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dholbachliuxg, can you paste the log of the build?07:50
liuxgdholbach, my godness. now it seems to be different from what I saw yesterday. http://paste.ubuntu.com/15382917/07:52
dholbachzbenjamin, bzoltan_: ^ can you maybe help liuxg compile tweakgeek in an armhf chroot - I don't know how to help07:53
liuxgdholbach, bzoltan_ zbenjamin, it seems to be that the libs are all there and the header files are there too.07:55
* zbenjamin tries07:56
liuxgdholbach, bzoltan_ zbenjamin, the project is at https://launchpad.net/tweakgeek. According to the requirement of the SDK, i have to install libclick-0.4-dev  and libgsettings-qt-dev  libs for armhf. thanks a lot07:56
zbenjaminliuxg: dholbach: bzoltan_: works for me after installing apt-get install libclick-0.4-dev:armhf libclick-0.4-dev:armhf08:07
liuxgzbenjamin, dholbach fo4 15.04 armhf?08:09
liuxgzbenjamin, dholbach, I have installed it, but it does not work for me. I installed the 15.04 armhf this morning.08:11
dholbachI'm sorry - I don't know08:13
dholbachis the error message always the same?08:13
liuxgzbenjamin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15382957/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/15382960/. do I need to reinstall the armhf chroot?08:13
dholbachyou said it was different yesterday?08:13
liuxgdholbach, yes, yesterday, it complained about the missing the header files.08:13
liuxgdholbach, this morning, I also reinstalled the SDK. Maybe I need to try to reinstall the armhf chroot08:14
zbenjaminliuxg: try to rebuild the chroot yeah08:35
liuxgzbenjamin, I did that already by rebuilding the whole project. I am now trying to reinstall armhf chroot08:39
liuxgzbenjamin, I also need to install the gsetting lib http://paste.ubuntu.com/15383137/09:22
liuxgzbenjamin, dholbach I have reinstalled my armhf chroot, and now it works. thanks for helping. it is an amazing app :)09:29
dholbachgood to hear it's working now :)09:29
zbenjaminliuxg: shouldn't it be available from the openstore?09:29
liuxgzbenjamin, it is "unconfined". It can set one app from being suspended, basically, it makes an not "die". I think this violates the rule of ubuntu phone :)09:30
zbenjaminliuxg: thats why i said "open" store... there is a alternative store.. check the link above09:31
liuxgzbenjamin, sorry. Let me check it :)09:31
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popeyzbenjamin: tried qtc inside virtualbox recently? It just crashes for me, with a blank window.12:12
zbenjaminpopey: no, didn'T try that. But zsombi had a problem with qtc crashing in builds. He assigned more memory to the VM and it went away12:14
popeythis is very much an opengl looking issue. I have given my VM 2GB, but happy to try more. will try that12:14
popeybug 155690612:15
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1556906 could not be found12:15
davmor2popey: what vm do you use?12:16
popeysee above :)12:17
popeynope, gave it 4GB RAM and 2 CPUs, still barfs12:18
davmor2ah virtualbox if you run in kvm do you have the same issue?  Wondering if it is something specific to VB12:18
popeynot tried kvm as it's usually too slow for anything useful12:18
zbenjaminpopey: i'd suggest to use lxd if you want something fast :)12:19
popeyI appreciate the smiley, but can't actually tell if that's a serious suggestion?12:19
davmor2popey: might be slower than virtualbox but should be usable enough I use it for iso testing12:20
* popey tries it12:21
zbenjaminpopey: actually it was serious12:21
davmor2popey: lxd/lxc might actually make sense12:21
popeyDo you have a recipe for doing this?12:21
popey(running sdk inside on LSD (I mean lxd))12:21
zbenjaminpopey: i think timp has a setup like that12:21
* popey pokes t1mp 12:22
zbenjamint1mp:  ^12:22
davmor2popey: you are effectively running a full kernel on your hard ware12:22
* popey makes lunch while kvm installs xenial12:22
zbenjaminpopey: lxd is kind of painless. You pull  a basic image, which takes you a few minutes, and off  you go . Some small tricks on mounting your homedir and forward x11 but its not too hard12:23
popeyI am having to jump through these hoops to prove a bug which happens on my xenial desktop. I can't launch a simple app created with the templates in the SDK12:27
popeyI want to test on a clean sdk install (hence trying various VM ways to do it) and have hit 3 more bugs before I can even get to the bug I actually want to file! :(12:27
t1mppopey: I'm not using it right now, but I did run the sdk inside a lxd container12:45
t1mpeverything inside lxd containers seems very fast. At least faster than vmware virtual machines12:47
popeyt1mp: thanks12:49
CustosL1mendoes ubuntu have something like rhel scl ? (asked in #ubuntu but might be more appropriate here)12:51
zbenjaminpopey: all sdk related bugs?12:52
popeytwo so far12:52
popeyzbenjamin: i found i was unable to just run the basic templates12:53
popeyMy expectation was I could install the sdk, launch it, use the "wizard" to create a qml app and press the green 'Run' button to run it, but that failed.12:54
popeyTrying to replicate in a vm because my desktop isn't a 'clean' install.12:54
ogra_is it a bug that i have a giant "select all" handle on *every* input field nowadays (or is that new design) ? thats really annoying12:58
CustosL1menis ubuntu on systemd now ?12:59
CustosL1menor still not ?12:59
CustosL1mensorry, wrong channel12:59
ogra_ubuntu is since over a year on sytemd12:59
ogra_(the phone isnt, since it is based on the release before the switch happened)12:59
t1mpkalikiana: maybe you know the answer to ogra_'s question?13:02
CustosL1menis this for ubuntu mobile dev ?13:05
ogra_CustosL1men, mainly, but indeed not limited to it13:06
kalikianaogra_: what do you mean by that? Select All should be part of the menu unless you have something selected, in which case it's Cut/Copy/Paste13:06
ogra_(convergence really makes that a blurry line nowadays ;) )13:06
CustosL1menis there channel related to other development on ubuntu ?13:06
ogra_CustosL1men, you mean the OS itself, not apps ?13:07
ogra_that would be #ubuntu-devel13:07
ogra_kalikiana, well, on rc-proposed if i select a text input field in ... i.e. a website i always have a big square with the "select all" option show up13:08
ogra_hmm, actually only in the browser and webapp containers13:09
ogra_might be a browser bug then13:09
kalikianaogra_: oxide doesn't have real qml components so it's browser-specific - although they finally moved to something that actually comes close to the expected ux13:10
ogra_well, it covers a lot of text ... usually the descriptive text underneath the field ... so i have to unfocus if i want to know whats expected to be put in13:12
kalikianait's the same as anywhere else, though13:13
kalikianathe menu has to be *somewhere*13:13
kalikianaogra_: it does look to me like the position is a bit too far away from the textfield, not sure if that would solve the problem from your point of view13:14
ogra_but not open by default all the time13:14
ogra_in all other input fields i only get it on long press13:14
ogra_as it shoudl be13:15
kalikianaright, that's a bug13:15
kalikianait's not behaving according to the spec13:15
ogra_oSoMoN, is there a bug open for that ?13:15
ogra_(permanently open context menu in browser text input fields)13:15
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oSoMoNogra_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/155676413:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1556764 in Oxide "WebView.TouchSelectionController needs a hide() method" [High,In progress]13:24
ogra_oSoMoN, that doesnt sound like there is desire to hide it by default though ... only after "something was tapped"13:25
ogra_oSoMoN, i'm talking about "empty text field is focused" ... there is no text yet to select or anything, but i have always the "select all" square popping up13:26
oSoMoNogra_, yes, not exactly indeed13:26
oSoMoNogra_, in oxide we don’t have much control over how to implement the touch selection controller (that’s dictated by chromium’s own implementation)13:27
popeyt1mp: did you have a script or some guide you followed for getting it all working?13:27
oSoMoNso displaying the options on long press only is not something we can do, for example13:27
ogra_well, i guess you just want to start hidden and only show it if there is an actual selection13:27
oSoMoNogra_, I agree the "select all" option doesn’t make sense when the field is empty (and that might be fixable), but you may very well get other options (such as "paste") that get in the way anyway13:28
ogra_thats ugly though ...13:29
oSoMoNI know13:29
ogra_(and hides content i possibly want to refer to with my input)13:29
oSoMoNogra_, I’m advocating for text edit options in the chrome bar, like chrome on android, but design seems to like the floating menu approach better13:30
t1mppopey: just some notes about what I was doing, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15383980/13:30
popey$$ DISPLAY=:0 xeyes13:30
t1mppopey: $ is on host, $$ ubuntu@container, $# root@container13:31
popeywe all know that feeling :)13:31
t1mppopey: yeah :)13:31
t1mppopey: I installed the ubuntu-sdk inside the vivid+overlay container, and qtcreator runs fine13:32
t1mppopey: but autopilot tests don't work in the container for me (upstart problems). That's why I'm using the host now for development, not the container13:32
popeyokay, thanks.13:32
popeyi got the sdk working \o/13:33
t1mppopey: that's even better than xeyes :)13:44
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popeydavmor2: that kvm install is still running!14:02
davmor2popey: how do you set it up?14:02
davmor2popey: kvm take me like 15 minutes to do a base install14:03
popeystill chugging and eating lots of cpu14:03
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nik90Elleo, Hey, I just noticed that you reviewed https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/podbird/uc-1.3-migrate/+merge/286821..I didn't get any email notifications about it. I fixed the issue with the downloaded sections. Should be good to go.15:35
nik90Elleo, I will backport the other stuff like playlist support, favourite episodes and new navigation structure from the devel branch. You can test them using Podbird Devel to see if they are good to go and without any bugs.15:36
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ahayzenballoons, are you able to run trunk weather-app jenkins autopilot? so i can see what is failing? as i couldn't find a recent run that had failures due to the location stuff17:50
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balloonsahayzen, ohh, you mean like locally or ?18:01
ahayzenballoons, just a run of jenkins18:01
balloonsI was going to ping you to see how things were going18:01
ahayzenon the cloud18:01
ahayzenballoons, and do you think it is best to remove? or do testcase.skip() or whatever it is18:01
ahayzenballoons, so basically just a run of jenkins over trunk so i can see which ones it thinks are failing then patch them up/remove them :-)18:06
balloonsahayzen, right. So the location stuff should be removed indeed (or skipped if you think you can do it sanely later)18:12
balloonsbut I'd prefer a removal and a revival I think18:12
balloonsin other words, if it doesn't work in jenkins now, let's get rid of it. And replace it with something that does18:12
ahayzenok, i agree, can just do a cherry pick if we want revival :-)18:12
balloonsso does that help? If you ever want to run something without an mp, you can18:13
ahayzenoo how can i do that again ?18:13
ahayzenyeah that helps, i just need to run jenkins against trunk to see what is failing on the 'stable' branch18:13
* balloons erases his response and points to documentation instead18:14
ahayzenwoo \o/ thanks balloons18:14
* balloons notes it should be bulleted, and also there's a release job you should use instead18:15
balloonsso I'll tell you differently then change the wiki18:15
balloonsahayzen, use https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/Release/job/release-build-test/18:15
ahayzenballoons, so i just change the configuration to what i want and this one doesn't interferer with the other jobs ?18:18
balloonsyep, fill out the params18:19
balloonsI'll lay this out explicitly right now in the wiki18:20
ahayzenokies :-) i'm working my way down18:20
* ahayzen hopes not to break anything :-)18:20
balloonsit's disconnected from the CI jobs -- you can't break anything :-)18:20
ahayzenballoons, do you have to select "Source Code Management" or leave as None ?18:21
balloonsahayzen, ohh, are you configuring the job?18:21
balloonsahayzen, use https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/Release/job/release-build-test/build?delay=0sec18:21
ahayzenwrong page !18:21
* ahayzen thought it looked different18:21
ahayzenballoons, awesome, seem to have triggered something to run :-D ... so i can use this to run against branches which the submitter isn't in the team as well :-)18:24
ahayzenballoons, i got "mount: / is busy. Exit request sent." that sounds bad18:31
ahayzenballoons, or should i be poking Alan now :-) hehe18:33
balloonsyes you got it right. Any one-off you want18:34
balloonsif you want to ru jenkins for a non-submitter, use the -ci jobs though18:34
balloonsjust fill out the parms18:34
balloonsI can add that to the wiki too :-)18:34
balloonsbut shouldn't it run for non-team members?18:35
balloonsahayzen, ahh yes. indeed errors feel free to poke Alan. Though I'm here, and it's late for him18:35
balloonshowever, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Jenkins#Troubleshooting applies18:36
balloonsahayzen, weird. First thing I would try is a rebuild18:37
balloonshit the rebuild button on the side18:37
ahayzenballoons, sweet :-) ...and ok i'll try again18:37
balloonslooks like it's working. Not sure what the deal was, but I think it was fallout from this morning18:46
balloonsthe slave had to be connected again18:46
ahayzenballoons, okies thanks, i've got coursework todo for a bit and i'll check this out later :-) thanks for your help18:49
balloonsyou are welcome18:49
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