
nu7shellHi people00:12
pencilandpaperHi nu7shell .00:43
nu7shellHey, im having this trouble with my usb flashdrive00:45
nu7shellSo happened that my laptop went off when i was given format to this usb.00:46
nu7shellNow it doesnt shows anymore when plugged.00:46
nu7shellNot even blink any led that have my usb.00:46
nu7shellI believed that its dead, but i ran dmesg | grep usb and this is what i get00:47
nu7shellSo, i think that it might have any solution.00:47
nu7shellThis is my only USB flashdrive, and i wont get another soo, so i really need it.00:48
sleehello, trying to help someone online with installing xubuntu, they have it installed, they can view their slave drive(even repartitioned it in gparted), but they still can't copy files to it, says 'paste' is greyed out in menu...any ideas what could be causing this?00:51
mrkrampsnu7shell, have you tried another usb port?00:54
nu7shellmrkramps, yep, nothing happened.00:55
mrkrampsnu7shell, do you have another usb stick to check?00:56
nu7shellmrkramps, nop, this is the only one i have.00:57
mrkrampsnu7shell, do you have another operating system to check the one you have?00:57
mrkrampsnu7shell, your system fails to enumerate the usb device properly which might have different reasons - port, stick, power or kernel bug01:00
nu7shellmrkramps, i have tried it on a windows machine too, and it doesnt even recognize it.01:02
nu7shellmrkramps, it says unknown device.01:02
mrkrampsin this case it is most likely a hardware issue01:03
mrkrampsif other usb devices work on the same port consider your stick to be dead01:04
nu7shellThats what i thought01:05
nu7shellThanks anyways mrkramps01:05
mrkrampsyou're welcome01:05
tortibI'm looking for a laptop that will run Linux04:19
tortibdoesn't need to have major hardware, a decent i7 will do the trick04:19
well_laid_lawnmost laptops will run linux fine tortib04:20
well_laid_lawnnever came across one that wouldn't04:20
tortibwell I have a Mac Pro 3,104:20
tortibi want to install Xubuntu on that04:20
tortibwill it work?04:20
well_laid_lawnlets have a look on the web04:20
tortibsays it will run Ubuntu 14.0404:21
well_laid_lawnsays that too so later version of any *buntu should be fine04:21
tortibhm nice04:21
tortibso I just download the xubuntu image and install?04:21
well_laid_lawnhave a read of the link I posted first to check04:22
well_laid_lawnbut it should be fairly straight forward04:22
well_laid_lawnhere's the wiki for that laptop https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro3-104:23
tortibwell I'm using appleraid04:23
tortiband I don't think I can resize the volume04:23
tortiblet me try really quick04:24
well_laid_lawnthe arch wiki is always a handy thing https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MacBook04:24
tortibyeah doesn't work with this stupid appleraid04:25
tortibcan I just boot the CD from the boot selector and just install it to one of the SSDs I have?04:25
well_laid_lawnI don't know about apple products at all04:27
tortibI guess I could TIAS04:27
tortibSystem Uptime: 11 hours, 49 minutes, 32 seconds - Textual Uptime: 11 hours, 49 minutes, 7 seconds04:27
tortibcan I install Enlightenment from Xubuntu?04:27
tortibbeen wanting to try the new enlightenment04:28
well_laid_lawnsure you can04:28
tortibhave you tried their latest version?04:29
tortibIs it any god?04:29
well_laid_lawnno I haven't played with it in ages04:29
tortibwell_laid_lawn what is a good email client for linux?04:49
tortiboh I can use thunderbird I guess04:49
well_laid_lawntortib:  that's what I use04:54
tortibi need to somehow test this ableton push in ableton while in wine04:54
tortibi sure do hope it works :(04:54
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xubuntu851no me funciona el audio via hd13:28
flocculant!es | xubuntu85113:28
ubottuxubuntu851: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:28
xubuntu36wXubuntu doesn't support Intel(R) HD Graphics 460014:54
dkesselxubuntu36w: ... ah nvm...gone15:09
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pavlushkaHi every117:40
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