
jrwrennot just arm, but armv6 hf. if you ignore rpi, its a super rare instruction set.00:25
jrwreni've never heard of flash player arm00:25
brouschToday at GRDevDay there were 2 people from Detroit looking for a Python user group01:47
jrwrenhuh, interesting. I wonder if they ever went to michipug02:23
cmaloneyfuck dst13:42
rick_h__morning and such15:06
jrwrenf-dst 4 sure17:17
jrwrencmaloney: http://annarbor.craigslist.org/sys/5488248648.html18:15
cmaloneyjrwren: Nice, but I already have two of them. :)18:44
cmaloneyI think we only have one 157118:44
cmaloneyHonestly the 128 is an impressive machine18:45
cmaloneyI don't think it got nearly as much attention as it should have18:45
cmaloneyit's three machines18:45
jrwrenit was terrible compared to amiga though. I guess it was 1/5 the price, and that makes it awesome.19:57
mrgoodcati forgot who plays go here aside from cmaloney and brousch but did any of you watch the alphago-lee sedol games?22:05
cmaloneyI stayed up for the first one, but only managed to make it half-way through22:41
cmaloneyhaven't watched the rest22:41
cmaloneymrgoodcat: ^^22:41

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