
user1_how can download kubuntu lts 16.x? gui version   there seems no link on site01:19
squintyuser1:  install kubuntu-desktop after installing one of the offered releases or wait for the kubuntu release itself01:57
lotuspsychjeanyone talented in icon art, please help gnome software:03:08
ChibaPetWhat Gnome needs is some sanity. It doesn't need art, it needs a way to create launchers.03:20
ChibaPetI just burned way too much time trying to create a launcher for Minecraft on a family computer. It's insane.03:21
lotuspsychjeChibaPet: few weeks left for them to fix stuff :p03:21
ChibaPetlotuspsychje: This is an old design flaw. I'm not sure what the proper fix is, but it's certainly a bunch of new code that won't make it into any release in time.03:22
ChibaPetI'm just pondering this... I wasn't able to get the format right, evidently, despite my learning what the correct baroque path is for the .desktop file.03:23
ChibaPetA new person would be utterly unable to do this. I remember Gnome 2 making it relatively simple.03:23
lotuspsychjeChibaPet: yeah i messed around with those launcher icons in the past03:23
lotuspsychjethats true03:24
lotuspsychjebut hey, more stuff in linux isnt real easy03:24
ChibaPetGnome, though, is supposed to be a desktop for the masses.03:24
lotuspsychjeim already glad ubuntu is user friendly03:24
lotuspsychjealso true03:25
ChibaPetlotuspsychje: Do you know of a canonical (no pun intended) method for launching an arbitrary shell script or command-and-args from an icon?03:25
lotuspsychjeChibaPet: no sorry03:26
ChibaPetThe command is simple: "java -jar ~/.minecraft/launcher.jar"03:26
ChibaPetKnowing that ought to be enough for me to get a launcher on that computer's activities bar.03:27
lotuspsychjei see03:27
ChibaPetSo, *my* personal desktop environment uses dmenu. If I want minecraft, I hit meta-enter and type "minecraft" and, voila, I have launched Minecraft.03:28
lotuspsychjenice trick03:28
ChibaPetGnome is supposed to make things easy, for a range of possibly non-technical users. Launch without typing, for example.03:28
lotuspsychjeChibaPet: but i read an article, unity can drag n drop icons to desktop now- fix-03:29
ChibaPetlotuspsychje: Yeah, moving them to Unity is certainly an option.03:29
lotuspsychjeChibaPet: lets see what gnome 16.04 will give us, alot of articles lately on gnome devs working all kinds of stuff03:30
lotuspsychjegnome gaming, nautilus,gnome software,etc03:30
ChibaPetWe've got all the Gnome we'll have for launch. We're in a freeze for beta, aren't we?03:31
ChibaPetGoogle for "add item to activities in ubuntu gnome 3" is a fun exercise.03:32
lotuspsychjeim on unity, so ill skip :p03:32
lotuspsychjeChibaPet: check this out mate: http://news.softpedia.com/newsTag/GNOME%203.2003:33
ChibaPetHm, are we moving to 3.20 for 16.04? We seem to be on 3.18 now.03:34
lotuspsychjealot of 3.20 versions came up03:34
lotuspsychjethink final will get us nice surprises :p03:35
ChibaPetHm, I was using gnome-shell as a sort of index.03:35
ChibaPetI hope not! We're in a beta period. :P03:35
ChibaPetSurprises are not something to spring on a userbase right before a new LTS launches.03:35
ChibaPetThat's what interim versions are for.03:35
lotuspsychjeyeah but that doesnt mean it wont need bugging out, and revision things03:36
ChibaPetThe ony bump I'm hoping to see is for zfs, but I'm not actually impacted by any of the corner cases it addresses.03:38
ChibaPetthe upgrade, I mean03:38
ubottuFor information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS03:40
ChibaPetOoh, I hadn't seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/ZFS before. Really useful.03:45
lotuspsychje: )03:45
Oderushey. was just curious what happened to muon package manager with latest update in kubuntu?04:26
Oderusnow when i try to update it says i need to apt-get -f install. i tried that, it wants to uninstall kubuntu-full lol04:40
lotuspsychjeOderus: did you add ppa's of any kind?04:41
Oderusno but i did try to reinstall muon package manager but it wouldnt04:42
lotuspsychjeweird, muon is optional..04:43
lotuspsychjeOderus: show me your sources.list plz?04:44
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.04:45
Oderuswhat is the location of the file?04:46
lotuspsychjeOderus: /etc/apt04:48
lotuspsychjeOderus: your on proposed?04:51
Oderusshould i not be?04:52
lotuspsychjeOderus: things can breakage on proposed, did you upgrade from a previous ubuntu?04:52
Oderusyes at one time04:53
lotuspsychjeOderus: from wich version04:53
lotuspsychjeOderus: 15.04 is eol mate04:54
lotuspsychjeOderus: you had to move to 15.10 first right04:54
Oderusi must have, or maybe i was in 15.10 >.>04:54
lotuspsychjeOderus: i would recommend a clean install mate04:54
Oderuswahhhhh ok lol04:55
lotuspsychjeOderus: this is still development phase right04:55
lotuspsychjeOderus: things can still break04:55
lotuspsychjeOderus: uname -a please?04:56
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial04:56
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB04:56
OderusLinux AmigaBuntu 4.4.0-13-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 11 19:31:18 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:57
lotuspsychjeOderus: you could try disable proposed and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:58
lotuspsychjeOderus: but cleanest way would be fresh install 16.0404:59
lotuspsychjeOderus: your sources.list also still shows 15.04 at top wich is end of life05:00
Oderusah ok05:00
Oderusthank you05:00
Oderusill re install tomorrow after i can back up05:02
lotuspsychjeok mate05:02
lotuspsychjeOderus: will be working like a charm05:02
yacc_lotuspsychje: lvm with LUKS based PVs.07:05
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:06
yacc_lotuspsychje, my gripe is an old issue with scripts that create the initrd => at least in the past they did not consider the possibility that you need to unlock more than one LUKS container to activate the root fs.07:10
daedricHi folks, I've upgraded to 16.04 to have a better support of my hardware (Dell xps 15" 2016), I've noticed some warning in the dmesg: http://pastebin.com/hRNGFKnN , are those problems already known ? (I've also some problems with i3 but it is probably a bug in i3 itself)09:23
yacc_daedric, if I remember EDID is the data block that displays send back to the controller so the controller knows the capabilities of the display.09:26
yacc_daedric, so the question is, are you experiencing any malfunction?09:26
yacc_daedric, apport should know how to report a kernel oops bug.09:27
daedricyacc_: yeah this is a bit what I'd understand however I should be using the nvidia card, not the intel one.09:31
daedricabout malfunctions, when I start on i3 yes, the computer appear to freeze09:32
daedricI did not get any helpful log yet as a hard reboot is the only thing that works to get back the control of the machine09:32
w0jtashello i have problem with netinstall , Kernel panic - unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(,0)11:29
lordievaderSounds like a missing driver. On what does the rootfs live?11:33
bashrcquestion: in 16.04 will old kernels be removed automatically? In the previous LTS that has been a problem.11:48
lotuspsychjebashrc: its the users choice wich kernel to run, not ubuntu11:51
lotuspsychjebashrc: older kernels will be removed only if you want it to11:51
bashrcthe user typically has no idea what has gone wrong, and they only assume that they're "running out of space"11:51
bashrcso they won't be removed by default?11:52
lotuspsychjebashrc: no11:52
lotuspsychjebashrc: its hard to say whats 'old' and what not right11:53
bashrcversion number?11:53
lotuspsychjebashrc: i mean some systems perform better on specific kernel numbers etc11:53
lotuspsychjeso its a users choice11:53
bashrcagain, the user doesn't necessarily know what the kernel is. This is supposed to be for human beings11:54
lotuspsychjebashrc: the user should be informed about his own system, its not ubuntu to do all things automated11:55
bashrcas it stands on 14.04 eventually there are too many kernels and the user gets a scary message11:55
bashrcwhich may lead them to take the wrong course of action11:55
lotuspsychjebashrc: the more usage of a system, the fuller it gets, nobody can change that mate11:56
lotuspsychjebashrc: the user is responsible for cleaning out11:56
lotuspsychjebashrc: how can ubuntu know, what to remove??11:56
bashrcthe only other option for the typical user is to disable upgrades, but I think that's also dangerous11:57
lotuspsychjebashrc: of course, always keep things up to date :p11:57
bashrcreally kernel versions should be managed automatically by default. If you are an expert then you could specify which versions you want to keep11:58
lotuspsychjebashrc: there is #ubuntu-devel maybe you can suggest it11:58
lotuspsychjebashrc: but im affraid your gonna get a likewise anwser11:59
w0jtasanyone could tell why ubuntu 16.04 would fail to install ? end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0), i am trying Virtualbox, also 15.10 is installing just fine.11:59
lotuspsychjebashrc: what is 'old' for somle users might be good working for others11:59
bashrcok. It just seems strange that the system is designed to fail by default for a long term deployment11:59
lotuspsychjebashrc: what you mean fail?12:00
bashrcscary "you are out of space" message12:00
bashrcwhich keeps coming up12:00
lotuspsychjebashrc: meaning your system needs cleaning, great from ubuntu they message the user12:00
bashrcif such a message is to appear there should be a clickable option to fix it. If not then this is fairly unhelpful to someone who is not an expert12:02
lotuspsychjebashrc: i agree on that one, a GUI for it would be nice...i use bleachbit12:03
lotuspsychjebashrc: but on low-space on hd ubuntu also gives a warning12:03
bashrcok, well at least I know that this will remain an issue for any of the non-tech folks I put onto ubuntu, unless I fix it myself12:04
lotuspsychjebashrc: try bleachbit12:05
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | bashrc12:05
ubottubashrc: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-1 (xenial), package size 271 kB, installed size 2074 kB12:05
lotuspsychjebashrc: convince your users to keep their system clean themselfs12:05
bashrcbut this isn't general disk space, it's the reserved space for kernels12:06
lotuspsychjebashrc: bleachbit cleans up older kernels aswell12:07
bashrcok that's good12:07
lotuspsychjeor via terminal12:07
w0jtaswho is here responsible for maintaining ubuntu ? i really want to fix this netinstall :(12:10
lotuspsychje!bug | w0jtas12:11
ubottuw0jtas: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:11
w0jtasok thanks will paste12:14
w0jtasbut i have osx so how i can paste from website ?12:14
lotuspsychjepaste what?12:14
w0jtaserror that i have12:21
w0jtaswhen i downloaded linux + initrd from a previous version it goes fine with only error about missing modules as archive kernel differs, but install goes through12:22
w0jtaseh… no packages for older netinstall :/12:24
w0jtasok got it , archive.ubuntu.com netinstall kernel is broken12:41
ngaiosometimes I'm updating the daily build ISO of 16.04, using zsync. I'm also running 16.04 as my core OS. When I do update the ISO, is it possible to use that as an "install source" in "software and updates" sources, and therefore avoid having to download hundreds of MB of updates using apt-get dist-upgrade?13:22
lotuspsychjengaio: if you use cd-rom as sources, and the day after new package gets an update, youl have to keep up date tru internet right? or do i misunderstand your question?13:54
xnoxngaio, no, because out desktop .iso do not ship .debs13:57
xnoxngaio, they ship unpacked & installed squashfs with desktop pre-installed, which is copied onto the installed system.13:58
xnoxditto e.g. server.iso13:58
dobie_gillishey, i'm running into a problem initializing a virtualenv with python 3 in ubuntu 16.04. it tells me to install the python3-venv package, but it's already installed, and i've tried reinstalling. anyone else seeing this problem?14:16
lotuspsychjedobie_gillis: fresh install or upgrade?14:18
PiciHes also badgering our vendor contact with inane questions.14:19
dobie_gillisupgrade (from 15.10) :/14:19
Picier, oops.14:19
Picinot anyone here, sorry, my coworker.14:20
lotuspsychjedobie_gillis: its recommended to install 16.04 fresh to test/help bug out14:20
lotuspsychjedobie_gillis: things can break in this stage14:21
dobie_gillisyea.. i realize that. it's not a big deal. just wondering if someone had a quick workaround. i will install a clean install at some point.. i just upgraded my work machine cause i was looking forward to the new release. other than this problem, everything's working perfectly!14:22
genii!info python3-venv xenial14:22
ubottupython3-venv (source: python3-defaults): pyvenv-3 binary for python3 (default python3 version). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB14:22
genii!info python3.5-venv xenial14:23
ubottupython3.5-venv (source: python3.5): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (pyvenv binary, version 3.5). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1-6ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 5 kB, installed size 29 kB14:23
lotuspsychjedobie_gillis: did you have ppa's installed on your 15.10?14:23
dobie_gillisyes, unfortunately :/ a few were disabled by the upgrader. i probable have a messy system. http://dpaste.com/2QDBFGH14:26
lotuspsychjedobie_gillis: this is why i would suggest you install clean mate14:27
dobie_gillisi see14:27
lotuspsychjedobie_gillis: very hard for the devs to bug out properly on messy upgrades14:27
lotuspsychjenelsk: see the topic for the daily image iso14:40
nelsklotuspsychje: cheers. Are there any more stable snapshots atm or are daily builds the way to go?14:41
nelskAlso, is there a recommended upgrade path from beta to a full release image or am I on my own for that?14:41
lotuspsychjenelsk: well xenial is still in developing stage right now, so keep in mind that things can still break14:41
nelskYeah, I'm not expecting stability recognizing I'm running pre-release software14:42
nelskwell, at least I won't be surprised if something breaks :D14:42
lotuspsychjenelsk: ok good, so if you grab the latest iso, and update after install your good to go :p14:42
lotuspsychje!final | nelsk14:42
ubottunelsk: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.14:42
Picinelsk: also that wiki page is a work-in-progress page, only when 16.04 is actually released will it be relevant.14:43
nelskPici: Figured it wasn't complete yet14:43
nelskOne last q, I'd like to make sure I'm a good beta citizen -- can you guys point me to your bug reporting page for this release?14:44
lotuspsychjenelsk: if you use ubuntu-bug your bug will come to the right section14:45
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:45
nelskgreat! tyvm.14:45
nelskLooking forward to the release!14:45
lotuspsychjenelsk: but before you start bugging, feel free to ask here first14:46
lotuspsychjenelsk: yeah we all do :p14:46
nelskwill do, don't want to clutter up the tracker with possible dupes14:46
lotuspsychjenelsk: great, and tnx for help testing14:47
bp_hi guys, do you know what's currently up with the Xenial repos? I'm getting a lot of 'Writing more data than expected's14:52
lotuspsychjebp_: fresh install or upgrade?14:53
bp_upgrade. Was having trouble with Chrome/Xorg14:54
lotuspsychjebp_: from wich version14:54
bp_I upgraded a couple days ago, the weirdness started today14:54
lotuspsychjebp_: its not really recommended to upgrade yet mate, clean install instead14:54
bp_eh, beats having Chrome randomly lock up your computer14:54
lotuspsychjebp_: is it chrome repo giving you issues?14:55
bp_(also this isn't my first early upgrade)14:55
bp_no, these are the main xenial repos14:55
lotuspsychjebp_: 16.04 is still in development stage right now, so things can still break14:55
bp_example, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15392153/14:56
lotuspsychjebp_: so recommended to test clean14:56
lotuspsychjebp_: grab a daily iso, install fresh and check if you have same repo issues14:57
lotuspsychjebp_: we asked earlier today in #ubuntu-mirrors and now known issues for xenial14:57
bp_oh, so someone DID ask you to check in #ubuntu-mirrors14:58
lotuspsychjebp_: no, was another kind of issue that got solved14:58
lotuspsychjebut also related to sources14:58
lotuspsychjebp_: behind a firewall or router?14:59
lotuspsychjebp_: feel free to ask current status in #ubuntu-mirrors, but my guess its your upgrade issue14:59
bp_I am having no upgrade issues, the issues did not start as a result of my upgrade.15:00
lotuspsychjebp_: you cant tell if its not related, ans your not on a clean install15:01
nelskxenial will ship with xorg and mir variants, correct?15:03
lotuspsychjenelsk: unity7 by default15:04
lotuspsychjenelsk: and you can choose to install unity8 also15:04
bp_lotuspsychje: while I appreciate your concern I hope you do realize that you have told me almost nothing I didn't already know :)15:04
nelsklotuspsychje: cool, that's at install time?15:04
lotuspsychjebp_: ok, but we still have your issue unsolved...15:04
lotuspsychjenelsk: ive tested unity8 already on xenial15:05
lotuspsychjenelsk: looks like an early phone version of ubuntu-touch15:05
nelskis moving the dock a unity8 only feature?15:05
lotuspsychjenelsk: didnt hear official things about that yet sorry, alot of articles talking about launcher moving to bottom15:06
lotuspsychjenelsk: lets wait until final to know15:06
nelskUI freeze is very close, no?15:07
lotuspsychjenelsk: check schedule in topic mate15:07
nelskah it was last week, shouldn't that be settled?15:08
lotuspsychjenelsk: settle what?15:10
lotuspsychjebp_: talk to the #ubuntu-mirrors guys, if nothings wrong with repos, its your end right15:11
nelskConfigurable dock location. Given the UI freeze, we should know where that's available and how it's going to work.15:11
lotuspsychjenelsk: well lets wait whats gonna happen right15:13
bp_lotuspsychje: I am currently trying refreshing sources after manually downloading and installing today's version of apt-transport-https15:13
lotuspsychjenelsk: today an article about gnome-software they still need the community for icons15:14
lotuspsychjenelsk: so alot can still change15:14
nelskheh, okay cool, i'll be patient. thanks for your responses :)15:17
lotuspsychjeno sweat15:17
nelskI don't particularly care about the dock, but apparently it's earthshattering if it's not on the bottom for the people I support. go figure.15:18
lotuspsychjenelsk: wich ppl you support?15:19
nelska few friends and family -- not a business setting15:25
lotuspsychjenelsk: nice you help spreading ubuntu, choosing LTS releases for them?15:25
nelskThat's the hope. There are a lot of things I liked about the 15.04 release so I'm excited to see the next LTS and to see that base trickle into derivative distros.15:26
nelsk...despite working for red hat myself *gasp*15:26
lotuspsychjewe all in there togheter on linux :p15:27
lotuspsychjenelsk: what kind of interesting packages you install on your relatives ubuntu boxes?15:28
nelsklotuspsychje: nothing too interesting. chrome, spotify, planning on trying to get krita to run as a photoshop replacement15:34
lotuspsychjenelsk: yeah saw that1 on softpedia, is it lighter then gimp?15:34
lotuspsychje!info krita xenial15:35
ubottukrita (source: calligra): pixel-based image manipulation program for the Calligra Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.7-0ubuntu11 (xenial), package size 7962 kB, installed size 32001 kB15:35
Ian_Cornehmm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/155646518:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1556465 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Wifi does not list any networks after suspend" [Undecided,New]18:04
Ian_Corneshould I also asign it to network-manager, to get some visual?18:04
ngaioxnox, thanks for the info regarding the ISO and the lack of debs. I didn't know that!19:01
Urungushi. having trouble updating, my output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15395875/20:39
k1lUrungus: use "sudo apt full-upgrade"20:41
Urungusk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15395940/20:42
k1lthen run what the error says20:43
Urungusif i do, it tries to remove kubuntu-full20:43
k1lthen file a bug for that package20:43
=== krabador is now known as Guest73524
nelskIs it possible to access a display scaling factor during install? Text was *very* small on my new 4k22:22
ChibaPetnelsk: If you install with the desktop media you can do all kinds of stuff.23:25
ChibaPetServer install media, prepare to squint a bit.23:26
jushurnelsk: setfont and chose a large one?23:59

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