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Guest10594 | I just have a quick question about the media player dragon | 03:23 |
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PacoSmithereens | Anyone know why the KDE themes/desktop "get new" option gives a network error? | 05:33 |
PacoSmithereens | Get New Themes - > Network Error. (203) | 05:33 |
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egonsen | hi! when i watch a video in youtube (for example using firefox) | 08:34 |
egonsen | ops, hit enter accidently | 08:34 |
egonsen | let me try again: when i watch a video in youtube (for example using firefox), pause that video and start playing another video (in a second tab in firefox) or start playing a video in a video player, the sound appears some seconds after i started playing the second video. how can i get rid of that annoying sound delay? | 08:35 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 09:02 |
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hotman | hello how can i disable screen dim !? I uncheck everything in system settings>power management and still it dims in 10 minutes ! Found an answer to add widget "Battery monitor" and uncheck "power management" still didnt helped ! | 09:52 |
lordievader | Are you up to date? | 09:55 |
hotman | Yes i am always | 09:57 |
lordievader | hotman: Good ;) This is about a laptop on ac or on battery? | 09:59 |
lordievader | !pm | hotman | 10:00 |
ubottu | hotman: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 10:00 |
lordievader | Hmm, a desktop with a dimmable screen. You don't see that often. | 10:00 |
lordievader | Are you running backports by any chance? | 10:01 |
hotman | Its a PC ! (Sorry i dont know how to answer with highlighted msg | 10:01 |
sveri | Hi, I am setting my keyboard layout to de - neo. It seems to work almost everywhere except in IntelliJ. I can type in the editor with neo, but all the shortcuts are still in germn. Any ideas what is going on there? | 10:02 |
lordievader | hotman: Just type someones nick in front of the message ;) | 10:02 |
hotman | System is 14.04 but i use ghoste desktop theme i guess its backport from 15.04 (also breeze icons) | 10:03 |
PacoSmithereens | Is there a simple fix to the network error I get when trying to add themes? | 10:03 |
hotman | lordievader: ok thanks for the tip | 10:03 |
PacoSmithereens | I have googled this; there's much discussion but I can't really find a fix. | 10:03 |
lordievader | hotman: I'd add backports. Default 14.04 kde is ancient. Backports 14.04 kde is less ancient. | 10:04 |
hotman | lordievader: ok i guess im not shure what are those "backports" and how can i add them !? | 10:06 |
lordievader | hotman: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports | 10:07 |
hotman | lordievader: is there a way to add them all from terminal ? | 10:08 |
saidinesh5 | hi guys.. i have a lenovo ideapad, with nvidia cards and the binary blobs installed. after i switched to the intel card using prime-select intel, my brightness control stopped working. any work around? | 10:08 |
lordievader | hotman: Add them all? There is just one ppa to add ;) | 10:08 |
lordievader | hotman: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports | 10:08 |
hotman | lordievader: OK got it ! And one more thing its 100% safe to backport all that stuff ? | 10:10 |
lordievader | hotman: What stuff? | 10:10 |
lordievader | Kde? | 10:10 |
lordievader | Yes, the usual recommendation is to add the backports ;) | 10:10 |
hotman | lordievader: Backport = update of packages in 14.04 from system 15.04-15.10 ? Is it correct ? | 10:11 |
lordievader | hotman: No. Backports is backporting later releases of kde to 14.04. In this case only Plasma4 releases. | 10:12 |
hotman | lordievader: ok thank you for that going to try and let you know if it helped ! Is there any other usefull ppa to add ?=) | 10:14 |
lordievader | hotman: That is usually the only one I add on Kubuntu machines. | 10:16 |
hotman | lordievader: ok i add that ppa> sudo apt-get update > sudo apt-get upgrade > and there it didnt showed me that i need to upgrade something !? | 10:17 |
lordievader | Did you already have the backports enabled before? | 10:22 |
hotman | lordievader: i guess not otherwise it would not let me add that ppa | 10:25 |
hotman | lordievader: i checked aplication "kate" and its outdated version (lower than in that list) | 10:26 |
lordievader | hotman: Could you pastebin your 'sudo apt-get update' output? | 10:29 |
hotman | lordievader: Ign http://ua.archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease | 10:30 |
hotman | Hit http://ua.archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates InRelease | 10:30 |
hotman | Hit http://ua.archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports InRelease | 10:30 |
hotman | Hit http://ua.archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release.gpg | 10:30 |
hotman | Hit http://ua.archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main Sources | 10:30 |
hotman | lordievader: im using fish as my shell could it be an issue ? | 10:34 |
hotman | lordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15371597/ | 10:37 |
lordievader | What was the output of the apt-add-repository output? | 10:45 |
hotman | lordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15371648/ | 10:46 |
hotman | lordievader: ok i see that i miss folder "sources.list.d" i "MV" it played with source list.... Going to mv it back i forgot to do it ! | 10:49 |
lordievader | That is why it wasn't added ;) | 10:50 |
hotman | lordievader: Huge thanks !! http://paste.ubuntu.com/15371690/ now i get big list to upgrade ! Once again im going to brake system with this upgrade or not !? ;) | 10:53 |
hotman | lordievader: now i use command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and i get output that system settings are kept back and i guess thats the main thing i need to upgrade ? | 11:02 |
hotman | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15371741/ | 11:02 |
lordievader | Did you use apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade? | 11:06 |
hotman | i use command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:07 |
lordievader | Ah, then run that a few times until nothing is left. | 11:10 |
hotman | well now only "system settings" are left and dist-upgrade nor upgrade not helping not get it !? | 11:16 |
hotman | lordievader: maybe reboot ? | 11:16 |
lordievader | hotman: Wouldn't hurt. | 11:17 |
hotman | lordievader: back in a few | 11:17 |
hotman | lordievader: even tried to do it from recovery not helping ! Any ideas ? | 11:21 |
lordievader | hotman: Tried to do what? | 11:22 |
hotman | lordievader: to upgrade "system settings" they are kept back and i cant upgrade them | 11:23 |
hotman | lordievader: well after upgrading all those backports i guess a lot is broken !))) I can drag windows or close them my keyboard is not responding for shortcuts (such as ctr+alt+t) when im in any window ! | 11:48 |
hotman | lordievader: i purge system settings and install it again didnt helped !? | 11:49 |
lordievader | hotman: Oh, wow. That's bad. | 11:54 |
lordievader | Erm, so lets start with the systemsettings. Is it still held back? | 11:55 |
hotman | i did sudo apt-get purge systemsettings > sudo apt-get install systemsettings ! (from recovery mode) | 11:56 |
hotman | and now they are up to date | 11:56 |
lordievader | Everything else too? | 11:56 |
hotman | yes | 11:56 |
lordievader | Okay, that is good. | 11:56 |
lordievader | You can still boot normally? | 11:57 |
hotman | yes i boot normaly but when i open for example this chat or firefox or any other program i cant drug them no buttons to close minimise and keyboard is not responding dont see panel on the bottom | 11:58 |
lordievader | Hmm, that sounds like plasma is not running properly. Or kwin is crashing... | 12:00 |
lordievader | Is 'kwin_x11 --replace' a thing in 14.04? | 12:00 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:01 |
hotman | is there a way to set default settings maybe it is my fault i played a lot with them ! But after upgrade something breake | 12:01 |
BluesKaj | hotman, which default settings? | 12:02 |
hotman | lordievader: in system settings set everything to defaults ?! | 12:02 |
lordievader | hotman: You could rename ~/.kde (or ~/.kde4), however it was called. | 12:03 |
hotman | lordievader: ok going to try that (but i have to close this chat to see other windows) | 12:04 |
hotman | lordievader: ok i renamed kde folder at first boot it still didnt helped but then i pressed defaults in every window of systemsettings and now everything is working !! | 12:21 |
lordievader | That is a very long sentence, but I like the last part ;) | 12:21 |
hotman | lordievader: now we will see if it really helped the main issue screen dim hope it did ! | 12:22 |
lordievader | Hope so. | 12:22 |
hotman | NO DIMING SUCCESS !! | 12:43 |
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zhouzhiwen2000 | rt | 13:58 |
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donFredman | good afternoon | 14:23 |
donFredman | I just try Kubuntu | 14:24 |
donFredman | it seems like a quite good system. I like it | 14:25 |
donFredman | OK..... friends see you later | 14:26 |
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tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: Added sync bot | 15:35 |
lordievader | A telegram bot? | 15:43 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: yes | 15:43 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: this is the join group link: https://telegram.me/joinchat/BwCsyggaGq1Bt13ltuypkQ | 15:43 |
tgBot | Olivier van der Toorn was added by: Olivier van der Toorn | 15:44 |
tgBot | <Olivier van der Toorn>: o/ | 15:44 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: welcome Oliver | 15:45 |
lordievader | Would I see these messages too? | 15:45 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: Oliver please set your telegram username | 15:46 |
lordievader | Hehe kdeconnect notifications of my own chat messages XD | 15:46 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: if you want it can be the same as IRC | 15:46 |
tgBot | <lordievader>: This should be better... | 15:47 |
lordievader | :) | 15:47 |
hydrogen | Is there a way to make the alt-tab window preview be hoirizontal instead of vertical? | 17:00 |
hydrogen | It's kind of fustrating to need to not use the full screen real estate | 17:00 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: System settings -> window management -> Task switcher | 17:01 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: from there you can switch the type of task switcher to use, and customise some things | 17:02 |
hydrogen | thanks! | 17:04 |
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Hydrogen | Hi friends... So I updated to qt5.5 via a ppa, and now kwin doesn't start | 18:04 |
Hydrogen | I get the kdm login and it starts logging in | 18:04 |
Hydrogen | the the screen goes black | 18:04 |
Hydrogen | looks like segfaults in libxcb | 18:07 |
Hydrogen | nothing a little downgrade can't fix.. though I'd love to know why kwin is affected by a qt5 upgrade! | 18:17 |
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tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: kdm? | 18:50 |
tgBot | <ovidiuflorin>: Kubuntu doesn't use kdm for quite some time | 18:51 |
BluesKaj | sddm since 15.04 | 18:54 |
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Zren | How would one go about automounting a slave drive? | 19:53 |
Zren | As I currently have to visit the drive in Dolphin to mount it. | 19:54 |
BluesKaj | Zren, system settings>removable devices | 19:57 |
Zren | Oh cool. That'll mount it to the same place right? | 19:59 |
Zren | /media/user/label | 20:00 |
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BluesKaj | Zren, you can set that in system settings>default applications>locations and enter the file paths there | 20:11 |
bajen | Hello everyone! Why should i choose Kubuntu rather than other distros? :) | 20:14 |
Dragonslicer | This is bizarre. Looks like someting broke copy/paste in every Qt program. Seems to be working fine in LibreOffice and Firefox. | 20:21 |
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floown | hello | 22:33 |
floown | I had a prob with my session, so I have try to create another user | 22:34 |
floown | but I don't found the extension to add my owncloud account in Korganiser | 22:34 |
floown | sorry, I have found DAV | 22:36 |
elias-jay | hello | 22:55 |
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tgBot | Valoriez was added by: Valoriez | 23:04 |
tgBot | <Valoriez>: I suggest making a few "owners" here -- can't recall what they call 'em | 23:05 |
tgBot | <athoneycutt>: admins? | 23:16 |
tgBot | <Valoriez>: Sure | 23:16 |
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