
kelahi I tried to download 16.04 beta2 but the URL on the website doesn't seem to work properly02:33
kelaI could only see beta-102:33
kelahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/16.04/ on here02:33
darkxstkela, beta-1 was the latest release, but use the daily images now03:07
kelahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ this one?03:12
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=== Guest5838 is now known as damascene
=== adrian|sick is now known as adrian
=== rw is now known as dax
=== Metacity|uh-oh is now known as Metacity
=== uaa is now known as Guest97616
=== Guest97616 is now known as damascene
bobbytIs anyone here20:40

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