
dholbachgood morning07:33
davidcalledholbach: re: staging duc: So... there is still this bug where some actions (delete, publish) seem to take time or to have no effect, but reloading the page shows the action applied. This is annoying, but I think it's a fight for another day, we need to unblock API doc fixes and snappy asap.10:43
dholbachdo we have any caching in place for staging?10:44
davidcalledholbach: same wonderful caching system as prod I think :)10:46
dholbachit might be good if that could be turned off as I don't really expect many to be using staging... it'd help to uncover issues unrelated to caching :)10:47
davidcalledholbach: I'll see what I can do, it could be as simple as tweaking a value in the juju config of a service10:49
dholbachno worries...10:49
dholbachI was just thinking out loud :)10:49
davidcalledholbach: are you testing something or can I try to redeploy without caching?11:00
dholbachplease redeploy :)11:00
dholbachI'm doing something else right now :)11:00
davidcalledpm: dholbach: there were another breakage on prod this morning. The zh-cn/community page was still up but the draft would not publish. I did a quick fix by copying the page, moving children and changing paths, but I think we'll need, soon-ish, to export the db, see what's going on locally and put it back fixed (or something else), my main fear is to see the12:39
davidcalleissue taking down more pages.12:39
* davidcalle lunch12:44
dholbachI hope that the new django cms (using treebeard) will fix this12:57
davidcalledholbach: caching still there /me moves on13:19
* dholbach hugs davidcalle 13:22
mhall119davidcalle: how did the db migration go?14:36
davidcallemhall119: went great following dholbach's steps!14:38
mhall119are we ready to do it in production then?14:44
davidcallemhall119: looks like it - just after testing the importer with dholbach :)14:46
dholbachdavidcalle, feel free to go ahead without it14:47
dholbachthe importer won't have the necessary fixes14:47
dholbach(if we go ahead without the MPs)14:47
dholbachit shouldn't break anything else :)14:47
dholbachI mean... not using the importer won't break other stuff :)14:47
davidcalledholbach: that's right!14:49
davidcallelogin.ubuntu.com down. /me grabs coffee14:53
mhall119yeah, lots of stuff down just now14:53
mhall119yay cloud!14:53
davidcallemhall119: and d.staging.u.c is up. That's payback.14:55
davidcallemhall119: last time you deployed to prod was mid-january, iirc, do you remember which branch was used?16:50
davidcalle(or if you have the rt around, the revno will tell us)16:51
davidcallemhall119, also, do you know if the fix you applied to the spec on wendigo made it to the lp branch?16:54
* davidcalle drives home, will try to finalize everything tonight and file the long, full of commands, RT16:56
mhall119davidcalle: I haven't made the fix propsal to the LP branch yet, but the spec shouldn'tbe used to update production, just a juju set17:04
mhall119AFAIK the production branch in LP matches what was last deployed to production17:04
mhall119I don't have the last RT handy, sadly, but I'll dig through my email17:05

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