
melodiegood night00:13
infinityapw: Going through the xenial history ended up being one of those bisects we hate:00:15
infinitylinux-image-4.2.0-19-powerpc64-smp_4.2.0-19.23_powerpc.deb -- good00:15
infinitylinux-image-4.3.0-0-powerpc64-smp_4.3.0-0.9_powerpc.deb -- bad00:15
infinityapw: So, yay, that's a huge chunk to drill through between them still.00:15
apwman o man that is a lovely one00:16
apwwe likely have mailine builds in between but it will turn out to be -rc100:17
infinityI still need to understand why that ISO didn't work.00:22
infinityOr maybe I don't need to, because it doesn't make sense.00:22
infinityapw: https://git.kernel.org/linus/f15838e9cac8f78f0cc506529bb9d3b9fa589c1f00:35
infinityapw: Please to cherrypick, thanks.00:37
infinityapw: Pretty please.00:43
infinityBased on the CC, I'd assume it'll come in via Greg's tree "sometime", but I'd rather that be now. :P00:49
=== BenC_ is now known as BenC
hallynlol i've not had a /. account in 15 years, but they found me for their we 've been bought ut email05:04
hallynbut so i guess my thought wasn't to paper over bugs in the lxc monitor, but rather to make sure you can still list containers and figure out what's going on05:10
hallynall right lemme set up a clean system and see if the guy's recipe works for me.  (thogh it seems unlikely)05:13
hallynguess i'll leave this running for a few hours.  no hang so far.05:24
stgraberhallyn: I think you meant for ^ to go to #lxc-dev :)05:34
hallynmy channels done moved06:14
apwinfinity, ack09:05
apwb 709:07
caribouapw: from what I can gather, DASD kernel dump is not triggered automatically but requires operator intervention10:32
apwcaribou: ahh ok, such is life then10:51
cpaelzercaribou: apw: https://github.com/qemu/s390-tools/blob/master/etc/sysconfig/dumpconf11:46
cpaelzercaribou: apw: I don't know if we have this in our s390-tools/utils package yet11:46
cpaelzercaribou: apw: but in genereal one can set dump-on-panic instead of operator intervention11:46
apwcpaelzer, oh thats better indeed12:01
cpaelzerapw: yeah, testers usually configure that as step #1 to capture anything that might happen12:02
apwcaribou, did you get access to that s390x instance yet ?  if so would you be able to get me a dmesg off it (for an unrelated bug)12:26
caribouapw: I should still have access to xnox's instance, lemme check12:27
caribouapw: just emailed it to you12:30
apwcaribou, thanks12:33
Odd_BlokeWhen will linux-hwe-{generic,virtual}-trusty stop pointing at linux-image-{generic,virtual}-lts-utopic?13:43
apwOdd_Bloke, weeeeel it should alread point to -lts-vivid, but perhaps that ship has sailed13:47
apwbjf, ^ we should prolly make a plan on how that changes, what the criteria is13:48
apwxnox, as this could be host tools fooking up the key or the kernel fooking up the key, i have built a cross compiled kernel which would therefore have used the x86 userspace to build the key... would you be able to boot the s390x kernel here sometime:  http://people.canonical.com/~apw/master-next-xenial/14:32
infinityapw: It should probably change at the same time as point releases go out (since that's when we officially recommend people use the newer HWE stack), but clearly that's not been happening. :P14:49
apwinfinity, right i think the same official position, which did not occur for -v14:50
infinityapw: Nor -w.14:58
apwoh yeah, whoops15:00
=== caribou_ is now known as caribou
xnoxapw, BAD17:21
xnox[    0.687893] Problem loading in-kernel X.509 certificate (-74)17:21
xnoxLinux DEVAC02 4.4.0-14-generic #30~masternext201603151358 SMP Tue Mar 15 13:59:23 UTC 2016 s390x s390x s390x GNU/Linux17:21
apwok so not likely to be userspace tools breaking it as those were HOST compiled in that build17:21
xnoxapw, i have rhel system that loads the keys fine...17:22
xnoxapw, here is the config from it http://paste.ubuntu.com/15393512/ if that at all relevant.17:23
xnoxi don't see anything....17:25
apwxnox, no indeed, i'll start adding debug, i can see nothing obvious17:26
xnoxapw, anyway i can make things faster for you? would you want an ubuntu libvirt-qemu VM or some such?17:27
apwxnox, if you are happy to test kernels that works for me17:27
xnoxapw, ok =)17:27
xnoxapw, any point in me fetching and trying an older kernel (e.g. 4.3) to check if things used to work back then?17:29
apwxnox, yep, thats is a good idea, find me a first broke if you can17:31
apwand i'll add some printks17:31
apwxnox, ok first debug: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp1557250-xenial/17:42
xnoxapw, call trace at http://paste.ubuntu.com/15393871/18:10
xnoxor do you want more things from console too?18:10
apw[    0.678674] preparse -> ret=-7418:11
apwthat is the info i wanted, the call trace it the new bits tim added, so we find out this is happening in the wild if it comes back18:11
apwrtg, your warn_on_once is working18:11
rtgapw, getting some stack traces ?18:13
apwrtg, yep, on s390x where we know it is broke18:14
rtgapw, did you find any encryption configs that need enabling ?18:14
apwrtg, nope, still debugging it with xnox18:15
xnoxrtg, yeah no configs diff that we can spot (i compared with e.g. rhel config where certs are loaded)18:16
xnoxapw, is there any vanilla kernel i can try, to see if things are dire upstream? (but i guess we kind of know that now...)18:17
apwxnox, for s390x ?  no18:18
xnoxok, i got to go =(18:24
xnoxapw, talk to you later.18:24
apwxnox, no worries, i'll shove you a new debug kernel and you can get to it when you do18:25
TJ-is there any plan to include trim/discard support in the zfs driver?18:25
apwTJ-, is there a bug associated with that ?18:35
apwso i can check18:35
TJ-on Launchpad, or on the ZFSonLinux project?18:35
TJ-I've been following the upstream work and the merge proposal *finally* looks to be ready: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/pull/365618:36
apwxnox, there is a new debug kernel in the same place ... have fun18:37
apwTJ-, if its not a standard feature i am not expecting it to be something on our radar at this time, this being the first lts with this in, its not clearly its a good plan to have anything experimental in there18:37
TJ-apw: right; it might be worth flagging up in prominent docs about lack of discard/trim support for those that are intending deploying it to SSD systems18:38
TJ-especially as a major use-case appears to be for supporting containers etc.18:39
apwTJ-, i am sure anyone buying into zfs would know, but possible i guess18:39
jdstrandjsalisbury: fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1547619/comments/2819:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1547619 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "Intermittent screen blinking with 4k external mini display port with 4.4 kernels" [Medium,In progress]19:18
jdstrandjsalisbury: that is *not* the one you mentioned in #27, but rather the one from #2419:19
jsalisburyjdstrand, thanks for the update.  I'll build the next test kernel19:32
smoserhow much do we care ?20:38
smoserout of 9 ohsix 20:39
smoserhow much do we care about the stacktrace above ^20:40
smosercoupled with host kernel dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/15395901/20:40
smoserthat is trusty on xenial through vagrant. 20:40
smoserin the guest this would cauase a hang: cat /proc/8248/cmdline20:41
smoserrtg, ^ ? i suspect its "not much".20:43
apwsmoser, is taht really on 3.13.0-32 ?  thats like 50 releases behind20:46
rtgsmoser, it is hard for us to do much with vbox20:46
apwand we had known issues with vbox back in the old days20:47
apwsmoser, why is it booting such an old kernel anyhow ?20:47
smoserapw, that is a good point.20:47
smoserthe user was booting that old kernel because they did an iso instll (through a tool called packer) 20:47
smoserand the only isos that install a 3.13 get you that level20:48
apwhrm, so they may have a bit of a chicken/egg issue20:48
smoseryeah, could be. but in this case it wasnt the intsaller trying to install a newer kernel. the vagrant box that was published had the very old kernel there.20:50
apwand this is why the pre-canned binary form for things is not a good idea21:49
apwtjaalton, isnt broadwell supposed to used thei915 you added ??23:08
apwtjaalton, does not on my lappy23:08
infinityIs it?  I thought the i915 backport was for skylake.23:09
apwi think i saw tjaalton say it was for more than skylake23:13

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