
mrgoodcati watched roughly the first half so far00:28
mrgoodcatthe commentary by the professional is so helpful though00:29
mrgoodcathe can articulate things that i've kind of felt but not really known why00:29
mrgoodcatand he is really concise in explaining why moves are good bad or indifferent00:29
cmaloneyfuck dst12:23
cmaloneyand morning12:23
rick_h__this is the non-worstest side of dst12:35
rick_h__it's the fall back one I can't stand12:35
Scary_GuyFall back is superior = extra hour of drinking12:35
Scary_Guyalso, eff the sun12:36
rick_h__heh, you must not have pets12:36
mrgoodcathow is this the non-worst12:48
mrgoodcatcan't fall asleep at night, then still tired as hell in the morning12:49
rick_h__mrgoodcat: pets learn time and when you go forward they wake you up an hour early for 3months12:53
rick_h__same with kids12:53
mrgoodcatsimple solution: don't have kids13:02
jrwrenmrgoodcat: it was an accident, OK? :p13:09
rick_h__we asked for a year...but it's still a fall back time killer :P13:09
mrgoodcati've never had a problem with pets and DST13:09
mrgoodcatmy dog is lazy and only wakes up when she absolutely has to13:09
rick_h__man, if we're 5min late our dog is nuts wanting food13:10
mrgoodcati put food in its bowl at 7am, she usually doesn't touch it till it least 913:10
Scary_Guyget an auto feeder13:14
Scary_Guyor make one, I'm sure #i3detroit could offer up some ideas on that13:14
jrwrengross. all I can picture is Back to the Future13:19
Scary_Guywell we just hit that back in October.  Also the incept dates for a few replicants too13:21
cmaloneyThe worst one for me is losing an hour13:25
cmaloneyI'm so goofed up right now13:26
jrwrenit doesn't help that I woke with a sinus infection yesterday. I blame DST for that too.13:26
Scary_Guydaylight savings is stupid anyway, we should get rid of it13:26
cmaloneyI usually wake up right around when my alarm goes off13:26
Scary_GuyI mean yeah maybe it had a purpose, but that ended long ago13:27
mrgoodcatcmaloney: i love that magnetic go board he's using for the broadcast14:53
greg-gDST isn't the problem, it's the non-DST time. Eastern timezone should always be in DST (ie, always EDT, -4UTC, never EST, -5UTC)14:59
jrwrengreg-g: agree!14:59
cmaloneyno nononono15:05
cmaloneyest should always be -5 GMT15:05
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Yeah, that is cool.15:05
jrwrenMI should be CST15:05
mrgoodcatif you travel due south from most of michigan you hit CST15:06
jrwrenI want my 10:30-11pm june lake michigan sunsets15:06
mrgoodcatin KY, TN, AL15:06
cmaloneyjrwren: I want darkness15:06
cmaloneylike my soul15:06
jrwrencmaloney: hrm... i'm listening Clan of Xymox cover A Forest by The Cure right now. You want in? :p15:07
cmaloneyThat's not darkness. :)15:08
jrwreni know. its actually pretty damn happy15:08
mrgoodcatabout 3 hours into the game alpha go just made the first move that the 9p comentator didn't understand why it did it15:44
mrgoodcatwill be interesting to see how that workst out15:44
cmaloneyWhich game?15:45
cmaloney(of the series, I mean)15:45
mrgoodcati'm going to watch them all in order eventually15:47
mrgoodcatmichael redmond is an excellent commentator15:47
mrgoodcathe's explaining so many things about game strategy15:48
cmaloneyThat move signaled that Alpha Go wasn't just replaying common Go knowledge.15:48
cmaloneybut actually considering moves carefully15:48
mrgoodcathe's just starting to wonder if alphago might win15:48
mrgoodcatpreviously it was a 'what if' type thing15:48
cmaloneythe image of Lee Seidol with his mouth open after a move was priceless.15:48
mrgoodcatnow he's actually considering that it might be possible15:49
cmaloneyI'm still in the "don't play a capture game" phase of Go. :)15:49
mrgoodcati'm not sure what you mean by that15:50
mrgoodcatas in you're trying to avoid the mentality where you constantly feel the need to try to capture?15:50
cmaloneyAnd put myself into ridiculous situations where I box myself in15:53
mrgoodcati haven't played in so long15:53
mrgoodcati'm a bad go nerd15:53
cmaloneyDroppin' false eyes like Galileo dropped the orange.15:53
mrgoodcat31.41% off xps 13 today16:44
mrgoodcathappy pi day16:44
mrgoodcatwow thats a long link17:26
mrgoodcathttp://is.gd/VHgmC8 (www.microsoftstore.com)17:26
mrgoodcatstarting on game 2 now17:28
cmaloneyNot the Dell I was hoping. :)17:38
cmaloneyor the store for that matter.17:38
mrgoodcatwhat do you mean?17:39
cmaloneyWas hoping it was the Ubuntu machine. :)17:39
mrgoodcatthe microsoft store isn't exactly shady and the only difference between the regular and the dev editions of the xps 13 is the wifi adapter17:39
mrgoodcatwhich can be swapped out17:39
mrgoodcatmy buddy did it a couple months ago17:40
brouschI've crawled up to 23kyu on DGS18:47
brouschDoing even better on most ladders18:47
cmaloneybrousch: nice!18:53
cmaloneyHGopefully I'll be able to get to a level where I'm not dropping your rating. :)18:54
mrgoodcatyou can drop someone's rating just by playing them?18:56
cmaloneyApparently I have that affect on people. :)19:00
mrgoodcati wish i could play someone reasonably good in person that could explain what i'm doing wrong19:17
mrgoodcator what i'm doing right for that matte19:17
cmaloneyWEll, I can only offer someone to play in person. :)19:28
cmaloneyI have a 9x9, a 13x13 board in standard size, and multiple little boards19:29
cmaloneyplus a really strange Avalon Hill board.19:29
mrgoodcatoh you do?20:26
mrgoodcatthat's awesome20:26
mrgoodcatits one of those things that i've always kinda wanted but never pulled the trigger on20:27
cmaloneyYeah, it's one of those games that got me to give up sucking at chess and start sucking at it instead20:30
cmaloneyLove when peoplesay "chess is a complicated gae". No, it's not.20:31
cmaloneyChess is a lot of memorization20:31
cmaloneyremembering 5,000 opening positions20:31
mrgoodcati never really got even reasonably ok at chess20:43
mrgoodcati suspect i'll never be even reasonably ok at go either but oh well20:44
mrgoodcatif you are ever looking for someone to play with i'd be game20:44
mrgoodcatbut i dont have a lot of free time these days20:44
shakes808Good evening, all23:41

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