
yofelbecause when kwin was built, not all archs had the same version of plasma-workspace00:00
yofeland the tests are architecture specific00:00
yofelexcept that I'm utterly clueless how to tell britney that it should disregard the test results for plasma-workspace 5.400:02
yofelI'll leave that to pitti..00:02
sgclarkso plasma-workspace 5.4.3 triggered kwin 5.5.4 on armhf because dependency version was not set or ?00:02
yofelthe other way around00:02
sgclarkkwin 5.5.4 triggered plasma-workspace 5.4.3 ?00:03
sgclarkusing kwin 5.5.4? build dep?00:03
yofelyes, that's the 4th build from the top00:04
sgclarkI rather think that will fail00:04
yofelwell, it did :D00:04
sgclarkso what can we do to stop the madness? set versions?00:04
yofelno idea, that's the problem00:04
sgclarkah ok, well we are on the same page of unknown then00:05
sgclarkthanks for the explanation00:05
yofelyou *can* re-run a test, that's what the retry button on the excuses page does. But it will still use the same trigger00:05
yofelwhich is no help at all00:05
sgclarkoh ouch.00:06
yofelwell, in the meantime we can fix the tests that are actually broken - like kopete00:10
yofeland there's dependency issues with breeze00:11
yofelat least the release team deleted the NBS packages themselves00:11
yofelno binary source - packages in the archive that have no source that they're built from anymore. e.g. packages that you removed from a control file (like kdepim-dbg this time etc.)00:14
yofelcantor-backend-maxima/s390x unsatisfiable Depends: maxima00:16
yofelaaargh. Who came up with the idea to support System z00:16
sgclarkmaxima is not something we have control over is it? is there a way to block an arch per package?00:18
yofelthat's what I'm trying to remember. You *can* just list the allowed architectures. But I would rather just blacklist s390x if that's a thing00:19
sgclarkI see now why they were reluctant to approve our Ffe. What a mess. There has got to be a way for us to know prior to release that our autopkgtests will fail? Is that not covered in the CI? Or is it due to their system being complex?00:25
yofeldoesn't look like it, bummer00:25
sgclarkus not having the different arch's I guess we can do nothing about00:26
sgclarkoh :(00:26
yofelnot covered in CI and system being compley00:26
yofelright, that's just what you have to live with. Qemu can go some way, and I can debug armhf on my raspi. But that's about it00:26
yofelOTOH, we already had like ubuntu20 or so uploads to the archive, exactly for such reasons00:28
* yofel remembers kde-workspace *shudder*00:29
yofellets see if I got this right00:29
yofeloh my, I completely missed the clock00:34
* yofel -> bed00:34
tgBot<ovidiuflorin>: undefined02:37
tgBot<ovidiuflorin>: Can someone please copy the irc status in Telegram?02:38
tgBot<ovidiuflorin>: Or just în irc, as a message02:39
valorieagain, can you say what you mean by status?02:40
vertago1Have any of you all upgraded to xenail?04:00
valoriemy travel notebook is on xenial04:01
vertago1does plasmashell crash as soon as you login every time?04:02
vertago1I am trying to figure out if there is something in my .kde folder messing it up. It looks like baloo is what is crashing though04:02
valorieplasma hasn't crashed for me for about a year04:03
vertago1do you start with a clean home directory with every install?04:03
vertago1or upgrade04:04
valorielook in ~/.local and ~/.config04:04
valorie~/.kde is only used for kde4 applications now04:04
valorievertago1: on an install, I have a fresh /home04:05
valorienot upgrade04:05
valorieand to xenial was an upgrade04:05
valorieif you think it is a config problem, test with a new user04:05
vertago1do you disable baloo or let it run?04:05
valorielet it run04:06
valoriehaven't messed with it for over a year04:06
vertago1I usually disable it because I would have to reorganize my files to keep it from indexing large directories of source code04:07
valorieyou can just disallow those I believe?04:07
vertago1right, but that would take a while I don't have just one04:07
vertago1and I would have to do it on almost every machine04:08
vertago1plus if I clear my settings ever I have to do it again04:08
vertago1the easiest thing to do would be to put all that in one folder04:08
vertago1but then I would have to reorganize everything04:08
valorietesting with a new user is east04:09
valorieand it's just a test04:09
vertago1yeah I am going to see if the new session works04:09
vertago1it looks like it doesn't04:09
vertago1let me try on my other machine04:10
vertago1that one seems to be fine, so it is probably something wrong with this machine.04:11
vertago1hmm I cleared the .kde folder and it seems to be fine this time04:13
vertago1I figured I didn't need the kde4 stuff04:14
vertago1and could reconfigure the rest04:14
vertago1I have a backup if I really need it04:14
vertago1does /etc/init.d still get used or has everything moved over to systemd with 16.04?04:16
valorieI have one, but we've been on systemd for about a year04:19
valoriecontents: https://paste.kde.org/py7aq8jd204:21
vertago1arg why do these people have to make billions or trillions of files less than 4k04:28
valorieomg I've been registered longer than you04:29
valorietalk about geek cred!04:29
valorieoops, wrong chan, sorry04:29
vertago1I think my launchpad account is from 200704:29
valoriesorry, vertago1, I was talking to someone else about something else (registration on freenode)04:31
vertago1oh ok04:31
valorieI've been a member since 2013-05-20, but I don't know when I registered on lp04:32
valorieoops, that was kc membership04:32
valoriekubuntu membership: 2009-04-1104:32
valoriehow do you find where you registered on launchpad?04:35
vertago1you click your username at the top right04:35
vertago1my karma is probably pretty low for that though04:35
valoriethat 2009 must be it then04:36
valoriemy karma: 1904:37
valorieI don't do much on lp besides file bugs04:37
soeegood morning07:15
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Good morning folks, I was thinking of gathering in the BigBlueButton Suite tomorrow at 20:00 UTC for a bit of a chat about another Kubuntu Party..08:35
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Hopefully some of you can come along08:35
soeehiho :)10:18
* soee prefers green color but sees so much red here :)10:20
tgBot<ovidiuflorin>: @Sick_Rimmit make a event please11:26
BluesKajHiyas all12:20
clivejohi BluesKaj12:35
BluesKajhi clivejo12:43
tgBot<ovidiuflorin>: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Plasma 5.5.5: X/WIP, Plasma 5.5.4: X/archive, Apps 15.12.2: X/WIP, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging13:03
tgBot<ovidiuflorin>: @ovidiuflorin, pinned the message13:03
yofelA slightly shortened topic might make sense for Telegram. We change the topic all the time in here13:12
BluesKajyofel:  is this a bot or a user/dev posting?13:14
yofelThat's ovidiu doing stuff on Telegram13:15
yofelyou can pin messages in the latest version, which is the closest thing to a topic that you can get there13:15
BluesKajyofel:  but why is he postiing in #kubuntu and offtopic ?13:26
yofelbecause all those channels have Telegram channels linked to them now13:27
yofel(note that the messages are different)13:27
BluesKajwe don't irrelevant messages in #kubuntu and offtopioc13:29
yofelThat's a two way integration. So you can with people from Telegram on IRC and vice-versa13:31
yofel*can talk13:31
yofelI think lxd is making fun of me:16:14
yofel$ lxc launch ubuntu:xenial16:14
yofelCreating semiretired-philip16:14
BluesKajI'm disappointed there's no quicklaunch widget for the panel in 15.10, any alternatives ?17:25
mamarleyBluesKaj: Drag icons directly to the panel.17:25
BluesKajmamarley, the icons are too large, there's no control over placement in rows etc17:27
mamarleyThat is the best workaround I have figured out, anyway.17:27
BluesKajguess I'l just have tom use the favourites as my launcher17:29
BluesKajmamarley, odd because the quicklaunch and other missing widgets are back in Xenial 16.0417:34
mamarleyReally?  I never thought to check.17:35
BluesKajyup, I have Xenial on another partition17:35
mamarleyBluesKaj: The Quicklaunch widget appears to be the plasma-widgets-addons package.  Do you have that installed?17:41
BluesKajmamarley, I have the plasma-widgets-addons package installed, but quicklaunch isn't listed17:49
mamarleyHmm, not sure what changed then.17:49
tgBotintegram was added by: ovidiuflorin18:05
BluesKajmamarley, the quicklaunch becomes available in plasma 5.5.419:18
mamarleyAh, OK.  I guess a bunch of users complained and they brought it back.19:18
soeeyou like my links no? https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.3.php :D19:19
* mamarley slaps soee around a bit with a large trout.19:19
clivejopoor soee!!19:53
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: @ovidiuflorin Just thinking that perhaps we should not set an event for tomorrows debrief. As we don't want to invite everyone, and the G+ events have been linked to a Hangout.20:09
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Really I had just planned to gather the core team around planing the next party and get some thoughts and comments, on dates and content20:09
sgclarkeeeek, I am not ready! I wanted to create a starter vagrant.box and such, but been busy with my KDE hat.20:10
sgclarkalways something though.20:11
* sgclark looks for a time she is not busy20:11
tgBot<sgclark2>: Oh. Irc not come here?20:12
sick_rimmitsgclark: It's just a debrief, not another Packaging event yet20:12
sgclarkok cool20:12
* sgclark wipes the sweat beads off her forehead20:13
sick_rimmitI plan to do it again, but tomorrow is just us, so I can formulate a plan, and make a better job of it20:13
sgclarkyees, good plan20:13
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: https://kubuntu.org/news/a-big-blue-button/21:40
valoriesick_rimmit: you rock!21:50

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