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ThreeDeeAccelRunning Ubuntu-Server how do I see what drive my video card is using? And how do I update it?05:04
ThreeDeeAcceland yes I know it is a CLI but I am trying to run a vbox...05:04
ChibaPetThreeDeeAccel: /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:09
ThreeDeeAccelChibaPet: I am not running X I am in ubuntu-server.05:10
ThreeDeeAccelI was trying this "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" which I found here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia but ubuntu-drivers doesnt appear to be a real thing05:11
ChibaPetOh, that. Hm. I'd pick an nVidia version from the nVidia web site, and install the correct package from the Ubuntu repos.05:12
tarpmanThreeDeeAccel: ubuntu-drivers is very much a real thing. it's in the package 'ubuntu-drivers-common'05:13
ThreeDeeAcceltarpman: lol, I dloaded the package to see what I can find.05:16
ThreeDeeAccelChibaPet: I pulled a file from nvidea and will look more into using it if the howTo doesnt work.05:16
ChibaPetThreeDeeAccel: I wouldn't use the nVidia driver downloaded from there - you can just use the web site to see what drivers support your card.05:18
ThreeDeeAccelChibaPet: I pulled the driver nvidia recommended. but, now I am just installing the same version# with apt-get.05:20
ChibaPetThat's what I'd do.05:20
ChibaPetapt-get install nvidia-352-updates or whatever's appropriate05:21
ThreeDeeAccelChibaPet: why *-*-updates? and not just *.*?05:21
ThreeDeeAccelI was on the nuovo driver before.05:22
ChibaPetThreeDeeAccel: I don't know, really. Someone suggested that -updates give you a different driver. From the name I'd *guess* they're more aggressive about commits or something. I don't honestly know!05:23
ThreeDeeAccelChibaPet: Interesting, Ill look into that for next time. I already hit 'go' on just the baseline file.05:24
ChibaPetThat should be fine.05:25
ThreeDeeAccelThe issue I was trying to fix by updating Graphic Drivers did not work. I think youll just point me towards #vbox but Ill ask here just in case.05:46
ChibaPetAh, let me beg for alacrity then. Was just about to go to bed, but I can give it a shot.05:47
ThreeDeeAccelI am running Ubuntu-Server with VirtualBox. I am trying to install LinuxMint but I cannot check "Enable 3D acceleration".05:47
ChibaPetOn your host system, what's glxinfo | grep ^direct say?05:48
ThreeDeeAccelglxinfo not installed...just a sec05:49
ChibaPetIf it's anything other than "Yes" then that's likely your issue. If it says "Yes" then yeah, #vbox (or whatever it is) might give you better luck.05:49
ThreeDeeAccelit says "Error: unable to open display" btw I am ssh'ed into the host.05:50
ChibaPetOh, hrm. I think ssh -X will just give you info from your local server. Hrm.05:51
ThreeDeeAccelI can walk to the server room and type it in...05:52
ChibaPetOther than grovelling logs on the server to see that the proprietary driver is running, I'm not sure off the top of my head how to test that. Asking during daylight hours here and .... ah05:52
ChibaPetThen that's the answer.05:52
ChibaPetWith that, though, I need to hit the sack. Good night and good luck.05:52
ThreeDeeAccelChibaPet: Thanks, cya.05:53
jak2013hi friends06:24
jak2013*/4 6-20 * * 1-7 /usr/scripts/uplsql.sh    <-- every 4 minutes, from 6am to 8pm execute this script, my dude if i want execute the script every 3 minutes from 8pm to 7a, how do this?06:25
cpaelzerjak2013: you described it all already, should be */3 20-7 ...06:40
cpaelzerjak2013: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto06:41
anas_Hi, I have installed Kafka server to 3 nodes all of them have Ubuntu Server. The server starts correctly on two nodes but when I start the server on the third node it gives me this error (-su: /home/kafka/kafka/kafka.log: Read-only file system)07:09
anas_any help ?07:09
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lordievaderGood morning.08:28
pezet91hello, i have problem with ubuntu server 16.04. After installation system can't see my raid devices :/ Anyone can help me?09:55
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pezet91hello, i have problem with ubuntu server 16.04. After installation system can't see my raid devices :/ Anyone can help me?10:55
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lordievaderpezet91: You end up in the initrd?11:55
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pezet91lordievader: i don't understand12:15
lordievaderIs your rootfs on the raid?12:15
pezet91no, it's additional disk space :]12:16
pezet91my rootfs is on ssd12:16
lordievaderAh, alright. Is it softraid (mdadm)?12:16
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pezet91no, it's hwraid, it's LSI MegaRAID SAS-3 3008 [fury] controller12:18
lordievaderHmm, I'm afraid I don't really have much experience with hardware raids. Anyhow anything in dmesg about it?12:18
pezet91dmesg log (grep mega): http://pastebin.com/qgiUzZq812:21
pezet91driver for this card is megaraid_sas12:21
lordievaderDoesn't look like there is anything wrong with it...12:22
lordievaderI suppose the raid drive is offered as a normal block device? i.e. sda or something?12:22
pezet91i know, but i don't see a virtual drives12:22
pezet91i don't see this in /dev12:23
lordievaderNo other obvious errors in dmesg?12:23
pezet91no, i don't see errors12:24
lordievaderI'm afraid I cannot really be of help, sorry.12:24
pezet91ok, thanks for trying ;)12:25
pezet91I never buy a server from Fujitsu :/12:25
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
kgirthoferhey all - what are you guys using to close brackets and auto indent in vim13:24
kgirthoferI had this super great .vimrc but I accidentally deleted it from source control13:25
kgirthofernow I gotta find a new one13:25
rbasak:set ai13:32
rbasakand )13:32
rbasakI like the idea of surround.vim but have never used it.13:33
ogra_dolby.vim :)13:36
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Sophie__i need some help plz14:38
Sophie__i try to install openstack with vms14:39
Sophie__i have one node ready and i try to deploy juju but i got an error "bootstrap instance started but did not change to deployed state"14:39
Sophie__after i wait long time14:39
Sophie__does anybody know anything?14:39
hateballSophie__: it can be quite idle here, have patience :)14:46
pmatulisSophie__: what instructions are you following?14:48
Sophie__this one now I am one the second step to install juju14:49
Sophie__with computers you will need a lot of patience my dear :)14:50
pmatulisSophie__: i suggest you try the automated installer for now. go up a few levels from your doc14:53
Sophie_yeah but i want to make it with vm as nodes so it can be more like the normal install15:02
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mne1991Hello, I want to ask please if start-TLS works with Samba4? (as I don't want to use LDAPS because as you know it has been deprecated). Thanks in advance!15:42
mne1991Hello, I want to ask please if start-TLS works with Samba4? (as I don't want to use LDAPS because as you know it has been deprecated). Thanks in advance!15:42
pmatulismne1991: i havene't tried it but why would it not?15:45
mne1991I don't know, I need some help to set it up, even if it was with money :)15:46
mne1991Because I tried everything I can, with no success15:46
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jjrabbit443if i create a new account under ubuntu server then will all the applications i installed under the original root user no longer start up automatically?16:22
jjrabbit443or do applications such as apache and mysql start up irrespective of what account logs in?16:23
Abd_Allatif_jjrabbit443: login account does not effect them in any way16:23
jjrabbit443so all applications run under root account regardless of what account i am logged in as when i install?16:26
Abd_Allatif_first, you have a "normal" user account that can get root privileges using sudo. So, when you install some services using apt, the will run in the system using root account (approximately).16:29
Abd_Allatif_it depends on the service. some services use so called "System user accounts"16:30
jjrabbit443yeah i installed using apt16:30
Abd_Allatif_some other services you may need to run it manually, so the user account that you are using for starting it will matter16:31
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davidic65Hi guys, how come kernel updates are coming through to the repos before any mention on http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/  (Precise )16:49
davidic65be nice to know why?16:50
DatzHi, I just noticed that my ubuntu server install no longer uses a kernel tagged kernelversion"-kernel", but now "-generic" Is there any reason for this, or did something get messed up during my upgrade process awhile back?16:51
davidic65Datz: never a dull moment eh16:55
* Datz is tres excited16:55
davidic65not French dude I just live here16:57
davidic65when is Ubuntu going kernel 4+?16:58
* Datz has no a clue16:58
davidic65I installed 14.04 on Scaleway the other day and it had the 4.4+ kernel16:58
Datzbasically my relationship with ubuntu server latley has been set it and forget it16:59
davidic65not sure how they did that16:59
davidic65Datz:  yeah we all love the EOL16:59
andolUbuntu got a 4+ kernel with Ubuntu 15.10. That kernel also got included in the latest point release of Ubuntu 14.0416:59
DatzI don't know, I'm apparently running 3.13.017:00
davidic65andol: ty17:00
Datzwell, that's interesting..17:00
davidic65andol:  does that kernel mean less reboots needed?17:00
andoldavidic65: Not neccesarily.17:01
Datzprobably more!17:01
davidic65I thought that was a main thing with the k417:01
andolIf one has an existing Ubuntu 14.04 install one can get the 4.2 kernel by installing the linux-image-virtual-lts-wily package.17:01
davidic65andol: could that mess with any software we have on a current server?17:06
=== TwistedFruit is now known as ChibaPet
DatzOk I see my answer.. Before 12.04, Ubuntu server installs a server-optimized kernel by default. Since 12.04, there is no difference in kernel between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server17:09
DatzI think I was running 10.04 before this..17:09
davidic65backup and do a fresh install maybe17:10
davidic65busy site?17:10
davidic65sometimes there is nothing quite like a fresh install17:11
jjrabbit443anybody here use fail2ban17:15
davidic65I do, all servers17:15
ChibaPetjjrabbit443: I fail2fail2ban. Greylisting and keys.17:15
davidic65but basic setup17:15
davidic65mainly SSH17:15
ChibaPetOr portknocking, rather.17:15
jjrabbit443if i have SSH open i should be running fail2ban correct?17:16
davidic65if I use dovcot or postfix my clients are banned in no time :)17:16
davidic65jjrabbit443:  sure it will not hurt, you use pwds yeah17:17
andoldavidic65: Anything is possible, but as a general rule newer kernels tends to do a good job in staying compitable with older userspaces.17:18
davidic65andol:  thanks17:18
jjrabbit443cool thanks17:20
davidic65jjrabbit443:  just use very nice pwds everywhere and use f2b for SSH17:20
davidic65Ubuntu dont like root for very good reasons but...17:21
davidic652s|BH2M_7;29nv7594m52KB854U|76p^r6*Hq would be hard to hack17:22
davidic65I prefer root myself17:23
jjrabbit443what do you mean Ubuntu don't like root17:23
davidic65prefer you use sudo17:23
davidic65I prefer direct root access17:24
davidic65and root sftp but you need to edit sshd_config for that17:25
davidic65easily done17:25
Piciiirc, sshd_config allows root login by default.17:25
davidic65Pici: not on 14.0417:26
ChibaPetUsing password for ssh, fail2ban or not, is not recommended.17:26
Picidavidic65: ah, did it change then?17:26
ChibaPetPici: It's allowed by default in 16.04, with "prohibit-password".17:26
davidic65ChibaPet: how come all the other distros dont have a problem with root17:27
ChibaPetI assume the same is true for 14.04.17:27
davidic65I understand the security but17:27
ChibaPetdavidic65: It's largely illusory security. Recommending sudo-based administrative access simply helps auditing and accountability.17:28
ChibaPetThat is worth it all by itself17:28
davidic65when you upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 this matter comes up and the default is allow root lofin btw17:28
davidic65login sry17:28
davidic65but a fresh install and its different17:28
ChibaPetdavidic65: I have a fresh install of 14.04, and it also allows root by default. Don't take what you read on IRC with more than a grain of salt.17:29
davidic65not complaining about sudo, just dont use it after I have root setup with a nice pwd or key17:29
ChibaPetdavidic65: sudo is great when you have an admin team and want to track access and actions.17:30
davidic65sure, lone wolf here17:30
ogra_root has been locked down since the very first release in ubuntu (the installer actively runs passwod -l root) ... if yuo have an unlocked root account yu must have manually set a password or removed the locking17:30
davidic65ChibaPet: thats makes total sense17:30
ogra_there is techinically no way an upgrade touches that17:31
davidic65Ubuntu are trend setters17:31
ChibaPetogra_: That is accurate. You don't get a root password unless you explicitly set one.17:31
ogra_and if you set one or unlock the account it will persist across upgrades17:31
davidic65actually I setup Ubuntu 14.04 on a new hetzner server the other day all was done root?17:31
ogra_whats "hetzner" a hardware manufacturer ?17:32
davidic65installed and logged in as root?17:32
jjrabbit443i like running as root17:32
ChibaPetdavidic65: How cloud vendors do it is up to them more than Canonical.17:32
davidic65ogra_: hetzner.de17:32
jjrabbit443so should i create a secondary login that i use to SSH into, then when I am logged in switch to root account?17:32
davidic65ChibaPet:  yeah but they did not think sudo was important17:32
ogra_davidic65, oh, so you get a hetz-buntu then, thats not comparable to an accurate ubuntu i guess :)17:33
davidic65all root17:33
ogra_i.e. some vm image they roll17:33
ogra_(and obviously not using the ubuntu defaults there)17:33
davidic65ogra_: also they give you the initial pwd which is nothing like pwd123456 :)17:33
ogra_do you at least get forced to change it on first login17:34
davidic65nope just do it if you like17:34
ogra_or can i expect to be able to log in to half their virtual servers with the defaults17:34
davidic65but its a pretty good one to start of with17:34
ogra_thats gross17:35
davidic65nah your just starting off, most people who run dedies know to change pwd after install17:36
davidic65the one they give is unhackable I guess17:36
jjrabbit443would be nice if putty had a dropdown with history of ip addresses17:38
davidic65ip address for what17:40
davidic65apache access log will give you enough17:40
jjrabbit443recent servers17:40
jjrabbit443*recent connections17:41
ogra_send patches to the putty devs ;)17:41
davidic65tcpdump for current17:41
davidic65jjrabbit443:  apache access log will do for that17:42
ogra_hwo would apache access log help you to remember which servers you ssh'ed to recently ?17:42
davidic65very handy for WP xmlrpc attacks so you can drop an offender17:42
davidic65ogra_:  maybe I misunderstood17:43
ogra_yeah, putty is a windows ssh client (that was at some point ported to linux i heard)17:43
davidic65I use it from time to time :)17:43
davidic65kitty more pretty tho17:44
* ogra_ has last used it in 1998 or so ... when i last used a windows desktop17:44
davidic65ah http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ linux kernel update just in17:45
davidic65will they ever nail a kernel down17:45
davidic65been in the repos for hours17:46
davidic65coffee break maybe?17:46
davidic65must admit the flaws are so sophisticated17:48
davidic65the people who find these flaws, do they have a kife?17:49
davidic65Ralf Spenneberg discovered that the usbvision driver in the Linux kernel did not properly sanity check the interfaces and endpoints reported by the device. An attacker with physical access could cause a denial of service17:51
davidic65Hats off17:51
davidic65how did he find that out :)17:53
davidic65I come across things like that every day :)17:54
sarnolddavidic65: https://www.blackhat.com/docs/eu-14/materials/eu-14-Schumilo-Dont-Trust-Your-USB-How-To-Find-Bugs-In-USB-Device-Drivers-wp.pdf17:56
sbeattiedavidic65: he has a special arduino device/firmware that he uses to pretend that it's a bunch of different devices17:57
ogra_sforshee, nice work with syseleven ! (/me just read their blog)17:57
ogra_http://www.syseleven.de/blog/heisenbug/ ... :)17:58
sarnoldnice find18:01
davidic65yeah, hats off to guys who find things like that18:03
HoloIRCUser2My server 14.04 kernel has act up18:04
HoloIRCUser2Read only filesystem then on reboot I have issues when I fsck /dev/sda18:05
HoloIRCUser2Error loading shared libraries18:05
HoloIRCUser2Libext2fs.so.2 invalid header18:06
HoloIRCUser2Any way I can fix this?18:06
davidic65HoloIRCUser2:  what have you done before the problem?18:08
HoloIRCUser2Nothing. Server was on idle18:08
HoloIRCUser2When I SSH to it I noticed the RO problem18:09
HoloIRCUser2Try to reboot and fsck /boot18:09
davidic65what do your server provider people say18:09
HoloIRCUser2Maybe I should fsck it from a USB bootable18:10
davidic65no idea of your setup or provider18:10
HoloIRCUser2My server provider is me18:10
sarnoldHoloIRCUser2: try booting to a different root filesystem; cd, usb, pxe, etc., something where the 'fsck' isn't provided by the bad filesystem itself18:10
HoloIRCUser2Yeap my thoughts exactly. Will try a bootable usb18:11
davidic65sarnold: how do problems like arise if you have done anything to the server?18:15
davidic65not done18:16
sarnolddavidic65: bitrot is one potential source of problems; it could be logic bugs in the kernel, of course, and cronjobs often do enough work to trigger those..18:19
davidic65sarnold: thanks18:23
jjrabbit443running "service ssh restart" from an SSH session doesn't kick you off?18:24
ogra_no, it keeps the sshd you are connected to running until you log off18:25
davidic65getting root eh :)18:26
ogra_(a package upgrade for openssh-server calls that too... you dont really want your connection to die if there are 200 packages coming in and ssh is somewhere in he middle)18:26
naccjjrabbit443: those old sessions are running w/ the old context/configuration (iiuc)18:26
jjrabbit443better restart the server i guess18:27
davidic65heads up, not promoting but virtualmin now does auto install on the free letsencrypt ssl certs as of today, well cool, one click install :)18:32
Mate-user1512ok here i am18:35
Mate-user1512unfortunately e2fsck doesnt report any issues with /dev/sda118:36
Mate-user1512now what?18:36
Mate-user1512am on server boot from usb18:36
Mate-user1512a, holoircuser18:36
davidic65this a home server?18:37
Mate-user1512this is what i ger/dev/sda1: 303/124496 files (16.8% non-contiguous), 58680/248832 blocks18:37
davidic65why not backup and do a new install18:37
Mate-user1512no way18:37
Mate-user1512to much trouble18:37
davidic65why? Exactly18:37
Mate-user1512i have a lot of configs on this one18:37
davidic65back them up18:38
davidic65what software you running18:38
sarnoldMate-user1512: you could check debsums on the filesystems..18:38
Mate-user1512so nothing can be done with those shaqred libraries gone bad?18:39
Mate-user1512am on ubuntu server 14.04.418:39
davidic65I read something on google earlier18:39
davidic65probably related18:39
Mate-user1512now i have booted manjaro from usb / on server :)18:39
Mate-user1512umount sda118:40
davidic65google your problem a bit18:40
Mate-user1512and checked for issues18:40
Mate-user1512nothing came up18:40
sarnoldMate-user1512: you can apt-get install --reinstall the affected packages18:41
Mate-user1512didnt try that18:42
davidic65simple things can fix things thats for sure18:42
davidic65I was reading something about ncurses18:43
davidic65probably not related18:43
davidic65always an answer dude but always have complete backups18:44
Mate-user1512i have18:45
Mate-user1512i dd the os image18:45
davidic65then just reinstall and restore18:45
Mate-user1512but i was on 12.0418:45
Mate-user1512too much trouble18:45
Mate-user1512too long ago18:45
davidic65well your site is down how much trouble is it worth?18:45
davidic65when did you upgrade?18:46
Mate-user1512when canonical aloud ne too18:46
davidic65while ago then18:46
Mate-user1512i think that was on 14.04.118:46
davidic65and all was fine until today?18:47
davidic65that sucks18:47
Mate-user1512with 4gb ram18:48
Mate-user1512atom cpu 4 threads18:48
davidic65I mean hardware failure18:48
Mate-user1512no failure18:48
davidic65how you know?18:48
Mate-user1512filesystem corruption maybe18:48
davidic65hdd packing in maybe18:48
Mate-user1512my raid 5 array is ok18:49
sarnoldsmartctl reports happy?18:49
Mate-user1512its just the os hdd that has issues18:49
Mate-user1512let me see18:49
davidic65atom is it a laptop with raid 5?18:52
Mate-user1512nope desktop18:53
Mate-user15121.8ghz x418:53
sarnoldsome atoms were also popular with low-power server folks18:53
Mate-user1512this is it18:53
sarnoldif a machine was intended for mostly storage tasks it was a pretty decent fit18:53
davidic65sarnold: Scaleway using them with great sucess18:53
Mate-user1512it fits me very well indeed18:53
jjrabbit443is the "var" directory the "program files" of ubuntu?18:54
Mate-user1512nothing wrong with sda18:54
jjrabbit443sorry, is "bin" not "var"18:55
sarnoldjjrabbit443: check out "man 7 hier"18:55
jjrabbit443sarnold: ty18:55
Mate-user1512hmm /dev/sda1: status 0, rss 2896, real 0.010133, user 0.003333, sys 0.00333318:57
Mate-user1512hdd is well18:57
davidic65if you have money hire a sysadmin expert18:58
sarnoldwas that the -fast- check? try a slow long check18:58
davidic65I reckon its hardware failure18:58
Mate-user1512that was fsck -r /dev/sda118:58
Mate-user1512shall itry -r18:59
davidic65things dont go tits up overnight like that if you have not been faffing with stuff18:59
sarnoldMate-user1512: the -t long option to smartctl looksl like the hting18:59
sarnolddavidic65: meh, sometimes they do18:59
sarnolddavidic65: I came back froma weekend once to find that reiserfs had eaten over a third of its tree18:59
davidic65ok, but never had probs like that19:00
ogra_as long as mechanics are involved they will always wear out at some poin19:00
davidic65other than bang something gives up19:00
Mate-user1512hmm maybe is that19:00
Mate-user1512it wear out19:00
sarnoldif you have enough systems these sorts of things happen near continuously :)19:00
Mate-user1512nothing gives whats the issue19:00
Mate-user1512i have to remove usb and reboot os to check again19:01
sarnoldwhich is why e.g. zfs is as popular as it is, it provides self-repair when disks bitrot19:01
Mate-user1512doesnt wrth the hw involved19:01
davidic65Mate-user1512:  if you have full backup I can loan you a dedicated to restore to, you will just need to do dns19:02
Mate-user1512you mean backup my raid?19:02
davidic65just your sites19:02
davidic65what sites you running19:02
Mate-user1512nah i dont have any19:02
davidic65so is the server that important?19:03
Mate-user1512this is a home server for storage/streaming/downloading19:03
Mate-user1512my right hand19:03
davidic65but you hand this scenario in mind yeah, server goes bang, do a quick restore19:04
davidic65on something important to you19:04
Mate-user1512i"ll remove ubuntu and install openmediavault i think19:04
Mate-user1512too much trouble start over19:05
davidic65let me get this right :)19:07
davidic65its just a personal storage server19:07
davidic65I mean a personal PC19:08
Mate-user1512ok i"ll reboot19:10
davidic65I think I am about done here19:10
Mate-user1512bye and thanks19:10
davidic65guy needs an external hdd :)19:10
davidic65well I fell for that one19:11
davidic65probably just realised his hardware is going south19:15
jjrabbit443anybody know if there is a website that tests your server for vulnerabilities?20:23
bekksHopefully there isnt, that would be a severe vulnerability :)20:27
patdk-wkunless your just looking to test, wide open stupid mistakes20:28
patdk-wkthen your probably looking for shodan.io20:28
coreycbbeisner, can you promote python-glanceclient 1:2.0.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0, python-openstackclient 2.2.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0, and pep8 1.7.0-1~cloud0 to trusty-mitaka-proposed?  regression tests have passed successfully.21:09
beisnercoreycb, promoted those 3 to mitaka-proposed.  thanks for the updates :)21:13
coreycbbeisner, thanks!21:13

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