
bazhanginstability k1l00:15
bazhangunstableness is not an actual word00:16
k1l"you might call it warlord but i like the title: lord of war" :)00:16
k1lbut yes. i try to keep that in mind :)00:17
bazhang'deal with it'00:17
bazhangthats the request to upgrade the civility with dafty00:18
asktheopsHi. Any reason daftykins gets to be so rude on the #ubuntu channel. This is a longstanding problem, and makes the channel unfriendly00:21
asktheopsHis advice is frequent, but rarely helpful00:21
bazhangwe are currently discussing that00:21
asktheopsok, i'll part00:22
bazhangthanks for the heads up asktheops00:22
ubottuEriC^^ called the ops in #ubuntu (flooding)10:26
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
ubottunicomachus called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:35
=== rw is now known as dax
Piciyeah, okay, like that will work.15:55
daxi have half a mind to make a !language-#ubuntu-offtopic alias that's not very complimentary to the caller15:57
PsychoBoBHey please I need join the #ubuntu18:45
PsychoBoB""Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned)""18:45
PiciI am speaking in #ubuntu, right?20:30
daxPici: yes20:31

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