
ali1234is there a reason why the firefox daily and aurora ppas for vivid are six weeks behind all the others?11:36
ali1234wrong channel, sorry11:39
dobeyali1234: yeah, vivid is end of life16:37
ali1234vivid is only 5 months old16:37
ali1234wait what letter are we on now?16:39
ogra_ali1234, non LTS only has 9 months support ... vivid was 15.04 ... we are at W until april 21st16:41
ali1234what's 16.04 called?16:42
ogra_xeanial xerus16:42
ali1234i thought it was W16:42
ali1234you know whwen you think it's wednesday but really it's thursday?16:45
ali1234well i think i lost six months somehow16:45
dobey15.10 is wily16:51
dobeyand wily support ends in july16:51
ali1234since i've got your attention, any idea how i can debug why indicator-messages is spamming authentication requests when the screen is locked?16:53
ali1234(on xubuntu)16:53
ali1234i gather it is related to SetXHasMessages in accounts service, and has previously been a problem with network logins, but i am not using a network login16:54
dobeyi have no idea16:59
ahayzenHi, i've noticed a few times on Ubuntu 15.04, after a long uptime/multiple suspend+resume cycles indicator-session-service climbs in memory, it is up to around 1GiB currently. Is this a known issue? can i debug it in anyway? From system monitor memory maps i can see it states there are multiple blocks with 64/128MiB of "private dirty"17:15
ahayzenon *Ubuntu 15.10 :-)17:23
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JanCahayzen: same for hud-service, unity-panel-service, etc. (lots of long-running programs/services suffer from it)18:21
JanCusually most of that will be swapped out to disk fortunately18:22
ahayzenJanC, hmmm but they are all fine ~100MiB (yeah i've seen hud-service grow once or twice) but this indicator-session-service seems to be a consistent issue18:22
JanCwhat memory statistic do you look at?18:23
ahayzenthe on shown as default in gnome-system-monitor18:23
ahayzen...maybe i should add some more of the columns...18:23
ahayzenhas basically the same value for Resident Memory18:24
JanCseems like that's RES (resident memory), in which case it's really a lot indeed18:24
ahayzenwhen i show the memory maps, sort them by 'private dirty' i can see a few at 128MiB and then a few at 64MiB18:25
JanCseems like it's Resident minus Shared18:26
JanCor Resident minus Shared plus X18:27
JanChud-service is 582 MiB for me...18:27
ahayzenJanC, this is what my system-monitor looks like https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMdGhaLW1zMEk0d2M/view18:29
sethjhey guys, I'm working on Unity Tweak Tool, and a lot of people are asking if it will be updated to include moving the launcher to the bottom (a lot of news sites have been running that story), however my understanding is that the patch that allows this has not been merged into trunk and now that the UI freeze has happened isn't likely to get merged. Does anyone know specifics about this?19:07
robert_ancellpitti, did you ever come up with a clever workaround for bug 1334597?20:25
ubot5bug 1334597 in click (Ubuntu) "Please support "any" architecture when building instead of hardcoding an arch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133459720:25
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