
Unit193bluesabre: Yeah I use  gpg-agent --daemon --write-env-file "${HOME}/.gnupg/gpg-agent-info"  somewhere else.05:27
knomebluesabre, flocculant: ?12:54
knomekryten, you still around?12:57
knomeyou running xenial?12:57
knomebluesabre, when you set --> APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "!"; <-- in /etc/apt-/apt.conf.d/20auto-ugprades, the "When there are security updates" dropdown box gets grayed out in Software & Updates -> tab Updates13:01
knomebluesabre, the stupid thing here is that it doesn't show any value there, so the user can't confirm they are installed daily unless they know to look in the aforementioned file13:01
knomeahhh, bug 101836713:03
ubottubug 1018367 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) "Unable to remove unattended-upgrades" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101836713:03
knomenot old or anything13:03
knomeohh, a very good comment there "Is there a massively effective corporate (MS?) sabotage unit working inseide the core of linux community?"13:04
knomeand yes, there it is, reported by flocculant in bug 155409913:07
ubottubug 1554099 in software-properties (Ubuntu Xenial) "Changing what action for security updates unusable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155409913:07
knomeslickymaster, do we want to keep https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Documentation ?13:39
flocculantknome: am now - and I see you found stuff15:26
knomethat was it15:27
=== rw is now known as dax
dkesselwow, i would have thought the tons of package installation errors on an upgrade to be gone at this time in the cycle.... :/15:54
flocculantdkessel: nope15:55
flocculantwhen it's not broken I'll mail the list about testing it again :)15:55
dkesselok, reverting that VM then....15:55
flocculantanyone trying to upgrade 14.04 to 16.04 is in for a bumpy ride :p15:55
flocculantlast I checked 15.10 to 16.04 worked15:56
dkesselwell i just tried 15.10 to 16.04 ;)16:04
flocculantdkessel: it failed? 16:07
flocculant2 weeks ago 15.10 to 16.04 was working16:08
dkesselflocculant: yeah, i got all those systemd, init, xubuntu-desktop, etc. installation errors16:10
flocculantdavmor2: were you getting upgrade fails on 15.10 to xenial ?16:11
davmor2didn't get that far but I would imagine it would hit a similar issue16:12
flocculant2 weeks ago it was working - today not it seems 16:12
flocculantat least a vanilla vm install did16:13
davmor2flocculant: yeah but that was the same with 14.04 it was working a week or two before feature freeze and then died horribly afterward16:13
flocculantdavmor2: I've not got 14.04 to upgrade ever16:14
flocculantthough it's not something we test really regularly16:14
flocculantwell - that's a stupid comment ... can only do it once every 2 years anyway lol 16:15
flocculantdkessel: can you get at logs? 16:15
flocculantif not I'll do something - would at least like to know where it fails and if it is the same16:16
davmor2flocculant: and between 10.06 and 12.04 and 14.04 there weren't as many lib changes and abi breaks as there are from 14.04 to 16.04 either16:16
davmor2gcc, bluez, amd gfx stack, nm when that lands and the list goes on16:17
flocculanthe he he 16:18
dkesselflocculant: logs are gone... just rolled back the vm16:19
xubuntu84wi need to make a bootable .iso of my usb drive live session. dd worked fine in ubuntu, but not in xubuntu.  how can i do this?16:19
flocculantthe price of progress - grey hair or if really unlucky bald head 16:19
flocculantxubuntu84w: #xubuntu is the support channel16:19
xubuntu84wbbut it's for rolling a distribution16:19
flocculantbut if it doesn't work in xubuntu then I'd wonder what was going on as that deep - they are the same thing16:20
xubuntu84wi'm booting into a live session, making changes for my company, then turning that session into an .iso to be used again16:20
flocculantremastersys type thing - suppport is best for that 16:21
xubuntu84wit isn't recognized as an .iso like when the dd command is done in ubuntu, but recognizes it as a raw dd image16:21
flocculantand to be honest #ubuntu has more eyes if it's slow in #ubuntu16:21
knomeflocculant, asking you again about the testing pages on the wiki - what do you want to do with them - should i just move them to the new wiki?16:43
flocculantknome: hardware profile is dead, team hardware never really got much traction or use16:45
knomeflocculant, team hardware might be useful if it was linked in a sane way to the iso tracker...16:45
knomeflocculant, that said, i think it should probably come from your LP account, which is out of our reach16:45
flocculantmeant to discuss this the other day when I was editless on the wiki :p16:45
flocculantknome: the hardware option on the tracker is gone now16:45
knomei know16:46
knomeso just delete the hardware page?16:46
knomeor would it be useful to track this in some other way?16:46
flocculantwell that or just move the used one to where we're moving16:46
knomei'll move it and we can then see what we want to do with it16:47
knomei think there are some good bits there, like GPU stuff16:47
flocculantno no16:47
flocculantI meant just leave the 3 at wiki.u.c/xubuntu/testing16:47
flocculantonly have the release note on at the xubuntu wiki 16:47
knomei think that's actually the only one we want in the ubuntu wiki16:48
knome...considering we will be releasing the release notes there16:48
flocculantwhy? 16:48
knomethat's mostly because the markup is different16:48
flocculantwhy aren't we moving that to ours? 16:48
flocculantoh mmm16:48
knomenot sure if the release team would be okay with that16:48
knomeor to be more exact, if they would just have them in one place16:49
flocculantthey aren't in one place :p16:49
knomeif they don't mind, then i'm fine with moving it16:49
knomewell, yeah...16:49
knomethat's why i said "rather"16:49
knomethough they do have that page that links to another page16:53
knomeso the main release notes page links to wiki.ubuntu.com16:54
knomethe question is, can kubuntu, and could we, link directly to $something_else16:54
knomeand the other thing we've discussed before is if we need separate announcement/notes16:54
knomeclearly kubuntu doesn't do that (any more)16:54
knomeand then also,16:54
knomeone thing just occurred to me, there's the added benefit to staying in the ubuntu wiki that we can include the common stuff16:55
flocculantif I was me looking in on the 2 of our things - the website 'ooh pretty' post would leave me cold - more inclined to want things like changes than that16:56
knomewell yeah16:56
knomei do think that there's a place for both16:56
flocculantyea 16:56
knomeand they serve a different purpose (which are both okay)16:56
knomejust bringing that up16:56
flocculantwiki for the detail, website for the sell 16:56
flocculantand good point on includes16:56
knomeor from other POV, wiki for the technical stuff, website for the non-technical16:57
flocculantyea that's my thinking16:58
flocculantthinking of includes though - then do we want to move the meeting stuff? 16:58
knomeyes, since we're only including the meeting minutes16:58
knomewhich should be moving too16:58
flocculantso we can include internal - external is a problem? 16:59
knomeor at least totally not so clean and dependable on16:59
flocculantthen we have to leave release notes on wiki.u.c imo16:59
knomeyes, that was what i was thinking16:59
flocculantor it'd be some bizarre mishmash of what kubuntu did and the includes 17:00
flocculantwhich is meh17:00
knomeyeah, let's not mix two wikis together17:00
dkessel+1 on not mixing two wikis (without reading the discussion :p )17:01
flocculantha ha 17:01
knomenice curry aroma here17:02
knomeflocculant, anyway, about the other testing pages...17:02
knomeflocculant, i would probably just remove the hw pages if those aren't actively used17:03
knomeflocculant, that said, if we figure out an active use for them, we likely want to move them to the new wiki because that's so much faster and we can control the stuff ourself17:03
flocculantone is definitely pointless the other doesn't even have the QA lead on it 17:03
knomewe can point those pages to the contributor docs17:04
knomeso people who access them aren't left in the cold17:04
flocculantmove https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/TeamHardware to us17:04
flocculantkill the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/HardwareProfile 17:04
knomeflocculant, would http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-team.html be a fair target for the redirect?17:05
knomeanyway, dinner time17:05
flocculantnot sure what you mean - ping me later17:05
knomeflocculant, i mean that when i "delete" the page, i could instead just point it to some other location17:15
knomethat would have somewhat relevant information17:15
knomeif somebody ends up to that page17:15
flocculantcan you not redirect to our wiki copy? 17:16
flocculantrather than docs17:16
knomeflocculant, for the "kill"?17:16
flocculantoh sorry - thought you meant the other :D17:16
knomeno, that i will of course redirect to the new page17:16
flocculanthang on - I think it's a copy of something else :p17:16
flocculantredirect to there :)17:18
knomei will17:18
flocculantyou can see where I've been on that page pretty easily :)17:18
flocculantwhat our qa docs don't have is anything about ordinary testers really17:19
flocculantthe qa team page is really really qa team 17:20
flocculantmight get one done soonish - so it can all be up to date by release time17:21
flocculantI have another thing to add to the team page responsibility wise17:21
knomeremember we can update the website docs whenever we want17:21
flocculantI didn't know that :)17:22
flocculantI think I'll do that 'really' soon17:23
flocculantthen include link to that moved page17:23
knomedocs. is now on the dev server17:23
knomeso if you need anything changed there, you can ping me, pleia2 or ubottu 17:23
knomeUnit193 rather17:23
flocculantok - well I'll get this all done - then it can be updated, cos chapter 3 current is really chapter 6 ;)17:24
knomelet's coordinate that then17:24
flocculantI'll make a start today on that17:25
flocculantI'll even add it as a task so I can look good :p17:25
flocculantknome: mmm - so much of what I'll put in this tester page will link to places that exist in http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/common-reference.html#qa-team-links17:33
flocculantso that will then end up with next to nothing in it 17:33
flocculantthat's not referenced somewhere else - any need to keep that #qa-links do you think seperately? 17:34
knomeso let's see..17:51
flocculantknome: do you mean wait and see? 18:10
flocculantwfm if so :)18:10
knomefor you, yes18:13
knomeadding the redirect next18:13
knomeand done18:14
flocculantjust thought of a relevant point here18:14
knomewhich is?18:15
flocculantif I say to people - hey there is this list which we use to point specific people at testing things - they can't edit it ... 18:15
knometrue, but they can't edit in the ubuntu wiki either if they aren't on the right teams18:16
flocculantnot as simply as people can wiki.u.c18:16
knomeand the page is (at least so far) team hardware18:16
flocculantknome: yea - only really because way back it was a 'oh crud really need to get *this* tested on *that* - who in team can we pester18:16
flocculantbut to be really useful it would be nice to tie active testers there18:17
knomepractically i don't see this as a big problem - those who we can depend on situations where we need exact testing are limited in quantity18:17
flocculantI guess asking to edit that would lose the not active people 18:17
flocculantyea - same point :)18:18
knomewell, just tell them to be in touch with ~xubuntu-website and we'll create accounts for them18:18
flocculantand will have read the dev docs - so not *just* drive by testers 18:18
knomewe'll have to consider the registration18:18
knomebut yeah18:18
knomeso far point people to -web18:19
flocculantfor the moment - not a major issue thinking more :D18:19
flocculantanyway - thanks for doing that - means I have the link :p18:19
knomeyep, no18:19
flocculantdinner time now 18:19
knomebon appetit18:19
knomeflocculant, for when you get back...18:22
knomeflocculant, since https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/ is practically orphan now, do you want it to be redirected to the website page it has a link to right now, or to the contributor docs?18:22
knomeflocculant, or the new wiki landing page (which is quite quiet so far)18:23
flocculantknome: I just need to be able to get at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/ReleaseNoteBase18:24
knomeflocculant, i'll likely move it to Toolbox, but i'll poke you again then18:24
flocculantwhen I say dinner time - I mean in and out while I'm doing it18:24
knomeand removing that page doesn't stop you from getting there anyway18:24
knomeit's just a page without a parent18:24
flocculantyea ofc - just making it plain I need it :D 18:24
knomewell, a page with a parent that has a redirect...18:24
knomeso where to point that?18:25
flocculanthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/ > contributor docs please :)18:25
knomehttp://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-team.html this one?18:25
flocculantit'll be qa-tester when it's there 18:26
knomeah, ok18:26
knomei'll just point it there already...18:26
flocculantwhich will be chapter*1* of the qa stuff18:26
knomeand done18:27
flocculantso testers - iso's - bugs - team 18:27
flocculantis the order 18:27
knomeit's -tester now18:27
knomeshould it be +s?18:27
flocculantcool - ty :)18:27
flocculantthe file is tester18:27
flocculantbut can be +s :)18:28
knomeit's tester now! :P18:28
flocculantor testerooney :D18:28
flocculantha ha ha 18:28
knomeneither testerole18:28
knomesee what i did there18:28
flocculant :)18:32
knomebluesabre, interesting discussion on -release18:46
flocculantdavmor2 dkessel - upgraded 15.10 to 16.04 without apparent issue here jfi19:09
davmor2flocculant: nice I'll do a run after I still think it is gcc that is biting us which would make sense as 14.04.4 is the much older version that is incompatible with the one in 15.10/16.04 but we'll see19:11
flocculantyep - just thought I would let you know :)19:13
davmor2flocculant: thanks19:14
pavlushkaflocculant, you there?19:35
flocculantalways - but often got time to talk to people as well :)19:36
pavlushkalol, if you please tell me a little in details about the email you sent to the mailing list about package tracker.19:37
flocculantpavlushka: have you been to the package tracker? 19:38
flocculantok - so it is split into sections19:38
pavlushkaI can see that19:39
flocculantthe top section - all of those 7 have bugs listed against them19:39
pavlushkadifferent category, different priority.19:39
flocculantbasically test those applications - see if you can confirm the bug(s)19:40
pavlushkagot it.19:40
flocculantit's been a while since I called for package testing - there have been lots of updates since then19:40
flocculantthen report on the tracker - if you see the same bug - use the number listed19:40
flocculantfor example19:41
flocculantright at the bottom - all the bugs people have seen19:41
flocculantthose need confirming again 19:41
flocculantyou can 'me too' a bug - but most importantly - report on the tracker 19:42
pavlushkaon it19:42
flocculantthat is where I look19:42
pavlushkaI might ask you if I had any confusions later about it.19:44
flocculantyea that's fine :)19:44
pavlushkathat's great for me, :)19:45
flocculantI'm about for 19:45
flocculantI'm about for ~2 or 3 hours19:46
flocculantknome: well that was hard work with me and bazaar for a minute there ... try and remember bzr add next time ...20:17
flocculantanyway - done that now - index is right too20:17
knomehahah :)20:31
flocculantknome: I assume that docs update will grab the newest dvd/encryption stuff too? 20:42
flocculantok ... 20:43
knomebecause the 16.04 user docs aren't up already20:43
flocculantoh right20:44
flocculantbut they are on the iso? 20:44
knomedon't know if bluesabre and slickymaster coordinated a docs upload already20:44
knomeyeah, three days ago20:45
knomewell i did know20:45
knomejust didn't remember...20:45
knomeand no, the dvd stuff isn't in yet20:46
knomethat was merged after the upload20:46
knomebluesabre, doc string freeze is this thursday, let's do another -docs upload on wednesday20:46
knomeflocculant, there ^20:46
krytenknome: That doesn't matter for that though.20:47
flocculantkryten: what doesn't matter? 20:47
knomekryten, string changes aren't subject to string freeze? o.O20:47
flocculantknome: ack all that20:47
knomekryten, i acknowledge they are "bug fixes", but otoh, the freeze is there also for translations20:47
knomekryten, technically, it doesn't block translators from doing their thing, but socially, i think it's good to do the upload before the freeze20:48
knomewe don't like others breaking freezes, and we shouldn't do that ourself, even if it only concerned us20:49
flocculantso the end result of that is 'Wednesday' I think :)20:52
krytenknome: I agree that it's nice to do an upload when the final translation period begins, but wouldn't it make more sense to do that *after* the freeze then? :P20:53
knomewell, the process is that you do it before freeze because after that everything is frozen...20:54
knomethat's just how it goes20:54
krytenThe strings are frozen.20:54
knomewell, for us, practically, yes20:55
knomebut we can change them before thursday as much as we want20:55
knomei guess this is minutiae related to the freeze process and customs20:56
flocculantoh good20:56
knomeall freezes work in the "upload before freeze" way20:56
knomeif you want to land a feature, you will need to land it before the freeze20:56
knomenot upload it after the freeze20:56
knomekryten, then there's of course the other freeze for translations20:57
flocculantgoing to change all the the's to teh's and see if kryten notices 20:57
Unit193knome: Right, but IMO that's a bit different, feature freeze that is.  String freeze is so translators don't have to hit a moving target.21:00
knomeUnit193, ack, but as i said, i don't think the question is technical but social21:01
knomethe fact that something is available and translatable somewhere is different than uploaded in the distro21:01
Unit193Sure, but that's to address the latter arguments.21:01
knomeagain practically not, but socially it means much that we put our work out and let everybody know what we're going with21:02
knomei understand your point and don't really even disagree21:02
knomebut if we have upload permissions for the package and are not so limited in time that we really just can't get it in, it's good for all preparation to just do it21:02
ochosibluesabre: obviously! it's the gtk3 port that goes along with xfce 4.14 ;)21:28
knomeflocculant, Unit193, kryten: we should take it here though21:41
knomebut a target for .1, what about that?21:41
Unit193flocculant: Right, and at this point can't really fine tune it anyway.21:41
flocculantUnit193: ack21:41
flocculantknome: *shrug* 21:42
knomefreeze periods are shorter for .1, so a lot of time to tune it too21:42
knomeor it can be any other time we want to push it out, between main release and .1 too21:42
flocculantlet's wait and see what happens this week21:42
knomeagain just laying out potential options we might have to consider21:42
knomeso it's not "all lost" even we don't make main release day21:43
flocculantyea ofc21:43
* knome wants things to happen more than find guilty people ;)21:43
flocculantmyth didn't make release day with their 14.04 21:43
knomethat's been done before21:43
knomeand this isn't ever our main image21:43
flocculantyea - same - couldn't care what *happened* 21:44
flocculantjust not going to say yea ok if I'm not happy is all :)21:44
Unit193Little time to fine tune so that's not really great from my/dev standpoint, and of course I'll defer to flocculant anyway.21:44
flocculant.1 would be August ish? 21:44
knome.2 februaryish21:45
knomeat least if the schedule is sameish to 14.04.xish21:45
Unit193Point releases are created differently, sooo.  Will have to diff the manifest.21:45
knomeUnit193, technical issue, that's overcomableish21:46
flocculantright so - given b2 is next week and release is only 6 weeks - not going to be fun21:46
knomeyes, that's why i brought up .1 already, even if we got base for b221:46
flocculantif it makes it easier from the dev side (assuming assumptions) to do it for April - then we can but try21:47
flocculantit depends on what response we get21:47
flocculantI'd be much less happy +1ing core with 2 or 3 reports than I would the main images21:48
Unit193flocculant: Know of "anything wrong" with the current installer?21:48
knomethere's still a lot of variables, so releasing base with the main images in april totally isn't impossible either21:48
flocculantbut if we managed to get it right pre RC - that's 2 weeks to hack at testing it21:49
flocculantUnit193: the normal image one - or the debian one ? 21:49
flocculantnothing major that I know of21:49
flocculantvbox things - but I ignore those anyway21:50
flocculantswap issues for some21:51
flocculantencryption oddities 21:52
flocculantbut some of these are drive-by's - no idea who they are, no idea of the veracity of the claims21:52
flocculantsome random guy called bluesomething had the swap issue 21:53
Unit193blueninja, weird fella.21:53
flocculantfor sure21:53
flocculantso - basically at this point - our main images from ubiquity are in good shape21:54
flocculantI can get 15.10 to upgrade21:54
flocculantno-one can get 14.04 to upgrade21:54
flocculantnot looked at core for months so no real idea tbh21:54
Unit193Sorry for not giving details, but all I got is "attempted to install, but the installer crashed twice. It is a dual boot with Windows XP, with a custom /boot en / partition. Oh, and I installed from flash drive, vreated using Unetbootin 613."21:54
flocculantis more or less where we stand currently21:55
Unit193flocculant: Nono, that's fine.  Slicky has been really handy there.21:55
flocculantyep I know :)21:55
flocculantI do notice that stuff going on 21:55
flocculantUnit193: ^^ that from the mail you got? 21:55
flocculantto be frank - are we still install xubuntu-minimal or whatever the task is in tasksel from the mini.iso? 21:56
Unit193flocculant: Yeah, rebuilding the iso then going to respond trying to get some deailts/logs.  Just figured I'd poke you first and see if you knew of a global issue.21:56
flocculantnope 21:56
flocculantbut doesn't it use d-i not ubiquity? 21:56
Unit193My images.21:57
flocculantoh right - so ubiquity then21:57
flocculantI kind of ignored it waiting for the image to be built like the rest :)21:57
flocculantUnit193: where are they? I can run them tomorrow here on hardware 21:58
Unit193flocculant: You really don't need to, my problem.  But, https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/pending/21:58
flocculantnot a problem running them to see where it stands :)21:59
Unit193New isos up any minute, when amd64 finishes.22:00
Unit193Well, thanks then.22:01
flocculantnp :)22:02
Unit193I presume you don't need a CC?22:05
flocculantwhat's that?22:05
Unit193Sending a reply now anyway, could carbon copy you.22:05
flocculantoh right - nah22:05
flocculantif there's something I need to know I'm sure you'll tell me :)22:06
flocculantanyway - going to crash now, I'll zsync them both tomorrow and have a look see what gives :)22:06
bluesabreknome: I see some conversation re base and snappy, that?22:13
knomebluesabre, -docs upload before thursday?22:13
knomebluesabre, need to land a few things before that though22:14
bluesabreknome: yes, saw that ping here, will upload wednesday22:15
ochosihumm, i'm still reviewing the delta between the mimetype folders22:18
ochosieven just reviewing that is a fair amount of work22:18
ochosialso not sure what sizes to care about the most22:19
ochosibut i guess 48px22:19
ochosithink i'll merge and do some cleanups later...22:39
bluesabreochosi: keep me posted23:33

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