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apwstgraber, more lxc test regression fun for you: LP: #155693112:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1556931 in lxc (Ubuntu) "lxc: adt testing failing across the board on ppc64el" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155693112:55
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dsmythieson my 16.04 test server, and as of maybe a day or two now, I can not compile "perf" (tools/perf). At the   "LINK     perf" step there is an error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -liberty".  I haven't been able to figure out what package or whatever is missing. I successfully compiled perf just 48 hours ago, on March12th, but have done updates and some cleanup in between. Any ideas?14:59
apwdsmythies, sounds like a lack of build-deps ? libiberty-dev or something ?15:02
* dsmythies goes off to check stuff...15:06
dsmythiesapw: Yes, I agree, but I haven't been able to figure out what exactly is missing. By the way, compiling the kernel (mainline) is working fine. 15:11
apwdsmythies, well -liberty is "give me library iberty, which is libiberty.so et al15:11
apwhave you checked libiberty-dev was installed ?15:12
dsmythiesapw: It wasn't. And with it, now compiles fine. Thanks. Still do not understand: There is no "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liberty.so"; Why it worked 2 days ago, but not now. Anyway, thanks very much.15:19
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dsmythiesapw: yes, but I didn't know to look for that, my only clue was "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -liberty" which I thought meant liberty.so. Anyway it was autoremove that didn't realize I needed it and removed the package: "2016-03-13 13:02:21 remove libiberty-dev:amd64 20160215-1 <none>". Conclusion: My mistake (like that is a surprise to anyone reading this).15:34
apwdsmythies, well your build-deps are defined in debian/control in the package, so you should be building in a chroot with all those deps installed to match what the code is expecting15:37
dsmythiesapw: I never build that way. I only build mainline and only use, for example, "time make -j9 olddefconfig bindeb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-test"15:43
apwdsmythies, right, so then you get to work out your build-deps using the "extreme pain and guesswork" way15:44
apwas you are finding, though if it was me, i would install the build-deps for the ubuntu kernel into a chroot, and build my mainline ones in that chroot15:44
dsmythiesapw: I have never had much success with that method. I also seem to get better error reporting with the way I do it (which is similar to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild ) or so I think (it has been years since I did your method).15:49
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stgraberapw: fine to ignore, we don't have ppc64el images on images.linuxcontainers.org right now16:22
apwstgraber, ack thanks, i'll hint those16:23
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jdstrandjsalisbury: hey, you gave me a new kernel for bug #1547619, but I'm not 100% sure 4.3.0-040300-generic (#201603101009) doesn't have the bug16:36
ubot5bug 1547619 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "Intermittent screen blinking with 4k external mini display port with 4.4 kernels" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154761916:36
jdstrandjsalisbury: my comments today were saying that the I needed an ubuntu kernel for overlayfs, so tried the latest xenial when doing that and it had the bug. I am back to testing 4.3.0-040300-generic (#201603101009) now16:37
jdstrandI suspect it doesn't have the bug, but I'm not sure yet16:37
jsalisburyjdstrand, ack17:16
jsalisburyjdstrand, I'll remove that kernel and reset the bisect17:17
cristian_cjsalisbury: hi17:22
jsalisburycristian_c, hello17:31
cristian_cjsalisbury: I'd like to know if upstream has received the patch17:31
jsalisburycristian_c, not yet, I'll send it today17:32
jdstrandjsalisbury: sorry for the confusion17:33
jsalisburyjdstrand, np 17:40
melodieto install the 4.4 kernel on a Kubuntu Wily, is that the right place to get the packages and the only one? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4-wily/18:34
apwthose are only debug kernels, they have no ubuntu sauce18:35
melodiehi apw18:35
melodie"ubuntu sauce" ?18:35
melodiewhich packages do I need and where should I get them from?18:36
apwthere are no official packages for wily of 4.418:36
melodiewhat this gui said: would that be ok?18:36
* apw bets that is the guy who tells you to wget foo | sudo bash18:36
melodiekernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4.4-wily/  ?18:36
apwthat well known security plan18:36
apwthose are debug kernels, with no ubuntu additional patches, no stable updates, no bug fixes etc18:37
apwno updates18:37
melodieI need 4.4.x kernel and headers for someone who buys a machine with the latest Intel Skylake CPU18:38
melodiehe will be aware that it will be a temporary solution 18:38
melodiealready aware...18:38
melodieand will need to upgrade to Xenial later18:38
melodiehe will also be aware how to unlock the kernel thing and make it the "linux-image" and "linux-image-generic" rules in his package manager18:39
apwwhy not just upgrade him to xenial anyhow18:39
apwanyhow iirc skylake is not stabled with 4.418:39
melodielast time I wanted to install Kubuntu Xenial in virtualbox the installer just didn't work there (in Mate, it did though)18:39
apwi seem to recall we have like a 100 commits on top of 4.4 in xenial just for skylake and broadwell18:40
melodieok, so do we stick with the kernel that's in Wily by default?18:40
apwif it was me i'd upgrade to xenial, warts and all18:40
apwi mean i run it on all my kit, and its been pretty good18:40
melodieI can't afford to take the risk18:40
apwwhich risk18:40
apwrunnign a kernel with no security is a hell of a risk18:41
melodieI'm one hour and half far from this man's office 18:41
melodieand he is just a user18:41
apwi can probabally find 3-4 root exploits in 4.418:41
apwjust by reading the changelog18:41
sbeattiedid the 4.4.0-12.28 tag not get pushed to the xenial git tree?18:41
melodieI believe you, just if he can use the actual kernel that's in Wily, I'm ok with that18:41
melodieI run Xenial in my own machine (upgraded from former installs) and I have 4.4.0-12-generic #28-Ubuntu18:42
melodiesbeattie is that the one version you are talking about?18:42
apwsbeattie, i have it in my tree, have you git fetch --tags origin that repo18:44
apwsbeattie, as we are rebasing some in some cases you can miss tags if we wen from 11 -> 13 before you fetch18:44
apw(without --tags)18:44
sbeattieapw: ah, it's there, just not on master 18:47
apwright, a little rebase in there somewhere18:47
melodieI'll be doing the install next thursday. Can I have a 4.3 or a 4.4 that's ok for an end user who has high demands? :) (and has been using Ubuntu boxes only since several years!)18:48
apwif he has skylake i think he is out of luck for reliablity before xenial, or lts-xenial18:50
sbeattiemelodie: sorry, my question was unrelated to yours, was trying to figure out which commits are in that kernel, and which are in the next one.18:51
apwsbeattie, yep18:51
melodieapw the store where they put the computer together tried Kubuntu Wily on it and they said as live it booted fine18:51
melodiesbeattie yes sure18:51
apwmelodie, then he shouldn't need 4.418:52
melodiesbeattie now the users out there, at "askubuntu" and such all seem to agree to use the 4.3 or 4.4 in Wily, while Xenial is being worked on to reach the final18:52
apwxenial is pretty much stablised now, we're not making huge changes any more, we are past FF and on the home straight18:53
apwxenial seems pretty stable in the main to me18:53
melodieapw boot is one thing, then he does image processing with very high resolution (and the machine besides Skylake has a good asus mobo, 8 GB Ram)18:53
melodiewhat is FF ?18:53
melodieis it a beta now?18:54
apwfeature freeze, change gets much harder to apply now that is past18:54
melodieok let me grab one :)18:54
apwwe've produced some betas yeah18:54
melodieapw from my former experiences, LTS used to be stable after the first version of the new edition, for Xenial it would be 16.04.1 ^^18:54
sbeattiemelodie: if kubuntu is needed, I'm unsure what the state of kubuntu/xenial is. you might ask sgclark in #kubuntu-devel, as she's been doing a lot of the packaging work for kubuntu.18:55
melodieok, I'll head there right now, thanks for the info18:55
melodieI'll grab one anyway to give it a whirl18:56
melodiemy iso is feb 8th. can someone remind me what is the zsync command line to update the ISO?18:59
melodiethis is the link to the actual iso: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/xenial-desktop-amd64.iso18:59
apwzsync -o <file> <url.zsync>19:00
melodieapw thks!19:00
melodiestarting! nice! :D19:01
dsmythiesmelodie: There are always example commands ( I use rsync and can never remember) on the daily testing page at : http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/114631/downloads which in turn I got to from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds19:05
stgraberapw: hey, so looks like powerpc (not 64el) isn't booting with current 4.4 from xenial19:06
stgraberapw: smoser may have some more details for you, all I know is that I dist-upgraded my ppc VM and it stopped booting, smoser had to reboot me into 3.19 manually19:06
apwstgraber, which versoin number is that ?19:08
melodiedsmythies thanks but that would be even worse for me to remember, just now I realised what the structure of the command line is, and as for the -o option, I guess a "zsync --help" will remind it to me next time19:08
stgraberii  linux-image-4.4.0-12-powerpc64-smp    4.4.0-12.28                     powerpc      Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 64-bit PowerPC SMP19:08
apwstgraber, and do you have one which did boot before that, in 4.4 ?19:08
smoser3.19 booted19:08
apwstgraber, i think we need a bug and i'll get jsalisbury to get this bisected19:08
apwi just realised we don't run adt on power, sigh19:08
stgraberapw: nope, I upgraded from trusty to xenial so it's the first 4.4 I try19:08
smoserqemu cmdline that results in "cant find root" looks like this19:09
smoserqemu-system-ppc64 -name rockne-01 -echr 0x05 -enable-kvm -M pseries -cpu host -smp cores=2,threads=1 -m 8G -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:00:42:01 -net tap,script=no,downscript=no,ifname=tap4201 -device spapr-vscsi -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/shared/rockne-01/disk1.img -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/shared/rockne-01/eph0.img -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/shared/rockne-01/save.img -nographic -vga none19:09
jsalisburyapw, I'll watch for the bug to come in19:09
smoserwhere disk1.img has the root filesystem on it.19:09
stgraberapw: the issue is storage related, smoser got dropped into a shell with no block listed in /proc/partitions19:09
smoseronly ram disks.19:09
apwstgraber, we may have lost a storage driver from the initrd, this is all new initramfs-tool19:10
apwjsalisbury, this might also not be the kernel, this might be initrafs-tools19:10
jsalisburyapw, ack19:10
apwi wonder if its possible to downgrade initramfs-tools on there to wily and see if that boots19:11
apwstgraber, ^19:11
apwto eliminate that19:11
stgraberthere doesn't appear to be any storage related module loaded on the 3.19, so I'm assuming it was all built-in then19:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1557130 in linux (Ubuntu) "Current 4.4 kernel won't boot on powerpc" [Critical,Triaged]19:12
apwok so going back won't help19:12
stgraberpseries_rng             3547  019:12
stgraberrtc_generic             2711  019:12
stgraberautofs4                53194  219:12
stgraberibmveth                29947  019:12
apwstgraber, does that have a dmesg, i might be able to tell from that19:12
stgraberthat's all I've got loaded on 3.19, none of them sound storage related19:13
stgraberapw: it doesn't as I don't have access to that, smoser may be able to get it if I reboot back into the busted kernel19:13
apwstgraber, a dmesg from the good kernel is what i want19:13
apwso i can see waht driver has the device19:13
stgraberthat I can give you19:13
stgraberapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15386280/19:15
smoserwell, 19:15
smoser http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/powerkvm-install/view/head:/README19:15
smoseri did:19:16
smoser http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/xenial-server-powerpc.iso19:16
infinityapw: The first port of call here would be diffing configs from ppc64-smp and generic/ppc64el, since they're meant to be identical minus endian flip and some Mac drivers.19:16
smoser ./ubuntu-boot-iso ./ubuntu-14.04.3-server-powerpc.iso sda.img --stuff-preseed=ubuntu.preseed19:16
apwinfinity, and indeed as far as i know they are19:16
smoserwhich works to isntall trusty19:16
smoserand that fails loading usb drivers with xenial iso19:16
infinityapw: Lemme tear apart the debs and look.19:16
stgraberapw: so ibmvscsi it looks like19:17
apwinfinity, i'll look see if this dmesg tells me the driver name19:17
smoserrunning ^ shows:19:17
smoser Error while running 'modprobe -v usb-storage'19:17
stgraberoh, could it be as simple as me missing the -extra package?19:17
apwsmoser, well its now a module19:17
apwif you have no extras, you are likely in a hole19:18
stgraberI just did a package diff between the ppc64el and powerpc box and they don't have the same set of kernel packages installed...19:18
apwas you have no hardware drivers19:18
infinitystgraber: There is no extra for ppc64-smp19:18
infinityIt's not split.19:18
stgraberinfinity: ah19:18
apwoh, heh, except that19:18
* apw checks this is in the initrd, might not be19:18
apwand it was builtin in W so you'd be fine19:18
infinityIt would also be a bug if the virt drivers were in extra, of course. ;)19:18
apwheh yeah19:19
smoserwell, it seems to me that powerpc at least under qemu and '-device spapr-vscsi' -cdrom needs some love)19:19
apwbut a _differnet_ one19:19
apwok this is most likelyu an initramfs-tools issue19:19
smoserafter a while, it fails saying:  Detect and mount CD-ROM ... could not be mounted19:19
stgraberroot@1ss-powerpc:~# lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-12-powerpc64-smp | grep ibmvscsi19:19
apwas this moved =y -> =m19:19
stgraberso the module is in the initrd apparently19:19
apwoh hrm19:19
apwthat is less expected19:20
smoserand yeah, no disk device there either19:20
smoserso seems iso shows same failure that stgraber is hitting.19:20
apwsmoser, if you boot that to the initramfs prompt, does ibmvscsi appear in lsmod, and if not does modprobe ibmvscsi make the disks appear19:21
apwmaybe we have a missing device alias19:21
smoseri just killed it. but i tried modprobing it and not there. 19:21
smoseri can get it back to the iso failure quick enough19:21
smoserapw, exactly zero modules loaded in the initramfs19:23
smoserer... in the installer environment19:23
apwand if you attempt to load them by hand ?19:24
smoser~ # modprobe ibmvscsi19:24
smosermodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'ibmvscsi': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)19:24
smoserdmesg | tail -n 419:24
smoser[   12.006176] ibmvscsi: Unknown symbol mcount (err 0)19:24
smoser[   12.016503] ibmvscsi: Unknown symbol mcount (err 0)19:24
smoser[   13.070630] usb_storage: Unknown symbol mcount (err 0)19:24
smoser[  125.209403] ibmvscsi: Unknown symbol mcount (err 0)19:24
smoserso it did try to load it.19:24
stgraberso missing dependency it looks like19:24
apwi thought the kernel rewrite the mcount bits 19:24
smoseralso 19:24
smoser[    0.839630] ibmvscsi: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel19:24
infinityThat's a bug I knew about already but hadn't had time to look at.19:26
infinitySilly me for not having 48 hour days.19:26
apwinfinity, happenign in all ppc kernels, or just this one19:26
apwsmoser, can you get an entire dmesg off there somehow ?19:27
infinityapw: Hard to say, this is the one most people exercise.19:27
infinityapw: But for weird reasons, only happening on big-endian.19:27
infinityapw: Maybe due to the CPU support being different between powerpc and ppc64el, leading to different optimised routines and submodules.  Hadn't had a chance to look.19:27
smoseryou want anything else there?19:27
apwi am sure mcount is -g stuff, and i have this feeling the kernel uses that and rewrites it for ftrace, or something vile19:28
apwso i am not expecting to see mcount in there19:28
infinityapw: I'll get a VM booted into that kernel with some violence so we can examine it a bit better.19:29
apwinfinity, oh not it is called mcount, we do use that we just supply an mcount which does ftrace and not counting19:29
apwso perhaps ftrace is busted on there19:29
smoseryou can probably boot it in qemu-system-ppc64 on intel19:30
smoserin lightning fast speed. https://gist.github.com/smoser/7a07d9f8929dc11b4ed919:30
smoseroh well, attempt at that failed19:36
infinityapw: Huh.19:36
apwinfinity, i might have found it19:36
infinityapw: So, I happened to have a very old xenial ISO.19:37
apwinfinity, go ahead19:37
infinityapw: And this broke between 4.2.0-16.19 and 4.2.0-17.2119:37
infinityWhich is curious.19:37
infinitySince nothing changed there...19:37
infinityMaybe that's a red herring, and it's actually how the initrd was built that broke.19:38
apwthere is a fix after 4.4, which could account for this 19:38
infinityapw: Yeah, but that doesn't account for why wily.iso works and xenial.iso with almost the same kernel doesn't. :P19:38
apwoh no we have it in via stable19:39
apwyes, it would if the compiler changes, what gcc are we using in x19:39
infinityIt must be a userspace thing...19:39
infinityNot a compiler issue.19:39
infinityThis kernel was built in wily.19:39
infinityWith the same toolchain as the working one.19:39
infinityThat's the delta between working and not.19:39
infinitySo I don't think it's the kernel's fault.19:40
apwinfinity, ok ... not that then19:40
infinityI need to tear apart these initrds.19:40
melodiehi infinity o/19:40
apwinfinity, kmod ?19:40
apwno you say in wily, hrm19:40
infinityapw: The kernels were both built in wily.  The userspace for the second is xenial.19:40
infinityapw: Which is, I'm sure, the key.19:41
apwwell what else does one use other than kmod to load a kernel19:41
apwmodule, and fial in this case19:41
apwi guess any depedency libraries19:42
infinity20151021 -> 2015120319:42
infinityThat's our date range for breakage.19:43
infinityBased on the two ISOs I have here.19:43
apwinfinity, and kmod is almost the same19:43
apwlast year, so before kmod19:43
apwbut, we use very little in userspace in initramfs19:43
infinityapw: No difference in file lists in the two initrds.19:44
apwinfinity, and you have the same mcount oddness19:45
apwinfinity, and this regression is in the wild on wily, argle19:46
infinityapw: I don't think it is.19:46
infinityapw: I think it requires xenial userspace to be fucked.19:46
apwoh i see, but19:46
infinityapw: But I could install wily and upgrade to be sure.19:46
apwi don't thnk that isnecessar19:47
apwas we are clear the same kernel is broke with xenial19:47
apwso what is in the initrd that is not busy box19:47
apwto load a module we just map it and offer it to the kernel19:48
infinityI thought I was going to be clever by using virtio to work around the issue so I could get installed.19:50
infinity[   16.884617] isofs: Unknown symbol mcount (err 0)19:50
infinitySo, no ISO for me.19:50
infinityTime for netboot.19:50
apwinfinity, can you install any modules at all, or are tey all broken19:52
infinityapw: Some work.19:53
infinityapw: Switching to virtio for both nic and scsi is getting me tooling along, luckily.19:53
infinityOh Em Gee, d-i has a "show password" toggle now!19:54
infinityapw: Install grinding along decently now.  Will revisit in a bit and we can investigate on a live system with the issue.  Might make more sense there than trying to unwind the code blind.19:56
apwinfinity, indeed19:57
infinityMan, I've been spoiled by live-installer on the server ISOs.  A full netinst is much slower.19:59
infinityReminds me that I wanted to publish those base images and use live-installer for netinst too.19:59
infinityProbably too late to wedge that into xenial. :/19:59
apwinfinity, when quilt 3.0 applied patches it is meant to barf if they have any fuzz right ?19:59
infinityapw: Fuzz, yes, offsets no.19:59
apwahh ok, then that makes more sense20:00
infinityYou can feed it some extra options to make it reject on offset mismatches too, if you're paranoid about code blocks migrating.20:00
apwinfinity, i am getting an odd behaviour on debdiff where the diff is not including the applied patches, which ... it should20:01
melodieinfinity seeing you makes me think, I'd like to ask if you remember having considered adding a conf file for zram-config in the next LTS?20:02
apwand yet when you unpack it it is applied ok20:02
infinityapw: The debdiff shouldn't show patches applied.20:02
apwthats stupid20:02
melodieinfinity one allowing to setup / choose the size of blocks and the number?20:03
infinityYou say stupid, I say working as intended. :P20:03
infinitymelodie: It would be lovely to do, but I can't commit any time right now.  Maybe after Beta2.20:03
infinitymelodie: My life is remarkably hectic right now.20:03
melodieinfinity I just wanted to remind you about it, to be sure you didn't forget our discussion a few months ago and for you to try to stick it to some kanban somewhere. :)20:04
melodiethe users of zram-config would all really appreciate, especially the long time users :)20:05
infinityapw: If debdiff showed patches applied, you'd get the diff twice, essentially.20:05
apwi guess, hrm20:06
apwstill makes my head hurt :)20:06
infinityapw: Alright, on a full system, it still can't probe it.  So it's not just a missing dep in the initrd.20:08
apwinfinity, no can't be that i can see20:08
apwif you are running modprobe foo, and it fails there are not a whole heap of things involved20:09
apwkmod and the kernel, and a teensy bit of libc20:09
apwinfinity, and that is the same kernel that works in wily20:09
apwand indeed libc is its only library20:10
infinityWell, not the same kernel now, I installed with 4.4.0-1220:11
infinityBut I can downgrade to wily's for a proper comparison.20:11
* infinity gets all sciency.20:13
infinityWHAT.  THE...20:18
infinityapw: 4.2.0-16.19 (wily's ship kernel) works fine.20:18
infinityOn xenial userspace.20:18
* infinity tries -17 again to see if he's insane.20:19
infinityapw: is toolchain stuff in the .deb somewhere, or do I have to scrub build logs?20:20
apwif it does, work forward to find the last one20:21
apwbuild logs i would think20:21
apwwe should record that, oh we must record the compiler in /boot somewhere20:21
apwnot anything else though20:21
apwinfinity, ^20:21
apwinfinity, oh no, we grep it out of the kernel20:22
rtgapw, don't we record it in the .deb ?20:22
apwinfinity, rtg, we record it in every .ko, which is how i check it apparently20:23
apwreadelf -p .comment "$ko"20:23
infinityOkay, now I'm going to lose my mind slightly.20:24
infinity4.2.0-17-powerpc64-smp, which failed on an old xenial server ISO, works fine on my installed system.20:24
apwwell that is more believeable, can you hop skip and jump forward20:25
apwlooking for the first bad20:25
apwas you've just eliminated userspace i assume20:26
infinityapw: It's more believable, but why did that ISO show the problem?  It's asking more questions than it answers. :P20:26
apwshhhh it'll hear you and change20:26
* infinity goes to find an early 4.3.020:26
* apw puts a small bet on 4.4.0-3.17 as the first bad20:28
infinityapw: Any particular reason?20:28
infinityapw: Is that where the commit you thought was the "fix" was introduced?20:28
apwthere is only one fix to the module scraper, fixnign a gcc-6 thing in the tree20:28
apwand i want it to be that20:28
infinityapw: Was that pulled into 4.2.0 stables too?20:29
apwit looks benign but ... maybe its not20:29
infinity(I have no access to the librarian here, it's much easier if I can pull from the archive. :P)20:29
apwinfinity, looks like it was20:29
infinityapw: Tags?20:29
apwUbuntu-4.2.0-28.33 was the first one with in 4.220:30
apwUbuntu-4.4.0-3.17 in 4.420:30
apwdunno if that is it of course, but it is a worry20:30
apwthough if you can test one of those version brackets i guess it might eliminate easily20:31
apwUbuntu-4.2.0-27.32 is prev on 4.2 and Ubuntu-4.4.0-2.16 on 4.4 if that helps any20:32
infinity28 and 29 don't exist, grabbing 30.20:33
infinityMust have been respin hell.20:33
apwoh yeah, probabally, we did a lot back there20:33
apwoh we don't reap nbs in -updates, handy for you here20:34
infinityBooting 27.20:35
infinityThat seems fine.20:37
apwthese are the "first sane" looking 4.3 and 4.4s Ubuntu-4.3.0-1.10 Ubuntu-4.4.0-1.1520:38
infinity-30 is also fine.20:38
apwok so not that then, pup20:38
apwyour search continues then20:38
apwof course you will get to -12 and it will work20:39
apwsuch is the nature of the world20:39
infinityYeah, I'm worried about that myself.20:39
infinityapw: Well, at least 4.4.0-12 still fails.  So, I'm not completely insane.20:43
infinityI'm going to have to mirror a bunch of kernels and scp them up to test more interim ones.20:44
* apw wonders how it is going21:08
Beretunplugging a usb key from my xenial machine just hard locked it21:27
nuschhow to get broadcomm wireless driver (bcmwl-kernel-source) working with mainline(4.5) kernel to test for some bug?22:20
apwnusch, i doubt that anyone has made one yet22:21
=== hughhalf_ is now known as hughhalf
nusch@apw would would you then suggest to debug this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1545320 ? I need wireless to reproduce this bug. Use 4.4? Or somehow backport only relevant functionality of i915 ?23:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1545320 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Dell XPS13 with i915 hangs with only mouse cursor and SSH working" [Medium,Incomplete]23:31
apwnusch: i am not sure why you need wifi for a graphics bug, could you use an ethernet or wifi usb dongle23:34

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