
benjidasshi studio channel, i have a bizarre issue04:22
benjidassi cant seem to get my audio interface to work with 15.10, running 4.2 kernel. this particular interface (Focusrite Scarlett 18i20) is allegedly supported since kernel 3.19.  Anyways, after a week of troubleshooting and researching it SEEMS that laptops with intel HDMI ports have an issue where ALSA/pulseaudio prioritizes the HDMI's playback over any other soundcard.  So... simple enough I figured I would blacklist the HDMI04:25
benjidass driver (snd_hda_intel according to the output of lspci).  Except when I do this alsamixer no longer works (typing alsamixer into the terminal gives me a "command not found" output. Anyone here got a suggestion?  Ive spent all week on this problem, and all I want is to record some music :(:(:(04:25
OvenWerk1benjidass: that sounds wierd.04:44
OvenWerk1benjidass: I would try unblacklisting that module... Though I am sure I have run without it before.04:45
OvenWerk1alsamixer should not be tied to HDA anything.04:46
OvenWerk1anyway, if pulse is a problem, I have found running pavucontrol and in the config tab turning all the profiles off works for me.04:47
benjidassovenwerk1: could you please elaborate? (and yes, you have no idea how weird it is.  it seems like this interface is just plug and play for everyone in the world but me...)04:48
OvenWerk1have you started pavucontrol?04:50
benjidassno, it is an application?04:52
benjidassovenwerk1: i am installing it right now04:52
OvenWerk1you shouldn't have to04:52
benjidassovenwerk1: it is just sound preferences :P04:53
OvenWerk1which OS do you have?04:53
benjidassUbuntu Studio 15.1004:53
OvenWerk1sound settings04:53
benjidassovernwerk1: we spoke i think last sunday on the #ardour channel.  I have spent all week on this problem :(04:53
OvenWerk1we go slow and see if one step at a time will get there04:54
benjidassovenwerk1: so you see, under "pavucontrol" my Scarlett is recognized as a "Multichannel Input" device, no playback.04:54
benjidassovenwerk1: okay, one step at a time sounds great :)04:54
OvenWerk1first lets just turn them all off.04:55
benjidassoverwerk1: okay all devices are "Off" under the Configuration tab04:56
OvenWerk1ok, I think you have seen this before :) but lest try again...04:57
OvenWerk1cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh04:57
OvenWerk1and paste the output.04:57
OvenWerk1(to pastebin04:58
OvenWerk1ok, there is both input and output shown. Good05:00
OvenWerk1I am going to do commandline stuff for a bit.05:01
benjidassright, alsa totally recognizes all the channel05:01
benjidassgo for it05:01
OvenWerk1jack_control ds alsa dps capture none dps playback none05:02
OvenWerk1run the whole line05:02
OvenWerk1nothing much will happen05:02
OvenWerk1jack_control dps device hw:usb dps rate 48000 dps period 1024 dps nperiods 3 start05:04
OvenWerk1then: jack_lsp05:05
benjidassand this is just the output for "jack_lsp"05:06
OvenWerk1ya, I had guessed that05:06
benjidassso now is the magical moment where you give me the ultimate solution? :P05:07
OvenWerk1tell me about the leds that are lit on the focusrite05:08
benjidass"USB Active" and "Locked" and "Power"05:08
OvenWerk1right half of the front pannel.05:08
benjidassif i play music the channel one input led's respond as well05:08
benjidasswell, channel one being the only channel with any inputs at the moment05:09
OvenWerk1that all sounds good05:09
OvenWerk1It likes everything except the start05:11
OvenWerk1does jack_control exit work?05:11
benjidassas in, type "jack_control exit" into the terminal?05:12
benjidassit says "--- exit"05:12
benjidassso it seems like it works to e :)05:12
OvenWerk1right good05:12
OvenWerk1Ahh, maybe I got the device wrong.05:15
OvenWerk1try jack_control dps device hw:USB dps rate 48000 dps period 1024 dps nperiods 3 start05:15
OvenWerk1notice USB is all caps05:15
benjidassyes sir, noted05:17
OvenWerk1cat .log/jack/jackdbus.log05:19
OvenWerk1just paste the very last screen05:20
benjidassdo you mean ./log/jack/jackdbus.log?05:21
benjidassbc I got "no such file or directory"05:21
OvenWerk1(I forgot you are in temp)05:23
benjidasslet me know if that's not enough output05:23
benjidass(no problem, i appreciate your patience and help)05:23
OvenWerk1Thats prlenty05:24
OvenWerk1It shows the same thing as pulse inouts work outputs don't05:24
OvenWerk1So lets try treating it like two devices.05:25
benjidassi can open an ardour project with the scarlett selected as the input device, but when I select it as input AND output it fails05:25
benjidassokay sounds good (if you tell me how :)  )05:25
OvenWerk1jack_control dps capture hw:USB dps rate 48000 dps period 1024 dps nperiods 3 start05:26
OvenWerk1should start things with just inputs05:26
benjidassnot quite...05:28
OvenWerk1zita-j2a -j USB-out -d hw:USB -r 48000 -p 512 -n 3 &05:29
OvenWerk1oh stop don't do that05:29
benjidasslol alright05:29
OvenWerk1what was the last page of the jack log now?05:29
benjidasslet me see05:29
OvenWerk1ok, it is remembering the device from before  :P05:31
OvenWerk1jack_control ds alsa dps capture none dps playback none05:31
benjidassdo you want the output?05:32
OvenWerk1then jack_control dps capture hw:USB start05:32
OvenWerk1Not unless there is an error05:32
benjidassnon errors05:32
OvenWerk1both lines?05:33
benjidassnow there is an error05:33
benjidassthats the input and output for the last two commands05:34
OvenWerk1does the log still show it trying to do a playback?05:34
benjidassit seems like it just has a bunch of "cant connect to server errors"05:35
OvenWerk1bash ./adevices.sh05:37
OvenWerk1WT? makes no sense.05:39
OvenWerk1jack_control exit05:39
benjidassi know :( i have no idea what to do05:40
benjidassexiit complete05:40
OvenWerk1jack_control ds alsa dps capture none dps playback hw:USB start05:40
OvenWerk1lets have some other fun...05:42
benjidassplease :)05:42
OvenWerk1jack_control ds alsa dps hw:PCH dps rate 48000 dps period 1024 dps nperiods 2 start05:43
OvenWerk1any error?05:44
benjidassthat i did not expect...05:44
benjidassi figured shit would work fine my internal sound card05:44
OvenWerk1my mistake05:46
OvenWerk1jack_control ds alsa dps device hw:PCH dps rate 48000 dps period 1024 dps nperiods 2 start05:46
OvenWerk1if no errors jack_lsp05:47
benjidassnope, still errors.05:47
OvenWerk1end of log file?05:48
benjidassthis is a clean install by the way.  earlier this week I tried avlinux and it didnt fix shit, so I came back to ubuntu studio.  and I dont think the unit itself is flawed bc I plugged it into a windows box and had no problems at all :(05:51
OvenWerk1ok it looks like it has not stopped trying to get USB (wierd) lets try dropping evreything first.05:51
benjidasssounds good to me05:51
OvenWerk1jack_control ds alsa dps capture none dps playback none05:52
benjidassokay no errors05:52
OvenWerk1jack_control dps device hw:PCH dps rate 48000 dps period 1024 dps nperiods 2 start05:52
benjidassah hah05:53
benjidassno errors05:53
benjidassyou want the output?05:53
OvenWerk1not if no errors05:53
OvenWerk1jack_lsp should show captures and playbacks05:54
benjidassyes it does05:54
benjidasswant it?05:54
OvenWerk1zita-j2a -j USB-out -d hw:USB -r 48000 -p 512 -n 2 &05:54
benjidasssays "Can't open ALSA playback device 'hw:USB'."05:55
benjidassand actually, its hanging.  doesnt send me back to a command line prompt05:55
OvenWerk1zita-a2j -j USB-in -d hw:USB -r 48000 -p 512 -n 2 &05:56
OvenWerk1hit enter05:56
OvenWerk1it has probably over writen your prompt05:56
benjidassi hit Ctrl+C, hope thats not a problem05:57
OvenWerk1try the other line05:57
benjidasstrying it05:57
benjidassso far it says "Starting synchronisation" and just hanging...05:57
OvenWerk1thats ok05:58
OvenWerk1hit enter05:58
benjidassokay thats all the output it gave05:58
OvenWerk1now look at jack_lsp again05:58
benjidassthe same with 2 capture tracks on the USB05:59
OvenWerk1right I forgot it defaults to 2 channels05:59
OvenWerk1but it shows the same thing05:59
OvenWerk1capture works and playback does not06:00
benjidassright, I see no playback channels for the USB device06:00
OvenWerk1That line failed. "Can't open ALSA playback device 'hw:USB'."06:00
benjidassi do see PulseAudio "sink" and "source" channels but I cant tell where theyre going06:00
OvenWerk1they are by default connected to your internal outputs and inputs.06:01
benjidasswait which line?06:01
OvenWerk1zita-j2a -j USB-out -d hw:USB -r 48000 -p 512 -n 2 & is the fail.06:01
benjidassthe "zite-j2a" lines failed, but the a2j command didn't give any errors06:01
benjidassright right06:01
OvenWerk1ALSA sees the playback ports but can not let anything open it.06:02
benjidassbut you see, when I try to open an Ardour project with HDA Intel selected as the playback device, it doesnt complain.  So ALSA can playback through the internal card just not the scarlett's playback channels06:04
OvenWerk1changing the zita-a2j to have a -c 30 in there will give you all the input channels.06:06
OvenWerk1(you would have to kill the one running first)06:06
benjidassso "killall zita-a2j" followed by the above zita command? Can I insert the -"c 30" anywhere in the command?06:08
OvenWerk1should be able to.06:08
benjidass oh shit06:10
benjidassthis might be good06:10
benjidassit is hanging again though06:10
benjidassshould I just hit enter?06:10
benjidassuh... no matter how many times I hit enter it is still hanging06:10
OvenWerk1in a second terminal does jack_lsp show the ports?06:11
benjidassit says "Warning: only 18 channels are available.06:11
benjidassStarting synchronisation:06:11
OvenWerk1That should be ok.06:12
OvenWerk1I have used -c 10006:12
benjidassit shows all 18 capture tracks for the USB-in device06:12
benjidassbut still no capture06:12
benjidasswell i guess that makes sense, we used "USB-in"06:12
benjidassim sorry, i meant "still no playback"06:15
benjidassits late for me :)06:15
OvenWerk1me too06:16
OvenWerk1You can use it that way... with internal for out.... but I would like to know what the real problem is06:17
benjidassso would i :)06:19
benjidassbut what do you mean by "with internal for out"?06:19
OvenWerk1you can run the way it is set up right now with internal sound for out and USB inpouts06:20
benjidassoh, yeah I could... but part of the reason I dropped money on this big old box was so I could use the extra outputs for outboard effects :(06:21
OvenWerk1I am not sure if the trouble is kernel or alsa06:21
OvenWerk1if it works with windows, then it has to be one or the other06:22
benjidassi dont think its the kernel bc I tried installed low latency 3.19 and got the same problem.  I then compiled 4.4 from scratch and installed that, still got the same problem06:22
OvenWerk1Have you tried it with other physical USB ports?06:23
benjidassim pretty sure at thsi point the problem is a combination of pulseaudio and my specific hardware (this stupid HDMI port that I have never used)06:23
OvenWerk1Is it by chance sharing an internal USB hub with something else?06:23
benjidassi have tried both USB ports on my laptop.06:23
benjidassif it is sharing anything internally I do not.  I am even stupider when it comes to hardware06:24
benjidassI do not know*06:24
benjidassis there a way to tell, via lspci maybe?06:24
OvenWerk1My netbook had two USB on the right and one on the left. I always had trouble with th eone on the left, but either one on the right was fine so long as the other one on the right was not used.06:24
OvenWerk1It is not pulse.06:25
benjidassthe only thing plugged into my external USB ports right now is the Scarlett.  and I only have 2 ports on the laptop06:25
OvenWerk1it is ALSA or kernel06:25
benjidassbut pulse handles all the playback for ALSA, no?06:25
benjidassoh, psh nvm06:25
benjidassapparently I have learned nothing this week :P06:25
OvenWerk1and we told pulse not to grab the alsa ports.06:25
benjidassoh okay06:25
OvenWerk1That was why we turned all thge profiles off06:26
benjidasswait. but when I run jack_lsp I still have PulseAudio sink and source channels...06:26
OvenWerk1yes pulse is using jack as its audio device.06:26
benjidassoh okay okay06:26
OvenWerk1In my case I actually unload the pulse module that detects new  audio devices.06:28
benjidassyou use a Scarlett yourself, correct?06:28
benjidassoh nvm06:28
benjidassoh okay06:28
OvenWerk1I do have a 2 channel USB box for my wifes computer though.06:29
OvenWerk1Gotta go family needs me.06:29
benjidassno problem, appreciate all your help06:29
benjidasshave a good one06:29
=== ezri is now known as rw
benjidassovenwerk1: btw, i will keep the IRC client open, so if you have any other ideas feel free to drop a post, and I will check it when I I wake up in the morning. Again, I really appreciate your help. Have a good night.06:46
sancho_panzahi everybody! my network indicator disappeared from the status bar, what can i do?13:14
sancho_panza hi everybody! my network indicator disappeared from the status bar, what can i do?13:40
krytariksancho_panza: Hi.  You can try in #ubuntu as well there, more eyes.13:43
=== sat-buddhi is now known as advaitasiddhi
sancho_panzadoes ubuntu studio runs xfce?13:44
krytarikBut the indicator is the same.13:45
son-gokuI recently tried to configure Plex media server on my ubuntu. Plex was finally able to display the folder containing media files. But after shut down my Ubuntu boots to Emergency mode. What I did was put the Ubuntu Live USB and then as a root user commented out the changes in the fstab that i made earlier while configuring Plex. Now Ubuntu boots no16:29
son-gokurmally again. But is there any way I can configure plex and boot normally next time I shut down. I must have messed up something in the fstab :P16:29
son-gokui followed these instructions from askubuntu forum to configure the fstab : https://dpaste.de/jkfS16:29
Peppernrinopretty excited to have discovered this.19:27
h4x0riz3dmy mother enters the room, sees GLMatrix screensaver on the CRT monitor, asks "what's that" >:)20:01
KimrydHas anyone tried using bitwig with ubuntu studio?20:35
OvenWerk1Kimryd: The demo at least works.20:51
KimrydOvenWerk1, I own bitwig and used to use it on windows, but I can't seem to get jack working?\20:51
OvenWerk1I am using it with jack ok. but it should work with straight ALSA ok.20:54
OvenWerk1Kimryd: how is jack "not working"? bitwig doesn't see it? bitwig gets no audio?20:58
KimrydOvenWerk1, http://imgur.com/a/dJCmo20:59
KimrydThat's what jack shows me20:59
KimrydRenoise works fine20:59
OvenWerk1Kimryd: you need to start jack before starting bitwig21:00
OvenWerk1on qjackctl there is a start button21:00
KimrydI did that too :{21:01
KimrydBitwig won't show up in the connect no matter how I start stuff up21:01
KimrydI'll install the RC and see if anything different happens21:01
OvenWerk1so stop bitwig,21:01
OvenWerk1in a terminal do killall -9 jackd jackdbus21:02
OvenWerk1Then use qjackctl to start jack. qjackctl connections should then show your sound card21:02
OvenWerk1if so then start bitwig21:03
KimrydStarted and starting21:03
KimrydAnd bitwig is up and the same, it's very perplexing21:04
Kimrydwould the messages window give me more info?21:04
OvenWerk1when I open bitwig preference-> Audio, I see a lot more boxes/buttons right below the driver box.21:04
KimrydYeah, I don't! That's what I'm finding super weird21:05
KimrydShouldn't there be 3 boxes under the "Jack" one?21:05
KimrydOne for in/out/something21:05
OvenWerk1I have four.21:05
OvenWerk1input output SR buffer21:06
KimrydRenoise works like a charm so something in bitwig must be the issue21:06
OvenWerk1my bitwig version is 1.1.621:07
KimrydI'm on 1.3.621:07
Kimrydvery interesting indeed21:07
OvenWerk1lets try ALSA just for fun21:08
OvenWerk1I think you need to change the device before shutting BW down. Then exit bitwig.21:09
OvenWerk1then hit the stop button in qjackctl21:09
OvenWerk1open pavucontrol21:10
OvenWerk1in the configuration tab go to the profile for the audio device you are using and turn it "Off"21:10
OvenWerk1then try starting BW and setting the ALSA device21:10
KimrydSorry OvenWerk1 was handling something, trying now21:14
KimrydIt shows none in the ALSA driver OvenWerk121:16
OvenWerk1At which point?21:17
KimrydIn audio system21:17
KimrydIn bitwig21:17
KimrydI select alsa as driver model21:17
Kimrydand the second box shows "None" with no options to change21:17
OvenWerk1Right because jack or pulse might still be using it. try again at the end after stopping jack and turning pulse off for that device21:18
Kimryddo I terminate/kill pulseaudo --start in the task manager?21:19
OvenWerk1Kimryd: you shouldn't have to.21:20
OvenWerk1When I switch to ALSA, input and output say none, but when I click on them there is a drop down that lists devices.21:20
OvenWerk1It shows devices nots used jack or pulse and pulse itself.21:21
KimrydOvenWerk1, is there some kind of log for bitwig I can check?21:24
OvenWerk1Kimryd: I'm not sure21:25
OvenWerk1~/.BitwigStudio/bitwig_studio.26692.log ?21:26
OvenWerk1The number may be different21:27
OvenWerk1not much in there21:27
OvenWerk1engine.log in the same directory has slightly more21:28
KimrydSorry I haven't used Linux since I was 16 lol21:31
KimrydA bit tricky navigating the file system21:31
OvenWerk1~/ means your home directory. .BitwigStudio is BW's config directory21:32
OvenWerk1the dot in front of BitwigStudio means it will not show up in your file manager unless you select show hidden files.21:33
Kimrydfound it21:33
KimrydFound  an error21:33
Kimrydopt/bitwig-studio/bin/BitwigStudioEngine: error while loading shared libraries: libxcb-icccm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:34
KimrydIn the engine.log file21:34
KimrydBecause starting the engine itself is the whole problem here21:34
OvenWerk1maybe try sudo apt-get install libxcb-icccm21:36
OvenWerk1which version of ubuntu are you using?21:37
Kimrydthe LTS one21:37
OvenWerk1sorry, it should be sudo apt-get install libxcb-icccm421:37
OvenWerk1or you can use synaptic21:38
OvenWerk1ya I have ubuntustudio 14.04 and I have libxcb-icccm4 installed... I don't know if Studio came with it or I added it later21:40
OvenWerk1I have been running 14.04 for over two years now since it went alpha and have done lots of stuff with it including dev work, so it is hard to know what was there an d what I have added21:41
KimrydI see I See21:44
KimrydI apt-gotted21:44
KimrydLets see what hapens21:44
KimrydOvenWerk1, is qjack tied to LADI?21:45
OvenWerk1Can be, not here though.21:46
* OvenWerk1 knows about nothing with Ladi21:46
Kimrydbitwig's engine started21:46
* Kimryd hallelujahs21:46
* Kimryd praises lord linux21:46
KimrydThank you so much OvenWerk121:47
KimrydIf you hadn't pointed me at that log21:47
OvenWerk1it should work with jack now too.21:47
KimrydI still only have 1 box for the jack driver, but the engine is running21:48
KimrydBitwig is jacked up in the connections too21:48
KimrydIt was the libxcb21:48
KimrydI don't even know what that is though21:48
OvenWerk1It says it is an extension lib for x. So display stuff nothing to do with audio.21:49
KimrydThat's stupid21:49
KimrydWonder why it was causing problems21:49
OvenWerk1I am not sure. It could be communications related. Talking to dbus or something21:50
OvenWerk1both jack and pulse use dbus21:51
maiqueAnybody knows if UbuntuStudio uses a generic kernel or rt or lowlatency?22:03
maiqueIn AskUbuntu page have told me that now uses the generic kernel. I thought he was using the Low Latency22:05
krytarikmaique: You were thinking right.22:17
OvenWerk1maique: so far as I know we are still using a lowlatency kernel22:18
maiqueok, thank you22:18
OvenWerk1/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-8-lowlatency in 16.0422:19
maiqueThe truth, I find it strange the response from Ask Ubuntu22:20
maiquetold me that the difference is only the software...22:20
OvenWerk1the difference from generic to lowlatency is very small, just a few settings before compile.22:21
OvenWerk1but they do make a difference for live softsynth or effects work.22:21
maiqueI asked if there is a minimal installation of Ubuntu Studio (as there is a Ubuntu minimal iso)22:22
OvenWerk1But it is close enough to the generic kernel so that the graphics "blobs" from nvidia still work22:22
OvenWerk1mini.iso (or is it net.iso) can install studio. I am not sure which kernel(s) you will end up with, but part of our setting package makes sure that a low latency kernel is always default22:24
OvenWerk1(even if there is a newer generic)22:24
maiqueI would like to install Ubuntu Studio minimal. And then install programs manually (and off-line) It this posible?22:25
OvenWerk1maique: our meta packages/menus/etc can be installed on top of any ubuntu flavour.22:25
OvenWerk1There is no ubuntustudio minimal. However, the ubuntustudio installer allows you to choose which packages to install. Off line means you would need to already have alll the packages locally... so that is not very minimal.22:27
maiqueokay Ovenwerkl, thank you :-)22:28
OvenWerk1maique: what are you trying to achieve?22:28
OvenWerk1Which packages are you trying to avoid?22:28
maiqueSimply I wanted to have a base installation (no programs ). And also be able to install them later without internet connection.22:29
maique Being able to install the base on a computer without internet. Install each program (Synfig, Inkscape, Gimp etc .... always the latest version) from a flash drive.22:31
OvenWerk1I have never tried installing with les packages and then adding them from the iso later, so I honestly do not know if that will work.22:31
KimrydWhat kind of linux plugs can bitwig run?22:31
OvenWerk1If you have the packages on a flash drive you can do that manually.22:31
cfhowlettKimryd, ask bitwig??22:31
KimrydIt only mentions LV222:32
cfhowlettthis is not the bitwig channel and I assume their documentation answers your question22:32
KimrydDid you assume I checked it and didn't get the answers I want and thus asked a question?22:33
maiqueWell, I'm newie in Linux... I know that can install soft from a pendrive (not always easy, need dependecies...). But my question was that: the minimal...22:33
Peppernrinoi had pretty much the same question. :)22:33
Peppernrinoalso noob22:34
Peppernrinoi am also looking for the most minimal install for linux to build another thing on for usb boot...22:34
Peppernrinoit looks like i'm down to debian. lol22:34
KimrydPeppernrino, maique https://sourceforge.net/projects/uck/22:35
Kimryd^ can build your own livusb22:35
maiqueHi Peppernrino,  I thought I was the only :P XD haha22:35
Peppernrinoi was gonna try and compile it myself and use rufus to burn it22:36
maiquethanks Peppernrino for the link... but works with studio too?22:36
Peppernrinodebian or arch linux...22:37
OvenWerk1Kimryd: while running bitwig I only see the built in plugins as far as I can tell. I do not see where external plugins can be selected.22:38
Peppernrinothat was kimryd...22:38
Kimrydah it's okay OvenWerk1, I cna just use renoise as a host for them and jack it into bitwig22:38
Kimrydmaique, I don't know22:39
KimrydI just googled22:39
KimrydBut its an ubuntu centric program22:39
Kimrydand mentions ku, lu and edubuntu, so I would assume yes22:39
maiqueyes,  I have seen it ;-)22:40
cfhowlettKimryd, #opensourcemusicians would know more.22:43
maiqueok, thanks!!22:46
maiqueI'll try everything...bye!22:47

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