
k1l_ouroumov: didnt experience that00:00
vdevnullk1l_ Sorry i'm new to ubuntu, I've fresh installation. Now if i have dir i own. What group it's belong to? My username or what exactly00:03
vdevnulllike user:group group would be my name too?00:03
k1l_vdevnull: every user has a group of its own name, too.00:04
k1l_vdevnull: but if you put your user into the www-data group, then relogin, then you can make changes to the /var/www/ folders00:05
vdevnullk1l_ That was my bad. i wanted to start some stuff. and i've added www-data to /var/www but i just replaced it now..00:06
vdevnullI had too much permission problems stuff00:06
vdevnullseems solved when i've added my user00:06
vdevnullk1l_ Thanks for helping <3.00:09
vdevnull!cookie k1l_00:09
vdevnullk1l_ !cookie00:09
k1l_thx :)00:10
ouroumovk1l_: http://pastebin.com/Vi75bisi00:11
k1l_ouroumov: the issue is, that with a relogin it would actually work properly (you dont relogin there since the old user session is still running in background). newgrp handles that00:14
ouroumovOh, indeed it works. Thanks k1l_. There must be some underlying mechanism I didn't know about.00:17
k1l_ouroumov: yeah, its not that intuitive. there is a lot of historical design failures :)00:18
ouroumovOh, and it even kept the correct owner after I edited the file, neat.00:19
bray90820How would I ln the contents of a directory00:37
pat_what do you mean the contents?00:40
omglolbahRunning 14.04 I upgraded samba (was part of the usual lump of stuff to apt-get upgrade) and after the upgrade the samba performance from my win7 machine has slowed to a crawl00:52
omglolbah5+ second to open a directory, unable to even stream small media-files from the share. I have dug around for solutions but found none, any tips on how to figureo ut what is wrong?00:53
RainMan28Does anyone know why the included certificates in /etc/ssl/certs would be different in the same version of Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS? Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.pem is on one install and not included in another one, only a few weeks apart.01:05
ddddoes ubuntu have support for quad cpu motherboards01:06
k1l_ddd: if the kernel supports it01:07
bekksddd: "Yes".01:12
bekksddd: Unless you are using an outdated non-SMP kernel, the answer is "yes".01:12
metrixxwhat is the command to list available packages from a specific repository?01:17
Miageneral questin (feel free to direct me to any other channel, #linux seems to be invite only) --- what desktop environment is the most macos-like ?01:23
subz3r0no1 cares about crapos01:24
bekksMia: By default, none is - but you can customize all of them.01:24
bekkssubz3r0: noone cares about pointless comments as well.01:24
Miabekks, I've tried gnome and unity so far, they're not as customisable as I thought they'd be01:24
subz3r0bekks: ohh :(01:25
lapyohow about xfce, openbox?01:25
=== meth is now known as intmeth
bekksMia: The main question is what you want to achieve actually.01:25
lapyounity is the worst option ever01:25
squintyMia, ##linux01:25
bekksMia: "look-a-like"?01:25
Miabekks, a minimal os01:25
Miawell not a look alike, I'm not looking for a classical max-os lookalike with dash and such01:25
lapyopuppy linux maybe?01:25
bekksMia: a minimal os has no desktop env, but a CLI only ;)01:25
MiaI just like minimal interfaces with as less things as possible01:25
Miaunity is close to it but I don2t like the whole launcher idea01:26
lapyothere's a OS X style ubuntu-based distro tho01:26
Miait feels like a toy and I can't customize hotw it looks (decorations, mainly)01:26
Miabekks, well aesthetically, minimal :) not functionally01:26
amateurwell, you could check Elementary01:27
lapyoor any twm01:27
lapyognome sucks ass01:27
bekksMia: maybe you should get familiar with the idea that a look-a-like isnt targetting, but the usability of a desktop environment is vital.01:27
lapyomate might be a good option01:27
dddmate uses gnome201:27
MiaI agree bekks but aesthetic decisions should be made by the user, at leat01:27
Miafor instance the main thing that kille me with unity interface is the secondary outline that occurs when you click at the launcher01:28
Miaaroudn the search box (not sure if it's called that)01:28
Miaand it's not centered it's killing my ocd01:28
bekksMia: yeah, but aesthetics arent compared to usability.01:28
Miain a way they do01:28
amateurdo you know about unity tweak tool?01:28
bekksMia: I dont care how an icon looks like, if it does what it should do.01:28
amateurit lets you do lots of nice things01:29
Miai disagree, as a designer. the way something "looks" communicates01:29
k1l_Mia: look at xubuntu which uses the xfce desktop. you can install it with xubuntu-desktop package01:29
Miaand it's vitally important01:29
Miak1l_, thanks, will check!01:29
bekksMia: As a user, on various platforms, I strongly disagree that look > function.01:30
Miait's not bigger than01:30
Miait's a part of the function01:30
bekksNope, it isnt, entirely.01:30
lapyoI'd say xfce01:30
Miainterface reveals functioni they can't do without each other01:30
ddduse terminal01:30
Miahaha :D01:30
lapyounity must be the worst option out there01:30
amateurbut the design of a product is very much related to it's usability01:31
Mialapyo, in terms of what01:31
lapyocli > everything else tho ":D"01:31
bekksAs long as that shiny welp icon starts my filemanager, and I do know that "welp" will do that, I dont care about it.01:31
amateurand I agree, most linux distros don't look that well01:31
Miaamateur, I completely agree, at least, ideally that's how it should be01:31
dddkde is best looking de01:31
mrlemkexfce is excellent if you are interested in a minimal interface. it's what i prefer to use if i'm not using gnome3/unity (which is pretty minimal imo).01:31
lapyoMia: botnet, buggy, ugly, unstable, it requires way too much RAM/processing power01:31
Miaamateur, well it's not about the looks, it's about the decisions. Sometimes decorations are too much, it feels like "I like it this way" type of dsign making01:31
k1l_can we put the "but i think my desktop is the best in the world" talks to #ubuntu-offtopic ? thanks01:32
MiaI dont like "i like it this way" type of design, I like "this works" type of design01:32
Miak1l_, maybe a bit offtoic you're right -01:32
Miaanyway I'm shutting up, thanks!01:32
lapyobut 2bqh this isn't about "my desktop is the best" conversation01:32
Louis11Upgrading from 14.04 -> 15.10. Things seemed to be going well, but now I am on what appears to be a terminal screen that just says "* Starting Bridge file events into upstar   [OK]"01:39
Louis11and that's it... Been this way for abou 5-10min. Normal for an upgrade process?01:39
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
bekksLouis11: Did you upgrade 14.04 -> 14.10 -> 15.04 -> 15.10, facing the fact that 14.10 and 15.04 are EOL already?01:39
Louis11bekks: I did not...01:40
Louis11presumably this is bad... ugh.01:40
Louis11Well, I just upgraded to w/e my software center told me to01:40
bekksLouis11: Then you are going an unsupported upgrade path.01:40
bekksLouis11: the software center did not tell you that :P01:40
Louis11I might have my verions wrong01:41
Louis11But I went through the software center01:41
Louis11I figured it was the most fail proof way01:41
bekksLouis11: So which version did you have, and which version you are upgrading to?01:41
deshii am having a problem with some tcl stuff whenever i apt get tclx8.4 it also grabs tcl8.6 which is causing problems with my irc eggdrop is there a way to not have apt install the tcl8.6 package?01:41
dddapt-get dist-upgrade01:41
Louis11I believe 14.0401:41
bekksddd: that will not update releases.01:41
Louis11Whatever software center said was new is what I'm upgrading to01:42
Louis11(i can't get into ubuntu to check...)01:42
Louis11I guess the question now is, should I wait it out, or is it OK to try and force a reboot?01:42
Louis11I think it was just about at the "reboot" step...01:43
bekksLouis11: the main question now is, do you have a 15.10 install medium for reinstalling?01:43
Louis11I mean, I can make a usb, that's not a big deal01:43
Louis11I had a ZFS setup, is there anyway to preserve that if I do a clean install?01:43
bekksLouis11: thats the fastest way to get a usable system.01:43
bekkszfs as well, ouch.01:43
Louis11(not on my main drives, I'm installing to a separate ssd)01:43
Louis11yea it's not that important, I have backups for everything01:44
cooltyHi, I was wondering if someone could help me write a bash script or profile script that would automatically take an input from xinput --list and then run xinput map-to-output [ID] CRT1 based on the name of the input. since the ID changes with every reboot?01:44
cooltybut the name stays the same01:44
Louis11so what's the latest version of Ubuntu? 15.10?01:44
bekksLouis11: current versions are 14.04 LTS and 15.1001:45
Louis11Yea, I think I had 14.0401:45
Louis11I just rebooted the machine... it was obviously frozen. Looks like it's maybe booting up...01:45
bekksLouis11: there is no direct upgrade path to 15.10 then.01:45
Louis11Out of curiosity, why is that?01:46
bekksbecause those updates arent supported. Either you upgrade LTS to LTS, or you upgrade every release in between.01:47
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Louis11Yea, I might have my verions incorrect... I know I had 14 something, but can't remember. I thought I had an LTS version01:47
Louis11oh well, i'll see if I can boot up, otherwise i'll just try a fresh install01:48
bekksLouis11: then you could upgrade to 14.10 only, which is EOL.01:48
Louis11Ah, I must be incorrect about which version I had...01:48
Louis11Er, looks like bootup is waiting for network interfaces. "A start job is running for LSB: Raise network interfaces" at 5min now... anyway to force it to continue?01:50
Miais it possible/logical to install unity8 on 15.1001:50
Louis11nvm... timedout...01:50
Louis11looks like it booted into Ubuntu 15.1001:51
amateurMia: http://news.softpedia.com/news/how-to-install-unity-8-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts-and-ubuntu-15-10-496949.shtml01:51
Miaoh neat, amateur !01:52
Miadoes this have any risk involved ?01:52
Mialike breaking up the current system and such01:52
amateurhaven't tried it, but yes that's always possible01:52
xanguaMia: you were told several times it's a preview, it's in alpha stage01:53
Miaxangua, I was asking about 16.04 before01:53
Mianow I just want to install unity8 on 15.10 -- if it's possible to do it for testing without risking the current system01:54
Miaas an alternative to the current ui/shell/whatever01:54
amateurconsidering how stable the stable unity is, i really wouldn't go wiht the unstable version01:54
Miaokay thanks01:54
amateurit should come out in a month though01:55
amateurnot sure01:56
amateurmaybe they won't release it with 16.0401:56
energizerI screwed up making a simple crontab entry and now crontab is using 6% of my CPU and I dont know how to fix it ahh02:02
energizerI added to crontab -e "0 6 * * * pkill caffeine && caffeine && notify-send "Killed caffeine""02:04
energizerBut now when I look in crontab -e there is nothing there02:04
lapyowhy would you use "&&"02:04
k1l_Mia: unity8 is not daily use ready on desktop. its used on phone and tablets so far and 16.05 will still use unity7 and xorg02:04
k1l_lapyo: because it makes sense02:05
energizerlapyo: I thought that's what you do if you want to execute subsequent commands onyl after succesful execution of prior commands02:05
k1l_lapyo: && only runs if the previews command doesnt bring an error02:05
lapyo";" would be better imho, also another script for another command perhaps02:05
Miahmm I see02:05
Miaokay thanks k1l_02:05
k1l_lapyo: no, its not. if its not killed it doesnt make sense to start again02:05
energizerAnyway, now i dont see anything in crontab -e, but crontab process is using hella CPU02:06
k1l_Mia: see this for testing unity8 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC02:06
lapyok1l_: well that's true, but imo using ";" with crontab would make more sense, since it's automatic02:06
dejavou42I have a static IP set in the gnome network-manager, about once every 8 hours, I find that my box has changed IP addresses on the network. I have managed to find entries in syslog when this happens, but I can't figure out why this is happening02:09
dejavou42ip addr02:11
dejavou42sorry wrong window02:11
k1l_dejavou42: because its using dhcp to get the ip02:11
dejavou42yes, I can see that the ubuntu box is requesting a dhcp address, but that doesn't make since when a static address is assigned in gnome network-manager02:12
energizerk1l_: dejavou42: correct me if im wrong, but i think in this situation you might have to set the router to give that computer a static ip too?02:12
dejavou42no. the computer has no reserved ip in the router02:13
dejavou42energizer: the static ip is assigned on the computer side, in gnome network-manager02:15
hhhhubuntu fr02:15
energizerdejavou42: yeah i dunno man, but i think i tried that one time and ended up assigning it from the router side.02:16
beepbopboopbopI just got ubuntu, and am running 14.04. I am trying to connect using an ethernet cord, hut when I plug it in it tries to connect for a bit, then disconnects. Help?02:16
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beepbopboopbopIn the network manager too, the top option of ethernet network is grayed out if that matters02:17
zykotick9dejavou42: ^ reason 26 why i don't like avahi - fills logs with something no one uses, remove it - forget it...02:18
energizerbeepbopboopbop: one thing i always try is Edit connections > Edit > IPv4 Settings > Additional DNS servers, just put  in that box. its a google dns server. sometimes that sort of thing helps.02:19
beepbopboopbopEnergizer: I just tried that, it's still trying to reconnect and disconnecting over and over02:21
beepbopboopbopI know it's not a hardware problem02:22
dogarrheacan't get to the 3rd window02:22
zykotick9!fr | hhhh02:22
ubottuhhhh: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:22
dogarrheai have 3 terminal windows open alt + tab does not allow me to get to the 3rd terminal window i'm after02:22
dogarrheait just will not open.02:22
beepbopboopbopIs it possible to completely remove Ubuntu from my system, then reinstall it?02:23
dogarrheaon the desktop, clicking the terminal window icon brings up 3 windows, when i click the terminal i want, it is sent off screen and i can't interact with it02:23
zykotick9beepbopboopbop: just reinstall, no need to remove first...02:23
dogarrheanote this is in a VM on virtualbox.  not sure why it would make a difference02:24
beepbopboopbopI have windows installed as well, if it changes anything02:24
dogarrheajust don't install on the windows partition02:25
dogarrheawhy is ubuntu fcking with me02:25
dogarrheai see the terminal window. i click it. it goes away.02:25
dogarrheahrm. i resized virtualbox window now the terminal shows up02:27
Hulioi am able installing epson for linux02:30
Huliowohoooo i'm happy02:30
Bashing-ombeepbopboopbop: Are you connecting to the internet through a router ? can you 'ping' your router ?02:32
Huliono one even congrad to me at all02:32
raspberryanyone here?02:42
tewardis there a way to get an apt sources.list entry to only be for one arch, even when a system is configured for multiarch?02:42
raspberryare there any one can use gnuradio?02:42
Mwgriffinhey there02:43
raspberrywho can use gnuradio?02:43
Mwgriffini have a question for you folks02:43
teward!repeat | raspberry02:44
ubotturaspberry: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:44
Mwgriffini just installed Ubuntu 15.10 Sever edition02:44
tewardMwgriffin: what's your actual question?02:44
MneuroWhen I set a game to Borderless Fullscreen, the Unity launcher still shows over the game window.  Is there a way to fix this?  I never had this issue in Xubuntu02:45
MwgriffinAnd I've been met with an error regarding the following:02:46
MwgriffinA start job is running for LSB:02:47
MwgriffinRaise network interfaces02:47
Mwgriffin(1min 18s / no limit)02:47
MwgriffinI've never encountered that on an Ubuntu install before02:47
Mwgriffinand Have no clue how to proceed02:48
Mwgriffin@teward I don't know if that rings a bell at all for you02:48
Mwgriffin@teward or if you have any ideas on how to address that02:48
NBLQhow to install OPENsuse imagewriter on ubuntu please ?02:55
NBLQi find unetbootin highly unreliable02:55
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
tewardMwgriffin: it means that your system is attempting to autoconfigure a network connection but it isn't getting completed.  So either the configuration you've done on the /etc/network/interfaces is incorrect, or that network interface isn't connected to a network so it can't set itself up03:07
tewardMwgriffin: so depending on your /etc/network/interfaces configuration, it may be trying to bring up an interface before it's actually connected (and thus the interfaces file is misconfigured)03:07
tewardMwgriffin: i'm fairly familiar with the error because of instances of this evilness happening on my own fresh installs at times03:08
wafflejockis that the same as this http://askubuntu.com/questions/213614/waiting-for-network-configuration-problem03:08
wafflejockthink I've seen that on Ubuntu server edition before and maybe some of the old installs I was using for the non-PAE versions for some old laptop03:08
tewardwafflejock: yes and no - same cause, different messages and a few other things related to that.  Ultimately, though, having to check the interfaces file is important to determine the actual problem03:09
tewardwafflejock: because it may actually be connected, but not configured for the correct network settings (no DHCP on the network and it's trying DHCP, for example)03:10
wafflejockteward: yeah gotcha, always a few parts that can lead to lack of network connection03:15
MwgriffinSo if I set it up originally to use the lan port on this Dell 910...03:17
MwgriffinAnd it isn't connected to the network at the moment03:17
tewardMwgriffin: then it will fail to configure03:17
Mwgriffinit will prevent the system from booting03:17
tewardMwgriffin: correct, because it can't finish configuring the connection.  'auto interfacename' would be 'allow-hotplug interfacename' instead, replacing interfacename accordingly03:18
Mwgriffincause I initially experienced this issue when I was directly plugged into the network03:18
tewardMwgriffin: unless it's *constantly* connected to a network that will always configure correctly, it may need to be 'allow-hotplug' in /etc/network/interfaces03:18
tewardI use the same settings on my VMs, even if the hypervisor is always able to negotiate the connections :p03:19
Mwgriffinso does that dynamically configure the network connection?03:19
tewardMwgriffin: no03:19
ubuntu100quick question -- in synaptics package manager, it shows all the packages installed, but when using apt --installed list,  not all of the packages are shown03:19
ubuntu100does anyone know why this may be03:19
tewardMwgriffin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15369691/ is from one of my machines running 14.04 - same concept though under 15.10 - first line denotes whether to autoconfigure on boot the connection automatically, etc.  Second line states to use DHCP in the configuration03:21
tewardstatic would mean i have to define all the stuff in the configuration there as well, but you have to also keep in mind that i use allow-hotplug to 'not require' that interface to be configured to boot up03:21
wafflejockubuntu100: not sure what synaptic uses on the backend believe apt-get is just connecting to the repos for you and using dpkg for doing the actual install of the .deb files it downloads but not sure if synaptic package manager does the same03:27
wafflejockubuntu100: if it's still using dpkg believe you can use dpkg -L to list the packages then grep for installed03:28
wafflejocksorry lower case -l03:28
wafflejockupper case is  if you want to target a package and list the files it installs03:28
wafflejockubuntu100: eh slightly wrong again this has correct details http://askubuntu.com/questions/17823/how-to-list-all-installed-packages03:30
ubuntu100yeah, dpkg -l works but for some reason I am only getting some of the installed pacakges, not all of them. In alphabetical order it shows all packages from around letter m to z, but nothing before that. Maybe it is a terminal preferences problem?, im not really sure..03:30
wafflejockubuntu100: are you not able to scroll back further?03:30
wafflejockubuntu100: maybe send the output to a file03:30
wafflejockor use less03:30
ubuntu100thats a good idea, i will try that03:30
ubuntu100do you know how that would be done?03:30
wafflejocklike dpkg -l | less, or dpkg -l > somefile.txt03:30
craigAspire V10, shipped with windows 10. I've installed 14.04 from usb. Can't escape win boot loader, and also cannot boot into live usb "try ubuntu". Can anyone help ?03:32
wafflejockcraig: so you had win10 on it then installed ubuntu from USB but can't boot from that same USB anymore?03:32
craigwhen i try to "try ubuntu" from liveusb, it errors out to an initframs prompt03:32
ubuntu100awesome! sending the dpkg -l results to a textfile showed all tha packages, I think it is just an issue regarding a limit on lines in terminal03:32
wafflejockno prob03:33
craigwafflejock: When i first put the ubuntu boot usb in, it boots to a grub menu. My first move was to directly go to install ubuntu (instead of booting liveusb) this worked without a hitch, but I cannot get grub when I boot.03:33
wafflejockcraig: hmm yeah I'm not really up on how the UEFI part works with regard to booting and I imagine that might be important here, if you can pastebin the exact error you get when you try to boot the USB right now that may help someone else point you in the right direction03:34
craigwafflejock: then i read a tutorial about going with live usb boot, installing ubuntu from within live usb, and then installing efimanager from terminal - but I can't boot.03:35
wafflejockcraig: typically if I have grub issues I boot to a live USB though and just reinstall or reconfigure grub03:35
craigwafflejock: for sure, me too.. the uefi thing is new for me as well, well, relatively.03:35
craigi'll do a pastebin shortly03:35
meteoris anyone here?03:37
craigactually, that would be an ordeal. different system than i'm using atm.. error says: "(initframs) unable to find a medium containing a live file system"03:37
meteorhelp me03:37
cfhowlett!ask | meteor03:37
ubottumeteor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:37
craigi'm going to hope the usb is just corrupt and try another03:37
=== craig is now known as Craigwell
wafflejockCraigwell: k03:38
James_Epp>mfw it's the year of our lord, 2016 and Ubuntu still isn't shipping with Wayland. https://instant.io/#963905366b2e999ee9d1b514b76a554cfd4af68603:39
cfhowlettJames_Epp, commentary like this goes to #ubuntu-offtopic please.   This is the support channel.  Thank you.03:40
James_Eppcfhowlett: how do I install wayland?03:41
cfhowlettJames_Epp, top search results in duckduckgo: Intall + ubuntu + wayland03:41
guest666can someone help me with the installation of seamonkey?03:42
James_EppHi, cfhowlett. I went to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wayland but the link under the heading "Are Wayland packages available in the Ubuntu archive?" is broken. Any ideas?03:43
=== craig is now known as Craigwell
cfhowlettJames_Epp, there seems to be a wayland PPA for 14.0403:43
Craigwellyeah, it's definitely a uefi thing. the usb install / media is fine. tried it on another system03:43
James_Eppcfhowlett: Will that work the same for the awesome WM?03:44
Craigwell14.04 boot usb in win10 uefi machine: boots to a grub menu, with options to 1) try ubuntu 2) oem install 3)install ubuntu 4) test drive03:44
Craigwellvery odd to me03:44
cfhowlettJames_Epp, no idea, sorry.  I have used neither wayland or awesome03:44
Craigwellin older machine with legacy bios, it's what you'd expect - boots to gui, with option to try or install03:45
James_EppCraiwell: I know a bit about UEFI. What's the story so far? Seems to be working fine from what I can tell.03:45
James_EppCraigwell, sorry -- typo.03:45
CraigwellJames_Epp: i installed, but cannot get grub to appear post install. stuck with windows boot loader03:46
James_EppCraigwell: Ahhh I think I know. What's the boot key for your motherboard? ESC? F12? F11? something else?03:46
CraigwellJames_Epp: Also cannot boot / "try ubuntu" from known good usb key03:46
CraigwellF12, and I did enable it. This is an Acer Aspire V12 machine. Shipped with win1003:46
James_EppCraigwell: How did you install? You booted to the USB key with the UEFI: prefix I assume, how did you format?03:47
CraigwellI do have the option to enable legacy in the bios, but then it cannot find either OS03:47
bray90820I have a small script here that looks for the oldest timestamp on a directory and removes it03:47
bray90820Is there a way i could have it exclude the folder CURRENT from the rm03:47
James_EppCraigwell: That's correct, because the ubuntu system was installed with UEFI too. So legacy won't help you. If you install ubuntu with UEFI, you need to boot it with UEFI, not legacy or 'CSM' boot.03:48
CraigwellJames_Epp: Yes - When booting from the key, I was presented with a grub menu, as opposed to the gui.. from that menu, I selected "Install ubuntu", where everything then went normally. I just chose install alongside and split the 1TB drive equally.03:48
James_EppAnd 99.9% of OEM systems (especially acer) are going to ship windows running under UEFI + GPT03:48
James_EppCraigwell: Perfect. So when you go the F12 boot key, do you not see an "ubuntu" option?03:49
CraigwellJames_Epp: Unfortunately not. Just Windows Boot Manager03:49
James_EppOkay, I think I know what happened. Are you booted into the Windows partition now?03:49
wafflejockbray90820: some options here on checking the "current directory" in a bash script not sure which is really appropriate for your case though http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59895/can-a-bash-script-tell-what-directory-its-stored-in03:50
CraigwellJames_Epp: I did see a tutorial that mentioned selecting "try ubuntu" first, installing from desktop icon - and then using terminal to install efimanager,  .... but live instance from usb wont work03:50
Craigwellit errors out and i'm stuck at a bash prompt, i think03:51
wafflejockbray90820: oh suppose you don't care about the script location but rather where it's ran huh?03:51
James_EppCraigwell: You should be able to do everything from within ubuntu's installation process. Give me a minute, I might even have a youtube video on this. Not even a tutorial, but you can see my steps.03:51
CraigwellJames_Epp: Yeah, once I realized I couldn't run a live instance without installing from usb, I hit a wall.03:52
wafflejockbray90820: still think pwd would tell you the current directory it's being run in so if you can get the absolute path for the thing you're checking in your script that could work03:52
bray90820wafflejock: Could I put this somewhere in the script?03:52
bray90820[[ $f != CURRENT ]] &&03:52
guest666where's a proper location to put a directory like "seamonkey/"?03:53
wafflejockbray90820: maybe that seems close at least but I don't do enough bash scripting to say definitively03:53
James_EppCraigwell: Huh, nvm. My idea kinda went nowhere. But here's a video of me doing a UEFI Windows + Ubuntu install. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrHpqYx5O7U&feature=youtu.be03:54
CraigwellThanks James_Epp I'll take a look03:54
bray90820wafflejock: Thanks for trying03:55
wafflejockbray90820: sure would like to get better with writing bash scripts at some point but just another thing to add to the pile of things to learn :)03:55
James_EppCraigwell: Also, secure boot may be your problem. See if you can disable it in the UEFI. Just for testing.03:56
bray90820wafflejock: Yea I should but other then this script I pretty much know everything i would ever use03:57
wafflejockbray90820: yeah usually I'll just jump to writing a little java app if I can't think of how to do something with a bash script quickly or can't find some samples to start from, been getting more into the devops type stuff though so helpful to be able to write little bash scripts for finishing up config on things that other systems like puppet or ansible or whatever will setup03:59
wafflejockbray90820: be careful with that script too sounds like what the Adobe update script did on OS X that screwed up that backup program04:01
wafflejockit was deleting the first folder in some directory without checking what it was cause it assumed it was the adobe file but was deleting the backblaze config file or if you didn't have that whatever was the first folder in that directory04:02
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
thenoobiestnoobwhy is it that on some laptops the integrated keyboard shows up in lsusb while in others it does not? I'm trying to debug an autosuspend issue.04:05
haasnThere's something odd about ubuntu 15.10 and encrypted root: Ubuntu places the encrypted partition into /etc/crypttab and update-initramfs copies the contents of that + keyscripts etc. into the initramfs. (This works fine.) After the initramfs has completed and during boot, systemd *also* tries reading /etc/crypttab - which is clearly a bug because the two assume different formats!04:07
haasnSince the initramfs is already mounting root (using its own format of /etc/crypttab), I assume the correct solution would be to get systemd to ignore /etc/crypttab altogether04:08
haasnIt just happens to accidentally work in the default configuration because that one is a no-op for systemd04:08
wafflejockthenoobiestnoob: just a guess but maybe sometimes they show up on the pci bus in lspci instead of through the USB controller?04:08
haasnbut as soon as you add, say, a custom keyscript + keyfile, systemd starts breaking (which can cause 1m30s boots as it times out on an invalid/nonsensical service)04:08
thenoobiestnoob@waffleock: nope. Not there either.04:10
=== craig is now known as Craigwell
CraigwellI figured it out.. very interesting.04:10
Craigwellhad to select the entry from within the bios04:10
James_EppCraigwell: Before you spill I have a guess04:10
James_EppOh, nvm.04:10
James_EppNot in the F12 boot menu?04:11
wafflejockCraigwell: ah cool glad to hear you got it sorted04:11
James_EppI was going to guess that ubuntu couldn't figure out where to install the "bootloader" because ubuntu organized it stupid last time I did it with manual partitioning.04:11
Craigwellthanks for sticking with me guys, it was luck i found it when i did, really04:11
wafflejockthenoobiestnoob: usually I use lshw for the general listings like lshw -c display or lshw -c cpu04:11
James_Eppanalogfreak: #dualboot04:11
Craigwellit's a provision in security of this bios, you have to manually select what the system will boot from, and then it will work04:11
James_EppCraigwell: Love me some UEFI security04:12
CraigwellIt's interesting.. but not overly useful, I'm thinking.04:12
thenoobiestnoob@wafflejock I'm looking through lshw output right now. Hopefully I'll find something.04:13
CraigwellWith that I'll go back to Devils and Kings. Go Devils!04:14
James_EppGo broncos!04:14
CraigwellThanks again guys04:14
James_Eppnp m8. take care04:14
thenoobiestnoobOkay... I didn't find anything. Is it possible to get the device attached to a driver if you know that the module is loaded?04:16
bray90820wafflejock: What happened with adobe04:16
wafflejockbray90820: https://www.backblaze.com/blog/adobe-creative-cloud-update-bug/04:16
wafflejockbray90820: guess they patched it when backblaze let them know their updater had screwed up backblaze customers cause they got a bunch of support calls04:17
cfhowlettJames_Epp, obviously off- topic.  you seem to be in the wrong channel.04:17
bray90820wafflejock: Yea I am not touching any system files so I should be good04:17
wafflejocksorry yeah will not talk about that here further the bash script just made me think of it04:17
James_Eppcfhowlett: What did I do?04:18
cfhowlettsorry, nevermind.  I was wrong, James_Epp04:18
cfhowlett*official apologize mode*04:18
James_Eppit's cool m804:18
wafflejockthenoobiestnoob: I know lspci -k is usually the way to go the other way where it shows hardware and what module is loaded for it but not sure about showing all the devices from a list of modules04:19
thenoobiestnoob@wafflejock Tried that, doesn't show the driver. The reason I was asking about the keyboard is because I figured it would be categorized like any other input device.04:20
thenoobiestnoob@wafflejock My real issue is with an integrated tablet.04:21
thenoobiestnoob@wafflejock for whatever reason, I think that it turns itself off when not in use. I theorize that it has something to do with autosuspend, but I can't find the device ID to blacklist.04:21
wafflejockhmm not sure so this is a tablet you installed Ubuntu on? what kind of tablet?04:23
thenoobiestnoobx201 laptop, swivel tablet04:23
thenoobiestnoobIt's a wacom device04:24
wafflejockah okay different kind of tablet from what I was thinking04:24
thenoobiestnoobuses a driver called wacom_w800104:24
ouroumovGuys, can someone using youtube-dl tell me if they manage to download stuff from twit.tv at the moment?04:28
James_Eppouroumov: I got youtube-dl on a windows machine. Give me a stream link04:29
wafflejockthenoobiestnoob: hmm well still not an answer but I found a program called "hardinfo" that gives a nice graphical breakdown of everything it might help04:30
ouroumovJames_Epp, https://twit.tv/shows/security-now/episodes/550?autostart=false04:30
James_Eppouroumov: Yup, downloading video 1 of 204:31
ouroumovWeird, so weird04:31
ouroumovI have a "sslv3 alert handshake failure"04:31
James_Eppouromov: Try doing the link with only http . Maybe that will work better if the server supports http04:32
ouroumovIt doesn't, it's HSTS04:32
ouroumov(I tried)04:32
thenoobiestnoob@wafflejock I found it in dmesg. But it has a weird directory attached to it that I don't understand:04:32
James_Eppouroumov: Ah, yes. I see. Well I don't know what to tell you. Want a magnet link to some downloads of it?04:33
ouroumovNo thanks James_Epp, I'll make do with the streaming player for now even if I don't like it.04:34
James_Eppouroumov: I'll get you one anyways. Won't take long for these downloads to complete.04:34
ouroumovI'm also post an issue on the github page and see if anyone else can reproduce04:34
Louis11Having a bit of trouble connecting my wireless card... Intel AC 7260. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=231704304:34
ouroumovJames_Epp, in that case I'm interested in episode 52304:34
Louis11I've got the output of the wireless script posted there... tried quite a few things, but nothing seems to work04:34
Louis11I was able to get it connected earlier today, but it was extremely flaky04:35
ouroumov(I gave you the link for 550. :x)04:35
James_Eppouroumov: Cool. Downloading. Will get you the link soonish.04:35
James_Eppouroumov: Magnet link : https://bpaste.net/show/b100e68fd0fa04:37
ouroumovJames_Epp, thanks mate.04:38
ouroumovDamn, first time I download a torrent in 5+ years04:40
James_EppI see you grabbing it. Unfortunately that's about my max upload speed. Hope you can live with that.04:40
ouroumovJames_Epp, no problem04:40
ouroumovJames_Epp, I think I'm capped by my download speed anyway.04:40
ouroumovIndeed, but it could suck more: I could be paying for this shitty internet connection. xD04:41
James_EppNot bad then. University internet or something?04:41
ouroumovClose: student housing04:42
Soullionxhello, what is the purpose of this channel? i'm very new to linux but i'm really liking how many options are here.04:42
boodllebatI just installed graphviz on ubuntu i want to know its classpath , is this possible ?04:42
ouroumovHello Soullionx, this is the main Support Channel for Ubuntu.04:43
Soullionxthat would have been nice to know a couple weeks ago...04:43
Soullionxnice to meet you!04:43
James_Eppouroumov: I see. So I take it you're not running any servers on your WAN IP, huh?04:44
ouroumovJames_Epp, nope. I'm renting a dedicated server @ ovh.com for 10€/month04:45
ouroumovThere's abount 200 residents on the LAN. ^^"04:45
Soullionxhey... i installed ubuntu on my other computer a few days ago alongside windows 8. now when i start my computer it offers windows but when selected it doesn't load windows and it attempts self diagnostics. on the other hand Ubuntu works smoothly!04:47
ouroumovSoullionx, you're seeing a windows self-diagnostic tool running?04:48
Soullionxyep, i repartitioned my self though... (using gparted)04:49
ouroumovSoullionx, and do you need stuff from windows atm?04:49
Soullionxnope. just my wife uses it sometimes. actually all my files are accesable from ubuntu.04:50
Soullionxwhy is it you're green? are you talking to me alone? it's been a very long time since i last used an IRC04:52
James_Eppouroumov: Well I got to go. I'll leave the seed running. See ya.04:52
ouroumovSoullion.x, I'm green when your nickname is in the stuff I'm saying.04:52
SoullionxOh! lol04:53
SoullionxThank you for the explanation!04:53
ouroumovSoullionx, you're welcome. There's a tool you can use to try and fix your boot problem that's called boot-repair. Although seeing what I'm reading now on slashdot about W10 installing automatically I'd recommend against fixing windows, ever.04:55
ouroumovSoullionx, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair04:56
Soullionxoh really?! and yeah, actually i already tried that lol.04:56
Soullionxthanks for the suggestion though. it was a good try! XD04:57
ouroumovSorry I couldn't be more helpful. Someone else may give it a try if you're patient though.04:57
Soullionxeh, theres lots of options that'll probably work if i choose to go that route. my wife said it doesn't really matter anyway. and no problem! thank you for trying!04:59
Soullionxcould you link me to what you were reading? sound interesting.04:59
ouroumovSoullionx, http://news.slashdot.org/story/16/03/12/1634229/windows-10-upgrade-reportedly-starting-automatically-on-windows-7-pcs05:00
Soullionxis there really any good reason to have windows anymore? i mean wine is running anything i need anyway. and there is a lot of good software on ubuntu by default and losts of software making ubuntu versions.05:03
ouroumovIf you're not a gamer and you're not cursed by needing to write .doc files for your work: no. No reason whatsoever.05:03
SoullionxSteam seems to be helping games move over to linux too lol05:04
=== ToneKnee_ is now known as ToneKnee
Soullionxi read that ubuntu is free of viruses. how safe is ubuntu?05:05
Soullionxdo i steal need virus software...?05:06
Ben64no, but don't install packages you find online and don't run any command someone tells you to without knowing what it does05:06
ouroumovWhat Ben64 said. There is linux-targetting malware, it's just less frequent because there's very little money in it.05:07
SoullionxSounds fairly obvious. i basically followed that rule anyway and pretty much never needed anti virus software, way too much money!05:09
ouroumovI don't use AV either, but my system is quite hardened only by using a web browser with an ad-blocker anyway.05:10
Soullionxgotta love ad blocker!05:15
wafflejockboodllebat: you can use which graphviz, to see where the binary is not sure if that's what you're asking though or not05:24
boodllebatwafflejock: yes solved it05:25
Hulioguys how to add path to environment?05:25
HulioYou may want to add android-studio/bin/ to your PATH environmental variable so that you can start Android Studio from any directory.05:25
Huliohow to do that?05:25
boodllebatwafflejock: i was looking for binary , i used find utility to find that binary05:25
ouroumovHulio, : command export PATH=$PATH:/android-studio/bin05:26
wafflejockboodllebat: ah gotcha yeah , "which" will search your path for matching binaries too05:26
ouroumovHulio, put it in your ~/.bashrc if you don't want to have to to that all the time05:26
wafflejockHulio: you typically want to add that to the bottom of your .bashrc and , source ~/.bashrc05:26
ouroumovHulio, : command export PATH=$PATH:/the/actual/path/to/the/folder/android-studio/bin05:26
Huliohow to know my current path in terminal?05:27
ouroumovcommand pwd05:27
wafflejockboodllebat: if it's in /usr/bin that may be a symbolic link too so usually want to ls -al /usr/bin/graphviz or whatever the name is to see where the symbolic link points to for the actual binary location05:28
zhxk82hello, how to wait for a random time with 5s;excute command in cli?05:28
Huliook i just modify the path in ~/.bashrc now how to refresh that batch?05:29
boodllebatwafflejock: oh , but i've executable there named /usr/bin/dot05:29
boodllebatwafflejock: and it worked for me05:29
wafflejockokay cool05:29
wafflejockHulio: just run, source ~/.bashrc, that will load the new env variable05:29
wafflejockHulio: can echo $PATH; to see the output05:30
zhxk82how to eg, sleep random time within 5s then excute ls?05:30
Huliosomething is wrong then:05:30
ouroumovzhongfu, sleep $RANDOM05:30
Huliothis is what i have: PATH=$PATH:/home/p/android-studio05:31
ouroumovzhongfu, expr mod 5 to cap to 5 seconds05:31
wafflejockHulio: you have "export" before that?05:31
rrr_Failed to restart network.service: Unit network.service failed to load: No such file or directory.05:31
wafflejockadd that think that's it05:31
rrr_sudo systemctl restart network.service05:31
Soullionxdoes this channel only deal with the main ubuntu or does it also cover MATE or Lubuntu?05:31
Huliois it include 'command export ?05:31
zhxk82ouroumov, how to sleep limited random time?05:31
Hulioor just export in front?05:32
ouroumovzhongfu, sleep $[$RANDOM % 5]05:32
wafflejockHulio: just export up front is how I have it not sure about "command"05:32
rrr_i don't know much about systemd. any idea?05:32
tessaris there any way to fix a blue flashing issue on skype?05:32
wafflejockHulio:  mine has export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin" # Add RVM to PATH for scripting05:32
Hulioit's good now05:32
Hulioi see the path in echo now05:32
wafflejockshould be good to run those binaries wherever in that path now05:33
=== jacob is now known as jacob91
Hulioonce more issue: No JDK found. Please validate either STUDIO_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation.05:33
Huliohow to install jdk?05:33
zhxk82ouroumov, how to get a random number with 5?05:33
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com05:33
wafflejockHulio: ah okay so we just updated your regular PATH to include some new path05:33
Huliohow to install JDK ?05:34
wafflejockHulio: this is asking for other environment variables to be configured though so instead of PATH you'd be setting JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME to the location of the jdk05:34
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.05:34
ouroumovzhongfu, $RANDOM takes random values each time it's evaluated.05:34
zhxk82ouroumov, yes, how to get a random number with 5?05:34
ouroumovzhongfu, the whole command you have to type if you want to sleep for a random time up to 5 seconds is "sleep $[$RANDOM % 6]"05:35
SoullionxI'll take that as a yes.05:35
wafflejockHulio: instructions here specific to just adding a JAVA_HOME as a system level environment variable http://askubuntu.com/questions/175514/how-to-set-java-home-for-java05:35
wafflejockHulio: typically you just adjust the PATH for your user if you need access to some new binaries wherever you are in the filesystem, JAVA_HOME is used by things like android studio for where to launch the JDK from so you can change which version it's pointing at with the environment variable05:36
Huliono idea what you're talking about05:36
wafflejockHulio: changing it as indicated in the link there is more typical for things that the system needs the path for though not just you as a user05:36
zhxk82ouroumov, thank you very much!05:36
ouroumovSoullionx, there are dedicated channels for other flavors: #ubuntu-mate, #lubuntu05:37
Hulioi wish you can remote in my pc05:37
wafflejockHulio: sorry I tend to ramble, what doesn't make sense05:37
wafflejockHulio: you need to set a different env variable from what we were just changing is the long story short... and there are places  to set environment variables system wide or per user05:37
Huliowhen i run 'studio.sh' it said: No JDK found. Please validate either STUDIO_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation.05:37
jacob91Where should i go to ask a question about vnc05:40
wafflejockHulio: right so you need to set, export JAVA_HOME, the link I had there is to update your /etc/environment05:40
Soullionxouroumov, i see. the other answer was misleading lol.05:40
Huliowafflejock, i am installing jdk now05:41
Huliosudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default android-studio05:41
wafflejockHulio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15370385/05:41
rrr_how to refresh dns cache?05:41
wafflejockthat's my /etc/environment05:41
wafflejockHulio: once you install just need to find the right location based on the version of the jdk/jvm you installed05:41
wafflejockthe installer might run through dpkg-reconfigure for you and set the environment variable but I forget if I set this one manually at some point or if it was automatic05:42
wafflejockrrr_: don't think you have to I've had to do that on OS X before but haven't seen problems with DNS being cached on Ubuntu what's the actual issue you're seeing?05:43
hmirHi guys! I05:44
Huliowafflejock, it's installing android studio now :)05:44
rrr_wafflejock: i updated a huge hosts. i want to refresh dns cache so it takes effect05:45
hmirI was wondering, has anyone tried symlinking the places.sqlite files from your firefox profile folder on to dropbox in ubuntu?05:45
wafflejockrrr_: you just have to wait for that to propagate to your ISPs DNS or whatever DNS you're using05:45
wafflejockrrr_: you can modify your hosts to have it be immediate for you but doesn't affect anyone else05:45
rrr_wafflejock: just for me05:46
wafflejockrrr_: for you you can modify your /etc/hosts to list the name then the IP for that specific domain05:46
jacob91Can somebody help me troubleshoot? If i boot my media pc with the TV off it will fail to load the screen when i turn on the tv. the machine responds to ping requests05:46
wafflejocker IP then domains rather05:46
rrr_wafflejock: i already did that. i copied from a huge hosts to block ads. is it effective immediately for me?05:47
wafflejockshould be yes05:47
wafflejockI make changes in there pretty frequently05:47
wafflejocknever have to logout or anything just effective immediately05:47
rrr_wafflejock: but the instruction says i have to run this "sudo systemctl restart network.service" or reboot. i don't want to reboot.05:48
wafflejockrrr_: ah okay so systemd related stuff?05:48
wafflejockI'm only using 14.04 everywhere so haven't gotten into that yet05:49
rrr_wafflejock: that systemctl command failed05:49
wafflejockare you on 14.04?05:49
wafflejockthink systemctl is for systemd and pretty sure 14.04 isn't using that yet05:49
rrr_i am on 15.0405:49
wafflejockfor me it's just updated right away... hmm k yeah can't really comment on that05:50
baizonrrr_: 15.04 is EOL05:51
baizon!eol | rrr_05:51
ubotturrr_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:51
rrr_yeah i am looking forward 16.04 next month05:52
jacob91Problem: X fails to load if the screen is turned off during boot. Can anybody give me a hint.05:54
wafflejockjacob91: could just be that a resolution is being selected for X that isn't right since there isn't a monitor to probe05:56
wafflejockjacob91: can you get to a terminal? Ctrl+Alt+F105:56
jacob91wafflejock, no05:56
jacob91wafflejock, a vnc connection fails too05:56
wafflejockjacob91: hmm strange so is this a computer you installed ubuntu on and then disconnected the monitor so you can use it as a server but still have the GUI for admin when you want it or remote development or whatever? just want to make sure I understand the scenario05:57
jacob91wafflejock, its a media center pc connected to my TV05:58
wafflejockgotcha so if the TV isn't on it doesn't boot properly05:59
jacob91wafflejock, correct, if the tv is outputting another source, ubuntu X wont load05:59
wafflejockjacob91: strange I've seen kinda similar stuff if I have my kvm switched to another machine the resolution will be messed up till I open the display settings then it fixes itself05:59
jacob91wafflejock, it will respond to ping requests though06:00
jacob91wafflejock, i'll try to lock my screen to a lower resolution maybe06:01
wafflejockx still comes up in my case though06:01
wafflejockyah maybe try fiddling with that not sure what else to do to diagnose the issue though06:01
wafflejockchecking dmesg or syslog and stuff I guess06:01
jacob91wafflejock, does the log stay if i reboot, or does it get overwritten each time?06:02
wafflejockjacob91: it typically gets rebuilt I believe... you can't vnc you said but did you try sshing into it?06:04
jacob91wafflejock, no, but i will do that06:05
wafflejockjacob91: here's the details on the logging system too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles imagine if it does rebuild that log each time can possibly configure it to do it with a timestamp or something so they get preserved06:06
=== devil is now known as Guest85788
jacob91wafflejock, thank you06:07
wafflejockjacob91: sure thing06:07
anurag1018the touchpad stops working whenever the laptop is resumed from suspended state06:13
ner0xAre there any GUI programs to help you search for files recursively? I'm probing my phone for family pictures/videos and they seem to hide them in multiple directories. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!06:16
wafflejockner0x: not sure about GUIs that are great for searching files on linux but usually the find command will do it for you06:16
anurag1018the touchpad stops working whenever the laptop is resumed from suspended state06:16
anurag1018please help06:17
wafflejockner0x: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5927369/recursively-look-for-files-with-a-specific-extension06:17
wafflejockner0x: I'm also a fan of the "locate" command, can run "sudo updatedb" then "locate *.mp4"06:18
wafflejock!details | anurag101806:19
ubottuanurag1018: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)06:19
wafflejockanurag1018: would be good to know, "lsb_release -a" what version of ubuntu in particular and "lsusb" or "lspci" output on pastebin to show the hardware device that stops working to search for specifics06:20
anurag1018wafflejock:whenever the laptop wakes up,i cant move the mouse nor click until i restart the computer06:21
ner0xwafflejock: Yeah, I would use the find command except I don't think I'm able to get to the directory because it's through mtp or some similar reason to that.06:21
anurag1018wafflejock:ubuntu 14.0406:22
wafflejockanurag1018: do you have a usb mouse around to test with would be good to just be 100% sure it's just the touchpad itself not responding (also keyboard still works fine?)06:22
ner0xwafflejock: If I can console cd into that directory I'd still have the problem of it listing all images without me being able to see them. IE: program images, backgrounds, etc. I think it would be easy if I could actually scroll through and view.06:23
anurag1018wafflejock:yes when i connect the usb mouse,it works but the touchpad still doesnt work06:23
wafflejockner0x: gotcha, yeah I mean there are a lot of file browser options, nemo, nautilus, caja, etc. but really haven't played much with search in any of em06:23
wafflejockanurag1018: okay can you do "lspci -k" and paste the output of that think it should show the kernel module and device for the touchpad in there somewhere06:24
wafflejockanurag1018: put it on paste.ubuntu.com instead of pasting many lines here too please06:24
anurag1018wafflejock: the touchpad is working as of now.Would it still be helpful?06:26
wafflejockner0x: you might be best off just using a recursive copy for the file type you're interested in to some location where you can browse them and pick through more easily06:26
wafflejockanurag1018: yeah just lists the device id and what kernel module/driver is loaded for the device06:26
wafflejockanurag1018: just going to use that info to google and see if there are any known issues with that touchpad in particular with 14.04 and suspend06:27
wafflejockanurag1018: if it doesn't show in "lspci -k" output maybe would show in "lsusb" but typically built in devices on the pci bus (not usb stuff) shows up in lspci06:27
ner0xwafflejock: That was my plan but that's when I ran into my problem, I'd need to know which directories to copy before I could copy and peek at them.06:28
ner0xwafflejock: Unless I copy the entire phone and go from there.06:28
wafflejockwas just thinking that06:28
wafflejockmight be easier06:28
anurag1018wafflejock: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/15370566/06:29
ner0xwafflejock: It's at least doable. I can always "find" my way through the filetypes recursively from there. I might just rsync include them from the top dir to another after that so I narrow down the images to sort through.06:30
wafflejockanurag1018: shoot looks like it's not listed there, I don't see anything that looks like a touchpad, try "xinput --list" should at least see the name of it there06:32
wafflejockner0x: yeah sounds as reasonable as it can be :)06:33
ner0xwafflejock: Turns out it's only ~4 gigs. Way more manageable than I thought. Hell, I might just backup my entire phones like this from now on. haha06:33
ner0xwafflejock: Thanks for your help. Cheers.06:33
wafflejocknp cheers :)06:33
anurag1018wafflejock: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15370591/06:35
wafflejockanurag1018: well huh... I guess maybe it's that UNKNOWN one06:36
wafflejockanurag1018: this has some more details on using xinput --list to get more details per device http://www.uplawski.eu/technology/linux/touchpad_en.html06:36
wafflejockanurag1018: can try, xinput --list-props 1306:37
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wafflejockthat UNKNOWN one is id=13 hopefully can get some more details out of that06:37
wafflejockanurag1018: on my system it's something obvious like ↳ ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad06:37
wafflejockanurag1018: does this bug apply to you maybe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/144286306:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1442863 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "dell inspiron touchpad stops working" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:39
wafflejockanurag1018: I tried searching for that 8 digit device id and ubuntu and that's the second link there06:40
wafflejockanurag1018: perhaps check some of the other results in the search for "06CB:7621 ubuntu 14.04" https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=06CB%3A7621+ubuntu+14.0406:40
anurag1018wafflejock: Yes this is exactly the same problem.I'll look out for  the fix.Thanks for your help anyways.06:43
wafflejockanurag1018: sure thing sorry it's not a quick easy fix but hopefully you find a way06:46
Huliowafflejock, you need to go to sleep dude06:47
Huliowafflejock, it's late06:47
anurag1018wafflejock: Yes,hopefully I will06:49
wafflejockHulio: yeah I got on a messed up sleep schedule do need to stop rambling in here do a bit of work and get back to bed though :)06:50
Huliogo now06:50
karrotdoes anyone have ubuntu installed on their mac?07:13
flokahello all07:13
lotuspsychje!mac | karrot07:13
ubottukarrot: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages07:13
karrotthanks, but I'm more thinking about help with refindit...07:14
flokaI am trying to create a deb package from source using checkinstall.Unfortunatelly checkinstall does not obey checkinstall --install=no -D   .I want to ONLY creat deb package.Is checkinstall a buggy tool?07:15
lotuspsychje!checkinstall | floka07:17
ubottufloka: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!07:17
flokacheckinstall is buggy07:17
flokait can not obey its own opeions --install=no07:18
flokaany working version of checkinstall?07:18
flokaI will post you my command output to see I am right07:19
lotuspsychjefloka: wich ubuntu version are you on?07:19
flokathe latest one07:19
flokahave you used checkinstall to only create deb package without installing it?07:22
flokaI use this command checkinstall -D --install=no07:23
lotuspsychjefloka: didnt play with it myself no, try a few things out perhaps =yes ineatd of no? see what happens07:23
flokait will install it and I do not want to07:24
lotuspsychjefloka: ok, so whats the error you getting07:24
flokaIt installed it and it was not listed in apt, synaptics did not find it, I had to manually deleted installed files from checkinstall log07:24
flokathe error is that checkinstall can not create package without installing it07:25
lotuspsychjefloka: so the =no options just doesnt work for you?07:25
lotuspsychje!it | drogma7507:25
ubottudrogma75: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:25
flokahere someone else has experienced the same http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/158053/how-to-tell-checkinstall-only-create-package-file-but-not-install07:26
flokaIs there any other way to create deb package?07:27
lotuspsychjefloka: the last answer says something about wine, did you install that?07:27
flokaman I do not need wine07:27
flokathis is just an example of the guy wanting to create deb package without installing it.I want the same thing but on a different package07:28
flokacheckinstall must be rewritten.07:28
flokait can not create package WITHOUT installing it first07:29
lotuspsychjefloka: then file a new bug07:29
lotuspsychjefloka: tried this: checkisntall --install=no --fstrans=yes07:30
flokaI tried that , fails again07:30
lotuspsychjeok file a bug07:31
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:31
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest17405
Neytirihi i have a question how do i copy a specific file type from a folder containing multiple folders of varopus depths to one directory,   i tried cp **/*.zip /newfiles   but it didnt go as deep as i needed it to go07:43
al_nz1I am running a flavour of ubuntu, but eth0 has a weird name - enp63s0 - what is this07:46
geirhaNeytiri: You need to enable globstar first07:46
geirhaNeytiri: shopt -s globstar07:46
Neytiriwhen i did that and rerand the command i got this bash: /bin/cp: Argument list too long07:50
Neytirihow do i get around that07:50
geirhaNeytiri: You either have to populate the files in an array, and process that in chunks, or you could use find instead07:50
geirhaNeytiri: find . -type f -name "*.zip" -exec cp -it /newfiles {} +07:51
eaterofnamesso, boot-repair isn't showing anything under the GRUB location pane, which is what I need to change to fix my boot issue...07:52
geirhaNeytiri: find knows about the ARG_MAX limit and makes sure cp has as many filenames as can fit, and run more cp commands as necessary07:53
eaterofnamesAlso, here's the output of a "recommended repair" http://paste.ubuntu.com/15370817/ symptoms are grub doesn't show, computer doesn't boot. Fresh install of Ubuntu-Gnome 15.whatever07:53
Neytiriok thanks it seems to be working07:53
ouroumoval_nz1, it happens, I saw that on a server where my interface names were em[1-4] for some reason07:54
Neytirisecond question is there a way to look at all the files in that folder and move the ones that DONT confrom to a specific naming convention07:54
ouroumoval_nz1, it can be fixed though, so a search on the community website07:54
geirhaNeytiri: Sure, there are several ways to do that, mainly depending on how complicated the naming convention is07:55
NeytiriBLAH-BLAH - BLAH - BLAH07:56
geirhaNeytiri: What does that mean? that they should contain exactly three - characters?07:56
Neytirino Blah can be any length07:57
NeytiriDiskID-Track - Artist - title07:57
Neytiribacically altho altist and title cna be reversed without big issue07:57
geirhaNeytiri: So this glob should match the ones you want to keep?   *-*" - "*" - "*.zip07:58
Neytiriso just do find . -type f -name "*-*" - "*" - "*.zip" -exec cp -it /NameFail {} +08:00
geirhaNeytiri: No that was a glob for the shell08:00
Neytiriim lost08:01
geirhaAnd I'm confused. I thought those where the files that were named correctly08:01
Neytiriim not familiar with the glob concept08:01
Neytirithose are, i want the ones that are NOT fitting that08:01
geirhawell the same pattern for find will be  -name "*-* - * - *.zip"08:02
geirhaIn globs, * is a wildcard matching zero or more of any characters08:02
=== ap is now known as Guest94484
davcrihi ! I had just installed ubuntu 15.10 on a Skylake CPU. What's the best way to update kernel and graphic stack (for intel integrated gpu)?08:28
baizondavcri: just stay were you are08:29
baizondavcri: you dont have to do anything08:29
arash!vpn | arash08:30
ubottuarash, please see my private message08:30
davcribaizon, i read on phoronix that at least 4.3 kernel should be used for full skylake support08:31
baizondavcri: then wait until 16.04 which will be released in a month, then you will have 4.4 kernel08:32
davcribaizon, ok thank you :) just in case: the best way to install other kernels in Ubuntu is from kernel-ppa mainline? ?08:35
baizondavcri: for non-LTS yes08:36
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Shai-Tandevice not accepting address 101, error -7108:43
Shai-Tanis this a good error?08:43
baizonShai-Tan: well, we have no context, so its hard to tell08:43
Shai-Tanusb 2-1-port1: unable to enumerate USB device08:44
PacoSmithereensDoes anyone know of a fix for the network error you get in KDE when you go to explore/add new themes, window decorations, etc.?08:44
baizonPacoSmithereens: ask on #kubuntu08:45
PacoSmithereensI did; no reply or activity in there for hours.08:45
PacoSmithereensStill waiting on 'em.08:45
baizonPacoSmithereens: its 9AM here in europe, so i would guess it will take some time, also its weekend08:45
PacoSmithereensGotcha; forgot about that.08:46
PacoSmithereensNo rush, just figured I'd ask in here if anyone knew.08:46
baizonPacoSmithereens: cant help sorry, don't use KDE at all08:46
indifferent3700Before you join the future of IRC, you must prove yourself worthy. !flag. This conversation may be monitored.08:47
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C0r3I did sudo apt-get upgrade yet the 'Software Updater' is popping up saying 65.8MB  will be downloaded.09:15
EriC^^C0r3: you need to run dist-upgrade to update the kernels too and other stuff09:20
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apattersHow can I make a command run only when a specific X session in /usr/share/xsessions starts?09:20
C0r3EriC^^: Will that will upgrade my OS from 14.04 to 15.10??09:20
EriC^^C0r3: no, just the kernel and some software maybe09:21
C0r3EriC^^: Thanks09:21
EriC^^C0r3: no problem09:21
Thorax2015Im sorry. I have tried and tried. But Unity is terrible. Just completely illogical in most ways09:23
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Thorax2015Well in the past ive always just written it off as everyone else said it was just bad. But this time ive tried to stick with it.09:28
Thorax2015But even basic usability is just rubbish09:29
apattersActually, better question: how can I run a command after Gnome has been started from a particular x session? I don't want it to run every time Gnome starts, just if I launch this certain x session. (The command is xmonad --replace)09:29
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LJHSLDJHSDLJHI tried cat /var/log/syslog | grep DHCPREQUEST and found out that the wireless device is requesting an IP every 5 minutes approximately ... and I'm being told that is not normal, are there any suggestion for fixing this issues?09:52
=== daniel is now known as Guest78601
Neytiriso does this ever end find . -type f -name "*.zip" -exec cp -it /newfiles {} +    i ran it and i am starting to get a lot of do you wnat to overwright existing file10:05
jarnosI have two Ubuntu one usernames with different email address. Is that a problem?10:09
Thorax2015Is there an expected release date for 16.04?10:10
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | Thorax201510:10
ubottuThorax2015: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+110:10
jarnoscfhowlett, I would like to remove the other one anyway. It is confusing to have too. I am not sure, if they refer to same related accounts.10:10
cfhowlettjarnos, you can delete an ubuntu one account.  login and see the optionx10:10
minimecThorax2015: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule10:13
DesetudeCan anyone help with my failing attempt to dual boot ubuntu 15.10 with windows 10?10:16
EriC^^Desetude: what's the problem?10:16
DesetudeEriC^^ Well, my PC boots straight to Windows and not GRUB, eveb when holding shift. I think it may be a problem with my disk as I wanted ubuntu to be installed onto my SSD but it looks like a bit of it was installed on to my harddrive (there's a folder on it called efi). Here's the boot info summary: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15371061/ I can boot to ubuntu also, as I can use the USB stick I used to install ubuntu to bring up grub.10:17
DesetudeAnd if I try to boot to hard drive it wants me to reinstall ubuntu10:18
Thorax2015cfhowlett, How did that help? XD10:19
ikoniawhat do you mean it wants you to reinstall ubuntu10:20
ikoniait either boots or it doens't10:20
EriC^^Desetude: is it an hp laptop?10:20
andrey_utkinI have installed selinux on my host system, and now I cannot update my Ubuntu Trusty chroot, the update fails with "cannot get security labeling handle: No such file or directory". Any hint how to overcome this?10:21
Tin_manDesetude: what happens when you hit the F12 key at boot?10:22
baizonandrey_utkin: why did you install selinux? ubuntu is using apparmor already10:22
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varazirHello, I'm running ubuntu server on a ESXi host and I have extended the hdd. I read something after kernel 2.6 I can resize without booting to a liveCD that's correct ?10:27
varazirI tried sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1  but the system said The filesystem is already 2621440 (4k) blocks long.  Nothing to do!10:28
EriC^^varazir: did you resize the partition? not sure about live resizing i think just lvm can do that?10:29
varazirEriC^^: no I haven't done that, okay live cd that is then10:30
DesetudeEriC: Custom PC10:31
DesetudeEriC^^: Custom PC10:31
EriC^^Desetude: ok, boot the live ubuntu usb10:31
DesetudeOne second, I will bring this irc on my tablet so I can talk on it and be in this irc at the same time10:32
arashAnybody knows the google repository url?10:35
DesetudeOK, so i should boot onto usb stick i used to install, ccorrect?10:35
Neytiriso does this ever end find . -type f -name "*.zip" -exec cp -it /newfiles {} +    i ran it and i am starting to get a lot of do you want to over wright existing file, i don't want to end up endlissly filling my arrays10:36
netphreakHello, guys!10:37
DesetudeWait wut10:38
andrey_utkinbaizon: i didn't install selinux on ubuntu. I installed that on gentoo.10:40
DesetudeSo if i choose a boot device i can see ubuntu on there(my actual one) so thats strange i didnt see before. But i dont see that option whencchanging boot order10:40
EriC^^Desetude: ok choose the ubuntu install10:40
EriC^^( boot your actual install )10:40
DesetudeBut it looks like it works there10:41
netphreakHow are updates to Snappy Ubuntu handled? - automatically installed or - or do these require manual user intervention?10:41
DesetudeJust isnt seen by boot priority list10:41
EriC^^Desetude: ok, boot it, let me know when it boots10:42
DesetudeOk ive got it to boot up into grub10:43
DesetudeBut how do i delete the secondary ubuntu on my hard drive?10:43
DesetudeCan i just delete the efi file?10:43
EriC^^what secondary ubuntu?10:43
EriC^^are you booting the actual ubuntu on your hdd right now?10:44
DesetudeOn my ssd10:44
DesetudeI had to also change operating system in bios10:44
DesetudeChange boot manager*10:44
EriC^^ok, so it's booting by itself now or you have to enter a menu etc ?10:45
DesetudeBut now i need to delete the extra ubuntu installation on my secondary harddrive10:45
DesetudeI enter grub menu10:45
DesetudeAnd ubuntu loads properly10:45
DesetudeWith my login and settings10:45
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:45
EriC^^and paste the link here10:45
EriC^^Desetude: so you turn on the pc, you get grub straight away10:46
DesetudeWell motherboard splashscreen then it10:46
DesetudeEric what is that command meant to do?10:49
EriC^^show the disks and partition tables10:49
DesetudeIt saids could not start device for me no such file or directory10:49
EriC^^and paste them online and give a link10:49
EriC^^sudo parted -l10:50
DesetudeStat device*10:50
EriC^^try sudo lsblk -f10:52
DesetudeIt wont ley me do that straight line symbol10:53
DesetudeThats strange10:53
EriC^^it should be next to enter10:54
DesetudeOh my keyboard layout is american instead of uk10:54
DesetudeIll change that later10:54
EriC^^settings > text entry10:55
EriC^^Desetude: ok, it looks like you have 1 ubuntu installed10:55
EriC^^what do you mean about the secondary ubuntu?10:56
DesetudeWell in boot menu in mbios it says ubuntu on wdc hdd10:56
DesetudeI think it is bevause i have an efi folder in there10:56
DesetudeWith ubuntu things10:56
DesetudeIs it safe to delete it?10:57
EriC^^Desetude: type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999910:57
DesetudeIt looks like there is two ubuntu ones10:58
Desetude1 on hard drive (disk #1) and 1 on ssd (disk #2)10:59
DesetudeI only want one on ssd (disk #2)10:59
EriC^^i think it's the boot0007 entry10:59
EriC^^type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt11:00
karrotwhat is the easiest way make it so my computer will automount an sdcard on startup11:00
EriC^^it's kind of odd it put the stuff there too though, usually it's supposed to only use fat32 efi partitions11:00
EriC^^Desetude: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt11:01
EriC^^Desetude: it's kind of odd it put the stuff there too though, usually it's supposed to only use fat32 efi partitions11:01
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EriC^^karrot: /etc/fstab11:02
EriC^^!fstab | karrot11:02
ubottukarrot: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:02
DesetudeMount is denied because ntfs volume is already exclusively opened11:02
EriC^^Desetude: type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999911:03
karrotEriC^^, thanks11:03
EriC^^Desetude: sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999911:03
EriC^^karrot: np11:03
Desetudexyfb termbin code11:04
karrotis it possible to change really basic commands like mv with something else I prefer, like an rsync command?  I don't want to really mess anything up11:05
EriC^^Desetude: sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999911:05
cfhowlettkarrot, possible.  just unwise.11:05
DesetudeJust did that erric11:05
EriC^^karrot: yeah, using alias, alias mv='mv -i' for instance11:05
EriC^^Desetude: oh, sorry i meant cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999911:06
karrotI figured I could make an alias, I'm just a little worried of making some bad choices11:06
EriC^^Desetude: ok, looks good11:09
EriC^^Desetude: ok so the ntfs is mounted right now i guess11:10
DesetudeSo how could i rremove that 2nd boot device11:10
DesetudeBoot option i mean11:10
EriC^^Desetude: first remove the entry using sudo efibootmgr -B -b 000711:11
EriC^^Desetude: then go to /media/<user>/..../EFI/ubuntu11:11
EriC^^if there's an efi/ubuntu dir there with grubx64.efi shimx64.efi and a couple other files delete the ubuntu dir11:12
=== skyline is now known as Guest56352
DesetudeWhat now eric?11:14
EriC^^Desetude: that's it11:15
EriC^^try rebooting11:15
DesetudeShould i delete efi folder on hard drive?11:16
DesetudeOr can i even11:16
EriC^^on the ntfs yeah11:16
EriC^^Desetude: then go to /media/<user>/..../EFI/ubuntu11:16
EriC^^if there's an efi/ubuntu dir there with grubx64.efi shimx64.efi and a couple other files delete the ubuntu dir11:16
DesetudeDo u mean then delete in hard drive pretty sure i shouldnt delete ssd one11:17
DesetudeThe hard drive shows there11:17
DesetudeWhat about the boot dir11:18
DesetudeWith bootx6411:18
EriC^^that's windows stuff11:18
DesetudeAnd bootx64.efi.grb11:18
EriC^^oh, those are from boot-repair i'd guess11:18
EriC^^what's on the ntfs? just data?11:19
EriC^^the hdd11:19
DesetudeOnly games atm11:20
DesetudeBut will be putting other large pieces of data11:20
EriC^^ok, if there's no operating system there you could delete the efi dir there with boot11:20
DesetudeIll try rebooting now11:21
DesetudeHope for the best11:21
EriC^^windows used to boot fine by itself before right?11:21
DesetudeAll works11:21
DesetudeAlso, do you know why the screen display settings isnt opening11:22
DesetudeIt has loading cursor butndoesnt open11:22
EriC^^settings > display ?11:22
DesetudeBecause i want to extend monitors isnt of duplicate11:22
DesetudeInstead of*11:23
EriC^^Desetude: try opening a terminal and type unity-control-center display11:23
DesetudeWhen trying to do unity-control-center display eric11:29
EriC^^Desetude: http://askubuntu.com/questions/637373/unable-to-edit-display-settings-in-15-0411:29
EriC^^Desetude: do you have an amd or nvidia?11:29
DesetudeI have drivers in windows do i need to manage these seperately?11:31
EriC^^yeah windows drivers and ubuntu drivers aren't used by eachother11:32
EriC^^Desetude: type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | nc termbin.com 999911:32
DesetudeIve download latest driver, do i just need to run the .run file?11:37
DesetudeIt saids i appear to be running an x server11:40
hicoleriCan anyone tell me what terminal emulator this is? : http://tinyurl.com/h3ozwfw11:42
baizonhicoleri: its no terminal emulator, its https://i3wm.org/11:44
lyzeOhh that one looks gorgeous :O11:44
hicoleribaizon: Yeah, but whats the term emu inside it?11:44
EriC^^Desetude: type dpkg -l | grep nvidia11:44
EriC^^Desetude: type dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999911:45
=== Ululus is now known as elMondo
hicoleriwith those triangular "word edges"11:45
de-factodoes anyone know of a .deb source package for fonts-roboto-mono ?11:45
flokahow to mount a drive and be able to use it write directories, files without superuser?11:46
de-factoi found this but cant locate the sources for it https://bintray.com/cublinux/deb/fonts-roboto-extra/view11:46
baizonfloka: you need to be in the right group11:46
lyzehicoleri, ohh that's a oh-my-zsh theme11:46
lyzehicoleri, https://gist.github.com/agnoster/3712874 probably that one11:47
hicoleriterm emus can have themes? Didnt know that.11:47
lyzehicoleri, that's more like the shell itself. … zsh specifically :)11:48
flokaif I plug my usb drive it mount it automatically and I can use fine.But If I do that on other hard drive it requires root to write to the mounted new drive11:48
flokawhy is that?11:48
lyzehicoleri, install link if you want to ;) https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh11:48
flokaany fix to that?11:48
DesetudeEriC^^: 'use netcat"11:50
EriC^^Desetude: try again11:50
DesetudeSame again11:50
DesetudeGot it working11:54
DesetudeThanks a lot for all of this eric11:55
EriC^^Desetude: no problem11:55
hypermisttottally got the wrong channel there11:55
EriC^^hypermist: :D11:55
hypermist*moves along*11:55
DesetudeSo time to customize ubuntu!11:55
EriC^^Desetude: you installed the driver from nvidia's site?11:56
hypermistif you wonder why i said that EriC^^ ;D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAgSqpg9W2Ua (offtopic)11:56
DesetudeEriC^^: did it through ubuntu driver manager and it worked11:57
EriC^^hypermist: :D11:58
EriC^^Desetude: ah, great11:58
codepython777anyone using 16.04 yet? which iso?11:58
cfhowlettcodepython777, discuss in #ubuntu+111:58
hypermistMy ubuntu pc in the spare rooms does like Nothing all day everyday11:58
hypermistapart from eat the powaah11:59
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Guest17347what is the alternative program for photoshop in ubuntu?11:59
cfhowlettgimp comes to mind Guest1734711:59
BluesKajHiyas all12:01
metrixxi did dist-upgrade on ubuntu 14.04 and it seems still 14.0412:03
metrixxshouldn't it be 15.10 or whatever_12:04
Guest17347i want to transparent a part of image is gimp suit for this?12:04
metrixxthen what did it upgrade :|12:04
cfhowlettmetrixx, do-release-upgrade if you want to move up.  learn your commands12:04
cfhowlettGuest17347, yes12:04
karmelisanyone here running ricochet?12:05
metrixxcfhowlett, No new release found12:07
metrixxbut i have 14.04 still...12:07
cfhowlettmetrixx, then your software settings are set to LTS only , i.e. 12.04 > 14.04 > 16.0412:08
metrixx-d will solve then12:08
cfhowlettunless you really want to install an unsupported, in development unfinished unrelease12:09
metrixxi want12:09
metrixxi want it12:09
cfhowletton your head then ...12:09
metrixxi never trusted an operating system in my life. i always have backup12:09
TammytonI installed Ubuntu this morning and one of my monitors aren't showing the correct resolution. Can someone help please?12:09
karmelisTammyton: Have you put in a request on the official forum?12:10
TammytonI guess I'll go do that12:10
k1lTammyton: what video card is it?12:11
karmelisWe have a new LTS release slated for April.12:11
Tammytonk1l It's an nvidia graphics card12:12
k1lTammyton: ok, did you install a driver? where did you get that driver from?12:13
flokaDo you guys know how ubuntu mounts usb hard drives?After the mount is done regular user can write to them12:13
flokahow is that done12:13
KiazakiVagyokwhat type of nvidia card?12:13
k1lfloka: gvfs is used by the nautilus file explorer12:13
Tammytonk1l earlier I installed a binary driver using additional drivers but that one didn't work. I'm currently using the x.org driver12:14
TammytonI've also tried making a 10-monitor.conf and rebooting which didn't work12:14
k1lTammyton: ok, so what card is it exactly? "lspci" will tell12:15
jushurfloka: man udisks , man udisksctl12:15
Tammytonk1l geforce gtx 66012:16
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k1lTammyton: which ubuntu exactly?12:19
KiazakiVagyokTammyton: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224099612:19
k1lTammyton: that should not be an issue at all to run the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repo12:20
Tammytonk1l I'll try again. I used the proprietary tested one last time. Does that sound like the correct one?12:21
k1lthich number is it?12:22
Tammytonversion 352.63 from nvidia-35212:22
k1lthat should work with your card.12:22
Tammytonk1l cheers I'll try it again I guess12:23
TerensI am trying to install ubuntu on a windows laptop12:24
DesetudeEriC^^: sorry to be annoying but attempted to install ubuntu gnome, arc theme and numix icons but now my background is black, cant right click desktop, cant change wallpaper and some parts are still default12:25
TerensHowever when I choose something else I dont get any option for resizing like the guide.12:25
EriC^^Desetude: how did you install the themes? unity-tweak-tool?12:25
DesetudeActually its all showing nvm that but still black wallpaper12:27
DesetudeI installed through tweak tool yes12:27
DesetudeOh it works now12:28
DesetudeHad to sett backgrounds to active on gnome thats a stupid setting12:29
Tammytonk1l Installed that driver again but still no luck12:36
k1lwhat exactly is not working?12:38
TammytonIn display settings it's not showing all of my resolutions for my second monitor12:38
Tammytonconnected with DVI. When I go into screen display it says "unknown display"12:39
k1lany adapters on that cable?12:39
Tammytona dvi to vga adapter12:40
k1lyes, adapters are known to make issues.12:40
k1lmaybe you need to force the edid then. but i am not to familiar with that12:40
jushurdid you have a forced edid config that is not working after upgrade?12:41
Lorne_Hey all...I'm running my OS from a small partition, and keep running out of drive space...(laptop) - is there a quick/easy way to tell the system to use external drive for all apps and overflow?12:41
Tammytonthanks I'll have a look online12:41
Tammytonjushur it's a new install of ubuntu12:42
jushurTammyton: i see. anyhow if you use a converter of any kind, the card most likely does not read the edid info correctly.12:43
PepeHello guys. I have problem. I bought Odroid-C2, everything it's ok. But I install Ubuntu on it, but lsusb shows nothing. What can I do?12:43
Tammytonjushur alright, just having a look online to see if there's a manual way to do it instead12:44
MonkeyDustPepe  is that ARM? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-arm12:46
PepeYes, it's ARM. I will try it there too12:46
Lorne_...can anyone pick up my question?  (sorry...don't mean to nag.... :P  )12:46
MonkeyDustLorne_  simply repeat it every 15 minutes or so, by hitting the up arrow12:47
Lorne_Hey all...I'm running my OS from a small partition, and keep running out of drive space...(laptop) - is there a quick/easy way to tell the system to use external drive for all apps and overflow?12:47
BluesKajLorne_, periodically run, sudo apt autoremove and sudo apt autoclean will keep your / from becoming too full12:49
BluesKajLorne_,  how large is the partition?12:49
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Lorne_BluesKaj thanks - yeah, did that for the last update...15G (split between Files and swap)12:51
Lorne_BluesKaj The laptop is my "work" win system...I created a small partition to have a personal comp there too12:52
PepeMonkeyDust I made there question, but noone responds. I dont know what to do. Because at it seems I am the only one who have this issue. And I dont know how to solve it, maybe reinstall it again?12:52
jushurTammyton: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3571/~/managing-a-display-edid-on-linux12:54
Tammytonjushur: Thanks, I've actually just been in nvidia-settings but the option to acquire edid is greyed out12:56
TammytonThe monitor is also showing as CRT rather than DFP, if that makes any different12:56
jushurTammyton: the monitor has dvi connector?12:56
Tammytonjushur: The monitor only has a vga connecter. So I have a dvi to vga adapter plugged into the back of my computer12:57
Tammytonmy computer doesn't have a vga port12:57
BluesKajTammyton, if you have a flat panel monitor why are you using the vga input?12:59
jushurTammyton: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/get-edid.1.html12:59
Tammytonwhat do you mean blueskaj?12:59
TammytonI'll give that a try jushur13:00
BluesKajwhynot dvi>dvi13:00
Tammytonbecause my monitor doesn't have a dvi port13:00
Tammytonit does have a HDMI port though, so I'll quickly try the thing jushur sent to see if I can get the edid info13:01
jushuruse the hdmi to extract the info maybe13:02
sancho_panzahi, my network indicator disappeared from the task bar, i'm using ubuntu studio with xfce (i think is default?)13:02
sancho_panzawhat can i do to repristinate?13:02
jushurid advice to use the hdmi port actually.13:02
MonkeyDustPepe  yes, it's new technology, you're kind of a pioneer, i guess13:02
Pepe:D yeah but everyone who has Odroid-C2 have working lsusb but I didnt XD13:02
Tammytonjushur I would but my computer only has 1 hdmi port which I'm using for a different monitor13:03
Lorne_Hey all...I'm running my OS from a small partition, and keep running out of drive space...(laptop) - is there a quick/easy way to tell the system to use external drive for all apps and overflow?13:03
Tammytonmaybe I just need to get a different monitor someday13:03
ioriaTammyton, have you tried installing mesa-utils   ?13:03
BluesKajTammyton, then buy a dvi>hdmi cable, it will solve your issue13:04
Tammytonohh, I didn't even think of that13:04
BluesKajI use on e here, works fin Tammyton13:04
jushurTammyton: use the hdmi to extract the edid info then13:05
guest2479how can i create a live usb multiboot from ubuntu?13:05
TammytonBlueKaj thanks, I'll do that once I have a chance to buy one13:05
Tammytonjushur how do I install the get-edid thing from the link you gave me?13:05
MonkeyDustguest2479  multisystem can do that ... it's a 3rd party app, not in the repos13:06
ioriaLorne_, when you install ubuntu  you can choose where to install partitions ... so you could put /var /usr /lib and /home on your external drive13:06
MonkeyDustguest2479  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/13:06
guest2479MonkeyDust,are there any utility I can download from ubuntu software center?13:06
MonkeyDustguest2479  not for multiboot13:06
guest2479MonkeyDust, and for single live usb?13:07
MonkeyDustguest2479  there's unetbooting (what i use) and startup disk creator13:07
guest2479MonkeyDust, ok thanks13:07
zhxk82hello, what will happen when cron jobs excute last longer than period scheduled? miss or duplicate instance?13:08
jushurTammyton: sudo apt-get install read-edid13:08
MonkeyDust!info read-edid13:10
ubotturead-edid (source: read-edid): hardware information-gathering tool for VESA PnP monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.2-1 (wily), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB13:10
jushurTammyton: first line on the page i linked you says "provided by:packagename" xD13:11
zhxk82i mean when * * * * * * sleep(999999);other_job installed into cron, will muliti instances in memory after minutes later?13:11
Tammytonjushur sorry xD this is my first time using linux lol13:11
TammytonAlright, I've got the edid. Does that need to go inside a conf file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d?13:12
jushurTammyton: read the link i gave with nvidia-settings13:15
hmir_Question that I have been unable ot find an answer to. I want to use ubuntu to create a bootable USB flash drive with windows 7 and I want to do it with a GPT partition. Possible>13:15
Tammytonjushur oh yeah, thanks.13:15
jushurTammyton: and document what you do, on paper.13:15
MonkeyDusthmir_  can win7 be made bootable?13:15
BluesKajdon't think windows has ever had a bootable live media version13:17
hmir_it doesn13:19
MonkeyDusthmir_  then your question makes no sense13:19
* BluesKaj wonders why no windows gurus/devs ever created one13:21
eliteI use ubuntu on my EliteBook 850 and I like to increase the touchpad speed. Under System Setings -> Mouse and Touchpad I set the max. For me it is to slow13:22
eliteI installed 15.1013:22
Tammytonjushur: If I try to run any commands from nvidia-xconfig it says "unable to locate/open X configuration file"13:22
Tammytonand to add the directory containing xorg-server.pc to an environment variable13:23
MyrttiBluesKaj: because most installations and licences are OEMs, for a particular combination of hardware13:23
ioriaTammyton, https://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2014/01/13/edid-revisted/13:24
BluesKajMyrtti, OEMs I get, but for a particular combination of hardware?13:24
jushurTammyton: sorry, cant help with that. i dont actually use the binary nvidia blob my self.13:25
Tammytonioria thanks13:25
Tammytonoh alright, thanks anyway13:25
minimecelite: Maybe you can increase the spped with dconf-editor... Look here http://askubuntu.com/questions/254847/how-do-i-adjust-the-pointer-speed-and-scrolling-speed-of-a-trackpad13:26
h4k1mI have a 'bluetoothd: Permission denied' in my /var/log/syslog when I try to connect via bluetooth to my wireless speaker13:27
jushurTammyton: looks like the solution in the link ioria linked should be what you need.13:27
h4k1malthough it used to work just a day ago13:27
h4k1many workaround to this problem?13:27
MonkeyDusth4k1m  install blueman13:27
ioriaTammyton,  if mesa-utils does not solve the issue , you'll need a /etc/X11/xorg.conf   .....13:28
h4k1mMonkeyDust: I installed it I had the same issue (no connection)13:28
h4k1mI meant failed connection13:28
h4k1mMonkeyDust: should I remove what's installed now, before installing blueman?13:28
Tammytonioria sorry but where do I find mesa-utils?13:29
ioria!info mesa-utils13:29
ubottumesa-utils (source: mesa-demos): Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.2.0-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 30 kB, installed size 100 kB13:29
eliteminimec:I tryed dconf-editor yet. But I do not have the touchpad entry under org -> gnome -> settings-daemon -> peripherals   ???13:30
ioriaTammyton,  you'll need reboot13:30
jushurioria: thanks for that link, it fixed an issue i had here with a 4K monitor.13:31
ioriajushur, ^_^13:32
minimecelite: I have seen that on one of my laptops. So I guess the touchpad is recognized as normal mouse (that would explain the acceleration problem. Maybe you can configure the driver or just try to increase acceleration for the mouse.13:32
h4k1mthe issue Im facing is with bluetoothd not the manager13:35
Tammytonabout to reboot, fingers crossed lol13:37
Tammytonit didn't work, but I'm fairly sure I've done something wrong13:40
sancho_panza hi everybody! my network indicator disappeared from the status bar, what can i do?13:40
ioriaTammyton,  in terminal run  glxinfo | grep render    and after      glxgears13:41
TammytonYep, just done that13:41
ioriaTammyton,  can you paste the first output ?13:42
jushursancho_panza: ask the guys running xfce? #xubuntu13:42
Tammytonioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/15372868/13:42
sancho_panzajushur, ty13:43
eliteminimec: The accelaration of the mouse is too set to max. When I do a cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i synaptics I get [    23.900] (**) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) MaxSpeed is now 1.7513:44
eliteSo i guess I have to increase this value13:44
ioriaTammyton,   if still not working,  go through the link posted before ( https://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2013/08/23/adventures-in-resolving-missing-edid-monitor-data/ ), you need to create a xorg.conf in /etc/X1113:44
Tammytonyup I've got one in there and added a monitor section13:45
TammytonThat's what I've just done. I wasn't sure how to do the mesa-utils thing13:46
ioriaTammyton,   sorry, this https://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2014/01/13/edid-revisted/13:46
minimecelite: exactly. Maybe you can try to do that with xinput too. See here... http://askubuntu.com/questions/172972/configure-mouse-speed-not-pointer-acceleration13:47
Tammytonioria maybe this helps a bit? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15372914/13:47
Tammytonperhaps I added something in there wrong?13:48
eliteminimec: I tryed to set synclient MaxSpeed=10013:48
elite the original value is 1.75 but there is no difference13:48
minimecelite: I would try something like 2.25 or so. 100 seems to be out of range.13:49
eliteminimec: It was not the MaxSpeed I set up now the MinSpeed from 1 to 3 and it works13:51
ioriaTammyton,   i think you just need a Section "Monitor" with the correct Modeline ... you can backup that file, create a new one following the the link posted above13:52
Pepelsusb  wont work? It didnt shows anything. What can I do?13:52
utsavhello there, i am having problem booting ubuntu, it says "error: file '/boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-44-generic' not found13:52
Tammytonioria thanks, will do13:52
eliteNow I like to increase the speed of the TrackPoint13:52
utsavError : you need to load the kernel first13:52
utsavI tried googlling as well13:53
ioriaTammyton,   good luck13:53
utsavBut couldn't find the solution13:53
utsavCan anybody help here !! my ubuntu version is 14.0413:53
MonkeyDustutsav  how did you try to install, dvd/usb? is this your first installation?13:54
minimecelite: cool13:54
MonkeyDustutsav  and where did you find the iso13:54
utsav@MonkeyDust via USB13:55
utsavfrom the official ubuntu website13:55
utsavActually i was fixing dependencies on ubuntu13:55
utsavwhen this problem occurred13:55
utsavI was following a blog, which went wrong and came up this way13:55
MonkeyDustutsav  always make sure you have backups13:57
utsavAny way bro ?13:59
MonkeyDustutsav  undo what you did, following the blog, then backup13:59
MonkeyDustand ask here13:59
eliteminimec: Thanks for your input. Maybe you have an idea for the trackpoint14:03
novicehello anyone willing to help?14:05
utsavI just want to backup my mysql databases14:07
minimecelite: On my lenovo ThinkPad, the trackpoint has its own ID. If that is the case for your device too, you should be able to configure it with "xinput --set-prop"14:07
eliteminimec: xinput list14:13
elite⎡ Virtual core pointer                    id=2[master pointer  (3)]14:13
elite⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4[slave  pointer  (2)]14:13
elite⎜   ↳ PS/2 Generic Mouse                      id=11[slave  pointer  (2)]14:13
elite⎜   ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad              id=12[slave  pointer  (2)]14:13
elite⎣ Virtual core keyboard                   id=3[master keyboard (2)]14:13
MonkeyDustelite  next time, use a pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:16
eliteMonkeyDust: Sure14:17
flokacan you please help me how to mount a file and use it witout being root?14:17
flokaCould you please14:17
MonkeyDustfloka  you mount a device to a folder, you don't mount files14:18
flokayou can mount files.images14:18
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flokaI have one mounted but it needs route14:19
flokaI can not use it with roo14:19
bipulfloka, What you wants to mount?14:20
flokaI already mounted a image file14:21
bipulok, so where is the problem?14:21
flokabut I want to be able to write on the newly mounted image file as a regular user14:21
flokaso i guess I must be able to mount it as a regular user14:21
flokadont know14:21
flokasee, when I plug usb pen drive ubuntu mounts it and regular user can write to iy14:22
bipulYes, then we can access it.14:22
flokahowever when I mount my own partitions of my my system drive I must be root in order to use them14:22
flokahow to avoid that14:22
bipulfloka, Yes.14:22
minimecelite: Maybe try to configure the PS/2 Generic Mouse?14:23
bipulset the permission.14:23
tonytmkdir ~/img14:23
tonytmount -t udf filename.img ~/img -o loop14:23
bipulset the permission or add your self to that group.14:23
flokatonyt: if I mount your way only root will be able to wite to that disk14:23
flokaexplain if you know why usb drives mounting works without adding myself to any groups and without setting any permissions14:25
sevenup__because it's udev who mounts14:26
sevenup__and it sets uid for your user14:26
flokahow to make that udev mount my file.img14:26
sevenup__not sure, editing /etc/fstab?14:27
sevenup__better wait for a best answer14:27
nomicyeah - usb auto mounts14:30
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TammytonGot it working! :)14:35
fuzzybear3965Which folders are tmpfs in Ubuntu?14:41
fuzzybear3965How do I figure out which ones are tmpfs?14:42
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MonkeyDustPepe  you should specify that it's on Odroid / ARM14:44
Pepeok, its solved now14:44
minimecfuzzybear3965: /dev/shm is a standard /tmpfs on unix like systems I think. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/what-is-devshm-and-its-practical-usage.html14:49
minimecfuzzybear3965: On newer systems /dev/shm is a link to /run/shm ...14:51
fuzzybear3965minimec, That makes sense.14:51
fuzzybear3965The easiest way to identify all tmpfs directories seems to be `df -lh`.14:51
codythefoxis anyone there?14:55
rashivari am here14:55
codythefoxOh, okay14:55
codythefoxhow're you?14:56
ouroumov!ot | codythefox14:56
ubottucodythefox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:56
BluesKajouroumov, just how someone is, is not an offense14:57
BluesKajcodythefox, do you have an ubuntu support question14:57
virtuosojI have a certain app that won't show up in dash when I search it14:58
ren0v0Hi, all of a sudden my speakers are crackling when computer is under more load, how would i go about diagnosing the issue?14:58
virtuosojis there a way to fix this?14:58
MonkeyDustvirtuosoj  make sure it's in /usr/share/applications/14:58
BluesKajren0v0, crackling ? clipping ?, overdriving can cause that when those little amps run out of power.14:59
virtuosojthere's a shortcut/icon already in usr/share/applications14:59
virtuosojbut it leads to usr/games/crawl-tiles14:59
virtuosojthe app in question is Dungeon Crawl tiles version, downloaded fromm software center 15.1015:00
ren0v0BluesKaj, I'm using onboard sound, i just bought some Logitech Z533's. I think it was ok a few days ago and now i'm experiencing issues, debating buying a sound card to see if that helps15:00
ren0v0and yes, crackling, and hissing when music paused etc15:00
BluesKajren0v0, you have one volume ctrl turned up in the chain but the input volume might be too low so you're amplifying the noise as well so you signal to noise is poor15:04
BluesKajren0v0, open alsamixer in the terminal and turn up the Master,PCM and Front15:06
ren0v0BluesKaj,  they are all on max :(15:07
ren0v0sounds is actually very bad, there is a sub in my setup and there is virtually no output to it15:08
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a10194good day15:09
BluesKajren0v0, check your cable connection to the computer and make sure your mics are turned off if you have any15:11
ren0v0BluesKaj, no MIC, cable is fine15:12
BluesKajren0v0, usually the sub has the speaker connections, is this the setup you have15:13
ren0v0BluesKaj, yea15:13
BluesKajren0v0, check the volume ctls on the speakers/sub, just stating the obvious , but I have to15:15
ren0v0BluesKaj, it has a remote control, thats what i'm using to control volume15:15
ren0v0BluesKaj, as i say the sub is literally like its not there15:16
ren0v0this is on top of the crackling, but i'd love to know if its ubuntu/driver related before sending it back15:16
BluesKajmaybe you could ask a freind to check your speakers on his computer, ren15:17
ren0v0hehe no so ideal no :P15:17
ren0v0i'm really looking here to find out more about sound on ubuntu, if there is anything i can check/monitor15:18
BluesKajren0v0, I doubt very much if it's the driver15:18
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ren0v0i just feel something isn't right since i upgraded to 15.10. i have an old logitech system that i was using before and that was just great15:18
justAnotherNickquestion: why does "os-prober" detect my debian installation (with missing grub configs), but not ubuntu?15:19
BluesKajyou have something not setup correctly or the speakers are either defective or they are pickinging RF interference from a device nearby15:19
BluesKajren0v0, does the sub have a master volume ctrl on it ? If so crank it up15:21
BluesKaja remote vol ctl cant make the volume louder then the master15:21
ren0v0BluesKaj, i can only turn it to 50-60%15:22
ren0v0without blowing my eardrums15:22
BluesKajleave it at 50-60% then turn it down with the remote15:23
ren0v0BluesKaj, just connected speakers to my old sub and remote, completely different levels, so maybe the new setup is faulty15:24
ren0v0BluesKaj, i was talking about remote, i always use source at 100%15:24
BluesKajmost amplifiers will peak  over 100% of out put power at 50% on the volume ctrl15:25
ren0v0BluesKaj, i'm not sure at all what you're suggesting15:26
ren0v0and not sure what difference it will make to the issue tierh15:26
BluesKajsignal to noise , if you bring the imaster volume up too high you amplify the noise floor as well15:27
marushttp://paste.debian.net/414819/ can any one tell me what's wrong with my source.list?15:32
BluesKajmarus, google chrome puts a plugin into your sourceslist.d , like a ppa , but for some reason it doesn't update ...perhaps installing a neewr version tof the browser will fix your issue which really cna be ignored if your browser works ok15:36
BluesKajscuse my spelling mistakes, but you get my drift I hope, marus15:37
marusBluesKaj:thanks a lot :-)15:37
ioriamarus, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/fix-failed-to-fetch-google-chrome-apt-error-ubuntu15:38
marusioria: nice one thanks15:41
ioriamarus, you're welcome15:41
bodomHi there! My audio stopped working with apparent no reason, could anyone help?15:58
lotuspsychje!sound | bodom15:59
ubottubodom: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:59
bodomlotuspsychje: thank you. Following the troubleshotting guide, step 2. I can play sound as root but not as normal user. What does it mean?16:02
bodom(adding my user to the "audio" group doesn't change anything)16:03
lotuspsychjebodom: try to create another user and test sound from there, maybe it got borked on current user16:04
=== Bob is now known as Guest54383
son-gokuanyone available?16:12
lotuspsychje!ask | son-goku16:12
ubottuson-goku: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:12
son-gokuI recently tried to configure Plex media server on my ubuntu. Plex was finally able to display the folder containing media files. But after shut down my Ubuntu boots to Emergency mode. What I did was put the Ubuntu Live USB and then as a root user commented out the changes in the fstab that i made earlier while configuring Plex. Now Ubuntu boots no16:15
son-gokurmally again. But is there any way I can configure plex and boot normally next time I shut down. I must have messed up something in the fstab :P16:15
MonkeyDust!find plex16:18
ubottuFound: libio-multiplex-perl, perl-modules, gambas3-gb-complex, libghc-storable-complex-dev, libghc-storable-complex-prof, libmplex2-2.1-0, libplexus-active-collections-java, libplexus-active-collections-java-doc, libplexus-ant-factory-java, libplexus-archiver-java (and 48 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=plex&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all16:18
MonkeyDustson-goku  is that on a raspberry pi?16:19
son-gokuMonkeyDust :/ my HP laptop doesn't have raspberry pi16:20
son-gokui followed these instructions from askubuntu forum to configure the fstab : https://dpaste.de/jkfS16:21
MonkeyDustson-goku  if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntustudio16:21
vdevnullHi people16:35
vdevnullhow do i show all usb connected?16:35
EriC^^vdevnull: lsusb and sudo parted -l16:35
nulliuslsusb vdevnull16:35
vdevnullmy usb dongle seems not support linux16:36
vdevnullonly .exe files in there16:36
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:36
minimecvdevnull: You might have to ad some firmware file.16:39
hyperturboParticle acceleration using citywide wifi device*ashland, or  Http://magizian.net:808016:40
brunchbbIs it possible to modify /etc/shadow and change your password?16:41
daftykinsbrunchbb: what are you really trying to do?16:41
daftykinsif you want to change a password you forgot, boot recovery mode16:42
brunchbbjust curious16:42
llutzbrunchbb: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/76313/change-password-of-a-user-in-etc-shadow16:44
MizmaarUbuntu is not giving option of my maximum display resolution - what to do??16:45
daftykinsMizmaar: share /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:45
daftykinsit is a log file which can help discover why it isn't using the native resolution16:45
Mizmaardaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15374789/16:46
daftykinsMizmaar: this is 15.10? desktop or laptop?16:48
Mizmaaractually it is ubuntu kylin16:48
daftykinsMizmaar: does your monitor support something other than the VGA cable you're using it with?16:49
daftykinsor rather, does the computer have something newer than VGA to output with, too? :D16:49
skitoxeallright boys, i have a question regarding multi-touch on ubuntu mate with synaptic drivers. Is it possible? i can't get it to work no matter which combos i try. Any tips?16:50
skitoxeallright boys, i have a question regarding multi-touch on ubuntu mate with synaptic drivers. Is it possible? i can't get it to work no matter which combos i try. Any tips?16:54
daftykinsdon't repeat so soon, be patient16:54
daftykinsMizmaar: so?16:54
skitoxedaftykins: my bad :(16:54
Bashing-omskitoxe: What release ? Driver available ? ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-synaptics<-lts-wily> ' ??16:54
skitoxeim infuriated atm16:55
daftykinsok, but your mood does not mean others should suffer :)16:55
skitoxeBashing-om: mate 15.10 drivers are 1.8.216:56
Bashing-omskitoxe: You could try System icon in upper right of the panel then System Settings ---> Mouse/Touchpad and make sure that the touchpad is on.16:58
skitoxeBashing-om: the touchpad is ok, i cant get it to register 3 or 4 finger drags with touchegg16:59
skitoxeBashing-om: 2 finger scrolling works fine16:59
Bashing-omskitoxe: Sorry, no other ideas . Not experienced enough to further advise.17:01
skitoxeBashing-om: allright! Thanks anyway mate!17:01
jerry_I am very new.17:03
jerry_I am playing with ubuntu studio.17:03
jerry_I would like to switch to ubuntu. how do I do this within ubuntu studio??17:04
daftykinsit's already ubuntu but with a bunch more packages17:05
skitoxejerry_: ubuntu studio is ubuntu17:05
daftykinsif you want vanilla, just get the actual normal ISO.17:06
skitoxeit's only what's pre-installed on it that differs from other distributions17:06
jerry_I have it on a USB but when I restart it doesn't boot up with the USB.17:06
skitoxejerry_: you need to enter your bios during setup and change the boot order to boot from usb17:07
skitoxealso, make sure the usb is actually a bootable usb and not just an image file copied onto it17:08
jerry_thank you, but I have done that. Still boots into Ubuntu Studio17:08
daftykinsusing a one time boot menu is better, adjusting boot order is an amateur approach17:08
skitoxethen something is off with the usb, are you sure it is bootable?17:08
jerry_I used UUI to make it.17:09
skitoxedaftykins: depends on which efi u have, not all allow that operation17:09
arHi. I have a desktop computer (not a laptop, no "hybrid graphics" or anything like that is involved) with integrated intel graphics and discrete nvidia. ubuntu tries to use the integrated intel graphics despite nvidia drivers being installed. how does one disable the integrated graphics? there's no option for that in bios17:09
jerry_again...Please forgive. I'm am very new and just making the switch.17:10
skitoxejerry_: if the bios is set up correctly and the usb is bootable then i dont know why it wouldnt boot. sry mate17:11
feross_hello, whats tha name of the bar in the top right where are the indicators?17:11
skitoxefeross_: depends on which desktop enviroment you are using17:12
jerry_Thank you.17:12
daftykinsar: can you share "lspci" in a paste?17:12
feross_skitoxe: compiz17:12
lotuspsychjefeross_: whats it for?17:12
skitoxefeross_: thats your window manager, are you using unity =17:13
lotuspsychjefeross_: searching new indicators?17:13
feross_lotuspsychje: before three days it crash..now i can't click up there and the time and battery usage is the same three days..some times its turn black the howl bar17:13
feross_skitoxe: yes 14.0417:14
feross_lotuspsychje:  no i got a bug17:14
lotuspsychjefeross_: installed indicators with a ppa?17:14
skitoxefeross_: then i belive it's just refered to as the unity "top panel"17:14
ardaftykins: you don't belive me, do you? http://sprunge.us/MPeV17:15
feross_skitoxe: the bar works in gnome and unity17:15
skitoxefeross_: then it's gnome-panel17:15
lotuspsychjefeross_: what kinf of graphics card chipset and driver?17:15
daftykinsar: i just prefer to check these things rather than assume - you'd be surprised how easy it is to be led astray.17:16
daftykinsar: alright, have you poked around in your BIOS/EFI for a setting to prevent both being enabled at the same time?17:16
feross_lotuspsychje:  i don't know i using intel17:16
ardaftykins: yes - there's no such setting17:16
feross_skitoxe: the first time has come a message somthing with bug and re-load indicator17:16
lotuspsychjefeross_: do you have a screenshot of the disformed indicator section?17:17
feross_sorry for my bad english17:17
daftykinsar: and how does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log look? i take it you only have displays attached to the card17:17
ardaftykins: there's only the "init display first", where pci-e graphics are selected. grub gets displayed on the screen connected to nvidia graphics.17:17
feross_lotuspsychje: yes17:17
ardaftykins: it doesn't get updated17:17
flokahow to mount hard disk ext3 partion as a rw for everybody?17:17
lotuspsychjefeross_: can you share plz?17:17
feross_lotuspsychje:  how?17:17
lotuspsychjefeross_: imgur, tinypic17:17
feross_lotuspsychje: i am noob can you guide me?17:18
daftykinsar: the file should show the entire X starting process, so i'd like to see it17:18
ardaftykins: really - i need to disable i915. how does one do that on ubuntu?17:18
lotuspsychjefeross_: well those are picture sharing websites, that can provide you a link to the photo17:18
aron gentoo i just wouldn't compile the driver…17:18
homa hi my friends17:18
feross_lotuspsychje:  ok i will give a try17:18
daftykinsar: you would blacklist the module - but i still want to see the log.17:19
Mizmaardaftykins: sorry...I think it might support HDMI??17:19
daftykinsMizmaar: if you have the sockets at both ends it'd be easier to get yourself a cable then - VGA causes no end of trouble17:20
feross_lotuspsychje: http://tinypic.com/r/902gic/917:20
feross_when its black17:20
lotuspsychjefeross_: hmm are you on gnome fallback?17:21
ardaftykins: too late. blacklisted the i915 module in /etc/modprobe.d/ and updated initramfs. worked17:22
feross_lotuspsychje: it happen only with compiz and metacity17:22
feross_lotuspsychje: http://tinypic.com/r/w8xsn6/9 this is what i see three days now17:22
daftykinsar: well of course it worked :P and not even any thanks eh? crikey you were a bit of a grumpy type.17:22
feross_and i can't click at anyof the indicators17:22
ardaftykins: thanks17:22
lotuspsychjefeross_: ok, what did the bug say after login to gnome fallback?17:23
lotuspsychje!cookie | daftykins17:23
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:23
feross_i don't realy remember but i remember that i try to click in the option with re-load indicator17:24
feross_but nothing happens17:24
lotuspsychjefeross_: do you have this on unity also?17:24
feross_lotuspsychje: no17:24
feross_lotuspsychje: when i login with gnome or unity its ok17:24
feross_lotuspsychje: its only in metacity and compiz17:24
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lotuspsychjefeross_: maybe re-login into gnome-fallback, and see what error/bug you getting17:24
lotuspsychjefeross_: might be compiz bug at start17:25
flokawhat is lost+found directory for?17:25
ubottulost+found is where !fsck places any files it gleans from a corrupt filesystem.  These are files which had become unlinked from their parent directories.17:25
feross_lotuspsychje: nothing happes....i try alot of times17:25
lotuspsychjefeross_: are you up to date to 14.04.4?17:25
feross_lotuspsychje: i unistall fallback and re-install17:25
feross_how can i check it?17:26
lotuspsychjefeross_: lsb_release -a17:26
k1lfloka: its a folder where files are put that got corrupted and found again by the filesystem17:26
feross_lotuspsychje:  yes 14.04.417:26
flokawhich command does that - finding corrupted files n fs?17:26
lotuspsychjefeross_: ok great, maybe check your syslog it might spit out some errors17:27
k1lfloka: fsck17:27
feross_lotuspsychje: how can i check it?17:27
lotuspsychjefeross_: there is the logviewer icon, or manually browse to /var/log/syslog17:28
lotuspsychje!paste | feross_ you can share it tu us17:28
ubottufeross_ you can share it tu us: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:28
Thor___whois Drone'17:33
k1lDrone` is one of the channel bots.17:35
feross_lotuspsychje: i am looking for 10 march17:36
daftykinsbit late17:36
feross_lotuspsychje: the date that crash17:37
feross_lotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15375588/17:42
feross_its the day that crash17:42
lotuspsychjelets c17:42
lotuspsychjefeross_: uname -a please?17:44
feross_Linux Len-ideapad-100-15IBYovo 3.19.0-51-generic #58~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 26 22:03:27 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux17:44
lotuspsychjefeross_: you should be on 3.13.0-79-generic17:46
=== ghostmagazine is now known as Das
lotuspsychjefeross_: you sure your on 14.04.4?17:46
feross_lotuspsychje: i don't know what is that17:47
feross_lotuspsychje:  i am using some months ubuntu17:47
=== Das is now known as ghostmag_
barajasfabhey guys, when I press the super key on my computer, the active window disappears. It doesn't close out though. Has anyone ever run into this before?17:48
feross_lotuspsychje:  http://tinypic.com/r/169gmci/917:49
=== ghostmag_ is now known as ghostmag
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic vivid17:52
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB17:52
lotuspsychjefeross_: did you install 14.04 fresh or upgrade from another version?17:52
feross_lotuspsychje:  fresh, i downloaded burnit and install17:53
feross_i was using othe (badname) OS17:53
* daftykins scowls17:53
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
zeryxyo I just installed 15.04 on my second laptop, it seems like there's absolutely no wifi network discovery modules installed at all17:56
daftykins15.04 is EOL so we can't help you with it17:57
zeryxis that a new update to 15.04? I seem to remember it working out of the box when I installed it on here17:57
daftykinsreinstall a supported release such as 15.1017:57
zeryxdaftykins, 15.10 crashes and doesn't run properly on the other laptop17:57
MonkeyDustzeryx   install 14.04 or 15.10, then ask again17:57
daftykinsthen try 16.0417:57
zeryxnouveu driver conflict17:57
daftykinsthat's easily remedied.17:57
zeryxnomodeset is required to get anywhere at all17:57
zeryxand constant freezing / crashing with 15.1017:58
daftykinsyeah, again... common.17:58
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid17:58
zeryxI'll try reverting to 14.04 in that case if that'll help17:58
MonkeyDustzeryx  then try 14.04 ... 15.04 is dead17:58
daftykinsno help will be provided for a dead release.17:58
zeryxI didn't know it was dead, no probs17:58
daftykins14.04.4 media would be wise to download17:58
zeryxit's already downloaded thankfully17:58
daftykinsbut i think 16.04 beta would make more sense since we're a month from release17:58
daftykinszeryx: yeah but 14.04.4? or earlier...17:59
lotuspsychje!bug | feross_ against gnome fallback17:59
ubottufeross_ against gnome fallback: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:59
metrixxhow can i install vxlan module on ubuntu 16.0417:59
metrixxor find the necessary package for it17:59
lotuspsychjemetrixx: #ubuntu+1 plz17:59
zeryxI'll try 16.04 and see if I still have the noveau driver conflicts17:59
daftykinsthat can be fixed as i've said 3 times now17:59
zeryxdaftykins, I know I "fixed" it with blacklisting nouveau & installing bumblebee17:59
MonkeyDustzeryx  i'm using 16.04, it's completely stable, especially the video/screen18:00
MonkeyDustit's not*18:00
lotuspsychjezeryx: bumblebee is outdated18:00
zeryxahh, I've been going off of google searching to try and problem solve, I guess that's not the correct way for problems like this18:00
=== sebbu2 is now known as sebbu
feross_lotuspsychje: display X.org or other bug?18:01
lotuspsychjefeross_: i would go for gnome fallback bug, as the indicator section is black18:01
zeryxthanks for the quick response & help on this daftykins, I've been trying to fight this since friday18:01
zeryxintel integrated graphics & nvidia discrete GPU pains18:01
feross_lotuspsychje: ubuntu-bug gnome fallback bug, as the indicator section is black <- ?18:02
=== mfisch is now known as Guest12587
stangeland16.04 is coming out end april?18:02
feross_WARNING **: Couldn't register with accessibility bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.18:02
lotuspsychje!xenial | stangeland18:03
ubottustangeland: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+118:03
stangelandh april 21st18:04
flokawhen I write a look while true .... do I put semicolon ; after while true; , then do I need to write ; anywhere else?18:06
EriC^^floka: yeah, before done18:06
EriC^^while true; do ... ; done18:07
feross_lotuspsychje: now i have to wait?18:07
feross_lotuspsychje: can you suggest me what to search in internet?maybe i someone else got the same problem ,, i am trying to search for can't click indicator ubuntu fallback18:08
flokaEriC^^:  like that ? http://kickasspastes.com/13245/18:10
bguy123i came to party18:10
bguy123test out irc18:10
bguy123someone get in my dm18:10
bguy123direct private message18:11
bguy123lets do this18:11
bguy123im in toronto18:11
bguy123where yall at18:11
daftykinsno chat in here bguy123 - take it to #ubuntu-offtopic18:11
EriC^^floka: yup, you can use while sleep 3m; do echo ..; done too18:11
flokaI want every min something to be written to the hdd18:12
flokaevery 3 min18:12
EriC^^yeah, that does that too18:12
flokaI dont get it18:12
flokawhile sleep and it should all pause18:12
EriC^^it'll run sleep 3m; and stay there, after 3m sleep 3m will return true, and while will do its thing18:12
EriC^^and it keeps repeating18:13
charlie__2sorry guys, Piding on Windows ships with Cyrus SASL 2.10.26 and can log in to XMPP servers if hashed passwords are stored (Prosody). Apparently 14.04 still uses 2.10.25 and that allegedly is to be consider ancient. However, I can't log in to Prosody whenever libsasl2 comes into play. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cyrus-sasl2/+bugs it seems to have a whole lot of issues. What do you suggest?18:13
flokaI see18:13
zeryxwhen creating a bootable disk, is the best method to "restore disk image" via the disk image writer?18:14
zeryxseems to be the only method that works properly on my system18:14
daftykinszeryx: i'd use dd or cp via terminal18:19
daftykinsnot sure what this disk image writer you speak of, is18:19
zeryxrightclick an ISO image, open as gives you an option18:20
zeryxfound it in the bowels of SO18:21
zeryxok so just checking without setting nomodeset on the installer, I'm getting soft-lockup from " detect the available gpu sand deal with system changes"18:22
zeryx(during the installation pre-processing of 16.04)18:22
zeryx"A start job is running for Ubuntu live CD installer" & "A start job is running for Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes" are the two hangs18:23
zeryxits not freezing with 16.04 though; major improvement18:25
=== Viking is now known as Guest61182
flokaHow to change permissons from drwxr-xr-x to drwxrwxrwx  ?18:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:29
daftykinsfloka: what are you trying to do? those permissions suggest you're doing something wrong18:29
flokawrong or not I want to do it18:30
feross_can someone help me?18:30
daftykinsonly scripts or programs need executable rights18:30
daftykinsfloka: then you will have to deal with someone else :)18:30
flokaI want to  mount ext3 partion to be rw for regular user18:31
daftykinsfloka: then change your mount command or /etc/fstab entry to mount correctly18:31
daftykins777 perms won't fix that.18:31
flokano without fstab18:31
daftykinsso manual mount?18:32
flokaI created directory gave it 777 access and do mount /dev1 /destination -o rw  it is not enough18:32
daftykinsno that's wrong18:32
flokahow to do it18:32
ledtcHey guys so im trying to  install another operating system but when it tries to format the drive i get this error ... error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda input/output error18:35
daftykinsfloka: first unmount it then "sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mountpoint -o rw,user" assuming sdb1.18:39
Mizmaardaftykins: Sorry but my monitor does not have HDMI input18:41
ledtcflopsec: cant find mmcblk0 in /etc/fstab18:42
daftykinsMizmaar: VGA is the only choice?18:42
daftykinsledtc: what kind of device is that?18:42
ledtcflopsec:   Chromeboko, need ot sda1 not sda, any how -ext3 unknown filesystem18:43
daftykinsMizmaar: ah that's not good, maybe try pastebin'ing "xrandr"18:43
Mizmaarby running cvt and xrander I can change the resolution temporarily18:43
daftykinsoh ok so it does list it?18:44
daftykinsor you have to generate a modeline and add it first?18:44
MizmaarNo it doesn't list it...I have to tell it to generate modeline18:45
ledtcError fsyncing/closing /dev/mcblk0pmb input/output error18:47
flokadaftykins: your command did not succeeded18:47
Anthony-Lhello, I've been having trouble restart and it seems that Ubuntu fights over which gpu drivers to use. I'm currently using nvidia proprietary and would like to blacklist/uninstall nouveau drivers, so I can successfully restart my steam. any help would be appreciate?18:47
flokait was not enough to make the mount point rw for users18:47
daftykinsfloka: probably because you haven't provided the full details of the situation or corrected the command to the specifics of your system18:47
feross_can't click anywhere in the right top gnome-panel its stuck and when i try to run it from terminal its take me a bug error18:48
daftykinsMizmaar: ok you'll have to create a custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf with that modeline to set it at boot then18:48
Mizmaarcan u help??18:48
daftykinsplenty of guides and examples online though18:48
SierraKomodoAny ideas why apache2 would be giving 403 forbidden errors when the director this virtualhost is pointing to is owned by www-data and has standard permissions? (755 for folders, 644 for files)18:48
BottomNotchI'm trying to install winswitch on 15.10 with these instructions: bit.ly/1Ua3ltZ.  How long should apt-get install software-properties-common >& /dev/null; from step 2 take?  It's been at least 15 minutes since it started.18:49
SchrodingersScat!info winswitch | BottomNotch18:51
ubottuBottomNotch: winswitch (source: winswitch): tool to start and control remote sessions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.21+dfsg-1 (wily), package size 966 kB, installed size 2632 kB18:51
flokathis should be achievable , mount point with rw for all users not just root18:51
flokaI think I might try something else18:51
daftykinsit is achievable18:52
daftykinsfloka: all users should be a member of the same group, then the ownership set as that group.18:52
daftykinsperhaps you're just new to permissions18:52
daftykinsalso ext3 is old18:52
flokaold new, same thing18:52
BottomNotchSchrodingersScat, not really an answer to my question, but I figured it out anyways,  I needed to press return to confirm that I wanted to install it.18:52
daftykinsfloka: err no, i'm going to stop assisting now as you don't make any sense.18:53
flokaas you keli18:54
SchrodingersScatBottomNotch: it is, because the repos are the recommended way to install things.  Yes, that's an odd thing for them to pipe to dev-null.18:54
zeryxdaftykins, for my specific problem of the gpu-manager not loading properly; would the easiest way to get my install to become stable to blacklist nouveau and nothing else?18:54
zeryxI'm now on 14.0418:54
daftykinsgave up that easy huh? sorry i'm busy right now.18:55
zeryx(I have an MSI WS60 laptop that has an integrated intel GPU with a nvidia processing GPU)18:55
zeryxok no probs, do you have any recommendations on where to look outside of random google searching?18:55
daftykinssounds like optimus in which case an nvidia-### driver coupled with nvidia-prime at the same time should work just fine18:56
daftykinsfrom the repos, don't go trying to download something from nvidia18:56
zeryxok cool that's what I was thinking would od it18:56
daftykinswhich is why you've had all these problems this entire time, but you've known the answer18:56
zeryxthe biggest worry for me is lspci doesn't list my real discrete GPU as a VGA option18:56
zeryxit kept crashing while doing that on 15.1018:57
daftykinsthat doesn't actually make any sense, pastebin it.18:57
BluesKajzeryx, have you chosen the pci gpu as defiault in the uefi/bios ?18:57
zeryxBluesKaj, my bios gives no options for any peripherals; which is mind boggling18:58
BluesKajmine doesn't have peripheral opr=tions eithe ,but it does graphics hardware options18:59
zeryxI'll check again, I even flashed my bios to hopefully solve any problem but it didn't get anywhere19:00
daftykinsnot wise19:00
zeryxmy goal was to get this working for work tomorrow19:00
zeryxI started on friday night, haven't really taken a break since19:01
Anthony-Lseems like zeryx and I are having similar issues. :)19:02
zeryxmy current laptop has no probs, its the double gpu causing pain19:03
zeryxits magically working19:03
zeryxI don't have to give it nomodeset19:03
Anthony-Lyea, mine does the say. it's hit or miss with me.19:03
zeryxnvm it's now frozen19:03
zeryxI noticed the "gpu light" turned on and the system is now frozen19:03
zeryxaka the acutal power button changes colours19:04
ArtificialWhy does ubuntu server have a kernel update so often? I have to reboot my server so many times.19:04
daftykinsfor security fixes or otherwise19:05
daftykinsas long as you're on an LTS server release it's fine19:05
ArtificialI'm on 15.1019:05
k1lArtificial: there are a lot of security issues that get fixed. you can take a look at ubuntu.com/usn19:05
k1lArtificial: and as server it might be better to run a LTS version, anyway.19:06
daftykinsArtificial: that wasn't a wise move for a server.19:07
ner0xDoes anyone know of any software that I can write papers with? Not "technically" scientific papers but ones I can include source links, sections, subsections, tables, graphs, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.19:07
Anthony-Llibreoffice doesn't allow graphs?19:09
zeryxhttps://gist.github.com/zeryx/5a0ad8d07d669aae943a daftykins19:09
zeryxwas able to capture that in between halting freezes19:09
zeryx(copy and pasted from one laptop to another, I skipped everything unrelated)19:09
daftykinsugh quadro19:09
daftykinsyeah that was not a good move, i'd have wanted to see the lot - but anyway no, i'm doing other things right now so can't assist.19:10
ner0xAnthony-L: It does, I don't know it has chapter and source note report, etc.19:10
ner0xjatt: TeX? Is that a specific program or like a suite of things/19:11
zeryxalso can't see to get into grub, not sure why19:11
Anthony-Lner0x, like something along the lines of Excel?19:13
ner0xAnthony-L: I guess I'm looking for a GUI latex editor with vim support. I might be able to work with vim-latex but the having to compile and then open the document gets tedious.19:14
Anthony-Lner0x, i googled... http://beebom.com/2015/07/best-latex-editors19:16
ner0xAnthony-L: I've done that quite a bit; haven't found one with vim support though. Annoying. Anyway, I'll keep looking around. Thanks for our help!19:16
Guest73227guys i need a network driver for my lenovo thinkpad E540 i heard the realtech one is pretty decent19:17
minimecner0x: nowadays code editors like atom and sublime would have both latex and vim support, at least to a certain level of complexivity.19:17
damasceneI've lost my quitrss feed after upgrading from 15.04 to 15.10, any idea about that?19:18
Anthony-LI've been having trouble rebooting and it seems that Ubuntu fights over which gpu drivers to use. I'm currently using nvidia proprietary and would like to blacklist/uninstall nouveau drivers, so I can successfully restart my system. help?19:18
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Mo-BrandsSup guys whats the best driver for Lenovo Thinkpad E540 network card for my wireless19:19
zeryxAnthony-L, same problem yep19:19
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zeryxHave you tried setting a boot option with grub for nomodeset ?19:20
ner0xminimec: I've never heard of atom. I'll give it a try. Thank you.19:20
zeryxdaftykins, pastebin.com/kyWZcGVr when you have a second19:22
zeryx(booted in from my live usb)19:22
daftykinssorry no.19:23
zeryx"when you have a second"19:23
Anthony-Lzeryx, did you blacklist from the liveusb?19:23
zeryxAnthony-L, no I blacklisted from the install, I don't think you can blacklist from the liveusb and get it to "stick" can you?19:24
Anthony-Lzeryx, i don't know. i'm on the GUI/desktop now though. it's hit or miss for me when i restart my system.19:24
zeryxif you can get into grub and set the nomodeset flag in the boot configuration (IE: replace the silent splash flags with text nomodeset) you should be pretty free19:24
Anthony-Lzeryx, it's pretty obvious it's fighting over drivers for me.19:24
zeryxyeah same, I can see the light turn on my power button when the drivers swap19:25
zeryxand then it freezes permenantly19:25
Miamaybe not entirely related to ubuntu, but I need to ask -- what o you think about kubuntu ?19:25
zeryxerr not drivers19:25
Miais kde a good de to work with19:25
zeryxdrivers I assume are the same beacuse I haven19:25
zeryxhaven't blacklisted anything yet, so it should just be nouveau swapping between the integrated graphics and the discrete gpu19:25
Anthony-Lzeryx, yea, someone was telling me you have to blacklist with through the liveusb, but i don't know.19:26
Anthony-Lzeryx, i'm googling.19:26
zeryxI've been googling for 3 days Anthony-L if you find something I haven't kudos19:28
Anthony-Lzeryx, http://askubuntu.com/questions/481414/install-nvidia-driver-instead-nouveau19:28
Anthony-Lzeryx, i've been reading that. i'm not too familiar with the CLI though.19:29
Anthony-Lzeryx, yea, i've been having this problem for a while. i'm terrified to even restart my pc.19:31
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Anthony-Lzeryx, i just leave it on, problem solved. :) haha19:31
zeryxheh I don't get that far19:33
zeryxrandomly it will decide the time is right to swap gpu's and it will lock up19:33
Bashing-omzeryx: Verify driver/card match for nvidia: ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ; sudo lshw -C display ' in a pastebin site . See what we can work out.19:34
zeryxI'm on the liveusb and only blacklisted stuf19:35
zeryxbut I'll pastebin what I got19:36
zeryxI can't get into grub right now without the liveusb19:36
zeryx14.04 for whatever reason refuses to let me get into grub via holding shift19:36
Bashing-omzeryx: Generally , installing Nvidia driver will automatically take care of the blacklisting . but you can verity. look through ' /etc/modprobe.d/ ' .19:37
damasceneI've lost my quitrss rss feed after upgrading from 15.04 to 15.10, any idea about that?19:38
zeryxAnthony-L ^19:38
Bashing-omzeryx: UEFI is the escape key .. and only a 3 second window of opportunity .19:38
zeryxBashing-om, hold or rapidly press?19:38
Bashing-omzeryx: Rapid ..19:39
zeryxsupposed to hold shift19:39
Anthony-LBashing-om, that's not the case. i'm also having same problem as zeryx.19:39
Anthony-Li'm using proprietary nvidia drivers, it does not automatically blacklist the nouveau driver.19:39
Anthony-Li have the freeze on restart problem, it's intermittent.19:40
zeryxmine's extremely reproducable19:40
BrandanHello, kswapd0 uses 100% of my CPU with 2 Gbs of ram remaining (its only using 200 mbs). Know why? It makes it extremely hot in here.19:40
zeryxit'll freeze after at maximum 25 seconds19:41
zeryxwithout nomodeset*19:41
Bashing-omzeryx: IF UEFI based system to get grub's attention is the escape key . On that last output, no driver is loaded . and no Nvidia module is installed .. This on the install ?19:41
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zeryxits unable to even get to the install window without setting the boot option nomodeset19:42
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jushurzeryx: can use "TAB" to get grub menu to.19:45
Bashing-omzeryx: Is acceptable to boot 'nomodeset' and then install the Nvidia driver.. question, is this a notebook ? Have not found your card yet .19:45
numb3rHi everyone! Can anyone help me to understand this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1537525319:46
zeryxBashing-om, its a workstation19:46
zeryxdesigned for HPC19:46
zeryxescape worked but you can only click it once19:47
zeryxif you click it twice you get sent to the grub commandline which is useless19:48
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Bashing-omzeryx: Found it .. http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/72229/en-us ... But I have never heard of this driver .. still look'n .19:53
zeryxoh yeah using proprietary drivers19:56
zeryxnot sure if it'll work properly for me though19:56
zeryxI assume it will19:57
zeryxmight not19:57
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Anthony-Lzeryx, i pm'ed you20:04
bloopI installed unclutter which hides the mouse on idle20:06
bloopit starts up with ubuntu20:06
bloopI don't want it to do that20:06
bloopit's not in the list of start up apps to disable20:06
Bashing-omzeryx: Nvidia says : http://www.ubuntumaniac.com/2015/11/install-nvidia-linux-display-driver.html the 352 version will run on that card .20:07
zeryxyeah Bashing-om I got 362.28 working with it20:07
zeryxstill crashes on reboot though20:07
zeryxwithout nomodeset flag20:07
frznsknkHi there. I just installed 15.10 desktop, and I'm trying to add an IRC account to Empathy. However, there's no option for an IRC account in the Online Accounts window. The software center assures me that I have the latest and greatest telepathy-idle already installed, and I'm not sure what to try next.20:08
Bashing-omzeryx: If you have 'nomodeset' enabled, defeats Kernel Mode Setting and thus a proprietary driver will not load .20:08
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zeryxBashing-om, nvidia-smi works20:11
zeryxso somethings working20:11
zeryxthis is a mindboggling puzzle that I've been working on for a good 20 hours now20:11
ioriabloop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145097520:11
zeryxI may throw in the towel soon I think and return this laptop20:11
Bashing-omzeryx: Lot's I do not know " amd64        Interface for toggling the power on nVidia Optimus video cards " Huh ?? // what now is available in the install for drivers ? show ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' again .20:12
bloopioria, thanks20:15
ioriabloop, no problem20:15
zeryxBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/pUFqFJ1Z20:15
TvL2386hi guys, when installing a laptop with ubuntu using the mini.iso, what should I select to only get a basic ubuntu with MATE?20:16
MonkeyDustTvL2386  i guess mate is not yet an option in the mini.iso ... try installing no GUI and then adding mate afterwards20:17
ioriaTvL2386, https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/2014-08-ubuntu-mate-14-04-from-scratch/20:17
ghostmagSo, any suggestions why my ubuntu Desktop is not able to reach every website?20:18
ghostmagEvery now and then I am not able to visit specific sites20:18
TvL2386ah MonkeyDust, it's in the list for the x64 mini.iso :-) I'm just wondering if I also need to select ubuntu-desktop and basic ubuntu20:19
ghostmagRight now I am not able to reach a few20:19
w9qbjghostmag, what sites are missing?  what browser?  Can you ping them?20:21
ghostmagEvery browser has the problem20:22
ghostmagHow can I try to ping them?20:22
bekksOpen a terminal, try to use the ping command.20:22
ghostmagDifferent websites, but I think a few are harder to reach. Facebook, http://www.tagesschau.de/index.html oder a specifiy IRC Server seems to go down very often20:23
ghostmagbekks: Thanks, I will try it. Looking for a website that is down for me right now20:23
numb3rI have issue with my boot, I try to run boot-repair http://paste.ubuntu.com/1537525320:25
bekksnumb3r: And whats the issue?20:27
numb3rI can not boot anymore20:28
bekksnumb3r: And whats the error message you get?20:29
numb3r@bekks my linux partition seems not accessible when I run 'testdisk'20:29
bekksnumb3r: What is the issue, output, what happens when you try to boot?20:30
ghostmagWhat do I do wrong?20:31
ghostmagI write "ping 1 netflix.com"20:31
EriC^^ghostmag: ping -c 1 netflix.cm20:32
ghostmagah, yeah, thanks20:32
numb3rI have : grub issue>20:32
ghostmagw9qbj: 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms20:33
ghostmagIt seems like it doesn't work20:33
bekksghostmag: Can you please decide where you want to get help? Here, or in #ubuntu-de?20:34
w9qbjghostmag,  where are you?  did you mean netflix.com20:35
pingwindyktatorhey! is there any good way to move the unity launcher?20:35
EriC^^numb3r: do you have a live usb you can boot?20:35
numb3r@bekks the link is the result after running boot-repair tool20:35
ghostmagbekks: Do you want to help me in #ubuntu-de? That'd be great20:36
ghostmagYes, w9qbj. netflix.com20:36
ghostmagI am in Germany but have access to netflix.com20:36
ghostmagRight now I am not able to reach netflix.com but that's just an example, w9qbj. There are a lot of sites I am not able to reach a certain amount of time20:38
ikoniacan you resolve the hostname to ip20:38
numb3rEric^^: I am on live usb20:39
EriC^^numb3r: type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt20:39
ghostmagikonia: How do I do that20:43
ikoniaif you ping the address or look it up using nslookup or dig does it resolve to an ip20:43
Bashing-omzeryx: Sorry to leave ya haning .. I can not make heads or tails .. guess this is above my skill level as I am not seeing what I expect to see for graphic's driver . Maybe take a look at the log file see what X is doing ? ' pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .20:44
numb3rEriC^^ : it's done20:45
buuIf I have a receiver plugged into an nvidia card via hdmi using the nvidia propietary package20:46
buuWhy does xrandr list HDMI-0 instead of DFP-0?20:46
EriC^^numb3r: type " for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done "20:46
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buuAnd what's the difference between DFP-1 and HDMI-120:48
ghostmagikonia: When I ping Netflix, it shows this: "PING netflix.com ( 56(84) bytes of data."  The number is important for me?20:48
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AlexQHi. When I do apt-get update, I get this: "W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)". My Xubuntu 15.10 is 64 bit for certain. I guess that is a bug connected with Google dropping i386 support, but what should I do?20:49
bekksghostmag: that "number" is the IP address of netflix.com20:49
bekksAlexQ: whats the output of "uname -a"?20:50
zeryxsoft lockup - CPU#4 stuck for 22! [Xorg:2258]20:51
zeryxwhat would cause Xorg stalling?20:51
bekkszeryx: A CPU soft lockup.20:51
AlexQbekks: Linux alex-laptop 4.2.0-30-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 26 00:58:07 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:51
AlexQbekks: Maybe I should flush the apt cashe or sth?20:52
numb3rEriC^^ : the command outputs error: invalid mount option - - '/'20:52
AlexQbekks: Nope, sudo apt-get clean did not help20:52
bekksAlexQ: That will not solve that issue. This will: sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list"20:53
EriC^^numb3r: must be a typo somewhere20:53
EriC^^numb3r: try it again20:53
kostkonAlexQ, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/fix-failed-to-fetch-google-chrome-apt-error-ubuntu20:53
zeryxbekks, how would I fix this20:55
AlexQthanks bekks kostkon20:56
bekkszeryx: You need to restart X, at least.20:56
Bashing-omAlexQ: bekks :: also look at /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome  .20:57
numb3rEriC^^ : i get new error : mount point /dev/dev does not exist20:57
EriC^^numb3r: another typo20:58
EriC^^numb3r: can you paste here exactly what you're typing?20:58
numb3rEriC^^: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done20:59
AlexQBashing-om: REPOCONFIG="deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main"21:00
AlexQREPOCONFIGREGEX="deb (\[arch=[^]]*\bamd64\b[^]]*\][[:space:]]*)?https?://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" - seems to be fine?21:00
vertigojh424I am having a problem downloading some software and updates.  It says that there may be something wrong with my connection, i.e. firewall.  Yet I am able to connect to firefox.  Has anyone had this issue after installing Ubuntu?21:00
bekksvertigojh424: Whats the exact output of "sudo apt-get update"? Can you please pastebin it?21:00
EriC^^numb3r: looks right, try it again21:01
vertigojh424bekks how do I run that?21:01
Bashing-omAlexQ: Yeah .. you should be good there .. see now what results: 'sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .21:01
bekksvertigojh424: By opening a terminal and typing it.21:01
AlexQBashing-om: All fine, thanks21:02
vertigojh424I don't think I have a terminal installed or if I do I don't know how to access it.  Is there one that is better than others?21:03
Bashing-omAlexQ: :) .. others did the ground work .21:03
numb3rEriC^^ : gives the same error21:03
EriC^^numb3r: try sudo mount -B /dev /mnt/dev21:03
bekksvertigojh424: You do have a terminal installed.21:03
AlexQBashing-om: Guess that must have happened quite recently, as I had my Chrome up-to-date apparently?21:03
numb3rEriC^^: it can not mount any of the directories21:04
EriC^^what does it say?21:04
EriC^^numb3r: try ls -l /mnt21:04
Bashing-omAlexQ: If you recently installed google-chrome, the fix was done by Google . If prior to the 32 bit droppage, we had to manually make those changes .21:05
m3n3chm0hello the last 3 days my laptop does not poweroff or reboot OK.. I mean in the splash screen it freezes and I have to push power button until it power off. I'm using xubuntu 15.10 and this is the first time I see this issue21:05
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Bashing-omm3n3chm0: If you boot an older kernel is the behavior the same ?21:06
numb3rEriC^^: output only 2 directories: BootInfo and boot-sav21:06
AlexQBashing-om: Nope, I had it installed way before 32 bit droppage, but I have 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit) and it did not upgrade after successful apt-get update & ugrade, so I am wondering how could it have been already up to date when apt-get update was supposed to keep failing since 32-bit droppage :D21:06
m3n3chm0Bashing-om mmmmm how can I boot from an older kernel ¿?21:07
AlexQm3n3chm0: Via advanced boot options submenu in Grub21:08
m3n3chm0Bashing-om righ now i'm running this one21:08
m3n3chm0buenas, hace 3 dias que mi portatil al reinciiar o apagar no finaliza la acción, y se queda bloqueado en el splash screen y la tecla de mayusculas parpadea, con lo que tengo que pulsar el boton de apagado hasta que se apaga a machete... estoy usando Xubuntu 15.10 y nunca tuve este problema antes21:08
m3n3chm0this one21:08
Bashing-omAlexQ: Huummm .. got me wondering too ,, Google making the adjustment ??? For several days we have had to edit those files ourselfs .21:08
m3n3chm0AlexQ ok let me check21:08
m3n3chm0i'm going to try to boot with an older one thanks21:09
m3n3chm0see you in some minutes21:09
m3n3chm0thanks for your anwers21:09
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic vivid21:09
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB21:09
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic wily21:10
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB21:10
AlexQBashing-om: Maybe was it only "failing", i.e. printing that error and apt-get update exiting with error code, but actually getting new package data from Google's repo despite the problematic repo entry, so then upgrade still upgraded Chrome or something. Well, never mind, just seemed strange,21:11
Danielh90putty and screens need help learning screens21:11
AlexQThanks guys and bye, gotta go21:12
Danielh90So I made a screen so I did screen -S mc_proxy_server I tryed to switch to it and it says no other windows found? but when I do screen -ls  it says that mc_proxy_server21:12
Danielh90and then my putty terminal can't type anymore21:13
Danielh90What am I do wrong.21:13
Bashing-omAlexLikeRock: I can accept that Google made some adjustements, As I did not get the google-chrome version 49 until I made the manual edits - the same day Google droped 32 bit support .21:14
numb3rEriC^^ : output only 2 directories: BootInfo and boot-sav21:14
AlexLikeRocktake  this  Bashing-om21:14
AlexLikeRockfree cartoons21:15
Danielh90Could anyone help me?21:15
EriC^^numb3r: type mount | nc termbin.com 999921:15
Bashing-omAlexLikeRock: K .. sorry not looking at whom I am pinging .21:15
m3n3chm0alexQ Bashing-om you were right, with the issue is solved... so how can i continue using¿? maybe i need to reinstall it or something else ¿?21:15
AlexLikeRockBashing-om,    google  sucks21:15
AlexLikeRock change   to firefox21:15
AlexLikeRockalways use google users and then gives them a kick in the tracero21:16
AlexLikeRockgoogle always misuses users and then gives them a kick in the ass21:17
AlexLikeRockgoogle are  evil21:17
AlexLikeRockALWAYS !!!!!!21:18
Bashing-omAlexLikeRock: No free lunch anywhere anymore .21:18
AlexLikeRockgoogle not  care21:18
numb3rEriC^^ : i have a link : http://termbin.com/sxf721:18
EriC^^numb3r: mount | nc termbin.com 999921:19
Bashing-omm3n3chm0: Short answer, wait for the next kernel upgrade, see if the new kernels has a fix for your issue ; in the meantime boot the older kernel .21:20
m3n3chm0Bashing-om ok i'll do exactly as you said, thanks mate.21:20
numb3rEriC^^ : i have a link http://termbin.com/sxf721:23
EriC^^numb3r: you're typing "type"21:23
numb3rEriC^^ : No21:24
EriC^^maybe you pasted the same link21:25
numb3rEriC^^ : which link? I don't understand21:27
EriC^^the link you gave21:27
EriC^^numb3r: try mount | nc termbin.com 999921:27
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numb3rEric^^ : output of this command is: http://termbin.com/n4r221:29
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EriC^^numb3r: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt21:30
=== ielb is now known as jaspp
numb3rEriC^^ : mount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /mnt busy21:31
EriC^^numb3r: sudo mkdir /install21:32
EriC^^numb3r: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /install21:32
EriC^^numb3r: nevermind21:32
EriC^^numb3r: cat /proc/mounts | nc termbin.com 999921:32
masteryodanice to meet you all21:33
numb3rEriC^^ : http://termbin.com/qzje21:34
jackbrownanyone knows how to install Google Earth PRo ?21:35
EriC^^numb3r: odd /dev/sda5 isn't mounted21:36
bray90820is scp part of ssh?21:36
EriC^^numb3r: sudo mkdir /install21:36
EriC^^numb3r: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /install21:36
EriC^^!find scp21:36
ubottuFound: escputil, gap-scscp, liblscp-dbg, liblscp-dev, liblscp-doc, liblscp6, libnet-scp-expect-perl, libnet-scp-perl, liboscpack-dbg, liboscpack-dev (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=scp&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all21:36
EriC^^bray90820: yeah it's part of the openssh-client package21:37
EriC^^dpkg -S `which scp`21:37
bray90820EriC^^: Thanks21:38
numb3rEriC^^ : mount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /install busy21:38
EriC^^numb3r: try rebooting the live usb21:38
numb3rEriC^^ : ok... be back in a while21:39
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Neytirihi i need to be able to move files from one directory to another that fit a specific naming convention "BLAH-BLAH - THIS PART DOEST'N MATTER"22:04
GakmanВсем привет22:05
xlogmv "BLAH-BLAH"* /some/directory22:06
Seveas!info libotr5 trusty22:07
ubottulibotr5 (source: libotr): Off-the-Record Messaging library. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.0-2.2ubuntu1.1 (trusty), package size 71 kB, installed size 224 kB22:07
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owner__NickServ identify arkady810322:08
MoPacQuestion about Ubuntu ISO (especially daily build) images. I have this continuing annoyance where they contain 0-bit gzip files (usually in /dists/main/i386 and similar folders). This causes the Nautilus or whatever other default extractor that works through the file GUI to error out trying to extract them. So I always have to open up the .iso and delete these. Is this problem unique to me?22:09
minimecowner__: Change your irc password ;)22:09
MoPac(I don't think this is specifically a +1 problem, as it has shown up with a lot of versions)22:09
leokannajoin #sympy22:09
bekksMoPac: Do not "unpack" an ISO file, but mount it.22:09
leokannasorry wrong msg22:10
tewardMoPac: sounds like you're doing it wrong - ISOs don't get unpacked, they get mounted or burned to disks22:10
MoPacbekks: teward: Well, but if I want to boot the version on the .iso on my EFI-enabled PC, that seems to work by actually just copying the files onto the USB drive22:11
tewardMoPac: why not use the usb creator tool, or UNetBootin in a pinch?  Because I know that works, for everything through 15.1022:12
Neytirihi i need to be able to move files from one directory to another that fit a specific naming convention "BLAH-BLAH - THIS PART DOEST'N MATTER"22:12
bekksMoPac: No, they dont. The copy the entire ISO as-is onto the USB stick - they dont unpack it.22:12
MiningMarshMoPac: you can burn current ubuntu isos to disk by just dd'ing them to the block device.22:13
MiningMarshand it will boot22:13
MoPacteward: bekks: MiningMarsh: But why reformat the USB and make it useless for holding any other stuff for any other stuff? I mean, it boots/runs just fine when I copy all the files that Archive Manager reads from the .iso onto the USB.22:16
tewardMoPac: because an ISO is a complete image / copy of a disk22:16
minimecNeytiri: you can 'BLAH-BLAH - THIS PART DOESNT MATTER' or something like /home/Neytiri/BLAH-BLAH\ -\ THIS\ PART\ DOESN'T\ MATTER22:16
bekksMoPac: Thats not how things are working at that point.22:16
tewardMoPac: and that's not how things actually work22:16
tewardMoPac: either use the USB Creator tool, or `dd` the ISO to the USB directly, otherwise it won't work right22:16
tewardand I suggest the `dd` method over the creator tool22:17
MiningMarshMoPac: you can also just install grub to the flash drive22:17
MiningMarshand boot the ISO through grub22:17
MiningMarshwhich all current ubuntu isos also support22:17
tewardMoPac: this is also why I have a large number of USB disks - using some for boot disks for Linux and such, and others for actually holding data unrelated22:17
MiningMarshyou loopback mount the iso as a device in grub, then just chainload it iirc22:17
MoPacI get what an .iso is, and I used to burn them. But Isn't one positive aspect of EFI supposed to be that you don't have to burn .iso files to boot them? (I'm not even sure it works at all that way unless I have "legacy boot" enabled, but maybe that was an old problem). So the daily build is packaged as an .iso, but if it runs just fine by copying the files and EFI booting, what's wrong?22:18
MiningMarshMoPac: I use this method to keep an emergency ubuntu ISO on my EFI partition in case I bork my gentoo install. I can just run ubuntu from the ISO on disk without actually burning it to USB or a disk22:18
MoPacThe only problem I've noticed is this one hiccup when copying with Archive Manager when there are 0-by gzips22:18
bekksMoPac: thats not an aspect of EFI, but is possible since ages, actually.22:19
Neytiriminimec, the Blah changes tho i dont want to have to copy each file 1 by one there is thousands of files i want that uses that format and some i dont use the format and i am tryign to seperate them22:19
minimecNeytiri: So you want to write a script that identifies the files with some patterns and 'mv' them to a given directory...22:22
MoPacMiningMarsh: bekks: teward: I'm taking it the answer is just "ti's not supported as anything but an .iso to dd or otherwise burn, so 'Archive Manager doesn't like your 0-byte GZips' isn't a valid complaint about the build."  I can accept that. I'm curious, though, about why copying the files is supposed to "not work right". It seems to work perfectly, and I'm not sure what would cause failure.22:23
Danielh90How do I use screen's?22:24
Danielh90in ubuntu server22:24
bekksMoPac: The fact that you dont unpack an ISO ;)22:24
MiningMarshMoPac: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot/Examples22:24
skitoxeDanielh90: sudo apt-get install screen22:24
Danielh90skitoxe, I have it installed but I would like multiple screens how do I do that?22:24
tewardMoPac: I suggest you go research what an ISO actually is.  Because I think your issue is that you don't understand fundamentally what an ISO is supposed to be/do, and therefore are just treating it as an archive like you would a ZIP or a tarball22:24
MiningMarshMoPac: Because not every system is an EFI system, among other things.22:24
tewardas well, what MiningMarsh said22:25
skitoxeDanielh90: easiest way is to check out an youtube video to understand it. just search for screen linux on youtube22:25
MiningMarshMoPac: Look at linked method, it is even easier to work with than unpacking iso.22:25
MiningMarshjust copy single .iso to, say, a fat32 FS or something and boot that iso.22:25
MiningMarshand you can use the rest of the USB stick as normal storage22:25
MiningMarshupdating to a new version of ubuntu is then as easy as just replacing the iso file with the updated one22:26
MiningMarshIt will also work on both EFI and MBR systems iirc22:26
EriC^^nope just efi22:27
bekksEriC^^: Why wouldnt it work on non-EFI? Non-EFI is capable of chanloading an ISO, as well.22:27
EriC^^bekks: i meant if you try to boot it normally you couldn't22:28
EriC^^you mean if he wants to update his system..?22:28
MiningMarshEriC^^: the page specifically mentions how to get it working on both BIOS and EFI here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot22:28
EriC^^does he already have ubuntu installed right now?22:28
MoPacbekks: MiningMarsh: teward: I *know* what an .iso is. I know how othey are intended to be used. But if Archive Manager lets you explore and modify the contents of an .iso just like an Archive, and if copying those "files" to a USB as real files appears to create a bootable system, where is the problem?22:30
MoPacI'm trying to understand why it's not supposed to work, or why it's working if it's not supposed to, as it were22:30
minimecNeytiri: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/30693/how-can-you-move-or-copy-all-files-of-a-certain-type-to-a-directory-in-unix22:32
EriC^^MiningMarsh: i misread what you said, thought you said to create a fat32 and copy the iso contents there to boot the usb22:33
Anthony-LI've been having trouble rebooting and it seems that Ubuntu fights over which gpu drivers to use. I'm currently using nvidia proprietary and would like to blacklist/uninstall nouveau drivers, so I can successfully restart my system. help?22:33
MiningMarshEriC^^: ah, that makes more sense.22:34
MiningMarshyeah that will only work on an EFI system22:34
drale2kwhen i run ps -aux the list of processes is too long, how can i scroll it up ?22:36
reisiodrale2k: | less22:36
drale2kreisio: ah thanks22:37
drale2ki need to get the grasp of the basics :P22:37
fooDoes ubuntu 14.04 come out of the box with nginx by any chance?22:38
reisiofoo: desktop certainly wouldn't22:38
reisioI doubt server would, either; but it's only a single command away to install it22:38
fooreisio: heya P, I suppose that's true. I'll give it a shot, thank you22:40
fooI assume 14.04 is where I want to start for LTS22:40
fooAh, yeah, per the topic.22:40
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reisiofoo: LTS?22:43
fooreisio: yeah, on server.22:44
reisiofoo: what is it you think LTS gets you?22:46
linxis there a way to poll large amounts of files for modification dates without incurring disk seeks?22:46
fooreisio: stability22:46
linxanybody know the io charecteristics of this22:47
reisiofoo: ah, that isn't what LTS means22:47
reisiolinx: I doubt see how...22:47
reisioI don't see how*, even22:47
fooreisio: please, enlighten me. :) LTS = long term support ?22:47
linxi was hoping for some kernel magic to maybe solve this already22:47
reisiofoo: yup; support isn't stability22:48
reisiolinx: solve what?22:48
reisioyou can't poll files without polling files, no22:49
fooreisio: is it safe to assume, though, that LTS is more stable than non-LTS? Or no?22:50
fooI also don't want to upgrade ubuntu every 6 months, heh.22:55
bekksfoo: So use a LTS version.22:57
reisiofoo: it's not to do with stability, but it is to do with avoiding updates22:58
foobekks: heh, thanks :)22:59
fooreisio: I see. Major updates, anyway.23:00
reisioI miss gsdb23:01
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
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Guest8393My ubuntu was infected and I used it to download new iso image and burn it with unetboot on usb. I reinstalled the os. Can the new installation be infected?23:15
k1lGuest8393: test the md5sum of that iso23:16
Guest8393k1l, I deleted it :(23:16
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k1lwhat means: infected?23:17
Guest8393k1l, same as windows infected with viruses23:17
reisioGuest8393: not an easy way to tell then23:17
k1lGuest8393: was it?23:17
reisioGuest8393: if you want to be sure, checksum the install image, then (re)install, then setup AIDE23:17
reisioGuest20984: /nick hmmguy23:18
Guest8393I'm not sure that it was infected but I was paranoid23:18
Guest8393I have the usb files23:18
Guest8393Can i compare them with orginal files ?23:18
k1lyou cant md5sum the usb since unetbootin changes the iso for their own booting screen etc23:20
reisioyou could compare the files, but it'd probably take longer to be sure than reinstalling23:20
haasnMake a second bootable USB drive on a trusted machine and compare the contents on a trusted machine23:21
haasn(Easiest would be to make an image of the USB drive, reformat it, use unetbootin again, and make a second image. Then compare the two images)23:22
bekksGuest8393: What lead to your impression that your USB was infected?23:23
Guest8393bekks, not my usb, my ubuntu computer23:24
bekksGuest8393: What lead to your impression that your ubuntu computer was infected?23:24
haasnIt had ubuntu on it   /me runs23:24
Guest8393bekks, I have opened some dangerous pdf files (probably infected) in Evince and Firefox. Buffer overflows possibilities that could download and run linux malware on my machine is very big23:25
Guest8393I didn't use virutal machine23:25
Anthony-LI've been having trouble rebooting and it seems that Ubuntu fights over which gpu drivers to use. I'm currently using nvidia proprietary and would like to blacklist/uninstall nouveau drivers, so I can successfully restart my system. help?23:25
minimechaasn: ubuntu is that kind of virus you cannot get rid of, once infected... ;)23:25
Ben64Guest8393: sounds extremely far fetched23:26
bekksGuest8393: How do you knpw those PDF files were infected?23:26
Guest8393bekks, I don't know, I doubt23:26
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bekksGuest8393: Thats very far fetched.23:27
=== al2o3-cr1 is now known as al2o3-cr
haasnDoes Ubuntu use a hardened toolchain for building packages?23:27
haasn(e.g. SSP, PIE)23:28
Guest8393bekks, Do you think that I don't have to worry about linux malware?23:28
haasnGuest8393: The worry has to be proportional to the threat23:28
bekksGuest8393: Yes, I do think that you're too paranoid ;)23:28
haasnHe's saying that you're worrying more than justifiably necessary23:29
reisioat the very least, you aren't worrying correctly23:29
reisioplan ahead your worry, and then you won't have to second guess yourself23:29
haasnWas it a PDF about buffer overflow vulnerabilities in Firefox and Evince? :)23:29
Guest8393haasn, bekks, reisio you're right guys, I'm not sure that pdfs was infected. I'm not sure that there's 0day exploit for evince and firefox. I'm not sure that if there was malware it was albe to MITM or replace any other ubuntu installation.23:31
haasnGuest8393: While all of these may individually be accomplishable, the sheer coincidence of them all working together to corrupt your new Ubuntu installation has as low a chance of happening as you personally being targeted by Stuxnet23:32
Guest8393haasn, yes, life is beautiful when you're not paranoid :)23:34
frznsknkDear people from the  future: figured it out - On a fresh install of 15.10, if Empathy/account options doesn't list IRC, and telepathy-idle is installed, you want to install account-plugin-irc and that should fix it.23:47
frznsknk...although as IRC clients go, Empathy is kind of... not the best XD23:48
reisiobad name for not being the best23:48
neyder_hi there,23:50
reisiohi ney23:51
Anthony-L I've been having trouble rebooting and it seems that Ubuntu fights over which gpu drivers to use. I'm currently using nvidia proprietary and would like to blacklist/uninstall nouveau drivers, so I can successfully restart my system. help?23:56
daftykinsso read up on blacklisting modules23:57
Anthony-Ldaftykins, manual removal is required.23:59
daftykinsno it's not23:59

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