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pavlushkaneed some help03:33
Hundpavlushka: Don't ask for help, just ask and someone might be able to help you.05:22
pavlushkaHund, thanks for the suggestion.05:23
pavlushkaHund, how can i add bug logs manually to an existing bug which i reported manually05:25
HundHow did you report it in the first place?05:26
pavlushkausing LP05:26
pavlushkausing LP in the browser.05:29
HundJust add a comment there then?05:29
pavlushkawhere the ubuntu-bug generates/stores the report?05:31
pavlushkawhere the ubuntu-bug generates/stores the report before submitting?05:31
HundI guess so.05:32
HundI haven't used Launchpad in years, but I guess it sounds a about right.05:32
pavlushkatell me where the ubuntu-bug generates/stores the report before submitting?05:32
HundI have no idea. I always submitted the tickets myself.05:35
pavlushkaok, I'll try to find it. thanks05:36
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Jens1112how can you compile github zip files?13:04
knomedepends on the zip file, please refer to the documentation of that github project13:05
Jens1112it does not say anything about ubuntu13:05
Jens1112just dependencies no install guide13:05
knomethere is no single way that works for all packages in ubuntu either13:10
Jens1112okay then iv got to make my own way through it13:12
Jens1112if you ask me xubuntu is the best distro13:14
knomeglad to hear you like xubuntu13:16
Jens1112ive install on my daddy machine, he likes13:17
pjotterHi knome!13:21
pjotterI'm sorry to say I haven't had any time to work on the gfx for the new xubuntu release. It's just too busy here, right now.13:22
sancho_panzahi! my network indicator disappeared from the status bar, what can i do to repristinate it?13:47
knomepjotter, i noticed; and i've drawn the xerus already13:51
dkesselsancho_panza: try running "nm-applet &" in a terminal14:04
sancho_panzadkessel, it returns: ' [1] 27085 '14:06
sancho_panzadkessel, nothing else happens :(14:06
dkesselit should only do that after it has created the indicator icon. have you tried logging out and in again?14:06
sancho_panzadkessel, i restarted my pc several times without resolving14:15
dkesselsancho_panza: are you sure you have not accidently removed the indicator area from the xfce panel ?14:20
sancho_panzai tried to "add new elements" but i can't find a separate applet for the network indicator14:21
sancho_panzaso i removed the notification applet14:21
sancho_panzaand then proceded to add it back again14:21
sancho_panzano results, network indicator still missing14:21
dkesselsancho_panza: unfortunately, i am not on xubuntu myself at the moment. but i believe there was somewhere where you could configure what should be displayed in the notification aread14:22
sancho_panzai'll try to follow some "too long to read" guides on the internet14:24
sancho_panzaty for helping me14:24
krytariksancho_panza: That'd be "Indicator Plugin".14:27
sancho_panzayeah! it worked!14:28
sancho_panzanow i have TWO network icons on my status bar @___@14:28
krytarikWell, remove one of those. :P14:31
pjotterknome: Is there a preview available?14:40
Jens1112preview or wat?14:44
pjotterJens1112: The xerus gfx for the new release14:45
krytarikpjotter: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-artwork/15.12.314:52
pjotterkrytarik: Thanks, but I was looking for the gfx of the slideshow on the live-cd installer14:55
krytarikAh, right - one sec.14:55
krytarikpjotter: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html/download/pasi%40shimmerproject.org-20160310140751-ia6e4hof1dxt4iiv/xerus_art.png-20160310140738-p8t66o10hnqfrs8g-20/xerus_art.png14:58
pjotterAaah! Great :)14:59
mrkrampsehehehehehehehe sweet ^^14:59
krytarikIndeed. :)14:59
pjotterThere we have our little badger14:59
mrkrampsnice one!14:59
pjotterI suppose this is going to be overlayed on top of a blue backdrop?15:00
pjotterLooks nice, knome!15:03
krytarikpjotter: Yep - more specifically: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html/view/head:/slideshows/xubuntu/slides/link/base.css#L15315:06
Jens1112ive want to see the upcoming realease as an preview15:14
Jens1112anyone seen about zhis?15:14
pjotterknome: Are you satisfied with the design yourself?15:16
pjotterWell, sure... what do you think, Jens1112?15:18
Jens1112im not sure if the changes to unity are any good use15:19
pjotterWhat changes to unity?15:19
pjotterI thought Xubuntu didn't have any unity stuff in it's release?15:20
Jens1112of course it doesnt15:22
pjotterDoes anyone know  a site where I can upload a picture?16:01
krytarikOr: http://en.zimagez.com/16:02
pjotterOk, thanks! I wasn't sure if there was also some kind of pic sharing service from ubuntu?16:02
pjotterOk. Knome (and others). This was what I was working on but unfortunately have not had the time to make a proper version of it: https://imgur.com/TtlXHnr16:06
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:07
pjotterkrytarik: Got it. I'll take this to #xubuntu-dev then ;)16:08
krytarikThanks. :)16:08
black_piXubuntu is the best distro out there!16:37
tony1does anyone know how to get the sound to work with the mail-notification applet with xubuntu 14.04? aplay /usr/share/mail-notification/new-mail.wav will work but selecting properties in the app and selecting "play sound when new mail arrives" does not work. it look like it tries to play but there is no sound.16:44
tony1I am not sure the command that applet uses or I would try it directly and look for errors16:44
sleehello, is there a way in xubuntu to lock window positions? so evrytime i open a certain program, it auro places it in the spot i want? i see compiz has the ability...just wondering if xubuntu already has something i'm not seeing befire i try and use compiz17:04
flocculantslee: pretty sure not as a default - but I use devilspie to do that17:08
tony1ok well I found the command in gconf and changed it. the default does not work. should have all the libs. anyway happy enough with aplay command18:01
m3n3chm0hello the last 3 days my laptop does not poweroff or reboot OK.. I mean in the splash screen it freezes and I have to push power button until it power off. I'm using xubuntu 15.10 and this is the first time I see this issue21:05
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