
=== ses is now known as Guest47761
mupBug #1556514 opened: Juju bootstrap does not assign and use floating IP on openstack <floating> <ip> <juju-core> <network> <openstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556514>00:34
mupBug #1556514 changed: Juju bootstrap does not assign and use floating IP on openstack <floating> <ip> <juju-core> <network> <openstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556514>00:40
mupBug #1556514 opened: Juju bootstrap does not assign and use floating IP on openstack <floating> <ip> <juju-core> <network> <openstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556514>00:49
mupBug #1532841 changed: cannot add charm to storage <charm> <ci> <juju-core:Expired> <juju-core structured-metadata:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532841>04:28
mupBug #1532841 opened: cannot add charm to storage <charm> <ci> <juju-core:Expired> <juju-core structured-metadata:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532841>04:35
mupBug #1532841 changed: cannot add charm to storage <charm> <ci> <juju-core:Expired> <juju-core structured-metadata:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532841>04:38
mupBug #1556630 opened: Timeout github.com/juju/juju/cmd/jujud/reboot <ci> <go1.5> <regression> <test-failure> <wily> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556630>15:54
mupBug #1555291 changed: TestStartInstancePopulatesNetworkInfoWithoutAddressAllocation fails on centos <centos> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555291>16:15
davecheneythumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/470620:46
davecheneytwo things20:46
davecheney1, do you have lxc installed ?20:46
davecheneyi don't and the tests always pass reliably20:47
davecheneybut the test was ignoring basically all the error handling20:47
davecheneyso I added it back in20:47
davecheneyat least the test won't hang now20:47
thumperyes I have lxc installed20:47
davecheneythumper: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/470620:48
davecheneyit reduced the test run time from 10s of seconds to milliseconds20:48
davecheneyi cannot get it to fail on my machine20:49
davecheneyask you have the failing sample, can ypu try please20:49
thumperI'll try20:49
thumpertests pass here now21:05
thumperdavecheney: but I'm not sure why21:05
thumperhow does your branch fix it?21:05
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
davecheneythumper: i don't believe that this change will make the test pass where they previously failed22:50
davecheneybut previously the test didn't fail, it hung22:50
davecheneywith this change22:50
davecheneyyou'll get an immediate error22:50
davecheneywhich is better than the test hanging22:50
davecheneythen the test runner being killed and we get zero output22:50
thumperwhy did they hang?22:51
thumperit isn't clear to me22:51
davecheneyno idea22:52
davecheneyi cannot reproduce the problem on my machine22:52
davecheneyand when we do it in CI22:52
davecheneythe test runner kills the job before we get any output22:52
thumperwell, even with your stress.sh it passes every time ow22:55
davecheneythumper: if you can make it hang on your machine without that CL22:56
davecheneycan you run the test with debug turned up to 11 pls22:56
* thumper tries22:56
thumperwithout your changes...22:57
thumperit hangs first time22:57
davecheneywhat output do yo get22:59
davecheneyare any of those log lines firing ?23:00
* thumper looks23:00
* thumper added -check.vv23:00
thumper[LOG] 0:15.878 WARNING juju.cmd.jujud.reboot Waiting for containers to shutdown: [lxd:juju-c0518c0b-97b5-47ab-8c1b-541906fb2c73-machine-0]23:01
thumperjuju-c0518c0b-97b5-47ab-8c1b-541906fb2c73-machine-0 | STOPPED |      |      | PERSISTENT | 0         |23:01
davecheneyhmm, lxc-ls is being *ahem* patched23:02
davecheneyyou should not see that23:02
thumperthis is lxd23:02
thumpernot lxc23:02
thumperlxc list23:02
davecheneywe'd that would explain it23:02
thumperwhy did it pass with your patch then?23:03
* thumper is confused23:03
davecheneyi don't know23:03
davecheneyi cannot get it to fail on my machine23:04
thumpergot any lxd containes?23:04
davecheneyi have to do this surgery via remote23:04
davecheneynope, don't have lxd installed23:04
thumperthat'll be why it is fine on your machine23:04
thumperbecause lxd isn't initialized23:04
davecheneythat's some great test isolation we have23:04
thumperfricken amazing23:04
* thumper heads to lunch23:05
davecheneycherylj: I don't have permission to close this bug https://github.com/juju/juju/issues/4705#issuecomment-19595665923:16
davecheneymay I please have that permission23:16

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