it doesnt shows anymore when plugged.00:54
nu7shellNot even blink any led that have my usb.00:54
nu7shellI believed that its dead, but i ran dmesg | grep usb and this is what i get00:54
daftykinsi'd be willing to bet the provider is using some hypervisor tech that requires a specific kernel00:54
daftykinsnu7shell: don't paste here in future :) you just got temp muted!00:54
daftykinsnu7shell: when you're back, show us a http://paste.ubuntu.com of "dmesg | tail" _after_ plugging in the drive00:55
pragmaticenigmanu7shell, this may sounds strange... but do you have a windows machine? try plugging it in there and see if windows asks you to format it00:55
nu7shelldaftykins, https://dpaste.de/10Xj does this help?00:56
nu7shelldaftykins, this is what i get when i try dmesg | grep usb when i plugged the usb00:56
neldogzpragmaticenigma, yup its in the kernel: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/ata/libata-core.c?id=refs/tags/v4.5-rc700:57
neldogzpragmaticenigma, right under devices that don't properly handle queued TRIM commands00:57
nu7shellpragmaticenigma, im going to try it right now.00:57
daftykinsnu7shell: no it does not, do what i asked00:57
heyoneed help. using ubuntu 14.04 or 15.10 i dont have headphone sound, only after i suspend it and restore... any way to fix this? im on asus laptop00:58
nu7shelldaftykins, https://paste.ubuntu.com/15353131/00:59
daftykinsheyo: what about replugging?01:00
heyodoesnt work01:00
heyoi have tried so many things01:00
daftykinsnu7shell: got a Windows system as suggested? otherwise try again from a booted live session01:00
nu7shelldaftykins, windows doesnt recognize it.01:01
nu7shelldaftykins, unknown device. its a kingston memory 8gb01:01
daftykinssounds dead then, either do the above or toss it01:02
heyothe weird thing is that with the live usb headphone sound works ok01:02
pragmaticenigmanu7shell, bummer ... I think it's dead too01:02
nu7shellYeah, i believe it too.. i was given it format and laptop went off01:03
pragmaticenigmanu7shell, best lesson... never do criticle system operations on battery :-(01:03
nu7shellpragmaticenigma, yep, :(01:04
nu7shellthanks anyways pragmaticenigma daftykins01:05
pragmaticenigmanu7shell, forunately you can get new ones relatively cheep01:05
heyoso no one have any idea to help me?01:05
pragmaticenigma!patience | heyo01:06
ubottuheyo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:06
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goddarddoes an open source virtualization program exist that allows you to do GPU pass through?01:16
stacks88if you run debsums command (tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums), and it comes back OK for everything, no files are missing from packages, etc.. does that mean the system would come back from a reboot in the case of some files accidentally deleted?01:17
goddardvirtual box has this functionality but requires a closed binary01:17
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
Eduard_Munteanugoddard, Xen and KVM should be able to do GPU passthrough these days.01:22
pragmaticenigmastacks88, that would only verify files that exist... not sure if files missing would get flagged01:23
goddardEduard_Munteanu: wow this looks pretty good... so why do I always see everyone using virtual box?01:26
Eduard_Munteanugoddard, I wondered that too, never used it myself. I think it's easier to set up.01:26
Eduard_MunteanuIt's also got some following from Windows users, I take it.01:27
pragmaticenigmagoddard, because it's cross platform... VMs made can run on any platform that Virtual Box supports01:31
goddardpragmaticenigma: ahh01:33
goddardEduard_Munteanu: pragmaticenigma do you guys know if xen will work with a vmware image?01:45
RoadRunnerWant to make a permanent change to one of my Grub booting options: a change in the kernel line (linux /boot/vmlinuz...) from "root=UUID=xxxx" to "root=/dev/sdax". But /etc/default/grub file, meant for user customization, doesn't make any mention of UUID's and /boot/grub/grub.cfg which specificaly reffers to UUID's, says "not to edit this file".01:46
RoadRunneram I to ignore the warning and edit grub.cfg manually after all?01:48
pragmaticenigmagoddard, not sure... I kind of doubt it ,,, vmware uses a proprietary tech... OSS may not support it01:50
pragmaticenigmagoddard, you'd have to check the documentation of xen01:51
Ben64RoadRunner: no and why would you want to change it from UUID02:00
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RoadRunnerBen64: it is my clone partition and every time I'll throw on a newer image the UUID will change02:03
pragmaticenigmaOne issue with you idea RoadRunner is that the kernal may not recognize that "path" as reserved and may mount another device on it... which could corrupt your clone image02:05
pragmaticenigmaRoadRunner, I'd suggest reading up on why UUIDs are now used02:06
nicomachusmy HTPC running 14.04 has some sort of feature where if I hit the touchpad a certain way, it opens the Dash to search photos. It's super annoying. and I can't find the setting for it anywhere. Any ideas?02:06
Electron-No idea, but its super annoying and if you fix it send me a DM lol02:08
nicomachusi can't even reproduce it. it just seems random.02:08
pragmaticenigmanicomachus, do you need the touchpad for anything? you could disable it02:09
RoadRunnerpragmaticenigma: I know that UUID's are more robust, but in my case the clone part is /dev/sda7 which isn't used for anything else and making a temporary change from UUID to dev label works just fine.  If I should decide to change my partition structure in the future, I'll change Grub accordingly02:09
nicomachuspragmaticenigma: well, yea. It's the only mouse I have for the machine.02:09
Electron-It has to do with touching two points on the pad. My windows laptop has that feature "", it opens IE02:09
nicomachusIt's a 2-in-1 keyboard/touchpad wireless thing02:09
pragmaticenigmanicomachus, depending on what program you run, you could always script it such that when your HTPC is in HT mode, it disables the touchpad... re-enables it when you're done02:11
pragmaticenigmaRoadRunner, it sounds like this is a more advance topic... maybe #ubuntu-server may have a better suggestion02:12
RoadRunnerpragmaticenigma: moreover, the sda7 part isn't used so much for back up long term as just for checking a new backup image right after it is created (for the primary back up device)02:12
nicomachuspragmaticenigma: not a solution. It happens when I using the touchpad to select media or whatever.02:14
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pragmaticenigmanicomachus, sounds like you don't want help02:25
Electron-You could try changing drivers, maybe a different driver wont support that feature02:26
pragmaticenigmanicomachus, check this out http://askubuntu.com/questions/133207/how-can-i-disable-the-multitouch-gestures-in-ubuntu/198524#19852402:27
Electron-Not really a solution, but if you get stuck it might be worth a shot.02:27
eNullHello im new to ubuntu02:28
eNullHow do i verify if i missingdrivers?02:28
pragmaticenigmaeNull, you need to be more specific... is there something not working that should be?02:31
nicomachuspragmaticenigma: if you offer actual solutions instead of "don't use the touchpad" then I'll take them... but saying not to use it is not a solution at all.02:32
eNullpragmaticenigma: its me vdevnull. Im running ubuntu from usb. And wifi / sound working. Should i install it?02:32
Electron-Just looking at the url it's about disabling the multi touch feature. Which is what is opening random programs.02:33
pragmaticenigmaeNull, Do you have a secondary machine?02:33
eNullSadly no.02:33
eNullBut seems working 14.0402:34
nicomachusElectron-: I'm looking at, but it's not multi-touch that's causing this. And I can't find a multitouch feature anywhere that opens the dash to search photos.02:34
stylesI'm trying to install an update via apt-get and this package is failing at : Setting up keyboard-configuration (1.108ubuntu9)02:34
pragmaticenigmanicomachus, it's a "Gesture" multitouch is just a feature of the hardware, you can't disable that. You can control what it responds to02:34
stylesIt just freezes forever02:34
eNullpragmaticenigma: if drivers worked in live usb that means they will work in normal installation right!02:37
pragmaticenigmaeNull,  yes, if the live USB is working as expected, then it should work as a full install02:37
eNull@pragmaticenigma: thanks boss. 1000000 thanks02:38
eNullLoveee uuuu02:38
RoadRunnerpragmaticenigma: re: seeking a better suggestion: I did not hear any suggestion or answer to my question (after all, I did not ask if it is a good idea, I asked how to do it)02:39
pragmaticenigmaRoadRunner, because no one here presently knows02:40
RoadRunnerpragmaticenigma: in that case, thanks for trying :)02:40
pragmaticenigmaMajority of the people here are using Ubuntu as a desktop with a simple configuration02:40
pragmaticenigmathat's why I'm trying to direct you towards a better support channel02:41
daftykinsknows what?02:41
daftykinspragmaticenigma: that's utter rubbish and i would appreciate it if you would cut the assumption02:41
daftykinsit's the _weekend_ most aren't active right now.02:41
SkepticalParrotSo... fdisk -l and lsblk lists drives that are connected to the system. Is there something similar to that that lists servers I've connected to via ssh, ftp and smb?02:42
RoadRunnerdaftykins: can you look up in the channel 1hr earlier or would you like me to repost my question?02:43
nicomachusbest to repost02:43
daftykinsRoadRunner: executive summary would be great, i'm eating right now02:43
daftykinsSkepticalParrot: not that i know of, single instance mounts or connections won't really have a trace02:44
nicomachusif you've stored a key for each, though02:44
RoadRunnerWant to make a permanent change to one of my Grub booting options: a change in the kernel line (linux /boot/vmlinuz...) from "root=UUID=xxxx" to "root=/dev/sdax". But /etc/default/grub file, meant for user customization, doesn't make any mention of UUID's and /boot/grub/grub.cfg which specificaly reffers to UUID's, says "not to edit this file". Am I to ignore the warning and edit grub.cfg manually02:44
daftykinsthat's true02:44
daftykinsthere's always "netstat -tuln" for standard connections too02:44
nicomachusSkepticalParrot: you can check in .ssh/known_hosts02:45
=== eNull is now known as bbMicrosoft
nicomachus.ssh should be in home02:45
daftykinsRoadRunner: that grub.cfg is generated by /etc/default/grub after invoking "sudo update-grub", yes.02:45
daftykinsRoadRunner: the _right_ place would be /etc/fstab to modify a UUID for / to be a device id02:46
RoadRunnerdaftykins: done that but strangely, the desired change manifested itself everywhere EXCEPT on the kernel line I am asking about02:47
daftykinswell, why do you so specifically desire it there? i have to say that this task stinks of 'ridiculous'02:47
daftykinswhat are you really trying to achieve - from a conceptual level?02:48
Bray90820_Anyone wanna create a kinda complicated backup script for me for most of my data I want my system to incrementally be backed up every night at 3AM and keep only 30 backups02:48
daftykinstonnes of apps available and scripts online you can read, learn from and edit02:49
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:49
RoadRunnerdaftykins: reposting again: my clone partition (sda7) isn't used so much for back up long term as just for checking a new backup image right after it is created (to be stored on the primary back up device)02:49
daftykinsRoadRunner: you're telling me that you clone your real root to another partition on the _same_ disk and then want to switch over to boot from it?02:50
daftykinsyou don't appear to be aware how foolish "backing up" to the same disk is02:51
squintySkepticalParrot,  install smbclient and then run smbtree for samba shares02:51
meskesLooks like I walked in at the right time02:51
RoadRunnerdaftykins: re-read carefully what I just reposted02:51
daftykinsyeah, that's the most ridiculous strategy i have seen employed in computing.02:52
RoadRunnerdaftykins: my long term storage of back up images IS on a different computer02:53
daftykinsi bet you dd them too huh?02:53
meskesdd to them02:53
RoadRunnerdaftykins: as I said to pragmaticenigma earlier, I am not asking for an opinion on the merits of my backup strategy, I just want to know if anyone here can answer my question exactly as I asked it02:55
daftykinsRoadRunner: that's nice, but you get what you're given02:55
RoadRunnerdaftykins: I guess, this isn't the best hour on this channel for constructive feedback02:57
pragmaticenigmaIt's a matter of not understanding why you are doing what you are doing.03:00
daftykinsi get it, it's just pants on head retarded03:00
nicomachuswhy would you backup something on the same disk... that's not a backup. It's just a copy.03:02
daftykinsapparently it's a "test" XD03:02
NathanjIs there a way for me to fix the "package runit is not configured yet" problem when installing with apt-get03:04
pragmaticenigmathe only way it makes sense to me is to snapshot the disk locally before sending the image up for backup03:04
pragmaticenigmaI guess it also makes sense for an upgrade of kernels or something similar, to be able to quickly swap back to a known working image03:06
pragmaticenigmabut you wouldn't be upgrading kernels on a production system without first testing it elsehere03:06
krabadorstrieder, ask03:08
pragmaticenigmalionel richie everyone03:08
krabadorkeith emerson everyone03:08
striederwhat exactly is this?03:09
pragmaticenigmastrieder, define "this" we are not capable of knowing what you are thinking03:09
krabadorstrieder, what do you think , an irc channel named #ubuntu can be?03:09
striederI should have thought a minute before I asked03:11
krabadorstrieder, somebody bound you ?03:12
jaakeI am on 16.04 and I need to enable a third party ppa with no release file thing03:13
jaakeI looked at the man 8 apt-secure page03:13
jaakebut I don't know where to put that line to enable them03:13
krabadorjaake, /apt/etc/sources.list ?03:14
jaakeI tried creating a new file in /etc/apt/apt-conf.d/98allowinsecurerepo but I kept getting syntax errors03:14
daftykinsjaake: that's only on topic in #ubuntu+103:15
jaakeha figured it out, just needed a ;03:17
jaakepsh, nevermind still didn't work03:18
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe
eNullHelp. Seems my wifi driver missing when i ran ubuntu from live usb was working03:32
eNullI had an option in addtional drivers03:32
eNullBut now i can find it03:32
Bashing-omeNull: Do you have a working wired connection at this time ? What do you see in the "Additional Drivers" utility ?03:37
eNullYes wired working03:37
eNullBashing-om: when i was running from live i had like option with 801 selection03:38
eNullThat caused wifi to work03:38
eNullBut i just installed ubuntu and i cant find it03:38
Bashing-omeNull: Try and see if a WIFI driver is offered in "Additional Drivers" .03:39
eNullNo addiotnal drivers available03:40
Bashing-omeNull: Well, WIFI is not in my comfort zone, I know of nothing else to offer at this time .03:41
eNullThank you sir03:42
Bashing-omeNull: Hang loose, for those who know how to identify the card and load the correct driver .03:45
eNullBashing-om: ahh i wish some could help. Now connected via usb stick with 7 kb speed. So to run update would take me one month03:47
daftykinseNull: "lspci" to identify the card, throw it in a paste for us03:52
daftykinsor install pastebinit and then run "lspci | pastebinit"03:52
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eNullRoger boss03:54
daftykins!broadcom | eNull you have a broadcom 43142, read up here03:55
ubottueNull you have a broadcom 43142, read up here: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:55
eNullToo much information03:57
eNullIm newbie03:57
Bray90820_How would I have my backup script keep my last 30 backups04:03
daftykinstimestamp and delete on a folder count04:03
eNulldaftykins the document says uts in kernel package04:05
daftykinseNull: "ifconfig -a" in a paste04:06
daftykinseNull: also "dpkg -l | grep broadcom"04:06
daftykinseNull: is this a laptop?04:08
daftykinsis there a reason you would have two NICs *other* than the wifi?04:08
eNullUsb stick04:09
daftykinsis that how you're online right now though?04:09
daftykinsbut your laptop has built in wired, is it broken?04:09
eNullI have two connect options04:10
eNullUsb / Wifi04:10
eNullUsb seems acting like wired04:10
daftykinscan you run the other command i listed?04:11
eNullReturn nothing04:12
daftykinsok so you don't have the packages installed like the guide wanted04:12
daftykinsi think you misread it04:12
=== derfoh94 is now known as derofh
eNulli need install linux stuff04:12
=== derofh is now known as derfoh
daftykinseNull: run "sudo apt update && sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source04:12
eNullsudo apt-get update = sudo apt update?04:13
daftykinswell no04:13
daftykinsyou type the command exactly as i typed it, it works04:13
daftykinsapt is different to apt-get04:13
eNullOh okay. My net speed is 7kb :p04:14
eNullWould take me time04:14
daftykins7 kilobytes per second? surely not04:15
eNullI swear04:15
eNullI have moved to new appartment i dont have adsl yet04:15
eNullSo im connecting via my phone wifi..04:15
daftykinssounds like EDGE04:15
eNullBut now i cant use my phone so im using usb04:16
eNullAnd crap04:16
eNullDial-up days :P04:16
=== O is now known as Guest49934
eNullActually dial-up was faster than this stupid usb04:16
eNullI'm runninf apt-get update :( if i halt it it cause any damage?04:17
eNull7,952 B/s :(((((04:19
virtuosojsorry eNull :p04:20
daftykinscut the chat04:20
virtuosojDownloading 16.04 daily for the first time... after maining Ubuntu 15.10 and Fedora 23 what can I expect?04:20
daftykinsvirtuosoj: to go into #ubuntu+1 where unreleased versions are on-topic04:21
virtuosojno responses in there :(04:22
daftykinsyou won't get one here, support of released versions only.04:22
eNulldaftykins: downloading updates will take time. So just in case. Do ineed anything more to do after installing that package04:22
daftykinsi did link you to the guide page so you could do it first hand...04:22
eNullThanks buddy04:23
eNullIf i have any problem i will come ask for help04:23
eNullThanks for helping04:23
virtuosojif I decide to opt for the netinstall of 15.10, what can I expect?04:25
virtuosojI won't have to apt update after install right? latest packages on first go?04:26
daftykinsnot necessarily04:26
daftykinsalso you can't EFI install from mini.iso04:27
virtuosojohhh thanks dafty, cant do that then04:27
Guest42297net install should be fine04:27
daftykinsnet = mini.04:28
Guest42297?join #/tpg/04:31
belkantQuestion: Wasn't ubuntu 14.04 supposed to support Secure Boot installs? I keep trying to launch my UEFI Ubuntu 14.04 USB install, but I'm getting "Invalid signature detected"04:33
daftykinsyes and it has since 12.04.2-ish, but the trouble is laptop makers keep moving the goalposts and making life harder04:33
daftykinssome require you to 'bless' / 'approve' the EFI boot image before it'll start04:34
belkantIt's an old Surface Pro Gen 104:34
daftykinsoh well NOW you say the relevant part of the story04:34
daftykinsnaturally a Microsoft device is going to have the toughest form of EFI :P04:34
belkantdamn !04:34
daftykinsbelkant: you can still get into it and disable these functions04:35
belkantI've been googling / digging like a mad man but from what I've read this is suppoed to jsut work. Yes I can end up disabling secure boot for sure but I was at a loss based on what I was reading and 14.04 release04:35
daftykinsare you trying to install it as a dualboot?04:36
belkantdaftykins: clearly I didn't formulate the question all the way... sorry. Yes I want to dual boot it next to a Win 10 install04:36
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daftykinsbelkant: mmm i'd dig around in the EFI first and see what you can do then, 14.04.4 media you threw on a flash drive yeah?04:38
belkantdaftykins: you betcha, latest and greatest04:38
daftykinsmmm, you have one of the keyboard cover things i take it?04:39
daftykinselse you'd have fun and games with bootloaders04:39
lokencan somebody help me with a problem?04:39
daftykinsnot until you describe it04:39
belkantdaftykins: I have a keyboard cover, but also other keyboards if required04:39
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daftykinsbelkant: ah i set up a surface pro 4 the other day and we were yet to get the cover case, only one USB so i couldn't boot a flash drive and try it out XD04:40
Guest93236ubuntu 16.04 is hanging at crypt unlock04:40
daftykinsGuest93236: it's not supported in here, #ubuntu+104:40
Guest93236what 16.04?04:40
Guest93236oh I see that now04:40
virtuosojdaftykins, are you paid to mod this channel? I'm curious04:40
daftykinsno we're all volunteers that do it solely for our love of virtual cookies04:41
virtuosojyeah. I figured04:41
virtuosojthanks. IRC has helped so much since I started linux in december04:42
C0r3Hello guys, I have a issue with my pc. I have installed Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 recently and I'm not able to run any command preceded with sudo. It says, "<username> not in the sudoers file." How to fix that?04:51
Guest42297have you tried switching DE's and seeing if the problem continues?04:52
daftykinsC0r3: were you the first created user during installation?04:52
C0r3daftykins: Actually it's my friends pc. I have no clue.04:53
Mithunhey all04:53
daftykinsC0r3: are you in front of it? or are they on the phone / IM?04:54
daftykinsbecause i don't do indirect help04:54
C0r3daftykins: In front04:54
MithunI don't know where am I04:54
C0r3Tell me what to do04:54
daftykinsok type "id" in the term to check if you're user ID 100004:54
MithunWhat is this place?04:54
daftykinsit is the end of all things, for we are legion04:55
FFoxIts an IRC channel on an irc network.04:55
daftykinsor, it could be the topic.04:55
C0r3uid=1001 gid=1001 and groups=100104:55
FFoxwhat are you?04:55
FFoxdaftykins: thats the other network.04:55
daftykinsC0r3: yep so that's not the first user created on that system. "ls /home" will list the true first one04:55
C0r3daftykins: I see system and the other username04:56
Mithunwhat is irc channel04:56
Mithunis it like a techsupport04:56
C0r3Mithun: Check wikipedia04:56
FFoxMithun: type /join #channel04:56
virtuosojis distrohopping and reinstalling OSs a lot bad on your harddrive, for its health?04:56
FFox /join #channel04:56
FFoxjust like that04:56
daftykinsC0r3: right so you'd have to log into that one and add the user you're in as now as an admin to use sudo.04:56
FFoxnope virtuosoj04:57
daftykinsvirtuosoj: nope, they're there to work.04:57
Guest42297i want to know what virtuosoj asked04:57
Mithungot it04:57
C0r3daftykins: But to add the user to sudoers file I need root privileges.04:57
FFoxi mean, writing/reading from a drive will wear it out... but no more than simply using it would.04:57
virtuosojguest: " is distrohopping and reinstalling OSs a lot bad on your harddrive, for its health?"04:57
daftykinsC0r3: but you'd be able to use sudo from the account with ID 1000...04:57
daftykinsso that would be fine.04:57
virtuosojas in, reinstalling OS completely again and again04:57
C0r3daftykins: So I have to login with that account?04:58
FFoxvirtuosoj: doesn't do any more harm than saving a text file.04:58
daftykinsC0r3: i suspect you're not telling the full story here, it's either a school system or it's not whose you say it is.04:58
daftykinsC0r3: yes that's what i said, isn't it?04:58
daftykins< daftykins> C0r3: right so you'd have to log into that one...04:58
C0r3daftykins: Okay!04:58
Mithunhow to see if I have a certain software, say .rar is installed in my pc or not, and how to install it if it's not there?04:59
daftykinsdpkg -l | grep unrar04:59
daftykinssudo apt install unrar04:59
C0r3daftykins: I got it. Now?04:59
Mithunso no need to download it?05:00
daftykinsC0r3: got what...05:02
daftykinsMithun: Linux is about package management, programs are just a command away.05:02
C0r3daftykins: Got into that account. And done with 'sudo gpasswd -a <username> sudo'. Thanks :)05:02
daftykinsisn't google a fine thing?05:03
=== Guest49934 is now known as DontForGet
eNulldaftykins: here?05:06
eNullCan u give me the second command after update05:08
eNullChat history deleted dunno why05:09
daftykinsyou could have typed it into a text editor =|05:09
daftykinsor written it down!05:09
eNullSry :/05:09
daftykinssudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source05:09
eNulldaftykins: youre the man05:14
eNullThxxx allooot05:15
eNullIts working05:15
eNull<3 <305:15
lotuspsychje!cookie | daftykins05:15
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:15
eNullBeer too05:15
daftykinshmm speaking of i forget to get one from the fridge earlier05:16
eNullDo u guys suggest any irc client?05:16
lotuspsychjeeNull: hexchat05:16
lotuspsychjeeNull: but depends really what you like05:17
eNullMajority uses hex05:17
=== eNull is now known as enulll
Sinist3rHey deplhi05:36
dejavou42I'm trying to implement this script http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/block-entier-country-using-iptables/ into ubuntu it gets to the for ipblock in $BADIPS loop, and hangs05:41
dejavou42I'm guessing that this is due to a change in the iptables command05:41
daftykinsone way to find out05:42
dejavou42hows that?05:42
daftykinsrunning it manually05:42
Colombo1hi all, since 15.10 has bug in usb-creator, what is good way to create bootable flashdrive?05:48
Colombo1I tried dd, but while I can dd into sdb1, I can't into sdb, which is supposed to be the "right" way.05:49
reisioColombo1: why can't you05:49
Colombo1reisio: why can't I ... ?05:49
daftykinsColombo1: i'd bet you have a partition mounted already and need to unmount it prior05:50
Colombo1dejavou42: So I can create bootable flash drive of 15.10 in 14.04?05:50
Colombo1daftykins: I umounted that.05:50
Colombo1I can try it again.05:50
reisioColombo1: what's stopping you from doing it05:51
dejavou42Colombo1: sorry, that was sarcasm, but technically, yes you could. as long as you have the iso image05:51
Colombo1dejavou42: Coincidently, that notebook I want to reformat is 14.04, but my desktop is 15.10, so your sarkasm sounded like a serious option.05:52
wsdjeghi why apt-get install gradle need openjdk7,I have installed openjdk8,why the package manager ask me to install an old version05:54
daftykinsbecause it doesn't support 8...05:54
daftykinswhy not ask the devs.05:55
daftykins(of gradle, whatever that is)05:55
=== Senj is now known as Senji
wsdjeggradle do not support jdk8? oh sorry ,that should not be the issue of ubuntu05:57
Colombo1I can umount it, but it says that partition is not mounted. However, lsblk still sees it and dd if... | pv | of.. just stops05:58
daftykinsthat's my point :>05:58
daftykinsColombo1: no need for any of that crap, "sudo dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=2M"05:58
daftykinsshould be juuuust fine05:58
Colombo1x -> b?05:59
Colombo1in my case?05:59
Colombo1If so, no, it is not fine, that is not working...06:00
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daftykinsyou realise it doesn't give output, right?06:00
daftykinsit'll sit there with a cursor 'til it's done.06:00
Colombo1daftykins: in my case, it doesnt do anything, it finishes instantly. Thats why I put pv into it to see if it does anything06:01
daftykinssounds like your download is screwed06:02
daftykinsif it *did* claim to be finished, it would at least spit out stats06:02
Colombo1download seems to be OK, other stuff didnt work and when I try to create bootable flash drive with other stuff, it makes something on that flash drive06:03
Colombo1so again, is there another way how to create bootable flashdrive in ubuntu 15.10?06:03
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copkyle420hi all06:10
copkyle420im looking for a little help installing a vnc server on ubuntu mate 15.10 on a raspberry pi 3 and connecting to that server from an android device using GUI desktop. any help would be epic, thanks in advance06:12
daftykinshow delightfully insecure06:13
copkyle420lol im not as worried about security as i am functionality.06:14
daftykinshow come you're remoting graphically from a tablet/phone to a Pi toy then XD06:14
copkyle420ive googled and googled and googled and nothing seems to work.06:15
daftykinsi suspect there are roughly a billion guides on installing VNC online, so i don't quite see any specific need to reiterate06:15
daftykinswell, maybe say where you got stuck on any one guide?06:15
virtuosojok I installed 15.10. Unity crashed - panel and launcher exited06:15
virtuosojI can still open terminal with shortcut and open programs that way06:16
virtuosojshould I log out and back in? or is there a good way to restart unity?06:16
virtuosojvia terminal06:16
daftykinsdunno if "unity --replace" will work06:16
copkyle420basically i need to be able to use it on the go with my usb or wifi tethering. and im getting stuck (i believe) at connecting from the device to the pi. ive used multiple vnc apps as well with different configurations.06:17
virtuosojok screw this. how do I log out from terminal06:17
daftykinscopkyle420: then SSH is the way, not GUI06:18
copkyle420right now i have x11vnc server installed06:18
daftykinsvirtuosoj: "sudo service lightdm restart"06:18
copkyle420i would need to be able to see and use the desktop which didnt seem feasible through ssh from what i had read about it06:19
virtuosojOK I did that command dafty, it worked but when I log in, same situation06:19
virtuosojNo launcher, no top panel06:19
virtuosojbut I can still alt tab through windows, ctrl+alt+t to open terminal06:20
CalebWSomething is wrong with my upgrader and I don't know how to fix it.06:20
CalebWIt hasn't done a full update in a while, only partial-upgrades06:20
virtuosojCould it possibly be an issue with Redshift? That was one of the only programs I have installed so far06:20
daftykinswas this an install on top of mini.iso - or a desktop image install?06:20
virtuosojor unity-tweak-tool, that seems more likely. when it happened I just edited a hotkey of the window manager to show desktop06:21
virtuosojdesktop image install.06:21
daftykinsso you probably need to update first?06:21
CalebWThis is the output of `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` http://paste.ubuntu.com/15355763/06:21
virtuosojI already did, and rebooted06:21
SkepticalParrotI cannot add the eawpatches repository...06:21
virtuosojinstalled ubuntu-restricted-extras, unity-tweak-tool, redshift06:21
SkepticalParrot"W: GPG error: http://www.fbriere.net stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 479C9B0FD0E6E19C NO_PUBKEY 0E5C626294C4644D"06:21
daftykinsi don't know what redshift is to know if it could have had a hand, but if it was working before then... the evidence is there06:21
SkepticalParrotIs there a way around this?06:22
CalebWIt's going to kill my OS06:22
daftykinsyeah, install that key...06:22
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daftykinsCalebW: so run "sudo apt update" from the terminal and if there are errors, put them in http://paste.ubuntu.com and link it06:22
virtuosojalright I guess I'll just try rebooting and seeing if this persists06:22
=== DONALD-TRUMP is now known as Guest36436
daftykins!info redshift06:23
ubotturedshift (source: redshift): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10-5ubuntu1 (wily), package size 56 kB, installed size 311 kB06:23
daftykinsoh that'd definitely have the potential to break some eggs.06:23
CalebWThere are no errors06:23
daftykinsCalebW: ok, now "sudo apt dist-upgrade"06:23
virtuosojOk rebooted and reloggined in, same problem persists. never encountered this before06:24
daftykinsvirtuosoj: sudo apt-get purge redshift && sudo shutdown -r 006:25
daftykinsCalebW: wow you've screwed that one up big time06:26
daftykinsCalebW: are you using standard ubuntu with unity?06:26
CalebWI think I'm using a different DE06:26
CalebWBut I've been using this forever and had no problems06:26
CalebWBut it's Ubuntu 14.0406:27
daftykinswhich one then...06:27
virtuosojdaftykins: so this is just going to make me reboot again? I somehow don't think redshift is the problem, I think I caused this with unity tweak tool in one way or another06:27
virtuosojalthough I really didnt do much06:27
daftykinsyour paste there wants to remove everything practically, this isn't good06:27
CalebWlet me log out and check06:27
CalebWI know. I don't know what happened06:27
virtuosojtbh I have had buggy unity before, and it was another time I tried to install with a separate home partition. Could this somehow be an issue? I did that this time06:27
daftykinsvirtuosoj: test with the guest session then - surprisingly i can only come up with other ideas when just like then, you provide more info as to what you've done to screw this machine up :)06:27
virtuosojBut on installs where / and /home are on the same partition it wasnt buggy06:27
CalebWI'm using GNOME flashback compiz06:29
daftykinsso the top and bottom panels, top one has "apps, places, system" as menus on the left?06:29
SkepticalParrotOk... tried installing the key signature...06:29
CalebWI prefer the older style de instead of the unity crap that came default06:29
SkepticalParrotand got another error message...06:29
virtuosojdaftykins, guest session works as intended!06:29
daftykinsvirtuosoj: yeah so you screwed up your config06:29
SkepticalParrotwget -q -O- 'http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x96B4BF71E4D7FB01' | sudo apt-key add -06:29
SkepticalParrotW: There is no public key available for the following key IDs:06:30
virtuosojdaftykins, ok. this should be an easy .txt file delete right?06:30
daftykins!paste | SkepticalParrot06:30
ubottuSkepticalParrot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:30
daftykinsvirtuosoj: no it'll be a dot folder rename to get defaults back, look in ~/.config for unity related folders - then "mv foldername foldername-old" before logout + in / reboot06:30
virtuosojbrb I'll tell you how it goes06:31
MiaHey all06:31
Miamy ubuntu boots, but it takes like 5 minutes06:31
Miaand I se a lot of "ata1.00: status {drdy err}"06:31
daftykinsbad sata cable or device on the ATA bus06:31
SkepticalParrotSo... I'm not sure what to do next.06:31
SkepticalParrotI added the repository.06:31
daftykins!ppa | SkepticalParrot06:32
SkepticalParrotI installed the key... and yet... I have no success.06:32
ubottuSkepticalParrot: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:32
daftykinsno you did not install the key06:32
daftykinsnote the part where it said "warning - no key found for the following key IDs"06:32
Miadaftykins, oh you mean that to me ?06:32
Miabad sata cable ?06:32
CalebWscreenshot of desktop in base 64 http://paste.ubuntu.com/15355811/06:33
vdevnullis there anyway to run sudo for one time and run commands normally06:33
Miadaftykins, it's default macbook stuff06:33
vdevnullrather than adding "sudo" in each command?06:33
daftykins"sudo -i"06:33
MiaI mean is this definitely about sata cable06:34
daftykinsyou would have to provide your dmesg to understand further06:34
daftykinsMia: ^06:34
Miahow can I do that?06:34
Miait's logged somewhere right?06:34
MiaI can just pastebin the logs06:34
daftykins"sudo apt install pastebinit && dmesg > ~/mydmesg ** pastebinit ~/mydmesg"06:35
daftykinsoops i typo'd my second set of ampersands06:35
daftykins"sudo apt install pastebinit && dmesg > ~/mydmesg && pastebinit ~/mydmesg"06:35
CalebWIs that for me?06:35
daftykinssurprisingly your image as text was useless06:36
daftykinsimgur.com would be a good alternative06:36
daftykinsgenerally when you're getting free help you don't make people work to help you06:36
CalebWI didn't want to spend 20 minutes trying to find a place to upload my pic06:36
daftykinsasking would've reduced that to 0.25 minutes06:37
CalebWOk, I'm sorry06:37
Miadaftykins, paste.ubuntu.com/1535582906:38
CalebWI'm really stuck though. Is there any way I can fix this without reinstalling ubuntu?06:38
virtuosoj:(  not working06:38
Miadoes this help daftykins06:39
virtuosojI tried "unity tweak tool --reset-unity" which prompted me to completely reset defaults in terminal, but that did nothing06:39
virtuosojis there a way for me to reinstall unity?06:39
virtuosojor should I reinstall OS to be safe06:40
daftykinsMia: hmm "sudo apt install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"06:41
Miadaftykins, paste.ubuntu.com/1535584206:42
virtuosojI'm going to try this "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop"06:42
daftykinsvirtuosoj: no that's stupid06:42
virtuosojreally? ok06:43
daftykinsvirtuosoj: shotgun approach then, just rename .config to .configold and reboot.06:43
virtuosoj"rm -rf ~/.config"06:43
virtuosojok I  will do that06:43
daftykinsMia: ah an SSD06:43
virtuosojhere goes nothing.06:44
daftykinsMia: is your SSD on the latest firmware?06:44
daftykinsoh dear sector errors06:44
Miadaftykins, hmm how can I upgrade it06:44
MiaI'm pretty new at this kind of stuff, sector errors?06:45
bluefiveI'm the proud owner of a new MSI Cubi with the i3 5005U which features AES-NI. This is really going to run well on my home dir encryption install of Ubuntu, using ecryptfs.06:45
daftykinsMia: i think it's pretty screwed.06:45
Miaoh ssd ?06:45
Miahm how do you see it06:45
daftykinssee what?06:45
Miahow do you understand that it's messed up06:46
Miabecause I bought it yesterday06:46
Miaand I'll have to return it and I'll have to show thme thee06:46
daftykinshang on let me do some digging06:46
Miaotherwise they'll just want to send t to the official factory for check and it'll take like 5 months06:46
Miaokay, thank you very much!06:46
virtuosojdaftykins, it worked :)06:47
daftykinshmm it's already on the latest firmware so that's not it06:47
daftykinsperhaps i've picked the wrong ATA device, lets see06:47
daftykinsMia: do you have an optical drive in your mac? (CD/DVD)06:48
Miadaftykins, yes I do06:48
Miait's a macbok 2009 (mid)06:48
Miaor, 5.506:48
daftykinswas it slow when you booted the flash drive to install from too?06:49
=== db is now known as Guest4926
Miadaftykins, no from usb stick it boots the ubuntu pretty fast06:49
Miafrom the installed hard dirve it takes around 8 minutes06:50
Mia(full oferror mesages)06:50
Miathat logs I sent you actually, a part of that I can see as it happens06:50
virtuosojis it recommended to download extra compiz plugins? or just leave compiz at defaults with Ubuntu06:50
daftykinsMia: i think there might be an incompatibility there, i'd personally return the drive and pick another - OCZ really aren't a strong player on the market06:51
Miahmm okay I'll do that in this case06:51
Miadaftykins, is this incompadibility about ubuntu ?06:52
Miaor is it about my macbook ?06:52
daftykinsthe SSD and your mac possibly, but also possibly the Linux kernel and those two combined06:52
daftykins3.160374] ata1.00: ATA-9: OCZ-TRION100, SAFM11.2, max UDMA/13306:52
daftykins[    3.160377] ata1.00: 234441648 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)06:53
daftykinsthere we go, that confirms that the OCZ SSD is device 1 and that's the one stalling the boot06:53
Miaand that keeps repeating, that also confirms the same right06:54
MiaI mean when Iopen my laptop there and showcase them what's wrong I have to at least point something06:54
MiaTHank you for all your help and time by the way06:54
daftykinsMia: yeah or just say the sector errors spam06:54
Miathank you very much06:55
daftykinsdrive's already on the 11.2 firmware so it can't be updated06:55
daftykinsnp :)06:55
virtuosojdaftykins, the real mvp of tonite06:55
daftykinsbeen here so long it's 7am my time06:57
virtuosojdo you know how to install a font?06:58
virtuosojtrying to rice unity now06:58
daftykinsnah i only care about the big goals to be honest06:59
daftykinsand i don't use desktop06:59
virtuosojyou use server?06:59
daftykinsservers, yep07:00
xanax`is it still possible to install ubuntu with Wubi ?07:01
virtuosojcool. IT professional?07:01
vdevnullI've installed a package and i want remove it with all created folder07:02
vdevnullapt-get remove ..07:02
vdevnullis it the right command?07:03
soupnanodesukar!version libqt5gui5 xenial07:04
ubottusoupnanodesukar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:04
baizonvdevnull: apt-get remove --purge packagename07:04
baizonvdevnull: http://askubuntu.com/questions/231562/what-is-the-difference-between-apt-get-purge-and-apt-get-remove07:04
soupnanodesukarAre the qt5 libs updated in xenial?07:05
baizonsoupnanodesukar: #ubuntu+q07:05
baizonsoupnanodesukar: #ubuntu+107:05
soupnanodesukarok, i'll ask there07:05
Miadaftykins, one question though07:06
vdevnullthanks bro07:06
MiaI installed fedora on my ssd --- to test yesterday, if the issue ws solely ubuntu related07:06
soupnanodesukaroh btw, ubottu's dev page is down http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki07:06
Miaand it was working fine07:06
Miaboot time was also pretty slow, around 4 minutes, but it was working overall07:06
Miano error messages (maybe splash was hiding it i don't know)07:06
daftykinsMia: yeah i bet it had the same ones going on, just maybe resolved sooner by pure chance07:08
daftykinsMia: easiest test would be checking out OS X on there, else the #1 thing they ask to do when fault finding SSDs is to do a secure erase07:09
Miaalso I found this device07:10
Miadaftykins, 180mb write speed, is that bad07:11
Miabecause this is pretty cheap compared to others07:11
Miaaround 30usd07:11
daftykinswhere in the world are you? it'd help what suggestions i could make07:11
Miathese are my options07:11
Miaand mine was that 177 one in the first row, ocz07:12
daftykinsso you don't want to spend much morethan that i take it?07:12
Miawell I went in to buy the sandisk, but I was told that maybe the write speed is too slow07:13
Miaso they suggested ocz07:13
MiaI mean depends on how higher I need to go for sure07:14
daftykinsthe choices there aren't really the best07:14
Miawhat would you suggest07:14
daftykinsat the same price i mean07:14
Miawhat if I can pay more07:14
daftykinsthe samsung 850 EVO would be good07:15
Miaok maybe I should buty that one07:15
Miaeventhough it's double price O_O07:15
daftykins177 -> 229 ?07:15
Miano actually I went int to buy the sandisk07:16
daftykins120GB wouldn't be a huge amount though if you store a lot of media, like video or pictures07:16
Miaso 119 ---> 22907:16
Miano it's just for experimenting07:16
MiaI want to make use of this old macbook that's the only main reason07:16
daftykinsah ok07:16
Miaso I wanted to go as cheap (but for sure solid) as possible07:16
daftykinsyou know the fault could be on the other end, so perhaps it's worth testing in the shop if you can07:16
Miathat's why I was thinking to get the sandisk07:16
TestHamstercan some1 help07:18
daftykinsnot until you describe a problem07:18
TestHamstermy comp logs me out07:18
TestHamsterafter sleep07:18
daftykinsso on resume you have to enter a password - and no programs are open anymore?07:19
TestHamsterno it comes to login menu07:20
daftykinsright which would be where a password would be entered07:20
TestHamsterie session and my desktop is lost07:20
TestHamsteri know07:20
daftykinsput "free -m" in http://paste.ubuntu.com and share the link07:20
TestHamsterits all free07:22
TestHamster10% use07:23
daftykinsi want to see it, i don't want your interpretation of it.07:23
daftykinsyou don't know what i'm checking07:23
TestHamsterMem:         16039       1241      14797          0         58        53007:23
TestHamster-/+ buffers/cache:        652      1538607:23
TestHamsterSwap:            0          0          007:23
daftykinsi had said paste it on the site07:24
daftykinsdo you maybe not speak english?07:24
daftykinsthat was my thought07:24
TestHamsterthis is a text protocol07:24
TestHamsterhave u lost ur mind07:24
TestHamsterur telling me to paint u a painting of my ram usage07:25
vdevnullhe's trying to help u07:25
TestHamsterwhat kind of pills r u on?07:25
daftykinsand he's done now because this user is an idiot who can't follow instructions07:25
TestHamsteri dont need that kind of help07:25
TestHamsterat that rate i can buy a new mobo07:26
TestHamsterthx daftykins,07:26
bluefiveIs my CPU going to run hotter if I have enabled home folder ecryptfs encryption?07:35
daftykinsduring times of high IO, sure - if you are not using a hardware capable device anywhere in the chain07:36
bluefivedaftykins: What if my CPU has AES-NI?07:37
DanSharkhi, invalid operands to binary ^ (have 'int *' and 'int *')07:41
DanSharkwhy ?07:41
daftykinsbluefive: you'd have to check out the different encryption schemes and see if they work with such hardware assistance07:41
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asuraphelis it okay to ask bash related question?07:48
daftykinsbetter in #bash07:49
bluefivedaftykins: They all do.07:50
bluefiveHow can you not know that?07:50
bluefiveAES-NI is extremely popular.07:50
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
daftykinsbluefive: you're wrong.07:56
daftykinsthere are different non-AES based algorithms07:56
daftykinsi suggest you try looking something up by yourself07:56
bluefivedaftykins: AES is by far the fastest even without AES-NI.07:57
bluefiveThis is why it is so popular.07:57
bluefiveYou want incredible cipher strength, which AES provides, but you don't want performance hits.07:57
bluefiveAnd with AES-NI on board Intel's CPUs, it is LEAGUES away from the competition.07:57
bluefiveIt isn't even close.07:57
daftykinsexcellent impression of a marketing team, but this is not what i'm getting at - not sure what you don't follow07:58
xanguaWow how many days has it been with the same?07:59
bluefivedaftykins: I follow perfectly fine. LUKS and ecryptfs both take full advantage of Intel's advanced AES-NI technology.08:00
daftykinsxangua: this guy a regular?08:00
xanguadaftykins: well maybe not days, but all day08:00
daftykinsmmm sounds like a walking salesman, i've ignored08:01
bluefiveIf you haven't got an AES-NI CPU and you aren't right now in the position to procure one then I suppose my words could trigger a sense of inadequacy or outright anger.08:06
soupnanodesukarbluehive: "What if my CPU has AES-NI?" That shouldn't matter. If you are serious about security, you would be very hesitant about using any specialized on-board instructions for encryption provided by a cpu vendor, especially if that cpu vendor runs a mini-os inside its cpu.08:06
bluefivesoupnanodesukar: That is what someone in ##security suggested.08:07
bluefiveYou think there is reason to doubt the integrity of Intel in this instance?08:07
soupnanodesukarI'm sure your familiar with Linus' refusal to use intel's rng opcode, and the reasons why you shouldn't be trusting hardware.08:07
TestHamsterppl either get it or dont08:09
bluefivesoupnanodesukar: You suspect that Intel is in cahoots with the entities who print our money who are working toward a global world order and who consider one of the most significant symbols to be the pyramid crowned by the all-seeing eye?08:10
soupnanodesukarthat's overstating it08:10
TestHamsterlook man ive seen all kinds of ppl mistaking that08:10
bluefivesoupnanodesukar: If they have unlimited money and power at their disposal, then it is quite reasonable that they would have Intel working for them.08:12
bluefivesoupnanodesukar: Do you think this is again overstating it?08:12
TestHamsterid say ya08:12
soupnanodesukarbluefive: they don't even need that, see the PATRIOT act.08:12
TestHamstercomputers have a sway08:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:12
bluefivesoupnanodesukar: See you in OFFTOPIC. I want to ask you something.08:13
vinodHi.. I am new to linux, and got Ubuntu 14.04 installed. I tried to play a VCD and I got this error. Kindly help "The playback of this movie requires a VCD protocol source plugin which is not installed."08:15
daftykinssoupnanodesukar: best not to enable such types08:15
daftykinsvinod: install VLC perhaps08:15
soupnanodesukarvinod: try mpv https://mpv.io/installation/08:17
bluefiveI was talking with someone today about TrueCrypt. He thought it reasonable to presume TrueCrypt was considered a threat by some of the big agencies.08:18
bluefiveI forget what else he said.08:18
bluefiveBut in essence, he felt there was a conspiracy and that TrueCrypt was not insecure but was rather too secure.08:18
bluefiveI thought I was in OFFTOPIC.08:19
vinodwhen i try to copy the file .dat to my folder it says " Input/output error" soupnanodesukar08:20
daftykinsoff optical media? yeah don't do that.08:20
daftykinsjust installing VLC will be the easiest.08:21
vinodi have VLC in another OS, but didn't work :(08:21
vinodi even tried xine and various others like mplayer and what not, still it didn't work08:21
daftykinsinstalling ubuntu-restricted-extras might help08:21
xanguavinod: by vcd you mean DVD?08:21
soupnanodesukarvinod: Have you tried mpv? mplayer is outdated.08:21
vinodyeah xangua ,08:22
vinodI got charlie chaplin videos which I tried to play it, but not working :-(08:23
daftykinsVCD is not DVD08:23
vinodi'm trying to download mpv..08:23
soupnanodesukarvinod: use the ppa, the version in 14.04 is quite old.08:23
vinodit says Video CD daftykins  I got both08:24
vinodok will check08:24
cr0xxxHi people! I am a newbie and trying to install ubuntu in my laptop with windows 10 installed. I'm trying to have a dual boot system. I installed ubuntu through bootable usb but am not getting the boot menu to switch to ubuntu. Windows 10 boots automatically. Need Help!08:24
daftykins'got both' ? i'm saying DVDs are totally different :)08:24
daftykinscr0xxx: what kind of computer? did it come with 10?08:24
vinodI meant I got CD as well as DVD08:24
vinodkindly share the steps for ppa installation soupnanodesukar08:25
vinodI am trying https://launchpad.net/~djcj/+archive/ubuntu/vapoursynthhttps://launchpad.net/~djcj/+archive/ubuntu/vapoursynth08:26
soupnanodesukarcr0xxx: boot into your bios settings and either (1) change the boot type to legacy or (2) change the boot partition (advanced bios' only)08:26
cr0xxxdaftykins, nope i installed windows 10 later, it came with windows 808:27
soupnanodesukarvinod: add-apt-repository > apt-get update > apt-get install08:27
cr0xxxi have tried boot-repair but nothing's changed08:27
daftykinscr0xxx: don't follow soupnanodesukar advice, it's terrible08:27
daftykinscr0xxx: are you shutting down 10 properly? best way is windows key (super) +R -> shutdown -s -t 108:28
daftykinscr0xxx: so what kind is it?08:28
cr0xxxi have already tried making boot as legacy only, but then i don't even get windows it just says not able to find any OS on the disk08:28
daftykinsyes because Windows is installed EFI and you must install ubuntu as EFI too08:28
cr0xxxi have stopped windows fast startup option, and shutting down windows properly , daftykins08:29
daftykinscr0xxx: and what's the brand of the system? #3 time asking now08:29
cr0xxxits HP08:29
jushurcr0xxx: you cant just dualboot with windows10, you need to plan for it. and not run windows in full uefi protected mode. basicly you will not be able to dualbot unless you reinstall windows10 with "secure boot" disabled.08:30
cr0xxxi've also tried doing this" bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubsx64.efi"08:30
cr0xxxjushur, isn't there a way to disable secure boot now ?08:31
daftykinscr0xxx: no that's a mistake, you should have a boot menu key that lists available boot devices, likely a function key, F8, F9 or F10 on HPs usually08:31
daftykinsjushur: that is also complete rubbish, don't mislead users.08:32
cr0xxxdaftykins, not getting any boot menu, tried all the function keys08:32
bray90820Can someone help me here This script doesn't seem to work correctly it doesn't seem to take in account how may folders you have it if I reverse the logical operator it doesn't seen to work at all08:32
bray90820if ((dir > 30)); then rmdir 01; fi08:32
daftykinscr0xxx: can you enter the BIOS fine with F2 or delete?08:33
cr0xxxi enter the bios using esc then f1008:33
daftykinsalright and have you seen anything on the boot or exit pages listing your devices? like your flash drive type twice, once with EFI beside it and once without08:34
soupnanodesukarbray90820: comparisons in bash do not work like C. Use the bash test operator instead: if [$dir -gt 30]08:34
bray90820soupnanodesukar: what does the -gt mean?08:34
soupnanodesukarbray90820: greater than08:35
bray90820and I would do -lt for less then?08:35
bray90820THANK YOU08:35
bray90820I have been hitting my head against the wall for 3 hours08:35
bray90820Or bashing my head agents the wall08:35
cr0xxxdaftykins, yeah esc then f9 , but nothing happens if i select the efi option, except for some blue screen08:35
daftykinscr0xxx: then you didn't prepare your drive right by the sounds - what image did you downloadand how did you prepare it?08:36
cr0xxxdaftykins : used unetbootin08:36
cr0xxxdaftykins, usb boots the live version quite well08:37
daftykinswith an initial menu of colour with a logo at the bottom? or white text on a black background?08:37
cr0xxxno logo, daftykins08:38
daftykinsso text or not? sometimes it's not visible08:38
ToAruShiroiNekobray90820 I do not think that is how walls work08:39
daftykinsit doesn't matter if you can boot the drive in legacy mode, because that's not going to work for you.08:39
cr0xxxthere's a header that says EFI Boot something, and there's a thick bar at the bottom08:39
=== asuraphel is now known as svector
bray90820soupnanodesukar: if [$dir -gt 30]; then echo more then 30; fi [30: command not found08:40
cr0xxxshould i try by disabling secure boot ? daftykins08:40
daftykinsit would have to be white text on a black background - can you answer that?08:41
cr0xxxyeah it is like that08:41
daftykinslooks like this http://i.stack.imgur.com/rL6Jh.jpg08:41
cr0xxxthe image you sent me, yeah i get this when i use the bootable USB , daftykins08:42
daftykinsso you need to resize your Windows install first to make space for ubuntu08:42
daftykinsthis is better done from inside Windows really08:42
cr0xxxalready did the whole thing, installed ubuntu08:43
cr0xxxi am  not getting the grub menu after installation08:43
daftykinsah yeah sorry, my mistake08:43
cr0xxxwindows get booted directly08:43
daftykinsenter the BIOS instead then and poke around for boot options08:43
daftykinsideally you want to find something that says "Windows Boot Manager" and change it tothe name of the hard disk / SSD instead08:44
beepbopboopbopI need help08:44
cr0xxxdaftykins, ok let me try that, will be back in few minutes08:44
jushur!ask | beepbopboopbop08:44
ubottubeepbopboopbop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:44
beepbopboopbopI just installed Ubuntu and have to clue what I'm doing, and my wired connection is not connecting.08:45
daftykinsbeepbopboopbop: open the terminal application and run "lspci | grep -i net" to identify the hardware08:48
anurag1018can I run Tally on ubuntu?08:48
daftykins!info tally08:48
ubottuPackage tally does not exist in wily08:48
daftykinswhat is it?08:48
beepbopboopbopOkay, I did that daftykins08:49
daftykinsbeepbopboopbop: so what is it... or can i guess? my first letter will be... e.08:49
bray90820soupnanodesukar: if [$dir -gt 30]; then echo more then 30; fi [30: command not found08:50
anurag1018tally is a business accounting software08:50
daftykinsanurag1018: on Windows?08:50
anurag1018yes on windows08:50
beepbopboopbopEthernet controller: Realtek semiconductor. And another line of CI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller08:50
bray90820soupnanodesukar: the command I wanna do is "if [$dir -gt 30]; then echo more then 30; fi"08:50
daftykinsanurag1018: you're better off trying to find a native program, otherwise consult the wine app database08:51
daftykins!appdb | anurag101808:51
ubottuanurag1018: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:51
soupnanodesukarbray90820: do it like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15356304/08:51
daftykinsbeepbopboopbop: if you type "ifconfig -a" do you see only one entry, "lo" or do you see any others?08:52
beepbopboopbopdaftykins: There is eth0 and lo08:53
cr0xxxdaftykins, nope can't do that, just change the order, have the option of OS Boot mgr, with other options od USB, CD, Network etc, can just change the order08:53
bray90820soupnanodesukar: Thank you that worked perfectly08:53
daftykinsbeepbopboopbop: ok so do you maybe have two wired network adapters in this system?08:54
daftykinscr0xxx: there might be another menu item that lets you pick the 'hard disk' order; if you could take pics of every page of the BIOS and throw them on imgur.com that'd be handy08:54
cr0xxxok, I'll try08:55
beepbopboopbopdaftykins: I have just one08:55
daftykinsbeepbopboopbop: ok so type "sudo dhclient eth0"08:56
beepbopboopbopdaftykins: I did that, it asked for a password and is doing nothing now08:58
daftykinsafter entering it and pressing enter?08:58
beepbopboopbopShould I restart the terminal and try again?08:59
daftykinsthis is gonna sound really dumb, but make sure both cable ends are firmly into their respective devices, then reboot the computer.08:59
anurag1018I have dual booted ubuntu with windows and now when I'm trying to access the drives in ubuntu this is the error im getting:Error mounting /dev/sda7 at /media/anurag1018/New Volume: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o09:00
bray90820soupnanodesukar: it still says more then 30 if there are less then 3009:00
beepbopboopbopThey were both plugged in all the way, restarting anyways09:00
daftykinsanurag1018: tell us the command you're trying to run09:01
=== manu is now known as Guest84157
anurag1018im not running any program just clicking on the drives09:02
daftykinsright, throw "mount" into a http://paste.ubuntu.com to share09:02
bray90820soupnanodesukar: What I want it to check of there are more then 30 directories and output there are more then 30 directories if there are more then 3009:02
beepbopboopbopMade sure everything was plugged in and restarted computer, still not connecting09:03
daftykins*than *than *than09:03
ghabitanurag1018, yup, show us mount -a output09:03
daftykinsno, not -a09:03
soupnanodesukarbray90820: hmm, sounds like bash may be using string comparisons instead of numeric, ergo "9" > "30" lexicographically.09:03
bray90820soupnanodesukar: so what should I do09:05
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang09:05
adm1nI need help09:05
adm1nthis is an EMERGENCY09:05
adm1nI need to know the truth09:06
soupnanodesukarbray90820: see if you can use python instead, it'll be much easier on you.09:06
adm1nI did not mean to use all caps09:06
adm1nI just need to decrypt our backup of the mission critical NSAJ database09:07
adm1nand our dumb intern, she never changed the script in the backup app09:07
bray90820soupnanodesukar: I aim creating a backup script for my home server and do not know python at all09:07
adm1nso it kept using the public key of our founder to encrypt all backups09:08
adm1nand yesterday we were raided by the NAA09:08
adm1ni mean NSA09:08
daftykinsMyrtti: i think more medicine is required09:08
adm1nthank heavens the Emergency Drive Degaussing System detected the breach, but now....09:08
adm1nwe need to get the key09:08
beepbopboopbopHow do I Uninstaller ubuntu, I want to try to redo the install09:10
daftykinsit doesn't work that way09:10
beepbopboopbopWell damn, that's how I fix just about anything else.09:11
daftykinsso what you're saying, is it worked in the live session - but not after install?09:11
bray90820soupnanodesukar: Where should I go from here then?09:11
beepbopboopbopWhen I had windows 7 installed before, it was working fine and when I was testing other versions of Linux it was fine, but with Ubuntu it is not connecting09:12
daftykinsthat doesn't help09:12
beepbopboopbopWhat will help?09:13
daftykinsanswering my above question09:13
jushurbeepbopboopbop: i bet the kernel does not have the support for your hardware. try a never releae of ubuntu.09:14
daftykinsthat's rubbish09:14
jushurbeepbopboopbop: what version is it you are trying to use?09:15
beepbopboopbop14.04 I believe09:15
EriC^^Mia: can you type dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999 ?09:15
* daftykins wonders if EriC^^ was scrolled up09:15
beepbopboopbopYeah, it's 14.04.409:16
daftykinsbeepbopboopbop: so again - does it work from the live session?09:16
EriC^^daftykins: nah, got a pm, suggested to talk here about it09:16
MiaEriC^^, I cna't right now, formatted and plugged out my ssd already09:16
Miapackaged it back09:16
EriC^^Mia: oh, ok09:16
beepbopboopbopThe live is booting from a USB right? If so, so it does not work.09:16
daftykinsEriC^^: i had one from earlier though09:17
Mianow installing the os to the old mac hard drive09:17
Miaformatted it09:17
daftykinsEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15355829/09:17
Miaif it fails to work there as well maybe it's not a problem about ssd at all09:17
Miaso I'll check09:17
EriC^^daftykins: thanks09:17
Miaoh yes that one --- :)09:17
Miathank you daftykins09:18
daftykinsbeepbopboopbop: funky, oh well - you could try the 16.04 beta09:18
daftykinsi think the problem could be your router, though09:18
beepbopboopbopHow do I get to 16.04? Download it on USB and then just install over?09:19
beepbopboopbopOk thanks for the help09:20
Miadaftykins, yes it works now on regular hard disc without problems09:27
Miamaybe just a bit slow, and I get it09:27
Miaso the problem should be in the ssd09:27
Miaalso cc EriC^^09:27
=== Artpicre is now known as Guest10691
Miahow can I stop a slow apt-get update09:39
Miashould I just close the windows and terminate the terminal process ?09:40
daftykinsget a better internet connection / change to a local mirror09:40
Miactrl c does notdo anything09:40
TestHamsterkeep pressing it09:40
daftykinsit will if it's the active window09:40
daftykinsnever seen it not stop that09:40
Miahm weird09:41
Miafn-c stopped it09:41
Mialooks like somehow my apple keyboard is mapped wrong09:41
TestHamsterits fine09:41
daftykinsyeah that's another standard with putting a Linux on a mac, think i mentioned it09:41
daftykinsah no maybe not today, i did say recently to someone else though09:41
soupnanodesukarbray90820: now is as good a time as any to learn especially if bash scripts are giving you grief http://paste.ubuntu.com/15356544/09:43
Miahm I live in turkey and the default server was tr.archive.ubuntu.com09:43
Miabut I just realized afer changing it, it's not in the dropdown list for "turkey"09:43
testing223 /init: 401: /init: touch, at boot time,why?09:47
bray90820soupnanodesukar: I think I will stick with bash09:48
amethystgemI am trying to change my open source radeon power management profile to 'dynpm', but nothing seems to work. sudo bash -c 'echo "profile" > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method' and echo "profile" | sudo tee /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method are both terminal options ive tried, but its an invalid argument. the folder and file exists. I can't edit directly with gedit either, even under nautilus09:50
amethystgemnot using 'profile', using 'dynpm'. i copy-pasted examples from a page09:51
jonascjIn the newest ubuntu versions (say 15 and maybe 16 beta) what is the required steps to run a 32bit application on the 64bit OS?09:52
jonascjShould something-multi-arch take care of it automatically, or do you need to install some 32bit libs?09:53
=== yavor is now known as dinogreen_rex
EriC^^jonascj: i think you just add the arch in dpkg, then do sudo apt-get install <program>:i38609:54
EriC^^and it'll pull in what it needs09:54
jonascjEriC^^: what it if it is just a 32bit blob from somewhere, then I should just install the dependencies myself (libc etc.) from :i38609:55
EriC^^jonascj: yeah09:57
amethystgemI've attempted sudo bash -c "echo \"dynpm\" > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method" from the community page now too, and it still doesn't work.09:59
kubanchow do I delete evolution in Ubuntu 15.10?10:05
baizonkubanc: http://askubuntu.com/questions/315640/how-do-i-completely-remove-evolution10:06
kubancbaizon, this in not for Ubuntu 15.10, because I do not have Synaptic package manager10:07
amethystgemusing cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method gives me the current power method status for the open source radeon driver, but i still cant seem to change it10:09
testing223нашел решение10:14
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:14
testing223но я не понимаю как установка busybox влияет на iniramfs10:14
daftykinsenglish only.10:14
baizon!ru | testing22310:14
ubottutesting223: please see above10:14
testing223при update-initramfs он что в initrd еще и busybox с хост машины добавляет или что?10:14
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:28
kazuka16.04 is released?10:33
baizonkazuka: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases10:34
kazukaill wait10:34
baizonkazuka: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule10:34
bobbiecan someone please tell me how to install the deb command to my command line terminal?10:36
daftykins"the deb command" - can you rephrase?10:36
kazukadpkg -i package.deb10:36
baizonbobbie: http://askubuntu.com/questions/40779/how-do-i-install-a-deb-file-via-the-command-line10:36
daftykinsyou really should not install from .deb package files if you can help it.10:36
bobbiewhy is that?10:37
daftykins.deb's won't get updated after they're installed, packages in repos will10:38
user1212121Hey, not sure if it is offtopic, But I'm trying to seed Ubuntu torrent from mac, But it is not seeding, anyone familiar with transmission client? http://imgur.com/FRFWv6910:49
Ben64user1212121: probably nobody to seed to10:51
iamabotDoes ubuntu come with a in-built network manager that supports VPN?10:52
user1212121Ben64: oh, that's sad, I've a 100mbps connection in India, I hope seeding will be beneficial for many.10:54
daftykinsuser1212121: you've not got the infected one, have you? 2.90 if i remember rightly10:54
user1212121daftykins: It is 3.92, downloaded just before 30 minutes.10:55
daftykins2.92, good good - the 2.90 had malware10:56
daftykinsstandard torrent client rules apply, ensure you're picking a port >40,000 and that it's open on your router - but likely, as Ben64 said, nobody wants it!10:56
Mika_Hello. I'm maybe going to have a project to start install many linuxies to old PC's. So before i start to dig deeper on this. I would want to ask what is best way to install simultaneously let's say for 3-5 PC's a linux. We assume here that all computers are getting same distro? :)10:57
Mika_I haven't done that ever so thats why just getting tips ;)10:57
daftykinsa stack of flash drives - or network boot10:57
Mika_total amount of PC's will be hundreds and hundreds xD10:57
daftykinsor drive cloning followed by hostname change + key change10:58
user1212121daftykins: port is 51412, It shows open one.10:59
Mika_daftykins: hmm, yeah i think network boot would be the way to go here...hmmm10:59
Ben64user1212121: theres likely many many times more seeders with much more bandwidth available than people leeching, don't worry about it11:00
user1212121Ben64: oh, may be that's the reason. I'm going to leave it like this for a day and see what gonna happen. thanks for the help.11:01
user1212121Ben64: are you work for canonical?11:01
daftykinsuser1212121: you can jump on 16.04 when it releases though, that'll need help11:03
user1212121daftykins: Sure, will do.11:04
atralheavenhello, I restored grub after installing windows and now I can boot to linux, but I don't have windows listed on bootloader!11:05
daftykinswindows 8 or 10?11:06
oquidavehello, am trying to connect to a remote box via sftp using filezilla. When i attempt to add my private key, it gives me a prompt; "The file '/home/oquidave/.ssh/id_rsa' is not in a format supported by FileZilla.Would you like to convert it into a supported format". When I say yes, it instead brings up the file system browser again and never adds the key. Anyone encountered this problem before?11:18
Ben64oquidave: what do you mean by add your private key11:21
hiloquidave, did you read this? https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Howto11:24
cool06hi all11:26
cool06my apt-get update got stucked and its very slow how to resolve this.?11:26
fenneszHello everyone ! I am trying to install lubuntu on a asus netbook with win7 starter. When I choose to install lubuntu inside win7 , the system reboots and boots into windows . Am I missing something?11:26
daftykinschange mirrors11:26
cool06fennesz whiile booting u have to choose the grub to get into ubuntu11:27
fenneszcool06, there is no grub loaded though11:27
cool06daftykins from my other machine its working fine...11:27
atralheavendaftykins: 8.111:27
daftykinscool06: right and you know they're on the same mirror huh?11:27
fenneszcool06, i pressed installed inside win7 and it immediately rebooted the system .. to win711:28
daftykinsatralheaven: i'd be willing to bet you have 8 installed in EFI mode but you booted and installed ubuntu in legacy, so they're incompatible now11:28
=== dummy is now known as craptalk
daftykinsfennesz: you weren't running the installer from inside Windows, right? WUBI?11:28
fenneszdaftykins, no I am running it from usb11:28
cool06daftykins yeah i checked the /etc/apt/sources.list file11:28
daftykinsfennesz: good stuff. did you make space by resizing Windows first?11:29
atralheavendaftykins: how can I check to be sure?11:29
hiloquidave, tra to set SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa11:29
fenneszdaftykins, no cause I was thinking the installer would do this for me11:29
daftykinsatralheaven: when you booted the flash drive of ubuntu, did you see white text on a black background - or a little logo at the bottom on a purple screen?11:30
fenneszshall I choose "something else" on the installer?11:30
atralheavendaftykins: white text...11:30
daftykinsfennesz: i don't think it'll change much for you11:30
cool06fennesz -> http://www.pcworld.com/article/2142325/install-ubuntu-and-keep-windows.html i am using as alongside lubuntu11:30
daftykinsatralheaven: mmm, boot into ubuntu then and run a "sudo parted -l"11:31
fenneszcool06, this is with wubi right?11:32
daftykinsfennesz: read just a few lines further...11:33
daftykinsWUBI should indeed be totally ignored11:33
atralheavendaftykins: im on linux now, "[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS" command output is "BIOS"11:33
daftykinsatralheaven: and the above command in a paste.ubuntu.com ?11:33
atralheavendaftykins: http://hastebin.com/oloyosujan11:38
daftykinsWindows at the end o011:39
daftykinsatralheaven: and "sudo fdisk -l" ?11:40
selenuixHow can I download Ubuntu 16.04 Alpha or Beta ?11:40
daftykinsby googling it11:40
daftykinsor joining #ubuntu+111:41
selenuixI use raspberry pi and I want know if Ubuntu 16.04 will be available on it11:41
daftykinseventually, sure.11:41
daftykinsif it's a 2 or 311:41
selenuixOkay ;)11:41
selenuixIt's a 311:42
atralheavendaftykins: http://hastebin.com/oqocumamun.vhdl11:42
selenuixHow can I download Ubuntu Beta via a raspberry11:43
daftykinswhat do you mean 'via'11:43
daftykinsyou can't install it on it, from it - and as i already said, google11:43
Ben64also #raspberrypi11:44
daftykinsatralheaven: you must have installed both OSs at the same time, yeah?11:44
selenuixNo, I want download the ISO on a raspberry and install it on my computer11:44
Ben64go for it11:44
daftykinslol what a strange way to phrase the question then11:45
MizmaarCan anyone help me upgrade my resolution to the recommended monitor setting? Intel drivers are latest11:45
daftykinsyou don't install intel drivers, they're in the kernel.11:45
daftykinsif you ran the thing from 01.org - you trashed your machine11:45
metrixxi want to install X server to connect via putty on windows easily11:46
metrixxbut what is the best package for this?11:46
tetahelp with this please? http://pastebin.com/bYwkmte411:46
daftykinsputty connects via command line, it doesn't need X11:46
metrixxi see there are many options11:46
metrixxi was talking about Xming11:47
daftykinswhich way are you connecting?11:47
CRM114Xming worked the last time I used it11:47
daftykinsfrom ubuntu to Windows?11:47
Ben64metrixx: windows software isn't on topic here, but that worked for me11:47
CRM114but give it a virus scan11:47
daftykinsteta: it's pretty obvious, remove the duplicate entries from /etc/apt/sources.list11:48
daftykins(make a backup first)11:48
metrixxi am not asking about Xming.. i am asking about the package to install on Ubuntu to connect for X server11:48
daftykins"connect for X server" makes zero sense11:48
daftykinsyou want to see the ubuntu GUI on the Windows PC? or the Windows GUI on the ubuntu PC?11:48
Ben64metrixx: if you have a gui you already have X11:49
metrixxBen64, i dont11:49
atralheavendaftykins: no, frist linux, then windows11:49
Mizmaardaftykins: what you mean?11:49
Ben64metrixx: explain fully what you're doing11:49
daftykinsatralheaven: well obviously, but i mean on the same day11:49
daftykinsatralheaven: you should start again and put Windows first - your disk is a mess11:49
metrixxBen64, i have a ubuntu server VM and i just want to use some X apps on windows11:49
wsdjegwhy do you install diff os in your pc,11:50
daftykinsMizmaar: i mean you don't install drivers for intel graphics :) now, run "sudo apt install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" and share the link11:50
CRM114metrixx: ssh11:50
atralheavendaftykins: no, I had linux several monthes before, I had to have windows, so I made a partition for it11:50
daftykinsmetrixx: you would have to install the full GUI on the ubuntu machine, 'ubuntu-desktop' would be the simplest package11:51
atralheavendaftykins: I can't install everything new! is there anyway to fix it?11:51
metrixxdaftykins, i don't want full package if it is possible. instead of that, i just want the minimal thing11:51
Ben64daftykins: not true11:51
daftykinsatralheaven: it's an absolute mess. i think you booted the windows install media as EFI instead of legacy, so it's not working11:51
wsdjegI remamber someone ask this issue in facebook11:51
Ben64metrixx: install xauth11:51
wsdjegatralheaven: you?11:51
daftykinsBen64: ok but have fun hand holding with that one ;)11:52
Ben64not hand holding anything tonight, i'm sleepy11:52
MizmaarHow do I edit the Grub menu so Windows is on top of the list and it loads by default11:52
CRM114he really just needs an ssh server, assuming he already has gui on the linux machine11:52
atralheavendaftykins: windows doesn't have an option to choose it, is there anyway to boot to windows again?11:52
tetaanybody else? http://pastebin.com/bYwkmte4 it's not just repeated stuff in sources.list11:52
daftykinsMizmaar: edit /etc/default/grub and change the default value from 0 to the number corresponding to Windows, then save the file and run "sudo update-grub"11:52
atralheavendaftykins: I should unmount my partitions from windows11:53
daftykinsteta: it will be, or extra entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ - or a common issue from google at the moment which there should be tonnes of guides online saying how to fix11:53
karrotwhat is the best way to control the network manager from the command line?11:53
daftykinsEriC^^: ah just the guy, atralheaven has a horrible partition layout you might enjoy fixing a dualboot on11:53
karroti found nmcli, but I'm not sure if it's old (and possibly deprecated)11:54
karrotdaftykins, thank yo11:54
atralheavendaftykins: if its possible to have exactly the same system and configs and apps etc with imaging the linux partition, im ok with editing partition layout!11:56
daftykinsnah i'm not touching that with a bargepole11:56
rexwin_how to change home directory of a user to var/www?11:57
daftykinsno, don't do that - add the user to the www-data group then own /var/www/ as www-data:www-data and change the permissions11:58
=== mohammad is now known as linuxlove
linuxloveis phpstorm free to use on ubuntu?11:59
rexwin_but ftp isn;t listing /var/www , i use vsftpd11:59
VlanXgood morning. Unfortunately I think I have killed my grub. I powered on my computer with an usb key on, and now it only load windows, that I didnt even know was on the hard drive anymore.11:59
cfhowlett!grub2 | VlanX11:59
ubottuVlanX: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:59
craptalkwhat is the language of hacking? i heard they use python alot? why?11:59
VlanXHow can I tell grub to only lead ubuntu?12:00
daftykinsrexwin_: you shouldn't, you should use SCP/SFTP12:00
linuxloveis phpstorm free to use on ubuntu?12:00
cfhowlettcraptalk, wrong channeo to ask12:00
cfhowlett!info phpstorm12:00
rexwin_I am testing vsftpd12:00
ubottuPackage phpstorm does not exist in wily12:00
craptalkcfhowlett: where can i ask this?12:00
daftykins!alis | craptalk go nuts12:00
ubottucraptalk go nuts: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http12:00
VlanXthank you cfhowlett12:00
cfhowlettVlanX, happy2help!12:00
kltrgI’ve got a broken package that I can’t remove: http://pastebin.ca/3398229 What can I do about it?12:01
=== cotalinux is now known as NullPointer
cfhowlettVlanX, for the record, from what you describe, a simple reinstallation of grub should fix you right up.12:01
linuxloveis phpstorm free to use on ubuntu?12:01
cfhowlett!patience | linuxlove,12:02
ubottulinuxlove,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:02
daftykinslinuxlove: i found the answer for free in the first google results, i suggest you try this method.12:02
daftykinskltrg: can you show the command you ran?12:03
linuxlovedaftykins, i found free for just one month12:03
cfhowlettlinuxlove, then asked and answered is your question12:03
kltrgdaftykins, It was 'sudo aptitude purge brscan2'12:03
daftykinskltrg: mmm, can you show "dpkg -l | grep scan"12:03
jushurlinuxlove: technicaly you can use what program you want on ubuntu, this channel only supply support for applications in the repos of ubuntu. thus you may need to look to other places for support of tools that are not.12:04
kltrgdaftykins, Here is the output: http://pastebin.ca/339824312:04
daftykinskltrg: any luck with "sudo dpkg -r brscan2" ? show it in a paste12:07
cfhowlettkltrg, let's see it in English: LC_ALL=C sudo dpkg -r brscan2 | pastebinit12:08
buttercup /msg NickServ identify zeenatkhan1212199612:10
cfhowlettbuttercup sweet password there!!12:11
kltrgdaftykins, http://pastebin.ca/339827012:11
buttercupcfhowlett: thanks for telling12:12
buttercupI need to change it now12:12
daftykinskltrg: ok lets give it what it wants; run "sudo mkdir /usr/local/Brother; sudo mkdir /usr/local/Brother/sane; sudo mkdir /usr/local/Brother/sane/models2; sudo mkdir /usr/local/Brother/sane/GrayCmData; sudo mkdir /usr/local/Brother/sane/GrayCmData/AL; sudo mkdir /usr/local/Brother/sane/GrayCmData/ALL; " then repeat12:12
daftykinshmm i'm so tired i only just realised i could have cut down on all that repetition :(12:13
kltrgdaftykins, It seems to have worked.12:13
daftykinskltrg: (repeat means "sudo dpkg -r brscan2" again)12:13
metrixxok i opened xterm via putty on my windows but keyboard layout is different12:13
daftykinsso essentially an uninstallation script wasn't able to do what it wanted, by satisfying the conditions it looked for - it completed without error12:13
kltrgdaftykins, Thank you very much.12:14
daftykinsnp :)12:14
metrixxhow can i fix the keyboard setting for X apps?12:14
sl1fka666what do you mean?12:14
sl1fka666by keyboard settings?12:15
daftykinskeymap probably12:15
metrixxwhen i check docs, it says xorg.conf but there isnt ..12:16
daftykinsno there won't be - that's wrong for sure12:17
stellar_mindFor the past week, I have been trying to update my system. lsb_release -a shows my version as 14.04.4. I just now executed apt-get upgrade and the system is up to date now, but when I again try to perform an apt-get update I get the following error - Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release  Unable to find expected e12:20
stellar_mindntry 'restricted/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)12:20
stellar_mindE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:20
stellar_mindI am a newbie to ubuntu12:21
stellar_mindand my main aim is to start working on ROS12:21
linuxlovejushur, which program i can use instead of phpstorm on ubuntu?12:21
stellar_mindBut due to this error I can't seem to download anything from software center12:22
stellar_mindI am sorry if I interrupted a conversation12:22
cfhowlett!ide | linuxlove12:22
ubottulinuxlove: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator12:22
sl1fka666no need to be sorry Stellar_Mind12:22
jushurlinuxlove: http://alternativeto.net/software/phpstorm/?license=opensource12:23
stellar_mindwhat should be my next set of actions?12:23
jushurlinuxlove: note this is not a clearcut answer. its a hint to what may be usable for you.12:23
daftykinsstellar_mind: change your set of mirrors12:23
linuxlovejushur, thanks12:24
stellar_mindShould I paste the output from cat /etc/apt/sources.list ? I was getting this error after a fresh install of 14.04.312:25
Tin_manstellar_mind: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/05/appgrid-ubuntu-software-centre-alternative12:25
metrixxsetxkbmap solved the problem generally but some characters don't seem... they are hidden when i type12:25
linuxlovewhat is exist in repo?12:26
Tin_manmy guess is repository12:27
daftykinsstellar_mind: no, just change your mirrors - open system settings on the left, then software and sources12:27
jushurlinuxlove: if you search for it, sudo apt-cache search appname , and you find it there. it "exists" in the ubuntu repo or any repo you added to system.12:28
daftykinslinuxlove: wow, you find new ways to surprise me every day12:28
linuxlovedaftykins, what do you mean?12:28
stellar_mind@Tin_man I am trying that out now. and @daftykins I changed the mirrors to main and also tried out the ones for india (where I am from)12:29
daftykinsit's like you've taken it upon yourself to learn Linux without actually lifting a finger12:29
k1l_linuxlove: use "apt search" for searching stuff in the ubuntu repos (or the PPAs you added)12:29
cfhowlettlinuxlove, in other words, instead of asking "what is in the repos" you could , you know, do your OWN search of the repos?  We kind of expect would-be developers to be able to do that sort of thing.12:30
linuxlovedaftykins, please be careful about what you say12:30
daftykinsnah i'm good12:30
linuxlovedaftykins, you say words without think12:30
daftykinsi think that's my line :)12:31
linuxlovedaftykins, focus on your business12:31
k1l_linuxlove: the intention of this support channel is to guide you to get to the state to help yourself. we dont want people to come here again and again and not learning. because we cant handle all that millions ubuntu users in here.12:31
stellar_mindWhen I try to install appgrid, I get the following errors--- /var/lib/dpkg/info/appgrid.postinst: 31: /var/lib/dpkg/info/appgrid.postinst: systemctl: not found12:31
linuxlovek1l_, what was wrong with me about what is alternative for phpstorm in ubuntu repo12:32
k1l_linuxlove: so as a user who has asked a lot in here the last weeks (which is fine) we need you to learn to help yourself, so we can focus on other beginners again. if you have issues you can still ask in here, but not all the basic stuff you were told several times and it only looks like you dont want to do a search first on your own.12:32
Tin_manstellar_mind: did you try and download the deb? package? or the sudo commands?12:33
linuxlovek1l_, okay here is just for people who thinks they know every thing and other peoples are idiot12:34
linuxloveexcuse me for getting your time12:34
k1l_linuxlove: that is in no way what i said12:34
linuxlovei was on linux mint help channel12:35
k1l_linuxlove: its just the point that you dont do a search on your own before you ask here. and people get annoyed by you asking simple things over and over again.12:35
k1l_linuxlove: so you use mint?12:35
saturday_sunI recently had an argument with a friend about using root over ssh with a strong key. He uses it, but I think it's bad because the key he uses on his client can be compromised. What do you guys think?12:35
linuxlovek1l_, it is not thing that i do it because you say go to mint12:36
lotuspsychjesaturday_sun: fail2ban for more security12:36
linuxloveis ubuntu belong to you ?12:36
k1l_saturday_sun: common sense is not to use root login12:36
stellar_mindI tried the sudo commands. I got the application installed but it doesn't respond12:36
daftykinsi think you installed something for the wrong system, stellar_mind12:37
daftykinssaturday_sun: any remote login as root = dumb, bad question to ask in #ubuntu though since root doesn't have a password as standard12:37
stellar_mindoh. appgrid was working now. But shows the same dependency errors as ubuntu software center12:38
atralheavendaftykins: how can I unmount the partitions that windows kept mounted from linux?12:38
daftykinsthat's not what mount and unmount means12:38
Tin_mani'd do the sudo apt-get remove command, and try the .deb install12:39
saturday_sundaftykins: OK sorry.12:39
atralheavendaftykins: windows has a feature, that doesn't unmount drives to boot faster, now I cant boot to windows to disable it12:40
frostschutzsaturday_sun, I don't have a problem with using ssh keys even for root, it's all up to you12:40
daftykinsatralheaven: that's got nothing to do with mounting, you're using the term incorrectly12:40
daftykinsatralheaven: as mentioned i don't want to help with your situation because it's a mess12:40
atralheavendaftykins: well, I don't know what is the term for it, I need to have access to my files partition so I can backup stuff and reinstall12:41
daftykinsi suspect what you're talking about is hybrid shutdown has locked the NTFS volumes, so they won't mount - but you can't boot Windows to fix that, so you're stuck12:43
atralheavendaftykins: and please recommend a partition layout for me12:43
stellar_mindTin_man appgrid is working fine, but doesnt install any software because of the dependency issues. The same issues plaguing Ubuntu software cente, whihc I think is a result of apt-get update not updating properly, I have tried all the solutions mentioned online, but to no avail12:43
atralheavendaftykins: exactly12:43
Tin_manas before mentioned, must be a mirror problem, i'm at a loss to know what you might need to fix it..12:44
stellar_mindIs the main server working for you guys?12:45
Tin_manwas earlier, don't know now, i'm on mint :(12:45
stellar_mindoh. :(12:46
stellar_mindcan cat /etc/apt/sources.list help?12:46
Tin_mani just installed ubuntu 14.04 for my son-in-law, and they were working12:46
k1l_Tin_man: oh, better ask the mint channels. they do some stuff with the repos12:46
Tin_mani don't have any problems to ask k1l12:47
daftykinswe only deal with the targets direct, we can't theorise about them12:47
stellar_mindanything else I can do to sort this out? any other info required? I really don't want to do a fresh install again, that would be my 5th time in a week12:49
BluesKajHiyas all12:51
SchrodingersScatstellar_mind: well, systemctl is systemd iirc12:51
vinodhi, i'm new to ubuntu. I can't get my wifi working http://paste.ubuntu.com/15358174/ kindly help12:52
SchrodingersScat!broadcom | vinod, does this help?12:52
ubottuvinod, does this help?: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:52
lotuspsychjevinod: wich ubuntu version?12:52
lotuspsychjevinod: full up to date?12:53
vinodi did yesterday complete update with extras too12:53
lotuspsychjevinod: check the url SchrodingersScat provided12:53
SchrodingersScatbroadcom destroys hundreds of families every year ;_;12:54
vinodmay be12:54
vinodI don't know much, but it was working for my other laptop :(12:54
lotuspsychjevinod: did you install with cable on? updates during setup?12:55
vinodwith usb12:55
vinodthan updated with cabal12:55
lotuspsychjevinod: recommended to install updates during setup also, but check the b43 url from SchrodingersScat12:56
stoneman1hey. I'm trying to catch an acpi event (lid close) but it won't work. The script works manually and the event is fired when i listen to it via acpi_listen13:01
stoneman1i followed this tutorial13:01
stoneman1a bit weird is that when listening to the event it says: button/lid LID close but in the tutorial it says to listen to event=button/lid.*13:03
stoneman1is that '.' intended?13:03
atralheavenif I create an image of my home partition, will permissions be kept?13:06
atralheavenor should I use tar?13:07
lotuspsychjeatralheaven: what are you trying to do? backup?13:08
llutzatralheaven: use tar13:08
SchrodingersScat!backups | atralheaven there are many ways. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_backup_software#Free_software13:09
atralheavenlotuspsychje: backup to reinstall linux, I want to keep configs etc13:11
lotuspsychjeatralheaven: you can also save your /home on a new reinstall if you like13:12
lotuspsychjeatralheaven: and why do you need ubuntu reinstall?13:13
atralheavenlotuspsychje: I have linux installed and I installed windows after some time, as I expected, I couldn't boot to linux, I used a live ubuntu disk and boot-repair tool to fix this, now I can boot to linux, but there is no windows option to select!13:15
lotuspsychjeatralheaven: you didnt accidentaly overwritten windows?13:16
lotuspsychjeatralheaven: maybe take a look at your grub? or sudo update-grub13:18
atralheavenlotuspsychje: no, windows was installed after linux, I think its because of diffrent bootloader types (eufi, legacy) that I don't know much about13:18
lotuspsychje!uefi | atralheaven13:18
ubottuatralheaven: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:18
atralheavenlotuspsychje: if there is a way to fix this, I wont need to reinstall anything...13:19
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: ^ :p13:19
daftykinsit's a mess, nobody sane would try13:19
stoneman1i think when i wanted to install ubuntu alongside windows i was also told to install windows first. but im not sure if this informatioon is correct13:19
daftykinsyeah windows first is easiest13:19
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daftykinsbut there's also EFI vs. legacy now13:19
atralheavendaftykins: there is a boot, root, home and swap partition for linux, a partition for windows, and a partition for my files. how else can it be?13:21
daftykinsalready said no13:22
daftykinsit's about primary, extended and logical13:22
EriC^^it's pretty easy to convert legacy to uefi and vice-versa13:23
EriC^^for uefi to legacy you just need to make a 1mb bios_boot instead of the efi, and remove it from fstab and just reinstall grub13:23
daftykinsEriC^^: you haven't seen it, it'll send chills down your spine! :)13:24
daftykinsbut if anyone can do it... you're the man13:24
EriC^^lol :D13:25
atralheavenEriC^^: its 'fdisk -l' output: http://hastebin.com/nefazoboba13:26
EriC^^i wonder what this setup is like though13:26
EriC^^so it's msdos, you basically just need to reinstall grub13:27
EriC^^cause you're using uefi + msdos and not gpt, easy-peasy :D13:27
EriC^^atralheaven: can you turn uefi mode on and boot into ubuntu?13:27
atralheavenI used boot-repair tool, now I have linux and I can boot to it, but I don't have windows listed13:28
EriC^^atralheaven: ok, type sudo nano /etc/fstab13:28
EriC^^then put a # at the start of the line that says UUID=....... /boot/efi13:28
atralheavenEriC^^: I dont have efi here13:30
EriC^^oh, so ubuntu is in legacy mode13:31
EriC^^wow that fat32 is actually 900gb13:32
atralheavenEriC^^: no its ntfs13:32
atralheavenEriC^^: the big partition is for my files13:32
EriC^^atralheaven: ok, type sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom13:33
atralheavenEriC^^: and?13:33
atralheavenim on this file13:33
mwayneHi  I can't get gtk 3.18.9 to compile. this is my log http://pastebin.com/Qv4qgAWN. I already got all the dependencies except pango which won't compile too.13:35
EriC^^atralheaven: nevermind, as daftykins pointed out earlier, you have to reinstall everything making windows on a primary partition13:35
atralheavenEriC^^: really...?13:35
* daftykins nods13:35
EriC^^yeah, windows won't work if it's not on a primary one13:36
atralheaveneverything? both linux and windows?13:36
atralheavenEriC^^: ok but before reinstalling, tell me how to partition my hard drive, so I can have a clean scheme. just keep that 900gb partition, and if its possible, the home partition13:37
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atralheavenEriC^^: sorry I was disconnected13:44
EriC^^atralheaven: you need to make windows primary, let it do it's thing first with a clean partition table13:45
EriC^^then install linux into an extended partition after it that has all your linux stuff13:45
EriC^^atralheaven: back up your home partition and the 900gb data to another disk13:46
atralheavenso the only primary partition that needs to be is windows partition, right?13:46
EriC^^yeah, linux doesn't mind at all13:46
atralheavenEriC^^: I can backup my home but not that 900gb one :|13:47
daftykinsyou're gonna need a bigger boat13:47
EriC^^atralheaven: i wonder how hard it is to convert a partition from extended to primary, like if you can do a command to convert it13:47
daftykinsyou'd have to nuke all logicals13:47
EriC^^ok, and you could create a primary with the same data?13:48
EriC^^like make it so that the 900gb is a primary and not a logical one anymore ( with free space after it )13:48
daftykinsmmm dunno, i'd just copy everything off to an external and nuke it from orbit - it's the only way to be sure13:49
atralheavenmy files partition is primary, and I need another primary for windows, and I will make an extended for linux, whats the problem?13:49
EriC^^same here, just wondering13:50
daftykinsi don't like hack fixes :>13:50
EriC^^me neither, except like you know 'desperate times call for desperate measures' type of thing13:50
EriC^^i must watch a lot of movies13:51
EriC^^2040 - no hdd's survived except for one .. :D13:52
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
stellar_mindBTW does update have a problem if the system is connected to the internet via proxy13:53
k1l_stellar_mind: yes13:54
AppAraathi, how can I disable automount in Lubuntu 15.10? I already deleted pcmanfm but my external HDD is still automounting.13:54
stellar_mindAny way to resolve that?13:54
stellar_mindit wasn't an issue with 15.10, when I tried to update 15.10 it worked13:54
stellar_mindbut ROS doesn't support 15.10 so had to go backe13:55
stellar_mindto 14.0413:55
nomicautomount is in fstab13:55
nomicwhat is automatically mounted on bootup -- each volume is a line in the file /etc/filetabl13:55
nomicfiletab (file table)13:55
k1l_stellar_mind: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto?action=show&redirect=AptGet#Setting_up_apt-get_to_use_a_http-proxy13:55
nomicuse sudo to edit the line of the mount you dont want in there13:55
nomicremove it13:55
nomica usb drive will mount when you plug the cable in13:56
nomicbut otherwise .. in fstab13:56
AppAraatnomic: I thought so too, but my fstab looks like this: http://ix.io/rll13:56
AppAraatI see no reference in there for automount13:57
stellar_mindthanks K1l_ I hope that works out! :)13:57
nomicwhat linux is this (ubuntu)13:57
k1l_AppAraat: using encryption? look at the mtab?13:57
EriC^^AppAraat: that's gvfs automounting it i guess13:57
AppAraatKillaloT: no, it is liveCD13:58
AppAraat* k1l_13:58
nomicapparat maybe post forum message (ubuntu forums)13:58
AppAraatI'll try and locate the gvfs and remove it13:58
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k1l_AppAraat: on a live cd you want automount, imho13:58
AppAraatusually yes, but right now I'm doing a ddrescue operation13:59
AppAraathmm, after removing gvfs and gvfs-common it still automounts14:04
AppAraatI am pretty confused now. The only thing I can think of is disabling automount via systemd14:04
AppAraatoh wow14:09
AppAraatI've just installed pcmanfm, and in the GUI settings I disabled automount14:10
AppAraatonly then it stopped automounting14:10
AppAraatI can not start thinking how incredibly silly this is14:10
stellar_minduni had a proxy! that was creating a problem. Used a vpn and now it's sorted! Thank you guys for all the help!14:19
afrokarlssonsiiamikrokodill kohe siia14:23
frojndHello there.14:25
frojndI have major problem setting up huawei E8278 with usb modeswitch. I've downloaded latest usb_modeswitch as usb_modeswitch-data from http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/ and compile it, but I can't connect put usb into modem mode :S14:26
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lotuspsychjefrojnd: wich ubuntu version is this?14:31
frojndubuntu 15.1014:32
lotuspsychjefrojnd: up to date to latest?14:32
frojndlotuspsychje: no, live versio14:32
lotuspsychjefrojnd: you have access to cable internet?14:33
frojndlotuspsychje: no14:33
frojndlotuspsychje: I mean,.. usb has wifi mode.. so currently I'm on wifi14:33
lotuspsychjefrojnd: you could try the full install perhaps? or an LTS version14:34
lotuspsychjefrojnd: syslog showing anything usefull as error?14:34
frojndlotuspsychje: computer that has usb plugged in and ubuntu 15.10 live version just froze14:35
frojndI'll have to reboot14:35
lotuspsychjefrojnd: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog before you plugin your usb modem14:38
belgianguyHi, I read that from 16.04 AMD is switching from fglrx to amdgpu14:39
belgianguyis there any worry for compatibility?14:39
lotuspsychjebelgianguy: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 talk please14:39
belgianguylotuspsychje: woops, will do14:39
k1l_belgianguy: amd itself is swithcing von fglrx to amdgpu14:40
k1l_ubuntu is just the first linux to ship the new xorg-server version that will not get any fglrx.14:40
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belgianguyk1l_: well I am excited nonetheless, would hate to brick my current system14:41
frojndI'll install it inside virtialbox14:41
nebojsahi al14:42
stoneman1hey can someone help me with my problem with acpi.14:47
stoneman1i want to run a script on lid close.14:47
stoneman1the event is fired when listening with acpi_listen14:48
stoneman1and the script works aswell but im not able to join them together via /etc/acpi/events/lm_lid14:49
metrixxi logged into system as root and i changed my user to a normal user with "su username" command14:49
lotuspsychje!root | metrixx14:49
ubottumetrixx: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:49
metrixxbut it doesn't run local files and get all authenorities from its local files14:50
metrixxhow can i run that user's userfiles?14:50
metrixxlike .Xauthority14:50
adroit_machinehow do I upgrade ubuntu 14.04.01 to the latest stable version?14:51
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade14:52
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  then you stil have 14.04 ... is that what you want?14:52
adroit_machineMonkeyDust, yes14:52
karrotis there some way to send a video to a dlna renderer, prefarably through cli?14:52
adroit_machineMonkeyDust, thanks14:53
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MonkeyDustadroit_machine  may be slow... in what country are you?14:53
adroit_machineMonkeyDust, India14:53
MonkeyDustcannot change terminal's tab title yet14:57
MonkeyDustand cannot set a background image in terminal14:58
MonkeyDustwrong channel, sorry14:58
Gibb`sHi, can you help me ?15:02
lotuspsychje!ask | Gibb`s15:02
ubottuGibb`s: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:02
Gibb`sI've buy a yubikey and I've configure on my Laptop and, I can't login :(15:03
EriC^^what's a yubikey?15:05
daftykinsit's a little device that cycles login codes, i believe15:06
* EriC^^ drawing blanks still15:06
daftykinsUSB thing that has to be plugged in before you can log in15:06
daftykinsmy mistake, i was thinking of - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/RSA_SecurID_SID800.jpg15:06
daftykins2 factor auth essentially15:07
lotuspsychjeGibb`s: use at your own risk: http://askubuntu.com/questions/599825/yubikey-two-factor-authentication-full-disk-encryption-via-luks15:07
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lotuspsychje!ppa | Gibb`s15:08
ubottuGibb`s: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:08
Gibb`slotuspsychje, -> My yubikey is connected, but Ubuntu can't found file or directory in /var/yubikey and I've created files15:10
Gibb`sI can't open my session15:10
lotuspsychjeGibb`s: ask the maintainer of the ppa how it works perhaps15:11
lotuspsychjeGibb`s: hmm, wait apt-cache search yubikey shows some stuff, maybe something usefull for you?15:12
Gibb`slotuspsychje, how I can acces when I can't login at my session ?15:15
lotuspsychjeGibb`s: i think you need the right tools install first, then use your yubikey15:15
lotuspsychjeGibb`s: but didnt test this myself...15:16
Gibb`sMy session is locked15:16
EriC^^Gibb`s: try to enter your normal passphrase, what exactly did you do?15:17
lotuspsychjeGibb`s: maybe this can also help? https://www.yubico.com/applications/computer-login/linux/15:17
karrotis there some way to send a video to a dlna renderer, prefarably through cli?15:19
cfhowlettkarrot, ftp?15:20
karrotcfhowlett, well, I mean I have a dlna renderer, and I wish to play things on it from the command line.  I have rygel set up on my computer as a upnp server... but I can't just play from there to the renderer.  I must use my phone as the control point...15:21
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Bitnovais anyone familiar with failregex to parse access.log in nginx?15:22
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daftykinstried #nginx?15:23
PCatineanHello guys, can someone please offer a good guide to installing a secure and efficient mail server on a ubuntu server 14.04 LTS?15:23
PCatineanI also have SSL connection maybe that helps with trust issues so it does not end up in spam or something15:24
PCatineanSSL certificate15:24
twoion[shell]PCatinean: Postfix is pretty straightforward and has a sane default configuration. Install the package and poke around a bit. http://www.postfix.org/BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html. The man pages/online docs are also very good.15:25
daftykinsPCatinean: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-postfix-on-ubuntu-14-0415:25
PCatineanJust postfix twoion[shell] ?15:25
PCatineanWhat about other packages?15:25
daftykinsit's pretty standard.15:25
PCatineanUsage of IMAP maybe?15:25
daftykinsrunning your own mail though, are you sure you're bored enough?15:26
PCatineandaftykins, alternatives?15:27
twoion[shell]PCatinean: Postfix is still insane, but less insane than the mess that is qmail. I have no experience with exim so I can't tell. IMAP server != SMTP server/client. You probably want postfix+dovecot.15:27
jushuractually not running your own mail is starting to look pretty stupid.15:28
daftykinsPCatinean: hosted services, office 365, google apps...15:29
PCatineanjushur, how so?15:29
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jushurif anyone attacks a major mail service, you will be caught in the crosshairs to. running your own will make for decent workload. but at the same time give you very tight control. and the possibility to have logs of things that has occured.15:31
metrixxwhen i changed user with "su" many times.. is there a way to see all users before current one...15:31
PCatineanjushur, you think the google mailing service isn't safe enough?15:32
PCatineanIf i run my email through gmail api?15:32
Guest39856@search emblemata15:32
daftykinskinda going off topic now, this belongs in #ubuntu-server really to begin15:32
ghostmagHey folks15:33
jushurwell its a matter of how you value your data. id recommend using full gpg client side mail content encryption if you do so.15:33
jushurwich in essence goes against googles eula when using their service15:34
daftykinsread: how big your tinfoil hat is15:34
jushurdaftykins: you are free to not care, its your choise. but id sudgest you stop downtalking people.15:36
daftykinsjushur: i'm not sure where you got that idea?15:36
daftykinsi use a very to-the-point approach which means to convey no harm, sorry if you thought there was some.15:36
jushurPCatinean: google is considered one of the great ones security wise tho. you are right in this. but then again im a pessemist about corporates in general about this kind of thing. basicly they do not benefit from telling the world when things are afot.15:39
PCatineanjushur, indeed Google who is a huge data mining company would not get the safest bets on security of information15:40
vdevnullHello guys, I don't know if it is the right channel to ask. But can someone help me up with "NGINX / PHP7.0" Installation in UBuntu 14.04 ?15:40
MonkeyDustthen the rebels become the mainstream and the snake bites its own tail15:40
khairulimamam i the only one who just trying to use irc here?15:40
PCatineanI have to consider the fact that I have little experience setting up mailservers and I need them working perfectly until monday15:40
PCatineanWhich, i'm not sure if a safe bet15:40
jushurPCatinean: for personal use of a mail server, it can be quite tedious to maintain tho.15:40
daftykinsvdevnull: do you have to do it now? i believe PHP 7 will be in 16.04 which will be out in a little over a month15:41
PCatineanjushur, maybe I should not venture into it, at least not now15:41
daftykinsPCatinean: i really think it's down to whether you value your free time - i've never run my own and i know what it's like to be dealing with a live system that develops showstopping issues, life is too short.15:41
vdevnulldaftykins, I've installed PHP7.0-FPM and if i run php --version shows the correct version. But i'm having problems linking it with NGINX.15:42
daftykinsyou'll know better than us the scale and importance of this, so up to you of course15:42
jushurPCatinean: to short timespan for it id say.15:42
daftykinsvdevnull: that's not anything to do with what i said, really15:42
PCatineandaftykins, jushur I agree with you guys15:44
PCatineanIt is for another time, another place, when I got extra time on my hands and want to reap the benefit of a personal server15:44
PCatineanright now I'm focused on something else so I will use a pre-paid service especially since I won't be sending any sensitive important data the moment15:45
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PCatineanSo thank you guys very much for consulting me on this, I will look for an external solution so far :D15:45
PCatineanMuch appreciated15:45
daftykins*nod* i know google apps gives 30 days free trial too, so that could be handy15:45
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PCatineandaftykins, yeah just read that now, it would help a lot15:46
deeVer_After typing CAT /filename I receive a > allow to write text. I cannot open or see the contents of this file. What do i need to learn in order to properly cat this file?15:46
daftykinsdeeVer_: run "file filename" to see what it is15:47
PCatineanBefore I go, any opinions on microsoft email service?15:47
Blink`Yo, any of you guys uhh, willing to be considerate and help a nub out? I'm new to the whole server side. And would love to learn it. So I bought a ubuntu 14.04 server, no desktop and uhh.. I'm clueless on what to do now.15:47
Blink`Thanks in advance though.15:47
SchrodingersScatBlink`: ssh to it?15:48
daftykinsnever used first hand, i had to avoid it as a client had to keep all data away from the potential of being stored in the US - which MS cannot guarantee15:48
jushurPCatinean: bad channel to ask such question, it will be biased obviously..15:48
PCatineanhahahah point taken jushur :))) didn't realize hit lol15:48
daftykins(due to financial regulation reasons)15:48
PCatineanno questions regarding OS that's for sure :))15:48
leigham I in the right place to get help with a printer problem?15:48
mittsquaredCan someone help me out with some boot issues I'm having?15:49
daftykinsjust ask15:49
jushurleigh: asuming your running Ubuntu, id say yes. ask the question and people will answer if/when they have time. be patient.15:49
PtrPiotrHi, is it possible to test *16.4* desktop with *snappy*? I downloaded beta ISO, but it seems that it still use deb packages15:50
Blink`SchrodingersScat - Done that.15:50
daftykinsPtrPiotr: #ubuntu+1 for unreleased versions15:50
PtrPiotrdaftykins: thx15:51
daftykinsBlink`: well you need an actual task, if it's a VPS on the internet you could try installing apache and hosting a website for fun15:51
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leighhelp: my printer is printing, but its only printing blank pages, how do I correct this?15:51
deeVer_leigh: did you check your drivers?15:52
daftykinsleigh: open your browser and have a look around http://localhost:631 for how it's configured.15:52
atralheavenguys I want to backup my home partition with tar, what is '--one-file-system' option? should I use it? I want to place backup.tar.gz on usb flash drive15:53
mittsquaredI am getting a media test failure when trying to boot. I've tried installing different OSes to no avail15:53
deeVer_leigh: check out your properties, if you have different tray's you can pick from, play around with that.15:53
daftykinsmittsquared: are you typing from a live session right now?15:54
daftykinsmittsquared: do you have a mechanical hard disk that's not new?15:54
mittsquaredIt is in a laptop15:55
daftykinsmittsquared: try running "sudo apt update ; sudo apt install pastebinit smartmontools ; sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit15:55
daftykinsthen paste the link here15:56
SchrodingersScatatralheaven: afaik that means if you had something linked or mounted in the path then it would ignore those things, like a network mount for instance.15:56
mittsquareddaftykins, will do15:56
satu_Hi! Is Miro working on Ubuntu?15:57
MonkeyDust!info miro15:57
ubottumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 676 kB, installed size 4197 kB15:57
daftykinsit's in repos at least, yeah as above15:58
satu_It's in AUR too but not working.15:58
MonkeyDustsatu_  if you're in ubuntu now, install it and try it15:58
Spideranyone here use x11vnc?15:58
MonkeyDustSpider  that's a yes/no question ... what brings you here15:59
satu_I'm in Manjaro. That's why I ask. :)15:59
daftykinsthe distro? then you can't ask for help in here, satu_16:00
Spiderwell i am asking that to see if anyone here uses it and to see anyone knows why it keeps freezing?16:01
mittsquareddaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15360055/16:01
satu_Why not? Maybe it' s one of reason for me witch back to Ubuntu.16:01
daftykinsmittsquared: mmm ok there's nothing wrong with the disk, health wise. was it just ubuntu you wanted on there, sorry?16:02
Spideror if anyone can possibly direct me to a chan that can help with possible X issues16:02
satu_It's kind of stupid for me go to Manjaro chanel ask if Miro works in Ubuntu, don't you think?16:02
mittsquareddaftykins, yeah that would be alright16:03
Blink`daftykins - Apache is already installed as it came preinstalled with virmechs server16:03
daftykinsmittsquared: is it normal ubuntu 14.04.4 64-bit you've got on a flash drive to install?16:03
Blink`But the ideal idea behind the server is to learn how it works + how to set it up etc, so website as a goal sounds like a good idea16:03
daftykinsBlink`: ok, not normal ubuntu then16:03
Blink`But like, how do I secure my server once I buy it16:03
Blink`Because I'm getting the "it works" screen when I access the IP16:03
daftykinsplenty of guides online, use the term 'hardening'16:03
varaindemiando you guys recommand using do-release-upgrade while I am on 14.04 lts?16:04
daftykinsbut bear in mind that some providers change too much of default16:04
daftykinsvaraindemian: for what purpose?16:04
MonkeyDustBlink`  http://hardenubuntu.com/hardening/16:04
daftykinsi would say don't leave LTS (14.04 is long term support)16:04
varaindemiandaftykins, Seeing what't new, performance enhances etc16:04
xanguavaraindemian: you can use a virtual machine to see that's new16:05
daftykinsi think you're better off just booting a live session to see that16:05
mittsquareddaftykins, yeah16:05
daftykinsmittsquared: is there any data on the disk right now that you need to keep?16:05
mittsquareddaftykins, no16:06
daftykinsmittsquared: it sounds like your boot order is just wrong inside the BIOS to be honest, media test failure is typically the boot from LAN option finding no cable is plugged in - you might get away with just entering the BIOS and checking what's set to boot first16:06
Blink`Seems like I forgot my SSH IP + password. xD16:07
ubottuturbo15: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:07
mittsquareddaftykins, lan is the last option in bios boot settings16:08
Blink`Sorry uhh sec16:08
vdevnullHow do i check if user exists?16:09
Blink`daftykins - Regarding the hardening link you provided, should I only follow the tutorial for Protect Apache?16:09
daftykinsmittsquared: mmm i think it's failing on the earlier ones and skipping down - anyway if you ran "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=2M count=1" then ran the installer and tried again, selecting all auto - and be sure GRUB installs to sda during the process - see how you get on16:09
daftykinsBlink`: actually that was from MonkeyDust16:09
Blink`t_t Sorry16:09
mittsquareddaftykins, OK I will try that. Thanks.16:09
Blink`Minds all over the place today16:09
Blink`MonkeyDust - I apologise :p16:09
Blink`But yeah, on Hardening, which should I follow now?16:10
blockchainbroblink check out https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/initial-server-setup-with-ubuntu-14-04#tutorial_series_3216:10
Blink`blockchainbro - Thank you.16:10
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Blink`Hmm, if I'm generating a new key, how do I find that file?16:16
Blink`Is it on my PC, or would I have to navigate to it via putty?16:16
disc0veryhi all16:17
blockchainbrossh-keygen on localhost terminal... if youre using windows you can use puttygen16:17
disc0veryi'm trying to make an Ubuntu Live USB drive to work on both UEFI and BIOS boot16:17
daftykinsdisc0very: yep been fine since 12.04.116:17
Blink`blockchainbro - I meant I've done the ssh-keygen, but where do I find the saved file, is what I meant16:17
disc0verydaftykins hello, yes, it is fine. I used to achieve this with 14.0416:18
Blink`Tutorial says (/Users/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa):16:18
Blink`But my putty says different, so uhh16:18
disc0verybut i have a problem with the Macbook Pro Retina UEFI boot (and both BIOS boot)16:18
daftykinsugh macs.16:18
Blink`Just trying to figure that out, sorry blockchainbro16:18
disc0verybasically i created a casper-rw partition on the same USB drive16:18
blockchainbroare you using windows or ubuntu to generate your key?16:19
daftykinstrying to do manual persistence eh?16:19
disc0veryformatting it ext4 and labeling it "casper-rw"16:19
Blink`but server is ubuntu16:19
disc0verywhen i run the Live USB without kernel parameters i can boot and work with the live16:19
blockchainbroso open puttygen... generate your key, type a passphrase, hit "save private key"16:19
disc0verywhen i add "persistent" parameter to the kernel, i can't boot16:19
disc0veryit basically end me on the initramfs shell16:19
daftykinscan't say i've ever done persistence manually, does it require some flags on the partition perhaps?16:20
pitastrudlhow can i kill "15827 pts/1    Sl     0:34 /usr/bin/cli /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe" with pkill? it does not work, i can kill it with kill $(ps aux | grep keepass | awk '{print $2}')16:20
pitastrudl but is there a quicker way on doing it trougl cli?16:20
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence16:20
Blink`Yeah, I did that. I'm just trying to find the saved file16:20
disc0verydaftykins it shouldn't16:20
Blink`In which the key is saved in16:20
blockchainbroand if you open that private key file in notepad, youll see the public key... copy that into your authorized_keys file on your ubuntu server16:20
Blink`Yeah.. but what I'm saying is16:20
Blink`Where is that private key file16:20
blockchainbroit should prompt you where puttygen wants to save the file16:20
disc0verydaftykins can I PM u?16:21
Blink`Yeah in which I got /root/.ssh16:21
Blink`But where is that :p, do I do <ipaddress> then access the directory?16:21
blockchainbroare you running puttygen in ubuntu?16:21
daftykinsdisc0very: best to stay in channel so everyone can check sanity + safety16:22
disc0verydaftykins, i'm not using the "casper-rw" file, i'm doing it in the "partition way"16:22
Blink`Ubuntu came desktop free, so no desktop on that16:22
blockchainbrothen save the key somewhere else that you know where its located... desktop if you want16:22
disc0veryi used to try this method with Elementary OS Freya live and it worked well16:22
disc0verybut i would like to achieve this with Ubuntu :)16:22
blockchainbrothe only reason you are saving the key is for use with putty. so as long as its somewhere you can find it on your windows machine you should be able to use it with putty16:23
daftykinsdisc0very: right but that's also in the above link?16:23
boot1good day may i ask help here16:23
nicomachusboot1: yes, all in one line please. Use a pastebin if necessary.16:23
daftykinsboot1: yes ask away to the channel with as much detail on one line16:23
daftykinsoops :>16:24
disc0verydaftykins yes16:24
disc0verybut when i add "persistent" parameter to the kernel, the system can't boot16:24
mittsquareddaftykins, hey I tried using dd and then installing automatically but that did not work16:24
Blink`Speaking of which, blockchainbro - What happens if I mess up the file location? And it directs me to the passphrase - How do I undo that?16:24
SchrodingersScatpitastrudl: you can't pkill cli ?16:24
blockchainbroBlink go here: https://vorkbaard.nl/using-putty-and-keyfiles-to-ssh-into-your-ubuntu-12-04-server/ You need to read up some more on how SSH and pub/privkeys work... its a bit complicated of a concept to explain16:24
daftykinsmittsquared: same result?16:25
pitastrudlSchrodingersScat:  aw aht16:25
disc0veryi try to add some extra kernel parameter to see if it can boot, for example acpi=off16:25
mittsquareddaftykins, yes :(16:25
pitastrudli want to kill keepass trough termianl16:25
daftykinsmittsquared: did you poke around in the BIOS to see what's there re: boot order + disk priority?16:25
boot1does extlinux supports partition installation?16:25
SchrodingersScatpitastrudl: which seems to be running via cli program16:25
pitastrudlSchrodingersScat: is that a problem? im confused16:25
mittsquareddaftykins, yeah I did beforehand. It's CD USB HDD FDD USBCD LAN.16:26
SchrodingersScatpitastrudl: well, if you start it with '/foo/bar/cli keepass.exe' then I would expect you to kill cli to end the process.16:26
disc0verythere are few errors i can see on the screen, when I add only "persistent" to the kernel parameter16:26
disc0veryone of them is related to i804216:27
daftykinsmittsquared: very strange, last thought is that GRUB isn't installing then perhaps16:27
Blink`ty blockchainbro - Hit an issue though, entered wrong file destination - so how do i uhh, undo that?16:27
Blink`Remove hte user then add it again?16:27
blockchainbrojust create a new key16:27
SchrodingersScatpitastrudl: from your past above: "/usr/bin/cli /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe", so you are killing cli.16:27
disc0veryanyone achieved running Ubuntu Live from USB with persistent on a Macbook Pro Retina ?16:27
nicomachusdisc0very: will a poll help you?16:28
mittsquareddaftykins, if it helps, I can install SolusOS with no issues. Anything else doesn't work.16:28
nicomachus!mac | disc0very check through here firs.16:28
ubottudisc0very check through here firs.: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages16:28
disc0verynicomachus, i've done that, i'm using a 14.04 LTS16:29
Miais the daily build unity 816:29
disc0veryusing Elementary OS Freya (which is based on trusty) everything works well16:30
nicomachusMia: for what version?16:30
Miadaily build for 16.0416:30
nicomachus16.04 is still Unity 7 by default.16:30
Miawill it be 8 when released16:30
nicomachusbut 16.04 questions belong in #ubuntu+116:30
nicomachusyou can install 8 on any Ubuntu 14.04 and up if you want to try it out.16:30
nicomachussee here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/447891/how-to-install-unity-816:31
nicomachuskeep in mind, though, that it's still pre-release and somewhat buggy. I haven't found it usable.16:31
daftykinsdisc0very: just so you know elementary is not supported in here16:31
pitastrudlSchrodingersScat: ah, ok16:32
disc0verydaftykins i know))16:32
pitastrudlafaik i installed the keepass from apt16:33
pitastrudlwhy in the world is it running as .exe?16:33
SchrodingersScatpitastrudl: seems to use mono, guess that's how they do it.16:33
pitastrudloh, ok16:34
pitastrudlso im not sure what would be the best way to run keepass, one without mono or not16:34
tinyalphawhat is going on16:35
pitastrudlI DONT KNOW16:35
Myrttipitastrudl: AFAIK the mono one is a bit more crossplatformy, ie. the database works better in other systems such as Android16:35
disc0veryi still can't get an idea why "persistent" influence so much the boot on the Macbook Pro Retina16:36
SchrodingersScatMyrtti: is there a non-mono version?16:36
disc0veryadding nolapic kernel parameter i get to the purple ubuntu screen, but i just see the red dots animation and still can't get into the live desktop env16:36
vdevnullGuys anyone here running php7 with nginx?16:36
boot1does extlinux supports partition installation?16:37
soshelpGuys.I need urgent help.I removed libgtk-3-common since I was told to install libgtk-2 but now the system is not running. It is stuck at http://imgur.com/moTDA9c16:37
MyrttiSchrodingersScat: yes, but last I checked the database it produces wasn't working with much else than that exact app - things might have changed. The reason I'm using the mono one is that I can rsync+ssh the database to my phone/tablet and it works there too on the apps available for Android.16:38
tinyalphathats dumb16:39
MyrttiSchrodingersScat: if synchronization or crossplatform use isn't a selling point for you, then it doesn't much matter what you're using16:39
MyrttiIIRC the mono version also has better browser integration16:39
tinyalphawhat are you guys doing16:40
Myrttibut again, I've not checked for a good few years since I've got my KeePass working exactly the way I want it now16:40
redi just downloaded xchat16:41
redhow do i connect to a server?16:41
daftykinssoshelp: boot a live session, chroot your install and reinstall16:41
daftykins(the package(s) )16:41
soshelpcan  you elaborate a bit daftykins ? would I be able to recover my files?16:42
soshelp(i am not too well-versed so asking)16:42
daftykinssoshelp: you might be able to fix the whole install16:45
soshelpdaftykins: please help. I am freaking out here :S16:46
daftykinssoshelp: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/ follow up to step 6 there from a live session, booted from USB - then fix it16:46
Miadoes ubuntu have something like explorer16:47
Miabecause sometimes something crashes16:47
MiaI mean, the top bar and the left launcher is gone16:48
Miaand the power button is not displaying anything16:48
Miaso yeah how can I restart that16:48
soshelpdaftykins: bootable usb would work too right?16:48
Miahow can I restart/start nautilus when it crashes16:49
Miathe top bar and the launcher crashes from time to time16:49
ernie4chantyping nautilus in console16:49
daftykinssoshelp: that's what i'm saying16:49
soshelpdaftykins: okay. I am confused about Mount one by one and identify your Ubuntu root partition . will ask when i reach that step16:50
daftykinsno just read up16:52
Miahmm looks like my unity crashed, and even with a reboot it's not getting fixed16:53
Miaany reasons why this might be happening16:53
MiaI'm on 16.0416:53
disc0veryi'm going to remake the USB drive with UnetBootin16:53
xangua! Xenial | Mia16:54
ubottuMia: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+116:54
Miaoh sorry16:54
Miasure I!ll ask there16:54
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ghostmagI plugged a HDMI cable in my computer but it doesn't work. "xrandr" shows, that there is no HDMI plugged in17:07
ghostmagjust "disconnected"17:08
daftykinsand on reboot?17:08
ghostmagReboot doesn't do it17:08
daftykinsdesktop with a graphics card? laptop? what setup here...17:09
daftykins/var/log/Xorg.0.log will give some evidence17:09
jason__what is the hdmi plugged into?17:10
ghostmagDesktop with a graphic card, but I am not sure which. I'll try to find it out17:10
jason__I mean on the other end?17:10
ghostmagUbuntu just says: Gallium 0.4 on AMD JUNIPER (DRM 2.43.0, LLVM 3.6.0)17:11
ghostmagbut I am sure that is about the driver17:11
ghostmagjason__: my TV17:11
Miaany way to enable trackpad gestures on mac for ubuntu17:12
Mialike, define different things for trackpad gestures17:12
MiaI thought since mac users are kind of common for ubuntu, maybe there is a software solution for that17:13
tregI can not find a way to install Ubuntu on a dual boot machine (windows) that will allow me to encrypt the linux installation partitions and require a single passphrase to decrypt linux at boot.  I can encrypt individual partitions, but this requires multiple passphrase requests at boot.  Is there a way to do this through the installer, or does it require manual changes after the install?17:17
CRM114it seems that my upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 failed due to a lot of errors when upgrading texlive17:18
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CookieMmine were quite successful17:21
zykotick9treg: encrypted lvm only requires one password, to unlock multiple partitions17:21
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tregzykotick9: When I use the LVM option it removes my nt partition.17:22
zykotick9treg: ya...  i don't have any suggestions for that issue... good luck.17:23
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soshelpdaftykins: i got access to terminal by modifying config file from grub. I installed libgtk-3-common but still login screen doesnt show up. am i missing any package?17:26
Miaokay here is a weird case17:29
MiaI installed ubuntu 16.04 to my brand new ssd17:29
Miait worked butt was buggy as hell17:29
Mianow I wnt to go back to 15.1017:29
Miaand the installer (usb boot) was working just fine 10 mintues ago, I was ins the installer17:30
Mianow nothing boots from usb17:30
Miait's just black screen17:30
Miafor every usb I put in (I have 14.04 on usb, 16.10 on usb and)17:30
Miasorry 16.04 on usb17:30
Miaand 15.10 on usb17:30
Mianone of them even boot from usb any more17:30
CRM114Mia: do you have any other way of booting17:31
BluesKajMia, make sure your USB  boot is first in the boot sequence in your eufi/bios17:31
MiaBlue1, it's a macbookso I can pick17:32
Miabut it does not respond to it17:32
MiaI mean I see the usb drive but can't pick17:32
MiaI mean I pick but it's just black17:32
Miait was working like 30 minutes ago, I installed 15.10 and wanted to try 16.10 and nstalled it, but now I wanted to go back format and reinstall 15.10 again17:32
Mianow nothing boots from usb17:32
mmkumrMia: Do want to say that your usb is formatting17:33
mmkumrMia: sorry I mean to say not formatting17:34
CRM114Mia: can you boot anything at all?17:34
Blink`Okay, so I copied over the public key and generated a private key17:35
Blink`But it's still refusing my key?17:35
Blink`Was I supposed to have generated a public key as well on puttygen?17:35
Miawell no17:35
MiaCRM114, I tried to start gparted now, even that, does not start17:35
tregMia: Try blowing out your USB slot and ensuring your usb drives are clean.  It could just be dirt in there.17:36
Miano I mean I see text in gparted for instance17:36
ouroumovBlink`, the order in which you described those steps makes me wonder if you pushed a public key that's not linked to your private one.17:36
Miabut it doesn ot boot into the os17:36
Miagparted, for instance, says "failed to find cpu0 device node"17:36
Blink`That's a good question though ouroumov - but uhh, I thought it'd have been pushed when I logged in via putty17:37
CRM114Mia: what are you running gparted on?17:37
ouroumovAlso Blink` it might be caused by wrong file / directory modes in your ~/.ssh folder17:37
MiaCRM114, on the same macbook17:37
Blink`Well, I saved the private key on my local machine17:37
Miais there any way I can see the logs as I try to boot from usb17:37
Miaso that I can tell you what errors it gives maybe17:37
CRM114Mia: ok, so it's probably not the absolute worst case there17:38
Benjamin_I have a fresh install of ubuntu 14.04.4, but it keeps freezing after a few minutes for no apparent reason and without any errors. Is there anby log I can check?17:38
Blink`And uhh, ouroumov - It does say no such file or directory when I try to manually install the public hey17:39
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jushurMia: is it overheating? like how hot is it?17:39
MiaCRM114, so it booted into gparted now17:39
Miapretty hot I should say17:39
CRM114Benjamin_: dmesg17:39
Miajushur, I meant you ^17:40
Miahm wait it boots into ubuntu now17:41
Miawtf is going on17:41
MiaI mean sorry about the kind of rude comment17:41
jushurMia: if you have a table"fan" put it beside and se if it helps. sounds like its overheating.17:41
Miajushur, okay maybe17:41
vdevnull_What's the command to pastebin a file17:42
vdevnull_and what's the package name? to install17:42
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jushurnot sure how one would do a cleaning of those, but generaly the blow out port gets clogged with dusts from the inside. and needs cleaning after a few months.17:42
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zykotick9vdevnull_: you can use http://termbin.com/ without installing anything... but i'd guess your thinking of pastebinit17:43
vdevnull_yes pastebinit17:44
jushurMonkeyDust: ok, where do you have that pw? /s17:45
MonkeyDustjushur  my NSA account17:46
Blink`Meh, let's do this again - How do I delete the sudo I just created?17:47
Miaone another question17:47
Mianow that my ubuntu installation boots in back again (15.10) I want to solve this issue17:47
Miawhen I'm restarting, the splash screen works, but when I'm logging in it's just random17:48
MiaI mean random stuff on screen, not exactly a splash screen17:48
Miafirst purple than black then random image parts17:48
Blink`Anyone know how to remove a user with root on putty?17:53
Blink`-d it is, thanks.17:53
MonkeyDustBlink`  glad i could help17:54
Blink`<3 :p17:54
MiaAny help for me ? I need to fix my broken splash screen. It shows purple at first, then black, then lines on a purple, then random image parts all around he screen. When I'm powering of or restarting the logout splash works just fine.17:54
styleskeyboard-configuration is failing on upgrade, it just hanges and Ican't update my system because of it.. any ideas?17:58
CRM114I've just upgradet my system from 12.04 to 14.04, a bunch of stuff is missing dependencies (mostly kde stuff), plus LaTeX18:01
CRM114does anybody have an idea what's wrong/how to fix?18:02
Blink`This is confusing me ¬_¬18:03
virtuosojjoin #fedora18:06
virtuosojoops... embarrassing.... XD18:06
Blink`I have a key that I want to use, but it's not letting me manually enter the public key as it says auth file is not found18:07
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virtuosojI am trying to request a new package in Ubuntu. Best place to do this is file a bug report on Ubuntu One?18:17
virtuosojthe package is Brogue, one of the most popular newschool roguelikes18:18
askhaderHow does one instal pg_xlogdump?18:27
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dddHow can I check if vulkan is working on ubuntu18:32
jushur!details | ddd:18:33
ubottuddd:: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)18:33
dddThe vulkan api from Khronos18:33
nicomachusddd: it works in 16.04, at least. Not sure about earlier releases.18:36
nicomachusddd: here's a guide for setup: https://linuxgamecast.com/2016/02/installing-and-testing-vulkan-on-ubuntu/18:37
nicomachusmore info: http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-04-lts-to-ship-with-full-support-for-vulkan-in-mir-display-server-500543.shtml18:37
intuxhallo leute18:39
ghostmagHallo intux, my german fella18:40
ghostmagTry #ubuntu-de18:40
intuxhi ghostmag18:40
intuxgerade mein erster versuch mit irc18:41
baizon!support | intux18:41
ubottuintux: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com18:41
baizon!offtopic | intux18:41
ubottuintux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:41
ghostmagSchreib /join #ubuntu-de18:42
intuxkann aber hier meine probleme mit ubuntu los werden?18:42
nicomachus!de | intux18:42
ubottuintux: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:42
Drexirhow come I vmware player keeps saying I need to update vmware tools to enable 3d acceleration when I've already done that?18:45
nicomachusDrexir: sounds like a question for the vmware folks.18:46
Drexirpretty sure out of 2000 people one of them has setup a virtual machine before.18:47
naccDrexir: vmware support is offtopic18:48
Miahey all, the launcher displays the count of open windows but only in the current workspace18:52
Miais it possible to make it work for all workspaces18:52
fedoenhi, I just connected my bluetooth headphones to my 15.10 desktop, I see them in sound settings but can't select them as default...18:52
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matt1_Hello, is this the place to ask for troubleshooting help for Ubuntu-based Linux distros?18:54
Spidermatt1_, what seems to be the problem?18:55
MonkeyDustmatt1_  for ubuntu, not for ubuntu-based distros18:56
kostkonmatt1_, which one? we only support official derivatives18:56
fedoenlatest result from cat /var/log/syslog | grep blue18:56
Miais it possible to show launcher indicators for all workspaces18:56
WebDawgI have a system that auto graphical logs in, anyone remember the shortcut key to ask for graphical user and pass?18:56
MonkeyDustmatt1_  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue.net18:56
MonkeyDustmatt1_  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue18:56
Miaright now the icons show the count of open windows in the current workspace18:56
Mialike lets assume that I have 5 terminals open in total, 2 of them in worksspace 1 and 3 of them in workspace 218:57
matt1_Well this problem is a Linux Mint problem, but no one in #linuxmint-help were able to help me. Basically when I start my computer (I'm using a spare for this chat), I'm taken to Mint's GUI Login screen; I login, but taken to command prompt for 1 sec, then back to GUI login screen, etc etc. Only way to get out of this loop is to Ctrl+Alt+F1 to command prompt. I cannot get to the GUI Desktop18:57
Miawhen I check launcher icon of terminal it shows 3 when I'm in workspace 1 and 3 when I'm in workspace 218:57
matt1_I put the problem in detail on Mint's forum: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=218382&p=114366318:57
Miathis becomes confusing, is it possible to let it show the count of all open windows18:57
Mialooking for a solution18:58
MonkeyDustmatt1_  mint is not supported here, you're in the wrong channel18:58
matt1_I'm sorry, I'll leave18:58
hilcan anyone think of a reason why chromium would be slower than chrome, using same synced account and extensions?19:01
jushurfedoen: use pavucontrol19:02
fedoenjushur: I can't seem to get it working19:03
fedoenjushur:  I can only find my headphones in configuration pane on pavucontrol19:03
fedoenjushur: output devices only shows hdmi/display port HDMI (I guess that's the video hdmi port) and built-in analog stereo19:05
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hik1l_, you have banned me i need to aplogize from you19:05
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jushurGuest38874: how about you dont agrevate them any more?19:06
Guest38874k1l_, i didnt see your message clearly19:06
Guest38874k1l_, i am here to say excuse me for every thing19:06
Guest38874just that19:06
Miacan I install gnome (as an alternative) to my existing 15.10 installation19:10
baizonMia: yes19:13
minimecMia: You can, but you might have some problems with the environment configuration of your  user afterwards. You might have to reset unity to its default after switching back to ubuntu unity. Maybe ad a new user and test gnome with that new user. Also during installation you will be asked to switch the login manager to 'gdm'. The package to install should be this... http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/gnome-desktop-environment19:14
ghostmagI've got a problem: I am not able to visit every website all the times. Sometimes a few just don't work. I am using Chrome, but it's not a browser related problem. Any suggestions?19:15
Miaminimec, oh okay, I just succeeded to install unity actually19:15
Miamaybe I should stick here19:15
Miathis seems more complicated than I expected19:15
minimecMia: You can have both environments installed side by side.19:16
Miaone main problem that irritates me (and I need to fix) is that I want to see the open window count in the launcher, in a global way19:16
Miait now shows the counts on the current workspace only19:16
MiaI'm sure ther is a setting somewhere to fix this19:16
MiaI just cna't find19:16
minimecMia: There is probably an option for that in unity-tweak-tool... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=unity%20tweak%20tool&searchon=names19:19
Miaminimec, not that I could find (playing with the unity-tweak-tool already)19:20
fedoenjushur: after a few more tries,  following this guide: http://askubuntu.com/questions/239209/no-sound-from-bluetooth-headset-but-its-detected (all the commands) I finally got the sound working on my headphones, then configuring headphones to a2dp sink in pavucontrol got the sound working, ty for pointing me in the right direction, now enjoying HQ sound :)19:21
dddwhat is the best program to use to setup a nas server on ubuntu server19:23
MonkeyDustddd  plenty tutorials, here's one http://askubuntu.com/questions/1266/how-to-set-up-ubuntu-server-as-a-nas19:25
jibiribisome Ubuntu experts here?19:26
minimecddd: ... and youtube vids... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ubuntu%20nas%20installation%20tutorial&oq=&gs_l=19:26
jibiribii mean real experts and not just wannabes19:26
MonkeyDustjibiribi  ask your question and wait19:26
jibiribiis it possible to have an ubuntu usb stick live system with on boot encryptio19:27
jibiribiso no experts here?19:28
jibiribidamn :-/19:28
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MonkeyDustjibiribi  you have waited 1.658 seconds19:29
minimecjibiribi: You can basically do a full installation of ubuntu on a USB stick. I would then mount /tmp to RAM to avoid write cycles...19:29
jibiribiminimec, okay but whats about encryption19:30
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minimecjibiribi: You can do whatever you want. Note that encyption will slow down the system a little bit, which is probably natable on a USB stick. Use a fast USB3 stick (I like the SanDisk Ultra ones)19:31
jibiribithe question is how ?19:33
jibiribihow and with what i can do an secure on boot encryption19:33
=== RAX is now known as rax-
minimecjibiribi: I correct myself. These kind of sticks... 'SanDisk Extreme USB 3.0 Flash Drive - 64GB'19:33
minimecjibiribi: You will be asked for encryption during installation. Encrypt the whole 'disk', not only the home partition.19:34
jibiribireally? on ubuntu?19:34
jibiribii need no extra programm for the encryption? its included in the installation?19:35
minimecjibiribi: I you do a fresh installation you should have this option.19:36
MonkeyDustjibiribi  asketh and thou shalt be answered19:36
jibiribiwhat is ubuntu using for this? veracrypt? LUKS? or how is the programm called19:38
explosivejibiribi: luks19:41
JeCerWhat is this?19:41
JeCerMeson encountered an error in file meson.build, line 6, column 0: Unknown function "import".19:41
jibiribiexplosive is it secure like veracrypt oir truecrypt?19:41
jibiribiexplosive LUKS?19:41
jushurjibiribi: man cryptsetup19:42
MonkeyDustJeCer  what's meson? this is ubuntu support, sure you want to be here?19:42
explosivejibiribi: it uses aes-25619:42
jibiribijust AES?19:42
JeCerMonkeyDust: I am compiling via meson19:42
jibiribiexolisive or can i choose between19:42
MonkeyDust!info meson19:43
ubottumeson (source: meson): high-productivity build system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.21.0-1 (wily), package size 64 kB, installed size 448 kB19:43
jushurjibiribi: read the manpage19:43
explosivejibiribi: just aes19:43
explosivei think19:44
=== AlexK is now known as Guest37695
mintux1im trying to make .deb package but i would like to know how make /etc/<package name>/config file19:51
ikoniawhat do you mean how to make it ?19:51
ikoniait's just a text file19:51
tnewmanyou mean so that it gets put there by the package installer?19:51
mintux1ikonia: this instruction : http://askubuntu.com/questions/27715/create-a-deb-package-from-scripts-or-binaries/27731#2773119:51
ikonianot bothered with that set of instructions19:52
ikoniawhats the actual question ?19:52
UbuntuDudeI'm having real hardship and losing too much needed time trying to keep an ubuntu 15.04 pc connect to wifi!!! nothing is wrong from the network side since other PCs stay connected except this one, which diagnostic and monitoring tools can help me find the reason and tackle down this issue?19:52
ikoniaUbuntuDude: first thing is to look at the wireless chipset19:53
ikonialook for known problems19:53
yeatsUbuntuDude: there are almost always useful messages in the logs (sudo journalctl -a)19:54
UbuntuDudeikonia: could youp please be more specific on the meaning of (looking at the chipset) ?19:54
ikoniaUbuntuDude: looking at the chipset of your wireless card, and then checking common/known problems with that chipset19:54
ikoniathe syslog will also give you clues as to what's going on19:54
yeatsUbuntuDude: 'lspci | grep -i net' might be a good start19:55
minimecUbuntuDude: use 'lspci' or 'lsusb' to fond the device you are using. then search the net for some answers..., like 'your device' + 'Ubuntu'19:55
ZtaI'm really looking forward to Ubuntu 16.04 =)19:56
UbuntuDudethanks guys .. I'll try all the above19:56
ScuniziHas anyone else found gwenview shows RAW & jpg images from the same image differently with the RAW being much lower rez?  weird :/20:01
terratomais it possible to do this with recent ubuntu and recent windows? https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/dual-boot-windows-8-1-oem-and-ubuntu-14-04-2-lts-with-full-disk-encryption-encrypted-lvm-while-uefi-and-secure-boot-are-enabled/8457120:03
ikoniathe encyption is the same in 15.X ss 14.0420:04
terratomai have messed around with guides I have found on the internet about dual boot and windows + ubuntu FDE, never can get it to work right20:04
terratomai know its a stupid goal!20:04
terratomasometimes I need to use windows though20:05
At84Hello fellows! I have a question about a problem that I have been trying to find a solution for the past hours.20:05
At84Is there anyone who would be interested in trying to help me out with it?20:05
ikoniajust ask20:05
At84ikonia, thanks. well, i installed Ubuntu today for the first time cause i thought i'd give it a serious try. but:20:06
At84apparently, Chrome isnt supported for it anymore.20:06
ikoniachomeis dead on 32bit20:06
ikoniachome is20:06
At84so i downloaded Chromium instead. which works fine.20:06
MiaI've accidentely set my "windows spread" setting in unity tweak tool to off20:06
Miathen I turned it back on20:06
Mianow whenever I use that function, unity crashes and reloads20:07
At84however...i would like to access the program via the "Run" (alt+f2) menu by just typing "chrome" and not "chromium-browser"20:07
MiaHow can I finx this situation20:07
ikoniaat make a symlink20:07
terratomais there a reason you cant install Ubuntu 64 bit ?20:07
At84so...i've been trying to make a shortcut that points to the "chromium-browser" application!20:07
At84ikonia, will the symlink be universally accessable?20:08
At84(by default)?20:08
terratomayou can do that... but there's going to be some application defaults for your 'web browser'20:08
At84ok, i kind of tried it, but as i am new to the file system, i have a hard time figuring out where the executable is located.20:09
At84it's not really in /usr/shared/applications, is it?20:09
terratoma'which chromium-browser'20:09
phenomenonIs there a schedule when next LTS is released?20:09
terratomaat a Terminal20:09
ikoniawhich chromium-browser20:09
ikoniathat will show you where it is20:09
At84symlink = ln -s ?20:10
At84i get "File exists"20:11
At84so i must have made one earlier that doesnt work20:11
ikoniawhat is the command you are using exactly20:11
At84ikonia, i wrote "ln -s chrome /usr/bin/chromium-browser"20:11
ikoniause /usr/bin/chrome20:12
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At84i get the same error...file exists, ikonia.20:12
ikonialn -sf20:12
At84permission denied...sudo su?20:13
anurag1018what are .md files?20:13
minimecMia: you might have to reset some components of the unity desktop. according to the following forum thread try "dconf reset -f /org/compiz/" in a terminal. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221831920:13
At84minimec, are you referring to my problem?20:14
minimecAt84: Nope.20:14
ikonianever use sudo su20:15
ikoniajust sudo ln -sf20:15
Miaoh wow it worked minimec20:15
Miayou're my savior today20:15
minimecMia: welcome... ;)20:15
At84ikonia, thanks, the command seems to run and all, but i still can't type "chrome" from the Run Application-screen20:16
ikoniawhat was the exact command you used20:16
At84sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/chrome  /usr/bin/chromium-browser20:17
ikoniatry running /usr/bin/chrome20:17
At84No such file or directory20:17
ikoniathen it didn't work20:18
At84actually, when i browsed to the directory and ran it from there it says:20:18
yeatsAt84: syntax is 'ln -sf <target> <link-name>' - sounds like you reversed them20:18
At84"chromium" not installed, please install.20:18
At84hmm, ok yeats i'll try again.20:18
ikoniaso you've done it back to front20:18
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yeatsAt84: for your future sanity, make sure to delete any symlinks you've created that don't point anywhere :-)20:20
yeats(ls -l /usr/bin/chrom* might be helpful)20:20
At84hahaha yeats20:20
At84"Too many levels of symlinks" - ??20:21
At84can't delete the file?20:21
At84ikonia, now the chromium-browser program doesnt work anymore :/20:25
At84is there a nice way to uninstall/reinstall the program?20:25
At84like the reverse of apt-get20:25
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nicomachusAt84: apt-get purge <package> then apt-get install <package>20:27
nicomachusthere's also apt-get install --reinstall <package>20:28
At84thanks nicomachus20:28
At84cool, now it works again, so i'm back on square one.20:29
At84i can start "chromium-browser" from the Run Applications window again20:29
At84but it sure would be nice to start it just by typing "chrome"20:30
At84is there really not a simple way to do that? =)20:30
At84hmm now it did work20:33
At84ikonia, thanks a bunch20:33
At84yeats, thanks to you too20:33
At84i have a feeling i will be back in this channel20:33
At84peace out, fellas!20:33
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
vveinsome application captures ctrl-space and it drives me nuts20:43
vveinhow to check what is that and purge it20:43
vveinI am trying to find help in google, and nothing works.20:44
seytHello All !20:44
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Guest67675hello everybody20:45
metrostationanyone know python?20:45
vveinanyone has seen that problem before?20:46
explosivemetrostation: #python20:46
metrostationI am there20:46
metrostationbut no one respond20:46
vveinmetrostation: what's your problem?20:46
varaindemianmodprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:832 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name ='nvidia_340'20:46
vveinmetrostation: I know the feel20:46
Guest67675I have a question20:46
varaindemiani git this error after dist upgrade -d20:46
Guest441521MasterplasterPL BronsonFlorence bogerg kki dashdotdot prastut NaStYdoG Madhumper69 ^peter^ herrkin staplr Paradisee NoCode sargas jfmcarreira pingaan wessles manuel JmZ Mikelevel iiddnn browren Es0teric altin_ xalias- krycek Gemm cewood cotalinux RangerBob net_tec bkraptor ivo_ DWestCoast andyfied ahmetalpbalkan Guest12436 fginther_ BalTun bprompt Raku Saint_Isidore meth gregL zivester jost quinput alauzon Guest2930 GarrettShie20:46
vveinmetrostation: I asked 3 questions on IRC over past week, and nothing got answered20:46
varaindemiani was using ubuntu 14.0420:46
vveinfrom my perspective this irc support is a clear BS20:47
metrostationsucks can we talk on private20:47
explosivemetrostation: ask here20:47
terratomavvein: get a refund !20:47
varaindemianif anyone can help me.. i write this from my phone20:47
terratomaso whats your problem20:47
explosivesomebody might know20:47
metrostationI got a brute forcing application20:47
metrostationand I want to get it modified20:47
explosivenot off to a good start.. ok20:47
terratomalol at everyone who types 5 lines without actually asking a question20:48
terratomatopic of channel should be 'JUST ASK'20:48
aethersishello, is there any app that includes google callendar? or perhaps a plugin for thunderbird?20:48
Guest67675I changed the enviroment  of my computer , I am using ubuntu and I dont know how to go back20:48
vveinterratoma: yeah, I'll switch from ubuntu, it starts to be unbearingly annoying20:48
terratomawhat does 'change environmen' mean20:48
terratomavvein: 6 lines from you without asking a question!20:48
explosiveGuest67675: log out and choose the other de, usually somewhere to the right ( top or near your login name )20:48
terratomaoh i scrollled up, sorry20:49
vveinterratoma: did you scroll up? :)20:49
terratomais that some sort of evil javascript browser thing20:49
varaindemianany help?20:49
terratomagui or in a Terminal ?20:50
vveinterratoma: terminal20:50
vveinterratoma: I have ctrl-space defines as escape in my tmux20:50
terratomacurrent ubuntu ?  older ubuntu ?  maybe you have ibus running.20:51
terratomaso maybe you dont have an ubuntu specific problem20:51
terratomai used to do tricksto get .screenr and emacs working right20:51
terratomai gave up, my .tmux.conf is now 1 line long20:51
vveinhaha, nice :)20:52
vveinhmmm, that may be ibus, I'll check that20:52
terratomai dont know.  also i gave up and switched to Sublime Text20:52
terratomathis link may help you http://askubuntu.com/questions/243639/ctrlspace-has-been-bound-to-invoke-some-input-method-and-does-not-work-in-ema20:52
vveinF**** ibus, I need to get rid of it20:52
vveinis it important for anything really?20:52
terratomai dunno if current Unity even uses ibus at all20:52
metrixxcan you check this strace log please? while i am trying to run wireshark on ubuntu 14.04 with X11 forwarding i got fatal error20:53
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vveinterratoma: oh, I'm not on unity. I run fluxbox.20:53
anurag1018it says a plugin is needed to display this cotent in firefox.What to do?20:54
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winston3000com puedo cambiar la inteface de mi ubuntu20:55
MonkeyDustanurag1018  what plugin does it ask20:55
vveinhmm, apt-get remove ibus looks scarry20:55
geusebioHas anyone else had an experience where a working Intel i217v network adaptor has just stopped being able to get an IP address on Ubuntu?20:55
geusebioIt used to work.. now it does not.20:55
terratomaanurag1018: Flash content ?20:55
MonkeyDust!es | winston300020:55
ubottuwinston3000: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:55
anurag1018it does not say20:55
anurag1018maybe flash20:55
terratomawhat do you think it is?  flash? pdf ?20:55
anurag1018but youtube vids are workig20:55
terratomathose might be coming to you by html5 video20:56
winston3000how can I go back to my original interface20:56
vveinterratoma: thank you for helping. You elevate my faith in the community. Thank you!20:56
winston3000I am usin ubuntu 12.420:56
nicomachuswinston3000: what do you mean your original interface?20:56
terratomai believe Flash is disabled in Firefox, i cant remember.  you can try to turn ir on20:57
minimecgeusebio: Maybe there was a kernel update in the last update. Try to boot an older kernel in the grub menu.20:57
geusebiominimec: Fresh install and a previous install both did this.20:57
terratomaif i REALLY need flash, i install and run google chrome , which has a sandboxed version of google's version of flash20:58
minimecgeusebio: I see.20:58
nicomachusterratoma: pepperflash is a nice alternative.20:58
geusebiominimec: amusingly, I'm online by tethering my phone and using my wifi on that :p20:58
RoundDuckManI got an issue, Gnome 3 is a bit laggy-looking even with a dual core i5 and hd 4000 graphics, even though some animations are smooth and the rest of the computer is acting very smooth. Is this a bug with Gnome 3.16's animations?20:58
winston3000I was trying to change the aparience of my ubuntu 12.4  , and when I finaly did it it looks like kubuntu and now I cant go back20:58
terratomawinston3000: so at the screen where you enter your User and Password20:59
terratomawinston3000: there is going to be an option that will let you select the type of desktop environment to use21:00
terratomathere will probably be a drop in menu that will let you select 'kubuntu' or 'unity' ( i cant remember exact option right now )21:00
winston3000I have looked for that option but i cant find it21:01
craptalkhow can i display such task manager on ubuntu?21:02
RoundDuckManI got an issue, Gnome 3 is a bit laggy-looking even with a dual core i5 and hd 4000 graphics, even though some animations are smooth and the rest of the computer is acting very smooth. Is this a bug with Gnome 3.16's animations?21:02
craptalkto monitor my ram and other system running, and put it on the taskbar21:02
Granotommorow i'll have to switch to my skylakes integrated GPU, and i red that <4.3 kernels dont support that GPU21:03
Granois that true?21:03
terratomawinston3000: does your log in screen look like this ? http://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/installkde48-large_004.jpg21:03
RoundDuckManterratoma: I got an issue, Gnome 3 is a bit laggy-looking even with a dual core i5 and hd 4000 graphics, even though some animations are smooth and the rest of the computer is acting very smooth. Is this a bug with Gnome 3.16's animations?21:04
craptalkhow can i display task manager on ubuntu?21:04
RoundDuckMancraptalk: search up system monitor21:04
winston3000no actually21:04
MonkeyDustcraptalk  there's indicator-privacy21:05
RoundDuckMancraptalk: search up system monitor21:05
craptalkis there any additional application to download21:05
terratomaRoundDuckMan: i dont know.  i use a 6 year old computer.  do you have a nvivida 3d card ?21:05
winston3000that is the way it looks like21:06
Huliohi guys21:07
Hulioi am using ubuntu mate21:07
Hulioi love it21:07
Huliolove the classic looking21:07
RoundDuckManterratoma: no, I only use integrated graphics, well Intel HD 4000 on i5-3360M21:07
terratomawinston3000: so thats great.  can you select a different desktop environment ?21:07
MonkeyDustcraptalk  try indicator-multiload ... http://www.howtogeek.com/118908/10-awesome-indicator-applets-for-ubuntus-unity-desktop/21:08
terratomawinston3000: see that 8 pointed circle icon?  click on that21:08
Huliowhere is software market?21:09
Hulioplease some one tell me in ubuntu mate21:09
Hulioi want to search for software to install21:09
craptalkHulio: Ubuntu software center21:09
craptalkon your system21:09
Huliowhere is that?21:09
Huliooh okay21:09
Hulioi dont' see it in system21:10
Hulioi am using ubuntu MATE21:10
craptalksystem - administration21:10
craptalkHulio: me too21:10
winston3000I want to show you my screen21:10
RoundDuckManterratoma: Other desktops don't have this issue, and even a bit of the GNOME animations are smooth. It's stuff like the activities menu transition and bring up the dock (I use dash to dock) that aren't a perfect 60 FPS. It's not horribly slow, but it's annoying it's not as smooth as the rest of the animations.21:10
terratomashuttleworth wants you to use Unity21:12
Huliocraptalk, i have to install software center :)21:12
Hulioin the welcome screen :)21:12
craptalkHulio: then install it21:12
Hulionow i got it :)21:13
craptalkHulio: or google some good apps to download, google is good21:13
lapyogoogle is bad tho21:13
Huliogoogle is my friend :)21:13
\9you generally want to use the repositories if possible though21:13
\9because then the packages can get updated automatically21:14
lapyoit's a good search engine but it rapes your privacy21:14
craptalklapyo: yeah, notEvil search is good lately21:14
Huliocraptalk, the reason i asked because i want to install qbittorrent :)21:14
mlvmhni get a red warning triangle at the top of my screen, how do i remoce it?21:14
RoundDuckManterratoma: I don't know really, be honest with you, I bet this is also in other non Ubuntu distros as well. :/21:14
\9!info qbittorrent21:15
ubottuqbittorrent (source: qbittorrent): bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt4 GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.3-2 (wily), package size 3046 kB, installed size 5442 kB21:15
craptalkHulio: there you go, smart ubottu21:15
lapyostartpage is good enough, it uses google's results but with proxy and without privacy fucking cookies21:15
winston3000I am very new using ubuntu , I dont even know how to take a prnt screen21:15
vveinwinston3000: you press PrtScr :)21:15
craptalklapyo: what is your search engine then?21:15
winston3000but it seems like it does not work21:16
mrr411just did partal update and now getting a failed to download repo info message any ideas how to fix this21:16
lapyocraptalk: I mostly use qwant, startpage, ddg in that order21:16
\9Hulio: ubuntu mate does not apparently come with a software center by default, so you need to install one from a terminal21:16
\9Hulio: pop up a terminal and write in it: sudo apt-get install software-center21:17
\9Hulio: it'll ask for your password to do such an administrative task as installing the software center. after that is done, you should be able to use it from the system menu21:17
craptalkis there a good IDM for ubuntu? i got it crashing a lot of time21:18
MonkeyDustwhat's IDM21:19
craptalkMonkeyDust: internet download manager21:20
bazhang!info aria221:20
ubottuaria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.0-1 (wily), package size 1222 kB, installed size 4798 kB21:20
bazhangcraptalk, ^21:20
craptalkbazhang: downloading it now21:21
MonkeyDustcraptalk  btw, indicator-multiload is sweet21:21
craptalkbazhang: is it integrated into some browsers?21:21
bazhangtry it and see21:21
craptalkMonkeyDust: is that a direct package name also? so i can install it now21:21
craptalkbazhang: sure21:22
=== dummy is now known as craptalk
MonkeyDustCRM114  yes, apt install21:24
MonkeyDustthat was for craptalk21:24
craptalkhow can i start aria2? cant seem to open the program?21:26
craptalkno program shown in the program list and i cant open it thru terminal either21:27
Huliocraptalk, can i talk personally?21:27
SierraKomodoAnybody available to help me troubleshoot permission issues?21:28
craptalkHulio: yap21:28
SierraKomodoI've got a folder /var/www/foldername that's is owned by www-data as both group and user; I just ran chmod 775 on the folder, and my user sierra was added to the www-data group. It's not allowing me to create files or folders in this, though.21:29
craptalkSierraKomodo: you do sudo chown21:30
SierraKomodocraptalk: There's no reason for me to run that though; It's already set to www-data:www-data21:30
craptalkSierraKomodo: but still cant do much?21:31
SierraKomododrwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 11 12:29 foldername21:31
SierraKomodoThat's from a ls -al /var/www21:31
SierraKomodocraptalk: Yes; It's giving me a permission denied error when running a mkdir or touch command21:31
k1l_SierraKomodo: did you relogin after the group change?21:32
SierraKomodoI did not/ let me try that21:32
craptalkSierraKomodo: try 777 instead21:32
potato_farmerPlease don't do 777 on anything.21:32
k1l_no need for unsecure 777 in the webserver folder. that is just dumb21:32
SierraKomodoOk, relogging worked. Note to self: Relog whenever changing your own groups21:33
k1l_SierraKomodo: yes, groups and users are only once sorted when logging in.21:33
SierraKomodoOn a side note, I vaguely recall there being something about having 775 being insecure for some reason but I can't remember the details on that.. This was from years ago. Anything to that or was it just someone being paranoid?21:35
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MonkeyDustcraptalk  found the indicator?21:36
prastutIs there any good solution for NVIDIA drivers on Gnome? I seem to brick my system everytime I try to update them21:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:36
k1l_SierraKomodo: the last digit means "everyone".and 7 means read, write and execute. 5 means "just" read and write. write is not that good, too, since that youser could change other data that is then executed by the original user.21:36
metrixxafter i remove a package "dpkg -l" already list that package in the list21:37
metrixxhow can i update the installed packages list?21:37
Hulioi love Nero linux 4.021:37
k1l_metrixx: how did you remove that package and what is the output exactly of dpkg?21:37
Huliobest burning software21:38
SierraKomodok1l_: I do know what each digit represents, I've just never fully understood what the 'proper' values for folders under /var/www is beyond the default, and making it group-writable so that I don't need to fiddle with making www-data a user that I can sftp into21:38
yeatsmetrixx: installed packages have "ii" at the beginning of the line - removed packages have "rc" (if I recall correctly)21:38
SierraKomodoIn my experience, setting world to anything other than 5 breaks the server21:38
SierraKomodoOr just feels like a bad ide sain the case of making it 721:38
SierraKomodoidea in*21:39
k1l_SierraKomodo: some programs even test against world 7 and make an error appear.21:39
metrixxand why there are so many package tools? apt-get dpkg aptitude?21:39
metrixxk1l_, i used apt-get remove packagename and it said i removed it21:39
metrixxk1l_, then it lists like other packages21:39
metrixxi thought "ii" was just a style :)21:39
mvx87i had mounted 3 other servers via sshfs onto my machine temporarily like this: sshfs root@server1.domain.com:/ /mnt/server1.domain.com, sshfs root@server2.domain.com:/ /mnt/server2.domain.com etc - so i was removing certain files from the servers like rm -rf /mnt/server*.domain.com/home/files/[dir] and long story short i accidentally typed rm -rf /mnt/server*.domain.com/ but i quickly ctrl+c'd21:40
mvx87so only a second went by. i ran debsums command on all 3 servers and every package came back ok and no files were missing from any system packages.. the only thing i found (from my own manual searching/checking) was that on server1.domain.com /lost+found was missing so i recreated that.. ive got a backup of all 3 servers, but i went ahead and rebooted server1.domain.com and it came back up with21:40
mvx87no issues. i know it was foolish of me to even mount it as root or do any of this, and it wont happen again but: my question is, should i just be satisfied ? or should i reinstall the box. the command only ran for like a split second.. and it was over sshfs  / wan / internet so it seems like nothing much had the chacne to actually be removed.. i mean if the system came back up from a reboot21:40
mvx87then it should be fine right? or what would you do21:40
SierraKomodoAlso, k1l_, took a second look at ls-al - It's showing the folder has read/execute with 5, not read/write. Iirc, adding 1 to the number gives read, 2 is write, and 4 is execute?21:40
k1l_SierraKomodo: sorry i was wrong yes. 5 is read and execute, but not write.21:41
k1l_6 is read and write, but not execute21:41
sine0ok guys, got a friend who has installed ubuntu on his computer and he uses a wifi dongle, the crux is he cant install ndiswrapper. I have ubuntu too.. so i was going to help him. how does one install an ubuntu package when offline? how can i get him to pull it down in windows and then install it, is there an apt-get use-this-package offline version?21:41
mvx87running ubuntu 14.0421:41
SierraKomodok1l_: You have me worried for a moment there I set something up wrong, good to know. xD21:42
SierraKomodoSo why does the world need read/execute permissions, if the webserver's running under a specific user (www-data)? Wouldn't all access to the server through abrowser be under www-data?21:42
k1l_SierraKomodo: sorry :/  multitasking right now21:42
SierraKomodok1l_: I know the feeling21:43
GranoSorry for the stupid question but how do i update my kernel to 4.3 on kubuntu?21:43
ikoniaon what version of ubuntu21:44
Hulioanyone know any 3d games for linux?21:46
Huliogood quality game high end graphics game?21:46
Hulioor maybe linux is not really for gaming21:47
bazhang!steam | Hulio21:47
ubottuHulio: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.21:47
GranoHulio: war thunder ?21:47
bazhang#ubuntu-steam  <---- Hulio21:47
SierraKomodoI'd heard about people running some games on linux through the use of wine, and getting good results, but I'm not certain if that's something anyone here would recommend (I don't use wine for gaming personally).21:48
hpp__I only use wine for wow21:48
mvx87any advice on my question / situation ? running ubuntu 14.04 : http://paste.debian.net/plain/41465021:51
ikoniamvx87: you are running debian21:52
MonkeyDustmvx87  there's also #ubuntu-server21:53
ikoniano there isn't21:54
ikonianot for debian21:54
haasnI want to set up passwordless FDE on a fresh ubuntu 15.10 installation. (The reasoning behind passwordless is that it allows me to switch to using a passphrase or perhaps hardware keychain later on. But I don't want to go through the pain of migrating from plaintext to encrypted / if I want to set that up later). What's the easiest way to accomplish this? I figure I can drop a password file into the22:04
haasnunencrypted /boot and instruct the initramfs to use it instead of requesting for a passphrase during boot, but I'd prefer a solution that doesn't require manually editing the initramfs if possible22:04
pieroHi guys! The only machine I have in my home is my PC. I dont have to share my internet connection with any another device. But I have two ethernet adapters, each one connected to a different router of two ISPs. Im trying some balancing, but the far docs I found are written to network administrators configuring dedicated machines to be routers to subnets.. I'm looking for something smaller to my unique computer. Something i perhaps can make with network-manager22:08
piero of a few simple rules in iptables do distribute my tcp connections between my links. Do you know an easy way?22:08
terratomapasswordless FED? what?22:08
bazhangpiero try #netfilter22:08
haasnterratoma: FDE = full-disk encryption22:08
terratomayeah i know22:09
haasnthen I'm not sure what you're asking22:09
terratomai question your strategy!22:09
pierothanks bazhang22:10
haasnLooks like I can mess around with /etc/crypttab to accomplish my goals and have the initramfs pick up on it. (In theorY?)22:10
Huliowhy i can't install lsB?22:14
Huliop@p:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install lsb22:14
Huliowhy, i can't22:14
Huliosomeon please help me22:14
Blink`Better to do generate a key via ssh keygen, or puttygen?22:14
Hulio epson-inkjet-printer-escpr22:14
HulioE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:14
ezriBlink`: it doesn't matter, as long as you use whichever method correctly22:15
k1l_Hulio: what are you doing there? what ubuntu is that exactly?22:16
Hulioi am trying to install epson WF-3640 driver22:16
Blink`Sorry, ezri - I assumed if you did it via ssh keygen, it'd be done on "server", whereas puttygen is more secure?22:16
metrixxi installed ubuntu 15.10  in vmware as virtual machine and it shows some warning messages before graphical login screen... but i can not see them22:17
ezriBlink`: oh. right, if you're using a Windows client only, you'd want to just use your client's tools, so puttygen, yes22:17
metrixxhow can i stop opening before graphical interface ?22:17
linageehow does canonical add "partner repositories"? Is there a webpage or someone to contact?22:17
Blink`Yah, but when I uhh, use puttygen to generate the key, I save the private, I copy the public, but then I have the issue of adding the public key to auth files22:17
Blink`Any chance you know how to do that ezri?22:18
k1l_linagee: you can add that in the systemsettings: software and update settings22:18
azarusI got a question; i'm running Xenial, but i'm trying to install software via PPA that only has support for Wily22:18
ikoniathan don't do that22:19
ezriBlink`: do you have password-based auth to the ssh server currently?22:19
azarusBuilding it myself has failed...22:19
linageek1l_: I mean to actually have packages added there. ;-)22:19
k1l_azarus: that is the problem with running +1 releases.22:19
Blink`if you mean by root, or the new user I just added to sudo - then yes22:19
k1l_linagee: ah22:19
azarusSo i should just wait?22:19
ezriBlink`: okay. copy from the textbox in puttygen that says "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file:", ssh into the server as whichever user you want to use the key with, mkdir .ssh; chmod 700 .ssh; touch .ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys; nano .ssh/authorized_keys; paste the key from puttygen into the editor, save, and quit22:21
ezriBlink`: (.ssh and/or authorized_keys may already exist, that's fine)22:21
k1l_linagee: i would ask in #ubuntu-packaging22:22
azarusAnother question: How do i remove GRUB entries, or, how do i know which one is which?22:22
linageek1l_: thanks22:22
Miahey all, my ubuntu splashscreen is scrambled22:23
Miawhy can this be? how can I fix this easily22:24
Blink`ezri -  touch .ssh/authorized_keys; didn't work22:24
Blink`it should be  vi .ssh/authorized_keys;22:24
Blink`Shouldn't it?22:24
ezrielaborate on "didn't work"?22:24
k1l_Mia: only the splashscreen?22:25
ezritouch creates the file if it doesn't already exist so that the next step (chmodding it) works22:25
Miak1l_, yes only that22:25
ezriand then after that you'd use nano or vi or whatever to edit it, yes22:25
k1l_Mia: could be a driver thing.22:25
ezrissh is very picky about file permissions, so i like to do that first personally22:25
Blink`ezri - In that case, touch didn't exec anything22:25
Miafirst it displays a purpe page, then it switchecs to a black page, then it shows a purple page with a black zone on şt, then it's like a loading screen everything scrambled all ver the place. then it boots into ubuntu just fine.22:25
Miak1l_, hmm22:25
Blink`Mind if I PM you ezri?22:26
ezriBlink`: if it just returned without any output that's fine22:26
ezriBlink`: i don't do PMs, sorry22:26
Miawell it works fine when I boot the usb live cd22:26
Blink`Ah, fair.22:26
Blink`ezri - In that case. I've gotten to the vi part, entered, and it's turned into a editor sort of thing. I pasted the key22:27
Blink`How do I save and quit?22:27
k1l_can i use fancontrol on cli to control a fan that is not pwm?22:27
ezriBlink`: escape key, then :wq22:27
ezricolon key, then w key, then q key22:27
ezrione after the other22:27
ezriw means write, q means quit22:27
Miahow can I get the available screen resolution22:28
Blink`I got the nano command not found btw22:28
MiaI'll edit the etc/default/grub22:29
azarusHm. How do i find out which entries i can delete in grub.d?22:29
ikoniadon't delete things22:29
odroid_vcrhey guys, running my droid xu4 for the first time, is there any noobie guide i should read?22:29
azarusWell, which can i make not executable :P?22:30
ikoniathats not even ubuntu is it ?22:30
odroid_vcrit is haha22:30
bprompthehhe, sounds like Droid phone by motorola22:31
ikoniano it's an arm platform22:32
SierraKomodoQuick google search on it shows an ODROID-XU4 that, among other things, can apparently run Ubutnu 15.0422:32
ikoniaI thought it was a modified build22:33
llamatarianismI am a complete noob, can someone help me add a menu option for when my PC boots up so I can access windows22:38
llamatarianismtrying to dual boot with linux on an external hard drive, windows on an SSD, and a bunch of random crap in my normal hard drive22:38
ikoniathat is a bad bad config22:39
ikoniadon't do that22:39
llamatarianismdon't have much choice22:39
ikoniathen don't do it22:39
mateusholy crap yo all22:53
bray90820Yo yo yo what's up22:53
mateusim very happy22:53
bray90820What happened22:53
bray90820Would this create a directory with the date then CD into it?22:54
mateusi refiburshed 7 PCS with LUBUNTU n installed 15 ubuntu mate in 15 brand new myself assembled pcs22:54
bray90820mkdir $(date '+%y-%m-%d') && cd $_22:54
bray90820Would that create a directory then CD into it22:55
Miahey all, when my ubuntu splash displays, and the loading starts, everything except the loading dots disappear after a whil22:56
mateusim from brazil, im brazucas22:56
Miait all becomes black but I can still see the loading dots22:56
bazhang!ot | mateus22:56
ubottumateus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:56
mateusim using ubuntu mate, its a ubuntu ?22:57
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:57
bazhangmateus, yes, but the channel for chatting is #ubuntu-offtopic22:58
mateusoh, i figured out now,, tks22:58
=== coffeeguy is now known as koffeeguy
gertI'm assuming this is the chat i can ask my stupid questions23:06
algeI cant set my Broadcom BCM43228 wifi card to monotoring mode23:08
alge# airodump-ng mon023:09
algeInterface mon0:23:09
algeioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed: No such device23:09
k1l_gert: its for technical ubuntu support :)23:13
nicomachusalge: which driver?23:16
nicomachuswl or b43?23:16
Miahow can I remove splash screen23:16
nicomachusalge: wl doesn't support monitor mode. you'll have to try using the b43 driver.23:17
algetrying to install b43 but is totally new with ubuntu23:17
nicomachussee here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/155528/why-cant-i-set-monitor-mode-with-the-wl-sta-driver-on-a-broadcom-wireless-card23:17
nicomachusthat first answer has all the steps.23:17
algethanks for your help! But i've tried that five minutes ago23:18
algedoesnt understand what i do wrong23:18
Miais it possible that nvidia drivers lag in ubuntu but the x.org x server driver is actually lagfree?23:19
algeb43-fwcutter is already the newest version.23:20
algefirmware-b43-installer is already the newest version.23:20
MiaI'm playing with the additional drivers tab of the software & upgrades window23:20
nicomachusalge: did you unload wl and then load b43?23:20
algewith sudo rmmod wl (first) and then modprobe b43?23:21
ubuntu-matebla bla bla23:21
algermmod wl shuts down my internet connection, and modprobe b43 doesnt change that23:22
vert0letmate me gusta23:23
=== Neomagus76 is now known as Neomagus
Miaok I need help23:25
MiaI've followed this thing to fix my plymouthhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jIegOR6A0M23:25
Mianow my system lags a LOT..23:25
MiaI tink I somehow broke gpu drivers23:25
mekhamiwhen i plug in a USB stick, where does that drive appear in the file system23:28
ouroumovmekhami, under /media23:28
jushurmekhami: do "lsblk -f" in a terminal23:29
k1l_mekhami: see "dmesg" what /dev/ gets associated with it23:29
mekhamithanks all23:29
mekhamik1l_: how do i tell what /dev/ it uses23:31
k1l_mekhami: see "dmesg" after you put that usb drive into the usb slot"23:32
mekhamik1l_: i did that23:32
squintyor use the Disks program23:32
mekhamialso there's nothing in /media23:33
k1l_mekhami: show the output in a pastebin please23:33
mekhamithat's the tail end of it23:34
squintymekhami,  if you use the Disks program, it ahs all that info at your finger tips23:34
ouroumovmekhami, so it's /dev/sdb23:34
mekhamiouroumov: so that's not a directory23:34
mekhamii'm confused how this works23:34
ouroumovmekhami, /dev/sdb is your drive, it looks like it has two partitions /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb223:35
k1l_mekhami: the device is sdb and the partitions are sdb1 and sdb2. but that are the device files. you might want to mount that23:35
mekhamiso this is something i've never been clear on. what does mounting mean23:35
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount23:36
k1l_mekhami: please read this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount23:37
jushurls -la /dev/disk/by-id/*23:37
jushurlsblk -f23:37
mekhamik1l_: why is this stuff not written by someone with a proper grasp of the english language23:37
mekhamivery frustrating23:37
mekhamithe third sentence is a horrifice 6th grade level run on23:38
ouroumov"In Linux devices are referenced in /dev" ?23:39
mekhamisorry the next sentence.23:39
nicomachusmekhami: it's a wiki. edit it.23:39
bray90820It a symbolic or a hard link like a shortcut in windows23:39
jushurthat page also do not properly handle external devices and how to "properly" mount and unmount.23:40
mekhaminicomachus: i would if authentication was working.23:41
mekhamibut i try to log into and it's hanging.23:41
dv310p3rI have a weird issue in 14.04 64bit desktop. I have to internal 3tb drives, they seem to auto mount just fine. They show up on the dock and if I click on them, they show me the contents without issue. If however I try and access them from the terminal before I've clicked on them on the dock, they don't exist. The moment i click on them, boom, they exist and work just fine.23:42
bobdobbsHi all. After a reboot, rythymbox doesn't play sound.23:43
bobdobbsIf I select a track and press play, the seek/progress bar moves23:43
SierraKomododv310p3r: Not an expert here, but the shortcuts on the dock probably run a script that mounts the drive if it's not already mounted, before opening it.23:44
marchesinihi guys. i got a problem when i try to install the kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu, the apt-get crashed and i can't fix then23:44
dv310p3rSierraKomodo, so that means they're not automounting23:44
bobdobbsSo a track is "playing", but not sound is being produced. Sound is being produced as normal from my browser, and from mplay23:44
nicomachusmekhami: then complain on #ubuntu-wiki or whatever the wiki one is23:44
jushurman udiskctl, man udisks.23:44
dv310p3rSierraKomodo, Sounds like a legit answer, I'll go down that path.23:44
SierraKomododv310p3r: I may be wrong, but that'd be the first thing I'd look at23:44
dv310p3rSierraKomodo, thanks23:44
marchesinihow can i fix the apt-get if the command "apt-get install -f" don't work?23:44
SierraKomododv310p3r: Np.23:44
k1l_marchesini: put all the output into paste.ubuntu.com23:45
marchesinik1l_: ok.23:45
dv310p3rSierraKomodo, did an fisk -l, drives aren't mounted23:46
mcphaildv310p3r: internal drives are not automounted by default. The expectation is you will add them to /etc/fstab if you always want them mounted (or get the Ubuntu installer to do it for you as part of the install process)23:46
vdevnullHello people how i can change folder user permission23:46
bobdobbsI get sound from clementine, but on clementing the controls are generally unresponsive most of the time. So I can play tracks, but not pause or step them or control the volume.23:47
SierraKomododv310p3r: Well you're already beyond what I'd know without having to pummel google with search queries; At least you're looking in the right direction now by the sounds of it23:47
STxAxTICQuestion: On Ubuntu, with wicd installed, what is the equivalent to "ipconfig" that tells me my local IP address? (my router won't say)23:47
marchesinik1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15367822/23:47
k1l_vdevnull: "chmod" and "chown"23:47
dv310p3rmcphail, the Disks utility says that they're setup to auto mount.23:48
SierraKomodoSTxAxTIC: ifconfig23:48
dv310p3rmcphail, should I do fstab anyway23:48
squintySTxAxTIC,  or  ipp23:48
STxAxTICSierraKomodo:  TY!23:48
squintySTxAxTIC,  or ip23:48
STxAxTICty squinty23:48
k1l_marchesini: what ubuntu version is this and is the kde stuff from a PPA or .deb package or from the original ubuntu repo?23:48
marchesiniyep, i running the ubuntu dev 16.04 beta 1.23:49
k1l_marchesini: for 16.04 #ubuntu+1 is the channel23:49
mcphaildv310p3r: I suspect what the disk utility means as "automount" isn't what you or I would call "automount"23:50
vdevnullk1l_ Let's say i've /var/www/html folder. i want my current user with name 'xx' to have permission there23:50
k1l_marchesini: but you might want to ask in #kubuntu (dont know if they have a +1 channel)23:50
vdevnullsudo chown xxx:www-data /var/www/html23:50
k1l_vdevnull: then dont change the permissions of the folders23:50
k1l_vdevnull: put user xx into the www-data group23:50
dv310p3rmcphail, yeah, I should have looked into fstab sooner, I know better, just did, nothing, drives aren't in there. I figured that the utility was modding the file for me, it isn't. I'm guessing it's used for people new to linux and for ease of use.23:52
ouroumovk1l_, is using "newgrp" command the only way to access files that are not in your primary group?23:52
dv310p3rmcphail, SierraKomodo thanks a million23:52
SierraKomododv310p3r: Np23:52
vdevnullHow do i list all groups?23:55
ouroumovcat /etc/group23:55
marchesiniguys, i need repair the apt-get application, what command i run to rollback a app install when the "apt-get install -f" isn't sufficient23:57
k1l_ouroumov: you mean without relogin?23:57
ouroumovk1l_, no, I mean it's been my experience that if I create a workgroup to share files with an user on a given machine, and add myself and the user to the group, we can't profit from group permissions until our effective gid is set to that of the group using the newgrp command.23:58
ouroumovCause the effective gid is by default the one created with the same name as the user23:59

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