
liuxgI cannot get the tweakgeek project compiled https://code.launchpad.net/tweakgee in my SDK. It complains "fatal error: click.h: No such file or directory" error though I have install libclick-dev 0.4" for the armhf architecture03:36
danialbehzadihi. when I try to append a dict to a ListModel in qml, It says: "Unable to assign UCLabel to QString". How should I do this?17:27
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
DanChapmandanialbehzadi, sounds like you trying to append the actual Label component and not it's 'text' property value.19:14
danialbehzadiDanChapman: I want to show some text as Item in UbuntuListView. What is the best practice?19:16
danialbehzadiNow I wrote this and it's working, but I'm not satisfied with the output:19:17
danialbehzadiUbuntuListView {19:17
danialbehzadi                id: seriesList19:17
danialbehzadi                width: parent.width19:17
danialbehzadi                height: parent.height19:17
danialbehzadi                model: ListModel {19:17
danialbehzadi                    id: listModel19:17
danialbehzadi                }19:17
danialbehzadi                delegate: ListItem {19:17
danialbehzadi                    Text{19:17
danialbehzadi                        text: title19:17
DanChapmandanialbehzadi, you could do it something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15377116/19:27
danialbehzadiDanChapman: Nice, it looks so much better now19:33

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