hadrien | Hi, I realized how bad Android is in terms of privacy and i'm definitely willing to replace it. Do you know if Ubuntu is better ? | 02:18 |
RAOF | There's certainly less that applications can slurp without your knowledge. | 02:24 |
hadrien | RAOF : Are you aware of any other linux alternatives to android ? | 02:28 |
RAOF | There's Sailfish | 02:28 |
hadrien | I've heard of people installing kali linux on their phone but I guess, they can't use their phone as a ...well, phone anymore | 02:28 |
hadrien | Thank you for your response RAOF, I'm fairly new to linux so I guess I must come up as an annoying idiot... I'll definitely be looking into Sailfish and Ubuntu Touch ! | 02:31 |
lotuspsychje | http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/canonical-our-first-ever-ubuntu-tablet-bq-aquaris-m10-will-be-available-soon-501735.shtml | 03:16 |
kivi | !ping | 07:08 |
ubot5 | pong! | 07:08 |
kivi | Hey I have ubuntu installed on my nexus4. I have tried tethering with it, but I havn't been able to get it to work. I have tried using the phone tweak app, and using the adb command on ubuntu. Neither work. | 07:09 |
kivi | It detects it as ethernet, but does not automatically connect. | 07:09 |
kivi | !tether | 07:37 |
[tj] | moin | 08:37 |
Stanley00 | kivi: you can try this one, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus-property-service/+bug/1427697/comments/5 | 09:07 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1427697 in dbus-property-service (Ubuntu) "Malformed /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/tethering on mako" [High,Confirmed] | 09:07 |
kivi | Stanley00, thanks | 09:07 |
=== joc|away is now known as joc_ | ||
efrahim | Hi, I have had an update on my BQ E5 for a while now (end of Feb.) that says "Ubuntu Version: 10", but OTA-10 is not relseased yet. Where can I find out what this update is? | 09:33 |
Stanley00 | efrahim: it's OTA-9.1 https://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en/vegetahd/version-10.json | 09:36 |
efrahim | Stanley00: ok, thanks. | 09:37 |
kivi | !ping | 09:58 |
ubot5 | pong! | 09:58 |
oSoMoN | morphis, hey, I’m looking at https://launchpad.net/bugs/1553657 , and chrisccoulson suggested that mako might not have an updated android image with the entry points we need in hybris, could you maybe confirm? | 10:24 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1553657 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Clicking on camera & microphone settings crashes app" [Critical,Confirmed] | 10:24 |
iahmad | popey, ping | 11:01 |
popey | hello | 11:01 |
iahmad | popey, could you please point me to design/functional specs and/or test plan for uNav, needed this for OTA10 testing | 11:02 |
popey | Test plan isn't complete yet. Not aware of design/functional spec docs. | 11:03 |
iahmad | popey, ok, who you think I should talk to, to find out about design specs? | 11:05 |
popey | iahmad: you're assuming there _are_ design specs | 11:13 |
MCMic | Is there any plans for uNav to allow downloading maps and work offline? | 11:17 |
iahmad | popey, yeah, may be I am assuming too much :-) | 11:17 |
bshah | kind of noob question : but is there any place or something which let me know what changelog for : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/ ? | 11:19 |
ogra_ | bshah, http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ | 11:26 |
bshah | ogra_: cool thanks | 11:27 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
Mirv | tsdgeos: can you test bug #1556842 using silo 005 when you have time? I'll start autopilot testing today/tomorrow and if all goes fine I'll eventually do the final builds and start putting towards QA. | 12:25 |
ubot5 | bug 1556842 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu RTM) "Backport patch so that forceLayout calls layout on more occasions" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556842 | 12:25 |
Mirv | tsdgeos: the vivid part of the silo also fixes bug #1540423 and bug #1541346 | 12:26 |
ubot5 | bug 1540423 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu RTM) "QQuickRepeater breaks in asynchronous component creation." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1540423 | 12:26 |
ubot5 | bug 1541346 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu RTM) "qmlplugindump can not correctly handle singleton types" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1541346 | 12:26 |
tsdgeos | Mirv: i will | 12:26 |
tsdgeos | tx | 12:26 |
om26er | oSoMoN, Hi! | 12:49 |
oSoMoN | hey om26er, what’s up? | 12:49 |
om26er | oSoMoN, is there a way to fill downloads history with dummy data ? | 12:49 |
om26er | oSoMoN, I am thinking maybe a database snapshot will help ? | 12:52 |
oSoMoN | om26er, the downloads database is a sqlite one, it lives under ~/.local/share/webbrowser-app/downloads.sqlite, so you could pre-populate it with dummy data, yes | 12:52 |
oSoMoN | om26er, is that in the context of autopilot tests? | 12:52 |
om26er | oSoMoN, yes, that's correct. | 12:52 |
oSoMoN | om26er, then you can do something similar to what PrepopulatedDatabaseTestCaseBase does, in https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/webbrowser_app/tests/test_keyboard.py#L29 | 12:54 |
om26er | oSoMoN, for that I would have to understand the internals of the downloads database, I'll first check if just replacing the downloads.sqlite works for me. | 12:57 |
dpm | seb128, Laney, hi! do you happen to know which package the strings for the first time wizard on the phone come from? Was it unity8 or ubuntu-system-settings? | 12:57 |
seb128 | dpm, unity8 | 12:57 |
seb128 | since vivid | 12:57 |
dpm | thanks seb128 | 12:57 |
seb128 | yw | 12:57 |
oSoMoN | om26er, sure, that’s | 12:59 |
oSoMoN | another valid solution | 12:59 |
dpm | Saviq, there are some new strings for the phone wizard in unity8, which were shown at MWC. bq are asking about translations, and I'm trying to figure out if these are in Launchpad, or if we can do a manual update of the template to at least reflect the new strings there. | 12:59 |
dpm | Saviq, do you have any pointers to branches that are pending landing that modified strings in unity8? | 12:59 |
popey | dpm: it's in ubuntu-system-settings-wizard I think? | 13:00 |
dpm | oh | 13:00 |
dpm | popey, hm, not sure that source package exists in LP | 13:00 |
popey | hm, that's the last place I knew it. | 13:02 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
jibel | dpm, the wizard is in unity8 | 13:08 |
dpm | jibel, yeah, found it, thanks. I just can't find atm which branch the "Drag using 3 fingers [...]" string comes from that they need translated for their manual | 13:09 |
jibel | dpm, maybe it's some changes in silo 41 ? | 13:09 |
jibel | dpm, I confirm that this string is in silo 41 https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_39a8dbb93caf4ec889f8a1b7f69885db/bileto-1105/2016-03-15_12:55:23/vivid/unity8/content.diff | 13:12 |
jibel | dpm, so wait until it lands | 13:13 |
dpm | jibel, awesome, thanks. Also, would you happen to know which package introduced these strings? http://i.imgur.com/Ud6ZwmL.png I'm thinking indicator-display, but I don't see any new stings in the template | 13:13 |
mardy | charles_, tedg: hi! How far is https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/dbus-test-runner/support-gtestdbus-and-dbusmock-templates/+merge/271834 from landing? I suddenly would find it quite useful :-) | 13:13 |
jibel | dpm, yeah, I'd say indicator-display too | 13:13 |
dpm | jibel, just to have a rough idea, do we have an ETA for silo 41 landing? | 13:14 |
jibel | dpm, I really hope it'll be ready for testing today. We're already far past feature freeze | 13:15 |
jibel | dpm, desktop mode toggle should also be in 41 | 13:16 |
jibel | just too many branches | 13:16 |
dpm | oh, good | 13:16 |
jibel | dpm, ah, here you go https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_39a8dbb93caf4ec889f8a1b7f69885db/bileto-1105/2016-03-15_12:55:23/vivid/indicator-session/content.diff | 13:17 |
jibel | indicator-session it is | 13:17 |
dpm | awesome, thanks a lot jibel! | 13:17 |
jibel | it'd be nice to land new strings *before* string freeze | 13:18 |
tedg | mardy: I think the answer is that charles_ and I both forgot about it :-) | 13:21 |
seb128 | jibel, dpm, Saviq, that changeset seems buggy, if I read it correctly it's going to change the "about this computer" to "about this device" on unity7 | 13:22 |
jibel | mzanetti, ^ | 13:22 |
mardy | tedg: is it just a matter of approving it, or do you still need to review it properly? | 13:22 |
mzanetti | seb128, yeah... is that a problem? | 13:23 |
tedg | mardy: I think it's just getting it landed, but I'm not sure that this could land in Xenial. | 13:23 |
seb128 | mzanetti, I doubt unity7 is going to be used on any "device", that feels like a confusing change for this context | 13:24 |
dpm | jibel, agreed! | 13:24 |
mzanetti | seb128, is a laptop not a device? | 13:24 |
tedg | mardy: Let me talk more to charles_, he should be in shortly. | 13:24 |
seb128 | mzanetti, if you ask computer users I'm ready to bet they wouldn't call a laptop or desktop a device | 13:24 |
dpm | seb128, I think I'll leave that one to the design team. | 13:24 |
mardy | tedg: ok. It's no big deal, but it would help, to have it in xenial and in the vivid phablet ppa | 13:24 |
mzanetti | seb128, so what do you propose? have "about this computer" on a phone? | 13:24 |
mzanetti | IMHO a laptop is very well a device | 13:25 |
mzanetti | at least that's less confusing as calling everything a computer | 13:25 |
seb128 | mzanetti, I'm just speaking about unity7 | 13:25 |
seb128 | mzanetti, you have other actions that check if they are in a mir environment | 13:26 |
seb128 | do the same here? | 13:26 |
seb128 | mzanetti, in any case xenial is in UIfreeze so you need a UIFe to land that change | 13:26 |
seb128 | even if it's right | 13:26 |
seb128 | so get one register and design to weight in | 13:26 |
Bluewolf | Hi all | 13:43 |
Bluewolf | Does ubuntu-touch OS come with certain phones or can it be install on any smartphone? | 13:46 |
lotuspsychje | !devices | Bluewolf | 13:46 |
ubot5 | Bluewolf: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 13:46 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
morphis | oSoMoN: what specific symbols from hybris/android are we talking about? we've just landed another android package in rc-proposed | 13:50 |
morphis | oSoMoN: and that package should include everything I got from the camera guys | 13:51 |
=== MagicSponge is now known as UbuntuSponge | ||
oSoMoN | morphis, from a quick grep, it looks like oxide uses only hybris_camera_initialize and hybris_egl_display_get_mapping | 14:04 |
morphis | oSoMoN: https://code.launchpad.net/~libhybris-maintainers/libhybris/+git/libhybris/+ref/master has what is currently in rc-proposed | 14:05 |
morphis | oSoMoN: I must sadly say I don't have much insight into which methods are used for what and where | 14:05 |
morphis | oSoMoN: but do you have a more detailed backtrace somewhere? | 14:06 |
oSoMoN | morphis, unfortunately I don’t, because I don’t have a nexus 4 myself | 14:06 |
Bluewolf | So I take it that ubuntu touch does not work on lower end smartphones - E.g: Samsung Galaxy Core Prime? | 14:09 |
mterry | Laney: Saviq had gotten an FFe for a silo we're landing (silo 41). But now I'm wondering if that was an FFe just for OTA 10 or also for the xenial side of things. Do you know anything about that? Should I file a normal FFe for geonames and indicator-session in that silo? | 14:12 |
Laney | mterry: I have no idea what an FFe for OTA even means | 14:13 |
=== UbuntuSponge is now known as HaloSponge | ||
mterry | Laney: just that OTAs have their own FF. And we're landing the silo after that (for the OTA timeframe) | 14:14 |
mterry | Laney: ok, will file proper xenial FFe once LP stops giving me timeouts | 14:14 |
Laney | mterry: okay, nothing to do with the ubuntu release team I don't think | 14:14 |
mterry | Laney: no, not the OTA side. I just didn't know if Saviq also cleared things on your side. Sounds like no | 14:15 |
Laney | Don't know, what's the bug? | 14:15 |
Laney | see if an ubuntu-release member responded on there | 14:15 |
mterry | Laney: I don't have the ffe bug yet, LP is being a punk | 14:15 |
mterry | Laney: I don't think the OTA FFe went through a bug | 14:15 |
mterry | so I'm going to file a new one for the xenial stuff | 14:16 |
oSoMoN | morphis, do you have a nexus 4 on which you could test that, by any chance? | 14:16 |
Laney | okay, if there was a normal one then there would be a bug to look at | 14:16 |
Laney | so if not then I guess assume no | 14:16 |
dobey | !devices | Bluewolf | 14:17 |
ubot5 | Bluewolf: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 14:17 |
Bluewolf | dobey: Yeah I've already read through it. Though my understanding is somewhat limited. | 14:19 |
mterry | Laney: well I don't know if there was an original bug or not, I'm just guessing not, since you don't now anything about it (Saviq is on vacation) | 14:29 |
morphis | oSoMoN: yes, but not much time right now | 14:29 |
morphis | oSoMoN: so this doesn't occur on other devices? | 14:30 |
faenil | bregma: ping about Libertine on laptop | 14:30 |
oSoMoN | morphis, not on any of the device I have handy (MX4, E4.5, nexus7, M10) | 14:31 |
morphis | oSoMoN: nexus7 uses the same code base as nexus 4 | 14:31 |
oSoMoN | morphis, there’s no urgency, but if you can take a look later this week that’d be much appreciated | 14:31 |
bregma | faenil, yes? | 14:31 |
oSoMoN | morphis, let me test again on that device | 14:32 |
faenil | bregma: followed your instructions but 1) scope is empty, 2) I don't know what libertine is expecting as "installed apps", 3) looking for apps always returns no result | 14:33 |
faenil | "You can use the Libertine App to install and remove applications" | 14:34 |
bregma | faenil, you mean the app search function in the Libertine app itself returns no results? | 14:34 |
bregma | the Libertine scope will be empty until you create a container and install apps into it | 14:34 |
faenil | I created a container, but I don't see how I can install apps | 14:35 |
faenil | supposedly the "+" button would show me apps I can install | 14:35 |
morphis | oSoMoN: but could be that one of the new things developed for the camera stuff wasn't really tested on mako | 14:36 |
=== charles_ is now known as charles | ||
bregma | faenil, the '+' button on the 'My Containers' page will add another container, but if you sdwipe a container entry left it should reveal a pencilish icon that should bring you to a 'Classic Apps' page, where the '+' icons lets you install apps | 14:38 |
faenil | bregma: there's no way to select the container, I just get the "Classic Apps" page | 14:39 |
faenil | and using the + there doesn't return anything | 14:39 |
faenil | install apps is emtpy | 14:39 |
faenil | empty, even | 14:39 |
bregma | huh, weird | 14:40 |
oSoMoN | morphis, ha, I got the crash on nexus 7 too, I’ll investigate from there | 14:40 |
morphis | oSoMoN: good | 14:40 |
bregma | faenil, the gear menu on 'Classic Apps' should also let you get to the 'My Containers' screen | 14:42 |
faenil | bregma: no, the gear menu says "Please enter the exact package name of the app to install:" | 14:42 |
faenil | ah yes on the Classic Apps, yes | 14:43 |
faenil | bregma: should I change something in the container? | 14:43 |
bregma | faenil, we need design review of this app for a reason | 14:43 |
faenil | bregma: yeah but there's no point if it does not work :D | 14:43 |
bregma | faenil, no change in the container, I'm just trying to see if other navigation is messed up for you | 14:43 |
faenil | ah ok ;) | 14:44 |
bregma | if you can get the the 'Install Apps' page, you should see the magnigying glass icon that you use to search for packages | 14:44 |
bregma | faenil, you were on the 'Install Apps' page when the gear menu told you to enter the exact name of the app to install | 14:45 |
faenil | bregma: yep | 14:46 |
bregma | faenil, which you could also do to install a test app, like 'gedit' or 'kpat' | 14:46 |
faenil | bregma: if I click +, I get an empty Install Apps page | 14:46 |
faenil | if I search for "gedit" , I get "no results" | 14:47 |
bregma | faenil, right, no search results shown | 14:47 |
bregma | I get a pagefull of search results for 'gedit' | 14:47 |
faenil | I would expect Install Apps to show all the apps, or at least some info...that I can then filter using search | 14:47 |
faenil | bregma: there's clearly a problem here | 14:47 |
bregma | hmm, several pages, but no scrollbars: that may be a bug | 14:48 |
bregma | faenil, yeah, it sounds like there's a problem if it finding no results | 14:48 |
charles | mardy, ted's correct, it just fell by the wayside | 14:49 |
bregma | ChrisTownsend, any ideas ^^^ ? | 14:49 |
ChrisTownsend | What kind of container is it? LXC or chroot? | 14:49 |
faenil | and the libertine log has no info at all | 14:50 |
charles | mardy, I'm not sure that there's been much action on dbus-test-runner since then, so it might be relatively easy to resync with trunk and test. If you have a need for this and want to expedite by branching and taking up the slack on this I'd be quite happy about it :) | 14:50 |
mterry | Laney: filed bug 1557557, would appreciate a look if you have time | 14:50 |
ubot5 | bug 1557557 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "[FFe] geonames & indicator-session (silo 41)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557557 | 14:50 |
oSoMoN | morphis, where can I get debug symbols for /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libcamera.so.1 ? | 14:51 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: What distro is the laptop using? Did you create the container via the gui? | 14:51 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: xenial, yes container using UI | 14:51 |
morphis | oSoMoN: from the libmedia/libhybris-dbgsym package | 14:51 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, then the most likely issue is that the container is not starting, so you don't get any search results. LXC is very, uh, finicky. | 14:51 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Have you applied xenial updates recently? | 14:52 |
dobey | pstolowski, mzanetti: so maybe store is blank because of current network issues | 14:52 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: yes, yesterday | 14:52 |
faenil | when I installed libertine | 14:52 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: And did you reboot? | 14:52 |
faenil | yes | 14:53 |
mzanetti | dobey, yeah, everything seems to fail atm | 14:53 |
dobey | indeed | 14:53 |
faenil | although this is the team laptop and has got a bunch of silos on it, so I wouldn't be surprised if something else broke the thing | 14:53 |
pstolowski | dobey, i saw it too last week, but was on old image. flashed today but no change | 14:53 |
faenil | I've just noticed it also has the ppa overlay :| | 14:54 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Hmm, ok. Then let's try to see if the container does indeed start. From the command line, do a "libertine-container-manager list" | 14:54 |
charles | is irc.canonical.com down for everyone or just me? | 14:54 |
mardy | charles: ok, I'll see if I find some time :-) | 14:54 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Then give me the name of the container and then I'll give you a command to run. | 14:54 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: update returns "Container failed to start" | 14:54 |
pstolowski | dobey, hmm, right, doesn't work even on the phone now | 14:55 |
faenil | feel free to hand out commands | 14:55 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, so it is failing to start, now to try to figure out why with the cryptic LXC output. Once you give me the container name, I'll give the command. | 14:55 |
faenil | ok | 14:55 |
faenil | xenial is the name | 14:55 |
* bregma shakes a fist at LXC | 14:56 | |
faenil | but you can also give me parametric commands :P | 14:56 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: lxc-start -n xenial -P ~/.cache/libertine-container --logfile start_xenial.out --logpriority DEBUG | 14:56 |
faenil | ok | 14:56 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Then pastebin the output in that file. | 14:56 |
ChrisTownsend | bregma: +1000000 | 14:57 |
faenil | lxc-start --> "executing /sbin/init with no configuration file may crash the host | 14:58 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: ^ | 14:58 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Umm, that doesn't seem right. Could you do a ls -la ~/.cache/libertine-container ? | 14:59 |
faenil | there's no libertine container | 14:59 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Well, that certainly explains why it won't start:) But why did it fail? Let's try this. | 15:00 |
faenil | :) | 15:00 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Do "libertine-container-manager create -i libertine-test -n "Libertine Test" -t lxc -d xenial" | 15:01 |
faenil | ok | 15:01 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: it was instantaneous, and still no folder | 15:02 |
oSoMoN | morphis, I’m getting a backtrace that looks like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15392198/ , how do I get symbols for frame 0 ? | 15:02 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: But no output like a failure stack trace? | 15:02 |
faenil | nope | 15:02 |
ChrisTownsend | :-( | 15:02 |
* ChrisTownsend Thinks | 15:02 | |
bregma | curiouser and curiouser | 15:02 |
morphis | oSoMoN: that is then on the android side | 15:02 |
faenil | does it use lxc client? | 15:03 |
faenil | because "lxc: command not found" | 15:03 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: No, it uses the python3-lxc library. | 15:03 |
faenil | ok | 15:03 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Could you give the output of apt-cache policy libertine? | 15:03 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: And dpkg -l | grep libertine | 15:04 |
faenil | coming from xenial archive | 15:04 |
faenil | 02 March | 15:04 |
faenil | 0.99 | 15:04 |
oSoMoN | morphis, ok, can you point me at instructions on how to investigate further? I’m afraid I’ve never done that before, so I will need a bit of help | 15:04 |
morphis | oSoMoN: searching them right now | 15:04 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, sounds right. | 15:04 |
faenil | python module is installed | 15:04 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: It didn't ask you for a password in the create command? | 15:05 |
faenil | yes it did | 15:05 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok | 15:05 |
morphis | oSoMoN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Core/UbuntuDebugAndroid | 15:05 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Could you run the command again and see what "echo $?" is? | 15:05 |
morphis | oSoMoN: the only downside is that you have to build the device tarball yourself to get the debugging symbols | 15:06 |
faenil | it says that the id is already used, and returns 1 | 15:06 |
chrisccoulson | oSoMoN, morphis, I think I've missed some of this conversarion | 15:06 |
chrisccoulson | **conversation | 15:06 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Oh, right, do a libertine-container-manager destroy -i libertine-test and then run the create command again. | 15:07 |
ChrisTownsend | And see what the return value of create is. | 15:07 |
faenil | 0 | 15:07 |
faenil | sorry :p | 15:07 |
oSoMoN | chrisccoulson, I’ve managed to reproduce the crash on nexus7, the backtrace looks like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15392198/ | 15:07 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Well, I'm certainly at a loss at the moment. | 15:07 |
chrisccoulson | oSoMoN, yeah, I'm pretty sure that trace is "android_camera_get_device_info doesn't exist on the android side" | 15:08 |
bregma | maybe try it with --verbose? | 15:08 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: strace reports that it's trying to mkdir libertine-container/libertine-test | 15:08 |
faenil | but that fails | 15:08 |
faenil | because libertine-container does not exist | 15:08 |
morphis | oSoMoN: can you check the device tarball version you're on? | 15:08 |
faenil | so, that should definitely be caught as error | 15:08 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Hmm, right, I thought I did makedirs, but you found a bug. | 15:09 |
oSoMoN | morphis, system settings say "device image part: 20160315" | 15:09 |
morphis | oSoMoN: also android_camera_get_device_info is there for quite some time | 15:09 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: \o/ what do I get? :) | 15:10 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: But I would think some python backtrace would show up due to mkdir erroring out? | 15:10 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: A gold star! | 15:10 |
bregma | faenil, the respect and admiration of your peers | 15:10 |
oSoMoN | morphis, and "device build description: aosp_flo-userdebug 4.4.2 KOT49H 20160307-0742-0ubuntu3~overlay1 test-keys" | 15:10 |
faenil | bregma: that's great! :) | 15:10 |
morphis | oSoMoN: as it should | 15:11 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: If you create ~/.cache/libertine-container, does it work? | 15:12 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Actually, the python3-lxc library is supposed to (and used to) create that directory. | 15:13 |
dobey | 2016-03-15 11:11:46,454 - WARNING - file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Web/UbuntuWebView02.qml:226:17: QML AbstractButton: Mixing of Ubuntu.Components module versions 1.3 and 1.2 detected! | 15:13 |
dobey | hmm, that's not nice | 15:13 |
oSoMoN | morphis, that wiki page you pointed me to says "If you have a local setup of our CyanogenMod based phablet builds…", but it doesn’t say what to do if I don’t :) | 15:13 |
morphis | oSoMoN: yeah, I think that is the point then where I should better look into this | 15:14 |
morphis | oSoMoN: however against which hybris version is oxide compiled currently? | 15:14 |
oSoMoN | let me check | 15:14 |
morphis | the camera ABI broke with the changes chrisccoulson did recently | 15:14 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: sorry was afk, I was about to try creating the folder | 15:15 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: No worries | 15:15 |
bregma | faenil, is $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR set in your environment? | 15:15 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: yeah it's downloading the img now | 15:15 |
bregma | I've encountered odd troubles in LXC when that's not set | 15:16 |
oSoMoN | morphis, oxide 1.12.7-0ubuntu0.15.04.1~overlay1 was built againt libhybris 0.1.0+git20151016+6d424c9-0ubuntu6~overlay1 according to https://launchpadlibrarian.net/242318000/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-armhf.oxide-qt_1.12.7-0ubuntu0.15.04.1~overlay1_BUILDING.txt.gz | 15:16 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, great. Then once that's done, you can use it from the gui, or destroy and create a new one, or whatever you'd like to do. But yeah, as bregma pointed out, see if $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set. | 15:17 |
morphis | oSoMoN: wow, that is old | 15:17 |
morphis | oSoMoN: so we really need a rebuild | 15:17 |
faenil | Downloading rootfs without progress :( | 15:18 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Blame lxc for that:) | 15:18 |
oSoMoN | morphis, wait, how old? that’s the version that is in the overlay PPA | 15:18 |
oSoMoN | https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+sourcepub/6055919/+listing-archive-extra | 15:18 |
morphis | ah sorry | 15:18 |
morphis | the 2015 in it confused me | 15:18 |
morphis | but that is just where we sync with upstream last time | 15:19 |
morphis | oSoMoN: anything interesting on logcat output? | 15:20 |
morphis | oSoMoN: btw. https://git.launchpad.net/~libhybris-maintainers/libhybris/+git/libhybris/log/compat/camera are the recent changes to the camera tree | 15:20 |
oSoMoN | morphis, how do I get logcat output? adb logcat says "/bin/bash: line 0: exec: logcat: not found" | 15:22 |
morphis | oSoMoN: and btw. | 15:22 |
morphis | #0 0x00000000 in ?? () | 15:22 |
morphis | #1 0xad081432 in android_camera_get_device_info (n1=0, n2=0x9acefaac, n3=<optimized out>) at camera.c:34 | 15:22 |
morphis | that doesn't necessary say the function libhybris calls is not there on the other side | 15:23 |
morphis | oSoMoN: adb shell /system/bin/logcat | 15:23 |
oSoMoN | morphis, nothing in logcat | 15:23 |
morphis | nothing obvious or nothing as in empty? | 15:24 |
oSoMoN | morphis, nothing as in empty | 15:27 |
morphis | oSoMoN: then run logcat with sudo | 15:27 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: bregma failed to start container, after it downloaded/unpacked the rootfs and tried starting it | 15:29 |
faenil | XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is /run/user/1000 | 15:29 |
oSoMoN | morphis, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15392457/ , nothing appears to stand out | 15:30 |
morphis | oSoMoN: yeah | 15:31 |
morphis | oSoMoN: I will have a look | 15:31 |
oSoMoN | thanks | 15:31 |
oSoMoN | morphis, mind if I assign the bug to you? I added a libhybris task to it | 15:31 |
oSoMoN | (you can assign back to me once the issue is identified) | 15:31 |
morphis | oSoMoN: assign the libhybris aprt to me | 15:31 |
oSoMoN | ok | 15:32 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, then we need to do "lxc-start -n libertine-test -P ~/.cache/libertine-container --logfile start_xenial.out --logpriority DEBUG" | 15:32 |
faenil | ah right :) | 15:33 |
faenil | failed initializing cgroup support | 15:34 |
faenil | no systemd controller mountpoint found | 15:34 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Hmm, well, try a reboot of the system and try it again. If it fails again, then we should probably enter an LXC bug. | 15:35 |
faenil | let me log in to unity7 so I can have terminal.. | 15:35 |
faenil | ok | 15:35 |
faenil | pastebin.ubuntu.com/15392500 ChrisTownsend | 15:37 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: That was after a reboot, right? | 15:37 |
faenil | no | 15:38 |
faenil | I'm rebooting now | 15:38 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok | 15:38 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: same errors I believe | 15:42 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, well, the only thing is to enter a bug report against the lxc package and provide that log. | 15:43 |
faenil | ok | 15:43 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: But in the meantime, you can create a chroot container by hand and then use the gui to manage it. | 15:44 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: libertine-container-manager create -i xenial-chroot -n "Xenial Chroot" -t chroot -d xenial | 15:45 |
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faenil | ok | 15:45 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: I understand you will be working on a design review of Libertine, right? | 15:45 |
faenil | I'm setting up the laptop, not sure who's assigned to the review, I'm a developer not a designer ;) | 15:46 |
faenil | although I work in the Design Team :) | 15:46 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ah, lol, ok | 15:46 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: I tried to hint that you could go on with cmdline, but I didn't want to sound rude :D | 15:46 |
faenil | (although I'm not familiar with lxc and lxd :P) | 15:47 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: lol, got it now:) | 15:47 |
faenil | :) | 15:48 |
faenil | I will leave a generic description message, someone with more insight in lxc will fix it, I hope :) | 15:48 |
faenil | bug title* I meant | 15:49 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Please give me the bug number after you file it and I'll subscribe to it. | 15:49 |
faenil | ofc | 15:49 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Thanks | 15:49 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1557607 | 15:55 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1557607 in lxc (Ubuntu) "Xenial container fails to start" [Undecided,New] | 15:56 |
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ChrisTownsend | faenil: Thanks again | 15:57 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: np! no module "libertine.ChrootContainer" | 15:58 |
faenil | does it need some kind of plugin package? | 15:58 |
faenil | I guess | 15:58 |
faenil | ah ok found it | 15:58 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Oh, right, that is not pulled in automatically. install python3-libertine-chroot | 15:58 |
faenil | yep done | 15:58 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: lol, ok | 15:58 |
faenil | xenial-root is already used...mm it shouldn't really reserve IDs if the creation fails :) | 15:59 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Yes, something on my plate to fix:) | 15:59 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: and if I try to destroy it now it says that it cannot find rootfs folder so it fails | 16:01 |
* faenil pulls out the whip :D | 16:01 | |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Oh, for goodness sakes | 16:01 |
* lotuspsychje runs n hide | 16:01 | |
faenil | and the create command now fails saying that I'm passing 4 params and it should be 1-3 | 16:02 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: You can manually edit ~/.local/share/libertine/ContainersConfig.json and remove that entry. | 16:02 |
faenil | ok | 16:02 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: UGH! Yes, bregma just fixed that yesterday, but it's not in the archive yet. | 16:03 |
ChrisTownsend | Serious fail! | 16:03 |
faenil | yay :D | 16:03 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: How about we do this...you can add the libertine devel PPA and I'll kick off a build that fixes that issue, then you can upgrade. | 16:04 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: ppa:libertine-team/devel | 16:05 |
* ChrisTownsend Curses broken software | 16:06 | |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: we're not in a rush, are we? | 16:06 |
faenil | I don't know hehe | 16:06 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: I'm not sure either. | 16:06 |
faenil | I mean, I don't know if anyone will be reviewing it today anyway :D | 16:07 |
faenil | but yeah let's do this | 16:07 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: I doubt anyone will get to it today. | 16:07 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: I kicked off a new build in that PPA. | 16:07 |
faenil | ok | 16:08 |
ahayzen | Hi, in unity8 is there a way to disconnect from a network without turning off the WiFi as in unity7? | 16:26 |
ahayzen | My scenario is i'm signed up to the local bus WiFi, but i was in a car trying todo navigation (so need the WiFi on to get the best location positioning), while driving around the device kept connecting to the bus which you then need to sign into and obviously as the bus drove away it'd then disconnect again. | 16:27 |
dobey | ahayzen: you can go into wifi settings and forget the network i guess | 16:50 |
ahayzen | dobey, but i don't want to forget the network | 16:50 |
ahayzen | when i'm on the bus i want to be able to connect | 16:50 |
ahayzen | really there should be a "connect automatically" option like unity7 | 16:51 |
dobey | well, you will be able to connect on the bus | 16:51 |
ahayzen | but i'd have to readd the WiFi connection | 16:51 |
dobey | yes | 16:51 |
ahayzen | and for eduroam that is a big task to readd it every time i happen to be on campus | 16:51 |
dobey | i'm giving you a workaround | 16:51 |
ahayzen | yeah i understand that, but there should be an option for "connect automatically" | 16:52 |
dobey | i'm not suggesting yo do it for every thing | 16:52 |
ahayzen | as my device keeps trying to connect to eduroam/buses all around the city when i don't want it to, which is incredibly annoying and prevents apps working :-/ | 16:53 |
* ahayzen searches for an existing bus | 16:53 | |
ahayzen | *bug | 16:53 |
Prasad123 | Any update on the Sony xperia Z1 ubuntu touch image? | 16:57 |
mariogrip | mhall119: got the new fairphone today | 17:01 |
mariogrip | flashing now, finger crossed | 17:01 |
davmor2 | mariogrip: nice :) | 17:02 |
mariogrip | :) | 17:02 |
dobey | ahayzen: anyway, the comparison you're making isn't quite right. it's not unity8 v unity7. it's indicator-network v nm-applet | 17:05 |
ahayzen | or system settings vs gnome system settings | 17:06 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: tried installing gedit, info still says "Package version: none" "Install status: installing" | 17:10 |
faenil | also tried installing firefox, in that case they're both empty | 17:11 |
faenil | and title of the page says "Information for the underfined package" | 17:11 |
faenil | libertine log only has an error "connection to Mir failed" | 17:11 |
faenil | (the usual one that you get when you don't have a --desktop_file_hint defined" | 17:12 |
faenil | ) | 17:12 |
dobey | oSoMoN: around? any ideas aobut these warnings? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15393419/ | 17:12 |
oSoMoN | dobey, uh oh, that looks suspicious, in which context are you getting those warnings? browser, or another app? | 17:14 |
dobey | oSoMoN: in pay-ui | 17:14 |
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oSoMoN | dobey, is pay-ui importing Ubuntu.Components 1.2 ? | 17:14 |
dobey | and not even yet at a point where the web view is being shown to the user. just the qml loading it i guess | 17:14 |
dobey | oSoMoN: no, it's importing Ubuntu.Components 1.1 | 17:14 |
oSoMoN | dobey, then the easy answer is: it should be upgraded to 1.3 | 17:15 |
oSoMoN | mixing import versions is not well supported | 17:15 |
dobey | oSoMoN: and Ubuntu.Web 0.2 | 17:15 |
oSoMoN | and UbuntuWebView imports version 1.3 | 17:15 |
oSoMoN | dobey, I guess pay-ui should be added to bug #1508363 | 17:19 |
ubot5 | bug 1508363 in Canonical System Image "Coordinated migration to UITK 1.3" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508363 | 17:19 |
faenil | mzanetti: Media Player text in Sound indicator is almost invisible on latest rc-prpoposed, known? | 17:20 |
dobey | oSoMoN: hmm, that didn't seem to get rid of most of the warnings; and doesn't help with the issues i'm trying to debug :( | 17:21 |
mzanetti | faenil, hmm, not really | 17:21 |
mzanetti | faenil please add it to the bug report | 17:21 |
faenil | mzanetti: also unreadable text in the notifications, but that's known I believe | 17:21 |
mzanetti | faenil, this is our list of known issues: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1554616 | 17:22 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1554616 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Shell and dash visual issues with new UITK and palette" [Critical,In progress] | 17:22 |
faenil | yep | 17:22 |
mzanetti | faenil, please add things you see but are not in there | 17:22 |
faenil | ok | 17:22 |
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ahayzen | oh wow a progress bar while reflashing now :-) | 17:24 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: That error is for the chroot container you created? You may be trying to install packages on the default LXC container which is going to fail due to the LXC not starting. | 17:33 |
faenil | Chroot,yes | 17:33 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: In the "Classic Apps" page, what is the name next to "Classic Apps" ? | 17:33 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: I'm surprised about chroot failing like that. | 17:34 |
faenil | xenial-chroot :P | 17:34 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: lol, I typed that out before I saw your answer | 17:34 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Well, let's try it by hand again. | 17:34 |
faenil | :) | 17:35 |
* faenil has 10mins left | 17:35 | |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: libertine-container-manager remove-package -i xenial-chroot -p gedit | 17:35 |
ChrisTownsend | Then libertine-container-manager install-package id xenial-chroot -p gedit | 17:35 |
faenil | "dpkg was interrupted, you must run dpkg --configure -a to correct the problem | 17:36 |
faenil | that's when I uninstall | 17:36 |
faenil | after I run that and try again | 17:37 |
faenil | I get "gedit is not installed | 17:37 |
faenil | " | 17:37 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: I've no idea what's going. You are hitting things I've never seen before. | 17:37 |
faenil | and the UI is now empty as well | 17:37 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, it's been removed from the json file. Try installing by cmd line. | 17:37 |
faenil | if I install again | 17:38 |
faenil | I get same dpkg error | 17:38 |
seb128 | faenil, try to sudo apt-get -f install | 17:38 |
faenil | seb128: didn't help | 17:38 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Do this: | 17:38 |
seb128 | what's the error exactly? | 17:38 |
faenil | seb128: I posted above | 17:38 |
faenil | there's no error while running -f install | 17:39 |
ChrisTownsend | libertine-container-manager exec -i xenial-chroot -c "apt-get install -f" | 17:39 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: ok, in the chroot, right | 17:39 |
ChrisTownsend | seb128: It's an issue inside the Libertine chroot:) | 17:39 |
seb128 | ChrisTownsend, k, I see you are on it so I'm letting it in your hands ;-) | 17:39 |
ChrisTownsend | seb128: lol, ok | 17:39 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: same error, now I'm running configure -a inside the chroot | 17:40 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: WTF happenend?????? | 17:40 |
faenil | and it did a lot of stuff but failed with libgtk-3-common | 17:40 |
faenil | 3 ligtk package failures | 17:40 |
faenil | and 1 humanity-icon-theme | 17:40 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Try this: libertine-container-manager update -i xenial-chroot | 17:41 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Maybe the apt cache needs refreshed. | 17:41 |
faenil | ChrisTownsend: after --configure -a I'm now running apt-get install -f and it's asking to install mono | 17:41 |
faenil | I said ok | 17:42 |
faenil | now gedit is installing | 17:42 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok, I'm not sure how it got into that state. | 17:42 |
faenil | should be quite easy to reproduce, I didn't do anything special, just created the chroot and asked UI to install gedit | 17:43 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: And I don't know why the gui failed so miserably. Sounds like qtmir rejected something in libertine which botched the whole thing. | 17:43 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: But I've never seen libertine get rejected, so I'm at a loss. | 17:43 |
faenil | now I'm tapping Open on gedit in the legacy apps scope | 17:44 |
faenil | nothing happens | 17:44 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Do have that special silo added that has the updated qtmir and ubuntu-app-lauch that works with libertine-scope? | 17:45 |
faenil | I have silo58 | 17:45 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Ok. The maybe ~/.cache/upstart/application-legacy-gedit_blah.log might hold a clue. | 17:46 |
faenil | got to go, let's see tomorrow o/ | 17:46 |
faenil | cya people :) | 17:46 |
faenil | and thanks for the support | 17:46 |
ChrisTownsend | faenil: Okay, good night | 17:46 |
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TJ- | are there any reliable detailed tech specs for the (newish) Meizu Pro 5 ? | 18:22 |
dobey | i suppose whatever is published on Meizu's site? | 18:26 |
dobey | http://www.meizu.com/en/products/pro5/spec.html | 18:26 |
TJ- | unfortunately its not specific. It appears that although the device claims LTE support, it in fact doesn't support LTE 800/900Mhz bands, which means it won't work as expected on some cell networks; e.g. O2 and Vodafone in the U.K. | 18:28 |
dobey | well, call meizu and ask for more specifics i guess? we just make software over here. they make the hardware :) | 18:30 |
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mterry | Laney: hey you still working? | 19:46 |
* mterry forgets your hours | 19:46 | |
mterry | Laney: we'd like to land silo 41 soon if we can, which needs FFe bug 1557557 approval | 19:47 |
ubot5 | bug 1557557 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "[FFe] geonames & indicator-session (silo 41)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557557 | 19:47 |
mimecar | hi | 19:59 |
mterry | kenvandine: where did you end up with geonames in your silo? did you get it to build? | 20:00 |
mterry | kenvandine: we may try to release silo 41 today | 20:00 |
kenvandine | i did | 20:02 |
kenvandine | mterry, but if you are ready to release today, go for it | 20:02 |
kenvandine | i'm waiting for the vpn silo to go through QA still, which we want to land first | 20:02 |
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popey | mariogrip: hey, how well is the 5.1 branch working on OPO? :) | 20:36 |
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mariogrip | popey: it getting there, soon ready for release | 22:32 |
popey | \o/ | 22:32 |
popey | Looking forward to that | 22:32 |
mariogrip | :) | 22:32 |
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