
sam__344Hi. I asked this last night but maybe everyone was asleep00:30
sam__344Is there a trick to running "juju quickstart mediawiki-single"00:30
sam__344under virtualbox using Ubuntu 14.04..00:30
sam__344Both the computer and the virtualized computer are Ubuntu 14.0400:31
sam__344It just hangs on machine 1 provisioning is pending00:31
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BlackDexsam__344: Did you start the second box? Is it running via maas? etc..07:27
sam__344BlackDex: I did nothing but follow the instructions here, up to step #2. https://jujucharms.com/get-started07:29
sam__344I'm running it inside virtual box, not deploying to virtualbox07:29
BlackDexAh, so the machine you need to deploy it to is bare-metal07:30
sam__344Well I'm just playing with it for fun. But I don't want it to mess up my laptop so I'm using VirtualBox. I'd expect it to just work the same as if I was following the directions directly on my laptop07:31
BlackDexif you just select the create a local environment07:32
BlackDexYou need to have JuJu know where to deploy stuff to. That may be virtual, lxc, bare-metal, cloud etc..07:33
sam__344okay. So what should I type instead of "juju quickstart mediawiki-single"07:34
sam__344By the way BlackDex - I just rebooted the virtual machine and tried it again. Got  INFO jujuclient:328 Juju upgrade in progress...07:36
sam__344over and over again07:36
sam__344until finally "juju-quickstart: error: cannot retrieve the environment type: upgrade in progress - Juju functionality is limited"07:36
BlackDexthat is strange08:07
BlackDexnever did a local deploy btw08:07
BlackDexHello there, on my setup juju seems to timeout after a while. The bootstrap node is running on a KVM-Instance and can connect to MAAS etc.. the deployed nodes are also receiving commands from juju, but after a while it seems to stop08:45
BlackDexif i then reboot the bootstrape node, some of those machines come to life without doing anything.08:46
BlackDexIs this a problem with the juju-api or mongodb? what can i do to try and solve this?08:46
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shruthimaHi, We are developing IBM HTTP Server as subordinate charm we want to test the charm with ubuntu-devenv .((http server is a webserver which can be used by other  ibm products Eg: WAS .we are developing it as a layer and decide to use http interface which is present in interfaces.juju.solutions.)) so could you please include http interface in ubuntu-devenv metadata.yaml file under provides...//?13:11
marcoceppishruthima: what is ubuntu-devenv? Do you have a link to it somewhere?13:18
shruthimathis is the link  https://jujucharms.com/u/kwmonroe/ubuntu-devenv/trusty/5/13:21
iceyany chance of get ting https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.macnaughton/charm-helpers/pids-can-be-a-list/+merge/288014 reviewed soon?13:21
beisnericey, i'll review/comment13:22
iceythanks beisner :)13:23
cory_fushruthima: I'm not sure that ubuntu-devenv makes sense to support the http interface, as it provides a developer environment and not anything related to HTTP or web services.  Maybe it would make more sense to test the IBM HTTP server with the existing haproxy charm?13:24
shruthimaok will explore on how i can use haproxy charm to test http server . if any queries il get back . Thank you :)13:29
beisnercoreycb, thx for the swift-* reviews.  with your +1 and the full test pass, i think we're clear to land those, yah?13:40
coreycbbeisner, yes I think so13:41
coreycbbeisner, I've also tested with jamespages nova-cc patch successfully but that should probably have a more active charmer review it13:43
beisnercoreycb, yep thedac is queued up on the n-c-c review.13:45
beisnericey, remind me, which charm test were you updating to take that list validation?13:58
iceya ceph-mon test13:59
iceybeisner: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/287446/7/tests/basic_deployment.py14:00
iceyline 185, changed from {'ceph-osd': 2} to {'ceph-osd': True}14:00
iceywould rather be: {'ceph-osd': [2, 3]}14:01
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beisnericey, thx. see review comment.14:14
iceybeisner: saw it, thanks14:14
beisnericey, i'd be +1 to rename to just e_pids in that whole method14:17
beisneras it's also a funky name for the existing bool scenario14:17
beisnericey, or just "expected"14:17
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narinderguptajujucharms.com is down14:48
urulama_narindergupta: seems a company network issue, we're looking into it14:49
urulama_narindergupta: thanks14:49
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narinderguptaurulama: thanks14:50
magicaltroutthis is why juju needs multicloud models, so you can fail over outside of the core network ;)14:54
rick_h__magicaltrout: :)14:55
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jcastrojamespage: do you have the bundle you used openstack on your laptop in brussels pushed somewhere?15:22
jcastroI'm ready to melt my PC15:23
marcoceppijcastro: I think jamespage is on vacay15:24
lazyPowermarcoceppi - do we know if 1.25.x is capable of using the devel channel in the store or is that a 2.0+ only feature?15:28
marcoceppilazyPower: no idea, urulama ^?15:28
urulamalazyPower: 2.0 only15:29
lazyPowerack, ta15:29
gnuoytinwood, novaclient.v1_1.client fix landed15:35
tinwoodgreat stuff.  Thanks gnuoy!15:35
damesbeisner: you said jamespage's nova-cc PR has already passed full amulet tests? Or I need to just aprove the workflow bit?15:55
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beisnerthedac, re: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/291721/   Yep, if you're not seeing it, hit the Toggle CI button to expand the history a bit.15:56
beisnerthedac, my only hold-back was the self-comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/291721/1/hooks/nova_cc_hooks.py15:56
lazyPowerjcastro - bite sized PR if you have a moment to TAL - https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-logstash-core/pull/116:05
jcastro+    juju deploy ~containers/bundle/logstash-core16:06
jcastrois that right? wouldn't it not be in the containers namespace?16:06
lazyPowerthats what works today16:06
lazyPowerwhen is promulgated, either/or16:06
lazyPowerwait, i just committed an act of heresy, i just reference a bundle as "promulgated"16:07
beisnerthedac, fyi it'll take a code-review +2 along with that workflow +1 to trigger the merge.  lmk if you don't have privs for the +2.16:07
jcastroit just seems that you would document where it will be at with a clean namespace16:07
lazyPowerif it doesn't work in a copy/pasteable format, i'm hesitant to plug it in there ya know?16:07
jcastrowho is going to remember ~containers/logstash-core?16:07
jcastroI just want to remember logstash-core16:07
thedacbeisner: I do. I am going to respond back to jamespage about the liberty-> mitaka upgrade path.16:07
lazyPoweralso jcastro - should i rename it ot elastic-stack?16:07
beisnerthedac, ok cool, thx16:07
lazyPoweror elk-stack?16:07
lazyPowerok, will rename the repository after PR feedback, already updating the README16:08
jcastrolooking at the bundle, one charm is in ~containers, one's in the promulgated store, and the jdk is in kwmonroe's personal namespace16:09
jcastronod, don't block on me16:11
jcastroI'm just saying we should be pushing for bundles using reviewed charms, not that I don't trusty kev, heh16:12
lazyPowerits in the revq ;)16:12
lazyPowercurrently at what? #7?16:12
kwmonroelazyPower: 'zulu8' is a drop-in layered promulgated openjdk replacement if you'd rather use that.16:12
jcastroheh, he just went from reviewing a readme diff to "retest the whole thing with a new java layer"16:13
lazyPowerjcastro - this is all pretext work to propose for ~charmer, things have to work when you submit for review or we tend to nack them. charms are never done after all ;)16:13
lazyPowerkwmonroe - you're not helping me by adding work16:13
lazyPowerbut thats easily done16:13
lazyPoweractually, kwmonroe - want me to kick the tires on testing that?16:14
kwmonroetesting what?  java is java.  just use it: https://jujucharms.com/zulu8/16:14
kwmonroeAMIRITE MATT?!?!16:14
lazyPowerthe one day java was set up for a slam dunk, and matt is in Hawaii16:15
kwmonroeno doubt16:15
* lazyPower grins at the irony16:15
magicaltrouti read ironing16:16
magicaltroutwhich was a little odd16:16
thedacgnuoy: I am thinking the keystone case issue, a compromise would be not to create as lowercase but in the checks. read only. I see that keystone/hooks/manager.py may be partialy at fault.16:26
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gnuoythedac, sorry, you're suggesting we create case sensitive but read case-insensitive ?16:31
thedacgnuoy: yes, one sec16:32
thedacgnuoy: something like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15393100/16:33
gnuoythedac, that makes sense to me16:36
thedacgnuoy: ok, I'll submit a pull request16:36
cholcombebeisner, looks like the tests on the ceph-osd charm were deploying the wrong services16:37
stokachuwhen you destroy-model the model still shows up in list-models but as 'no longer alive'16:37
stokachuis this expected?16:37
cholcombebeisner, it was deploying ceph and not ceph-mon16:37
beisnercholcombe, indeed.  the test in ceph-osd deploys the ceph charm.  https://github.com/openstack/charm-ceph-osd/blob/master/tests/basic_deployment.py#L4716:38
stokachunm found the bug16:38
cholcombebeisner, yeah i changed it to ceph-mon which should fix the problem16:39
beisnercholcombe, ok.  be aware, that marks the beginning of the end of ceph+ceph-osd functional integration.   i'd suggest that we add ceph-osd to the ceph charm's amulet test @ https://github.com/openstack/charm-ceph/blob/master/tests/basic_deployment.py#L47 right along with these changes so we don't completely lose coverage.16:41
cholcombebeisner, yeah goo dpoint16:41
cholcombebeisner, yeah i'll cut a branch for that integration16:42
beisnercholcombe, sweet, thanks16:42
thedacgnuoy: fyi: https://review.openstack.org/29304316:57
jcastromarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/155763317:03
mupBug #1557633: status has duplicate entries for relationships <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557633>17:03
jcastrolook at how huge that list ended up being17:03
thedacmarcoceppi: nuage charms:17:05
gnuoytinwood, +2'd your keystone change. Thanks for all your work on that17:13
tinwoodgnuoy, sadly OSCI doesn't agree!  (I'm guessing keystone auth problems).17:14
beisnertinwood, gnuoy - hook failed: "install" for trusty and wily on that keystone change, inspecting unit logs now..17:15
tinwoodthanks beisner17:16
beisnertinwood, gnuoy 2016-03-15 17:09:55 INFO install ImportError: cannot import name get_admin_domain_id17:16
tinwoodbeisner, oo, nasty - that must be me.17:17
beisnertinwood, gnuoy - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15393468/17:17
beisnergnuoy, gotta wait for both "Jenkins" and "Canonical CI" to +117:17
beisnerlooks like patchset 3 is the culprit17:18
tinwoodI will check and get back to you both.  My box is broken (until I can get an install of amulet working).17:18
tinwoodyeah, definitely me with merge conflicts.  However, there's no test for get_admin_domain_id() - i.e. it passes unit tests.  I'll dig into that too.17:20
cholcombebeisner, where does amulet get ceph-mon from?17:24
cholcombebeisner, i realize this is a vague question haha.  What i'm wondering is which version of ceph-mon is it using.  There's a few different ceph-mon's under different namespaces17:25
beisnercholcombe, if it's in other_services, launchpad.   if it's the ceph-mon charm test itself, it gets it from wherever the change originated (refspec)17:25
cholcombebeisner, yeah it's in other_services17:25
beisnercholcombe, it should be pulling from ceph-mon/next17:25
cholcombebeisner, ok that's what i was wondering.  I'm failing to deploy on precise and I'm wondering if it exists17:26
beisnercholcombe, it uses the trusty charm for everything currently (precise through xenial)17:26
cholcombebeisner, hmm ok17:26
cholcombei must've broken something then17:26
bdxwhats up everyone? I'm trying to bootstrap lxd provider using juju2, does anyone know where I can find an example of a config.yaml to feed juju2?17:33
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iceybdx `juju bootstrap lxd lxd --upload-tools --config="default-series=trusty"` is what I've been doing17:47
iceyanybody have suggestions for subordinate charms being a mix of layered and old-school charms?17:47
bdxicey: thanks17:48
marcoceppithedac: thanks17:48
marcoceppithedac: these are already promulgated though?17:49
thedacmarcoceppi: I suspected that. jamespage promulgated them last week. Again I am trying to get straight the review process for future changes to those charms.17:49
marcoceppithedac: yes, so that's not 100% clear, I'll look into it to find out exactly how they were uploaded, etc17:50
thedacSounds like http://review.juju.solutions/ will be (but is not yet) the correct location for nuage (or anyone else) to submit change proumulgation requests. Is that correct?17:50
thedacmarcoceppi: ok, thanks. We could surely use some documentation on this. That or I have not had enough coffee today.17:51
marcoceppithedac: documentation definitely, we're locking down a new reviewqueue with the new charm command due out this month (charm command)17:52
marcoceppithedac: but basically yes, nuage, or whomever, would upload charms to their development channel - since those charms are promulgated, they'll have to got through a review to get them published to the stable channel17:52
marcoceppibut development will be done wherever the code for the charm lives, where previously anyone could contribute by just opening a merge requests against an lp branch17:53
marcoceppiso if they house the code for teh charms in gerrit, or github, or lp, that's where people will contribute to, and it's up to them to do uploading/submitting to the store17:53
tinwoodyay! amulet reinstalls under xenial :)18:05
cory_furick_h__: Hey.  Has anyone suggested adding a message param to `charm publish` so that we can indicate just what is included in the new rev?18:08
urulamacory_fu: yes, that part is still missing18:09
rick_h__cory_fu: yes, it's supposed to be updated to take one like a 'commit message'18:09
cory_fuOk, cool, so it's already planned.  Nice18:09
cory_fuI'm finding that the lack of info about the charm revs is making my development process more difficult because I can't recall what I've released when18:10
beisnertinwood, just to confirm, we need to tackle keystone @ master as a crit.  she's bust.18:12
beisnertinwood, ie.  with keystone install hook failing, all other amulet tests for other peeps will also be blocked.18:14
beisnertinwood, two paths forward:  post a change to fix it, or post a change to revert that last one.  whaddaya think?18:14
tinwoodbeisner, I've sorted it out.  I'm just finishing the merge and will push again.18:14
beisnertinwood, awesome18:15
bdxcharmers, core, dev: I see spaces can be assigned like so -> juju deploy mysql --bind "server=database cluster=internal"18:22
bdxcharmers, core, dev: does this indicate that I should have an affinity between subnets and spaces?18:22
bdxcharmers, core, dev: if my space-0 has multiple subnets e.g http://paste.ubuntu.com/15393950/18:23
bdxcharmers, core, dev: how can I `bind` a specific subnet in a space? .... Is this a thing yet?18:23
tinwoodbeisner, it seems that my review is closed.  Do I need to branch again and push a new review?18:24
lazyPowerbdx - I would redirect that at the list. The primary author of the spaces feature is in EU time, and is the most well equipped to answer those questions18:25
bdxlazyPower: totally, thanks18:26
tinwoodbeisner, or do I hit the revert button?18:26
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beisnertinwood-dinner, since that change was merged, it'll have to be a separate proposal18:56
tinwood-dinnerOkay, will do. Just finishing eating.18:56
beisnerme too18:57
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tinwoodbeisner, I'm just running some tests to make sure it is all still okay.  Be about 5-10 minutes for the review to pop up (I hope!)19:26
beisnertinwood, excellent, thank you19:27
cory_fubcsaller: I went ahead and added the --show-report option to charm-build: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/13519:34
bcsallercory_fu: utils.delta_signatures wasn't helpful there? (thanks btw :)19:38
cory_fuIt probably would have been19:38
bcsallerthe validate method above this commit is similar, but not the same19:38
cory_fubcsaller: Ah, yeah.  delta_sigs checks if the files on disk don't match the manifest, but by the time the files on disk are updated, the manifest has been overwritten as well.  I guess I could call report before write_signatures19:40
cory_fuI could do the same with clean_removed.  Hrm19:41
pmatulisshould this "just work"? i get 'ERROR cmd supercommand.go:448 no registered provider for "lxd"' : 'juju bootstrap mycontroller lxd'19:45
tinwoodbeisner, it's gone up and failed it's CI?  It failed very quickly, so I'm wondering if that's because it's blocked?19:47
beisnertinwood, fail fast ;-)  ...19:49
* beisner looks19:49
marcoceppitinwood: yeah, sorry about that, amulet is fixed again though19:58
marcoceppipmatulis: what version of Ubuntu?19:58
tinwoodbeisner, hey, no that's fine.  This is, after all, of my doing sadly.19:58
pmatulismarcoceppi: 2.0-beta2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1~juju119:59
pmatulissorry, Xenial19:59
marcoceppipmatulis: when do you get that error? is there a bunch of text first or is it almost immediately, if it's the former --upload-tools is needed for now, otherwise that's another issue20:00
pmatulismarcoceppi: oh yeah, it runs for a good while20:01
pmatulismarcoceppi: lemme try --upload-tools . why do i need that again? b/c it tries to use a trusty container?20:01
beisnertinwood, unit test really did fail on that20:01
marcoceppipmatulis: because the trusty agent doesn't have lxd provider compiled in20:02
tinwoodbeisner, hmm, strange, everything passed on my bastion.  what was the problem?20:02
pmatulismarcoceppi: roger. trying now...20:02
beisnertinwood, see priv channel for priv link20:03
iceybeisner: any chance on more review on https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.macnaughton/charm-helpers/pids-can-be-a-list/+merge/288014 ?20:03
pmatulismarcoceppi: thank you - works20:06
beisnericey, on a hot issue atm, will circle back20:08
cory_fubcsaller: Actually, I can't use delta_signatures for clean_removed after all, because the whole point is that they don't get removed, so d_s won't pick them up.  :/20:08
iceyno worries beisner20:08
bcsallercory_fu: :-/20:09
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lazyPowerjcastro - how much ram do you ahve in your rig? and what did resource usage look like  with openstack in lxd on your lappy?20:48
cory_fubcsaller: PR updated20:52
cory_fuAlso, lazyPower and marcoceppi, since you both commented20:52
cory_fumarcoceppi: Your :BOAT: didn't sail.  ;)20:53
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roryschrammis it possible to specify a custom apt repository when juju deploys an app to an lxc container? ie the lxc container will use http://myrepo/ubuntu in /etc/apt/sources.list21:49
stubroryschramm: Not globally. Each charm needs to add its required custom repositories. Charms that need custom repositories generally provide a config item for them (or hard code them).22:40
stubroryschramm: You might also find the apt_ environment settings in your juju environment can help (eg. juju set-env apt-mirror=...)22:42
roryschrammaha the apt-mirror setting is what i was looking for22:44
roryschrammwill that override the default repos in the trusty lxc image?22:45

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