
mapppsbosch season 2 is out, yay;D04:22
=== mappps is now known as mapps
=== SupaYoshi_ is now known as SupaYoshi
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Xack
MooDoomorning all08:10
diploMorning all08:49
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:05
davmor2Morning all you funky people09:15
bigcalmWho likes beer, steam trains and an evening of good/raucous fun? We need to find a date for this year's RAT: http://doodle.com/poll/qw7ehwk5dnweviyp09:21
Laneyis there floor/sofa/bed space available?09:28
zmoylan-pihow many tonnes of coal can you shovel per hour? :-P09:29
davmor2zmoylan-pi: depends how much I'm being paid09:36
davmor2bigcalm: bit early for you isn't it09:36
bigcalmdavmor2: I'm here to promote the RAT09:41
davmor2bigcalm: you should talk to JamesTait he's caught a few apparently :D09:42
zmoylan-pithere's probably an ointment for that... :-)09:44
MooDooroland rat?10:12
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:14
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=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
bigcalmDave, popey, czajkowski: RAT? http://doodle.com/poll/qw7ehwk5dnweviyp13:18
czajkowskibigcalm: cheers13:21
bigcalmczajkowski: will you be married by then?13:24
DaveThat was to the RAT survey13:25
czajkowski5 weeks time13:25
DaveNot marriage.13:25
bigcalmDave: yes, I started planning last years in Feb13:26
bigcalmIt's a bit late this time13:26
czajkowski /c13:28
bigcalmpopey: I am holding you responsible for my ordering a Pebble Time13:29
popeyI love mine13:29
bigcalmNow that I've ordered it, I want it now!13:30
bigcalmI've become far too accustomed to Amazon Prime13:30
popeyI have a keyboard arriving today13:36
popeywas on special offer on amazon last week13:37
zmoylan-pigoing cheap, great keyboard as long as you don't need the letter e? :-)13:37
Myrttidoes RAT have any nice non-alcholic drinks or is it just ale and such?13:39
Myrttiand is the non-alcoholic just bogstandard cola and lemonade?13:40
zmoylan-pithat would be a great brand name for softdrinks... bogstandard... :-)13:40
Myrttigah I need to get dressed13:41
Myrttijammin' in my jammies doesn't work when I need to do a village walk to the library and pharmacy13:41
zmoylan-pifor that you need a tux onsie... :-D13:42
Myrttineed to go flip some Which? magazines, not superexcited but someone has to do it13:43
foobarrywhat u choosing from which Myrtti13:46
bigcalmMyrtti: I think it's just your run of the mill cans and such. I'm not sure. Full details here: http://www.watercressline.co.uk/product.php/10/real-ale-train-r-a-t13:46
zmoylan-pireading which which magazine to decide which which magazine to read...13:46
foobarryi'm in 2 minds about pi day13:47
foobarrydue to the US date format, which is illogical13:47
foobarrywe always have 22/7 but it is a poor approximation, but then again 3.14 is worse13:48
Myrttifoobarry: lots of things :-)13:49
foobarrydoes your library do online mag subs thru zinio?13:49
Myrttibigcalm: yeah, that's what I thought. D doesn't drink and I don't much either so it's a bit meh if it's just RWhites and whatnot.13:49
foobarrymine does but most were gay times and hello magazine13:49
Myrttifoobarry: yeah, but I don't have a library card yet13:49
Myrttiso I can't log in13:50
popey\o/ new keyboard time13:50
foobarrycherry or nipple?13:51
popeysupposed to be uk layout, is US13:52
* popey checks his order13:52
foobarrycolleague had the same happen to him13:52
foobarrywas a cheap chinese knockoff13:52
foobarryso is taking the keys and putting on a new keyboard "chassis"13:53
popeyalready pressed # instead of enter multiple times13:53
zmoylan-pia mate ordered wireless keyboard and mouse set and got a wireless keyboard and wired mouse... not a happy bunny but it was exactly as described... :-P13:53
popeybah, it says english layout, should have checked better#13:53
popeygah!  ðŸ˜ƒ13:53
foobarryUS english.13:54
foobarrymy local council website has every page that is the leaf of the html tree as a pdf13:54
foobarryreally annoying13:54
foobarryyou can't just browse the site looking for the info u want13:55
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Xack
foobarryooh it appears my library now has better zinio mags13:58
foobarrylinux format, linux user, finescale modeler13:58
foobarry2 different minecraft mags , 4 different quilting13:59
popeygood job this keyboard is actually for the "gaming" computer14:02
zmoylan-pienough quilting magazine to make a bigger magazine... :-)14:02
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
Seeker`popey: what games do you play?15:37
popeySeeker`: mostly stuff on steam15:39
popeypopeydc is my steam id if you want to see :)15:39
Seeker`I'll have a look when I get home :)15:40
Myrttiand to my disappointment it turns out that the village library doesn't in fact carry Which? magazine. And no library card means no online mags either.15:40
davmor2Seeker`: popey plays monkey island, jetset willy, manic miner, and beneath a steel sky if he says anything else he is lying ;)15:40
Seeker`no leisure suit larry?15:41
popeyi got scummvm working on ubuntu phone15:41
davmor2Seeker`: only after completing guantlet15:41
popeyso yeah, leisure suit larry could be :)15:41
diddledanlarry ftw!15:42
diddledannew series I been watching - just started airing on alibi - quantico. tis awesome!15:43
diddledananother one that looks like it's gonna turn out fun is blindspot15:44
=== odysseus is now known as Guest61930
foobarryhas anyone used rpy2 for mixing python code with R?16:14
davmor2john oliver on encryption hilarious sadly true but hilarious :)16:19
diddledanwtf? MS actually have their own distro of Linux based on Debian (specialised for network switches) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/03/09/microsoft_sonic_debian/16:19
diddledandavmor2, no linky?16:19
davmor2diddledan: first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win16:21
diddledandavmor2, does that fall under the "embrace, extend, extinguish" banner? :--p16:21
davmor2diddledan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=012tbFzd0R416:24
Myrttididdledan: https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/70786884681274163316:28
Myrttiwell, turns out Zinio doesn't even have Which?, so that's moot too. I need to go to the town to fiddle with the physical copies then16:29
popeyali1234: saw this and thought of you https://twitter.com/grim_fandango/status/70949092288357581021:31
ali1234popey: he's my only user21:32
popeyoh I'd not seen it written up21:34
ali1234i dont think anyone did21:35
ali1234i got more emails after it was on boingboing21:36
ali1234more than zero that is :)21:36
ali1234also pretty sure that is where mr o'malley saw it21:36
popeyis he just collecting VHS tapes and scouring them for teletext streams?21:41
ali1234yes? also other teletext related activities, but i don't know exactly what21:41
ali1234there's a facebook group... but i don't check it that often.... because facebook21:42
ali1234there's also a podcast :)21:44
popeya podcast, about teletext in 2016? :)21:48
ali1234i warn you know, it's not a high quality production21:48
ali1234but yes21:48
zmoylan-piyou have to listen to it 2-3 times before it makes sense? :-)21:48
ali1234they do talk over each other a lot, and then don't edit it out21:49
popeyplease tell me episode one is numbered 100 ?21:49
ali1234sadly not21:49
zmoylan-pi103 tells you were all the good episodes will be...21:50
diddledanI wonder why amazon doesn't support Firefox for HTML5 video?22:10
diddledanonly Chrome is supported on loonicks22:10
diddledanbetter than nothing though22:10
ahayzenprobably the same DRM reason as netflix ?22:17
diddledanI thought Firefox did DRM these days?22:18
ahayzennot sure i remember it having parts of it22:18
ahayzenmaybe try changing the user agent and see if they are just blacklisting :-)22:19

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