
daftykinsnvidia always takes precedence over nouveau when installed00:00
k1lif you install the nvidia from the ubuntu repo there is no need for blacklisting00:00
Anthony-Lk1l, daftykins, is there a reason why I'm having freezing issues on reboot? it's intermittent.00:02
daftykinsAnthony-L: i hope you're not using the PPA mentioned in that link - also that's not info we need as we're familiar with these setups00:02
k1lAnthony-L: so you installed the nvidia driver from where?00:02
Anthony-Lthe GUI00:02
k1lAnthony-L: what ubuntu is it exactly? what vdieo card? what driver? what kernel?00:02
Anthony-Lsysstem settings, software and updates.00:02
daftykinsyour own link states you do not need to uninstall nouveau when repo drivers are in use, which you say you're using00:03
daftykinsso what happens when this freeze occurs?00:04
Anthony-Lpurple screen of death00:04
Anthony-Lno error, just a plain old purple screen.00:04
daftykinsno i need the full story, what's going on?00:05
daftykinscold boot and it fails to reach desktop? i need details here00:05
Anthony-Lcold boot and it will reach the desktop, on restart it doesn't reach desktop.00:05
daftykinsguaranteed or intermittent? and what does it *do* on said boots? stuck on the splash screen?00:06
Anthony-Lguaranteed on restart, cold boot is intermittent. I don't see grub menu.00:06
Anthony-LI'm currently on the machine too.00:07
daftykinsdpkg -l | grep nvidia00:08
daftykinssystem details and versions00:08
Anthony-Lyou want me to paste them here?00:08
daftykinsno in a pastebin00:08
daftykinshmm not entirely fond of the way that looks, i would "sudo apt-get purge nvidia* ; sudo apt install nvidia-361 nvidia-prime nvidia-settings"00:11
Anthony-Lcan i just copy/paste that whole command?00:11
daftykinsif you're allergic to typing, sure00:11
k1lAnthony-L: "lsb_release -d" please00:12
daftykinsyeah, did kinda skip answering that part00:12
k1l<k1l> Anthony-L: "lsb_release -d" please00:12
k1lwhat is the output?00:12
daftykins< daftykins> system details and versions00:12
Anthony-LDescription:Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (development branch)00:13
Anthony-Ldaftykins, ok, did those commands.00:14
k1lAnthony-L: ok. you are running a development release  and worry about unstableness.00:14
daftykinswrong channel00:14
Anthony-Lno need to name call.00:14
k1lAnthony-L: 16.04 is not yet released. #ubuntu+1 is the channel for the development releases. and for development releases unstableness is to be expected. best is to file a bug and report it.00:15
k1ldaftykins: no need for that language.00:15
daftykinsfor timewasting there is00:15
Anthony-Lk1l, thanks00:15
bazhangdaftykins, please upgrade the civility factor00:16
daftykinsthis user has spent a lot of today seeing me tell people 16.04 is in another channel - deal with it00:17
Anthony-Lbad customer service.... :P00:18
daftykinsvolunteers don't get paid, so you're lucky you got what you did00:18
daftykinsnow go try it - if it's still a problem, file a bug00:18
* reisio gets paid00:18
daftykinsand don't try to ask for help in the wrong channels again00:18
jakesyl.msg nickserv identify jake199800:18
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
Anthony-Lthanks for being condescending. have a good day. new users sure do feel welcome, i'm sure.00:20
bazhangdaftykins, PM please00:20
cvetanhey guys, are there known launchpad issues lately?00:23
cvetansince i ran sudo apt-get update on my 14.04 install and it threw errors as i see for all ppa-s i added.00:23
k1lcvetan: please put the outpu of "sudo apt update" into a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com00:24
tgm4883cvetan: I've not seen any issues.00:24
squintylooks like ppa.launchpad is down right now00:24
tgm4883oh yea, that would do it00:25
squintycvetan,  no need for that   the site if offline right now00:27
cvetani first went to launchpad and it wasn't down.00:28
cvetanthat is why i came here.00:28
squintybeen down for about an hour from this end of things  (last time I tried updating)00:28
cvetanok thanks for the info.00:29
czwolfHello, searching answer, having this strange problem. When I issue 2 commands in the console, is ok. When I do it remotely only one (the second one) works. it is for the same application: sudo monit myapp | at now + 1 min && sudo monit stop myapp00:29
Danielh90If I install mysql server will I get the phpmyadmin? also and will it effect mineraft performance?00:30
tgm4883Danielh90: no, if you install phpmyadmin then you will get phpmyadmin00:31
tgm4883Danielh90: and it could affect minecraft performance. But since we don't know if your are running on a raspberry pi or a 32 core 128GB RAM server, it's tough to answer that question00:32
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Danielh90oh ok00:34
=== Consuela is now known as bbq
Bashing-om" ppa.launchpad.net  will be offline for up to two hours from 00:00 UTC (in 15 minutes) for a storage upgrade. " A bit dated .00:48
squintythanks for the update Bashing-om00:52
=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
virtuosojIs 16.04 going to stick with Nautilus 3.14 as file manager? Or upgrade to 3.1800:52
reisiovirtuosoj: does it matter?00:53
virtuosojreisio, yes. google drive capabilities, better file/folder search00:53
k1l!info nautilus xenial00:53
ubottunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.18.4.is.3.14.3-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 551 kB, installed size 1887 kB00:53
reisioI'm sure you can get those with 3.1400:54
reisiobut I also see no reason to avoid 16.04, so :)00:54
virtuosojtbh I've been jumping back and forth between Ubuntu and Fedora. it's hard to decide00:55
virtuosojI really like the Unity desktop's workflow00:55
reisiovirtuosoj: Unity shouldn't factor into your decision, you can use Unity on any distro00:56
reisioUbuntu & Fedora differ primarily on how they manage packages00:56
virtuosojNah I think you can only install it on Arch now, other than Ubuntu that is00:56
virtuosojwouldn't work in Fedora too many patched GNOME packages00:56
reisioclose second to that is that Fedora is the testing version of RHEL, and Ubuntu has no testing version00:56
reisiovirtuosoj: no really, you can install it on any distro00:56
reisiothis goes for any software, really00:56
reisioif it installs on one, it installs on another00:56
virtuosojI may have to build from source though00:56
reisiosome distros make it easier for particular hardware, it's true00:57
virtuosojI wouldn't be comfortable doing that00:57
reisiofor something as "popular" as Unity, there are probably RPMs, for example, for Fedora, for example00:57
reisioand even if this were some alternate reality where you couldn't install Unity on any distro, you can get most any DE/launcher/combo to work just like it00:58
virtuosojreisio, ty. this is my current fedora setup haha http://imgur.com/mQxQ6Bd00:58
reisioyou could call that a distro00:58
virtuosojexactly what you're saying, getting gnome3 to work like unity. but I can't get the unified top menu/left icons00:58
reisiobacktrack/kali linux is its own distro, and basically its only contribution is a dragon wallpaper :p00:58
virtuosojthat article is really outdated I don't think this works anymore00:59
virtuosojlolol. I think that's a little hyperbolic00:59
reisionot sure something can be a "little" hyperbolic :D01:00
virtuosojbut I do know what you're saying, most new distros are "spins" rather than actual different distros01:00
reisiowell, while that's true, it's not what I'm saying01:00
reisioagain, any package you can run on any one distro, you can run on any other distro01:00
reisioso really you shouldn't compare Fedora and Ubuntu on the default DE installed01:00
reisioif indeed you wish to compare them01:00
reisioas this comparison is ...not great01:00
virtuosojtrue true01:01
virtuosojalthough I feel like Unity is the exception to that rule kind of... requires more work than any other to run outside of ubuntu01:02
reisioit's pretty odd for a person to not want to use Ubuntu but want to use Unity, anyway :p01:03
reisioeven though, again, they're entirely separable01:03
* reisio takes a break01:03
virtuosojyeah I know. I don't necessarily not want to use Ubuntu01:03
virtuosojlolol sorry I know this is circular01:03
virtuosojI am going to try the beta on a live usb soon, DLing right now01:04
* reisio AFKs01:04
virtuosojquestion: is there a way to get a weather indicator in Unity panel?01:07
jayjoI just installed ubutnu 14.04, is there a way to disable the built in amazon stuff?01:08
jayjoin fact - can I just broadly disable all things like that?01:08
virtuosojyes jayjo, go to system settings and security/privacy01:08
virtuosojdisable search from online sources01:08
jayjook thank you01:09
jayjoI have to restart, i'll be right back01:09
virtuosojalso, "sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool"01:09
czwolfHello, does anybody know? These 2 commands do not work from remote ...  sudo monit 'corrade | at now + 1' && sudo monit stop corrade01:16
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andrejI can't find anything in ufw's man-page regarding this; is there a way to suppress the (y|n) prompt and just make it do as I want?01:20
virtuosojsudo apt-get -y install package_name01:21
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andrejI need to put a rule in #1 postion that I accidentally added to end of a rule-set on ~ 60 machines. I don't want to log into each one individually to do that manually pressing y :/01:25
virtuosojoh man. that problem is really out of my league im sorry01:26
andrejWish it had a "force switch". To enforce user-interaction is such a non-Linuxy thing to do, it makes me angry :}01:28
Mchammerdadwhats the easiest way to create a bootable usb stick (say for a windows 7 iso?) it seems unetbootin isn't working for me, and I don't know a "manual" way of doing it in linux.01:31
andrejOooooh ... I was lying. The --force switch now works with delete.01:31
reisioMchammerdad: http://serverfault.com/questions/6714/how-to-make-windows-7-usb-flash-install-media-from-linux#answer-16706001:32
ckiI'm using Ubuntu 14.04 in VirtualBox on OS X. In System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Launchers, I disabled my "Launch terminal" shortcut. Now I want to set it back to Ctrl+Alt+T, but I only get so far as Ctrl+Alt and then it sets it back to disabled. I tried disabling the "Key to show the HUD" because just pressing Alt was bringing it up (even though it was set to Alt+L), but the same thing still happens.01:41
RakuI'm having some issues getting wine installed, I have some dependencies that are unmeetable http://puu.sh/nFH1d/7a53e4c991.png most of them require installing a massive amount of stuff having to do with unity which I don't want(using xubuntu) or removing a ton of things which would break the system01:42
goddardis ubuntu compiled with iommu support?01:48
RemindJust a question: My mouse starts centered in my screen but when I move it, it doesn't move. However I can click things still even though the mouse doesn't move. Once I open the terminal, I can move my mouse normally01:50
RemindIs there a fix for that?01:51
reisioRemind: sounds like your wm isn't running01:51
goddardhow can i list my video devices?01:53
goddardlike its bus and id number01:53
stylesHey guys, I doubt this is something that we're supposed to do, but I'm having issues upgrading my system and I'm nearing the point where I'm just going to reformat. If somebody has a moment and can take a look at the following thread I've been trying to resolve an upgrade issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2316987 .. Thank you in advance for any assistance.01:54
Remindreisio: Thank you! Is there a way to get it to start?01:55
reisioRemind: ordinary Ubuntu? Probably just run 'unity', then log out to save your session so it doesn't happen again01:56
Bashing-omgoddard: Something like - lspci | grep VGA ; grep "[[:space:]]7146" /usr/share/misc/pci.ids -  where 7146 is the ID from 'lspci' .01:56
goddardBashing-om: awesome!01:58
goddardBashing-om: so i found my intel device, but not my nvidia 970m02:00
goddardBashing-om: you think it needs to be active?02:00
liuxgthe fonts in my desktop is very small. it is shown as http://imgur.com/VUYbui8. How can I make it bigger? i have tried to use tweak tool to fine tune them with no success. I am now using Ubuntu 15.10..thanks02:02
goddardBashing-om: ahh it is listed as a "3D controller:02:06
Bashing-omstyles: ' sudo apt-get --reinstall install xkb-data ' See my response on the forum .02:06
Bashing-omgoddard: TRY as ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ' .02:07
B0bsF1shCan anyone help me get more than 640x480 resolution under VirtualBox? I've installed guest additions from VBox menu and restarted, still don't have more resolution options. Then tried apt-get update;apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms and rebooted and still the same02:10
reisioB0bsF1sh: http://virtualboxes.org/doc/installing-guest-additions-on-ubuntu/02:12
Trinityhi can someone direct me towards where I can find the md5checksum of lshw?02:13
reisioTrinity: won't help you02:13
Trinitythis is for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The best I found was https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lshw/02.16-2ubuntu1.202:13
Trinitybut it seems like it's an archive02:13
B0bsF1shthanks reisio: will try after updates finish installing02:15
Trinityreisio, you wrote won't help you here though O.o02:15
reisioTrinity: it won't help you02:16
Trinityah okay thanks for the clarification02:16
reisio/I/ am helping you, by telling you that /it/ won't02:16
Trinityreisio, whats the reason why it won't help?02:18
Trinityi'm assuming you mean the md5 checksum of lshw02:18
reisioit won't prove what you want it to prove02:18
Bashing-omTrinity: /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package_name>.md5sums  do you any good ?02:20
TrinityBashing-om, yes thanks :)02:21
B0bsF1shLooks like I'm the victim of this bug: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/12623 4.3.602:32
B0bsF1shStill can't change resolutions after that procedure reisio02:33
reisioB0bsF1sh: what procedure is that?02:35
B0bsF1shThe one you posted here: (10:11:10 PM) reisio: B0bsF1sh: http://virtualboxes.org/doc/installing-guest-additions-on-ubuntu/02:35
reisioB0bsF1sh: you reboot?02:36
B0bsF1shnext would be upgrading virtualbox I suppose02:37
on3pkSo, not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but, is it possible to run full guis like a VPS?02:37
neyder_on3pk, yes, but isn't useful, you shuld configure a vnc server02:41
neyder_on3pk, or run trough 'ssh -X' tunneling02:42
czwolfI need to force monit to stop monitor corrade for 1 minute (or any other time) and to start to monitor it after time given again. Commands: sudo monit  start corrade | at now + 1 min && sudo monit stop corrade When I do them separatedly, both proceed but the first one immediately. Wrong syntax? Thank you for help if you know.02:42
on3pkneyder_, ah ok02:47
neyder_on3pk, like in a raspberry pi headless02:48
on3pkneyder_, how would ssh -X work, does that run the x server locally or... what?02:48
neyder_on your desktop, you run remote X applications02:48
RakuHmm, the packages for wine from the official ubuntu repos depend on packages not available... from the official repos02:48
neyder_it renders on your desktop but is running in VPS02:48
on3pkdoes the VPS need to have x server installed?02:50
neyder_OneM_Industries, yes02:50
neyder_on3pk, yes02:50
on3pkwhat are the system requirements for that?02:51
neyder_on3pk, dind' get hte question02:51
on3pkoh, for x server, what are the system requirements?02:52
neyder_any modern computer(vps in computer)02:52
on3pkah ok.  Then I guess if I terminate the ssh connection, will the applications still run?02:54
RakuIt's asking I install an old git version http://puu.sh/nFKUY/668c574225.png but that's not even available? http://puu.sh/nFKWb/61d95512e8.png I'm super lost02:54
neyder_on3pk, no, a graphic application need an X running, so your option is vnc02:55
on3pkneyder_, right, but I guess that shouldn't necessarily change anything in terms of system req's right?  I mean, slightly more.  But just for the VPN deamon?02:56
neyder_1GB ram, besides Rpi run with 256MB,02:58
on3pkneyder_, so what you're saying is, if I'm using a VPS with 1gb of ram, I better use SSH tunneling...02:59
casyhi i got this message when i went building a source code: Dependency not found: systemd  can some one help me out03:00
neyder_no, on3pk if you have 1GB VNC remote desktop,03:00
on3pkah ok03:01
satyam_what is this?03:07
reisiosatyam_: der IRCmonheimer03:08
satyam_der IRCmonheimer?03:08
reisiosatyam_: der IRCmonheimer?03:11
on3pkneyder_, welp, I'm going to give this a try then. Thanks for your help03:11
Hadifor me03:12
lickalotthey all!!  I just converted .wav files to .flac (first time I've ever done it myself) and noticed that there is no metadata once it's done.  I've been looking around and I saw that metaflac seems to be able to handle metadata, but before I ventrue there I wanted to see what the big brains had to say.03:34
zykotick9lickalott: the gui program easytag can handle flac metadata...03:35
* lickalott goes to check it out 03:36
lickalottthanks !03:36
RakuI can't for the life of me get wine installed on xubuntu 15.10, it keeps complaining about things not being installed that are, or something or other, I've tried most of the solutions online(still searching) but nothing is working03:37
nomicthere are ubuntu forums for specific questions .. this is transient Raku  .. you would be lucky to find someone dealing with your problem (moreso early morning monday)03:41
RakuIt's late night sunday for me :P03:42
nomicopen account, post topic to relevant area03:42
nomicis also efficient because you can post  a message and go away, then later pick up any replies (how forums work)03:42
nomicdo that for something more package specific .. even when it's busy here -- you are only likely to receive immediate fixes/responses to general issues03:43
wenIt's too slowly to run eclipse.04:10
reisionot sure what you expect from Java™04:12
snellsorry if this is a repeat, but my internet went out: hello, I need to boot up my encrypted partition, but the old boot partition is gone now (forever). Since I have 2 different drives, I was wondering how to boot the encrypted partition using my primary GRUB install04:21
davidooh, that's actually an interesting question04:21
davidois the entire partition encrypted, or just the home dir?04:22
snellthe entire partition.04:23
davidoIf you mount it (using nautilus) are you not prompted for a password?04:24
snellso far, I've tried chrooting into the drive and doing install-grub, but I'm unable to do so04:24
snellIt doesn't show up when I look for it in nautilus. I have to mount it manually, either by command line or by Disks04:25
davidobut if you boot from a usb dongle or a live cd, can you mount the partition?04:25
snellSure, I can mount it if I want to.04:25
davidoand if you mount it you can provide the password, view the contents, etc?04:26
davidobut the problem is that it's no longer bootable?04:26
snellyes. If using something automated, it will go to /dev/mapper/blahblahblah04:26
davidoI'm afraid i'm not an expert on this topic, but it is interesting.04:27
davido(I do use a bootable encrypted partition, myself, but it was $work that inflicted that upon me)04:27
snellyes. I have two disks. Primary disk has primary grub has primary ubuntu. The secondary disk used to have a tertiary disk with a bootloader on it that was able to boot the second disk (encrypted)04:27
silv3r_m00nhi there04:31
silv3r_m00ni am using firefox and chrome on kubuntu, and they both hang when i open any product on amazon.com, any idea how to fix it ?04:31
silv3r_m00nfirefox says, script is busy and chrome tab freezes04:31
silv3r_m00nthis thing does not happen on windows, or my ipad04:32
electricstairshey. I went through this https://thornelabs.net/2013/06/10/create-a-bootable-windows-7-usb-drive-in-linux.html and I tried another method guide or two prior to that, but04:33
electricstairsall I get is "reboot and select proper boot device"04:33
buuAnyone have an idea why I would have super slow (22MB/s) copy speed from /dev/sda to /dev/nvme0n004:34
snellhello, I had a lapse in connection. Has there been anything new directed to me since 10 minutes ago?04:35
wafflejockbuu: what device is attached to /dev/nvme0n004:39
buuwafflejock: samsung 950 pro04:39
wafflejockbuu: how's that connected?04:39
wafflejockbuu: pretty sure USB 2.0 has a regular transfer rate of 180 Mbps which is about 22.5MB/s04:40
wafflejockit will burst at 480 Mbps but the 180 is a regular rate04:40
on3pkOk, so, I have xfce/vnc installed on my vps.  Unfortunately it's like super duper basic.  Is there a package that provides neat features like... the archive manager?04:43
wafflejockon3pk: think the packages that end with desktop-environment typically have all the bells and whistles04:44
wafflejockon3pk: like xfce-desktop-environment04:44
buuwafflejock: usb?04:44
buuwafflejock: what?04:44
buuhow would you even attach it to usb04:44
wafflejockbuu: bahhaha oh sorry thought you were talking cameras... just looked it up yeah that's slow04:45
wafflejockthat is USB 2.0 speed though ;)04:45
buuIt's gotten even slower04:46
buuwhat the hell04:46
wafflejockwhat're you trying to do with it in particular?04:46
on3pkwafflejock, unable to find locate package xfce-desktop-environment :(04:47
wafflejockbuu: just transferring files using a file browser or using cp or rsync or something else?04:47
wafflejockon3pk: ah that's it for gnome and mate, just looked there's an xfce-goodies, you might just want to grab file-roller or whatever you need though04:48
wafflejocknot sure what the xfce archive tool of choice would be though really nothing jumping out at me in the list of xfce4- packages04:49
on3pkwafflejock, well, there is a CLI one that I'm using but I figure if I'm going to have a visual environment, I should have all the bells and whisles :D04:53
wafflejockon3pk: can run, apt-cache search xfce, to get a list of packages with reference to xfce in their name or description but still not seeing anything related to archives or zipping so maybe file-roller is the way to go04:53
wafflejockyeah guess they just expect you to use tar if you're using XFCE04:54
wafflejockbuu: how are you monitoring the transfer rate also are you using a block size?04:59
wafflejockbuu: this seems to work fine here dd if=/dev/zero of=tempfile bs=1M count=1024 conv=fdatasync,notrunc I get 157MB/s05:03
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=== user_ is now known as akis
akishi all. i tried to update midori on my xubuntu 14.04.1 using Alternative Downloads here http://midori-browser.org/download/ubuntu/ and when prompted i choosed open with ubuntu software center' but update failed because dependency is not satisfiable as you can see in this screenshot http://pasteboard.co/2fG7GmNy.png . After that i canceled update procedure. Was there any new data or anything else written on my system although I canceled this upda05:38
akiste procedure?05:38
spiderxhey there05:39
RahulANI am unable to send messages to channels05:39
RahulANi am already registered and identified to05:39
=== MurcieLee1 is now known as MurcieLee
RahulANPlease help me05:41
davidothere seems to be nothing preventing you chatting in this channel.05:42
xanguaakis: " Note that they do not include any dependencies, and may not be updated with the rest of your system by the package manager." Why don't you use the PPA they provide?05:43
akisxangua: i read this. i will consider about way through a PPA update. At this moment I am just wondering if any new data or anything else was written on my system although I canceled this update through  ubuntu software center?05:49
=== devil is now known as Guest50515
akissoftware-center log wrote this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15382645/ Does this help to conclude that the update operation canceled without any system's changes?06:02
crtyou forgot to say please.06:14
hicoleriI installed the powerline package from pip. Now how do I enable it in vim?06:14
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Guest77137was wondering if someone could try and help me06:34
Guest77137this radio station website won't produce sound ubuntu 15.10 desktop06:35
Guest77137however on other os's it will06:36
baizonGuest77137: which one?06:36
Guest77137and shoutcast.com06:37
mewecoffeejoin #networking, join #security06:37
baizonGuest77137: metalsassault... not working, shoutcast working06:40
Guest77137i even installed codecs06:40
Guest77137thinking that was it06:40
Guest77137baizon thanks for checking that out;  any ideas as to how to get first link working06:44
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on3pkHey, how in the world do I start a qemu instance?07:12
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haasnon3pk: I use virsh from the command line and virt-manager from a graphical environment07:23
haasnBut that's just a front-end to make everything much more convenient. You can also run the qemu binary with the same parameters directly07:24
akis Hi all. If i only open a .deb file with ubuntu software center but i don't proceed to installation because of a dependency unavailability, is it anything changed on my system?07:37
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MurcieLeeakis: No, AFAIK07:45
haasnakis: No. Dependencies are resolved before anything gets installed07:47
haasnUnless the dependency itself fails building07:47
haasnfails installing* sorry forgot this isn't gentoo07:47
akisMurcieLee: thanks07:49
akishaasn: i got the error message of a dependency unavailability plus the file missing. is that actually meaning that nothing was installed?07:50
haasnWhen you say ‘file’ do you mean the package name?07:51
zeddeI just booted up on a live cd and removed the swap partition, moved the extended partition,  extended the sda1 partition, I then created the swap partition again. can I just reboot or do I need to change the fstab ?07:56
akishaasn: i clicked on the link's .deb package using firefox and i choosed 'open with ubuntu software center'. then ubuntu software center opened but i got this screen http://pasteboard.co/2fPp6rEQ.png and the instalaltion aborted.07:59
frdmn_good morning08:00
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
frdmn_can someone help me out with my logrotate configuration? this is what I use so far (http://paste.frd.mn/qixim) and I plan to keep the logs for 90 days with daily rotation.08:01
frdmn_however, I can only find the logs of the last 5 days08:01
frdmn_is there anything I am missing here?08:01
N3X15Rather urgent:  Anyone familiar with anything that would run as /tmp/is as a jenkins user?08:03
N3X15Noticed it in htop after my host warned me of a bandwidth overload08:03
zeddefound that I need08:04
=== pesari_ is now known as pesari
akishaasn: by that I wrote above could you conclude that that there was no installation on my system?08:08
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haasnakis: yes08:10
akishaasn: thank you, and therefore no change on system's files?08:12
haasnakis: for sure. “Dependency not satisfiable” means it didn't even get to the stage of downloading, let along unpacking08:12
akishaasn: thank you, for your detailed answer.08:13
arkus_Bien la room ?08:13
arkus_Une question me taraude.08:13
akishaasn: one more clarification...this .deb downloaded form here http://midori-browser.org/download/ubuntu/ isn't ready for installation without any additional download and just stopped becase of  “Dependency not satisfiable”?08:16
soulissonHello, in single user mode, are there processes belonging to other users than root?08:17
tushwhere should i mount MDADM RAID ARRAY in ubuntu /mnt or /media???08:17
haasnakis: I don't think I understand your question, but why are you trying to download a .deb from the web page? Ubuntu has midori packaged already08:18
haasnJust install it through the package manager (e.g. sudo apt-get install midori)08:18
akishaasn: i have it already installed but i tried to update it using this method (and not the PPA method). I downloaded this package and i also opened it with 'archive manager" and i saw that is it is plenty of files. But the installation failed because of this “Dependency not satisfiable”. I keep the older version but i want just be sure that nothing changed on my system and from what you already kindly wrote it is definitely sure that nothing08:24
akis was written on it. isn't it?08:24
=== zedde is now known as Varazir
mintuxwhat do you suggest backup software for ubuntu server that could back files and database with daily option also could make remote back on ssh mount netwrok drive08:26
ikoniassh mount is not a good way to do that08:27
ikoniaas that will be mounted userspace, so it will have to be run as the user with the mount, which may limit the backup08:28
ikoniaor you'd have to work around that with scripts, that some tools may not like08:28
llutzmintux: rsync, rsnapshot08:28
ikoniayou may not want to backup physical database files too while the database is open08:28
ikoniausing the backup process of the database you're using, and then backing up that backup output would be better08:28
mintuxwith mysql dump?08:29
ikoniawhat ever tool you want08:29
=== messer440 is now known as Guest89960
anesDo any one know how to add preseed file in an iso?08:53
lotuspsychjeanes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization08:57
kpwarrHello, I'm using XMonad and trying to set my wallpaper on login using `feh`. I've read a bunch of answers online about where I could put this command so that it runs on login but none seem to work (.xsession, .zlogin, .profile, .bash_profile) I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong08:58
aneslotuspsychje: thanks for your suggestion , but use that option can create iso but it's not bootable08:58
lotuspsychjekpwarr: maybe the #xmonad guys might know?09:00
=== TakumoKatekari is now known as Takumo
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lotuspsychjeanes: plz dont type that here09:11
haasnkpwarr: easiest way would be to have (spawn "feh ...") in your xmonad.hs09:21
haasnkpwarr: Or just have spawn "~/.autostart" and use the autostart script to place your on-startup stuff.09:21
Stychbit of a noob here, i'm having some issues and could use some help09:24
Stychrunning Ubuntu Studio, trying to update, but the system keeps telling me that i don't have enough space in the boot partition.09:26
EriC^^Stych: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image09:26
EriC^^Stych: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999909:26
EriC^^in a terminal09:27
doodleshey all can you help me to create a bootable iso after adding preseed file.09:30
kpwarrthx haasn09:30
Stychk, string stopped working at nc termbin.com 99909:30
Stychyeah, thats what i meant, command does nothing09:31
EriC^^it's working09:33
EriC^^Stych: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999909:34
EriC^^copy and paste the whole thing09:34
Stychi know how to type a command line. theoretically, in a terminal, when a command is input, there is evidence of it doing something. also, your web address is a 40409:37
EriC^^Stych: you're wrong on 3 accounts09:38
Stycheducate me09:38
EriC^^Stych: is your browsing working?09:38
EriC^^try ping termbin.com in a termina;09:38
Hiro`Hey all. Recently upgraded from 15.04 to 15.10. Since then, I get crash reports on startup. They're always the same, complaining about `plymouthd`. I've tried the fix suggested here http://askubuntu.com/questions/407131/why-is-plymouthd-crashing-on-startup, but it hasn't helped.09:39
Stych64 bytes from solusipse.net ( icmp_seq=31 ttl=55 time=135 ms09:41
EriC^^Stych: ok, try echo bla | nc termbin.com 999909:41
Stychnew command string or the old one?09:42
EriC^^new one09:42
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk
StychThis is nc from the netcat-openbsd package. An alternative nc is available09:44
Stychin the netcat-traditional package.09:44
Stychusage: nc [-46bCDdhjklnrStUuvZz] [-I length] [-i interval] [-O length]09:44
Stych  [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [-q seconds] [-s source]09:44
Stych  [-T toskeyword] [-V rtable] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_protocol]09:44
Stych  [-x proxy_address[:port]] [destination] [port]09:44
EriC^^can you copy and paste what you typed before that?09:44
EriC^^i think you're not putting a space between termbin.com and 99909:45
Stychforgot the 9999 that time, sorry running on lack of sleep09:46
Stychkenan@FBI:~$ echo bla09:48
Stychkenan@FBI:~$ nc termbin.com 999909:48
StychUse netcat.09:48
EriC^^Stych: it's one command on one line, "|" is a pipe09:48
llutzi really  doubt [10:37:32] <Stych> i know how to type a command line09:48
EriC^^the output of one command gets "piped" to the command on the other side of the pipe09:49
EriC^^Stych: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999909:49
Stychi did say noob09:49
Ben64all you gotta do is copy and paste09:51
Stychwont let me copy09:52
Ben64what irc client09:53
ghost_hel me.,. !!09:53
Stychx code09:53
EriC^^ghost_: with?09:53
ghost_Fetched 3.488 kB in 52s (67,0 kB/s)09:53
ghost_Reading package lists... Error!09:53
ghost_E: Encountered a section with no Package: header09:53
ghost_E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/id.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS09:53
ghost_E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.09:53
Ben64Stych: what?09:54
EriC^^ghost_: try sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*09:55
ghost_eriC : error occurred when an update09:55
EriC^^ghost_: and sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*09:55
EriC^^then try sudo apt-get update again09:55
linociscohow can I see which network cards are supported by ubuntu?09:56
linociscohow can I see which network cards are supported by ubuntu?, brands/model?09:56
Ben64linocisco: pretty much all of them, can you be more specific09:56
StychBen64: what what?09:57
Ben64Stych: never heard of "x code" being an irc client09:57
linociscoand there any list of tested hardware?09:57
Ben64linocisco: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/09:57
linociscoBen64, i mean for network card09:57
Ben64really, the list would be impossibly huge and couldn't be maintained09:58
ghost_EriC^^ : same result09:58
ghost_Reading package lists... Error!09:58
ghost_E: Encountered a section with no Package: header09:58
ghost_E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/id.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS09:58
ghost_E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.09:58
Stychidk, its the one supplied with Ubuntu studio, i cant really read the icon, its got a big orange X in the background with white lettering in the foreground09:59
linociscoBen64, TP-Link (TG-3468) Gigabit PCI-Express NIC Adaptor09:59
EriC^^ghost_: try sudo apt-get -f install09:59
Ben64Stych: so you can copy. highlight what you want to copy, and it's copied. easy10:00
Ben64linocisco: yep, probably works10:00
linociscoBen64, are you sure?10:01
ghost_EriC^^ : same result10:01
Ben64yes i'm sure it probably works10:01
ghost_Reading package lists... Error!10:01
ghost_E: Encountered a section with no Package: header10:01
ghost_E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/id.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS10:01
ghost_E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.10:01
Ben64ghost_: you don't need to post all that every time10:01
Stychseriously, what does noob mean to you people, i just scapped windows 10 because it bogged down my laptop10:01
ghost_Ben64 : sorry ben10:02
EriC^^noob means somebody who is new to something, not like those guys in the movie zoolander trying to get the files out of the pc10:02
EriC^^Stych: we're just asking you to copy something and paste it and return a link it gives10:02
Stychkenan@FBI:~$ dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999910:03
EriC^^Stych: it's whining about free space on /boot ?10:03
Stychnot a ben stiller fan, so never saw zoolander10:04
EriC^^Stych: type uname -r10:04
EriC^^and paste what it returns10:04
Stychkenan@FBI:~$ uname -r10:05
EriC^^Stych: type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.2.0-27-generic linux-image-4.2.0-27-lowlatency10:06
StychReading package lists... Done10:07
StychBuilding dependency tree10:07
StychReading state information... Done10:07
StychThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:10:07
Stych  dkms fglrx-updates-core lib32gcc1 libc6-i386 linux-headers-4.2.0-27-generic10:07
StychUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.10:07
StychThe following packages will be REMOVED:10:07
Stych  linux-image-4.2.0-27-generic* linux-image-4.2.0-27-lowlatency*10:07
Stych  linux-image-extra-4.2.0-27-generic*10:07
Stych0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 55 not upgraded.10:07
StychAfter this operation, 422 MB disk space will be freed.10:07
StychDo you want to continue? [Y/n]10:07
* EriC^^ wonders where Drone` is10:07
Ben64taking a break i guess10:07
lotuspsychje!paste | Stych10:08
ubottuStych: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:08
minimecStych: Do not paste all that console output into the channel, please...10:08
EriC^^Stych: press "y"10:08
Stychit done chewing on it10:10
EriC^^Stych: ok, how big is your boot partition anyways? type df -h /boot10:12
Stych73M os being used10:13
EriC^^ok, every once in a while run sudo apt-get autoremove so it removes the older kernels10:13
EriC^^also if you know for sure you're going to use the lowlatency ones instead of the generic you could remove the package that installs those kernels automatically10:14
EriC^^i dunno much about generic vs lowlatency , i think lowlatency is for better audio editing stuff etc10:15
EriC^^you're using the lowlatency right now10:15
Stychyeah, im a dj on the weekends10:16
Stychwould it be worth formatting and reinstalling with a larger boot?10:19
EriC^^Stych: did you install using lvm?10:19
evalWe are doing daily snapshots of the xenial repositories and it sometimes happens that the repository is in an unusable state (packages missing, or broken dependencies). Is it somehow possible to tell if the repository is currently in an ok state before doing the snapshot?10:19
lotuspsychjeeval: #ubuntu+1 for xenial please10:20
evallotuspsychje: Ok, thanks!10:20
EriC^^Stych: did you manually create the /boot?10:20
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doodleshey all I've a doubt about adding preseed file on iso image10:21
EriC^^Stych: if you want lvm, i think it creates a 2xxmb /boot by default10:21
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StychEric: no, i just let it configure automaticly, i figured it knew what it needed. had i known about this glitch, i would have given it a few Gigs10:22
EriC^^Stych: you can remove the /boot partition if you want, it's not really necessary10:23
EriC^^i mean it doesn't need to have its own partition, it can use the "/" one10:24
StychEric: then why is it there and how would i merge it into the main partition?10:24
EriC^^Stych: can you type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 ?10:25
jbaruch7hi ubuntu!10:25
Voodoo`Chi ubuntu!10:25
linda26khi ubuntu!10:25
COLT-45hi ubuntu!10:25
JadeKhohi ubuntu!10:25
Peihi ubuntu!10:25
ExisTanChi ubuntu!10:25
Gorth2hi ubuntu!10:25
amiehi ubuntu!10:25
voodoohi ubuntu!10:25
ace_mjhi ubuntu!10:25
Blades4mhi ubuntu!10:25
duckdotchi ubuntu!10:25
Rebellehi ubuntu!10:25
temporarhi ubuntu!10:25
[T]oNnYhi ubuntu!10:25
esmerhi ubuntu!10:25
coco-ehi ubuntu!10:25
eSraaahi ubuntu!10:25
crazylebhi ubuntu!10:25
DAddhi ubuntu!10:25
magshi ubuntu!10:25
tweetie2hi ubuntu!10:25
lukhi ubuntu!10:25
theagenthi ubuntu!10:25
jamesbonhi ubuntu!10:25
StagNethi ubuntu!10:25
sure-shohi ubuntu!10:25
Male45hi ubuntu!10:25
ThePenguhi ubuntu!10:25
sweeteemhi ubuntu!10:25
___Alfrehi ubuntu!10:25
jigganuthi ubuntu!10:25
kuzgunhi ubuntu!10:25
firelighhi ubuntu!10:25
aamaanhi ubuntu!10:25
jbaruch7hi ubuntu!10:26
Voodoo`Chi ubuntu!10:26
linda26khi ubuntu!10:26
duckdotchi ubuntu!10:26
ace_mjhi ubuntu!10:26
Peihi ubuntu!10:26
COLT-45hi ubuntu!10:26
ThePenguhi ubuntu!10:26
Gorth2hi ubuntu!10:26
JadeKhohi ubuntu!10:26
Rebellehi ubuntu!10:26
amiehi ubuntu!10:26
temporarhi ubuntu!10:26
ExisTanChi ubuntu!10:26
voodoohi ubuntu!10:26
[T]oNnYhi ubuntu!10:26
tweetie2hi ubuntu!10:26
lukhi ubuntu!10:26
theagenthi ubuntu!10:26
Blades4mhi ubuntu!10:26
crazylebhi ubuntu!10:26
magshi ubuntu!10:26
DAddhi ubuntu!10:26
Male45hi ubuntu!10:26
jbaruch7hi ubuntu!10:26
sweeteemhi ubuntu!10:26
jamesbonhi ubuntu!10:26
Voodoo`Chi ubuntu!10:26
linda26khi ubuntu!10:26
esmerhi ubuntu!10:26
coco-ehi ubuntu!10:26
eSraaahi ubuntu!10:26
ace_mjhi ubuntu!10:26
duckdotchi ubuntu!10:26
amiehi ubuntu!10:26
ExisTanChi ubuntu!10:26
crazylebhi ubuntu!10:26
DAddhi ubuntu!10:26
magshi ubuntu!10:26
voodoohi ubuntu!10:26
jigganuthi ubuntu!10:26
COLT-45hi ubuntu!10:26
ThePenguhi ubuntu!10:26
sweeteemhi ubuntu!10:26
kuzgunhi ubuntu!10:26
StagNethi ubuntu!10:26
sure-shohi ubuntu!10:26
firelighhi ubuntu!10:26
JadeKhohi ubuntu!10:26
Gorth2hi ubuntu!10:26
Blades4mhi ubuntu!10:26
lukhi ubuntu!10:26
theagenthi ubuntu!10:26
temporarhi ubuntu!10:26
Rebellehi ubuntu!10:26
Peihi ubuntu!10:26
___Alfrehi ubuntu!10:26
jamesbonhi ubuntu!10:26
[T]oNnYhi ubuntu!10:26
tweetie2hi ubuntu!10:26
Male45hi ubuntu!10:26
coco-ehi ubuntu!10:26
esmerhi ubuntu!10:26
eSraaahi ubuntu!10:26
StagNethi ubuntu!10:26
sure-shohi ubuntu!10:26
COLT-45hi ubuntu!10:26
jbaruch7hi ubuntu!10:26
ace_mjhi ubuntu!10:26
duckdotchi ubuntu!10:26
ExisTanChi ubuntu!10:26
Voodoo`Chi ubuntu!10:26
amiehi ubuntu!10:26
linda26khi ubuntu!10:26
esmerhi ubuntu!10:26
jigganuthi ubuntu!10:26
Rebellehi ubuntu!10:26
tweetie2hi ubuntu!10:26
lukhi ubuntu!10:26
theagenthi ubuntu!10:26
voodoohi ubuntu!10:26
Blades4mhi ubuntu!10:26
ThePenguhi ubuntu!10:26
sweeteemhi ubuntu!10:26
___Alfrehi ubuntu!10:26
jamesbonhi ubuntu!10:26
temporarhi ubuntu!10:26
crazylebhi ubuntu!10:26
DAddhi ubuntu!10:26
magshi ubuntu!10:26
Peihi ubuntu!10:26
Gorth2hi ubuntu!10:26
[T]oNnYhi ubuntu!10:26
JadeKhohi ubuntu!10:26
coco-ehi ubuntu!10:26
eSraaahi ubuntu!10:26
firelighhi ubuntu!10:26
StagNethi ubuntu!10:26
firelighhi ubuntu!10:26
VashTShi ubuntu!10:26
VashTShi ubuntu!10:26
VashTShi ubuntu!10:26
fulminehi ubuntu!10:26
fulminehi ubuntu!10:26
fulminehi ubuntu!10:26
eslowhi ubuntu!10:26
eslowhi ubuntu!10:26
eslowhi ubuntu!10:26
lilberhi ubuntu!10:26
lilberhi ubuntu!10:26
lilberhi ubuntu!10:26
RGBhi ubuntu!10:26
RGBhi ubuntu!10:26
aamaanhi ubuntu!10:26
RGBhi ubuntu!10:26
EriC^^!ops | flooding10:26
ubottuflooding: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang10:26
shrilaxmihi ubuntu!10:26
EriC^^Stych: can you type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 ?10:27
Stychit prompts me for my password, doesn't let me finish typing before it says Use netcat.10:31
=== daniel is now known as Guest45156
EriC^^Stych: try sudo parted -l10:42
Stychk, what should i be looking for?10:44
EriC^^Stych: try sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:44
EriC^^in the same terminal10:44
EriC^^Stych: oh, you're using lvm10:46
quadrupelhi, I have an ubuntu-14.10 guest vm (virtualbox 5) inside an ubuntu-15.10 host. I wanted to restart the vm but now it is stuck in an infinite shutdown loop. can u help me?10:46
EriC^^you could reinstall without lvm and it wouldn't use a separate /boot10:46
lotuspsychjequadrupel: 14.10 is end of life10:47
Stychk, what is lvm?10:47
EriC^^logical volume management10:48
lotuspsychje!lvm | Stych10:48
ubottuStych: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:48
EriC^^Stych: in the installer it's this choice http://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ximg_55035707bbd74.png.pagespeed.gp+jp+jw+pj+js+rj+rp+rw+ri+cp+md.ic.9_yebxUF1C.png10:49
EriC^^Stych: make sure it's not ticked when you install10:49
=== Error404NotFound is now known as E404NF
Stychk, im seriously thinking about it.10:52
Stychany other advice, general linux related?10:53
lotuspsychjeStych: other linux question you can ask in ##linux10:56
Stychok, stoopid question, what makes ubuntu special from other distros of linux?10:58
lotuspsychje!ubuntu | Stych take a walk around the tour10:59
ubottuStych take a walk around the tour: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:59
Stychk, an answer without an answer11:02
phil42i would say it is the flavors that distinguish it the most11:02
phil42i use lubuntu11:02
phil42which is the linux kernel, gnu utilities and support programs and the lxde desktop software11:03
lotuspsychjeStych: your in #ubuntu so of course we recommend you to use ubuntu11:04
phil42ubuntu was started  and is supported by Mark Shuttleworth, he made his fortune by networking Africa11:04
HanumaanI am getting this GPG error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15383416/ ..11:04
bezabanhe's also been to space :P11:04
phil42he paid 20 million us dollars for a trip to the ISS11:05
phil42ubuntu is a Zulu word that mean human-ness11:06
phil42or humane-ness11:06
phil42or humane11:06
phil42or something11:06
Stychi played with ubuntu back in the day when you could, via email, give your address and have a disk mailed to you. back then it was one flavor. it wasnt until this last week i had to ditch windows 10(screwed up my laptop), need my computer for work11:06
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.11:07
phil42rumors have been circulated that ubuntu is backdoored by the NSA11:07
lotuspsychjephil42: please not here11:08
Stychto any admin in here, what channel do i want to ask about the source code?11:09
popeyStych: ask a specific question11:09
phil42the source code for almost all of ubuntu is freely available11:11
Stychmostly, where can i download a copy and roughly how many lines of code is it?11:11
popeyStych: individual packages or the whole thing?11:11
Stychcore os11:11
popeyStych: if you're running ubuntu then you can get the source for an individual package with "apt-get source firefox" for example11:11
=== lilstevie_ is now known as lilstevie
popeyno phil4211:12
popeyStych: the packages are all in the archive.11:12
popeyStych: there isn't one single package you can download which is "all the source code"11:12
Stychall im really wanting is core os, what packages are needed for that?11:13
popeyStych: there are source isos here, if you want to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/source/current/source/11:14
phil42you are probably looking for a smaller os11:14
phil42something with busybox11:14
popeythat's presuming why he's asking11:14
bezabanthe linux kernel is about 17 million lines11:14
bezabannot all of that is going to be compiled for any given scenario though11:15
bezabanand not sure how that is counted. Fun stats on linuxcounter.net11:16
Stychphil: if i want a smaller os, i'll grab android. if i can see the code, i can better understand how it works and not get so lost. i grew up on pre-dos mechines with no HDDs11:18
Stychbezaban: thank you11:18
bezabanonly about 40k files, so should be a breeze to flip through ;)11:19
phil42i don't want to have to do the cleanup after his brain explodes11:19
Stychphil: it can't be any worse than fortran11:21
phil42oh yes it can11:21
phil42if you ever get a clear understanding of just the kernel build system please explain it to me11:22
lotuspsychjephil42, Stych please stop it, keep it ubuntu support related only here11:23
=== holgersson_ is now known as holgersson
Stychi shall ask again, what channel do i want to be in to ask questions and discuss source code?11:26
lotuspsychje!alis | Stych11:27
ubottuStych: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http11:27
lotuspsychjeStych: popey just explained you how it works11:28
popeyStych: again, ask a specific question11:29
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:34
phil42ubuntu support questions only11:34
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aphoticaWhy won't Canonical small a charge amount like 5$ to support their devs and provide incentive for companies like AMD and Nvidia to help develop for Wayland?11:57
paolo43Microsoft has just blackmailed linux twice in one single week  http://techrights.org/2016/03/10/charm-offensives-distract/11:57
k1l_!ot |11:58
ubottu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:58
k1l_aphotica: MIR and wayland use the same backend for drivers. and the prop. driver makerssaid already they will support it. its egl11:59
popeyaphotica: we have a good ongoing relationship with AMD and nVidia.12:01
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atralheaven1Hello, can I mirror a repo (openvpn repo) on my vps and use the vps address instead? if yes, how? openvpn repo addresses are blocked here, so I can't use them!12:18
matze_Hi, i am using ubuntu 15.10 and every window which I open is opened at the top left corner under the system title bar. So it is very difficult to grab the window title bar and move the window. How can i change this behaviour or set a fix position for all newly opened windows?12:20
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phil42I was banned from #ubuntu for comparing Trump to Hitler.   Apparently it's against the rules to make personal attacks on someone even after they've been dead for over 70 years.12:24
popeyphil42: enough, just stop the chatter.12:25
BluesKajphil42, maybe you can search for a chat that's more suited to political discourse12:28
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scottderSo I am attempting to set up a group that is sftp only users. I run into an issue where sshd doesn't come back from a restart "Subsystem sftp internal-sftp" seems to be the config option causing issues12:42
bajhi im using ubuntu 14.04 and sound is not working. anyhelp?12:45
smoker05I have a quick question.12:45
smoker05I am new to linux, so sorry if this newbie question.12:45
bajhi im using ubuntu 14.04 and sound is not working. anyhelp?12:46
CustosL1mendoes ubuntu have something like rhel scl ?12:47
munzalihello baj12:47
bajhello munzali12:47
munzalinew to linux too but had a similar problem12:47
munzaliwhat type of pc are you using12:48
k1l_CustosL1men: i dont know what rhel scl is12:48
smoker05I have installed ATI last driver from AMD Website, and installed it successfully. The pre-installed driver, which came with the Ubuntu 14.04.4, should I disable it ?12:48
CustosL1menk1l_, https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/rh-python34/12:48
PiciCustosL1men: not to my knowledge (had to run man scl on a system here to even know what you meant.)  Setting up your own chroots or perhaps even using vagrant or docker would work.12:49
Picik1l_: seems to be similar to chrooting or a bsd jail system.12:49
CustosL1menPici, I guess docker is basically the same thing - but then the question is what OS do you run in there12:49
CustosL1menPici, cos if you just run ubuntu again inside vagrant you dont really solve the problem - unless you build your own versions of whatever12:50
Kira9204baj: what does lspci | grep Audio till you? (in terminal)12:50
CustosL1menand if you run something else then you dont really get the support you pay for if you use it in enterprise setup12:50
bajAudio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler HDMI Audio12:52
baj00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH Azalia Controller (rev 01)12:52
vixialguien con español?12:52
k1l_!es | vixi12:54
ubottuvixi: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:54
smoker05k1l_, I have installed ATI last driver from AMD Website, and installed it successfully. The pre-installed driver, which came with the Ubuntu 14.04.4, should I disable it ?12:54
Kira9204baj: the line aboive 00:14:2 has a lower number correct?12:56
bajyes true12:56
Kira9204baj: then HDMI is your default sound device12:56
Kira9204baj: just switch that and you are good to go :P12:57
bajhow do i switch12:57
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CustosL1menis ubuntu on systemd now ? or still not ?12:59
Kira9204baj: click the speaker icon and go to "Sound Settings"12:59
baizonCustosL1men: since 15.0412:59
k1l_smoker05: if you load the drivers from the amd website we can not help you on that since we have no controll about that code. the drivers should have installed over the ubuntu ones12:59
Kira9204alternatively, use pavucontrol12:59
bajyes i have done that12:59
k1l_CustosL1men: from 15.04 on12:59
CustosL1menbaizon, k1l_ thanks13:00
baji have switched thru audio settings and still not sounds13:00
baji mean sound settings13:00
smoker05k1l_, so I no need to disable that ?13:00
smoker05the preinstalled ones.13:00
k1l_smoker05: the pre-installed one is the opensource driver. that should have been blacklisted by the install of a new one already. it needs to stay on the system as fallback.13:01
smoker05oh ok13:02
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Kira9204baj: Since it can find the sound card it should work, try using alsamixer and pavucontrol. I can unfortunately not help you any further than that. Im sure there is plenty of resources available on the internet tho.13:07
MisterHello. How are you?13:14
trudko_Hi everyone I am trying to setup VPn in ubuntu, so I've downloaded openconnect and gnome gui for that but everytime I want to connect trough GUI i get no valid secrets error, from quick google search people recomend to restart pc , which didnt work for me.13:17
vixisomebody can help me to install bulgarian fonetic in ubuntu studio13:19
raj_.arf files not opening in ubuntu13:23
nicomachustrudko_: sounds like you need to put in a password.13:23
raj_i use with wine installer for webex install but no use its showing error13:24
nicomachusraj_: .arf is a pretty rare file-type. You may have to convert it to something else to be able to open it.13:24
trudko_nicomachus: ok will look around it, never used VPN so this is all new to me. Btw if I connect using command line I got asked about the group (there are three to choose from) so I guess thats configured by server and I should ask the server owner about which group to use right?13:25
nicomachustrudko_: I'm not sure, that can vary depending on what VPN service you are using.13:25
raj_nicomachus: there is no way to play .ar files apart from converting mp413:26
Johnshhow to find solr folder path in ubuntu13:27
Johnshneed to restart solr service13:27
nicomachuscan nobody form a complete sentence this morning?13:27
nicomachusthis is not a Google search. we need details.13:28
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stangelandhi, if i adjust the time with date -s 10:43:23, what timezone will linux then set the time to be 10:43:23 in?13:28
llutzstangeland: the one defined in /etc/timezone unless you use date -u13:34
marxie:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛13:35
marxie:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛13:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang13:35
marxie..:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛13:35
marxie,,:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛13:35
marxie:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛13:35
bomberman Народ, скучно...13:41
baizon!ru | bomberman13:41
ubottubomberman: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:41
thebigjI have this PC:  http://www.sony.co.in/support/product/SVE15126CN13:47
thebigjAccording to given link "Specification" section you can see for memory module, I have 4 GB (4 GB (SO-DIMM) x 1) DDR3 SDRAM*2 (upgradeable up to 8 GB*3)13:48
thebigjThe specification tells, the maximum number of RAM is 8GB for my laptop13:49
nicomachusthebigj: do you have a question about Ubuntu?13:49
thebigjBut when I run "sudo dmidecode" the out put is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/15384059/13:50
thebigjnicomachus, Yes.13:50
thebigjThe out tells http://paste.ubuntu.com/15384059/13:50
thebigjMaximum Capacity: 2 GB13:50
thebigjHave I done any mistake in installing Ubuntu?13:51
freajHello! Is 16.04 going to use unity 8?13:51
thebigjfreaj, Yes!13:51
freajWith Mir? :P13:51
mcphailfreaj: not by default, and discussion is in #ubuntu+113:51
thebigjI am using 64 bit Ubuntu 15.1013:51
freajmcphail: Oh, sorry, I just wanted a quick answer as I can't find any on the web.13:52
freajthanks for the answer thebigj13:52
ben_rthebigj: are you getting 4GB from the free command? This looks like it's reporting 1 4GB DIMM (line 226)13:53
freajthebigj: you're using Ubuntu, you have 4GB of ram but only 2GB are announced in Ubuntu?13:55
thebigjben_r, which free command are you talking about?13:55
ben_r thebigj: just "free" in your terminal, should tell you what your memory situation is13:55
MonkeyDustthebigj  free -m for megabytes13:56
thebigjOutput of "free -m" in my system.13:56
thebigjI think it is 4 GB13:56
ben_rthat looks right :)13:56
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thebigjOutput specifically for type 16: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15384105/13:58
thebigj"Maximum Capacity: 2 GB" I think it should be 8 GB for my laptop.13:59
thebigjA specification link to my laptop: http://www.sony.co.in/support/product/SVE15126CN#spec14:00
ben_rthebigj: I get the same on my VAIO, mine's 8GB max, you need the sum of all type 17s I think14:00
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ben_rthebigj: oh, you want max possible, not current?14:03
thebigjben_r,  Yes. I want what is maximum14:03
thebigjben_r, Not current. Planning to upgrade RAM so from http://www.wikihow.com/Find-Out-the-Maximum-RAM-Capacity-for-Your-Computer14:04
thebigjben_r, told that by "sudo dmidecode -t 16" you will get "Maximum Capacity"14:04
ben_rthebigj: I don't think that's always accurate :( I can tell you for sure my VAIO says 2GB there but I'm running with 814:05
ben_rthebigj: I'd go with the manufacturer spec14:05
thebigjben_r, Okay! That's very helpful. Thank you very much.14:06
ben_rthebigj: no problem! good luck, always good to see other people with Vaios :)14:06
KakuradyThere's a mistake in translation in Ubuntu's libapt-pkg that came from Debian. Where should I report it?14:07
thebigjben_r, Yes. Officially it is not supporting other than Windows. But still people like us run it...14:07
thebigjben_r, I am also going for SSD upgrade of this: http://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B00OAJ5N6I?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s0014:09
thebigjben_r, Hope it will not make any other trouble. :)14:09
leprdahh it's a wonderful day14:09
ben_rthebigj: should run great! I had a smallish SSD in a Vaio netbook and Ubuntu picked it up just fine14:10
thebigjben_r, Thanks for suggestion. Have a nice day. :)14:10
mcphailKakurady: is the error present in the upstream package from Debian? If so, I tend to report those type of things upstream with the Debian maintainers14:10
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ben_rthebigj: No problem at all! Glad to help, take care :)14:11
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elziim from indonesian,,, n you14:21
HadesWatch3rRunning the 16.04 beta 1 ... when I do an update it says that not all updates can be in stalled.. run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible?14:22
lotuspsychjeHadesWatch3r: #ubuntu+1 for xenial support please14:22
HadesWatch3rlotuspsychje ok, thanks.14:23
DirtyCajunarent we just a month from d-day for xenial?14:23
lotuspsychje!xenial | DirtyCajun14:24
ubottuDirtyCajun: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+114:24
baizonDirtyCajun: no14:24
DirtyCajun1 month 1 week.14:24
baizonDirtyCajun: next month and this day will be the release day for 16.04 RC14:24
rrr_urxvt is not available via apt-get. ?14:27
lotuspsychje!info urxvt14:28
ubottuPackage urxvt does not exist in wily14:28
DirtyCajun!info rxvt14:28
ubotturxvt (source: rxvt): VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.7.10-6 (wily), package size 172 kB, installed size 603 kB14:28
popeyubottu: xvt-unicode ?14:28
ubottupopey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:28
PiciRish: rxvt-unicode exists14:28
lotuspsychjeDirtyCajun: tnx14:28
Picier rrr_ ^14:28
popeygah, rrr_ xvt-unicode14:28
baizoni think he means this14:28
baizon!info rxvt-unicode14:28
ubotturxvt-unicode (source: rxvt-unicode): RXVT-like terminal emulator with Unicode support. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.21-1 (wily), package size 680 kB, installed size 3205 kB14:28
popeythat's the one :)14:29
Piciyes, that14:29
DirtyCajunyep. just dont add the u14:29
nfk|laptoppray tell me people i can have my infinality on ubuntu14:58
nfk|laptopand if it turns out ubuntu is using autohinter, i'll be cross with someone14:59
ydnaHi, i'm having trouble booting. I get to a blinking cursor (where grub should but doesnt load)14:59
ydnai can partially boot by14:59
ydnagetting to grub command line14:59
EriC^^!nomodeset | ydna14:59
ubottuydna: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:59
ydnabut it goes to a rescue root prompt14:59
EriC^^you said you dont get grub in the first sentence?15:00
ydnasorry i can get to command line via15:00
ydnaubuntu live usb15:00
EriC^^has it ever worked?15:00
EriC^^try booting an older kernel'15:01
EriC^^hold shift to get grub then go to advanced15:01
phyzhave you try to reinstall grub2? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing15:01
ydnawhen you say shift, just a normal boot? the only way i've gotten grub is to use the usb grub15:01
EriC^^ydna: yeah normal boot15:02
herrkinhi community, please help me repair my dependency nightmare.15:02
baizonherrkin: sudo apt-get install -f15:03
herrkinI can't install anything related to media. like vlc or linphone.15:03
herrkinI removed all of the ppa15:03
ericx2xhey, should I use ubuntu or centos or debian for my server? I'll be running this on an old laptop so I want maximum performance.15:03
herrkinstill when I try to install for example linphone it says it has some dependencies that wont be instaled15:03
EriC^^herrkin: did you ppa-purge them?15:03
herrkinhow do I do it?15:04
k1l_herrkin: can you put all the output with errors in a pastebin?15:04
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:04
herrkinEriC^^, ppa purge doesn't come with ubuntu, I am installing it.15:06
ericx2xQuestion about yum versus apt-get: which one is used on which distro and why is it different across linux distros? shouldn't it all be the same?15:06
DirtyCajunherrkin: you can also use aptitude vs apt-get15:06
EriC^^ericx2x: these questions are more suitable for #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux15:07
DirtyCajunaptitude would show you possible fixes and what is making it not work.15:07
ericx2xreally? isn't this is straight up ubuntu question15:07
herrkinEriC^^, I removed all of the ppa so I dont know them anymore. how can I purge it if it is asking me for the names?15:07
DirtyCajunericx2x: http://superuser.com/questions/125933/what-is-the-difference-between-yum-apt-get-rpm-configure-make-install15:07
ericx2xas in it's a question directly related to ubuntu15:07
julian-delphikiericx2x: right, but this is an ubuntu support channel.15:07
ericx2xand not something like socks or another random topic15:08
herrkinis there a comand for it to default all?15:08
EriC^^ericx2x: debian and ubuntu use apt-get , and centos redhat fedora use yum , every distro has its own package manager usually15:08
ericx2xit's an ubuntu support question15:08
julian-delphikiericx2x: not really...15:08
EriC^^nah it's a distro discussion15:08
ericx2xand a ubunutu discussion lol15:08
EriC^^it's very vague and general and a help me choose kind of thing15:09
supersmilersI'm trying to install the canary build of Android Studio from here: http://mfonville.github.io/android-studio/ but it fails with SHA mismatch error. How do I fix that?15:09
k1l_ericx2x: ubuntu uses .deb packages and dpkg since its based on debian.15:09
ericx2xI'm not going to get into this ^^15:09
DirtyCajunericx2x: just read my link.. and stop arguing.15:09
EriC^^ericx2x: exactly how we feel/what we're trying to explain to you :D15:09
MonkeyDustericx2x  yes, the phletora of different distro's has been a discussion since pre-napoleon ... take it to #ubuntu-offtopic15:09
ericx2xYeah, you guys are going a bit crazy I'll be silent soon15:10
supersmilersAnyone know why it fails with SHA checksum error?15:10
EriC^^herrkin: how did you remove the ppa's ?15:11
DirtyCajunsupersmilers: you are trying to install which15:11
herrkinjust deleted the files from the directory sources.list.d15:11
EriC^^herrkin: how long ago did you add them?15:11
herrkinlike 2 weeks ago or so15:12
k1l_herrkin: that keeps the ppapackages in your system. just the repo is deleted.15:12
k1l_herrkin: please show the output of the errormesages so we get to know what is goign wrong exactly15:12
EriC^^herrkin: history | grep -E "ppa|sources"15:12
EriC^^see if something comes up15:12
supersmilersDirtyCajun: Canary build aka "android-studio-canary"15:13
EriC^^also apt-cache policy <package>  might show where the package originated from ( i think it works if the ppa is gone too not sure )15:13
herrkinEriC^^, yes some of them came up. lets use ppa-purge and see what happens15:13
k1l_herrkin: any reason you dont show us the output?15:13
herrkinnot really15:14
supersmilersDirtyCajun: it just download the zip file and fails matching SHA checksum15:14
herrkink1l_, maybe I am just lazy of using paste service15:14
k1l_herrkin: but that way we need to guess.15:15
DirtyCajunsupersmilers: thought of git pull and ./configure ?15:15
ydnaEriC^^: shift does not get me to grub, no matter how i play with my bios15:15
EriC^^ydna: ok try booting the live usb and boot into the live session15:15
herrkinok k1l_ what is the paste site?15:15
FidergoStephaneGHello. On an Optimus laptop, "Some glyphs drawn consistently wrong, bug comes and go" experienced for weeks (probably a few months actually).15:16
MonkeyDustherrkin  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:16
herrkinoh ppa-purge says it cannot find the package list for ppa EriC^^  k1l_15:16
herrkinmaybe I need to install them again so I can purge it?15:16
EriC^^herrkin: ah you need to add the ppa again i think15:16
EriC^^add and apt-get update15:16
k1l_herrkin: paste.ubuntu.com   and it cant find the ppa since you deleted the ppa already.15:16
yacc_Is it already possible to upgrade a 14.04 installation to 16.04, or do I need to wait for the official release?15:16
ydnaat the live usb eric^^15:17
EriC^^ydna: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999915:17
k1l_yacc_: its possible but 16.04 is still in development. be aware of that15:17
MonkeyDustyacc_  lts > lts will be possible as of 16.04.1, but 16.04 isnt even released yet15:17
supersmilersDirtyCajun: How do I do it since android studio on linux doesn't come with IDE updater only SDK updater?15:17
yacc_k1l_, don't think that it can be worse on my hardware than 14.04.15:18
yacc_k1l_, 14.04 is rock solid, with intel_idle.max_cstate=115:18
yacc_k1l_, it's a little bit hot this way, but it's rather stable :)15:18
MonkeyDustyacc_  install thermald daemon, to control overheating15:19
DirtyCajunsupersmilers: phone sec15:19
k1l_yacc_: its still in development. so it can break every day. if you need a working system dont run development releases.15:19
MonkeyDust!info thermald | yacc_15:19
ydnabackup gpt table is corrupt, but primary appears OK15:19
ubottuyacc_: thermald (source: thermald): Thermal monitoring and controlling daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.3-5 (wily), package size 186 kB, installed size 573 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:20
FidergoStephaneGUbuntu 16.04 uses nouveau 1:1.0.12-1build215:20
ydnathe termbin only had ok/cancel15:20
FidergoStephaneGBug reported on 2016.02.18 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/154707715:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1547077 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Some glyphs drawn consistently wrong, bug comes and go" [Medium,Triaged]15:20
supersmilersDirtyCajun: I already downloaded the latest zip file from google, why the .deb doesn't pull from that?15:20
HmW_hi, Am I write if I say that there is no more hal in ubuntu.15:20
FidergoStephaneGUbuntu suggests reporting upstream so I do my homework.15:20
k1l_yacc_: if you are aware of that you can upgrade with the developer switch turned on. but be aware that there is no support in here for dev versions.15:20
yacc_MonkeyDust, great, the problem is that my laptop tends to freeze the Intel GPU with power savings enabled.15:21
yacc_MonkeyDust, I'm running max_cstate=1 not for fun.15:21
k1l_yacc_: you can run the 4.2 or even the 4.4 kbackports kernel already on 14.0415:21
EriC^^ydna: try sudo lsblk -f | nc termbin.com 999915:21
ouroumov_yacc_, what's the CPU model?15:21
evil_shibeubuntu is on debian sid? testing?15:22
yacc_ouroumov, i7-4712MQ15:22
evil_shibeyacc_: try rm -rf /15:22
FidergoStephaneGSanity check passes https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/TroubleShooting/15:22
ydnaEric^^: termbin.com/v0g815:22
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!15:22
yacc_k1l_, thanks, but I happen to know what rm -Rf is used for :)15:23
k1l_yacc_: this is a beginners channel. i doubt everyone knows :/15:23
supersmilersyea that command is like deleting /sytem32/ on Windows15:23
ouroumov_Except it wouldn't work unless user is at a root prompt15:24
HmW_its worse as del /system3215:24
FidergoStephaneGI checked https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?product=xorg&component=Driver%2Fnouveau and did not find anything really close (though some look like a little)15:24
HmW_even then your deleting user data15:24
k1l_its the format c: equivalent. but there is some safty barrier on ubuntu for that. but that command just shows its malicious intention from that user.15:24
FidergoStephaneGBefore reporting a new bug, I'd like to double check;15:25
EriC^^ydna: what's on sda?15:27
yacc_ouroumov: Well without root it would delete my home directory well enough. And considering the relative value of the Ubuntu installation and of my home directory, that's the bad part of rm -Rf /15:27
HmW_sda  is your first harddisk15:27
MonkeyDustyacc_  sounds like you better backup, first15:28
supersmilersAnyway, is there away to write a better script than the one used in this repo: http://mfonville.github.io/android-studio/ ? it doesn't download the whole zip. it just download a part of it then fails at SHA checksum15:28
herrkinEriC^^, k1l_ http://termbin.com/8li115:28
FidergoStephaneGCan any savvy folk have a look a https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1547077 and especially screenshots (and short screencast I've made) e.g. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/240367475/2016y02m15d_13h16m33s_0100Z_bug_affects_superswitcher_terminal_and_more.png15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1547077 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Some glyphs drawn consistently wrong, bug comes and go" [Medium,Triaged]15:28
FidergoStephaneGPerhaps it will remind someone something.15:28
yacc_MonkeyDust, yeah.15:31
ydnaeric^^, just some files, no system stuff15:31
supersmilerswtf, the repo in the github: https://github.com/mfonville/android-studio/tree/master/android-studio/debian doesn't include preinstall script so I can figure what went wrong15:31
* yacc_ wonders too if 16.04 will support volume groups with more than one encrypted PV for the root device.15:31
MonkeyDustyacc_  that's for #ubuntu+115:32
supersmilersseems shady15:32
herrkinEriC^^, I did apt-get update and upgrade15:32
zrneelyDoes anyone know how to disable the "charger plugged in/unplugged" sound?15:32
herrkinstill the problem remains.15:32
herrkinthis is the output when I try to install vlc15:32
herrkinthe system is in spanish15:33
EriC^^ydna: try sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb2 bla15:33
ydnaok those partitions there are accessible now eric^^15:34
supersmilersAnyone know to how to write a script like the one used in the repo so I can use my downloaded zip file for Android Studio?15:34
MonkeyDustsupersmilers  script in what language?15:35
EriC^^ydna: try sudo lsblk -f | nc termbin.com 999915:37
supersmilersMonkeyDust: I would write one so I can replace the broken .deb from this site http://mfonville.github.io/android-studio/ with my own repo. it seems like his/her repo doesn't download tthe zip entirely15:38
MonkeyDustEriC^^  lsblk -f is neat, +115:38
EriC^^MonkeyDust: yup15:38
supersmilersSo the script look like: wget google zip link | sudo unzip "file.zip" /opt ?15:40
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supersmilersHowever, I'm not sure how I would automate it so it updates each time google comes out with new patch15:43
MonkeyDustsupersmilers  i guess that's somewhat beyond the scope of this channel15:43
herrkinEriC^^, k1l_ did you see the output?15:44
supersmilersIf so, I tried #android on irc.snoonet.org but its dead15:45
supersmilersIs there a better place for my question?15:46
MonkeyDustsupersmilers  type /msg alis list blah    <-- replace blah with your search15:47
=== rw changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Supported: 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS and 15.10 | 16.04 IS NOT RELEASED YET, use #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 discussion and support, not here.
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Mika_HelloU :) What program has most freedom to build custom distro's? For now im planning to tailor made few different Ubuntu ISO's with different packages. I don't have internet access all the time. So everything should be installed straight to ISO (getting packages online is option later, but not now).15:53
MonkeyDustMika_  start with aptoncd15:54
MonkeyDustMika_  that's apt on CD15:55
Mika_MonkeyDust: Thanks mate, i will check that now :)15:56
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Mika_MonkeyDust: Yeah that is a cool program and i will use it. Hmm. Is it possible to make 32bit and 64bit ISO's also. APTOnCD seems to be only for your current operating system. Anyway i like that i don't need internet connection.15:59
ydnaeric^^ : http://termbin.com/pu3py15:59
EriC^^ydna: try sudo mount /dev/mapper/bla/md-rootvol /mnt16:02
ydnaeric^^ i can mount it fine16:02
EriC^^ydna: mount it at /mnt to make a chroot16:02
ydnaeric^^ so bind /proc /dev etc?16:03
EriC^^ydna: yeah mount everything and bind /proc /sys /dev and /dev/pts16:04
ydnaeric^^: sudo mount -t sysfs sys /sys16:07
mojo67Hey guys, I'm a newbie with a screen resolution question. My monitor has a 2560x1440 resolution, but that resolution isn't listed in the Screen Display settings window, so the default of 1920x1080 is currently being used. Any help on what I need to do to permanently set it to 2560x1440 would be much appreciated.16:07
ydnabusy error16:07
EriC^^ydna: nah just sudo mount -B /sys /mnt/sys16:07
EriC^^ydna: this is helpful16:07
EriC^^for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done16:07
Mika_mojo67: i think you need to check that GPU is fully working (right drivers).16:08
ydnaok eric^^16:08
mojo67Mika_: How would I do that? I'm a complete newb.16:09
Mika_mojo67: Well i don't have linux now on my hands and i don't remember by heart all the commands, but. "lspci" maybe give you the list of hardware you have in your system (to find out your gpu). use pastebin to share the link here so we can continue :).16:11
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, is it a second monitor, or main one ?16:11
herrkinEriC^^, it seems it has been solved just by installing aptitude. as soon as I tried install vlc it gave me a solution I just said yes and now it is working.16:11
MonkeyDustmojo67  in a terminal, type   xrandr   and hit enter16:11
FidergoStephaneGI've had this problem with second monitor and made a script.16:11
mojo67MonkeyDust: done16:12
FidergoStephaneGIf it's your case I can share the script.16:12
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, is it a second monitor, or main one ?16:12
EriC^^herrkin: great!16:12
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: main one16:12
MonkeyDustmojo67  ok, is thre desired resolution in the list?16:12
mojo67MonkeyDust: no16:12
MonkeyDustmojo67  ok, then idk16:12
FidergoStephaneGidk ?16:12
MonkeyDustidk = i don't know16:13
FidergoStephaneGreadarray OUTPUTS < <( LC_ALL=C xrandr  | sed -n 's/ connected.*$//p' ) ; export MAINSCREEN="${OUTPUTS[0]//[$'\t\r\n ']}"16:13
ydnaeric^^: chroot now?16:13
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, the command above will identify the name of your main output16:13
EriC^^ydna: yeah16:13
jjrabbit443is this the chnanel to discuss ubuntu server?16:13
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, I know16:13
nicomachusjjrabbit443: #ubuntu-server16:13
ydnaeric^^: ok now16:14
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: running that produces no output16:14
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, that's normal16:14
FidergoStephaneGecho $MAINSCREEN16:14
FidergoStephaneGwill show what it found16:15
EriC^^ydna: did you mount /boot ?16:15
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: HDMI116:15
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, okay16:15
ydnamount it at /mnt/boot16:15
FidergoStephaneGMy screen accepts 2560x1440 at 256,09MHZ pixel frequency.16:15
FidergoStephaneGI can share my lines with you but I cannot guarantee that it will work for you.16:16
FidergoStephaneGIt should not damage anything but you never know.16:16
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FidergoStephaneGWhat's the brand/model of your screen ?16:16
FidergoStephaneGMine is a Samsung.16:16
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mojo67FidergoStephaneG: Samsung LS27A850DS/EN16:16
FidergoStephaneGWell, not the same as mine but should work either.16:17
FidergoStephaneGI share the script on https://gist.github.com/fidergo-stephane-gourichon/15ef032079ebdf8f9fb916:17
ydnaeric^^: ok i mounted /dev/sdb1 at /mnt/boot and chroot to /mnt16:17
EriC^^ydna: ok16:17
FidergoStephaneGOh, the last line is useless.16:17
jjrabbit443nicomachus: thanks16:18
EriC^^ydna: try grub-install --reinstall /dev/sdb16:18
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, what's your desktop environment16:18
ydnaunrecognized reinstall eric^^16:18
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, can you figure out how to save/run the script?16:18
EriC^^ydna: sorry16:18
EriC^^ydna: grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb16:18
Mika_FidergoStephaneG: i think it would be important to check what GPU he has and get right packages after that :)16:19
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: i can copy it over - where do place it?16:19
MonkeyDustmojo67  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue16:19
Mika_mojo67 use always pastebin to only share link. not whole file.16:19
ydnaeric^^: this gpt label contains no BIOS boot partition16:19
ydnaeric^^: embedding not possible16:20
ydnaeric^^: will not proceed with blocklists16:20
gogetaydna, efi?16:20
EriC^^ydna: oh16:20
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l16:20
ydnagdisk shows that gpt is damaged but mbr is protective on /dev/sdb16:21
Mika_mojo67: use always this link or other pasterbin. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16:22
ydnaalso eric^^: /dev/sdb1 has boot,esp flags16:22
lotuspsychje!it | lorenzo5216:23
ubottulorenzo52: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:23
EriC^^ydna: hmm type blkid -p /dev/sdb16:23
mojo67Mika_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15384960/16:23
mojo67MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l16:25
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ppfit looks like my upgrade to wily crashed and broke apt, relocation error in libapt-pkg.so.4.16, against a GLIBCXX_3.4.21 symbol16:25
ppfany quick hints how to fix this?16:25
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ydnaeric^^: the uuid is listed, pttype="gpt"16:25
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, you can save it as addmode_2560_mainscreen.sh16:27
mcphailppf: what version of Ubuntu were you on before, how did you trigger the update, do you have PPAs or other non-default repos installed, and what is the precise chain of commands to bring that error?16:27
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, you can run it like this: bash addmode_2560_mainscreen.sh16:27
ppfmcphail: 14.04 -> 15.04, do-release-upgrade, had some ppas installed, most of which got disabled by do-release-upgrade16:29
EriC^^ydna: ok, try grub-install --recheck /dev/sda16:29
ppfthe error is caused by `apt-get`16:29
nicomachusppf: why are you going to 15.04?16:29
nicomachusthat's EOL16:30
p0ff3Zup guys! I'm finally going ubuntu on my laptop, is there a good website where I can check drivers and stuff?16:30
ppf15.10, typo16:30
EriC^^ydna: i think you were using sda as the first boot drive cause you need a special partition for gpt on sdb16:30
naccppf: that's not a supported upgrade, afaik (14.04 -> 16.04, once it's released)16:30
k1l_p0ff3: load a ubuntu dvd/usb and try it.16:30
nicomachusp0ff3: drivers are contained in the release for almost everything you need.16:30
k1l_p0ff3: but most recent hardware should work fine16:30
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ydnaeric^^: same error, however, i don't mind reformatting sda to fix this boot issue16:30
Mika_mojo67: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/26676516:30
ppfnacc: interesting. what's the issue with that step?16:31
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, did it adjust for the correct resolution?16:31
k1l_ppf: the usual steps would be 14.04->14.10->15.04->15.10. but since 14.10 and 15.04 are dead already its a bit tricky16:31
mcphailppf: Upgrading from 14.04 is not supported. That is why it broke. The fastest way to resolve is by a full reinstall16:32
k1l_ppf: why are you wanting to upgrade?16:32
p0ff3Ok! Thanks y'all. 14.04.4 or 15.10?16:32
k1l_ppf: (hint, you can have th 15.10 kernel and xorg on the 14.40 as backports"16:32
naccppf: you have two upgrade options with Ubuntu, roughly, follow the regular releases (14.04 -> 14.10 -> 15.04 -> 15.10 as they come out); or LTS -> LTS (14.04 -> 16.04)16:32
ppfneed better compiler and driver support16:32
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, regarding graphics chip, the script only requests a particular resolution and timings. Driver can accept it or refuse it AFAIK.16:32
k1l_p0ff3: you can try 15.10. but then you need to upgrade form april to july to the 16.0416:32
EriC^^ydna: has the install ever booted before?16:33
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: no, the resolution ended up being lower than my current, then my session was killed due to some system failure16:33
EriC^^it's pretty odd16:33
ydnaeric^^: yes, the problems occurred after allowing power to run out16:33
ydnaeric^^: also, i may have messed up using gdisk prior (was trying to make bootable usb)16:33
ppfanyways, the deed is done. anything i can do to fix at least apt (short of a full reinstall)16:33
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, wow, then I don't know how to help  you. It worked for me very well.16:34
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FidergoStephaneGStrange that it lowered the resolution.16:34
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, hope you'll find a fix.16:34
Mika_mojo67: you should read more about forcing parameters to your screen. It can break something.16:34
k1l_ppf: can you pastebin the errors in terminal when running "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"16:35
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: thanks! i'll keep looking16:35
mcphailppf: honestly, a full reinstall is going to be faster than picking through the debris of a failed upgrade.16:35
mojo67Mika_: forcing parameters - by running that script?16:36
fooI want to reload the default/original config files from nginx package. Is there a way to do this with apt other than apt-get --purge remove and then install?16:36
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Mika_mojo67: don't run any script..that xandr can maybe do it. but, read more about it. wait i show example.16:36
lotuspsychjeydna: all this happened after low battery cutoff?16:37
Mg4Zinanyone hear16:37
FidergoStephaneGMika_, I got the numbers on the Internet.16:37
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, you can get different numbers using cvt command.16:37
FidergoStephaneGe.g. cvt -r 2560 1440 6016:37
FidergoStephaneGprovides Modeline "2560x1440R"  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync16:38
lotuspsychje!ask | Mg4Zin16:38
ubottuMg4Zin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:38
k1l_ppf: look at the http://askubuntu.com/questions/448575/apt-get-crashes-with-relocation-error-libapt-pkg-so-4-12  answer there.16:38
ppfi did. didn't help16:38
k1l_ppf: sounds like the upgrade didnt work right and the libc got corrupted16:38
ydnalotuspychje: it wouldn't boot after yes, but i may have messed using gdisk while it was working16:38
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, but rather look on the web for more details. I'll have to hang up soon.16:38
Mika_mojo67: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15385059/16:38
lotuspsychjeydna: can you still enter recoverymode/grub?16:38
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, 241.50 is lower than 256.09. Might work for you.16:38
mcphailppf: I would guess this is a consequence of the libstdc++ ABI change in Wily. You're going to have to transplant a working version of that lib16:39
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: ok - thanks again16:39
ydnalotuspsychje: i can get to a recoverymode using grub command line from a live usb16:39
ydnai can boot the encrypted volume, but it drops to root shell16:39
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, I read pastebin from Mika_ and see my script does not include the last line.16:39
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: oh16:40
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lotuspsychjeydna: might have get corrupted perhaps16:40
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lotuspsychjeydna: wich ubuntu version did you have?16:41
ydnalotuspsychje: 15.0416:41
MonkeyDustydna  cat /etc/issue16:41
MonkeyDustydna  15.04 is dead16:41
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, I updated it.16:41
FidergoStephaneGPerhaps it will work better.16:41
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, perhaps pick number from the output of cvt -r 2560 1440 60, it might work better.16:42
ydnamonkeydust: i hadn't updated to 15.10 yet16:42
lotuspsychjeydna: install a supported version from the topic mate16:42
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: cool, i'll try again now16:42
MonkeyDustydna  type /topic16:42
ydnai see16:42
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, pastebin the output of just "xrandr" after that.16:42
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: i don't need to replace anything other than the 256.09?16:42
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, might help16:42
ydnamonkeydust: ok thanks16:42
ydnamonkeydust, lotuspyschje: best way to reinstall keeping my encrypted /home /opt etc?16:43
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, hum, what do you mean ?16:43
MonkeyDustydna  backup first16:44
EriC^^ydna: i think you can't, yeah what MonkeyDust said for sure16:44
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, cvt provides more after the 256.09 256.25 or whatever.16:44
lotuspsychjejjrabbit443: welcome, how can we help.16:44
ydnaok thanks eric^^, monkeydust, i will reinstall16:44
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: i mean - are you saying that i should have the exact contents of that file, except that i should replace the 256.09 by 241.50?16:44
ydnaand thanks lotuspsychje16:44
lotuspsychjeydna: cheers and good luck16:45
FidergoStephaneGAFAIK the first number (with the dot) is in megahertz, the others are in pixels.16:45
jjrabbit443is there a way to check if updates are enabled from command line16:45
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, more than the frequency probably changes. If you change only the 256.09 into a 256.25 or 241.50 it may work, though with a different overall frequency.16:46
FidergoStephaneGIf you change all the numbers to match the output of cvt it will probably be better.16:46
lotuspsychjejjrabbit443: define 'enabled'?16:46
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: ok, i'll try that now16:46
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, e.g. if you play movies, better have exact 50Hz that something skewed.16:46
jjrabbit443lotuspsychje: see if they are turned on16:46
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lotuspsychjejjrabbit443: you mean the automatic security updates enabled?16:46
jjrabbit443lotuspsychje: yes16:47
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: i'm running cvt -r 2560 1440 6016:47
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: if i do 50 instead of 60, i get "ERROR: Multiple of 60Hz refresh rate required for  reduced blanking."16:48
craptalkhey, i have an upgrade notification from ubuntu mate 15.04 to ubuntu willy werewolf 15.10, is it gonna cause a problem?16:48
lotuspsychjejjrabbit443: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates16:48
craptalkplease give me respond16:48
ppfmcphail: yeah i figured16:48
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, I see this, too. So, if you really wish 50Hz remove the "-r" in cvt.16:48
lotuspsychjecraptalk: 15.04 is end of life mate16:48
jjrabbit443lotuspsychje: thank you!16:48
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, if you prefer 60Hz go with that.16:49
lotuspsychjejjrabbit443: hope thats what you was looking for16:49
craptalklotuspsychje: so is it okay or no?16:49
FidergoStephaneGI believe that -r is preferable if supported.16:49
lotuspsychjecraptalk: i would clean install a supported version from the topic16:49
FidergoStephaneGBecause it allows a slower pixel clock, which puts less work on RAM for the same resolution.16:49
Mika_FidergoStephaneG: cvt command is cool :) I didn't know about it until now :). Maybe it won't give too high numbers that you can break the monitor. i would still double check that monitor can do all those hertz etc. just to make it sure xD.16:49
craptalklotuspsychje: so upgade is not safe?16:49
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, btw have you checked that your video card claims to support 2560x1440?16:49
k1l_craptalk: there is no way around that upgrade since 15.04 is dead and doesnt get any updates for security issues anymore.16:50
k1l_craptalk: so be sure to backup all important data. then run that upgrade16:50
craptalkk1l_: well, it sounds pretty risky then16:50
k1l_lotuspsychje: no need to tell people upgrades dont work. they get automated testings since ages16:50
craptalkk1l_: i have many things on my mates16:50
craptalkk1l_: gonna cancel it then16:50
k1l_craptalk: make backups. since your hardware could fail any day anyways.16:51
k1l_craptalk: you cant stay on 15.0416:51
lotuspsychjek1l_: how can one trust an eol version with all recent exploits?16:51
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: i've got Intel HD 4000 - AFAICT it should support it16:51
FidergoStephaneGThere was a command ddcxinfo which AFAIK should tell what resolutions the monitor likes.16:51
lotuspsychjek1l_: the system could already be comprimised right16:51
craptalkk1l_: why? i can still run it even there is no significant support right? since i only using normal task16:52
k1l_craptalk: look at ubuntu.com/usn what security updates you are missing right now. running an EOL ubuntu is not supported.16:52
craptalkk1l_: okay16:53
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: just about to run the script, i may get logged out temporarily16:53
MonkeyDustcraptalk  hint: create a separate /home partition, so your personal files and setting stay untouched during the next re/install16:54
k1l_lotuspsychje: theoretically yes. but my point is people in here still suggest not to run the upgrades but make a clean install instead. like its 2008 again.16:55
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, I read that.16:55
lotuspsychjek1l_: i never suggested it wont work, i said what i would do16:55
FidergoStephaneGMeanwhile I'm struggling with my nvidia optimus setup.16:55
lotuspsychjek1l_: i wouldnt trust an eol system anymore16:56
FidergoStephaneGNasty bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/~stephane-gourichon-lpad16:56
FidergoStephaneGI mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/154707716:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1547077 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Some glyphs drawn consistently wrong, bug comes and go" [Medium,Triaged]16:56
craptalkk1l_: not sure what to read and make it into my sense16:56
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: nope, same thing happened as last time16:57
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, output of xrandr ?16:57
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15385180/16:58
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, thanks. Did script produce any output ?16:58
FidergoStephaneGxrandr says resolution is still 1920x1080.16:58
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: no, the resolution just changed - to way lower than 1920x108016:59
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, very strange.16:59
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, xrandr definitely claims that resolution is 1920x1080, that's what the star means.16:59
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: the monitor is currently connected via DVI-117:00
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, then my knowledge does not cover your case. :-/17:00
lotuspsychjecraptalk: the page means for your end of life ubuntu version, there are security issues17:00
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, perhaps switch to a recent HDMI cable ? I don't know.17:00
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: okay, i'll try that too17:01
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: thanks17:01
Mika_FidergoStephaneG: yeah i think that asterix is showing that HDMI port has that reso now and if he is using DVI. Something is wrong.17:02
craptalkk1l_: okay17:05
craptalkk1l_: how long till i get dead-end? damn it, so lazy to move to another version17:06
lotuspsychjecraptalk: maybe an LTS version would be smarter for you then?17:06
craptalklotuspsychje: it is17:07
craptalklotuspsychje: is werewolf an LTS?17:07
lotuspsychjecraptalk: no17:07
lotuspsychje!lts | craptalk17:07
ubottucraptalk: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)17:07
craptalklotuspsychje: how long?17:07
MonkeyDustcraptalk  14.04 and (future) 16.0417:07
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: can i just check - are you using HDMI?17:08
craptalkMonkeyDust: alright17:08
Mika_mojo67: that pastepin link what you gave, show that you are using HDMI port now. Are you?17:09
mojo67MIka_: no - that's confusing me, because i'm using DVI at the moment17:11
craptalkso every released ubuntu version which is non LTS, only supports around 3 months?17:12
Mika_mojo67: Can i see that script what you got?17:12
craptalkwhat happens after that?17:12
lotuspsychjecraptalk: 9 months17:12
baizoncraptalk: 9 months, then no more support17:12
baizoncraptalk: no update, no nothing17:12
mojo67MIka_: sure, 1 sec17:12
craptalkbaizon: okay, then i should clean install another version?17:13
craptalkbaizon: since upgrading to another version could cause a bit risky step17:13
baizoncraptalk: which version do you have? if you have 15.04, then just upgrade to 15.1017:13
mojo67MIka_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15385291/17:13
mojo67Mika_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15385291/17:13
lotuspsychjecraptalk: but wich version you decide to install, you have to keep your system up to date always17:13
craptalkbaizon: the sucessful chance is more than 50% when i upgrade it?17:14
k1l_craptalk: you are already dead end.17:14
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, good luck. Mika_ thanks for helping him.  Now I've repaired my setup by purging nvidia driver.17:14
craptalkk1l_: i know, just wanna really thinking a head17:14
baizoncraptalk: yes, im using my system since 14.1017:14
k1l_craptalk: so either you make the upgrade or you make a new install of 14.04LTS (which will have support untill 2019).17:15
mojo67FidergoStephaneG: thanks again!17:15
FidergoStephaneGWill hang up. Bye.17:15
k1l_craptalk: if you dont like upgrading every 6 months stay on LTS.17:15
FidergoStephaneGmojo67, you're welcome.17:15
bajgedit:2291): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files17:15
bajim getting the errot above17:16
rickyrubbithi at all17:16
Mika_FidergoStephaneG: xD Yeah we are now looking that script. Lets do it manually for mojo67. Take those screen variables away. i don't have bash here. so i can't verify exactly what it stores to those variables. Yeah lets do it manually :)17:16
craptalkk1l_: i get it17:16
bajim trying to save text using gedit in the terminal17:16
bajim trying to save text using gedit in the terminal17:17
bajthen i get the error17:17
mojo67Mika_: sure, what do i do?17:17
bajgedit:2291): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files17:17
baizonbaj: thats a warning, not an error17:17
rickyrubbitbaj have you tried to restart nautilus?17:17
lapyowhy are you using gedit in the terminal?17:17
lapyoare you on root?17:17
rickyrubbitlapyo 'm in agree17:17
bajhow do i restart nautilus?17:18
rickyrubbittry with this pkill -1 nautilus baj17:18
rickyrubbitbut i dont understand what kind of error you try to fix...17:19
rickyrubbitits only and advice when you open a gtk app from cli17:19
rickyrubbitthats it..17:19
Mika_mojo67: we will use those last 3 lines what there is but copy them to terminal and use sudo :). xrandr --addmode DVI1 2560x1440_50.0017:19
gallo_mobilehi I need to make a bootable USB for a newly built NAS. I'm on OS X but the OS X resource I found seems to be to install Ubuntu ON a Mac17:19
lotuspsychje!editors | baj17:19
ubottubaj: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code17:19
rickyrubbitgallo_mobile try to install brew and install brew install dc3dd17:20
rickyrubbitdc3dd its an evolution of dd17:20
Mika_mojo67: it seems intel is using DVI1 and radeon is using DVI-0.17:20
gallo_mobileok  how would I then install the img to the USB?17:20
bajpkill -l nautilus is showing me manual17:20
mojo67Mika_: xrandr: cannot find output "DVI1"17:20
rickyrubbitgallo_mobile its a simple syntax17:20
rickyrubbitfrom mac check your disk with diskutil list17:21
rickyrubbitmust be appear disk2s etc etc17:21
PointblankHello good people :) I have this issue. Can run mono-service as sudo mono-service application. But when I run it as different user it makes nothing. It needs sudo. i do not want to use sudo and give it too much privilleges. Help to that?17:21
rickyrubbitdo with this command17:21
rickyrubbitdc3dd if=your_location_img.imf of=the_entiredisk (for example /dev/disk2)17:22
mojo67Mika_: for some reason, xrandr keeps telling me that HDMI1 is connected, even though it's DVI117:23
rickyrubbiti dont know if work Pointblank but you can try with fake root17:23
Mika_mojo67: ok lets build it. xrandr --newmode <Mode``Line>17:23
gallo_mobileso if = source of=destination (dev/disk#)17:23
Mika_mojo67:  xrandr --newmode DVI117:23
Pointblankrickyrubbit what you mean by fake root?17:23
rickyrubbitits an app from apt17:23
rickyrubbitapt-get install fakeroot17:23
rickyrubbityou can change perm without root authority17:24
mojo67Mika_: xrandr: failed to parse 'DVI1' as a mode specification17:24
jjrabbit443any ubuntu security channels?17:24
rickyrubbitjjrabbit443 i'm trying to find it too =)17:24
nicomachus!alis | jjrabbit44317:24
ubottujjrabbit443: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http17:24
Pointblankis that in general good idea or should mono apps always run with sudo?17:25
mojo67Mika_: should i just use HDMI1 instead, seeing as it seems to be under the illusion that that's the one in use?17:25
Mika_mojo67:  xrandr --newmode "800x600_60.00"   38.25  800 832 912 1024  600 603 607 624 -hsync +vsync <-- use CVT command and copy that on top of those numbers.17:25
crayonevery 5 minutes my time is increasing by 1 hour17:26
crayonany idea wtf is going on?17:26
rickyrubbitmay doesnt work17:26
mojo67Mika_: done17:26
rickyrubbitmojo67 i dont understand your problem17:27
nicomachusrickyrubbit: because the bot doesn't like to be spammed. you're free to message the bot and try all sorts of things. /msg ubottu !alis, for instance17:27
Mika_mojo67: now write that xrandr to display all lines :)17:27
Mika_mojo67: did we get that mode there on the list?17:27
jjrabbit443nicomachus: cool thanks mang17:28
mojo67Mika_: kind of - it appears at the end, not with the rest of them17:28
mojo67Mika_: i'll paste it17:29
PointblankI think I saw tutorials where people run mono without installing any fake root. Cannot that be set for a user that he is allowed to run mono apps? Assigning some group to them?17:29
mojo67Mika_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15385426/17:29
mojo67rickyrubbit: the problem i have is that my monitor's 2560x1440 resolution isn't getting recognised by ubuntu17:30
rickyrubbitwhat kind of video card you have?17:30
rickyrubbitmaybe you need to install proprietary driver from ubuntu17:31
Mika_mojo67: hmm..ok try to --addmode HDMI1 numbers if it thinks that we are using that.17:31
mojo67rickyrubbit: intel HD 400017:31
rickyrubbitlot time ago i got same problem with nvidia driver17:31
rickyrubbitmojo67 try to go on install software17:31
rickyrubbitmay be appear 'proprietary driver for this hardware'17:32
mojo67Mika_: i tried that - resolution goes way down, had to log back in17:33
lotuspsychjejjrabbit443: #ubuntu-hardened17:34
Mika_mojo67: yeah, well i don't know now....hmm....weird that it shows that you have HDMI even you are using DVI...17:34
rickyrubbitmojo67 try to unplug and plug again the cable17:34
Mika_mojo67: try what rickyrubbit is saying...can you upgrade those proprietary drivers :)17:35
Pointblankrickyrubbit ty Just looking for any other ideas. Not sure if that is standard way how to solve this. Any mono user here?17:35
mojo67Mika_: sure, i'll try that now17:36
mojo67rickyrubbit: sure - i'll check the drivers first17:36
MonkeyDustPointblank  there's the ##mono channel17:38
mojo67Mika_: gonna reboot, brb17:38
mojo67rickyrubbit: gonna reboot, brb17:38
rickyrubbiti hope you well17:38
rickyrubbitfor you =)17:38
gallo_mobileanyone know where i can find 14.02 intel server?17:39
rickyrubbitgallo_mobile no..17:39
MonkeyDustgallo_mobile  how is that ubuntu related?17:41
TvL2386hi guys, I've just reinstalled my dell latitude e5570 laptop. It came with Windows10 and now I have ubuntu15.10. It works great!!! One thing: It doesn't see my wifi ESSID which it did see before in Windows10. Signal strength was 100% (same room) and my other laptop works great... I'm now on my second wifi which it does see (1 bar though, because it's 2 floors up)17:41
R13oseI can't connect to the wireless internet after waking up from sleep my computer.  What do I do?17:41
geniigallo_mobile: Do you mean Ubuntu Server 14.04, or do you mean an Intel server board model whith 14.02 in the board model number?17:41
gallo_mobileubunutu 14.02 server17:41
gallo_mobilefor intel, the ISO i get is AMD17:41
geniiSo 14.0417:41
gallo_mobileoh sorry17:42
TvL2386I did 'iwlist wlp2s0 scan | grep ESSID' but it doesn't pop up17:42
tgm4883gallo_mobile: that is the one for intel as well17:42
tgm4883gallo_mobile: AMD64 works on both intel and AMD x86_64 architectures17:42
k1l_gallo_mobile: the patent is from amd for 64bit, it works on intel amchines,too17:42
geniigallo_mobile: amd64 just means 64 bit, for AMD *OR* Intel17:42
=== boxznc is now known as boxmein
gallo_mobileah, ok just making sure thank you17:42
tgm4883that should really be renamed to x86_6417:43
TvL2386changed channel from 13 to 5 and it works17:48
fooI did rsync -azv --progress remote:/some/dir/ dir/ ... and when everything is done. dir/ is 8.6GB locally, and 8.8GB remotely. Any idea why it's not the exact same?17:49
leonarthfoo maybe it depends how the filesystems are formatted?17:51
leonarthmaybe on a machine you have sectors at 512bytes and on the other at 1024bytes17:52
R13oseAny thoughts on my question?17:55
p0ff3I jsut installed "screen" to split my terminal, is there a better alternative I should use? If not, I want the colors back in my shell...17:56
fooj #macosx17:57
Picip0ff3: both screen and tmux support colors17:57
nicomachusp0ff3: there are a few options. tmux is another. screen is also configurable. the man page and google will help you.17:57
R13oseI can't connect to my wireless internet on Ubuntu 15.10 when I woke my computer from sleep.  What do I do?17:58
=== uaa is now known as Guest97616
HoloIRCUser2Can't login to my Ubuntu server18:00
MonkeyDustHoloIRCUser2  what happens when you try18:01
MonkeyDustHoloIRCUser2  and what's the ubunu version18:01
HoloIRCUser2Fsck reports error loading shared libraries /lib/x86_64/libext2fs.so.2 invalid header18:01
MonkeyDustHoloIRCUser2  type /j #ubuntu-server and provide the information i just asked18:02
HoloIRCUser2Ok am on phone though18:03
R13oseSeems no one can help me.18:03
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drkshadowHow do I enable blk-mq in Ubuntu 14.04?18:04
JDAIIII'm having an issue. Every time I boot up, I have to run mount -a after I log in because it is apparently mounting the network shared before the network connection applies, so what is the best way to run mount -a as root or sudo AFTER I log in to gnome?18:05
drkshadowJDAIII: put it in your .bashrc18:05
drkshadowno, never mind. That doesn't execute in a GUI.18:05
skinuxShould free -m say 0 for total swap?18:07
JDAIIIyea, I tried that but it wasn't applying. It's not a big hassle, I just run sudo mount -v -a each time I log in, but it would be more convenient to have it autoexecute. And isn't that the appeal of linux on a laptop is that you make it all perfect for yourself instead of what the OS like mac or windows decides for you?18:07
JDAIIIand learn as you go along18:08
drkshadowJDAIII: You're mistaking Ubuntu with Linux.18:08
jayjois there a way to make a launcher icon out of a script, with a logo?18:08
llutzskinux: if you don't have swap, yes18:09
nicomachusjayjo: see here, perhaps it will help. https://askubuntu.com/questions/78730/how-do-i-add-a-custom-launcher18:09
mcphailJDAIII: i think there is some way for init (upstart on 14.04, systemd on 15.10) to run a script after the network has come up. I'm not sure of the specifics, but that is going to be th best tactic for what you need18:10
JDAIIIdrkshadow, I use RHEL and CentOS on my servers, only use ubuntu on my laptop because I liked the more expansive repository18:11
mcphailJDAIII: does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently#Mount_during_login_instead_of_boot help?18:12
JDAIIImcphail, I'll look into systemd init scripts for post network connection.18:12
=== Namikaze_ is now known as Namikaze
zaggynlhi, my USB pendrive doesn't show up anymore, anything I can test/try?18:13
JDAIIImcphail, I use the nofail switch and it didn't seem to help. That must be for the upstart instructions since I am using 15.1018:13
zaggynldmesg does show the drive18:13
llutzJDAIII: you tried using the "netdev" mount-option in fstab?18:14
llutz_netdev *18:14
skinuxOkay, well during installation I specified a SWAP partition. I've noticed during boot, it says something is not yet ready or present. So, how do I tell Ubuntu to use my SWAP partition?18:15
JDAIIIllutz, No I have not. I thought that was only for iscsi and ntfs. But I am most likely wrong. I'll take a look18:15
mcphailJDAIII: hadn't heard about _netdev, but llutz's suggestion looks like the best thing to do if it works!18:15
JDAIIII also tried x-systemd.automount, in fstab but that didn't help. I will try _netdev18:17
JDAIIII'm going to reboot and test that change. Before I do, is there any use to using sec=ntlm,gid=1000?18:19
JDAIIII got that from one of our devs when he set up a share on another server, and I've been using them blindly18:19
skinuxI just tried to use blkid on SWAP partition, but it didn't return anything?18:20
newishWhat advantages do I get from lvm on a single drive laptop with / serving root and home, dont think will ever need to extend volume size18:20
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=== Stewart is now known as StewNT
slaffeIf I want to limit the speed when I mv a file to my network NAS, how do I do that the easiest way?18:22
frostschutznewish, if you don't need it, you don't need it. don't force yourself. I use LVM everywhere because I know it well and don't want to miss it; never say never, who knows what you might need it for18:22
slaffeodd question I guess18:22
skitoxeslaffe: not possible in a reasonable way if you do it with mv command i belive, use something else? Ftp?18:23
frostschutzslaffe, unless whatever is doing the transferring has its own rate limiting options (like rsync does,) it's complicated... (lartc.org tc iptables)18:24
JDAIII_netdev did not work18:25
JDAIIIstill had to mount manually18:26
JDAIIIbut now they are showing up in nemo as devices instead of network shares. That is a nice byproduct18:26
newishFrostschutz: my question really is apart from extending volume size and snapshot are there other advantages in lvm?18:26
bonsairootHey guys. When i start up ubuntu i get the msg: "...running on low graphics mode". It started appearing just recently. I can't even it up anymore unless i use a previous kernel version (stuck in fsck dev/sda4: clean).I've read that theres problems with fglrx drivers but i have the generic enabled and not the proprietary ones.Can somebody help me?18:27
JDAIIIlvm does do raid 0 across the logical volumes which I don't care for. Same reason I stay away from default installs of btrfs.18:27
LinnakHi, if i intall daily build will it be lts on the end of April or I have to install the stable ?18:28
skinuxI think I figured it out. I'm using CryptSWAP...according to info I'm reading, it causes problems.18:28
JDAIIIIt stripes the individual files across the drives which means if one goes down, a majority of your files cannot be recovered. Just my experience.18:28
skinuxBut....that stuff is from 2009, I'm using 14.04...has that bug still not been fixed?18:28
JDAIIImcphail, llutz I tried _netdev, didn't automount18:29
rlexhello, i have some problems with NFS. Trying to connect to NFS share, it shows: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
rlexshowmount shows /storage/media       (everyone)18:29
rlexand esxi is able to connect to this NFS share18:29
rlexnevermind, solved18:34
loveheartjoylovemsg nickserv identify ubuntusucks123418:34
skitoxeloveheartjoylove: whoooops18:47
=== madagu is now known as MadAGu
p0ff3_I'm using Vim bur it froze in insert-mode, esc, enter, ctrl-[ doesnt work18:49
R13oseAny thoughts in my question?18:49
=== anon is now known as Guest44975
skitoxep0ff3_: open a new terminal and run: sudo pkill vim18:50
skitoxesudo pkill -9 vim18:51
skitoxeif it's stubborn18:51
p0ff3_pkill doesnt shut it down18:52
skitoxe with -9 added?18:52
skitoxeps aux | grep vim18:53
p0ff3_I'm using tmux sp I'm jsut gonna shut down that window, ugly solution but whatever18:53
skitoxeto find pid18:53
p0ff3_ill try18:53
skitoxethen kill -9 <pid>18:53
p0ff3_Whats the pid? I get 3 numbers, 17265, 14912 and 235618:54
skitoxethe left-most one18:54
EriC^^how long ago did you start vim?18:54
skitoxesecond column, directly after user name18:55
EriC^^i'm guessing 14912 , 17265 would be the grep18:55
p0ff3_Is there a tmux-command to "refresh" maybe?18:55
R13oseHow do I get my computer to see my wireless internet?19:00
vlad__hey, how do I upgrade to the latest version of mesa?19:01
m3n3chm0R13ose what is the issue ¿?19:01
vlad__I tried x-org edgers but they have a pretty old version (11.0.4, latest is 11.1.2)19:02
m3n3chm0R13ose don't you see the wireless icon (network-manager) on the panel ¿?19:02
p0ff3_Is anyone here good at tmux?19:03
R13osem3n3chm0: I woke my computer from sleep and wireless internet didn't work.  Yes I see the icon but no wireless networks show up.19:03
minitruep0ff3_: i use tmux I dont know if that counts as good :P19:03
minitruep0ff3_: what happened?19:03
m3n3chm0R13ose what version of ubuntu are you running ¿?19:04
R13osem3n3chm0: 15.1019:04
skitoxeR13ose: Right click icon and disable wifi, then enable it again.19:05
skitoxeusually works fine19:05
R13oseskitoxe: tried that didn't do anything.19:05
m3n3chm0R13ose did you try booting from an old Kernel version ¿? (on boot check the advanced options, try an older kernel an confirm))19:06
compdocR13ose, sounds like the wireless is being put to sleep and doesnt know how to wake up19:06
skitoxeR13ose: have you rebooted the system ?19:06
R13osem3n3chm0: I didn't try that as the last step19:07
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R13oseskitoxe: last time, I had the problem yes and that worked but I want to try and fix without rebooting.19:07
m3n3chm0R13ose do you know what model of chipset is your wireless card ¿?19:08
R13osem3n3chm0: Qualcomm Atheros AR946219:10
skitoxeR13ose: ahh i get you bro, try starting and stopping networking services19:10
R13oseskitoxe: how?19:10
skitoxeservice --status-all19:10
skitoxeto see all19:10
m3n3chm0R13ose are you using proprietary driver ¿?19:11
skitoxethen service xxxxx stop and service xxxx start19:11
R13oseskitoxe: networking one?19:12
R13osem3n3chm0: whatever came with ubuntu19:12
skitoxeR13ose: yeah19:13
terraceGAfter updating my packages ubuntu now doesn19:13
terraceGboot to login screen19:13
terraceGinstead it goes do fsck from util-linux19:13
terraceGHow do I fix this?19:14
R13oseskitoxe: that worked thanks19:14
Bashing-omterraceG: Graphic's driver broke ? What does ' sudo lshw -C display ' reveal in the configuration line ?19:15
terraceGthere is no configuration line and i can't enter any commands19:15
R13oseI am out but thanks for solving this.19:15
skitoxeR13ose: no worries mate!19:15
terraceGAll it says is fsck from util-linux 2.26.2 -> /dev/sda5: clean xxxx/xxxx files, xxxx/xxx blocks19:16
Bashing-omterraceG: Are you able to get to the login screen and key combo ctl+a;r+F1 for a console interface ?19:16
Bashing-omctl+alt+F1 **19:17
GuidovanPossumhi what's good way to troubleshoot ubuntu 14.04 hanging on startup after the five circles turn from white to red?19:17
terraceGsudo lshw -C just shows options that can be used in the command19:18
skitoxeGuidovanPossum: start by checking /var/logs/syslog19:18
hughes-rhey, guys. could anyone spare a minute to help me with my audio woes (lubuntu)?19:19
pierre_how  to do install microsoft office 2013 ubuntu19:19
Bashing-omterraceG: Ouch ! Check your spelling and syntax .. try again as that is a system command ! If it ain't there you have big troubles .19:20
terraceGsorry, sudo lshw -C display shows vga compatiable controller19:20
pierre_no  one can help please19:20
ubottuprova: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:20
GuidovanPossumsyslog is blank19:20
xanguapierre_: is there something wrong with libreoffice?19:20
hughes-rit smells like communism19:20
Bashing-omterraceG: And in the configuration line ?19:21
pierre_no i like  libreoffice19:21
terraceGdriver=i1915 latency=019:21
skitoxeGuidovanPossum: my bad /var/log/syslog , not logs19:22
Bashing-omterraceG: Well, that says a driver is loaed, Intel .. Now, Intel just works, UNLESS you have installed a Intel driver from their PPA .. did you ?19:23
terraceGI did not19:23
ioriaterraceG,  just to be sure, compare the UUIDS    sudo blkid && cat /etc/fstab19:23
Bashing-omterraceG: do you own these files ' ls -al .Xauthority ; ls -al .ICEauthority ' . As they control who can access your desktop .19:24
terraceGcannot access .Xauthority no such file or dir19:25
terraceG.ICEauthority looks fine19:26
Bashing-omterraceG: Well, that ain't good . Complete ioria's request to know the file system is consistent . and we return to this lack of a aceess file .19:28
terraceGsorry, which uuid's am I comparing19:28
ioriaterraceG,  all of them19:29
ioriaterraceG,  they should match19:29
Bashing-omterraceG: As the file says .. run 'sudo blkid ' and verify the long string of numbers in the file " /etc/fstab " match exactly what is given .19:30
damascenethis guy sees his memory only 1.5 gb on ubuntu http://www.linuxac.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=24421&d=1457983309 any idea why. it's 2gb19:32
terraceGioria and Bashing-om: http://imgur.com/EBqw3gB19:32
damascenepicture of terminal free + uname -a19:32
naccdamascene: dmesg should say where the memory is19:34
naccdamascene: as in, how much the kernel sees, at least19:34
Bashing-omterraceG: Tough to work from an image .. do a text pastebin please .19:34
Bashing-om!pastebin | terraceG19:34
ubottuterraceG: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:34
ioriaterraceG, what is PARTUUID ?19:35
damascenenacc, thank you, will try that19:35
naccdamascene: there's a line like memory XX / YY available (...) with the parenthetical part saying where the consumption is from19:36
ioriaterraceG, think you miss an entry for sda4 ...19:36
terraceGpartuuid is 076639c6-1b41-48c6-a359-dc0c747dac1119:36
damascenenacc, it's like /var/log/syslog or messages should I read it's start?19:36
naccdamascene: you want them to run `dmesg`, presuming the buffer hasn't overflowed, and provide that output, most likely19:37
slaffeis there any software that detects portscanns?19:37
damascenenacc, will tell him to do it19:37
terraceGI don't know how to get the text from the command line to pastebin, I didnt know how to login on the fsck screen19:37
Bashing-omterraceG: Did the file system check complete ? and now you are at a terminal .. verify you is you with ' who ' . is "you" ( your user nbame ) in the list ?19:40
ioriaterraceG,  what's on sda4  ? what is in Media ?19:40
terraceGyes im on the list and sda4 is in media19:40
Bashing-omterraceG: :)19:41
terraceGsda4 /Media is documents, pics, videos19:41
ioriaterraceG,  try to comment with # in fstab ...19:42
terraceGcommented out last fstab line and rebooted, still sent to fsck black screen19:43
vlad__hey I'm trying to install mesa from source19:44
vlad__I'm wondering how to replace ubuntu's mesa19:44
ioriaterraceG,  you can open a console right ?19:44
vlad__should I just apt-get remove it?19:44
terraceGYeah I can do ctrl+alt+f1 to login to console19:44
ioriaterraceG,   sudo service lightdm restart19:45
terraceGNo such file or directory.19:45
hughes-rcan anyone help me with my audio issues (no sound at all)... :(19:46
terraceGI was using ubuntu-gnome though, dunno if it was a different from lightdm19:46
ioriaterraceG,   sudo service gdm restart19:46
terraceGNo such file or directory.19:46
noraatepernosIs there a way to capture using perl regex in grep?  grep -Po "mysql root: ([^\n]+)" outputs the whole line when I just want inside the ().19:46
terraceGInstalled gdm did restart like you said and it worked19:49
terraceGThanks a lot19:49
terraceGDunno why gdm was suddenly gone19:49
ioriaterraceG,   ok.... comment out sda4 in fstab again19:49
ioriaterraceG,   reboot , and explore /var/log/apt/history.log19:50
ioriaterraceG,   as  cat  /var/log/apt/history.log  | grep gdm19:51
hughes-rcan anyone help me with my audio issues, please? (lubuntu 15.10)19:52
MonkeyDusthughes-r  start with a question19:52
hughes-rMonkeyDust, my question is how do I fix my sound as I currently have none. All the details are here: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/4aeh25/lubuntu_1510_no_audio/19:53
ioriaterraceG,   maybe this line  apt-get install -y [01;31m[Kgdm[m[K ....19:54
mia_hey all19:55
mia_where can I download skype for ubuntu19:55
mia_I mean some newer vesion19:55
mia_the one on skype.com is very very old19:55
mia_is there a better alternative than that ?19:55
skitoxemia_: sudo apt-get install skype19:55
ioriaterraceG,   you  installed   something like ... Kgdm ?19:56
mia_skitoxe, is that a different version19:56
terraceGI think that's from when I installed gdm just now19:56
terraceGDunno what the other characters are19:56
terraceGI've otherwise never touched gdm19:56
skitoxemia_: don't know, have never installed it from their website. but skype looks totally different on linux than on pc if that's waht tou mean19:56
MonkeyDusthughes-r  ok, seen it ... if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntustudio19:56
skitoxe*on windows19:56
K0D3RI changed my ip address (fixed ip address) but some programs keep trying to bind to the old ip address, anyone has any idea about this problem?19:56
terraceGso dunno why it disappeared after last doing apt-get upgrade19:57
mia_skitoxe, well no, I jsut cheked sudo apt-get install skype, and it's the exact same thing on the website, so I assume that's the newest one for linux19:57
mia_the thing is this is skype 4.3 at least 6 years old19:57
mia_it was like this on pc and mac as well 6 years ago19:57
terraceGThanks a lot for all your help ioria and Bashing-om19:57
ioriaterraceG,   ok, have fun19:57
mia_I mean UI wise19:57
mia_So is there any way, or any other software that can somehow use skype servers19:57
mia_the UI of this skype 4.3 is really really ugly19:58
MonkeyDustmia_  blame MS19:58
skitoxemia_: yeah pretty much what MonkeyDust says19:58
mia_I already do blame them19:58
baizonmia_: microsoft is shutting down its client. There is https://web.skype.com/en/19:58
mia_That's why I need an alternative19:58
mia_baizon, oh what19:59
mia_for pc as well ?19:59
mia_or just for linux ?19:59
TammytonHey, I can't get to the grub menu. I followed a guide and set the grub hidden timeout and grub timeout to 0.0. When I boot and hold down shift, the menu doesn't come up. Would anyone be able to help please?19:59
skitoxeskype is insecure as hell as well. unfortunately that's what people use19:59
baizonmia_: for linux it is already "dead", for the windows in the future19:59
mia_skitoxe, how?20:00
RoadRunnerWant to make a permanent change to one of my Grub booting options: a change in the kernel line (linux /boot/vmlinuz...) from "root=UUID=xxxx" to "root=/dev/sdax". But /etc/default/grub file, meant for user customization, doesn't make any mention of UUID's and /boot/grub/grub.cfg which specificaly reffers to UUID's, says "not to edit this file".20:00
skitoxemia_: skype sends shit in plain-text and leaks your ip to anyone that want's it20:01
naccRoadRunner: why do you want to make that change? you are then dependent on the kernel ordering of disks20:01
baizonmia_: all communication goes through a microsoft server20:01
pendletonRoadRunner: make the changes in /etc/default/grub and then run grub-mkconfig20:02
PointblankHello, how can I allow any user to run mono apps? I see that I cannot without sudo now20:02
baizonmia_: they can read every message/video call20:02
naccRoadRunner: please read /etc/default/grub fully, specifically GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID20:02
TammytonDo you know how I can set the grub timeout back to 10 without being able to get into linux?20:02
pendletonTammyton: boot into a liveCD, then make the changes20:03
TammytonIs a live cd the same sort of thing you use to install ubuntu?20:03
skitoxePointblank: either add the user to sudo group or change permissions on the executables20:04
pendletonTammyton: yep, similar, any sort of Linux you can run from CD/RAM would work20:04
MonkeyDustTammyton  yes, it's what you use 'try ubuntu'20:04
Tammytonoh great, thanks20:04
ghostmagSomeone using Chromium able to test something for me?20:04
ghostmagI need the Chromium App Launcher, but can't find it20:04
MonkeyDust!find chromium20:04
ubottuFound: unity-scope-chromiumbookmarks, chromium-browser, chromium-browser-dbg, chromium-browser-l10n, chromium-bsu, chromium-bsu-data, chromium-chromedriver, chromium-chromedriver-dbg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-dbg (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=chromium&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all20:04
MonkeyDustghostmag  try chromium-browser20:05
RoadRunnernacc: it is in order to easily boot into my clone partition which is used only to check a new image (of a primary linux part) after it is created - every time a new image will be thrown on, the UUID will change20:05
ghostmagMonkeyDust: I can find the browser, but not the App Launcher20:05
ghostmagMonkeyDust: https://himbeerfarm.wordpress.com/2014/07/19/chromium-app-launcher-on-linux/20:05
MonkeyDustghostmag  is that for a phone?20:06
ghostmagMonkeyDust: No, I need it for my desktop pc.20:07
sregginoni was banned from a channel20:07
sregginoni would like to appeal20:07
MonkeyDustsregginon  banned for no reason, i take it?20:08
skitoxeyeah right20:08
TheSpanishInquisThat sucks.20:08
TheSpanishInquisI've been trying to find a good bitTorrent client for Ubuntu. Does anyone have a suggestion? I'm not really a big fan of transmission.20:09
MonkeyDustTheSpanishInquis  deluge20:10
naccRoadRunner: ah i see20:10
RoadRunnernacc: re: "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID" if I enable this option, will it not affect all of my linux partitions?20:10
naccRoadRunner: it will, indeed20:10
TammytonI'm currently logged into ubuntu from the live cd. I've edited /etc/default/grub on my actual ubuntu partition, but do you know how I can run sudo update-grub?20:10
Tammytonit's saying error: failed to get canonical path of '/cow'20:10
ioriaTammyton, you need to mount bind and chroot20:10
ChryseusHi, I'm having trouble starting X after removing the nvidia driver for KVM, Xorg keeps configuring for it though http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538661320:11
RoadRunnernacc: that's what I thought and that's why I was looking for a different solution20:11
Tammytonioria hi again, what you told me to do yesterday worked btw :)20:11
MonkeyDustChryseus  rename xorg.conf to xorg.conf.bak, then reboot20:11
ioriaTammyton,  glad to hear that .... read this for chroot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery20:12
ChryseusMonkeyDust, Tried this already, that's what it makes on boot20:12
ChryseusMonkeyDust, Wiping it out and running startx sort of works with a few display issues20:12
RoadRunnernacc: pendleton: I know that I can make a temporary change to one of my Grub booting options: a change in the kernel line (linux /boot/vmlinuz...) from "root=UUID=xxxx" to "root=/dev/sdax" and that works fine but I was looking for a way to make that change permanent20:14
TheSpanishInquisThanks MonkeyDust, Deluge looks pretty good.20:14
skitoxeTheSpanishInquis: rTorrent if you wanna run it in cli20:16
ChryseusMonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15386666 this is my Xorg log20:17
Tammytonioria sorry but what's the command to see which partitions I have? I've done sudo fdisk -l but it's not showing the partition where ubuntu is installed20:17
RoadRunnerand as I see it (as I said earlier), /etc/default/grub file, meant for user customization, doesn't seem to mention partition specific UUID control and /boot/grub/grub.cfg which individually reffers to UUID's, says "not to edit this file".20:17
ioriaTammyton,  sudo parted -l20:17
ioriaTammyton,  np20:18
skitoxenqaegg: unchained?20:19
RoadRunnernacc: pendleton: any other suggestions guys?20:20
PointblankHello, how can I allow any user to run mono apps? I see that I cannot without sudo now. Ty if you know :)20:20
Tammytonthis is so confusing ;-;20:20
PiciPointblank: Er, why would you need sudo to run a mono application?20:22
skitoxePointblank: either add the user to sudo group or change permissions on the executables20:22
Chryseusoops wrong terminal20:23
windows8point1I got bored with windows and decided to switch to Linux, so I just came by to say hi :D20:23
skitoxewindows8point1: good to hear. welcome bro20:24
windows8point1Is 15.10 stable build?20:24
skitoxeSit down by the fire and have a drink ;-)20:24
Bashing-om!manual | windows8point120:24
ubottuwindows8point1: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:24
skitoxewindows8point1: for ubuntu yes20:24
Piciwindows8point1: all releases are stable, Ubuntu isn't a rolling release.20:24
pendletonRoadRunner: did you run the grub-mkconfig -o /[path to your grub dir] afterwards?20:24
craptalkwhat is the best ubuntu distro?20:25
Tammytonioria I've tried sudo mounth --typed ext4 /dev/sda but it says can't find /dev/sda in etc/fstab20:25
skitoxecraptalk: personal preference20:25
PiciPointblank: What exactly are you trying to run?20:25
skitoxecraptalk: i like ubuntu mate20:25
bonsairootpaste.ubuntu.com/15386726 Why do kernel modules fail to load on the newest kernel version after my reinstall. If i choose a previous kernel it works.20:25
Chryseusstartx xterm works fine, does anyone know how you can force Xorg to not reconfigure?20:25
craptalkskitoxe: alright20:25
ioriaTammyton,  where did you take that command ?20:26
woodsbwAnyone have any experience with using KVP (Data Exchange) on Ubuntu as a Hyper-V guest?20:26
woodsbwI am running Ubuntu 14.04 (with the latest HWE kernel, 4.2.0-27, via linux-virtual-lts-vivid) as a Hyper-V guest...with all needed software installed (linux-tools-virtual-lts-vivid, linux-cloud-tools-virtual-lts-vivid.) I have KVP enabled (and working with Windows guests) on the Hyper-V hosts, the hv_kvp_daemon daemon is running on the Ubuntu guest, and the /var/lib/hyperv/.kvp_pool_* files all exist....but they won't populate with data, no matter20:26
woodsbwwhat I do. Has anyone seen this?20:26
craptalkskitoxe: does kali linux only for pentest purpose? or can i also use it as daily basis work?20:26
Tammytonioria just in the default location where terminal opens20:26
ioriaTammyton,  i linked you a page ... /https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery) look at  'Update Failure' section ... (if you are on efi system is a bit different)20:27
RoadRunnerpendleton: I ran sudo update-grub after making my changes in fstab20:27
Tammytonioria, okay, I think I am on efi20:28
skitoxecraptalk: it's designed for pentesting. I wouldnt use it for everyday work. But you could if you really liked to20:28
windows8point1Is Ubuntu open-source? If so can I really actually change code of the OS itself?20:28
PointblankHello, how can I allow any user to run mono apps without sudo? I see that I cannot without it now. UBUNTU LTS Ty if you know :)20:29
ioriaTammyton,  ok, so you have to  mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi20:29
skitoxecraptalk: it comes with a ton of software that you dont need if youre not gonna do that type of stuff. and if u installa additional sw over that its gonna be bloated imho20:29
Tammytonthanks I'll try it20:29
ioriaTammyton,  assuming your efi on sda120:29
Jordan_Ucraptalk: Kali os not a supported flavor of Ubuntu, if you want advice on what distribution to use outside of official Ubuntu flavors please try ##linux instead.20:29
skitoxewindows8point1: yes its open source and yes you can change the code20:29
PiciPointblank: I'm trying to help, but you haven't answered.  You shouldn't need to use sudo to run mono applications. What exactly are you trying to run and are you getting an error telling you to use sudo? when did this start?20:29
RoadRunnerpendleton: is that not enough?20:30
Bashing-ombonsairoot: Thoughts: out of disk space ? ' df -h ; df -i ' . kernel did not fully install ? compare ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ; la -al /boot ; ls -al /usr/src. ; ls -al /lib/modules/ ' .20:30
PointblankPici thanks, I did not see that. with sudo it starts with sudo and without it is silent. Is mono-service. Any.20:31
Jordan_UPointblank: Please pastebin the exact commands you are trying to run and their complete output (if any). How are you determining if it "worked" or not? What is this sercice supposed to do?20:33
bonsairootBashing-om, disk space is definately not the issue. I used the reinstall option, but on my first install i partitioned manually, that shouldn't matter right? I'll check the second option now20:35
PointblankJordan_U I said it is the same for everything I try to run as mono-service. It only asks for password for sudo.20:36
PiciPointblank: from what I understand about mono-service is that it is itended to be a sort of launcher for services written in mono.  Does that sound like something at you're trying to do?20:37
Bashing-ombonsairoot: If the 1st install was happy with the partitioning .. the re-install on existing partitons should be equally happy .20:37
Tammytonioria can you link me to that post agin please?20:37
PointblankPici yes, that is a launcher for apps made for Windows20:38
ioriaTammyton,  if you are on efi system it won't work ... can you paste sudo parted -l ?20:38
PiciPointblank: not just for apps, for services.20:38
ioriaTammyton,  anyways https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery20:38
PointblankPici, yes, both should work20:38
pendletonRoadRunner: /msg RoadRunner sorry got sidetracked, could you let me know what exactly is going on with fstab?20:38
akikPointblank: can you try running the mono application with "/usr/bin/cli your_mono.exe" ?20:39
Tammytonioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/15386842/20:39
Bashing-ombonsairoot: Keep in mind IF LVM is a factor ... very likely that the /boot partition fills up quickly !20:39
Pointblankakik I will try ty20:39
ioriaTammyton,  it's not efi20:39
Tammytonmy ubuntu partition is on number 6 of /dev/sda20:39
Tammytonoh alright20:40
akikPointblank: looks like /usr/bin/cli is a link to /usr/bin/mono. keepass2 is ran with that20:40
ioriaTammyton,  your ubuntu partition is probably sda620:40
Tammytonioria okay thanks that worked20:41
ioriaTammyton,  so you can follow the tutorial ...20:41
Tammytondidn't realise you have to add the number on the end20:41
ioriaTammyton,  ^_^20:41
ioriaTammyton,  'Update Failure' section ...20:42
Pointblankakik it says: Use mono-service to start service processes20:42
bobby23I am entirely new to Ubuntu/gnulinux is there any way to get help20:42
akikPointblank: sorry i don't know what mono-service does20:42
bobby23(sorry if this is not the place to ask)20:42
Tammytonioria, yup, I was failling on step 4 of that before :p20:43
bonsairootBashing-om, so I don't know if that's the issue but ls-al /lib/modules didn't have as many versions as the other commands.... I reinstalled because of a "low graphics mode" error and not because of kernel modules...that error just appeared after reinstall20:43
Pointblankakik no problem. it is a service yes and it should run as service20:43
Pointblankakik ty anyway20:43
ioriaTammyton,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure20:44
akikPointblank: which package does mono-service come from?20:44
bonsairootBashing-om, also when i try to call the console on the failed kernel modules screen it keeps sending me back to the failure screen after like 1 or 2 seconds on the console20:44
bobby23can anyone see me (havent used irc in years)20:44
squintybobby23,   type /topic20:44
Tammytonioria thanks finally did it20:45
calebhello, can I ask help questions here?20:45
Bashing-ombonsairoot: Mind ya I am not comfortable to this time ( yet ) with systemd, But for sure all directories should agree. Is the system stable enough to see what the package manager thinks of the system ?20:45
ioriaTammyton,  good ....20:45
=== caleb is now known as Guest59681
Pointblankakik mono-service will be that windows program (exe) and mono is mono-complete20:46
bonsairootBashing-om, if i boot using an older kernel version it is. What should I type in?20:46
Bashing-ombonsairoot: If from grub's boot menu you choose an older kernel to boot . does the system then boot ?20:46
squintycaleb; yes if they are ubuntu support related.20:46
bonsairootBashing-om, yes20:46
akikPointblank: dpkg -S `which mono-service`20:47
Pointblankakik will do that20:47
Guest59681I'm trying to connect to the serial console port on a cisco router. I have a trendnet USB to serial converter. The program I'm trying to use is PUTTY. When I try to open a connection all I get is a blank box.20:47
Bashing-ombonsairoot: Let's see what the system thinks ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' .20:47
bonsairootBashing-om, upgrade wants to install linux headers (for the newest/non functioning) kernel version but is stuck at 0% waiting for headers.20:50
bobby23After performing a "sudo reboot" and ubuntu-gnome 15 booting up, I come across an error which states "A start job is running for dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device", I am unsure why this is happening and perhaps it's due to swap partition (which I know nothing about), what is causing this?20:50
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Pointblankakik seems like the answer is here: http://pastebin.com/2R8dy2HF20:51
Bashing-ombonsairoot: Well ,,, let's look at what is NOT fully installed, post in a pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep linix- ' . As a place to start looking for the fault .20:52
bonsairootBashing-om, ok finally moved.... installing the headers.... dpkg -C returned nothing... I'm rebooting real quick20:52
Bashing-ombonsairoot: K .. could be all is good as 'dpkg' had no return ( good ) .20:53
ioriabobby23, are you encrypted ?20:54
destinydrivenhey guys, I just got an unknown file system error on 15.10.  Happened right after I run a system update.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538679820:54
akikPointblank: ok i have to say i don't know about this. if it's a service that needs more capabilities than your user account has, then use sudo20:54
bonsairootBashing-om, Nice. I already did sudo apt-get upgrade before on a previous kernel version but it didn't install the headers. Why did it install with sudo apt upgrade? Anyway i can now boot using the newest kernel. Thank you VERY MUCH!20:54
bobby23ioria: if you mean i have a password set up on my user then yes (apologies, im entirely new to linux)20:55
ioriabobby23, no, i mean if you chose 'encryption', during your installation ?20:56
RoadRunnernacc: do you know how to make a UUID partition specific change in /etc/default/grub file?20:56
Pointblankakik do I open doors widely to system when I use sudo for that command? Cos i saw that command written without sudo.20:56
bobby23ioria: i had encrypted my home folder a month ago when i first got ubuntu-gnome but the home folder encryption disappeared after an update (it would usually ask me to enter home folder password and then my user pass but one day it stopped doing that)20:56
Jordan_Ubonsairoot: Do you have the linux-headers metapackage installed?20:56
ioriabobby23,  can you paste ls -a /home ?20:57
Jordan_U!info linux-headers-generic | bonsairoot20:58
ubottubonsairoot: linux-headers-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB20:58
bobby23ioria: can i acces that via the recovery-mode root? I am currently speaking to you through a raspberry pi20:58
ioriabobby23,  try recovery mode .  Advanced Option20:59
akikPointblank: sorry, don't know21:00
bonsairootJordan_U, Isn't that included in a standard install?21:00
Pointblankakik ok and ty :)21:00
Jordan_UPointblank: What application are you actually trying to run? Also, please actually answer the questions I asked earlier. I can repeat them if needed.21:01
bobby23ioria: when i type "ls -a /home" into root-shell i get this ".  ..  .ecryptfs "username""21:01
Bashing-ombonsairoot: That one is among the other many things I can not explain . Is Good that all is good now . md5sums and signing keys are supposed to make sure what the system requires is what the system gets . exactly .21:01
ioriabobby23,  so, you encrypted your home folder ....21:01
ioriabobby23,  and the pc not booting ?21:02
bobby23ioria: no it boots up to "dev-mapper" then proceeds to load forever21:03
PrettyBoy2000my ubuntu get bigger screen how to fix it21:03
skitoxePrettyBoy2000: what do you mean? can you show a screenshot?21:04
Jordan_Ubonsairoot: I don't know. Do you currently have it inatalled? If not, you will have the same problem next kernel upgrade.21:04
bobby23ioria: online complaints claim its something to do with swap partition but i am unable to rewrite /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab, it states they are "read only"21:04
PointblankJordan_U http://was.fm/secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade#progressive121:04
PrettyBoy2000yeah i just got 640x640 resolution21:04
ioriabobby23,  i think you encrypted your entire system...  sudo parted -l21:05
skitoxePrettyBoy2000: control center > Displays and change the resolution21:05
bobby23ioria: it has given me a bunch of info, what should i give you21:06
=== hil is now known as hilx
PrettyBoy2000can't change to bigger21:06
bobby23ioria: there are 3 disk flags "fat32 - efi system partition" "ext4" and "linux-swap(v1)"21:07
slaffeis there any software that detects portscanns?21:07
PrettyBoy2000its said Virtubox not running21:07
PrettyBoy2000after i logged in21:07
bekksPrettyBoy2000: Are you running Ubuntu in a virtual machine?21:07
PrettyBoy2000i installed in my pc21:08
ioriabobby23,  ha, ok no fde21:08
PrettyBoy2000not in VM or else21:08
ioriabobby23,  just home folder21:08
skitoxePrettyBoy2000: has it worked before? or did u just install it?21:08
PointblankJordan_U Plus I answered I think. Output from console was the request to provide password for user I want to run that app under21:08
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bobby23ioria: is there anyway to savour this21:09
bonsairootJordan_U, I have linux-headers-generic installed. might  be this? and then linux-headers-[kernelversions]21:09
ioriabobby23, if you can navigate your fs without enter a pass phrase ...21:10
bobby23ioria: i know the pass to my home folder21:10
ioriabobby23,  can you cd /home/<user>   and ls  ?21:12
Jordan_UPointblank: You didn't provide the exact commamd you're running or explain how you're determining if it "worked" or not.21:12
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bonsairootBashing-om, Yea thanks again. I screwed my system trying to fix this low graphics mode error. Btw how do you handle reinstalls and packages? Do you always keep a log with the installed packages somewhere?21:13
bobby23ioria: cd didnt do anything but ls revealed two files, one from documents and one from downloads21:14
bobby23ioria: the files revealed werent all of my files21:14
Guest12134hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu onto a z220 thinkpad via a usb. i changed the grub order but when it boots it just goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor. I've tried it with three different usbs. Does anyone have nay ideas on what might be the issue?21:14
PointblankJordan_U mono-service Corrade.exe is command.  Output is nothing21:14
skitoxeGuest12134: are you sure the USB is a correct bootable usb?21:15
ioriabobby23,  mount -o remount,rw /21:15
PointblankJordan_U I could add that user to sudoer's file but that I am not sure I should do. Cos of security of that pc21:16
Jordan_UPointblank: I asked two questions, you only answered one. I'm not going to repeat myself again.21:17
ioriabobby23, and try   sudo ecryptfs-recover-private21:17
bobby23ioria: it just said "mount: only root can use "--options" option"21:18
ioriabobby23, aren't you in root shell ?21:18
bobby23from recovery mode21:18
PointblankYou didn't provide the exact commamd you're running (the command I provided) or explain how you're determining if it "worked" or not. (the progam did not start) Not sure what was unclear to you, sorry.21:18
Bashing-ombonsairoot: Been there and done that a few times .. I do keep a backup of personal files .. and a change log of any changes I make to the system . I just do a clean install, and copy my files back.21:18
Guest12134what do you mean correct bootable usb? I've installed off it before21:18
ioriabobby23,  you don't nned sudo then ... (confused)21:19
Guest12134I tried unetbootin and dd21:19
skitoxeGuest12134: ok, then i don't know why you would only get a prompt. sorry21:19
ioriabobby23,  sudo mount -o remount,rw /21:19
Jordan_UPointblank: If there is no output either way, how are you determining that the program didn't start?21:19
bobby23ioria: i found an encrypted private directory "[/home/.ecryptfs/"username"/ .Private]21:20
bobby23ioria: it asks if i want to recover it21:20
Guest12134Some of the things I see in the forum think theres a problem with the master boot record on the usb21:20
Guest12134I'm not sure21:20
ioriabobby23,  yes... you can backup it... so you are safe ...21:20
PointblankJordan_U There is no running process :)21:20
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bobby23ioria: so should i recover it21:20
ioriabobby23,  if you want to backup  ... yes21:21
Bashing-ombonsairoot: By-The_way, a "low graphics mode" is most likeky a failure to load the GUI graphics's driver .21:21
ioriabobby23, the command will mount the encrypted directory in your /tmp directory.21:22
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PointblankJordan_U I would expect this: mono/usr/lib/mono/4.5/mono-service.exe :/home/myuser/Corrade.exe.lock /home/myuser/Corrade.exe21:23
PointblankJordan_U Which surprisingly worsk with sudo ;)21:24
slaffeIs it possible to change the timer to enter your password and executing a sudo command?21:26
slaffeI mean the inactivity timer or something21:27
bobby23ioria:the backup failed due to read only, and the mount isnt doing anything21:27
bobby23ioria: perhaps im typing it incorrectly21:27
ioriabobby23,  sudo mount -o remount,rw /21:27
skitoxeslaffe: yes, do sudo visudo21:27
skitoxeslaffe: then find line Defaults env_reset21:28
ioriabobby23,  you can also enable networking from the Recovery Menu and then again root-shell21:28
skitoxeslaffe: and then change ot to Defaults env_reset,timestamp_timeout=3021:29
bonsairootBashing-om, Yes I also back up my home partition every couple of days. I've read a lot about that error but nothing that I tried worked. In the end I switched to proprietary drivers for the gpu and then after the switch from lightdm to gdm everything broke. Hope it doesn't return. Came out of nowhere :P21:29
bobby23ioria: it says /dev/sda2 is already mounted21:29
skitoxeor whatever time you want21:29
bobby23ioria: jesus this linux stuff is hard, is this the price of free software lol21:29
bobby23ioria: can i access my hdd by creating a bootable usb with ubuntu gnome 14?21:31
ioriabobby23,  sure ...21:32
bobby23ioria: do you know any software than can be used on the raspberry pi?21:32
bobby23ioria: i have no idea how to run .exe or .bin files on raspbian (debian)21:32
ioriabobby23,  nope sorry  , but if your home is  encrypted you need ecryptfs-recover-private anyways21:33
jayjoIs there any way to develop an ios application with xcode on ubuntu 14.04?21:33
ioriabobby23,  are you on debian or ubuntu ?21:34
Bashing-ombonsairoot: My take .. mixing Desktop Environments is condusive to conflicts ! I do not .. I have the disk space and I clean install various releases/desktops - presently with hard drive issues and one of my drives is disconnected awaiting new sata cables .21:34
bobby23iroia: my pc is ubuntu-gnome 15 (the one im having trouble with)21:34
Bashing-ombonsairoot: My current setup : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15387254/ .21:36
ioriabobby23,  how did you encrypt your home folder ? during the installation preocess ?21:36
bonsairootjayjo, Don't you need apple sdk to compile and test ios apps? (only available on mac)21:36
bobby23ioria: yes21:36
bobby23ioria: it asked me if i wanted to as an option and like an idiot i ticked21:37
slaffeIs it possible to change the timer to enter your password when executing a sudo command?21:37
skitoxeslaffe: i have already answeredd you21:37
skitoxelook above21:37
ioriabobby23, the way i always used to recover is this http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/21:37
itqanHi, my acer ku-0355 desktop keyboard's arrow keys seem to be not working lately21:38
itqantried  sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration21:38
slaffeskitoxe oops, did not see that. Thanks alot.21:38
itqanand adjusted the keyboard settings but that too doesn't seem to work21:38
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skitoxeslaffe: no worries mate21:39
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itqanup key is working but left, right, down isn't.21:39
codythefoxhow're you?21:41
codythefoxugh, everyone's quitting...21:42
ioriabobby23, once you have recovered you can follow this to remove the encrypted /home  http://www.howtogeek.com/116179/how-to-disable-home-folder-encryption-after-installing-ubuntu/21:42
bonsairootBashing-om, I see. Makes sense.21:42
itqanany ideas? ..anyone?21:42
Bashing-omitqan: Keyboard brike, keys stuck ?? does 'xev' see key events ?21:43
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Bashing-ombonsairoot: Just because you can, does not mena you should . I see may people with conflics in using more than a single DE .21:44
ioriabobby23, have to go, good luck21:47
itqan@Bashing-om nope, xev doesn't seem to detect it aswell.21:50
Bashing-omitqan: Swap out the keyboard .. does the alternate board work ?21:51
itqanBashing-om: hmm.. Didn't try that. It just stopped working one fine day after I restarted my computer. I was suspecting some driver issue.21:55
Bashing-omitqan: Could be a number of things .. think though that 'xev' works from a lower level. If 'xev' does not see the key press/release event, well .. keyboard problem most likely .21:58
itqanBashing-om: OK, I'll just cross check that tomorrow since everybody fast asleep now (3:30 am here) :)22:00
itqanBashing-om: anyways, thank you.22:00
tbsfDo you know who manages the aws repos?22:02
Bashing-omitqan: Second opions are always a good thing . Only takes a second - if there is another board around ( PS2 boards are not hot-swappable ! ) .22:02
itqanBashing-om: :)22:04
skinuxHow can I tell Ubuntu to use SDA8 as SWAP when BLKID doesn't return anything for SDA8?22:07
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reisioskinux: you can't22:10
bonsairootare employers actively looking for people with certs like lpic or are they more like a nice to have type of thing?22:11
reisiothe more stupid credentials you can put on your CV, the better off you'll be22:11
reisiothey eat that nonsense up with a spoon22:11
reisionow that isn't to say they might not also give you a simple test and make you prove you know wtf you're doing22:12
reisiobut the people in charge of getting you interviews are not qualified to even interpret the jargon you put onto your CV, they are only qualified to see if it's present at all22:12
reisioonly after that process do you talk to someone with 1/4 of a clue about what it is you'll be doing22:12
skinuxHmm. Well, Ubuntu recognized it as SWAP when I installed, but apparently not after installation.22:12
reisioskinux: it'd be in /etc/fstab if Ubuntu recognized it22:13
skitoxeskinux: like your nick :P22:13
bonsairootI see. So it helps a lot to get the interview and afterwards experience is way more important? That's what would make the most sense.22:14
reisiobonsairoot: not necessarily22:14
reisioIME interviewers are often also clueless and don't test you at all22:14
reisio/but in an interview/ a test is possible22:14
reisionobody can test you via reading your resume22:14
reisiobasically, as many stupid buzzwords as are listed in the ad, that you can put on your resume, the more likely you'll get an interview22:15
reisiobecause some glorified paper pusher is just reading resumes looking for a list of strings someone gave her22:15
reisiothey don't know what the strings mean :p22:15
reisio(not that the people who gave the list to her usually know either :p)22:15
skitoxehaha reisio, word on that!22:16
bonsairootreisio, yea I get that :P. I'm done with my BA soon and thought about getting some certificates during the summer. I hope it might help with getting a job for first experience in the field afterwards.22:17
reisioand I say 'her' because it's next to impossible for a man to get an "office" job :p22:17
reisiobonsairoot: BA in what?22:18
reisioguess it won't hurt if you've time to kill, but a BA in CS should do you fine22:18
mxgmsHi, I'd want to know if Ubuntu phone is ready to a full experience ... can someone answer that?22:18
reisiomxgms: #ubuntu-touch, IIRC22:18
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reisiobonsairoot: get the sense lately people are happy to get a link to an active github type repo these days, too22:21
django_anyone with xubuntu know how to restore the wifi/buttons on the top right corner: http://i.imgur.com/57J4yCk.png22:21
reisiodjango_: right click anywhere on the panel, Panel > Panel Preferences > Items (tab)22:24
reisiodjango_: actually I take it back, run 'nm-applet'22:24
skinuxfstab DOES have it, but it's commented out and replaced with "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 022:24
reisiodjango_: if that doesn't work, run connman-gtk22:25
bonsairootreisio, I've read that on several internship/first experience offers. Depends on the field of work. I really liked the small networking intro course we had. So I think I might check out some of those cisco books and see if that would be something for me.22:29
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romarehello I'd like to install popcorn time on my ubuntu system. how will I do it?22:35
romarethis is the website of it22:36
django_reisio, nm-applet doesnt do anyhting22:36
bobby_hey does anyone know if the mpegff exploit/security issue has been patched yet for version 15.10?22:36
django_for the other one i get: connman-gtk: command not found22:36
pitastrudlhow do i add a ssh key permanently to ubuntu22:38
pitastrudlssh-add does not do it22:38
pitastrudli did create a authorised_keys file in ./ssh/ and put the private openssh key into it22:38
sleetyso i need help i installed virutalbox in my ubuntu and it uninstalled ubuntu desktop terminal and other software...22:38
pitastrudlbut after a reboot it does not persist22:38
sleetyany help?22:38
django_pitastrudl, https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent/22:38
Bashing-om!ask | sleety22:39
ubottusleety: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:39
pitastrudldjango_ i did that, didnt help22:41
pitastrudldoes not persist22:41
bonsairootromare, http://askubuntu.com/questions/675526/how-to-install-popcorn-time-using-installer-from-their-official-site22:44
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skinuxreisio: According to FSTAB, SWAP was recognized on installation, but it is commented out with a cryptswap line not commented.22:45
bobby23when attempting to open my encrypted external hdd, i get this prompt "error unlocking /dev/sdb1: error spawning command line22:46
bobby23can anyone help me with this22:46
aethersishello, since Qt is now in hands of microsoft, could Ubuntu and distros alike be at risk because they use Qt a lot?22:47
aethersisI mean let's say it suddenly screws up support for linux as it did with Skype or it abandons this project?22:48
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jayjoWhat is the bluetooth stack I need to install for an adapter to work?22:49
naccaethersis: that's not really a support question22:49
aethersisahh so it's support only... is there some general ubuntu chat?22:49
naccaethersis: #ubuntu-offtopic, maybe?22:50
mcphailaethersis: #ubuntu-offtopic22:50
reisiojayjo: bluez, should already be installed22:51
jayjoHm - so if an adapter doesn't show up in system settings > bluetooth, how else can I investigate if it's showing up?22:52
reisiolsusb, lspci22:52
ChryseusI'm having a hard time getting Xorg to work on my integrated graphics, it keeps going in to safe mode and replacing my xorg.conf with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538772022:52
reisioChryseus: "it"?22:53
reisioChryseus: if you want to use intel, you don't even need a xorg.conf22:53
Chryseusreisio, when I boot up22:53
Chryseusreisio, I've tried remove but but it keeps doing it, I think it's trying to use my nvidia card22:54
NewUbuntu15Hey, is there skype for Ubuntu 15.10?22:54
skitoxeNewUbuntu15: sudo apt-get install skype22:54
Bashing-omChryseus: Hybrid graphics, when switching graphics sets the xorg.conf file also gets switched for the selected chip set .22:54
skitoxeand then ull get it22:54
aethersisskitoxe: is that some new skype?22:55
aethersisor still the old piece of #@$@22:55
NewUbuntu15skitoxe unable to locate package skype22:55
skitoxeaethersis: same old shit22:55
Chryseusreisio, Well the intel igc doesn't seem to be working, my nvidia card is used by pci-stub and the drivers are blacklisted22:55
aethersisNewUbuntu15: go there: http://www.skype.com/pl/download-skype/skype-for-computer/ and choose 12.04 multiarch22:56
skitoxeNewUbuntu15: that's wierd, it should be in your standard repository. go to www.skype.com and check there22:56
pilneok, i'm happily running openjdk-8 as my "system" java, i'd like to install openjdk-6 alongside it for android development, is there an easy way to do this that will not set it as the default handler for anything?22:56
NewUbuntu15So 12.04 is latest version? Okay, thanks! (:22:56
ChryseusBashing-om, I'm not sure if it's a problem with the intel igc or it's trying to use the disabled nvidia card22:56
pilne12.04 is.... very not new...22:57
aethersisChryseus: what's your problem? Got a nvidia laptop?22:57
ChryseusBashing-om, No this is a desktop, I've disabled the nvidia card with pci-stub so I can use it with KVM, I want to run on the IGC22:58
Bashing-omChryseus: log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log has a lot of info as to what is going on in that graphic's (X) layer .22:58
naccpilne: use a VM or container?22:58
pilnetrue, that's probably the smartest way, build in a docker or vm :)22:59
aethersisChryseus: have you downloaded nvidia driver from repos or are you using the one from their website?23:00
naccpilne: it'll keep your dev environment stable & clean too, ideally :)23:00
ChryseusBashing-om, This is what I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538777423:00
Bashing-omChryseus: reading .23:00
pilnenow to find a vm simple enough for my derp-self...23:00
aethersisChryseus: are you using repo driver or nvidia closed source driver?23:02
Bashing-omChryseus: " intel_iommu=on " Are you certain that your motherboard supports IOMMU ? Mine does not .23:02
aethersisit is actually important because if the nvidia driver installs improperly, then you're in a trouble and you have to use depmod23:03
aethersisalso it might stop working after each kernel upgrade lol23:03
ChryseusBashing-om, I did a purge of the closed source driver, the one in the repo is blacklisted, and yeah I've checked IOMMU23:03
aethersisChryseus: purge is not enough, you need to use depmod to completely remove it23:03
aethersisah wait, closed source from repos?23:04
Chryseusaethersis, oh, I'll try that then23:04
aethersisthen you should be ok23:04
aethersisif it was closed source from nvidia, then depmod23:04
Chryseusaethersis, yeah nvidia-253 or something23:04
NewUbuntu15OMG!!!! I just installed Skype! (newest version) and got little nostalgic, it brings me back to `90s  :D23:04
aethersiswhat graphics card do you have? (model)23:04
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kostkonpilne, sudo update-java-alternatives -l    then   sudo update-java-alternatives -s <jvm_name>   to set the default jvm. openjdk8 will remain the default even after you install openjdk6 afaik23:05
Chryseusaethersis, GTX 970, integrated is a I7 479023:05
pilneafter installing jdk6 it left some things tied to jdk7 (like icedtea if i remember correctly) even when setting it with update-java-alternatives23:06
Chryseusaethersis, it seems to be working on the integrated fine or I'd not be seeing anything, but xorg refuses to work23:06
kostkonpilne, ok23:06
Bashing-omChryseus: The system is still seeing Nvidia ( no module available ), is the kernel also seeing the hardware  - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - ?23:06
aethersis253? there's no way it supports 970! there's your problem!23:06
aethersisthe current driver is 360 or something close to this23:06
aethersisyou installed it and it made some messs.... what version of ubuntu are you using, Chryseus?23:07
ChryseusBashing-om, Yeah the kernel can see it23:07
aethersisstarting from 14.04 nvidia-331 is in repos23:07
Chryseusaethersis, I'm using 15.04 I think23:08
aethersisstrange, you should have nvidia-331 avalible23:08
ARandomScientistI'm new to Linux. Looking for a good beginners resource for learning terminal. Any ideas?23:08
Chryseusaethersis, yeah it was something like that23:08
aethersisyou said 25-something23:08
kostkon!manual | ARandomScientist23:09
ubottuARandomScientist: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:09
Chryseusaethersis, nvidia-35223:09
kostkonARandomScientist, oh scratch that23:09
Bashing-omChryseus: Nvidia recommends the 361 version driver : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/98373/en-us .23:09
nxcsaI want a script to do something every hour, I figured I'd use cron but it looks like cron sets the script to run every hour from the command line forever, instead of running it every hour until you kill the script. Should I just use sleep 1h inside of the script? Just thought that having a sleeping process was bad convention.23:09
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:09
ChryseusBashing-om, I don't need the nvidia driver for KVM, I just want it to use the integrated graphics23:09
aethersisChryseus: yeah, try nvidia dedicated driver, MAKE SURE IT MATCHES YOUR OS (32 or 64 BIT)!23:09
aethersisin order to install it, you need to run the script as sudo and first kill the GUI23:10
aethersisthen ctrl+alt+f1 and install it from console23:10
Chryseusaethersis, I thought the point was to fully disable the nvidia card for KVM ?23:10
aethersiswhy'd you want to disable it?23:10
Bashing-omChryseus: K. as the kernel is still picking up the Nvidia hardware, bios is passing it .. so not diabled in bios .23:10
aethersisBashing-om: he might not have it avalible for disabling in BIOS, but I'd try there first23:11
aethersisthen you can check with depmod whether it has any nvidia modules installed and if it does, then remove them with depmod23:11
Chryseusaethersis, I was planning on using the IGC on the host and then passing the GPU to the KVM23:11
aethersisthat's all I can think about23:11
aethersistry with depmod then23:11
Chryseusaethersis, ok I'll try that23:11
Trinityi'm trying to overclock my Nvidia GPU but when I cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf it's empty23:12
Trinityis this normal for Ubuntu 14.04LTS?23:12
Bashing-omaethersis: Yeah, there is that .. but IF not, I would be surprised .. but I have not seen a recent motherboard .23:12
aethersisdepmod is the best solution I can think about23:12
aethersisI wouldn't be surprised if it's still there and it might be a version that doesn't support your board23:13
aethersishence all the problems... I went through a lot of troubles with nividia both on laptops and with Tesla boards23:13
aethersiswith laptops it was the worst, with Tesla, slightly better23:13
Bashing-omTrinity: Yhe use of that file is depreciated, however, if present will be used .23:13
TrinityBashing-om, cool. is there a new file being used?23:14
aethersisChryseus: need any help with depmod?23:14
Bashing-omTrinity: (K)ernel (M)ode (S)etting ... the kernel now does all the discovery and setting .23:15
aethersisbtw I love how they added support for my CM8888 based sound card in 16.04 :D23:15
aethersisany idea who makes these drivers/how they do that?23:15
Chryseusaethersis, I think I'm going to try disable the GPU before launching KVM, that might work better than this approach23:16
aethersiswell, disabling it in BIOS is a kind of a brute-force approach23:16
aethersisbecause it won't work at all anymore and if you switch to other OS, you will have to reenable it manually...23:16
user_guys how can I know what is the appropiate graphics driver for my laptop? Im using Ubuntu 15.123:17
Chryseusaethersis, do you think that would actually work ? I don't mind it being disabled in Linux as long as it works with KVM23:17
aethersisif I didn't actually think that disabling it in depmod could help, I wouldn't mention it23:18
Bashing-omuser_: ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' .23:18
aethersisuser_ what graphics card do you have?23:18
user_Bashing-om: give me a sec23:21
jayjoif my mouse speed is still too fast after lowering it as far as I can in the system settings, is there anything else I can do?23:21
user_Bashing-om: bcmwl-kernel-source23:22
user_aethersis: I think an intel family 400023:22
reisiojayjo: could try playing with xset directly23:23
Bashing-omuser_: Intel graphics ? show in a pastebin ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 ' ? Be aware, Intel supports us very well, there will be no other driver for Intel offered .23:24
user_Bashing-om: give me sec, what do you mean? That the driver I showed you is the only driver out there?23:24
user_Bashing-om: http://pastebin.com/pbQTJDeE23:26
Bashing-omuser_: Intel provides the driver incorporated into the kernel . none other is required . - For Intel only graphics .23:26
user_Bashing-om: ok ok23:26
Bashing-omuser_: You are golden ... now if ya want to experiment and do some testing for Intel, they do provide a PPA to do so .23:27
user_Bashing-om: what do you mean lol? How can I fix it? Are you being ironic :(?23:28
Bashing-omuser_: ^^ Be aware if you do go this route, it is a real pain to revert .23:28
user_Bashing-om: I regularly play Steam games and everything worked fine until I upgrades to Ubunt u15.123:29
Bashing-omuser_: Fix ?? nope not ironic ... what did you do to break it ?23:29
Bashing-omuser_: Steam on that card ... I just do not know .. but I can accept it will not do 3d at all .23:30
user_Bashing-om: lol I dont know, I always do my updates and never start trying new things. That why is strange :(23:30
user_Bashing-om: How can I fix it?, My laptop has no physical damage23:31
vert0let|afk HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 3.15.9-pclos1 x86_64 ** Distro: PCLinuxOS release 2016 (PCLinuxOS) for x86_64 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.39GHz ** RAM: Physical: 2.0GiB, 22.2% free ** Disk: Total: 9.7GiB, 45.1% free ** VGA: 80ee:beef ** Sound: ICH - Intel 82801AA-ICH ** Ethernet: 1022:2000 ** Uptime: 1d 11h 43m 21s **23:31
Bashing-omuser_: Is playing steam games the only issue with graphics ?23:31
user_Bashing-om: yes, videos work perfectly and everything else does to23:32
Bashing-omuser_: I would think a config issue ... but I have no experience with steam . so my opinion ends at this point .23:33
user_Bashing-om: take a guess please?23:33
Bashing-omuser_: Sorry ( not as I do not game ) I have no experience to make a judgement on . As all else is good, must be a issue with steam it's self .23:35
user_Bashing-om: so you mean my drivers are ok?23:36
Bashing-omuser_: Most assuredly they are good .. else all others things would be hammered on also .. the 'lshw' says the driver is loaded . and it is the ONLY driver that is available - or needed ..23:37
user_Bashing-om: perfect23:37
jayjoIs there any easy way to have all the mac keybindings ported over to ubuntu? I use mac osx at work, and ubuntu at home23:38
Bashing-omuser_: As all else other than steam is perfect .. tweak on steam configuration is all I can advise . and take that with that "grain of salt " .23:39
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user_Bashing-om: ok I will do that. Its a pitty because with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS it worked perfectly23:39
Bashing-omuser_: Nother though - that I do not know - maybe the version of steam is no longer compatible with the installed kernel ???23:40
Bashing-omisene: How did you install steam ? It is in the repo .23:41
user_Bashing-om: maybe, I really dont know23:42
Bashing-omuser_: Excuse me ? Your system and you do not know how steam - proprietary software - got on your system ??23:43
user_Bashing-om: lol, I do know. I install it from the terminal as many blogs say how to install it. More than that I dont know23:44
Bashing-omuser_: If other than from our software repository, then I can readily accept there could be issues when the system is updated. As that then is NOT ubuntu software .23:46
user_Bashing-om: Probably is what you say. How can I fix this?23:47
Bashing-omise, I do not have experience .. all I can do is flounder through this with you pthers will have greater knowledge. What results ' apt list steam ' apt-cache policy steam ' . We get an idea of what we are dealing with.23:50
Bashing-omuser_: ^^23:51
jayjoI have a program that I have to run with 'sudo sh ./filename'. Can I do this with a desktop icon?23:51
user_Bashing-om: please help me23:52
Bashing-omuser_: Show us in a pastenin the reults '  apt list steam ' apt-cache policy steam ' . We get an idea of what we are dealing with.23:53
Bashing-omuser_: I must be away from the keyboard for a bit .. be back soonest .23:55
user_Bashing-om: thanks! Ill do the commands now23:55
user_Bashing-om http://pastebin.com/VJDZSPRd23:57
xrickhi there23:57
abhishekhi...i am installing oracle 12c db with the help of this website ..http://tutorialforlinux.com/2016/01/07/how-to-install-oracle-12c-database-on-ubuntu-15-10-wily-64bit-easy-guide/23:57
Trinityhey guys so I just set Option "CoolBit" "8" but my computer freezes at the xubuntu splash23:57
Trinityany ideas?23:57
Trinityi'm about to run it in quiet splash but I wanted to know if anyone knows any solutions to this before I do that23:57
user_Bashing-om: http://pastebin.com/vT9fUXk323:58
=== BinBakker is now known as eNull
abhishekbut in step 11 when i am cmd executing in terminal then it show me....Source location is incomplete. Make sure you have downloaded and extracted23:59
abhishekall the relevant archives.23:59
Align_Waivershey i'm having an issue compiling GEM (part of pure-data)23:59
Align_Waiversanyone can help23:59

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