
=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix
=== ezri is now known as rw
NycticebuscoucanHello Guys, I'd like to use QGIS on my Aquaris 4.5, any chances it might work? alternatively a app in which i can load gpx files and maps + create and edit points would do the job i think. Anyone knows something about that topic?10:14
popeyNycticebuscoucan: I don't know of such an app on ubuntu11:10
Nycticebuscoucanok and running qgis on ubuntu touch does not seem feasible to you?11:11
popeyit would need to be ported11:18
popeyit looks like a desktop app11:19
Nycticebuscoucanok thank you11:36
Nycticebuscoucanperhaps i'll try to contact the developpers11:36
ogra_well, qgis might run in desktop mode :) (the UI side, the mapserver could always run i guess11:42
=== Mint is now known as simnol
simnolhello even...11:43
ogra_(you might be able to package the webclient and mapsterver into one app too )11:43
LamprophonyHello, I'm trying to empty my SD, saving some docs, through my Aquaris E4.5 but I can't see my phone into my computer. I'm wondering if someone can help me, thanks16:34
lotuspsychjeLamprophony: wich ubuntu version?16:56
lotuspsychjeLamprophony: weird, my bq shows right away as icon16:57
LamprophonyIn your own phone?16:57
lotuspsychjeLamprophony: no i mean on my ubuntu, bq mounts16:58
LamprophonyI'm usic a Mac connected to my phone16:59
lotuspsychjeLamprophony: ah, not sure howto mount on mac sorry16:59
LamprophonyBut I don't want to mount anything, I'm trying to see my SD docs on my computer17:00
dobeyor http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-nexus/general/mtp-mac-os-x-required-ics-gnex-t135591317:02
dobeyi don't know if even latest osx has mtp support by default yet. you probably need to find something that adds mtp support to enable doing so on a mac17:03
dobeyor you can use ubuntu in a VM perhaps17:03
dobeyanyway, the problem is that osx itself doesn't support MTP17:03
LamprophonyOk, thanks i'll try the MTP or if it's not I'll try to install Linux on my Mac17:04
peat-psuwitHave anyone experienced this?: When connecting to some bluetooth headset, the phone thinks there's a keyboard and won't show the OSK.17:09
homa hi my friends17:18
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Isotop7any other way of setting grid unit for convergence mode then creating upstart file?18:52
skelliamHi all, I see a mistake in the installation instructions -- what is appropriate action?  File a bug?20:53
skelliamSpecifically, here:  https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/20:54
skelliamwhere it mentions: "Install Ubuntu using your selected channel, in this case we use the devel channel:"20:54
skelliamThe very next line is using 'stable' and not 'devel':  $ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu --bootstrap20:54
skelliama couple lines lower again acts like it's using devel:  2015/02/16 09:50:12 Flashing version 1 from devel channel and server https://system-image.ubuntu.com to device mako20:55
dobeyskelliam: yes. file the 'report a bug on this site" link at the bottom of the page20:58
skelliamcopy that.  thanks.21:00
skelliamI'm using the ubuntu-device-flash command to flash a Nexus 4 -- it has been sitting here in the fastboot screen showing 'downloading...' for a solid 15 minutes -- normal?21:10
skelliam2016/03/13 16:57:17 Flashing version 28 from ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu channel and server https://system-image.ubuntu.com to device mako21:10
dobeynot normal for me; but i have 500 Mbps connection21:15
skelliamThe download of the image itself is already completed and cached; I'm just wondering about how long it will take to flash the device itself...?21:16
dobeyoh, the image should copy over pretty fast after it's downloaded, and the device should reboot21:24
skelliamThanks @dobey.  Hm.  Maybe I'll try a different USB cable.21:25
skelliamoh, I just tried the command as root, and now is in recovery and things are happening21:26
skelliambooting now, cool.21:27
dobeyoh if you had to run it as root, something is misconfigured21:30
dobeyanyway, glad you got it working21:30
skelliamyeah I ran ubuntu-device-flash command as sudo --21:32
skelliamand now:  2016/03/13 17:27:02 Rebooting into recovery to flash21:32
skelliamThe screen on the N4 says "Rebooting..." --> and asking me if I want to fix root (root access possibly lost).  I just told it yes and --21:33
skelliamubuntu is booting.21:33

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