=== JanC_ is now known as JanC [21:44] tjaalton: when you're around, can you let me know how i should file a bug for x-staging? [21:44] and btw i asked in #radeon if anybody else noticed the red text issue [21:45] 17:15 furkan: sounds like a possible bug with the core profile support [21:47] i've never had any luck building xorg myself though... i've always had issues with dependencies and some multiarch stuff, but if you have any tips that will make it easy i could rebuild and test without the core profile support [22:25] Is there a reasonably safe way to test the new vulkan drivers on 14.04 ? [22:25] I'm looking at https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/ubuntu/vulkan [22:26] but it states "maybe in the future".