
mappshi :D05:09
mappsnoone around too early;]05:19
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:24
amunizpGood morning10:34
brobostigonmorning amunizp10:35
amunizpyou wouldn't know about luks encryption brobostigon ?10:36
brobostigonno, sorry.10:37
awilkinsRecommends for cheap US VPS ($1 a month type cheap) - only need basic box with 128MB RAM?13:26
* penguin42 doesn't know anything that cheap13:51
* penguin42 was going to ask for recommendations for domain registrars (.org)13:52
foobarryawilkins: lowendbox.com ?20:06
diddledanaah he's back? awilkins, I found scaleway the other day - their low-end cost for a dedi arm box is about €2.99 IIRC20:07
diddledanoh that's their VPS20:08
diddledantheir dedi arm boxes are €11.9920:08
diddledanthe 2.99/mo VPS is 2core 2GB RAM and 50GB SSD20:08
diddledanthat's x86_64-based rather than ARM20:09
foobarrywhy are some films on google play not for tental? e.g. interstellar20:12
foobarrybuy only.20:12
diddledanfoobarry, because the hollywood studio licensing deals are poo20:13
* penguin42 expects it's something like more recent/more successful ones20:15
foobarrydoes ebay do 2FA? an't find it20:35
diddledanI've got my GMail 2fa'd now, I need to get more accounts set-up to use it20:44
daftykinsmmm i use that on my personal one, my new google apps one and my microsoft account21:11
daftykinsif i log into my MS account the app on my phone comes up with the request ID and i can either approve or deny21:11
* brobostigon has three yubikeys for such aplications.22:53
n1md4hi.  i used ecryptfs on my home directory, but have misplaced what it was or how to retrieve it.  Ideally I'd like to change it to something I will remember.23:02
n1md4Any advice would be apprecitaed23:02
diddledann1md4, login and run ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase23:03
diddledanI think that's the right command23:03
n1md4ah ha!  that's the passphrase then23:04
diddledanor, just login and marvel at the files being accessible23:04
n1md4so, if i wanted to mount that drive, for disaster recovery, it's that phrase that I need, right?23:05
n1md4Oh, I'm logged in now, it's beautiful :)23:05
n1md4Thanks.  So, is it easy to change? Or can I use the password (that is my login) to mount the drive23:05
diddledanthe passphrase is encrypted using symmetric encryption based on your user-account. so you should only ever need the passphrase for that recovery scenario you mention where you can't use your normal login23:07
n1md4OK so note it somewhere and keep it safe!  got it.  thanks.23:07
diddledannormally the mounting is done via PAM when you sign-in, IIRC. so if your user account goes byebye then you need to use the recovery passphrase to access the files.23:08

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